k; ie n t ic in h! s abunT Polle weekly. _ --"0~~ _ Things aren't like they used to be in these parts, especialy in Zion, }f_f'fidlhuukmupm'tcl!'themnco'WCBDinfladd*tbdtyo' *\ disputes" as it was once upon a time called. Yes sir, we won't be able to ,;»"v&fmcheminamm a f'{ Rev. Thomas H. Nelson, head of the Grace Missionary . church, _ _ Aowho is Voliva's bitterest foe, has resigned and intends to spend his _ _ --~time in foreign missionary fields. Wilbur Glenn Voliva, himself, after _ _!\\ selling a lot of Zion property, is going to the Holy Land this winter. Eh'r',?WhatwdlldrpoorfolhinZiondofaMexdtcmtwhmthdr ... '(astar performers are gone? It is going to be a dull life. «~~ ~speaker. Just tell the audience _' . something it already knows. . «_ {If you would flatter a man, tell é..q&ththohpmf against flat-- -" «mmemeeses ~_ England contest with as few cruis-- _--> ere as Uncle Sam is willing to buil\. The cross--word puzzle is doomed. g*h possible joke has -- been _ * squeezed out of it. . Funs without _ York subway, No matter how big a man may be, there is at least one woman some-- where in the world who can make 4 hh_hdunnl{ + + Only the fast thinkers become leaders. He v:lo l.nd.htu is bossed. e .A y a lot of pious folks ** g'mmmtheycm at intervals and tar and . . About the only business that ooo oi s o thaw f g@'ufi'&;?fi ?&? praiees C pel Af out of hock. So much of man's apparent vir-- tue is just fear of his wife. * ATTRACTION OF HIGH PRICES An investigator has found that the United States government pays 3 cents a quart for ink that costs the private consumer $1.25, and that typcwrimribbomwhich]ohnSmithbuynufmsswflOaM are available to Uncle Sam for $1.67 a dozen. He does not argue that :hesptndbetweendntvnpflcuismomt.b\npoinuoutthc reasons for the disparity. However, he does condemn the wide difference im price the public pays for patented articles and the price of staples from which they are made. Dan Cupid is a very important Suctor in women's lives. Tbepyo'"" try to dress like him. & Somehow when a man gets in-- to a crowd he thinks that he is the only one in a hburty. . A widely advertised mineral oil for medicinal purposes promises a start on the road to health for one dollar. For that dollar is given a pint of oil which at wholesale can be had for seventy cents a gallon. Even allowing the retailer a profit of 100 per cent, that pint of oil should be available to the consumer at 25 cents. same oil in an attractive pint bottle Given the psychology of the American public, there may be such a thing as offering a commodity at too low a price. Confidence is in part the product of costliness. Once the mineral oil habit has been popularized by the dollar bottle, the con-- sumer is likely to start thinking of getting his oil at a lower cost. This has happened to commodities more important than mineral oil. -- Americans buy by price. They do not expect something for nothing, but do expect to get all they pay for. So when they seek What the argument overlooks is that the consumer pays the difference for education. Mineral oil offered in bulk ;s a cure for u:ntipationmuldhavcamuchhndcrtimwinningawmu'n_he The task of delegates is to make It isn't hard to bes a "great" a man lacks nerve he is think he is discrect. w 0 @0# ALONG THE CURBSTONES Observations By A MAN ABOUT TOWN THE OLD ORDER CHANCGETH and its in a hole. s so darned many Succovding the Waukegan Gazette FRANK H. JUST, Editor Acollegenhleubyan{'m name earns just that much moré mongy. s , crooked. Books on astronomy sa; the sun is a fixed body. y fel , even the solar system is Total Combined Resources OVER $970,000. 00 State of Iilinois} "we uk , : o _ m > > Subscribed and sworn to bef. cu.cm.f"' methillnhdayofOct..lm".. I, Wm. E. Larsen, Cashier of the Libertyville Trust & Savings Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of BHlinois, pursuant to law. p 13. 12. Report of the condition of Libertyville Trust & Report of the condition of State Bank of Mun-- Savings Bank located at Libertyville, State of Illinois, delein, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the at the closé of business on the 10th day of October, 10th day of October, 1927, as made to the Auditor of 1927, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to State of Illinois, pursuant to law 2. Sur €2) .22z 3. Undivided brofits (Net) (3) 4. Time ts (4a) ... 