3 Mrs. L. H. Rieckhoff and Mrs. A. C. Brockman were Waukegan call-- ers Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Porteous were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Small at Mun-- 2 lbs. Country Club Butter, $1.16............._. 2 lbs. Country Club Coffee, $1.08........._..._.. 3 lbs. Countrg Style Pork Sausage......._.... 3 ]h"sf?;gs Libby's Fancy Asparagus Tips mss 5 cans Green or Wax Beans, $1.25..........___. 7 cans Corn, fancy grade, $1.25.............._._.__. 7 cans Peas, fanc{ ;rade, e elecclfery .. «.ccsc 2 No. 2%/4 cans Libby's Peaches, $1.40................ 4. one--half lb, pkgs. Dunham's Cocoanut, LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK TE APMY :--..cewsscemnndeenneciqueeniinreremnentarininiiia n in coenr on 3 lbs. Fancy Filled Candy, $1.50............ 24 bars P. &. G. Soap, $1.20................. TO SAVE MONEY, PHONE 221 So. Milwaukee Avenue LimmertrviLe, Iu1inos «x FREE DELIVERTY Roving Dollars For two days, Friday and Saturday, Jan. 27 and 28, we are offering the following money > 10¢, 16 fOF ...............l.~...«~ptsnmmicm Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin, $1.20 A. D. S. or Norwich Milk of Magnesia, pint Keg. 50¢, 3 f0€..,..--.........--«----«,.----. Waldorf Toilet Paper, Reg 15¢ value, EC LCO ........>~.04. n nlkrtncnnrnemenrpents on eavernmevenconcentonat Bob White Toilet Paper, Reg. 2 for White Pine Cough Syrup, Reg. 65¢ ¥alue, 2 L0¥ ................... .. +4 ctme nreammmnermget $1.25 worth of any face powder, rouge or lipsticks in combinations for Safety Razor, Brush and Shaving 100 Aspirin Tablets, ' Theg. $I20 ...3 .......... ts Sore in diken se ntiienrenmnnte $l.w Come to Libertyville next Friday and Saturday. Libertyville DOLLAR DAY ociety ana LOCAL NEW S C By depositing your dollars 'in this bank, you not You also put those dollars to work forthbetfer- ment of your home--town welfare. e Roving dollars, like roving men, are not loyal to home interests.. The dollars that are earned in this community owe their. service Bank at home. -- Buy at home. Favor home enter murnuty F. B. Lovell Co. 0. H. MOLIDOR wherever possible.~ Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 © Specials Forest visitor Sunday morniu:g.> J. A. Williams of Cua(oivw Sunday with John Numsen, 217 Sec-- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Numsen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Sage at their home on Bulkley road. Mrs. L. B. Majors was able to re= turn to her work at the plant of the Register after several days' illness. Urs. A. E. Wheeler is visiting for ew days with relatives i:nfiigh- to com $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Tllinois $1.00 Lake -- Mrs. John T. Mitchell was a Chi-- home Saturday after & few days' stay at the Victory Memorial hos-- pital. Reports state that she is much improved. Unit Number Two of the local Woman's Club will meet this eve-- ning (Tuesda') at the home of Mrs. John Rouse, Mundelein. gh:. Rouse is expecting to enter a large number, having prepared for 14 t tables of bridge. : Bud Seiler, who . was imjured a week ago at the Libertyville Garage when a fire extinguisher fell on his foot, crushing the large toe on his right foot, is now able to continue his work as lather in Lake Forest. | The Ladies' Aid of the Diamond .Lake Methodist Episcopal Church |will give a chicken pie supper Fri-- ; day evening, Js'zbmoo? 27'-?'& the Diamond Lake . A number of local residents are planning to at-- Mr. and Mrs., M. Haas and family ang Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brockman spent the week end at th»> home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hileers, whore they attended a birthday surprise party Saturday evening. : for"the past several weeks, has re-- turned to her home on Sunnyside Mrs. Clara Taylor, who has been seriously ill at the home of her son, Ross M. Taylor, at Waukegan, is reported as much improved at the present time. & cago caller Friday. Mrs. P. J. Hawk, who has been visiting with relatives in Chicago Mrs. W. D. Porteous of. Mundelein zx;sited offlg:dax' afternoou'l' atJtl}e mes r daughters, Mrs. J. J. Porteous and Mrs. Fn.ni Druba. Mrs. Walter Madsen is suffering from an infected fix;fer from a burn. Dr. F. H. li attendance. for an extended visit at his formér home in Nashville, Tenn. A dance will be held AWednesda{ evening at the Oak Grove. School. Refreshments will be served free. Admission -- charges will --be made. Plan to attend --and « bring |your friends with you. . ; f A. H. Waddell, who is employed at the Foulds plant, left Saturday Mrs. David McCann and little son, David, Jr., who have been visiting for the past two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Madsen, re-- turned to their home in Chicago Mr. and Mrs. George E. Ives were in Milwaukee Sunday, where they called on an aunt of Mr. Ives, who !