f' his! 7 "e-sd-ter-. m an. W.FW, mimwmamgfim.'wm it. and shady promotion enterprises. Mar. of the Meat securities into which Clemati- put oil shunt m by fur the most popular; notwithstanding that and AW people have beenxepe-tedly warned that even the M af petroleum stocks are speculative in durum rather; th-ut- investments for persons not well informed on bus no" affairs, and even though the conviction and imprisonment of numerous oil stock swindlers in recent years have directed Winona attention to the prevalence of fraud in oil well "motions GULLIBILITY By putting together and comparing reports that have been revved by the American Bankers' Association, the National Aaaociation of Credit Men. the Research Bureau of New York University and the Better Business Bureau of New York it has been estimated that during the last year Americans have been awindled out of $1,400,000.000. Losses through fraud are mani. featly increasing, for figures compiled from the same sources in the twelve months immediately preceding reached a total of only $1,000,000,000. It is a situation that is well worthy of "the study and research that are being applied to it by the -ttstntitstttrnarmsd, which are bein'g ably assisted by the New Ig,'; Stock Exchange and several otheeuAtwerfu1 bodies. . Various forms of fraud enter into their" total. 't Some of the deceptions practiced by the swindle" are of a character against which it is difficult even'for astthmen to guard. But "greater part of the loot is taken from puma who succumb to . e temptation to risk their money on "tret-rieh-quietr" 'ttttttst. Analysis of the estimated lop-es discloses that about 8M0e000,0oo was dropped by the victims in worthhs securi- There are times when skepticism is desirable and one of the times is when a promoter of oil wells or other "get-rich-quick" ttrhstmes comes mind and says that the shares or other Netty which he is offering to sell will double in value within a few weeks and will pay en enormous rate of interest on the investment. If there were more skepticism concerning such promises the swindlers' profits would not amount to more than u when dollars a you. _ _ 4! holds no tgreater tragedy F -ieeseed the Liberty- - who Doubt: back to the ot hits boyhood and flnds the _ M hole Med up with tht/ttuInt""'"" -r,ue'"PrPt. At,.tttrcuat,a1gtg 1.». at.) 1'6'lhirlltitut'. ' - Millions follow organised baseball from the spring training season to the tippl contest of the world series. Other millions use through the gates of the major league ball parks in a noon. The score of every "big league" game is carried into my nook and cranny of the country by newspaper, score hoard, telegraph, telephone and radio. But it ukes 3 world series to srouse the interest of the perennial fan to fever heat and to stir the indifferent into at least mild curiosity. Before investing in securities it is well for most persons to get the advice of reputable bankers or experienced business alltr, In in Libertyville seem to _ the as not even with the Ilttt 'dtll they owe others as much u we him. wan nuns IT GRIN" What gave beech]! its envied title of the "Great Auden Spat?" It in a sport in which a relatively mull partial at the nation's population pertleipetee naively. Only eleven cities ere muted in the two major - and the minor leane- From the stands in New York and Pittsburgh, on new - and theater automatic baseball boards, by radio and "mph. in the newspapers and by human messenger all America is a' spectator at each world series game. Though some will be indifferent, all will witness this climax in the American sport calendar. noon. The score of every every nook and cranny of board, We", telephone World series is a misnomer tor a succession of contests so peculiarly and completely American, although in its applica- tion it does not exaggerate the importance of the games attributed to them by the ardent fan. all uni-professional clubs do not any the sport in its pro- fusion! aspects to all communities. The for-famed won-H "rietshaarnndet-tmllthetrmuttAmerieanaport. _ ' 0-1, n few days not until the his lupin: will lam gum tg,t,t , they In t ulna. ' and Ntbmn After you'veboon is thin old world um. you'll hnd that it's better to and be