_ STATEISBIG MINING PLACE PAGE TEN URBANA, TJ., Jan. 18.--That Nli-- nois is one of the foremost mining states in the country will come as a surprise to many people of the state because it is at the approximate cen-- ter of this industry in the United Etates, the location of the University of Tilinois department of mining and engineering is probably the bes! of Uz kind for the teaching of mining and engineering in the entire coun-- The school is situated at the cen-- ter of a circle whose radius of 500 miles includes all of the principal mining centers of the United States with the exception of California and duced nearly all of the bituminous and lauminum of the country. The output of Portland cement is eater in this area than that of | YOUR CHOICE QF ONE LOT of Framed Pictures, _ $1 m é valucs Up to $2.00--.........2----:--....--«.= i ucine siirinii ie iemisnincionrsmne ce e © EXCELLENT LARGE SIZE CLOTHES BASKET, handles : | reinforced and galvanized strip around $1 m ' MANY OTHER '})R.E(S:.LES SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THE TWO BIG DOLLAR Ray Furniture and Paint St *' ' PHONE 9. * OPEN BOTH EVENINGS. LIBERTXYVILLE The following merchandise offered at below cost: 26 big California Oranges | Libertyville Fruit Market 9 cans Dearborn Club T SS -- ... heee ecnmeames (regular sale price 60c per dozen.) 13 lbs. Fancy Jonathan Apples ;. Dollar Day =y, Bargains -- (regular sale price 15¢ percan.) _ Customers limited to one purchase of each article TOF ...« __ DOLLAR DAY * We Give Your Dollars Back Special offer during the two big Dollar Days Friday and saturday, Jan 27 and 28, we will refund to you in cash PAID BY YOU IN THE PURCHASE OF ANY FURNITURE, RUGS OR OTHER MERCHANDISE NOT LISTED AS DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS. . YOU GET $11.00 WORTH FOR $10.00; $55.00 WORTH FOR $50.00;; $110.00 WORTH FOR $100.00 AND PROPORTIONATELY UP TO ANY AMOUNT. _ *' ° Here are a few of the special Dollar Day values we are ¢ x : $1.00 Out of Each $11 -- Tor ... MURESCO OR ALABASTINE any color e PKGS. AOH.....-- o ermitinenentinmminintininiasirarnn us LUSTRE OIL, 30c bottles, BRUNSWICK RECORDS, including any record in 545 North Milwaukee Avenue. (regular sale price 10c per Ib.) Pennsylvania, some of the plants being located less than 200 miles from the university. The Ten-- Illinois -- Wisconsin lead and zinc belts, the Indiana building stone quarries, the clay producing sections of Illlinois, Indiana and Ohio, the oil and gas fields of Oklahoma, Kan-- sas, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsy!-- vania and West Virginia, the famous tron mining districts of Minnésota, Michigan and Alabama, are all in-- cluded within this great mineral re-- _ 'The metallurgical centers of Chi-- cago, Gary, St. Louis, Birmingham and Pittsburgh, are well within easy reach of the school and the'ir neur-- ness makes it possible to give piac-- tical demonstrations of the theoreti-- cal side of mining engineering with small expense both of time and Within a five--hour train ride Irom; the university, the largest coual mines are located. Less than 100 away are | the long wall coal mines of northern ; Tiinois and the famous Illinois and | Kansas strip mines are within essyi reach of the students; & IOK ... »oormomecacs stock from 75¢ to $2.00, 2 for................................. «+ vea0 00 +000 e000 40 +0 +s 0000 0n ne0 sene + sa 800 68 00800 8 4008 208 0 20 00 3+ nan 0 n n UPHOLDS USUAL MARRIAGE P! AN -- (Gount Hermann Keyserling is connected with the School of Wisdom at Darmstadt, Germany, and his book, "The Travel Diary of a Philo-- sopher." attracted considerable -- at-- tention when it was published at the close of the world war. 'It was writ-- ter after five years passed in a leis-- urely journey around the world. He is in the United States on a five months' lecture tour.) ¢ This 'is an age marked by the sud-- den emergence of the feminine. 