~-- Mrs. Edna Hubbard entertained the : Bunco Club at her home on ' East Church street Monday evening, . Jan. 23. Prizes were won b(y Mrs. Leonard Disney, first; Mrs, Veron-- l ica Wilcox, second; Mrs. Lyle An-- , drews, third, and Mrs. Charles Her-- rington, consolation. The next reg-- i ular meeting will be held at the t home of Mrs. Charles Landis. is in the hospital there. | The local contracting firm of Wilcox and Wilcox will be hosts to-- Inight (Tuesday) to their employees, 125 in all, at an informal gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ells-- worth Wilcox on Douglas avenue. The evening will open with a dinner land a general good time will follow. Miss Ho Wheeler spent Monday night at the home of Miss Marjorie Davies at Highland Park. Mrs. John Numsen visited Sunday with her sister, Mrs. B. Parker, at be held at the North> Grammar school on Friday afternoon, Feb. 17, commencing at 3 o'clock n m. This will be Founders' Day. All are cordially invited to attend. The regular monthly meeting of the Parent--Teacher Association will on the street cars, for which he was paid $1.40 per da{. When the street railways were electrified, he ' still clung to the horse, starting a milk business, which he ognted until his death in 1915. ve children were born to the Jensen % three of whom died in youth. urce OL WioIn UNou 10 J dRulle _ _® To surviving are Mary Jense Chic:go.' f ris Jensen of Coa ring i A card and bunco party will be hekl to--night, (Tuesday) . at <the Parochial School Hall commenc'ilfl;fi at eight--thirty o'clock --P. M. It wi be sponsored <by the National Daughters of the'G. A. R. The pub-- lit is cordially invited. Mrs. August M. Lovell gg danihter,' Florence, will depart week for California where they ex-- gect to remain ~for two months. het will visit with Mrs. Lovell's son, Clarence, in Colton, California and with a number of Onarga The regular meeting of the local Auxiliary of the Legion, which was held at the Town Hall Monday eve-- ning, was said to be a huge success. About 30 members were present and a number of interesting plans were discussed and voted upon. The aux-- iliary will furnish the Town Hall with curtains and other furnishings Chris Jensen, manager of the Cold Spring Farm, was called to Chicago last week by the death of his mother, who passed away at her home there at,the age of 82 years. Mrs. Jensen had made her home in Chicago since 1822, when she emigrated from Den-- mark. Her husband, Peter Jensen, had one of the highest paid jobs in the city at that time, driving horses T. E. Wilcox, the junior member of the firm, will} leave Sunday for m month's vacation in Texas and it is charged by t.hti members of his force that Ted will not-- make the trip alone, and that Libertyville will lose another bachelor. ne« The fire department was called out Monday afternoon when a fire was"reported at the Jack Bradford home on Maple evenue.. The Brad-- ford family were away from home and had left the heating plant in charge of a caretaker. It seems that before Jack left, he had neglected to replenish the supply of water in the tank which holds the water for the heating system and, as a result, shortage caused a cloud of steam to pass through the tank in the attic and out through the roof. It looked so much like smoke that the alarm was turned in and the real trouble was not discovered until the arrival of the firemen. ; and will, hereafter, hold its meetings there instead of the Village Hall. Mrs. M. D. Penney returned to her la{. When the street electrified, he ° still rse, starting a milk i he ognted until E::S. E ve Chndrl':li S ensen + died in vtmthflln rer, resulting . Martin is in g\:t Iorin Dy the Marian iuDd . On turdag January 28th, at Joe Al-- kofer's Electrical Shop, 532 North Milwaukee Avenue, -- Libertyville. There will be stuffed dates,, nut fudge, dgnd divinity that will make your mouth water in anticipation and realization. It 'has been said that as far as the girls are concern-- r€d, nowadays candy making is a lost art. Let the Marian Club prove to you that it is an art, but not a last one. S the home of Mrs. William E. Volk-- man at Mundelein, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Ray, 411 West Park Avenue. "BY.THE LADY ABOUT TOWN." Miss Marion Frances Deiminger, 18, and Elmer Sachs, 22, weli--known to the younger set of this loellg.' were um;ed }n x:!arriafi: S% ternoon by Justice _ Bartlett.