il Wociety a« ; LOCAL NEW S The St. Lawrence's l?gm Church will hold its annual Harvest Home Services Sunday, October 2nd at eleven o'clock. w is cor-- dially invited to ai Spring Road is codfined to her home _ Pound Pkg. 35¢ Fresh Peanut Crisp _ the confection that everyone is wild about We Invite Women's Accounts We are always glad to explain banking to anyone who does not understand it. KOHOUT FLOWER GROWERS Feel free to come in and talk to us about your money matters. We are glad to advise with you. We keep all mattets confidential. Our bank will be a SAFE place for your money F. B. Lovell Co. Start Savinc Recuta@Lty NOW Incorporated PHONE 174--J. Flewers delivugered by wire anywhere LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK imnvite YOUR Banking Business of LIBEREYYILLE was a week udr' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Haas. . Mr. and Mrs. S. visited mbvukoadw"m with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dinnouer. Mr. and Mrs. H. Harrison of Wau-- ke, visited with the latter's par-- .%.Ir.u:dln.Chulelel, on Sunday. _ Mrs. Frank Suydam kegan | shopper sm'ym-a'u:: 'Miss Florence Hilgers of Chicago Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brockman and children motored to Chicago Sunday, where they attended the perform-- ance at the Granada Theatre. _--. ILrrnoss ;. FrOW. Flowers are a nec-- esary adjunct to ev-- ery occasion. They bring a message of joy in happy events and bring a word of condolence in sor-- Call us for any kind of flowers at any time. Flowers sent any-- where by wire. Flowers EETT f can planist, Ma Libertyville M evenings recit church on Mor at 8:15 o'clock equal ability 1 this section of man is conced far and near. is _ afforded through the Dobbs. Carroll Port resumed his Lumber Comp joving a week' pewa Falls. V companied by Mundelein. _ 7 through Minn on Sunday ev fine trip in sp er. _ Doctor and | were guests M €) {|_ Mrs. John Numsen and daughter |Beatrice, and Miss Alice Purkiss of ILake Forest were Chicago visitors | Monday. pl'!'hm;dlo.c':l :'xigh school rf.';oé:dl 't;t:m ay 1 rst game T-- noon at Liberty Field v{th the strong DesPlaines team as the op-- goaifion._ The game resuited in a to 0 victory for the visiting team but the home boys looked good even in defeat. ~Libertyville went into the game with more than half of e and t':: 'otkd rvllln men r ves;-- ore the season is over. The local boys show-- ed remarkably well on the offensive. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maether and famav visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Veddar Stone at Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith mo-- tored to Wisconsin Sunday where fl\e{ visited at the State Capitol building. Miss Evelyn Hubbell, who has been enjoying a visit with her bro-- ther, W. C. Hubbell, and his wife has returned to her home in Peoria. Wauconda. Vern Jenkins of Chicago was a guest during the week end at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. D. Peter-- son and family. Mrs. R. Dillon and small son are to return home Wednesday from the Ravenswood hosgit&l wxere they have been since the birth of the lit-- tle fellow: The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter-- ian Church enjoyed a pleasant af-- ternoon Frixiay at their meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. George Wright, 122 West Maple Avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and family were Waukegan callers Sat-- urday evening. Miss Alice Purkiss of Lake For-- est, Oliver Howard and Miss Beat-- rice Numsen of this city, and Frank Baumgartner of Mundelein _ spent Saturday evening at Waukegan. Dan and LaVerne wm guests at the William 'home at Mundelein Friday evening. Place is visiting with friends in Michigan for a short time. Iu'? Gotti, \hnfier of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gotti, is reported on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Haas of Chi-- cago called at the home of the for-- mer's parents Sunday. of the loca} Royal Neighbor Lodge are. planning to motor to Lake Villa this evening (Tueuh{') where they will be entertained by the mem-- bers of Lake Villa Chapter. Doctor and Mrs. M. D. Penney were guests Monday night at a re-- ception given at the Adventurers' Club in Chicago in honor of Alex-- ander Gray, the leading man of "The Desert Song" now playing at the Great Northern theatre. Mr. Gray was Dr. Penney's room mate while in college and' their intimacy has been kept up since leaving school. Previous to the reception Dr. and Mrs. Penney attended the perform-- ance at the theatre. mh.'x'wn-mmu; ml YMMvm. a luncheon Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Garland S. Ingraham enter-- tained a few friends at her home on Brainerd Avenue Friday afternoon at a surprise party in honor bf the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Paul MacGuffin. