_ Miss ?u , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. mky' enter-- tained her pupils of the Glynch school . right roti:ny last Friday night by giving them and their par-- ents a real chicken dinner at the school house. It was a Christmas ated Church spent the Christmas holidays at the Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Blackia@irn home. Robert Blackburn and wife of Chicago were also guests at Christmas dinner at their home here. Mrs. Alice Baseley, Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Orfil':::ymd little son, Lor-- ain and Baseley, Jr., were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rich-- ard Baseloy of Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs, Jooegl': Klupar of GIT m;'hom y eve-- ning t C ilgftemoon at ;he home rs. Klupar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ¥. E. Daviin. ; _ Mr. and Mrs. Phil Froehike en-- tertained relatives from Chicago Monday. Mre. Dean Kirk and little daugh-- ter, Geraldine ;ns:ent Tuesday at the home of Mr. Mrs. Leu éeuy Mr. and Mrs. George Cage enter-- tained their son, Alvin Case, wife and children, at Christmas dinner. Their <~daughter, Mrs. --Marshall Simith and family reside at the home of Mr. and &rs. Case. Mr.--and Mrs. Henry Schaefer and little sons of McHenry spent the Christmas holidays at the home of Mrs. Shaefer's parents, Mr.: and' Mrs. George Broughton. | Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kimball and Harold and Ruth Hapke attended the Christmas dance at Fox River Grove Monday night. Miss Ruth Bruncheon and Leon-- former's mother, Mrs. Julia Brun-- lyda Carr, and wife of Barring-- ton,htChmtmas at the home otf the former's mother, Mrs. Lizzie Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shaw and sons ef Kenosha, Wis., were week end F:::?Ju the mofi Mrs. Shaw's s ou%h ull. Dorothy Peck--of Chicago spent the Christmas holidays at the home o her mother. Mr. .L Mrs. Kenneth Bmfpfi: md. lowa having left here e.a.my morning i:u. auto. Anita Baseley is spending a weeks vacation with relatives -- at and Townsend of Waukegan_ ate Christmas dinner at the home of the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krell enter-- tained relatives over the Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock and children of Chicago spent the Christ-- mas holiday at the home of Mrs. Paddock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. xy Meymour. ------___-- .: . Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Baseley and son, Dean, motored to Richmond Mrs. Locke of Chicago and Mar-- garet Stoxen of Wilmot, Wis., at-- tended the Fortnightly club at the home of Mrs. R. C. Hallock Tuesday evening of last week. s Mr. and Mrs. George Nickish of Bowdle, 80. Dak., are spending the h&dfi"thehomoofflr.and Mre. Glenway Dorwin. They urriv-' ed in Chicago a week ago and wore met by Mr. and Mrs. Dorwin and Natalie Btroupe. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Harrin and sonm, Marlo, and George Scott were Waunkegan callers the first of last Wir. and Mrs. D. L. Putnam and Mre. Jennie Stoddard were Wau-- hw callers the first of last week. yd Carr of Chicago spent Mon-- day and Tuesday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Carr. Mr. COartr is an employe of the Chicago Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Johnson of Crystal Lake ate Christmas dinner at the home of Mrs. Johnson's sister, Mrz. Lizzie Cartr. _MWMrse. --Edith Peck returned to her home here Friday after passing a week with relatives in Chicago. o Mrs.. Owen Paddock of Chicago