'This present age has shown the gradual rise and -- predominance of women--all over the world, and in all walks of life. Women's cry for "equality" is a false one. They are really striving for supremacy This has always been true of America« where women began to predominate scarcity __$1.00 --$1.00 _ $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 io $1.00 THME LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, tand have home life Let me explain the use of the word "rresponsibility" by saying that I consider -- & marriage irresponsible when a person goes into it rashly without the idea of preserving con-- tinuity in that marriage.. That is. easy marriage, easy divorce. The very essence of the marriage rela-- tionship is the idea of continuity ' Prefers Conventional Marriage. -- The conventional marriage, is su-- perior to any temporary arrange-- ment. People in the mass need in-- stitutions -- need something bigger than themselves. Perhaps that' is why people in the east are happier in their domestic relationships, he-- cause. they submerge their individu-- ality and their quarreis in the insti-- tutton. % ' _ Merely Newy Formuia. Companionate -- which really means not at all -- is a new {formulas up by women to produce the same, age--old conven-- tional results Instead of greater freedom, it will merely make for more conventional marriages. Peo-- ple will marry earlier--and oftenér. It men really made the rules they would not have invented compan-- ionate marriages. They would say 'Let's enjoy the world first and mar-- rvy-- afterward." ; In the future, marriage will be less frequent, but more responsible. 'The present state is not immoral, but is one of moral laxity. . -- : i' _ FLOOR SURFACING | $ : F. A. Hutchinson i : . Old or New Work : & _ _ 601 West Park Avenue R t _ saATISFACTION GIVEN . $ E Phone 286--J ~ true love may exist, and it is not necessary for a woman to be in the home -- If a man and a woman have '~ a_ marriage irresponsible | the museu: -- person goes into it rashly | and a half the idea of preserving con--| South An in that marriage.. That is.| banks and arriage, easy divorce. The ; remains of sence of the marriage reh-l-me expe! MUSEUM HAS MANY SKEL:ToNs Captain banks and mountain valleys for the remains of the long extinct animals. The expedition recently returned. and 'the last of its collectiors mre now arriving at the museum j Tell . Weird Tales f Tales of weird sunerstitions held by native Indians with regard to the bones of the mastodon. megatherium, sabre--tooth tiger and other creatures of which specimens were collected-- creatures which lived from one to nine million yvears ago, according to scientific estimates--were related to-- 2av by Mr Riggs. they have seen the skel¢tons come out of the river banks and hills at night and go down<'to the water to drink. Because of the native-- fears many earlier expeditions encountered much opposition and difficulty Once an expedition was followed by a period . of fioods which . desiroved trops. and the natives blamec the disturbance of the bones for the ill fortune < They say that if the skull of ane of these creatures 'breathes' upon a man it will cause instant denth. and tell of unfortunates who they say. perished in this manner Otner native groups regard the giants as more benignant, and families keep teeth and small bones they have much opposition an an expedition was period . of fioods crops. and the nat disturbance of the fortune . They say of ane of these cr upon a man it :--w denth. and tell of : they say., perished lulnmar. Tres Arroyas, River Que-- | quen Salada. all of Argentina® and ' the department of Tarija in Bolivia. l'l'he Argentinian specimens represent ! the pleistocene age, ranging from ' 1,000.000 to 1.500.000 years ago The Bolivian specimens represent the pli-- ) ocene age, from 7,000,000 to 9.000.000 ! back. . While some of the material 'eollected is now being prepared for ! exhibition in the museum at ar early | date. so many specimens were ob-- | tained that it will require from 10 ! to 15 years before all can be made found as goo dluck charms on their persons or in their houses ~Many of found as good luck charms on 'their fears, are even today unwiliing to hire themselves as laborers to aid the white men's expeditions in ex-- cavating or transporting the bones" Included among the more import-- art obtained by the Capo-- Wmfleld Expedition is an almost complete skeleton of megath-- erium Americanum, largest c# all types of ground sloths; a skeleton of smilodon, the great sabre--tooth tiger: a skeleton of glossotherium, a heavy bodied ground sloth compar-- able in size to