At the rate wives are sh : their husbands these days, a PAGE SIX. HOME MAN SEEKS STATE OFFICE A Lake county man is candidate for Secretary of State. For-- mer Supervisor W. J. Stratton of Grant township--seeks the nom-- ination. Being worthy and competent Lake county citizens are of course "for" him. Besides, he has the support of McHenry, Boone and Winnebago citizens of prominence in the form of a signed endorsement of his candidacy. Down state Mr. Stratton is well and favorably known through his connection with the state administration. It will be remembered he carried the state, out-- side of Cook county, at the time of his candidacy for state treas-- urer. We believe he can do that again and will have support in Cook county at this time which he was before denied because Of | fougt last minute expediency forced by the game as it is played by Cook !:':;" county politicians. [ famd The first round was won by the state when the state depart-- ment of agriculture put Dr. D. C. Grinnell in bad and made it necessary forthe Lake County Board of Supervisors to fire him in order to retain the co--operation of the state in cattle--testing. Dr. Grinnell had many friends in this county, but they had little pull with the state department. Therefore when the first round came to an end, Dr. Grinnell was on the ropes. . It is a foregone conclusion Mr. Stratton will be accorded the unanimous support of Lake county voters. A ANOTHER ROUND IS OVER With the selection of Dr. T. P. Gallahue of Monmouth, I!l., as the veterinarian for Lake county for one year starting February 1, there comes an end to the second round of the long drawn--out vet-- erinarian bout. Now that the second round is over and Dr. Gallahue is in the veterinarian's office, the county is due to face the ousted cattle tester in a third round. This time the scene will be in the court-- room, for Dr. Grinnell has intimated that he will start suit for $8,200 which he feels is coming to him on a two--year contract. If he wins the suit, he will have acquired some money, but will have lost his job, while the county will have lost a good man and the money besides. It looks as though the state department is play-- ing both ends against the middle. COL. sSMITH FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY -- Col. A. V. Smith, who for eight years has set a wonderful rec-- ord as the state's attorney of Lake county, is in the race for a third term. By all the rules of public service, he should be re--elected. With Col.Smith in office, this county is assured of fearless law ---- Plus setting a mark for others in his prosecution of violators of the law, Col. Smith has made his office support itself, and added thousands of dollars to the school fund. Before he assumed office, the state's attorney went into a financial hole each term. With him, the state of affairs changed quickly, and instead of the county being forced to pay for excess expenditures, Col. Smith has helped support the county. Thus far Col. Smith has been unopposed, for the meritorious record he has made is hard to beat. Even if another candidate should enter the field, there is little chance that he would win, as the present prosecutor is too firmly fixed in the hearts of Lake county's voters to be easily dislodged. _ ' tles down in a town where bootieg-- gers are prosperous. About the only time 1 ever feel like % a liar, is when 1 hear a talking about the great happiness to be found in pov-- It has about reached a point where a ;datnan is safe only when he is riding. _ When a Libertyville -- husband starts out to raise a nice quiet fam-- ily he soon finds out that he also has to raise a rough house now and As a rule, most of us know just exactly what should be done if some other felow would get busy and do A bride will begin married life with ona.ou skillet and one ket-- tle, but she has to have at least two Many a man who believes the world will ween endless tears when he goes would probably be surprised Everybody wants to run our mnt when the fact of the there are \v"nes when it only seems to walk along. -- New license tags for autos are very pretty this year, but they don't ; the appearance of a Model About the only bad news we have today for Libertyville "college grad-- uates is that Cfie'xo bricklayers are now earning $1.65 an hour. * The man who marries a girl be-- cause she is a talented musician, seems to forget that she can't fry Why is it that the average boy never thinks he needs exercise