attended the Christmas party of the Tuesday evening club at the home eof Mrs. James Gossell Tuesday eve-- ning of last week. i Mrs. ~Loretta® Seymour's many friends are glad to hear that she is slowly recovering from her recent severe illness, as she is able to sit up a part of each day. _ _ Rev. Lock and wife of the Feder-- Misses Elizabeth Fink, of Decatur, IiL., Dorothy Stroker of Evanston, _uui Marguerite Hug:es of Bloom-- mt'and Clyde W of Knox Galesburg are spending a two weeks vacation at their respec-- tive homes here. -- Mr. Vernon Shannon and sisters, Mary and Mable, of White Lake,|! Wis., ;'gited at the home of Mr. and| © Mrs. Homer Lincoln and Mr: and|© Mrs. Arthur Baseley the first of last| i week. Their parents who had spent|_ the last three or four weeks here re-- "v' turned to their home with them , Momlay. .. -- ----. := ------= > B_ Mr. and Mrs. John Brown spent wfl& Mr. and Mrs. Poter Ed n-hv' hmmg' g the Holi & = «days at the home of daughter, Mrs. Pl;dalmmga ozf Wheaton. Wirs. F. C. Dunning of Eigin were oallers at the h':"v'v of Mrs. Har-- Miss Estella Grace was a recent caller at the home of her sister, Mre. Florence Riley, of Park Ridge. | Victor Burton of Libertyville is mg an indefinite time at -- the of his aunt, Mrs. Ella Powers, west of town near the Flint Creok Mrs. Albert Roder of lundelein1 was at the home of her father, Mr. George Prouty, who passed avayl Thursday morning, helping in caring for him. Mrs. Mary Riley and daughter of Alberta, Canada arrived here a few days ago and are spending the holi-- days at the home of her brother, Jerome, and sister, Laura Courting, on the Flats. Mrs. Riley was before marriage, Miss Mary Courtney, daughter of Patrick and Bridget Co_'l_rmey N C e" t Mr. Wm. Fink and daughter, Eliz-- abeth were Waukegan callers <the first of last week. o Mr. and Mrs. Will Geary enter-- tained relatives from McHenry last enaiay. :. ----_---- > ~ :/~=~_ _ | WAUCONDA | the and those from Chicago. a day or than dear old Wauconda great state of Illinois. Several of our Wauconda man are at present sojourning in San Ben-- ito, Texas and other points. The Wauconda Leader received an inter-- ;afinfi'lottertmxpfi.l.il}mhp ew ys ago with a 'glowing tri-- bute to that fu'&\! land. But when those "old boylfl'gt back to the home of their childhood, early mnhoo«ti&and where they have passed ir lives they know thera presents. 'The tree and lunch was at <the Community House. --_Federated Church Notes Rev. Locke, Pastor .. 10:00 _ Sunday . School; ; 11:00, Morning Worship; 11:00 Junior En-- deavor; 7:30 Evening Worship. Soliciting of contributions of eatables, clothing, books and toys to be sent tor the Lake Bluff and 'Maywood Orphanxageg. T};:m w;.s a generous supp rought 'in#@by the residents of _gxis village.=~ ---- Mrs. Joe Dowell and little daugh-- ter, Estella, spent Tuesday after-- noon with Mrs. Dowell's mother, Mrs. Alice Baseley, and sister, Mrs. Lucien Cypher, ® _ Mrs. Mary Ann Dowel!l, who has been at the home of her grand-- dlnfi'ter. Mrs. Bob Kirk of Aurora, the last two months, returned to the home of her d'axter, Mrs. Jennie Eatinger last | On account of ; urday the Wms others _members chureh gave thei and program on There was the n worth going his part w ing themselves" in for a very pleas-- r)pod to the hounnd Mro. ' away, Cypher, E: Baseley's daughter, served an oyster supper at an early hour. Cakes, jello, coffee and other Rodia were served by the ladies. ose hmeat were; Mrs. Listie Carr, Geo. Brou"hton, Mrs3. Geo. Blackburn, Mrs. V. E. Davlin, Mrs. M. W. Baseley, Mrs. Albert