Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Peterson and family and Miss Katherine Jenkins motored to Cary, lllinois, Sunday evening. , School Supplies Mrs. John Nelson spent Tuesday in Miss Zelda Bock spent Sunday in Are your children supplied with books and other things they will need? We have a full line of school necessities for pupils in all grades. ociety «»« LOCAL NEWS KOHOUT FLOWER GROWERS earning power our money will be one sure friend The one sure way to have money when we need it most is to BANK it when we earn it the easiest Money SPENT is money GONE. F. B. Lovell Co. School opens next Tuésday morning. When we shall have passed the days of full We invite YOUR Banking Business It Is a Sure Friend Start Savinc RecuLaRLy NOW Incorporated PHONE 174--]. Flowers delivered by wire anywhere LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK LIBEREYYVILLE apent Tuesday in Libertyville. _ Misses Cecilia Haas and Evelyn Hull were Waukegan shoppers Sat-- urday afternoon. on Sunday. Mr. ad'lsn. 0. D.'gs&.h. of Chl; cago spent Sunday home o Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Legate on Johnson Avenue. Mr. w Mrs. Oscar Firnbach spent & evening at Waukegan. _Miss Roma Corlett was a visitor at Waukegan Monday. o _--. Intiwors Flowers are a nec-- esary adjunct to ev-- ery occasion. They bring a message of joy in happy events and bring a word of condolence in sor-- Call us for any kind of flowers at any time. _ Flowers sent any-- where by wire. row. Flowers Voss of Mundelein " doace o i 3ee L. Jacdos of Lake Forut}'lormer Libertyville resident, was a business caller at this city on Friday. Vern Jenkins of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. D. Peterson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ayers are visiting with friends and relatives at Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Rai Torbett . an-- nounce the birth of a daughter on Saturday evening, August 27th. and Miss Katherine Jenkins spent Tuesday at Chicago. Mrs. Ray Andrews and children visited with Mrs. Will Knigge at Mundelein Thursday evening. Miss Mildred Hilgers of Chicago is lpendirlsf this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Haas and family. Willard Hyatt attended the per-- rormance of the opera "Louise" at Ravinia Park on Saturday evening. Dasher and flittle daughter, Betty Jane, visited with relatives at Deer-- Rield on Sunday afternoon. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. C. Brockman and children, Mrs. M. Haas and son, Warren, and Miss Mildred Hilgers motored to Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. E. C. Young returned Sunday from a weeks visit at Hackensack, Wisconsin. _ Mrs. W. Bell of Highland Park Mrs. D. S. Dulfnn was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-- liam Albright of Mundelein Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson of Chi cago visited at the home of the for mer's mother of West Maple Avenue Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse S. Hyatt re-- turned home Sunday after a months trip through the eastern states and eastern Canada. Mrs. Charles Seiler departed Fri-- day evening for Marquette, Michigan where she will make an extended visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brockman of First Street and Mr. and Mrs. Mar-- shall Hutchings of Mundelein attend-- ed the dog races at Fairview Friday evening. Misses Nina Wheeler and Cecilia Haas motored to Deerfleld Friday Mrs. L. J. Wertzler is entertaining her sister, Beulah Rehms of Elm hurst, and her niece, Virginia Wertz-- ler of Oak Park. Mrs. Charles Whitney returned to her home here on Monday from Min-- ong, Wisconsin where sf'\'e has been spending the summer. Mrs. Thomas and two children of Milwaukee, Wisconsin are visiting with the former's sisters, Misses Ada and Hannah Meyer, for a few days. Adam Seller, and Louis Suess of Crystal Lake motored to Mifwaukee, Wisconsin Sunday where they at-- tended the performance at the Wis-- consin Theatre. The annual reception which marks the opening of the season of the Lib-- ertyville Womans club will be held un Wednesday afterpoon, September Edward Dirid of Fort Wayne, In-- diana has returned to his home after snending the past week at the home of his cousin, Mrs. Frank Huber and family. © Miss Marguerite