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wheeler and daughters, Nina and To, Hermance Wheeler, and daughter, Ida, attend-- ed a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. fi:ben Williams at Waukegan, Sunday evening. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Episcopal Church will meet on Tues-- day, October 2nd at two thirt o'clock at the home of Mrs. Lye{l' Morris, 144 West Park Avenue. As-- sisting hostesses will be Mesdames J. L. Taylor, E. T. Langworthy, and M. D. l{enmy. All members -- are requested to bring their donations for the grab bag. The Lake County Clinic for crip pled children will be held Thursday, September 29th at one o'clock g' M. at the Court House, Waukegan, first floor, West door entrance. Ralph J. Dobbs, the great Ameri-- can pianist, Ras been engaged by the Libertyville Musical Society for an evenings recital at the Methodist church on Monday night, October 17 at 8:15 o'clock. Perhaps an artist of equal ability has never appeared in this section of the state. The younz man is conceded a marvel by artists far and near. Central Lake County Loren Laycock, who was tradly burned last week in the explosion which caused the death of I. L. Johnson, is still slowly improving at the Victory Memorial hospital where he was taken after the accident. His burns are of a serious nature and it will be some time before he fully recovers. Ernest L.' Davis returned Satur-- day from Kenosha where he was confined for a week following an at-- tack of gall stones while on a visit there. _ Mr. Davis is recovering nicely and is now able to be about. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madsen en-- tertained a party of six friends and relatives from Detroit at their home for several days last week. The guests had come for the Dempsey-- Tunney fight. Mrs. Charles Seiler returned to her home Sunday evening after spending a month's vacation at Mar-- quette, Michigan. She also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bolden at Neenah and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lar-- son at Appleton, Wisconsin, while enroute to Libertyville. A Mrs. W. W. Carroll is visiting ut fifteen or twenty members rare -- opportunity appearance _ of Mr. Mrs, Roy Long and daughter re-- turned Saturday from a tw week's visit with the former's mnts at Warrensburg, Missouri. Lcnf was called to that place by the ill-- Mrs. Harry Gotti and little daugh-- ter, Mary, returned Friday evening from Clinton, Illinois where they had spent the past two weeks. Mrs. Kirt, mother of Mrs. Gotti, accom-- panied&txm here and will remain for an ex led visit. Charles Kaiser, 137 East Churth 8 and son, Earl of Joliet, de-- &5 Sunday morning for Clear , Wisconsin, where they will fish for Muskelunge. They will re-- main for the week. ness of her mother. Twenty--seven relatives fit.huod together at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wheeler of West Map-- le Avenue to assist in the celebra-- tion of the birtiday anniversary of the former, on Sunday afternoon. The fixtures of U'f Cory Market in the old Rittler building, which was closed recently following the consolidation with the Atlantic and Pacific tea store in the new loca-- tion, are being torn out and will be moved to Waukegan. other places. Miss Ada Meyers has returned to her work at the office of the Lib ertyville Lumber Company after en-- Te 'Sesks 'It Chicage 'thd verldes George H. Triggs, who has been in poor health for the rn several years, is to enter the Illinois Ma-- sonic hospital Wednesday for a period of observation to determine whether or not something can be done to remedy his:condition. day. Thomas Hidddeson of Waterford, Wisconsin called on old* friends at Libertyville and Mundelein on Tues-- Word was received Tuesday by Cecil McDonough, manager