5. Demand ts (4b) ... 6. Due to (4¢) .w 8. Reserve Accounts (6) ... 3. Other Liabilities (10)......... 1. Loans on Real Estate (la).......... 2. Loans on Collateral Security (1b).. 38. Other Loans (1¢)..... ... 4. Overdrafts (2)....................__..... 5. U. 8. Government Investments (3) :.OMBomh" and Securities (4) ... s W ouse, Furniture and Fixturcs (5) 9. Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9) 1. Capital Stock (1) Increase in Deposits Since June 30, 1927 LIBERTYVILLE N4 BANK _ STATE BANK o MUNDELEIN Total Resources Total Linbilities Other Resources (12) (OPFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Supervisor M. P. an-- nounced W he b::: of :und "fi?--- * H. Bairstow. He said tma.l-z stow and the town board borrowed $10,000 from a local bank last January, the interest in this loan amounting to $461.67. "The taxpayers of Wlm township were not dealt with when this loan was. made," --said Supervisor Dilger. "There should have been over $59,000 in the trea~ ury and the taxpayers paid $461.6\ interest on the money loaned and 1 want the people to know this loan should not have been necessary." by the Department of Agricuiture| """"" 9MM O shows th::rbly with one excep--| . lation reducing tion the crop of lilinois is the You brave t smallest in 20 years Only during| flesh hbave you 1921 was the output below the esti--' the first friend. mted*ieldphedouthempfor, The second 1927. Total production is estimated|. thagrined laug! about 50 per cent of the 1926 crop. JU8t four pount Spfln'mau.mbudhmtin-: dlet," she said.-- mrwdlu!lvhihi;bt&:' Doing a + H lievedomrh(hnyurw-n-; " 1 ha sponsible for the weakening of the | hnm trees. The shortage will result in| pay poen imper higher retail prices for the crop, it| pave been cCOR is announced. i Wreed und aven It is recalled that when --~Dilger :ceoqhd ldn'.'a:' v,;.:cpc"i::r of & towns*. t spr , mM lm hrfl-' 'owed the township some $59,000. After he had been unable to get the money from Bairstow. Dilgsr saused his arrest on a charge of withholding township funds and the former sup-- ervisor was indicted on this charge. Bairstow since his arrest has turned over $55,000 of this sum to Dilger, $45000 being paid over last week. sey lead in the order named Illinois ranks fourth in the manu-- facture of motion pictures. Seven plants employ 243 persons; salaries and wages, -Lm. $436,000; value of ILLINOIS APPLE CROP ISs SMALLEST IN SIX YEARS California, Christina Petersen, Milwaukee. Edward Walker, Milwaukee; Ella Sudreth, Milwaukee. Dewey Simpson, Washington, D C.» Lols Hilkenberg, Gillette. Wis Hamilton -- LaCroix, -- Highwood Erma Lowel!, Highland Park. Clyde Nichols, Kenosha: Jose phine Gradle, Hortongille. _ -- _ _ Carl Gergen, Chicago; Pauline Bure, Chicago. o o h L i ; Cath Emerson Leonard, Chicago ; erine Fleming, Chicago. _ °_ MARRIAGE LICENSES Liabilities Resources Springfield, IIL, Act. 17.--Survey WILLIS A. OVERHOLSER, Notary Public. nc ie '.gémihinuiy $1,840,000. _ New York and New Jer-- pth--alh S y $646,603.77 Milwaukee; $646,603.77 $ 50,000.00 50,000.00 €6,053.92 --. ©1,650.82 _ 487,812.57 9,319.05 11,601.17 166.24 $ ".12:.3 1. ' lfiifl.«" 1,127.84 7,000.00 161,477.14 112,542.81 io U 4 1,907.68 _ 12. 1935.99 ¥s ) there is to invent, excent the umbre!-- 'h t.llut will come back home when | you leave it.somewhere. State of nu-ou}' 4¥ ia5L. 0 0 ~ #a.000CC be s Subscribed and sworn to County 'of Lake Bhag: c3 : > Nq wdiget 4A of, + t I, M. C. Mott, Cashier of the State Bank of Mun-- delein,do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge an belief, and that the items and amounts shown 'above correspond with tho'fmnnndlmounhlhowninthereportmdeto the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pur-- suant to law. . the poem passed from & private owner to 'the hands 'of collectors. Manuscript ecperis say there is no libraries ; its worth is estimated at cized, and even when I have been overpraised, so that I .have felt mortifed, it has been my greates comfort to say hundreds of times to myself that "I have worked as bard and as well as I could, and ne mwan can do more than this."