along about the time there is wood to cut or coal to be carried in ? If somebody wants to invent some-- thing worth while, why don't he in-- vent a salt shaker that you can get salt out of? worey about. it A lot of women around Liberty-- ville seem to think that progress eufltoinnlototncwtgingsto It's a wise Entered as second--class matter October 13, 1916, at the post office at rtyvilie, Illinois, under Act of March 3, 1879. Issued twice weekly. The Lake County Register present than a ALONG THE CURBSTONES Observations By A MAN ABOUT TOWN ise young doctor who set-- in a town where bootleg-- FRANK H. JUST, Editor and Publisher . who believes the Succeeding the Waukegan Gazette Established 1850 |__And the best way to leave foot-- lprints on the sands of time is to 'm out and dzg. c ' It's just one thing alte? another. About the time the cold wave is broken, news comes from Texas that the spinach crop is the biggest Teeth are nice things. If you had no teeth what would you grit when your wife makes you mad? Here's ambition for you. In Long Island four firemen were arrested for starting ten fires. K' dong seige of tough luck is a good thing for a selfish man. Is us-- ually makes him a little more con-- siderate of others. We suppose no wife worries less about her husband's undarned socks than the one who has to take in boarders to feed, educate and clothe the children. DOLLARS GIVEN AWAY LIBERTYVILLE ENSLS® BANK Safe Deposit Boxes as low as $2.50. Bonds and Mortgages as low as In co--operation with the Merchants of Libertyville in making their first Dollar Day a success, we have agreed to give away to each one who, on next Friday and Saturday, rents, from us, a Safe Deposit Box or buys one of $ our Investments. On Dollar Days One Dollar {when Muhlke's gang stepped-- 'out jand scored a total of 818 while the Lumber Heavers dropped to a dis-- !mal 687. " .\ > WAUKEGAN HAS [ Doiph o. i--reiso 6,501 BUILDINGS Jones _____--_ 115 mmz me ,'Conner m mpanm . SbD There are 6501 buildings in the| A. Mevers ... 169 city of Waukegan, according to report compiled by Building -- Com-- missioner Nibbelink for the com-- mittee on statistics for the National Board of Fire Insurance Under-- writers. The report was made by Nibbelink at the request of Fire Chief Sars O'Farrell, who was asked for the data by the statistics com-- mittee. Following is a detailed list of the Franzen maintained his lead in the club race last week by taking two games from Muhike in a hard fought match up to the final game > f & *J ~William Kimbérly, former chauft~ Libertyyille Club Bowling four tor Walter J. Smith: in Lake Franzen maintained his lead -- in |FOrest, who. _permanent in-- the club race last week by taking|luries about a year and a half ago two games from Muhlke in a hara| When struck by a machine operated fought match up to the final game|bY David .J. Molloy, wealthy pub-- when Muhlke's gang stepped 'out lisher, who has a summer home in and scored a total of 818 while the!Lake Forest, was awarded damages Lumber Heavers dropped to a dis--{ Of $11,500 late Wednesday afternoon mal 687. ~ e : by a jury in the court of Circuit Lawrence, with his team stn;fim. Judge Claire C. Edwards . ened with Finstad in place of Mike| The jury returned q verdict in vehm, took two from Johnson and|this case at 5:80 o'clock .yesterday Dolph took two from Ives, rolling a| this _ case. . at . 5.: 30 > o'clock 905 game at the finish. -- fFafter -- about ~four c hours> of Swan set Bluhm down for two out| Kimberly against Molloy -- was. for of three winning the last gume by a| $25,000, but shortly before the case margin of four pins, The matech be--|'went -- t> _the -- jury © the -- pe-- tween Wright and Krumrey will be|tition was amended and --damages decided when Tegtméyer, the new,of $50,000 asked. & : man on the former teain, establish-- Move-- For New Trial lishes an average to figure in the}-- Attorney Kehoe of Chicago rep-- totals. resented --Moltoy and made a maotion j :f,t:ms"g"gs{, for a new trial. Attorney' William ferirk *¥ _Aer -- . _ 5 e is Morrow of Chicago was counsel for int ~~~ lag iff 10e 416| the plaintiff. --'The date for hearing i ndlninesn _ yc iE 13'3 'ég:lz'ct arguments for new trial was, not Wright ~' 163 227 180 370 set, but it is not expected that 7 o aes '--arguments, will be heard for at least egtme)er r c spewenih #* «maepare . Sevengenien --------/throa whaalks ac Judan FAwarie ic Team No. 1. "Yuolf ....::...:. Gaddis . Triggs . Krumrey Team No. 5. Larell ... Hubbel! Nicholas G, --Petersen K. Tiths®' _: Team No. 8. Waterhouse _ Underbrink _ Meyer:..:;..... W. Peterson Wells Swan Team No. 6. Murtrite ... Schnaebele .. Casey ... Goulson _____._ Hhohm _: Team No. 10. TL _ ns Adrasrns Aylsworth --__.. Helfer ©...