n mm than never to "(I " a. lf. thin of only am . up 'i)?li pug his m 16 m in T g citie is making it I'm "ilGl';ril'led bandits. . Ah? teat "I for tt 11irertrville ALONG THE C_URBSlr0NES Observation-By AMAN ABOUT TOWN lawnmower." Mil-WHO." mum", T I At Pan's birth NI mother in IM| W: " rll',lrS1'trtfd"'Ut u, and It Math the widow. , imam " to we manyvme te't',dT, know ttt but "m? of 's man t mud in mm". o en Some people go . ht on upend- inx their my {Jul-ml ml In: when any haven't u nto to Mr name. It doesnt at. the new Liber- tyvme boy long to learn that nothing [llkel a ttirl midst than not kin- Inchrvhon ah0nt-thntthetroy known In could. Our idea of a lifittm. would be 'serving 00 I 'e/2'tult, com- mum foi ""qidite .1111: your. Emmi-x u minty amazon if: WI, "Aim-ine if Ptfrr't "our ist public in knickers. A dollu will be worth I dollar l'uil when fol}: full_h [It I dollar udi2t "tta-test a ;" ".md barbarian. much should be mmful not in let angst?! catch them rudmu My" ty the Mn uh jal- ,,htptutt'lltluittttt."tt hit-m. ' - _ Iti-td-letetaiertioet" on"!!! In. it in to at diam Pmhibtthm "an: audit. if ttr.beeqettmqstiPtiitto r In M, It=yatrt,titcT -tdi-rltttthrtroa- the his his The hanstratiou from the School for the Blind will in:lud¢ an "tiitrition of the use of the Braille "tmtttrPirtq machine. and to int - pd books for ih'l"dldtE,'l.' my pupil learns to play gm be illustrated. The I" 'hclode a demonstration o f sense perception. by _ ibd children lain to rm- muitrit, of the various sod-I and tge: agenda. "it! include: child l pmentive-protmive work; I"! welfare: group Avert to; '6.met.r building; let: Mt'"; recreation: M re; community OI mrrrtieity for Summit-n. The Joliet Chamber of Commerce Win. will serve as the head. MI! for the convention. Here ttte exhibit: will be armed and MW. pomms will be held futures will Include: I fifth Mne"ine tea at the ml the: of Word" Elmer J. Green, Joliot penitentiary, Thursday mun noon; brélkfut at Mooeeheart, Fri, dny morning; a visit to the St. Charles Taming School for Boys, Friday momhig; luncheon n the State Tmining School for Girls. Geneva. Pridenogn. A feature of unusual interest will be the exhibit ind demonstrations which the State "pertinent of Pub. lie Welfare is "ranging to show the work of the State in providing for dependent wards. The exhibit. will show the work " the Illinois School for the Blind. the Illinois School for the Deaf and in the in- stitutions for the feeble-minded and insane. Explain": will be 'eesettt to tell the My in connection with each demonstration. School for Mad In the demmtatratiort from. the School for the Deaf the "an method of ittstmetiogt will be shown. The on! method. lb use dJiP- Redinz. the teoenmx: of - and rhythm training are nudging the old manual or sign home. and this change will be illustrtted. An . upecial inducement tu rosi- dents of the State to attend the conference, the railroads have u- rnntted for I round trip fare of fare and one-halt on the certificate plan, provided one hundred and fifty authorized certificate: are pretent- ed. Delegntes nnd visitors should secure certificates when they are purehatrintt tickets and present these to the Executive Secretary It the conference for validation. Return tickets will then be sold at one- half fare. Splendid I'm- A Iolmdld 9mm bu been an- nounced for the can't-"nee dinner Wedneoday night. Dr. Robert E. Heironymnun will preside gm! Presi- dent David Kinky of the University of Illinois will 'speak on "The Re, m h an: the "a. the m. 2iNtil',t.' "than and dm-trt" . . The emu and e1rllrl21tll,'t, ot aahibita will be on or no principal futon in the .deeatiooa1 "out": a the conference. - tttnd, Course Tho conference will be pmeoded by s two-day study course; illicit will (in sock! workers sn oppor' tunity to consider more intenmly problems related to their work. The study seasons, under the direction of national leaders in etch field of social welfare. will open Monday morning, October tf, and will con- tinue until Tuesday afternoon. The conference opens Tuesday evening. entittatal an Institutional our hold in the Stat.. a The" Ibo and to My! Chat: 1*. lit: L Penn. " "who: D. C. has. claim of the bond of t,'trpgrh, Supr- vhor