of the Auditorium theatre, confirming the contract for the showing of the fiims of the Tunney--Dempsey fiight at the local theatre on Thursiay and Fri-- day nights, October 6 and 7. Local boxing fans have been ;waiti? this information with interest and will now be able to satisfy themselves as to the authentity, of the radio broadcasts. A big turnout is looked for on Wednesday evening at the rooms of the Libert'y\'ille club when the first meeting of the club bowling league i« to be held. The call has been sent out to all who wish to participate in the sport this season and those who wish to be included in the lineup are asked to be present or to send in their names. The organization of the league will be completed within the next week. Bj-i(hfidlulb'n. Libertyville business caller Monday Something should be done for the protection of the local horse shoe fans who cannot forego their pleasure no matter what the wea-- ther. All day Tuesday a zroui,ol fanatics were out in the rain behind Pesters blacksmith shop and the ring of the shoes, on the pegs could be heard through the rain. A move-- ment should be started to erect a suitable building in order that the game may be continued through the winter. _ Lights should also be in-- stalled to permit the enjoyment of the sport at night. The Libertyville Woman's Club will meet on Wednesday afternoon at the Parish House at two--thirt P. M. Mrs. Mary Polmateer Fun{ will deliver an address and _ Mrs. Tibbals of Great Lakes will talk on "Friendly Co--operation with War Veterans." There will also be an exhibit of handwork from the Vet-- erans hospital. Music will also be included on the program an< will be in charge of Miss Elizabeth Stan-- ford of this city. The hostess com-- mittee will include Mrs. Frank Dy-- mond, Mrs. Benjamin H. Miller, Mrs. Frank H. Noble, and Mrs. A. W. _ While wispy, gray, faded hair is not ohhl.hlwe all desire dto retain our m attractiveness. EMM l::irwithWyuh'u Sl(candfluquomgomd.n_ e-cv:fi{ Yuimn.m' Bood :-r. Te faig. soe amal s one mu-h;wwglw Justice Harry M. Bartlett was called on Saturday night tomfom two marriage ceremonies. first couple was Carl Robertson of Lake Forest and Miss Helen Krens of Chicago. The second ceremony un-- ited James S. Nelson of Chicage and Miss Winifred Sothern of Diamond Lake. Following the latter wedding Iatives of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson ga thered to help them celebrate the happy event. The members of the St. John's Evangelical L,utheran Church held a welcome party Friday evening in honor of the Rev. W. H. Lehmann and his family of Dafur, Minnesota, Rev. Lehmann has taken up the duties of Rev. Kiessling, who has given un his work to teach at Water-- town, Wisconsin. The evening was pleasantly passed in playing bunco for which prizes were given. Re-- freshments were seryed at the close of the evening to the one hundred and thirty--five members present. a reception was Common n heavy tea w Ts dark s es C C 2; easier :a heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn y, streaked and faded hair beauti« ';'u dark and hrncuriant Just a few lpp{'l:zuonl will prove a revelation if E:hair'n fading, streaked or gray. Mi ing the Sage Tca and Suiphur rec-- ipe at home, though, is troublesome. strand at a time; by morning all gray Hall An easier way is to get a bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Suiphur Compound unqmnqreanrudyfotu& This is the old--time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients. deamwn-: TO DARKEN HAIR APPLY SAGE TEA Look Young! Bring Back Natural Color, Gloss and Attractivermess ception was in t c Tere's host of Ttighds rden sage brewed into a or two, your hair be« We will celebrate RALLY DAY next Sunday and a fine program s Our pro ive supper is called for 6:80 Fg::sy'::vening. Those hav-- ing machines please meet at the church at 6:30. Services beginning October 2nd. Sunday at 10:00, Sunday School. Sunday at 11:00, Morning Wor-- ship. Sunday at 7:30, Rally Program. Wednesday at 7:30, Prayer Ser-- vice. (Missjonary). Friday at 7:30, E. L. C, E. (At the Parsonage). share so we will go over the top ? _ Tm %ho Chalienge of the be given in connec-- up to the Knedler Bros.' Mill and delivered a new engine. Bring on The Ladies Aid of the Long Grove Evangelical Church will give a chicken supper and bunco party