Buele{. Mrs. Wm. Daley, Mrs. Phil." ,g::hl e, and Mrs. Dean Kirk. Mrs. ley was presented with a very| nice present. The Wauconda Euchre Club, the Central Euchre Club and the South Side Euchre Club all attendéd the regular euchre club party at sev-l eral different homes in and néar town. _ Also the Fortnightly Club| and the Tuesday Evening Clubs:! held their regular 'sessions at dif-- ferent homes here on Monday and Tuesday evenings and all} enjoyed the differenrtt entertainments and the lunches served by the hosteasses. | term in this school and has given perfect satisfaction and looks as though she may have first chance the coming year if she "chooses." mmrwaubof"mblorflx Side," hon . _Mrs. Alice Baseley's birthday last Wednesday by "invit-- dinnerviflldlthoh-lmm::r,mh. ed biscuits gravy, cran jelly, and beautiful large cakes. To make the ing per-- fgct.Christmutruwithzcon- hpnllndpmentlformmnpwu given with old Santa Claus in at-- WMW.M from the teacher. were forty-- three present, both old and young. Miss Baseley is teaching the third term in this school and has given Fh 1 under the sun cn O of the united in marriage to August Poh!-- man in 1901, and to this union three children were born. One son met .death in an elévator accident in Chicago several years ago. She leaves another son, Lee Pohliman who resides at home; one daughter, Mrs. Elinor Mondore .of Youngs-- town, Ohio; three sisters, Mrs. Wm. Wewitzer of Lake Zurich, Mrs. Paul Hicks and Mrs. Merle Ym of Libertyville; two brothers, Feddler of Long Grove and Ed Fed-- dler of Palatine; two gramdchildren and the bereaved husband to mourn her loss. The funeral was held Wednesday at St. Peter's Lutheran Chureh at Lake Zurich where many friends and mflfil;::n gathered to honor & good and neighbor, &kind fid loving wife and mother. rs,. Pohilman was well known here and her many friends will extend their sympathy to the bereaved husband. Young of Libertyville Monday, Dec. J. D Jensen to D. W. Williams. QCD. Lot 452 First Addn to Wil-- Nams Park Subn. Wauconda. McPherson Holt and wife to L. H. Casselberry, WD. ~Lot 14. Owners Subn.. Sec. 29. Shields. L. H. Casselberry to G.--T. Push-- man. D. Pt. Lot 15. Owens-- Subn.. Sece. 299. Shields. ; ~A. P. Sullivan amd husband t N S Hovl! and husband. WD.. Lots 9 and 120 Shaws Second Subn AnUOCh. s * : s vward Ericksons :Recubn H. --Pk W--K. Youne,to E.. J.> Echmann wWd-- N.E auarter Sec 31, Néwnort NP Dodce and wife to A> Lon-- fink; WD. Lots 4% and 449. Belmont Add. ~to ~Waukegan -- © * ts R fi-rsgveNat.'ll Bank of Waukezan to S. Mgver and husband.; QCD. --Pt. tots T and 2. S.-- T. 8.~-- Sec. I6. L. Della Valle and wife to A. P Beaubien and wife, WD. Lot 6. Block 25. Washburn Park. J. Root and wife=to T. -- Rot, WD. Int 2. Rlock 12, --Marauette Hland First. Subn. _--° .' f uc wife, QCD. Lots 26 and 25. Block 11 Resubn Wkgn. Hlands. t * J.'B. Martin to R.°C. Conolly, WD Lot 70. W. Waukegan Subn. : Sec. 16, Grant R. E. Osborne and wife to W. T. Roser and wife, WD. Lot 7, block 3, gapchear Second Subn., Libertyville. Park Subn. Citizens St. Bk. of Chicago to A Burdahl and wife, D. Lots 25. 26 M. Gaides and wife to J. A. Simon .__ T. & : T. Co. to L. C., Granzin wife. D. ~Lint 3. Block 13. Brani-- Bros. Vioend'and Park Subn . H. 