Fredericks re turned to her duties at the W. W. Carroll & Sons Pry Goods Store on Saturday after. enjoying a weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Peterson and children and Miss Katherine Jenkins motored to Kenosha, Wisconsin Fri-- day evening where they made a short visit with relatives. Miss Evelyn Hull attended the bridal shower at Mundelein Friday evening which was given in honor of Miss C & many of this city. wel e Mrs. Ge:;ge Skidmor: and Bert a few days last week at the En- mance Wheeler home, 317 South Mil-- waukee Avenue. Mrs. M. McCarthy of Kankakee, Illinois and son motored to Liberty-- ville Friday for the transaction of business. Dr. and Mrs. Rust of Rockford, Illinois visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Reickhoff. Cunromis i apemiing s faw. days ifo: is s ing a few days with her cousin, Mrs. Frank Huber and family of Lake Street. met at the home of Mrs. S. C. Kim ball of East Church Street on Tues day afternoon, Aupust 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and son, Albert, of Third Street spent Thursday evening at Mundelein with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Knigge. Kenneth Majors, who has been vis-- iting here for the past week with his mother, Mrs. S. P. Majors, de-- parted for his home in Lincoln, Nebraska, on Sunday evening. Mrs. Louis Reickhoff, Mrs. Rust of Rockfotd, Mrs. S. Krumrey and Al-- bert I-'Ixu?' motored to Round Lake Sunday afternoon where they visited with their brother, Philip Ff;ry. Charles Johnson started Tuesday morning to excavate for the base-- ment of the new bungalow he is to build on Johnson avenue. The Prosbyterian Ladies Aid will meet Thursday, September 1st with Mrs. John Dollenmaier, 133 Lincoln Avenue at two--thirty daylight sav-- ing time. Mr«. William Jeffers and Miss Pess Hardin of Austin, Minnesota spent a few d:{a at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wells of Newberry Avenue. Mrs. A. D. Peterson and children Mrs. 8. P. Majors and son, Ken-- th, spent the week end at Chi-- Charles Seiler, Mrs. Herman The Young Matron's Sewing Club xt 1Jeer-- I ol pAd ':3;!3- ly ...ffi::' ' Tuber fi: wisg'i Q;lt timei t.; etion 0 rscay | Meadow La A deal was closed Saturday where G. F. Lange sold his house and lot on Lange court to John C. Sievert of m The new owner, who is con with the _ Greenbaum banks, will make his home in Lib ertyville. Coroner John L. Tayi!or, Mrs. g:{- lor and Miss Marjory Taylor of -- wood Terrace returned Friday to their home from a three weeks' motor tnf through Minnesota, The Black Hills of Dakota, and Yellow-- stone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Ra nd L Win-- ters of Evanston, lfilnoh calkled on several Libertyville friends Monday afternoon, while enrdute to their home from a three weeks visit in the East. «9 -- Stanley, Charles and Carlo Wil-- Ilnni son of Elmer Wflu.mndu went tonsil operations at home en 'Monday. 'They were under the eare of Drs. Taylor and Penney. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harrison of Waukegan visited for several days this week at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and family of Third Street, on their return from a two weeks motor trip in various eastern states. While in Chicago Sunday evening, where Mrs. Yahnke si on the evening Jromm of r:z: station WGES, Mr. and Mrs. James Yahnke had their car, a Chevrolet sedan, stol-- en. The loss was reported to the Mrs. L. C. Gardner and dlu?hr, Helen, left Sunday for their home at Danville, Illinois after a two week's visit here at the home of her son, Mark Gardner and wife of 186 Newberry Avenue, and Mrs. Albert Maether and family of Second Street. h'!'he bus takes® vilitorrlit first ?ilrn tho engine manufacturing saction then the car assembly and -- lastly %ho car storage. The driver --f the car tells of the various operitions and stops at processes of unusual interest. Thus the tfi&.whhh for-- merly took more than two hours has been reduced to less than a half baur in additian to taking the fa-- tigue out of the trip. -- friends at k k > 5s 9::. Miss Louise Shelton, who A. Wheeler . family during the week, returned to her home in mlndi'lrknlondy. _ Mrs. Tucker and little grand mt on e ie af Tok S ofi y flns A meeting of the Lake County Federation {Vomnl Clubs will be held at Ravinia on Thursday, Sep-- tember 1st. Any member wishing to go is asked to call Mrs. J. G. Weart. There will be a pictiic luncheon fol-- lowed b{ a short meeting. Those who wish may attend the Children's Conference at Ravinia Park. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Kern and niece, Martha Doris Litchfield of Wau-- kegan, departed early Sunday morn-- ing for Greeley, Colorado where they wilf spend several weeks with Mrs. H. C. Litchfield, who is there for a few months visit. Mr. Kern is plan-- ning on going fishing for rainbow trout. lice but as yet no trace of the car g:d been found. Guests at the M. Haas home dur-- ing the week end were Miss Wilma Randall, Albert Haas, Mr. and Mrs. John Haas, Mrs. Margaret Ripkey, Emil Knudsen was arrested Sun-- day afternoon by Marshal Dennis Limberry and lodged in the vfll'&! Llni; on a charge of intoxication. He in his ':oueujon a bottle of al-- cohol which was partly consumed and which he said he purchased in North Chicago. He was taken be-- fore Justice Morris Monday morn-- ing and released on the payment of costs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brockman, Mrs. R. Bilson and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hutchings and daughter, Mildred, of Mundelein attended the wedding of Miss Irene Brockman and Fred A. Ninemann at the St. Paul Evangeli-- eal Church at Palatine at four o'clock Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ninemann is q daughter of Edward Brockman of a:htine. well--known to many of this vicinity. Since this plant has been rlaced in operation, the number of visitors has steadily increased, due to the fact that it is one of the largest plants in the country under one roof and because it is one of the most modernly equipped autonotive plants to be anywhere, with several new fim of -- duilding corstruction oneration. s John Hilgers and family, all of Chi-- cago, Miss Marie Tonyan of Ingle-- clfb. Miss Marie Tonz:n of Ingle-- side and George Blackburn and son, Glenn of Waucenda. es onl Angant tealeae whe mors ronte were quie ly mmop may mning? Au-- 15th, are making their home here with friends during the pres-- Because of the tremendous site of the new Pontiac plant of the Oak-- land Motor Car company an be-- ecause of the desire to spare the hundreds of visitors and dealers who daily wish to go through i: the necessity of walking miles to follow all the manufacturing processts, & "sight--seeing" bus service has bsen placed in operation. A Pontiac six car,ewith a spetially bu'lt bus body with capacity for 12 persons, carry the visitors thtough the broad aisles. The bus is being run on a regular schedule. Mrs. A. Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs. ent time, while awaiting the com-- &letion of their new Colonial home in eadow Lane. Mr. Knigge is em-- ployed at the Titus Brothers Elec-- trical Shop. a A large number from Libertyville attended the State Convention o( the American Legion and its Auxiliary at Joliet on Monday. Among those fin-s«-nt were Mr. and Mrs. F--ank Cennedy, Mrs. John Mitchell, Mr. und Mrs. Peter Hansen, Charles Hos-- kins, Mrs. Bert Steir, Mrs. Ruth Titus, Mrs. Rena Neville, Ray ken-- nedy, Julian Woolf, Mack iiuon, Mrs. James Brown, Joe Wolff, Thomas Delacey and Mr. and Mrs. George Barridge. Mrs. Frank ken-- nedy remained at Joliet for the clec-- tion ot officers on Tuesday. "THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1927 USE BUS AT Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brockman, MOTOR PLANT WeR Perialght consumed chased inI taken be--| ay morn-- ryment of 3rockman, man, Mrs. . Marshall lildred, of edding of | Fred A. Evangeli-- at _ four on. _ Mrs. if. F:d\\.lrd | ; ducts the Mundelein Dry Goods _ Following the eeumong the new-- lyweds left for a trip to Canada and on their return will make their home in Mundélein. We wish to thank the Mystic Workers and the Modern Woodman for the prompt payment of the death claims of our husband and father. MRS. PETER SIEVER AND FAMILY. at the parsonage of the local Metho-- dist W ehm&? occurred the mrra Ferdinand J. Tegtmeyer and Mabel Johnson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlés Johnson. Mr. Tegtmeyer is connected with the 8. L. 