TE +. P ut U SOCiety se LOCAL NEW 8 Miss 110 Wheeler started Monday to attend Moser business college at at the The Woman's Guild of St. Law-- rente's Episcopal Church will meet at the Parish House on Friday after-- noon at two--thirty o'clock Lyflgh saving time. Special This Week Two Packages For 98c One Package Free KOHOUT FLOWER GROWERS To "take it easy" is the thing we all look forward to, but in order to do so we MUST not only toil when we can but PUT AWAY the fruits of our labor. Our bank will be a SAFE place for your money F. B. Lovell Co. To Enjoy Life You MUST We invite YOUR Banking Business Start Savinc Recurarty NOW LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK PHONE 174--], Flowers delivered by wire anywhere Kotex LIBEREYYILLE T.w € 11| ~ M¥. --1§] childre '!'"M 44. e Walter Granbois the Yistae s den on Mapsien . Jirs. Frank Hironimus and daugh-- ville business callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brockman ildren were the guests of friends l'fle.':"lnd-y. ' &, A. Newsom was a W on Saturday evening. sited Friday evening at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Emily msmhm «4 Flowers are a nec-- esary adjunct to ev-- ery occasion. They bring a message of joy in happy events and bring a word of condolence in sor-- row. Call us for any kind of flowers at any time. Flowers sent any-- where by wire. Flowers BAw on I -'._"---'W-" Mr. and Mrs. . Irving . Whitcomb were Waukegan shoppers Saturday daughter, Vilo, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Neath of Mundelein ~returned home Wednesday after a week's vi-- sit with relatives in Toronto, Cana-- Mrs. James G. Weart entertained the members of the board of direct-- ors of the local Woman's Club at & business meeting and luncheon at her home on Monday. Mrs. J. R. Neal, who has been vi-- siting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lyell Morris and family, for the past few days, left Friday for her home in lowa. Av--.'""'b'd-hfl'_ taining Joseph Halla of Chicago this the Misses Genevieve Fredericks and Mary Mors and Messrs Edgar Lind-- roth and Robert Spolbnan":.joycd an outing at Gages Lake S y. Mrs. Larson and two children of Chicago, who have been visitlnflu the home of the former's sister, Mrs. R. O. Sundell and family, returned to Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hendee of Grayslake and M¥r. and Mrs. Klemp Hendee of Round Lake were Sunday fi;su at the home of Mr. and Mrs. e Behm and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Varney and son, Herbert, left Tuesday for a vi-- sit with relatives at Kaukaukana, Wisconsin and on through the Dells. tor lections. Mrs. Toy will accompan 'Mm at the Piano.oyAlmben n: urged to attend this ng. The past presidents will be hostesses. A "get--acquainted" party will be Friday evening, September 16th at seven--thirty standard time, at the local township high school and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schroeder of Half Day visited Sunday at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Harley Lambert and Frank Light-- b::zohnve left on a motor trip to I . The two men expect to make this a big hunting trip, and they will remain away all during the winter months. Mrs. W. A. Lightbody and daughter and Miss Ny_wnuzm spent Sun-- day at Gages Lake. The quarantine which confined the Garrett Newbore family to their home for the putAgeveLJ weeks was Will Leonard of B.w'nvhiud at the home of Mr. Mrs. L. J. Ames on Friday. The Messrs. Leon-- ard are brothers to Mrs. Ames. at the home of Mrs. Louis Hendee at Mundelein Friday afternoon. She was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Tripp Friday evening. lifted Saturday, Mr. Newbore hav-- ing fully recovered from his illness of scarlet fever. Mrs. Anna Lathrop amded the meeting of the Ladies' Bociety Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leonard of Bartlett, lowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wells left Friday evening for Camp Seymour near Decatur, Illinois where he will spend three days at the Y. M. C. A. Camp for Illini Freshmen. There were one hundred and fifty men chosen from the 2500 freshmen entering the Uni-- versity of lllincis and Aubrey had the honor of being among them. Louis Suess, who was employed as l..inotyfie .:.Entor at the Crystal Lake , has resigned his po-- sition and is now visiting here with his friend, Adam Seller. Mr. Suess will depart on Thursday for a visit with relatives and friends at Man-- kato, Minnesota. s For;{-eight relatives of Mr. and Mrs. M. Haas and family gathered together Sunday at an outing at Gages Lake, the affair being some-- what of the nature of a family re-- union. The day's amusement con-- sisted of boating, bathing, contests, races, games and dancing. a game was