'Bartholemay and _ wife> to J Kuth, WD. Lots 1 and 2 EBda-- Rrral Hotate Trombus °U Uuaikingin . Alwtwast a Title A. -- Skrlac and 31 Millers Subn NOTICE -- OF HEARING NQOTICE jis Jhereby given to all persons inteérested that the Board of Local Improvements of the Vil-- lage of Libertyville, Lake County, lilinois, having let the contract for the improvement 'consisting of a Portland cement concret@, pavement with all necessary appurtenances in Church St. in said Village of Lib-- ertyville, and the same having been completed and accepted by said Board on the 20th day of December A. D. 1927, and the said Board of Local Improvements having filed in the Cireuit Court of Lake County, Illinois on the 27th day of Decem-- ber, A. D. 1927, a certificate show-- ing that the said improvement con-- forms substantially to the réquire-- ments of the original ordinance for the construction of the same, the fiost flltChCMf'b.me amount eshmsttal by them to be required to pay accruing _ interest on _ bonds or vouchers issued to anticipate col-- lection of the uoensm,ent.nlo!:e s:"ig improvement, a hearing wi on said eofi.'inau_ as to the truth of the facts stated therein, at the Court House in the City of Wau-- T P T P e GnaPi it xi rrcumaitadieed to y the accruing interest on bomr or vouchers issued to antici-- gfie collection of the assessment said improvement, a hearing will be had on said certificate as to the truth of the facts stated there-- in, at the Court House in the City of Waukegan, in said,County on the 16th day of January, A. D. 1928 at 10 o'cflnk A. M. or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit.. A}] persons de-- siring may file objections in said court before said day and may ap--' pear on the hearing and make their defense. > l Dated_ at Libertyville, this 28th day of December, 'A. D.: 1927. EARL®H. . CORLETT R. W. BULKLEY W. --_A. NICHOLAS 3 ; --E.F. SWAN J. A. TREPTOW GEO. STURM I R. G. KAPING a 1 Board of--Local Improvements of} the Viillage of Libertyvilte, HNI. 4 ber, A. D. 1927, and the said Board ofi-ocallmmvementshavingmed B'ntheCLrulf' t Court of Lake Coun-- ty, Illinois, on the 27th day of De-- cember, A. Ds 1927, a certificate showing that the said improvement Pgalg'xllii _cement concrete pavement ; Wi neécessary Jackson Ave. in said Exlkgo of Lib= ertyville, and the same having been 3 NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE is hereb& given to all persons interested that the Board ff Loc?l Imprr:vegixlxents of the Vg- of : Libertyvi Lake Coun _Ifi;oi_l, having let et:he contract for SISTER, _SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1927 plminiveg ns 9t id cam t ane B acin nc Adiiieiies c sc aci ~ uh PB 4 1 Special Assessment No. 80, and the same having been complet-- ed and accepted by said Board on the 20th day of December, A. D. 1927, and the said Board of Local Improvements having filed in the County Court of Lake County, IIli-- nois on the 29th day of December, A. D. 1927, a certificate showing that the said. improvement con-- forms substantially to the require-- ments of the original ordinance for the conttruction of the same, the cost : thereof, including engineering services, the amount estimated by them.to .be required to pay the ac-- cruing interest on bonds or vouch-- ers issued to anticipate collection of the assessment for said improve-- ment, a hearing will be had on said certificate as to the truth of the facts stated therein, at the Court _ NOTICE OF HEARING. Notice is. hereby given to all per-- zons interested, that the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Libertyville, Lake County, Iili-- rois, having let the contract for the improvement consisting of the grading and. pavin€, of: GARFIELD AVENUE in said Village, | -- Ail persons interested are hereby notifinfe to call and pay the amount assessed at the . collector's office on Miwaukee Ave. in-- said ; Village . of Libertyville, Lake Co., II!. within 30 days from the date hereof. -- ~ . Dateéd Dec. 28, 1927. 