* Hogan was a Chicago vi-- * llbmy. 4 Mrs. John Gossweiler spent Tues-- E. fi'rh Waukegan. E' winter in California and cthn'wut- s erv' states. is Mrs. Will Vickery is on the sick PAGE TWO Miss Zelma Dawson motored to Delmont, Wisconsin Wednesday ev-- Miss Louis Williams has returned home from her vacation. Robert Atxnsley of Highland Park called at the George Ross home Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knigge and family are spending their vaca-- tion in Billings, Montana. Mrs. Thomas Russell and Helen and Ralph Russell spent Thursday visiting relatives in Lake Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hutchings were Kenosha visitors Wednesday. Mrs. J. W. Chandler was a Chi-- cago business visitor Tuesday. 'iuwxmma Fisher is spending a week h relatives in Des Plaines. Alex Chatrand was a Chicago vi-- sit'r Tuesday. _ _ Porn to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery Saturday morning, July 9th, at the Victory Memorial Hosvital, a little daughter, Frances Clara. Both mother and child are getting along nicely. _ -- . _ Mrs. H. C. Payne spent the week end with her daughter, Miss Avis Pavne in Chicago. _ __ e Miss Marie Baumpartner and Ral-- gn Dunn of Lake Forest called at e Frank Baumgartner home Wed-- nesday. -- _ _ Frank Dawson spent o d onese * p Tuesday in Paul Roder is spending a few days this week with his uncle, will Tunney at Fairfieki. Mrs. F. F. Owen of Battle Creek, Michigan is spendiaq a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Al-- bright. -- o s _ Edward Maguire of Waukegan vi-- sited friends in Mundelein Wednes-- gav evening. . o Ds _ Mrs. Granbaum -- and family | of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Diets Wednesday. _ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mever, Miss Hulda Meyer, Miss Grace Sturm of Quentin Corners and Henry Mey-- er motored to De Kalb Saturday to visit Mr. and Mré. Paul Rouse and family. They attended the Emanue! Church Picnic there Sunday after-- Mrs. F. F. Owen and Mrs. Wil-- liam Albright and son, Richard were Waukegan visitors Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Rouse return-- ed last week after spending several weeks visiting in Seattle, Washing-- ton. Canada and Alaska and other points of interest. In spite of the unfavorable wea-- ther Tuesday a large number at-- tended the Sunday School picnic and spent a vyery enjoyable day. Miss Dorothy Dolton has been entertaining her cousin from Chica-- go for the past two weeks. United States until it was divided flodxehmneaehoxgmiz«ion the plan of the orignial class. Come and hear him. _ . oo Thursday, July 21, 8:50 a. m., the third annual Ivanhoe homecoming s Hm{y old timers who have not been out for {ean will be there. Contests, baseball, boating, bathing, ho 22002540 Th s ctctotennt MA anes -- / iinbatrentats. L races-- a regular old fashioned pic-- mic. After the dinner vogether at moon, there will be after dinner rh- and reminiscences and the fellowship that always makes these gatherings. Ivanhoe residents and former residents, don't fail to be there! Sunday, July 24th, at both church-- en, Mr. ?'red H. Seger, a former Ivanhoe resident will tell of his re-- markable work with boys in Water-- loo, lowa which becan with three boys and grew to seventy--eight boys in three years. For a time i; was the largest boys class in the SundaéhSd)ool:--- First Church, 10:00 a. m., Ivanhoe, 11:00 a. m. Worship Services:-- Ivanhoe, 10:00 a. m. First Church, 11:15 a. m. Sermon subject: "The Wrong Way of Handling God's Word." _ races-- a re mnic. After noon, there Tins Iellom fellows these gathe and former Plymounth Larger Parish @Ivanhoe Church and First Church Mundelein) C. Arthur Jevne, Minister Mr. D. VanOver and family motor-- ed to the city .last Sunday. We are glad Miss Ellen Hamar-- lund is casting her lot with Lake County School Teachers, and we wish her Success in her work. Our Julfi E. L. C. E. Business meeting will be hald July 22nd. at 7:80 at the home of Grace and Edna Ritzenthaler. _ e Ruth and Willard Kasdorf were visitors at the parsonage last Satur-- h'md Sunday. e were honored last Sunday in having in our midst, two old friends, in the persons of Miss Irma Ritzen-- thaler, of Chicago and her brother, who toots WELL on the brass horns. come to ours. motored to Beloit, '-i and