___.._ ... riuber.............. Suter ies TA XI SMITH'S Team No. 7. Team No. 4. Team No. 3. Standat Lester's Novelty Store DAY PHONE 35 NIGHT PHONE 197 785 175 105 124 133 143 119 212 A7" 133 144 187 187 144 134 159 1093 T78 154 189 152 137 121 146 161 159 178 i i 63 146 138 137 170 204 784 181 111 140 176 176 «)49 186 132 138 134 135 169 147 146 155 134 170 142 188 122 146 124 162 798. 2347 164 150 134 16 185 146 137 153 82 23M4 "86 2323 170 136 125 147 167 171 746 470 367 468 ] 453 a02| AAQ| 438 510 552 505 422 f{"'fi" errce mt mige * Meyers ...«' Wehrenb';'g npiveg went --t>o . the -- jury --the -- pe-- tition was amended and -- damages | of ~©$50,000 asked. > : 3 a Move-- For New Trial Attorney Kehoe of Chicago rep-- resented --Moltoy and made -- a motion for a. new 'trial. Attorney' William ' Morrow of Chicago was counsel for the plaintiff. --The date for hearing 'ot arguments for new trial was not set, but it is not expected that "argument,s_ will be heard for at least three weeks as Judge Edwards is '!eavlng on a trip this week. .| $11,500 AWARD > ~IN ACCIDENT Franken ....... ... Intunike :: <:......-- . ...__--> Krumrey :« ... T AWNENROE ............ ..=wcln. hudinccs Bluhm Johnson Swan Ives Wright "*ne evidence showed that: Kim-- berly was hit by--a machine driven by Molloy in Deerpath avenue, Lake, Forest, on September 9, 1926. Witnesses for the plaintiff testi-- fied that. Molloy drove in a reckless end negligent manner. Molloy de-- nied the charges, claiming he was uraware that his car had struck Kimberiy until hailed by a pedes-- trian after traveling a couple hun-- dred feet; -- _ Hit By Machine ramblers. ; | Whenr hit by Molioy's machine, [2 :8 We . Ne .. > % g4, i Kimberly was talking to his em--) Every man reaches the point in , ployer, whose car was parked on the|life where about the 'only way to} side of Deerpath avenue.. Kimberly :tapi'falling hair is to reach out andi had one foot on the parked auto-- ratch it. _ . oc s THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1928 'Sune! huy youratlf _ PURCHASE | ssmufi%n\mm AaNny $5.00 HA T0 . ok FOR y . Bmol, Sws Stop! _ $1.00 Lake County National Bank xppif Wls YX T__ _ _ 8 *.vv("/fltwwvf/)- J _--An Added --Dollar 766 810 905 2481 Standings + ./ § ¢ As a special inducement we make the following offer, good only Fri-- day and Saturday, Jan. 27--28. To any NEW savings account of $5.00 or over, (g)ene(f on these two days, we will add f mrSs SWob LIBERTYYILLE, ILLINOIS 202 154 116 176 163 Arpnens Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 21 18 17 17 i7 16 16 16 14 18 | 212 178 151 170 194 TH MILWAUKEE AVE. VUVPSTAIRS) 20 |-- One alarm received from Box No. ;}-- 66 at the Tannery was & false alarm, 3 YCaptaln Henry Gray reported this gmomlng. & * vr.{- SBeveral piles of lumber and other * building material were damaged by ' fire believed to have been caused by auf,| spontaneous combustion, which at-- sake tacked a new building under con-- in--' struction owned by the Highland ago Park Beverage Co., located on Green ated Bay road near Vine avenue in that jub--| city 'The Highland Park force bat-- e in' tled the flames for over an hour be-- ages fore they were successful in bringing ioon| them under control. The fire started rcuit | in a pile of oily rags left by plumbers : in the building, in the opinion of the in : fire officials. 447 514 bb7 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 19 Electric wires set a tree on fire at Victory street and Glen Rock avenue. Waukegan. The blaze attracted se-- lveral residents of the district.. Ano-- Jther tree loeated in the yard of a 'home at 321 Powell Ave. was also 'ldamaged by flames believed to have 'been caused 'by faulty wires. . WIND DOES : _ _ _ BIG DAMAGE _ IN COUNTY (Continued from page 1) the; southwest corner of the inter-- section. The blaze was brought under control ~before serious damage had moabile and the other on the pave--) 3} ment. --The evidence showed that| Lfi Molly was driving on the . wrong|f-- side of the street at the time of F_[g the. accident. ; ; > '23:}'1 Kiimberly suffered a compound { fratture 'of the leg and a fracture , of ~the spine. He ~was rendered ; unconscious when hit by the