arranged found it im-- possible to secure a&:rk for the game. Next Sunday local boys will meet the Round Lake team on their fair ground diamond and a good game is looked for. part of last week from a few weeks' vacation in Wisconsin. While in Wis-- consin-- they visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Guyott and family at Portage, Wisconsin. The Guyotts were former Libertyville residents. Mrs. E. Kennedy, Jr., entertained the Bunco Club at her home Monday mnin& Prizes were awarded to Mrs. ark Neville, first; Mrs. Charles Bernard, second; and Mrs. Joseph Alkofer, consolation. Mrs. Garrett Newbore was the winner of the hostess prize. Dainty refresh-- ments were served. All sorts of dish towels will be soldatthebuhryulebheg at the Titus Brothers' Electric on Saturday afternoon, September 17th This sale is given by Group number two of the Libertyville Wo-- The Libertyville ball team had an open date in its schedule Sunday when the Chicago team with which Mr. and Mrs. Geo B. Mason, Mrs. Ina Carison u:drfir. and Mrs. Frank Mason returned the latter The opening meeting and annual reception of the local Woman's Club will be held 'at two--thirty daylight saving time at the Parish House on Wednesday, September 14th. . Ern-- est Toy, the well--known violinist, will render a number of beautiful se-- man's Club. the local township high school and it bo spmeared y the . Parouts Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams, Mr. and Victor Coch of South Milwaukee Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wheeler and are making the trip by mo-- Mrs. Roy Long was called to War-- rensburg, Missouri, Friday 'b'llh illness of her mother. She re-- main there for a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Vedder Stone and family of Wauconda were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Macther and family Sunday. Mrs. Stracker, who resides at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Madsen, is making a ten day.visit at the home of her m Mrs. H. E. Greenwood at Wis-- consin. lr.andln.:rlz;n% family of Lake Z were ville callers Saturday evening. * T. F. Swan returned to his duties at the office of the Lake County Register Monday morning. tamity of We maot eb d amily aple Avenue were Waukegan callers Saturday fl*fl- Mrs. P. J. Bockelman and | Walter McLaughlin :nd,ln.g P. Majors niotored to Lake Geneva Sunday. ' Mrs. Harry Gotti and children are visiting at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Kirt at Clinton, Ilinois, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Paul MacGuffin and familrmmozond to Neenah, Wiscon-- sin where they visited with relatives and friends during the week end. i1as and Rose Pfeiffer were Wan-- was a er Tuesday morning. W3 Mrs. Mary B and Miss Flora .. Mrs. Mary Brown and Miss Flom Mrs. Mary Bento and son, Leon-- ard, of Los Angeles, California and Mrs. O. Richter are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lemker at Mundelein. Mrs. Vern Gerred, Hermance Wheeler and daughter, Ida, are in Grand Rapids Michigan this week .f the.ngnu:l. ::ln f the 0 0 which opened on Jondny -mb Wilber M. Krieger, who has been vacationing in fih.lm'lha the close of the pllymnnd season here, returned Friday night Mr. Kreger expects to be located in Chicago during the coming winter. W. J. Fendick and Irving Helfer left Tuesday for Peoria where they will attend the three day session of the state convention of township commissioners and clerks. Mrs. J. B. MacGuffin, mother of Paul MacGuffin, returned to her home in Los Angeles, California af-- ter having spent the summer months at Kirksville, Missouri. Mrs. Mac-- Guffin is known to many of this city. Chief of Police Lester of Lake Forest Mnmfl"fi-l of his department attended the Cubs-- mwmm-fi terncon at Cubs as the guests of Judge Burgess, of Lake Forest. Several Libertyville families were present at the annual Rouse fam-- ily reunion held Sunday at Diamond Lake on the lawn at:the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Ray. The to-- tal number of relatives 'present at the ka'ffair reached the one hundred mar A number of relatives of Wiliam Kunke spent a Veg'plonsant even-- ing Friday,&en thered to-- gether t> celebrate N'; {i-rth'lay an-- niversary. Buneo was made th;:j time for the evening with ' being awarded to Mrs,. E. Kunke of lDes f:uir\:s, fir;t':'d.lnd Mrs. Wi-- iam Kunke, sec nt's were won by E. Ku&e ofp= Plaines, first; and Walter Kighl, Motorcycle officer Frank J. Druba who is in the Victory Memorial Hos-- pital recovering--from the effects of s racfdenm second. Miss Delores Kunke retei the consolation prize, Mr. Kunke ceived many birthday gifts from ns Ruby nowe, Li9 bougins Avince, ctndey mmnivaiiieres "of ie B Mr. and Mrs\ F. 8. Kern and niece, Martha Dpris