had to ow on thid mid setusse io run _ We are still looking for new pupils honrMdems"difmdo not attend any we invite you to Mr. Ben. Ritzenthaler is back in rairie View for three weeks, all PRAIRIE VIEW vacations. Iss Moever, Miss Herbert of Palatine called on Victor Sauer and daughters on Friday eve-- Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hans, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Umbdenstock and Mr. George Umm'"s':; attended a birthday party in of Mrs. Henry Wehrenberg, Sr., at Libertyville Sunday. _ _ _ _ _ _' Mrs. Edwin Roder and son of Mun-- delein called on relatives here on Monday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Misses Marie Koch, Luella Hersch-- berger, Ethel Umbdenstock, Mabel Hans, and Arthur Potts and August LaMarche were among those from here who attended the dance at Dia-- mond Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Byrn's and son visited with the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reimers on Monday. _ _ _ _ _ August LaMarche and Arthur Potts returned home Friday evening after spending several days in Wis-- consin and Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. William Sauer and son Victor of Cryvstal Lake call d on Victor Sauer and daughters, Lillie and Martha on Sunday. _ Mrs. George B. Umbdenstock was a Libertyville caller Thursdgy after-- noon Misses Laurene Reimers, Ethel Umbdenstock, Mabel Hans, and August La Marche, Arthur Potts and George Reimers motored to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin on Sunday. It's Haying--time here now and all hands--and iorses too, are busy in the hayfields, cutting, raking, haul-- ifng and stacking--such is life on the arm. Some summer homes here are now occupied by their respective families. We notice the Miles DeVine family has moved out from Chicago into their lovely summer home here and Mr. Hord with his son of Springfield have moved into their béautiful Bungalow west of town here. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Hord died about three months ago. Many of our folks attended the corner stone laying ceremony last Sunday afternoon of the Elizabeth Condefi Memorial hospital at Liber-- tyville. 'ihere;was a great gather-- ing of folks from many other towns and the program was interesting and impressive. A group of relatives and friends enjoyed a social time and refresh-- ments at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller on the hafpy occasion of the christening of their grandchild by Rev. Wiegand of Wheeling last Sunday afternoon. _ Church announcement -- Sunday school at 10 a. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m.--Howard Towne pastor of the church will be gone several weeks to visit his home folks in New York and the sermon here Sunday evening will be preached by Mr. Brown a classmate of Mr. Towne-- Mr. and Mrs. Hayforth of Palatine were visitors around town here last Sunday. _ _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder and son John of Waukegan attended the laying of the cornerstone ceremony at Libertyville last Sunday after-- noon and the service at the church here in the evening. Come and hear him. Rev. Bernard Lankemper was a visitor at Naperville Saturday. Walter Meyer spent Sund:{ at uncle Leo. Meyer Geo. Hironimus and sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Dowe and Misses Xathryn and Bertha accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clark or Waukegan spent Thursday evening with their brother Will Hironimus of Round Lake. Township 44, Range 10, In Lake County, Illinois, from July 1, 1926 to June 30, 1927. District Fund DISTRICT NO. Balance July 1st, 1926 ... Distribution of trustees ........ From district taxes ............. Sale of rent of school property Sale of school bonds ........._._._........-- Transfers and non--high school pupils Other $SOUFC@S ........c. 2222222222 School board and business office. Salary of teachers ...........---- . Teachers' pension fund ... Textbooks and stationery ........_......--. Interest on teachers' orders. . Interest on anticipation warrants...... Sahr{lol JANItOr ... 2 Fuel, light, power, water and supplies Repairs, replacements, insurance ...... Grounds, buildings and alterations ... New equipment ............._............... Principal of bonds ............................ Interest on bonds . oo Balance on hand June 30, 1927...... Balance July 1, 1986 :.::smssmmummsmmammmrmmcess Income of township fund ... Apportioned but withheld from districts Cash on hand July 1, 1926 ................................$2000.00 Cash on hand June 80, 1927 .....--._._--_._._._._._._.__._.$ 212.00 Real estate notes on hand July 1, 1926............ 2000.00 Real estate notes on hand June 30, 1927 .......... 3788.00 [ ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE TOWNSBHIP TREASURER FOR PUBLICATIQN: FREMONT CENTER \\rJ LONG GROVE HALF DAY Totals DISTRICT NO Totals Total of Lake Forest the home of his RECEIPTS RECEIPTS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herr of Chi-- cago announce the birth of a son on July 5th. Mrs. Herr was before her marriage a year ago Miss Ida Wirtz of 'Fremont. The graveling of the road south of Fremont Center is progressing rapidly now and at pres-- ent writing has reached the Willow Farm. Oliver Dietz of -- Libertyville is spending his vacation at the Henry Hapke home. _ __ o The followin\%' were entertained at dinner at the Willow Farm Sund;'v: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Michelson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe and Mrs. Elizabeth Dowe of Waukegan, Wm. Bhaer of Chicago and George Hertel and sister Miss Irene of Fremont. -- Subscribed and sworn to before me this thirteenth of July, 1927 MIL AN c'.'io'rr. Notar Next Sunday, July l7th at St. Mary's church will be communion day for the members of the Holy Name Society. It is Father Lan-- kemper's wisi that all men of the parish should join this society and a special meeting will be held Sun-- day afternoon when new members wifi be initiated after which Father Lankemper will {i've benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ritta attended choir practice at Ivanhoe Friday eve-- ning. s s _ _ _Mr. and Mrs. Dick Galster of Waukegan spent Friday evening with Geo. Obenauf and family. -- Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Englebrecht and daughter of Mundelein were Fre-- mont callers Saturday evening. Mrs. Henry Hsgke and daughters, Misses Louise and Eleanor and Miss Bertha Hironimus were Libertyville shoppers Saturday afternoon. _ _ Mrs. Elizabeth Dowe returned July 3rd from a four months tour of the Western States as a companion to Miss Elizabeth Dietmeyer of Wau-- kegan. They visited many points of interest at San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal., including the Catalina Island and Mt. Lowe Grand Cnngon, Arizona, Portland and Seaside, Ore-- gon, Seattle, Washington, Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia and Chateau Lake, Louise Alberta, Can-- ada. It was a most wonderful trip and one which will be alloted to few "Are you sure . _ "Of course. You are beginning to act like a moron." of us "Don't weaken in your opinion. I feel a temptation to commit a crime and I want the alienists on my side." | FIRST RAILW AY M AIL SORTER | Robert M. ("Grandpa'") Youngs, 83, of San Antonio, Texas, not only claims to be America's oldest professional auto tourist, he tells of being the first person ever to sort out mail in postal bbfi And, yes, he voted for Lincoln. It was while going from Cedar Rapids Pia., to Chicago that Youngs found time heavy on his hands in the postal car and sorted out the mail--and so incensed were the postoffice officials that it took President Grant to save Youngsi~ioh. But the new system stuck. "You look foolish," said the friend "That so°*" "And you talk silly." $ 212.68 $ _ 25.00 8625.00 $13928.77 83445.75' $19 EXPENDITURES $13928.77 13557.59 1500.00 696.49 233.16 76.32 162.78 11.52 965.00 819.61 935.07 11.22 367.00 Distributive Fund $ 399.26 ._ 178.64 . 2018.18 Township Fund RECELPTS T7 3 es1«9 [ $3445.175 4934 2158.92 2.63 1440.00 1357.00 3491.55 21.00 145.04 819.12 9 9 69.60 86 Incidental expenses of trustees ............... For publishing annual statement ............ Compensation of treasurer .----.--..--..