--Dar (SEAL) m en i Lt | 2o mother . duck h.A sea hawk o) /8 his wife. M 8 Taits ay ooned down Sote hertle | -- She malticate wite of Jan m for the sizth time after killing five }|(paiasant family of sudden dart the: duck .22': hawk by the neck and kept submerged until it suffocated. Then the duck and young paddled away, leaving the floating carcass of the killer on the pond. * Mother Duck Drowns Hawk "Why, I have been dieting," re-- plied the second friend. "For two months I --have cut out all fats, white bread, most sweets--the regu-- lation reducing diet, you know." "You brave thing, and how much fiesh have you taken off?" asked the first friend. . "What have you been doing to yourself? You look different, some how," said one friend to ancther. chagrined laugh. "I have gained ; feu ids on that reducing 'a':." u_.'. ':n'?'?.--;mm Union. Baltimore is called the Orlole clty because orioles were s» com mon there. The Baitimore oriol¢e was named after Lord Baitimore because this bird was cowmmon in Maryland ang because its colors, &s those on the cbat of arms or Uvery of the family of Lord Baltt more. This bird is also =~~,_<imes called the Ralitimore bird law. They've invented about everythi ;. g:pi%au Sg;ck (1) .tz 8. Unmvideé Profits (Net) (3) 4. Time De%:ns (4@) ... 5. Demand Deposits (4b) ...... 8. Reserve Accounts (6) ... s Doing His Best _ 9 Wi@oever 1 have tfound out that I * Gained on the Diet Total Liabilities Total Resources toans on Real Estate (1@) ... _.........$ 49,998.00 Loans on Collateral Security (1b) . ... 65,823.27 Other Loans (1¢).........._____..... 140,085.87 Overdrafts (2) ............._._.___.. 35.91 U. 8. Government Investments (3) ... 1,250.00 Other Bonds and Securities (4)., ... 22,400.00 Banking House, Furniiure and Fixitures (5)...... . 5,881.27 Other Real Estate (6)............. Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9) Other Resources (12) ......... i Oriole City (OPFICIAL PUBLICATION) Liabilities WILLIS A. OVERKHOLSER, Notary Public. the M. C. MOTT, Cashier. any bulls. The Prince of Whales has declin-- ; 49. _ Liabil ed to atterd a bull fight in Spain.' Maybe it's because he isn't mad at' Total . Liquor used to age in the wood, but now it ages in the corpse. TA XI SMITH'S \Mad Learned Lesson \ w of Strict Obedience [ theory of teaching a child "exactly what he is bold" and more is not a sound basis education unless the element of "When his mother told him to go and see if the water was running Ah the bathroom he returned and [ 4 0 ya.s: ' 'exac m educatic reason is | %" h "*But I didn't tell you to Larn it tl' exclaimed his mother. 'I mere-- told you to see if it was running.' "After a dozen or so experiences of this sort. Robert finelly grasped mother's idea, so one day, when she asked him to run about the house and see if anything was burning, Robert did so and then @Q*'Robert,' finally called his moth-- er, 'I thought I smelled something burning. Was 1 correct? calmly returned to his play. € "*Yes, mothor.' replied Robert, "It's our house.'" " Stand at Lester's Novelty Store DAY PHONE 35 NIGHT PHONE 97 appears that his father, -.hdnuduvlhfi 0y, wife of the great $324,165.42 $ 50,000.00 $324,165.42 is injected," smai@ Proj .": case Inp";fitll out very curious rev 'thoru!notl.-; 'vs-r_-t_mmm. an 9,768.79 72,645.08 165,844.20 81,834.49 1,138.42 allied with i 3,407.34 to new 5,881.27 5,768.19 it Pov th Then by blooa. t vk 9 aBe 21. 29. Individual deposits subject to check ... 80. _ Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed,....... 33" -- Dividends unpaid ................_._....c.... Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 29, 30, 510,111.84 35. Savings deposits, (Including time certifi-- cates of deposit other than for money bor-- 49. _ Liabilities other than those above stated.... State of Tllinois, County of Lake, ss: above--named bank, do _ solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Charter No. 6670 18. Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank ...............__._._._._.. Total of Items 10, 11, and 13 ............