2o i k !" : DALE COLLINS,. Co*!!egcgtozxfi. f it maves ; 9--29¢ the year 1935, the ninth installment thereof in the year 1936, and the tenth installment thereof in the year 1937. All persons interested are hereby stallments being $800.00 each; that|,, Board of Local Improvements of said deferred installments bear in--| th* Village of l{bertyvfllg, Illinois. terest at the rate of six per centum 99--2t. pel;It anfmt;l:'n, thist the firstt install-- x : ment of the said assessment is pay--| _ Th < abe in the lirear 1928; the second in-- Nafi?fi'ifi 4 j gg&ng'gfi per-- stallment thereof in the year 1929, sons interested, %hat the Board of the third installment thereof in the Local Impmve' of the Villa thereot. in the yoar 1981, the nRk) 0f Libertville, 'Bake County, HIL installmel:l't the{'eof in 'the year L:0i8, having le@ the contract for 1932, the sixth installment the);eof the improvementyeonsisting of the] in 'th + _tconstruc_tion of ; goncrete sidewalks stallment thereof in the year 109f | in FAIRVIEW I&VENUE ' in said stallment thereof in the year 1934,"',1{" y' "!f~" the eighth installment thereof in agre, _: -- M | ments, the amount of the first in-- stallment being $1439.00 and the benefited :{ the following improve-- ment, to--wit:-- j dvinnan t en Hex's OTHER STREETS in said Vila of Libertyville, as. will more r&'if; SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Special Warrant No. 83 Public notice is hereby giver that the Circuit Court of Lake County, Illinois, has rendered judgment for of the succeeding nine in-- SSMENT NOTICE, House in the City of Waukeg.n, in rrant No. 83 said County, on the 16th day of hereby givem that| January, A. D. 1928, at 10 o'clock of Lake County,| A. M., or as soon thereafter as the ered judgment for | business ofthoCourt.willfirmit. ent upon property| All persons desiring may ob-- { hereby ' »pecial A-rment No. 81, land'the same--hAving been complet-- jed and accepted by said Board on the 20th lay of 'December, A. D. 1927, and the said Board of Local Improvements having filed in the ©County Court. of Lake County, IIli-- nois on the 290th day of December, A. D. 1927, a certificate showing that the said improvement con-- forms substantially to the require-- | ments of the original ordinance for the. construction of the ~same, the cost thereof, including engincering iservices, the amount estimated by 'them to be required to pay the ac-- §cruing interest on 'bonds or vouch-- |ers issued to anticipate collection of the assessment for said improve-- ment, a hearing will be had on said cértificate 'as to the truth of the facts stated therein, at: the Court House in the City of Waukegan, in said_ County, on the 16th day of January, A.. D. 1928, at 10 o'clock Dated at Libertyville, Illinois, t?)is'l Sist day of December, A. D. 1921. 4 E. H. CORLETT, W. _ A. NICHOLAS, E. F. SWAN, § R. W. BULKLEY, e R. G. KAPING, a J. .A. TREPTOW, GEORGE STURM, P. H. Miller, Attorney. Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Libertyville, Illinois. A,. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file ob-- jections in said Court before said day and mag- appear on the hearing and make their 'defense. January, A. D. 1928, at 10 o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the hi peeime dusicing m fe p All persons ma jections in said Court bc,:fore said day and may appear on the hearing mf)a n;t:ike "tzexr' defense. wem ville luMl. this $ist day of Detember, A. D. dis Ake NZAMLILXG L. L p W. A. NICHOLAS, E. F. SWAN R. W. BULKLEY, R, G. KAPING J. A. TBEPTOW GEORGE STURM, r, Attorney. 