--...... Distributed to «listricts .............................. Aprortioned but withheld from districts Balance June 30, 1987 ....................._.......... $1968.16 59.07 2874.52 $1902.05 $8579.18 $2684.42 $ 18.75 1277.50 $4902.05 $8579.18 $2684.42 THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, 18 16.90 78.91 13.94 Total 56838.65 116.46 THE HANKOW SITVUATION HANKOW--In spite of ali to confuse the issues in Chini is and has been but one Nt government--the governmen located here and backed by t tral executive committee o Kuomintang oarty. Thus Engene Chen, Nationalist foreigr minister, disposes 0' alle-- gatons that the "so--called govern-- ment at Nanking" has any ca:m to title of more than a rebel organism doomed to an early disinterration through structural weaknes> 985.00 _ 1210.00 5.00 59.91 .67 "All manner of things are being said in an attempt to create the feeling that the Nanking govern-- ment is the true Nationalist gov-- ernment," Chen told the United Press "It is not. It is in fact noth-- ing more than General Chiang Kai-- shek himself. "Efforts are being made to cre-- ate a feeling that the Nanking Gov-- ernment is constitutional. It is not. It has perhaps five or six members of the central executive committee of the Kuomintang:; we have more than twenty--six here in -- Hankow, not alone a majority but a quorum which can and does hold meetings The Nanking government is in spite of all attempts to make it ap-- pear a group organization noth-- ing wore than the personal organ of Chiang Kai--shek. "Finally, efforts are being made to raise the cry of 'red' against us We are being charged with com munistic principles. This is all false We are not communistic; we are Kzomintang, the true expression of Chinese Nationalism. Our govern ment has been and is, based upon sound party principles, not upon any such one--man domination as prevails where militarists rule-- whether they be Chiang Kai--shek or Chang Tso--lin." Illustrative of this carrying out of party principles, Chen explained how virtually all _ governmental power goes back to the politica' council of fifteen members. Minis-- ters of the government and various other persons, all appointed by the 225.00 [31.97 EXPENDITURES 36.00 90.33 EXPENDITURES "'u'x"'"uu'"c'."fii'fi'r?"fi.m-,"': Public. 0 J. J. ROUSE, Treasurer. 80 81 $ 1200 $ 15.00 190.00 1066.82 76.80 8.15 79.06 14.25 6.15 36.21 $2041.69 --$3254.64 $2041.69 $3254.64 81 120.67 33.65 1887.37 985.00 879.92 31.46 11.10 90.69 28.52 Njob, $ T88.10 840.63 1620.91 $1030.00 15.00 13.13 $ 10.96 10.80 89.00 399.26 818.20 1199.98 62.88 $2591.08 now © cen-- flort® there nalist SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1927 40.00 213.00 708.04 the 7 MM submitted the c ng out of pre-- gives a joint responsibility' continued _ the foreign minister. "When I, for example, am instruct-- ed to do a thing relating to foreign affairs, 1 proceed to carry out the order in the knowledge that respon-- sibility for the decision does not go 'back to oe man, but to a group of fifteen persons. They all stand behind me, and | am résponsible to them all, as a body, and no' to any single individual or master. If 1 were at Kanking, I should be re-- sponsible to Chiang Kai--shek. who is the 'whole cheese' there! "Where one--man domination pres vails, affairs are conducted very differently. The digestive difficul-- ties of a single person can stop all government enterprises, or ieopard-- ize the positions of perhaps quite conscientious subordinates. Our gov-- ernment here is the true voice of the Kuomintang, and it is knowl-- edge of this fact which causes our opponents to resort to such time-- worr expedients as clé;rging us with communism in an effort to con-- fuse the public at home _ and abroad." "When I have done the work, 1 must submit a report to the council. This insures that each of us does his work rapidly and with care, for we are subject to a close check. Forces within the ranks of all opponents of: the Nationalist gov-- ernment here are working to bring about '"the downfall of these oppo-- nents, according to Chen. For this reason, no military activity against Chiang Kai--shek at Nanking is con-- sidered necessary and for this rea-- son the drive northward through Honar province is expected 'o bring the Nationalists in Peking within a relatively short time. The Ladies Aid will meet Wednes-- «!af', July 20th with Mrs. C. Butter-- field, 14 Scott Street, Lake Forest, lllinois. Notice the change of date due to the Ivanhoe Homecoming and Libertyville Day. Cars will leave here at one o'clock standard time. Those wishing a way to go, please call the president or