_.._._. b Miscellaneous cash items ...................._._._____.. 15. _ Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. 8. Treasurer ........__.__..__. 11. _ Amount due from State banks, bankers, and 19. 10. l olb ieb teabeabebleabbesteabMesMeaeaGeatheaMeatt: i Vesb leat teabteathest ts teahecBteathe t bestteatheat es stle bteat e s teathestbeatleitlea feiBleaeat t adeable eB abfette 2400206 aMdealea i h6 stt tte l i sb6ccbde esB abtesteste s e te ste e stieatieatteate s _~ --AT LIBERTYYILLE, IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON OCTOBER 10th, 1927. RESOURCES 1. a Loans and discounts, hcluding rediscounts, °_ acceptahices of other banks and foreign bills 3. _ U. 8. Government Securities owned: a Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds Lake County National Bank I, F. J. Wright, Cashier of the BBE :NHIUME]) . ..«.«~cunfsoonerlsecneinecnscrinsessprnncrnvennnncnccneres b All other United States Government se-- _curities (including premiums, if any).......... Total §777 Rowdoir Pillow.. White Organdie. Ac gessorics Included. olcnhu;' or drafts, sold with indorse-- }::'t;fb) bank (except those shown in Banking Bouse, $57,00000; Purmtare and ; Furni !m!e." 'sg::in A"A'""_""Z"""_'":""""'l:lf'e'"""l'l'" Less current expenses paid ............__. Reserved for taxes, interest, etc, accrued. Circulating notes outstanding ................... Circulating notes outstandin Certified 5'*, ecks outstanding trust companies in--the United States (other than included in Items 8, and 10) ......_._.__.. Capital stock paid in Lawful regerve with Federal Reserve Bank Surplus fund ... p'nlvided profits .. Baby Week Specials 4 PIECE BRUSHED WOOL SETS--Side bu: tom--Military Style, made of heavy all wool yarn Cash in vault and amount due from national BABY BUNTINGS, Made of heavy white . down trimmed in Pink and Blue Satin 3 PIECE WOOL BABY SETS, Rayon Trimmed Dr. DENTONS' SLEEPING GARMENTS GIRLS' FLANNELETTE BILLY BURKES FLANNELETTE SLEEPERS Sizes 2 to 10 BUCILLA Embroidery Package KAYNEE FLANNELETTE SLEEPERS One Piece Sizes 4 to 12 MRS. DAYS' IDEAL BABY SHOES F. J. WRIGHT, Cashier. y. New York, Penn-- $1.00 * $2.00 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ANGWORTHY'S secured, none; unsecured, 104.17 Two Piece Sizes 12 to 16 3 $1.25V" Home Made Suggestions $2.25 $1.75 $2.50 $5.95 $3.95 98c 75¢ employ LIABILITIES $1.1: complete blackberry pie is a crust, sugar, berries and b:tilexpnek:. Alvene S. Fry, Notary Public. (SEAL) Correct--Attest: GEO. A. WRIGHT, ROSS S. TRIGGS, PAUL MacGUFFIN, Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of October, 1927. HAND MADE SUGGESTIONS FOR BAZAARS, XMAS GIPTS, STORK SHOWERS, PRIZES, ETC. Bed Spreads, Pillow Cases, Lunch Sets, Buffet Sets, Scarfs, Centers, Pillows, Vanity Sets, Card Table Covu';. and many new novelties. BE SURE AND GET YOUR MERCHANDISE CERTIFL CATES ON THE SIX BIG PRIZES. Libertyville, III. ... $556,856.70 .$ 30,169.65 4 506.24 143,551,22 eider Reserve District No. 7 50,000.00 31,302.50 BUCILILA _ 6émbroidery _ --Packages" _ WOOL JACKETS, Trimmed in Pink and Blue Rayon $1,440,224.95 $1,440,224.95 VANTA ALL WOOL ABDOMINAL BINDERS $100,000.00 50,000.00 $556,856.170 10417 690,950.62 923.20 81,302.50-- 533.458.02 29,663.41 ,' 6,145.28 | 50,000.00 : 2,430.60 . 509,735.77 | 129,522.65 CASHMERE HOSE Best Quality 65,661.10 56,791.24 11,053.69 VANTA BABY WRAPPERS, 2,500.00 2,974.88 280.07 $1.00 * $1.35 In Silk and Wool how h N uded 1y winte: _ Nothing eeds the efforts a# a man t:u:: diug::':h.' $1.50 |AUDITORIUM| 50c Saturday, Oct. 22nd. Wednesday, Oct. 19th. Thursday--Friday, Oct. 20--21st. DOLORES COSTELLO, IN 'The Heart of Maryland' besides the above program, a serial will be shown in the afternoon, with Jason Robards, and Helene Costello. Based upon David~--Belasco's great melodrama of the Civil war. Romance and rustlers--"The Last Outlaw" combines the two in a rip roaring outdoor < thriller. News. Also Animal comedy entitled, "JUNGLELAND" SPECIAL MATINEE ADMISSION, MATINEE Adults 25¢ Children 15¢ (Serial will not be shown in the evening). TOM MIX, and Tony, the wonder horse, in 'Tumbling River' GARY COOPER, in a Paramount Western General Merchandise 'The Last Outlaw' Also comedy AT 2:30 / *k