Fred W. Funk, Philo In... sanctum of the We County In!!! a Litrertreitu ard In. bod W. Funk. County court proUtion offieer. Por the first thne in the history of mu calms, the well-n new" of the Sun, are compou- 'locrettsry, Chicasro: ll'inoi- szricu'r tural Astsorution. Furl C Smirh president, Dr": it; tttut. is Home Bureau Federation. In. Spencer Swine, president. Bloominrton: llli or_its State Peder-nth" of Labor. Al Towers. vice president. Belleville. lmmilrlnu' Protective League tf.., Kenneth F Rirh. dlrretor, Chi. 120- American Lyriort. Departty.tt'. Guy M. Blake, Chairman, Cilientro: Illinois Federation of Women'l Clubs. Mrs. Walter W. Seymour. prrsrldent, Chietuto; Illinois League of Won-I Voters. Mrs. Alfred B Kohn. Chicano; Illinois Council of "tsreatiaeher Anochtiom. Mrs Waiter H. Brthtitt, president. Chica. go; "linoil State -Teaetters' Ano- mmulmhoum on PtrtrlieWetNmqrueharftitteHd ingolutoeteurt8toAt,nnd 'rN.permi-te'ttqthemtat?dr, a.mmtuhe-tr-ru.rr.. MhMl-Im'olo fnmqme%areNnatatirtqtonttend J%rtiiiiri:iri '3. Sam». cw Wolf-re Department. Srtrttterffe'ld: P'mri't» on "Ar-ivy! Leright'on P" «Wm. Fhrin; [Min-win Chamber sf Commerer, Cnrletott G. Ferris Rocretary, Chit-, "Flai- szricu'. o-irtititv for Social Work." Follmwing the Iddrou by Preci- mt Kink-v the followin' nnruen- tives will npertlt oettte rel-tinn- 'p af various rate-WHO orvnn'u- m tr, the Public We'll": lll'nois mri'tn Ubertyville Building and Loan Association Now Open Rama" You can make your small weekly payments earn liberal interest (average for state 7%) mm. in the world ettetdt ofer 600 Share- Sold In Our First siru, . mum: mu ", Industrial ,rer -iantlott SERIES NUMBER 2 IN oifiee in Kennedy Block JOIN TODAY LAKE FOREST WATER PLANT [ NEARLY DONE (Continued from pun 1) drink the bottled Water delivered daily with their ice. Those I'1Pi cook! be located Tuesday night were. aromatic in that than plum wow.» in excellent shape. Some of ml comment In uvfollowlt a Lorraine Wilson. otherwise known ' u Huron-t Schneider. otherwisel known to En Hill. otherwise known In Eva Hall. Jargon. She is eharaed with forging checks at two busineu houses. Pearee's book mtore and the Globe. Elbert Glnu w" named in two indictments. both charging burr levy In one he was charted with hnrirlnrilint the home of Ray Busch of Lake Forest on July 2R and the other with robbing the home of [tingle-y Price in Lake Forest on We some night. Funk In... otherwiu known " hunk lat-o. otherwise known as June: I. nekler. we. named in No two bills. both chum burst. lary. He was charged with robbirur two Itntiom of the North Shore Line. one at Fort Sheridan Ind the other It HiehUFd Putt. GRAN D JURY SETS RECORD; 43 INDICTED SMITH'S TAXI "r. ttire-vin shiny. My septic tank is inspected once a week oy an expert." A. E. Hamill-Ney plant is in ttood order. I believe the cause for what pollution u in the drifting of u WI!!! wast." frrn Wnvr.ezan." To show the diffirultie, under which the Inter department he Inbon-d. Mr. McNicnrn records show that at times there are as high Is "Play, On Antidote to Civil! . Hon" will be the wbjoct of m It. dm- try In. Jane Addams, of Han House. " the "quill meeting Hunky. William A. Beebe, George' Beebe and Albert C. Jones. all of Great Lakes nava'l training station, inr. ceny. They are charged with qtenl. mg I sedan on March 14 from Hmi! Wirtanen. Rudolph Stiig, Peter Johnson all} Nels Pearson, larceny. They are charged with stealing In automobile' nanometer from Charles Johnson' on August H. Mr. Rreraon--"My make plant is in ttood condition. 1 had It checked urr)utreemtttr" - {nation to kill. {is "fear "old girl. She chargei that Shaver made an attack on her on Mama M. GGiriiGd Ibo 'Itte+t ftfllti ' sm- Ltbeir%n.itttehttrtuth ..' ', ', ooid Pm Ju.oeiit3m, A. 1.. B... J.',%'gtiit, w on, Illinois 8tnte Journal. a"? V Lhlttfut Cutter, ttgt"""' Cami DI: _ '2grttAtlttr, s vision. Chute. t to " Tb m Among my: rel-{50m m.tyy eoal to All than when. 3:555 aiiai i!" in: 000.13.: or" ' when ltftyrt ned Au" ttttt Chicago Ethics! stew on Pt World Growing W; and i, Benson. .3" and". w inn n. m be ' mm of an. as. do»; an "The Rehab" and I, of the mule-g: 'Tudk. 1 is}, -iraae" aAidtnnee Pin": Harri-but. Wu". 