'lm lumber company at Mundelein and, with his wife, con-- mae conre berpie n a divorce fi n on bints io Coffee originated in Africa, and occasionally we get hold of a cup that makes us feel it was mighty "fl'e.k by the time it got to Liberty-- vi The office and bookstore of the school will be open both day and ev-- ening of Saturday, September 3rd and until noon Monday, September 5th for the purpose of sellingy books, the assignment of lockers and the distribution of locker keys. A de-- posit is made for the locker key or for a combination padlock. All or almost all of the deposit will be re-- turned when the key or padlock is turned in. The bookstore has a larg»e number of second hand books for " On Saturday evening, August 27, at the parsonage of the local Metho-- sale and ma{ be secured until the supply is depleted. Prospective stud-- ents are asked not to enroll or make chlnr in their schedules on these two days as time will not permit it. All students are urged to secure books and supplies on one of these days in order that a!l classes may be met Tuesday, September 6th with all students properly equipped. AUDITORIUM Bright college years! Don't i pou're looking for peppy, you g for peppy, funny, _ youthful entert.l?n- ment. With Paramount Junior JAMES HALL, LOUISE BROOKS, RICHARD_ _ AR-- LEN AKDL§<PANCY PHIL-- 3. Wednesday, Aug. 31st "Rolled Stockings" Per package 3 packages for 5 packages for BENEFIT OF THE BUILD-- ING FUND OF THE PRES-- BYTERIAN CHURCH. Beech Nut Dainty Biscuits 5 varieties Chocolate V anilla Large size package . 40¢ HAVE YOU TRIED Jenny Wren This Store Operates on Day--Light Saving Time. PHONE YOUR ORDER > WE DELIVER JOHNSON--TEGTMEYER H. E. UnderULzink, Principal Buy Tickets in Advance. RICHARD DIX, IN A Byron Morgan story, CARD OF THANKS WITH MARY BRIAN. TRIGGS & JOHNSON 66 PMau ower"' 17, 1915 "and lived to-- 1 December 10, 1924. _ Also Comedy Self Rising Flour with your favorite Recipes? --Friday, Cream Crackers O Tuesday, October 18 Annual Bazaar of the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Epis-- eopal church to be held in the par-- lors of the chyurch. Thursday, September 1. Meeting Lake County Federation Womans Clubs at Ravinia. Wednesday, September 14. Annual reception which ognl the sClea.;on of the Libertyville Womans ub. There will be a special meetinlg of Libertywille Lodge No. 492 A. F. & A. M. on Saturday evening, Septem-- ber 3 at 7:30 daylight saving time. Work on the Master Mason degree. By order of the Master. _ _ > ' .wzu&m't ldnqanmd by themrl.gutyvflk post of the American Legion with the Mundelein Fire department and * . Apfndey, Reptemt I;&uembers. Picnic all day at Ray Brothers' gonachmdLakegivenbytbe otester tcam of Acme camp No. 176 M. W. A. Dance in the evening. A Goou IFSZ D ied 2 Butter Sweets Scott Cakes PHUVLUELCEUEUUPOTOOR OORA NNNE NTE NT "GOOD NATURED FOOL®" NASTY crack that--for a landlord to make. '"The man's thoughtless--his rent would buy him a home." That would be nearer true. Tired renting' See me! Long Grove --Cider now open fer business on T ues d a y s from four to eight and Sat-- urdays. > Barrels and kegs for sale. We also sell dynamite. Special cut price in 250 lb. lots. Caps and fuses and electric caps. © COMING EVENTS Phone, Libertyville 657--M--1. 201 5. MILWAUKEE AVE LONG GROVE, ILLINOIS J. H. EISSLER, T. F. SWAN, Secretary Mill NOTICE 3D0¢ $1.00 $1.60 Starting on September 6. Regular Com-- mercial Courses, Advanced Courses in Commer-- cial Work, Civil Service preparation. Hail a Cab Of course not. They are safer inside the house. Yet a Safe Deposit Box in our vault has just as great a margin of safety over your home as it in turn has over your door ste(s). In our boxes your valuable property and papers have steel--and--concrete protec-- tion at a cost of a few cents a month. Isn't tht added margin of safety worth while? First National Bank FALL CLASSES MRS. GEO. E. McDONALD of Libertyville 311 W. Park Ave., Phone 130 CAPITAL & SURPLUS $100,000.00 Register now for Snow's Taxi Co, READY FOR SERVICE vhtt.heo(dny- matter no mnxtervhntdht-need&l to go. Our taxis are swift, comfortable, roomy and light, aflordinglmlnwnm on -- all sides. rates. Experienced drivers who know how to reach any given destination by the shortest and best route. YELLOW CAB CO. PHONE 306 Keep Your Valuables on the Door Step Would You PAGE FIVE