the modern hippnapota-- mus: a skeleton of 'scelidogon, a somewhat -- «maller m sloth; parts of a southeéern don; parts of the armament of the great elypto-- dort. nanochthus, a huge creature somewhat resembling the modern amadillo: parts of the type of pre-- historic horse known as equus> parts of the large headed and short legged pseudo--horse : hippidium : specimens of the macrauchenia, a curious crea~ ture with the general appearance of a camel, but having a trunk I'ke an slenhant and three--toed fee*. and snecimens of various prenistoric members of the Hama family specimens were too heavy for pack mules and members of the party "yoined with hired laborers in trans-- porting their collections to the high-- way by hand, on their backs and shing on poles shouldered by 'wo to .four men > ' Evidence shows the present agri-- cultural situation is not due:to lack 'of productive efficiency on the part ' of the farmers, nor is there likely ito be a letup by Illinois farmers, judging from the importance which twm be attached to the business end of farming during the ahnual Farm-- \ ers' week at the college of agricul-- ture, University of Illinois: the meet hus been scheduled for January--9 Members of the expedition on their extensive explorations ~into remote sections of the countries encountered manv drawbacks. . For a long period they had to live on goat me«t. Mr. Rigos said. and later were forced for a time to become vegetariars be-- eause nther food was tunavailable. Often they had to swim or wade long distances frora point to pnint on the streams. ' j It was often cold at night, and at many places no wood was available for camp fires.= Torsential rains of-- ten assailed the party, despite efforts to follow the seasons in picking working locations. In several places excavations were. conducted miles from railway or highway. Often the Among the regions in which theI expedition worked was the historic locality of Monte Hermosa made' famous by early researches of Dar--| win --Othér regions in which work | was done were the Argentiniar coast near Port of Necochea, interior of, province of Buenos Aires, Catamarca, : the banks of the Quequen River, ; WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1928 ready for public view. Other members of the expedition were Robert C. Thorne, Dr. Rudolph Stahlecker and Senor Jose Strucco. Small collections of imodern mam-- mals and reptiles, and plants of the verions visited. were also breught to 13. Trimmed -- with -- medallions fringe, Reg. price $2 $] Dollar Day value.......... Made of 'good quality flannel. : Well tailored. Reg. price $1.75. Dollar Day $ Y UE ... se n onrnnn n nninrtarninss l.m Good> heavy quality, size 81x90. Reg price $1.25. Dollar$ May value ... . l.m Extra fi;igo qn}x{ality Stitched Bats size 72x90. Reg. price $1.29. Dollar Day value$l.m -- Sheets Clear White Glass, 6 oz. size. Reg. | R price 60c doz. ~Dollar Day value | 2 doz. f | Libertyville Dry Goods LADIES' HOSE «_ $1.00 VALUE 2 PRS. $1.00 3 lb. Cotton Bats fringe, Reg. price $2 Dollar Day value......... $1.00 Men's Flannel Shirts SPECIAL $4.00 SCRATCH ~FINISH HATS WHILE THEY LAST Work Sox real sturdy Black & Brown 7 PRS. $1.00 Off on All Dress Shoes. Panel Curtains White Glass, 6 oz. size. Reg. Regular St. Dennis size, 10 to a e 60c doz. ~Dollar Day value customer. Reg. price 15¢ each. z. $1 m Dollar Day value $ lm riiba es mieatépree © 1" fOI' * -- # LA NGWORTHY'S Water Glasses J. B. Morse & Co, _ _ 6PECIALS Libertyville, Illinois Everything for Men. VALUES TO $6.00 ONLY c $2.95 $1 While They Last Very Special V alues to $1.50 $1.00 2 for \ Fine, sheer quality. Exceptional _ _-- for lingerie. Reg. price 30c yd. | . Dollar Day value ' 5 yas. for .:. --J.c«ccle $l.w | Table Damask Pretty figured patterns. Heavy quality, 36 inch wide. Reg. price 30c yd. Dollar Day Sl m value 5 yds. for............ s 64 inch wide. Heavy quality. price 65¢ yd. : Dollar $] Day value 2 yds for .. Red border, 16 inches wide. price 15c yd. Dollar 5] Day Value 10 yds. for. NEW STYLES 6 FOR SEMI--SOFT COL-- rice 65¢ yd. : Dollar _ @ Day value 2 yds for ... $l.m Bleached Toweling Outing Flannels Coffee Cups $1.00 Off on All Hats. Long Cloth Fine Cotton Handkerchiefs Reg. 10¢ quality 15 for MEN'S FANCY DRESS SOX $1.00 égn'l Mdse. $1.00