'gt'tttt new of "I"! Aet.mut, Y.W' furl "iiriieidrGit IM'M"; Dr. Alett B. Rerahfuid. Sum dip- in. "San" Vial _o_f the Inet..".."" Stanley Kundrot. embeulemenl and larceny. Kundmt in former- ly mun-get of the Lithuanian Trad- in: Corporation and an alletred to have embezzled 86495.98 from this concern. 97.000 bacteria in each cubic centi mm of 'rrter, too many for chlor (Continued from "I! I) Clarence Shaver, rape. The com. plaining witpgu In Sarah Angenou. Gabriel Borehudt. otherwise known a Joseph Ellis. luau); He u alleged to have stolen 50 feet of copper wire In Highland Park from the Chicago. North Shore & Mil. waukee Railroad Company. J. E. Maxwell, driving I check for $4 so with intentions of defy-ud- Init Hinlmar I." of Jllrubettrtt, 3000)): Conroy and Richard Riley of Chic-go. larceny of a machine from Chase Webb of Antioch. Stand at lantern Novelty Stan DAY PHONE " NIGHT PHONE "' y badmmwl m: not... B ee" t.etiimr-+roct.tjttr. Ethical be" on" 'rrowineBettk'iAlthmtd.1tlt, kuii"Gt_uor,CMF.lt! .. i," I" [MI , 1 1* . Dana; INafi. Th My School will be hold " 1t..e,i,8 and" morning st tr:48. There ' no chunk condo. either Milt " L1,'rf,'y on mount of /dhtt EM tum will meet " , "I. "when Will be'held on Oct- {our 16th which begin. the new Bt. anrem'o Episcopal Church In. H. B. Gm Pastor. The services on Sunday, October 9th (the l7th Sunday After Trinity) Auditor! taff,t' , um . l treg School 9:80 I. m L .. P. _ Service 10:46 I. m, macaw tak." __ _ - ' me and was)? with us, We preach Christ and im erueitied. '6ktuiiifdr.."'riiik floor, 640 N Milwaukee Avenue a 8:00 p. m p, Holy Communion, 8 n. m. Holy Eucharist and sermon .11 . launch School, 10 n. m. Rev, H. B. Gwyn officiating. St. John'. Luth. Church W. H. [ah-all. Punter Sunday School " 9:30 n. m. English Service " 10:30 1. m. Saturday School at 9:00 3. m. Aid Au'n. for Lutherans Wednes- 1th Rod?" to "itri'r"iuiiit irvrk fhr' Sin, Dink? mm - tin} Gi, T 371m 10:00 A. m. Devotionnu-Mrs. Hnr- 10:80 n. m. Memorial 'serviee--Mm, Mary B. me. Music. Platform of the Nntional W, C. T. L'.-Mrs. C. P. Tib- 11:00 a. m. Election of when. Noontide prayer. Luncheon - Served at the Church-une. 1:30 p. m. Devotional-Mrs. Flaw l Gordon. ( AddrewcPublieity'--MrB. Jen- nie Mud. ch! in fl" 3. and the 'itlr,tt,,tt','gtt2t at the Lake fitN1uiduu'ttut,t,t held at the that church in glam-n Atesrt WM): und Tram"; The 'rtiiGritritte E" day nosing 'fur',",'.'..] -- we WM], 08.. " 10:00 I. In. County Executive. 10:80 B. m. D.rotiui-Mm. F. M. Burden Wdtsttmo--Mm. It. E. Thomas 2:80 p. m. Report of the Nation] Convention-Ft L. Hood, Stat: President W. C. T. U. gat on n Thur-day, Ee.". 1:80 Kim. Devotion/lL-ttev. Borop 1mm. "Home: Junie Miller. 3090110 by local Presidents and introduetion of winning membership "palm. yoetlde may. _ _ Reading" of limited. - 'F-"" Appointment of Committees. Staining of 2t't dtte--Ccr - Bet. re. _ linger»; (IE! mug chureh-aGC rrga of County Superin- A lot 50x166. Paving, sewer, water, and sidewalk all in. Located only one block from a North Shore sta- tion, in the path of deveiopmeht. The owner is leaving tom There- fore, the price has beeri put away down low for a quick cash Sale. For Sale A. R. Schnaebele This is YOUR ppportunity to pick up a real bargain and make a good profit within a few months. Real Estate and Insurance 111 W. Church St. Lil?ertyville Me. tl, E. Bnyder, nt "It p. In. Addmtht!chriatian W1 new" M. L. Carl My Dog ls Lost He is black, and white and 8 St", old, N armtB b. He has no tail aha is very friendly. j," He isn't rkuch of a dog but I love him and I waggim home. I am 7 years old. Magnum Wo-ua, In. Wu. q Report of odhsmituets. Mary: Louise Cairns Phonep96-W. l In the final analysis, the ione reason why you should Ibuy Stetson hats is their 3quality. The smart style is 'dependent upon quality as :is also the long wear in :every Stetson. It is impos- 'isible to get real style and along service if the quality isn't there. You'll be needing a new hat soon-AV in and see the new styles which we are offering. C. 2 C l The e SiTe,i?,,h LtBERTYTILLE STYLE AND QUALITY GO TOGETHER IN Stetson Hats Ideal for people w he value health and happiness more than restless activ- ity. Every modern convenience.