99--2t. FOR SALE--Mammoth bronze FOR SALE--Typewriter. > Standard keyboard. Phone Libertyvillesslatto. FOR SALE--2--tube Radiola Set and cabinet. Cheap. Call at 320 North ----Avenue, first floor. 903--6t--pd. FOR SALE--One stack of timothy hay, light mixed with alfalfa-- about 6 tons. Phone 150--J. FOR SALE--Chickens, ducks geese. Bergeron Stock Farm, 2 miles west of Libertyville: Phone JR SALI--Mammoth bronze tur-- key toms and hens. Also Toulouse OR _ SALE--Baled straw. Earl Kane, Mundelein. Phone 621--M--1. Phone 659--W--2, Ray V. Moss, Wheeler Road. 96--6t--pd. Gift Shop, Mundelein, IMMnois, Novelties -- fancywork -- rugs -- quilts. Prices very reasonable. FOR SALE--Gentleman stock farm FOR SALE--120 acre :':.rm on State road 21, has a 5 room house, good on or before 5 years. room for 40 head cattle and 6 horses. New cement silo 14x40; garage, milk house, implement fy, Sheble core tiie ant feres map ary, double corn arge house with cement floors. This is positively a real stock farm and owned by non--resident and we are authorized to sell same at $100.00 per acre, $5000.00 cash, balance I ¥ Dert 04 1--K. ' tiose fange of Antiothalveated un ._--_____________ _ _ _ Sitk :tzst: fug;!f:noy; 9 cg house, fur--] FOR RENT--6 room btick house at nace heat, hardwood floors, ample, 169 School Street. Libertyvilie. shade and wonderful 'g::hud. l(l:lkl . Inquire at 148 E. Cook Avenue. house, drilled well windmill, f R4--A4f trees.. _A positive sacrifice at $175.00 per acre, $30,000.00 cash, FOR SALE--120 acre farm within close range of Antioch and -- on _good gravel road. 9 room house, shade and fruit treek, 2 wells and poultry house 12::1? milk house 10x12, granary 1§xl§, tool house 14x80, horse barn 24x48, cow barn 88x66, 2 silos, all black soil, about --100 acres under plow, 20 acres . of virgin timber. Owned by non-- resident -- and must be sold at $100.00 per_ acre, $3000.00 cash, balance in 5 years with no pre-- payments. | root cellar 50x50; platform scales, gog hou;isef 27x54 wfith ctlm::ehe cors an ing yard, tool house MZFammfeneednndun black soil has 225 acres under mwmdlnacmofvirgintim- with 1'% miles Fox River frontage and over 2 miles of state road frontage. Also 5 room tenant es HDWINX AUSTIN for vates on aheap exeursions to the Rio @Grande YValley. EDWIN AUSTIN 406 Bo. Millwaukee Avenue with .concrete floors, 12 single stalls, 6 double box stalls; cow barn 38x154 with a 26 ft. lean and ple room for 100 head cattle, %0 bushel grain and 200 ton hay; 2 new cement silos 14x42; 2 drilled wells and ""z""a'm"-"'g' springs. Brick horse barn 24x7 highway. Has a n:j_;;odem 12 room house, hardwood floors and hardwood _ trim, electric lights, bath, with hot water heating plant; 4 room basement. Cement walks and eemenzdporchu, house is nicely surrounded by shade and fruit trees. Two car garage, poul-- try house 15x24, milk house 16x24, or institutional grounds consistin of 411 acres. located ahonut £ VZ SHpikuui0nal EP0un0s COnsLsUtIn leave : ofulmu.loutedilbout 5 Office . miles from Chm:é:nd on state | ------------ highway. Has a new modern 12| LOST--JI room house, hardwood floors and Finder hardwood trim, electric lights,]| office. bath, with hot water heating LosT 0j plant; 4 room basement. Cement walks and cement norches hance mare 0 well and windmill, , poultry house, barn 24:35forT4 E)nes and 16 cattle also stock barn 18x30, silo, tool house, corm crib and granary 