auw-' mobile and remained in a state of unconsciousness for a number of | "The: interior of the building was not : seriously affected by the con-- flagration. The flames, fanned by the high winds, for a time threatened ! spread t» other nearby buildings. hours ~The testimony: showed that| Kimberly had spent $3,000 in doctorl bills and that he had lost $3,000 from unémployment--since the acci-- | dent. One leg is an inch shorter | than the other and Kimberly tes-- | tified that he would' not again be ; able to follow the occupation as, Many of the -- oli--time clinging vine type.of women around Liberty-- ville now: have daughters who are ramblers. -- f chauffeur /.. DRESS PURCHASED.' ANY $5.00 HAT IN Day Offering Dollar WITH EACH Here is -- Our | urday night. At the same time the 'varsity players will be down at | Bloomington trying to upset Indiana | in a conference game. ® | The seconds have med one | game so far against B ey's re-- | serves but it was sandwiched in with la varsity. game. Saturday night's { contest, therefore, is the first which ' will show whether the public is in-- lterestéd in the appearance of the seconds. -- |--__.Cord ~Lipe, assistant varsity coach, will have -charxfe of the Iili-- !nois seconds, who will be selected ; from the following: Bergeson, John-- son, Gamble, Fisher, Hickox, Drew, !'Cummins, Logan, Glass, Pribble Ju-- tlian and Lewis. < --The Loyola--Seconds game is. the tlast intercollegiate contest until Feb-- 'mary 8, when Northwestern comes. ! Semester examinations will interest 'the athletes next week. ILLINI RESERVES Urbana, II1;--For. the first time under the new conference rulin&se, the Illinois seconds will hold center of the limelight Saturday when they engage the first team of ulf(i'OIa University of Chlm.%o Sat-- ay night. At the same time the Loyola, apparently, has a stroug team, as the <Catholics met their first defeat at the hands of Bradley on a rigorous road trip. Marquette and the Oregon Aggies have fallen before the Chicagoans. ----_ & e Ma.lgc-~-x_afara-z_;xt':.f:.vr;-(-"a-':.l'-r:.'r' ren ren rerrt en en e ue sn e en y en ce o . y YC L--f , } oy o Loo ht oo ht Cou ht on ht ol ol UERtUctLtcUcuclUr tCt DL Lb3 Eut Eols L--oalt--? Losl id El = t % e2) Ueel U UsH thesd -%310' 1-.- leflesnenNengs f-'-3~-:;=:3'-:fll§1"'-?3'-: jpoprieAioAeAfeonedornnendentiegl<= o 1e & e C a52 The Illini varsity is greatly en-- Wé.L APPEAR AT 8 DAY AND FRIDAY ] AS?)NLY DICK KNC :: ==§=------'==, & _4 *d, ; Thi money Dick rece soldiers, at the North WILL APPEAR AT 8:30, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURS-- DAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS. LOTS OF NEW SONGS, SUNG AS,ONLY DICK KNOWS HOW TO SING THEM. The. money Dick receives, goes to buy smokes for the disabled sol@'ers, at the North Chicago Hospital, so come and have a good time: YOU CAN SING TOO. f TO PLAY LOYOLA T MISS THIS! TS A REAL PROGRAM AND MAYBE DO?'T FACE! {o_ . IT WILL BE IN BLACK t § Bmd'l'egr's re--| &Q»=» viched in with : urday night's| : e first which | : public is in--| i rance of the| i & has a strosgl P ics met their| : ds of Bndluetey § . M'"} te| ; s have fallen| : tant varsity',g e of the Illi-- ; : 1 be selected | : rgeson, John--! 5 lickox, Drew,| ; s, Pribble Ju-' R game is. the| : test until Feb--| : estern comes.; : ; will interest}| ; k. 1 s greatly en-- A» w5 Billy Sunday has threatened . to run for president if two wets are nominakeg. If 'he does hbe'll find it a longer run than from third base to the home plate. couraged because of its sensational victory . at Madison and hopes to overcome the strong Hoosiers. It is realized that the undertaking is formidable. The Tllini and Indiana haven't played for two years, when each took a game. man ind naad nan Libertyville residents who are contemplating Building their own homes in the spring And have not the available cash, can arrange a w for the remainder needed from our Libertyville Building and Loan Association ---- Unper Srtate SUPERVISION 359 N. MirwaAUKEE AVENUE --Call, write or phone 406 for particulars-- seesen68 00 608 Series Number Three Now Open. meenemniiennt 0 6 Libertyville boys have already counted the days until school is out and their daddies have figured how long it will be until they can dig a few Tishing worms. If President Calles of Mexico paid $1,200,000 for four U. S. Sena-- tors he was cheated. iss The old overcoat ddn't. run for a fourth ta'm.'m it later was forced to reconsider. Px:oxr®E 406