on Thursday evening October 6, 1927 at the Union Hall. Sundn&October 9th and continue until 28rd. We will have ser-- vices every evening beginning at _ Prairie View took on a look of great prosperity when a truck pulled _ Miss Bieler, teacher of Schultz School was a welcomed visitor at Grace Church last Sunday. ______ _ C. W. Nenbauer, Bond Appraiser, of State Attorney's office visited at Man power doesn't amount to much. As a motor one man can de-- velop about one--tenth of one horse-- power, and with horsepower from power plants for salé at five cent!b' an hour, the man's motor value is one--half cent an hour. i Mustard fph.stcr also comes under the head of drawing materials. one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Stop d ing. Rub sooth-- ing. penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right relieved millions of rheumatism suffer» ers in the last half century, and is just,: as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lum-- | into your sore, stiff, aching joints and muscles, and relief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheu-- matism liniment which never disap-- points and cannot burn the skin. | Rub Rheumatism or Sore, Aching Joints Rub Pain right out with small trial bottle of old "8t. Jacobs Oil." Burns Bread Knife SUNBRITE CLEANSER This Store Operates on Day--Light Saving Time. PHONE YOUR ORDER WE DELIVER The only knife that will cut a perfect slice from a hot loaf Cleans Scours Sweetens Purifies The cleanser that %ets all the dirt. Special offer--Dirt cheap at MAN'S MOTOR POWER © _ Office Over North Shore Gas Co. Libertyville, II1. P ELECTRICITY, MASSAGE, ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT, SPINAL TRACTION AND*CHIRO-- PRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS LONG GROVE TRIGGS & JOHNSON "Cuts Like Wildfire" 6 cans for 25¢ sprains. Dr. B. T. Lynch, D. C,. Each 75 Cents Not Lake County W. C. T. U. Conven-- tion at Waukegan. Saturday, October 15 Grand opening of the Libertyville Recreation room. 0 Saturday, October 15. Opening of the new Libertyville Recreation rooms. Monday, October 17th. _Opening program of the Liberty-- ville Musical Society with Ralph .J. Dobbs a great American pianist. Tuesday, October 18 Annual Bazaar of the Ladies Aid Society of the Metnodist Epis-- copal church to be held in the par-- lors of the church. Tuesday, November 11 Armistice Day banquet and dance given by the American Legion. Wednesday, November 19. Turkalv raffie and dance at the town hall by the local American Le-- gion Post. MBER 28, 1927 COMING EVENTS * s# s# x & Friday, September .30th. Gotto'éwrmeedngofflnPar ent-'l'cugr Association at the Mun-- delein School at 7:00 P. M. Saturday, ~October Bakery Sale at the L&tyville Electric Shop b{l the Ladies of the St. Joseph Parish. Ladies' Aid fancy work and novel-- H sale in the Church parlors at undelein at 2:00 P. M. Cafeteria Lunch will be served. October 12 & 13. Tuesday, October 4 Regular meeting of Libertyville Post No. 329 American Legion. Thursday, October 6 Chicken supper and Bunco party given by the E:dies Aid Society of the Evangelical church at Union Hall, Long Grove. GOING UP ALL THE TIME PLEASANT thought for the man who owns property. We can show you a good buy. My word's worth a lot. Intend to keep it so. *Pietrt "b'fimg"' -- A yosd o o Zouth » : Sm Friday, October 7th. aveennnne e neeecenesevensensoes secanves eemmemmemenmeemenn nann n en veane ofi Phone 26. Starting on September 6. Regular Com-- mercial Courses, Advanced Courses in Commer-- cial Work, Civil Service preparation. CALL FOR PARTICULARS Hail a Cab Let Us Help You Choose Your Insurance With so many types of insurance competing for your attention today, the problem of selecting the one which will give you the particular kind of protection you need is difficult to solve without the help of expert advice. Our broad experience in writing all kinds of insur-- ance can help you make the wisest choice, as it has helped others. Students Registering up to and including Monday, September 5 for First National Bank of Libertyville LIBERTYVILLE INDUSLG -- BANK FALL CLASSES MRS. GEO. E. McDONALD 311 W. Park Ave, Phone 130 CAPITAL & SURPLUS $100,000.00 READY FOR SERVICE Whenever di-agu tter what time of l- ma to go. Our taxis are swift, comfortable, roomy and light, Snow's Taxi Co, $2.25 8 P. M. £