12x18; within 2 miles of Church and School. | Owned by non--resident and closing estate at $100.00 per acre, $3000.00 cash, balance as rent. T. J. STAHL & COMPANY 226 Washington Street Waukegan, Illinois _Phone 237 or--238 payments. barn 38x60, ample room for 6 horses and 30 cattle with concrete floors and stone walls, 2 new con-- crete silos 14x42, 2 car garage, granary 1l4xi8, implement house 18x830, over 100 acres under plow, considerable virgin timber with a good live creek thmufi same. Has all dark soil, same being offered at $125.00 per acre. $5000.00 cash, in se shert a thint and ot ao remp moke yoees wents kaéws hom. A I prieneg" +* Aiincis, 2 _ "° NTC B o roarfCeg, @ l -d-w;mm-'n.m&n@b. J Hh n 32 5 .a % in ce chere s dne b idb ies it eot ue Reenle in Lake County 1 Minimum charge, 25¢ ~*@ insertions for $1.00 Rates: be per line--per insertion, Residence Phone 683 . J. STAHL & COMPANXY, 226 Washington Street, Waukegan, 'Illinois Phone 237 or 238 Residence Phone 683 Phene, Libertyrville 167--W. K¥ you want to Classified Ads and -- delivered. 97--10t. 01--¥%. / LIBERTYYVILLE Commander, C. C. Hoskins -- 345--J Meets First Tuesday -- Gridliey Hall DR. J. L TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Regidence, Oakwood Terrace Scientific Eramination of the Eyes GLASSES FITTED DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Free of Charge By U. 8. Government Veterinarian NORTH CHICAGO, ILL Room 208 1704 Sheridan Road Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION Why is it that an amateur si always loses her friends before loses her voice? Pianos regulated and repaired, at Libertyville every Monday. Or-- deutakuntlx!lnhh or call or write C. J. Dichl, Wood-- stock, Illinois. Phone Woodstock About the only college that isn't cluimingthenntgndwm pionship is the college of cardinals. LOST--Pair of spectacles in came. Finder 'please leave at Revister i FOR RENT--Garage, 1 block from -- elértric station. 119 Milwaukee Avenue, phone Libertyville 571--R. LOST--At Alumni dance, December AUTOS WANTED--25 Automobiles wanted. Spot cash. Cars sold er FOR RENT--Upper fiat at $30.00 g per month, 4 rooms and bath, at 808 Milwaukee Avenue. Inquire H. 8. Shrader, 77 W. Washingtor Street, Chicago. Room 1126. Phone Dearborn 8578. 94--6t. WANTED--Girl to ammint in u' work and care of children. -- laundry. Phone Lake Forecgt'. 'lt. HOUSE AND FLATS FOR REN'E . ATTORNEY--AT--LAW _ -- First National Bank Buillding JOSEPH A. JADRICH FOR --REXT--I FOR RENT--6 Harry Madill Bartlett eeill oet oo o w toome for Tigkt usekeeping. L monthk Address A.mg' care of fim FOR RENT--2 -- roon : furnished for light mare on Wednesday, Decem!} from -- Wind Farm, St. # Road. Libertyville 612--R--2. & have something to ;.-':-omms':' 2ith at high school, a gold bar i rubyl?xfeenter?ol'l"inder'l' E:'ve same at North Shore Gas Office at Libertyville. GO--1t, Open Sundays and Evenings. commission. NATIONAL MOTOR MARKEP 622 Grand Avenue, Waukegan, I!L Office with Farm Bureau Phone Libertyville 329 CATTLE TESTED For Tuberculosis cupied by Dr. F. H. Hn.rew N. Miwaukee Avenue, A January ist. Apply Ray Furni-- ture: Store. -- GO _ +4# conveniences througrhout. hot wat-- er heat. Good location. Possessior December 1st. Inquire of Max Mil-- ler, 412 E. Park Avenue, and joint THE JUSTICE OFFICE OF SELLERS AND PETEER Libertyville, IIlinois MSCELLANBOUS is now located at 410 N. Milwaukee Ave. B. H. MILLER OR STRAYED--Large black PHONES 28 & 483 ¥ Fe a for large office --room iiting@--room now oc-- room house, modern you can i#f you PAGE SEV 90 Af,