secretary. "Feudal concents in China must go." declared Chen. "The day of one--man government has passed Our Kuomintang government is based upon sound principles -- and they must be victorieus." Two thousand trees are added each year to the forest established sev-- eral years ago by Cold Brook public school in the town of Russia, Her-- kimer County, N. Y. School forests are exempt from taxation in New York State, and many schools are ac-- quiring tracts of land to be wooded by pupils. We think every Libertyville man | Z should have his photograph made at least after reaching maturity. Then! f his grandchildren will be sure of' having something to laugh at. a DIAMOND LAKE WISCONSIN Lake Geneva Twin Lakes Powers Lake T ake North Shore Line trains to Kenosha, and North Shore Line CHJICAGO, Ill., July 13.--The quarrel--proof room is with us to-- day in Chicago and the Tune bride, going about her business of making cinders out of biscuit, may do so witkh immunity. "And that isn't the only oenefit we can see for the human race," ex-- plains C. B. Craig, manager of the permanent _ Builders' _ exposition where the Elysian like room is dis-- played Satisfy Any One 'There is the husband with the bounding voice, the nagging wife. the chap who sings in his bath and the baby who howls lustily in the wee sma' hours--all these and their neighbors. are to benefit." The room destined to elminate quarrels has as its secret, it is ex-- plained, a perforated ceiling Into the perforations go the voices of speakers below, whirling' round and 'round without vibration or resound upon the sensitive ears of listen-- ers Techrically, the display shows a rrmmmmentemmiamy room somewhat similar in construc-- Any man who says "I don't care tion to the interior of broadcrsting is either a liar or a fool. d iob sbfcaMMeeaMesMe stt sMGehte M abi M abteate e t stheshheafe=feabte eb d : Meableabhea e i ies Lt fwl fest bes es t fea esns es ist Loo Nea es ts t teatte Advice To Young Women Take North Shore Line trains Waukegan or Libertyville ; No Shore Line Motor Coaches fron there on regular schedule to thet Lake Villa Fox Lake District Grays Lake Volo -- McHenry Channel Lake Loon Lake Round Lake WHEELING STATE BANK Wheeling, Illinois Don't Be Foolish! Photographer: Look this way and you'll see a pretty little dickey bird come out. long--suffering wives. Modern child: Oh, don't be a nut; expose your plate and let's get this over with. studios. Bdt it is adapted to home "We have them in every color," Mr Craig mentioned happily for the berefit of harrassed busbands or A chorus girl introduced her young man to another chorus girl with the result that he transferred his affec-- tions. The aggrieved girl gave her rival a piece of her mind in a letter which read:\v "You -- Heartless Creature--You know very well we had been going about together for six months. Wait till I lay my hands on you, you good--for--nothing bleached blonde. I'll scratch out your eyes, pull out your hair, your teeth and throw acid on you. Yours truly, C---- N----. "P. S$.--Please excuse pencil." Question, why should the spirit of mortal be proud, was asked many Kears ago, but we have never yet eard a satisfactory answer. Oconomowoc Nashotah Lakes Nehmabin Lakes Silver Lake Delafield Waukesha Beach Nagawicka Lake Pewaukee Lake 'Take North Shore Line to Milwaukee --step into 1. M. E. K. & L. traing at door of out Milwaukee terminal, for these points. Through tickets. Insist on a weekly or monthly allowance then exercise your good judgment in your house-- keeping so as to set a good table and have enough left to open and maintain at our bank a savings account of your own. -- You will be sur-- prised how fascinating it is, and how earnestly you will strive to build up a sub stantial account. We add in« terest Remembered Her Manners. A day on the diamond calls forth every effort of muscle and endurance, and only those with perfect health can acquit themselves with credit. That's why milk figures so largely in the training camps of the big leagues. ; THINKS IT'S POOR IP/US'NESS To bo | OUR WASH ! aAT HOME / A' Harry Pfannenstill, Prop. MUNDELEIN, ILL All Kinds of Auto Repair Work Complete Battery Service Competent Mechanics Wdi':f Day and Night Service OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY THE STAR > Garage Phone 817 THE