Litchheld of Wauk , returned Sunday evening from greeley. Colorado, vge_xv.e they :rent the, past two weeks with Mrs. erman Litchfield, mother of the latter, who is making an extended stay at that place. is Trecovering 'meely from h:= injor" ftrei} oi ihe roonh in septing perfectly wo' is rapidly. Mr. Druba was to m trip to the camp at Cedar G: Tuesday t the invitation of ' champion. | 2 'J Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. Heacock calléd on several friends here Frh day evening. The Heacocks have 1e turned from the South where visited at the home of the | mother, Mrs' Luey C. Linder, Rogers, Arkansas and with a ber of friends and relatives in gouri and lowa. They will their home in Waukegan for h1 present time. | guests ggnek. Pfimlfl be prize bowling and refreshments. Plan to attend. < The Concordia Mutual leacue will give a bunco iR B gui% GILMER i'g the effects of Sunday evening the . prizes unke of N.pr{.'n. of D-' unh Fm w William 8:30 daylight saving time. _ Friday, September 16th. _ Dance at the St. Joseph's School Everett, was united in marriage last Saturday morning to Jack O'Brien, of Chicago, at the Everett Catholic from Chicago and all parts of Lake County attended the nuptials. Fol-- lowing the ceremony the bride and groom were feted at an elaborate wedding breakfast at the Conway season of the Libertyville Womans Friday, September 16th "Get Acquainted" party by the P. T. A. at the local high school audi-- torium. O. P. Keller, speaker. Spec-- inl music and entertainment. 2 of fl:'o' Libert untll.. Gard yville en Club ._l&_ home of G. C. Gridley, at Miss Coletta Conway, of Chicago daughter of Miles J. Conway, o% COUPLE WED AT EVERETT CHURCH "Get Acquainted" l?rty at the lo-- cal high school at 7:30 standard time 1}: Parent--Teachers Assn. 0. P.. will be the speaker. Saturday, Sept. 17th. iorire Buep aiven 29 Sroup 2 ol ' y Group 2 o the Li&bertyville Woman's Club. fer gech exchange at the earliest possible da as this offer will remain open oniy for a limit Washington, D. C., September 6, 1927 oc ap may) Spotad Co 40. Juide 2 adeda cadhs 4 4 per cent hoads who desire to take advantage on auch Second Liberty Loan Converted 4 !; per oi bondefroem May 15, 1027. to November 15. Hundreds of friends of the couple Wednesday, September 14. Anmual reception which @pens the -- TRIGGS & JOHNSON COMING EVENTS Phone us your order and we will "put it up" for you promptly. Our PRICES are just the same whether you 'phone, send or call. We value the CONFIDENCE of our cus-- tomers and will not abuse it. A * SPECIALS sitf PHONE YOUR Free Running Salt, information may be obtained from rust ecsspaaies, or from any Fedcral delivery of the new notes, interest given by the Concordia : at St. Matthews hall Prize bowling follow , Reptember 15. A W. MELLON, Secretary of the Treasury. PHONE US tes on Day--Light Saving Time. \" : ANNOUNCEMENT e ie hests ber 9. Registration day ~Sep-- tember 7, 11:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Beginning and 'advanced pupils ac-- Therewill be & regular business meeting the Mystic Workers m s Hall on Mly C F mr'lafl;h:t 7:00 P. or of electing officers for the t&owing year. All Juvenile members have the rrivilege of attendi their adult odvfa at all times u:':i'm cordially invited to do so. EDNA J. KNOX, Correspondent. FOR RENT--Modern seven room house on Third and Church Streets. Call at Cichy's Tailor Shop or phone Libertyville 5591. i. 69--1 FOR SALE--Tomatoes $1 per bushel. Call Libertyville 489';(1)1.2t A Gooa ie SOME men do a heap of kick-- ing and no thinking. Buy: ing a home takes thought--and regular payments. I'll make yoy i good proposition. KICKING GETS YOU LongGrove Cider now open for business on T ues d a y s from four to eight and Sat-- urdays. Barrels and kegs for sale. We also sell dynamite. Special cut price in 250 lb. lots. Caps and fuses and electric caps. J. H. EISSLER, LONG GROVE, ILLINOIS Phone, Libertyville 657--M--1. 201 S. MI +4 +4 Mill NOTICE ep i VNLEROEC: 'DELIVER 10c 123¢ 40 Starting on September 6. Regular Com-- mercial Courses, Advanced Courses in Commer-- cial Work, Civil Service preparation. CALL FOR PARTICULARS Hail a Cab W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. SNEAK THIEVES DON'T CARE FOR TRAVELERS CHECKS --because cashin%' them is too dangerous. Yet YOU can cash them anywhere on a moment's notice. Use this safe travel money for EVERY trip, either long or short.. We'll supply you at trifling cost. ALSO PLAIN WOOL GOODS Students Registering up to and including Monday, September 5 for First National Bank of Libertyville LIBERTYVILLE IRNUSLS -- BANK FALL CLASSES 54 inch . . MRS. GEO. E. McDONALD NEW PLA¥IDS 311 W. Park Ave., Phone 130 CAPITAL & SURPLUS $100,000.00 LIBERTYVILLE Snow's Taxi Co, $2.25 8 P. M.