= Only a few nl\-eflfl- friends of the 'couple were present at the ceremonty which -- was per-- {ormed in the office of Justice But-' ett. + ~ Did you see all the biffing that was %woin'g' on in front of the Lib ertyville cafe Monday morning and it seemed <like Jack Bernang was doing it all.» As I understand . it Jack was trying to collect an old bill and all the: satisfaction _ he could get was marring the other fellow's face. * ® 'Mrs. R. E. Osborne and % Blanche, and Miss Deborah of Lake Forest motored to Chid Sunday afternoon and called at home of Arthur Price. f If you have a sweet tooth, or if you haven't, you won't be able to resist indulging in the confections put forth by the Marian .Club? on The ~Ayxiliary's meeting was quite the success I hear. I came in just as the refreshments were be-- ing served, naturally, the games they played #were very taxing to their ment.'z'x'liit()jy so thl:y said so take warning at on't play: such games as "marching to Jerusalem" and "»inning the ears oh the cat" etc., They tell me that Kenneth Con-- ners is our . most eligible bachelor now in town. r ® -- We are supposed to dance all our aares away, next Sa at the Hartmann House in from eight--thirty till all pass and anyone caught not dancing has The dollar sale that is about to come up on us will be a record breaker so I hear. I think Rey Sntith is going to throw in a dozen eggs with every pair of shoes and he is really going to lose mou them because he says they are worth two dollars a dazen H& hearted that's all. But don't let to do acrobatic stunts -- such as standing on the nose for fifteen minutes and wiggling both ears at lhnr;:d that's all.fBut don't let dol-- ar stop you from trading mow, just t:ke advantage of all the bar-- kains that will be here, and they are bargains too.:I have been doing a little investigating on the side. -- i A unit %;d the Woman's Club are aving* a bri party ev-- ening at Mrs. ?o_hn Rom in The reason they didn't have rear-- view mirrors in the good old horse-- and--buggy days around Libertyville is because there were no speed cops. a thing. Mundelein. I intend goli* even if they did'nt invite me so I shall be able to tell you what they wore and how they ate Also. I won't miss mm m nmntnnnmtnnts °* _--OBSERV ATIONS. The Misses Martha and Dorothy THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1928 1 1b. Tin Liptons Yellow Label _TR ..__zcozezriizil_ e 8 W. Fancy Calif, 40--50 size ' Prune$ ... ------Be cce ucss 3 lb. Swift's Sliced Empire M ACOTE ..........=~--ominrninennti in nsemetmare uen 12 rolls Scott Tissue Toilet P ADET |....::.--\ ommmcmmnignctenmeonntrranoevieapiicemnenimane minss 5 No. 2 Cans Eloise Extra Small Sifted Early June Peas_______._.__...... 3 No. 2/ Cans Club House Fresh Prune 2 lb. Nickel & Drummey Cream Valley _ 1 m TrUUEEE T ...........---- on en clie heon en on en iiranonte in en ten in inopnivnneremnomietntinsinaomrmrineininnens. A Big Shopping Bag Full of Groceries. This will surprise you when you see the values you will receive. Take a , $1 m CHBIIOG .......----~ovorcrone ies oominiimemectnttentcom finnteareiainitiiecine i rentiisensionceseccicionccrmne C d Many other good values will be on display in our store--come in and look them over. c 0 PMIIMS ........--.------arrnmmmnrmermmenmeceninneennsiani n renmmngnnsinsisnsernccnsnenmonsssnneoeecnincenvensemcncn' 4 No. 2% Cans Eloise 4s or Libby's Sliced ' PERCINCES .. --=-- ---- eb ceied isctees cce iss cuainninindintinanst rortiee e tsnvesorahianisiee 1-- 12 Quart Galvanized Pail full of P. & G. Soap and Soap Chips--regular value $1.22, for.......___.....__. 3 lb. Fancy Santos Coffée ... 3 Pkgs. Beech--Nut Cookies ... 1 24% lb. Sack Flour " Triggs & Johnson set of this loalg.be.tnoneofthe marriage Sund.M weight contenders -- tice ~Ha Schaffer came t« _ --a few Znne" veral years ago a 4o n n ns se n 5 y -- w g}ice of Justice Mlmzappeaged in V'\il ral occasions an JOP * o°onees.. ns or 49 lb. sack TOr ... m --operative $--Day Sale . Gotch, who ~trades holds Jack Roberts, Klo one of the ) at promoter Rouses' wresti-- show next Thursday night, is a fiery young man from the Steppo Country of Russia. Gotch was forc-- ed. to flee with thousands of refu-- gees during the . Lenine--Trotsky regime. He made his way to Paris where he learned to wrestle in a scientific manner, which came na-- tural, as Gotch had devoted. much Paracautt, whom fame will recol-- lect as one of the foremost middle weight contenders some years back. _-- Schaffer came to Libertyville se-- veral years ago and is at present i b{ the Foulds Milling Co. to holes in spaghetti. Schaffer has| appeared in Waukegan on sev-- eral occasions and is well able to take care of himself in fast compe-- phcn.')fle 'fxgiis 175 pounds and is in gond eonditnt time as a youth, tusselling with the other herd boys about the camp fire after the days work was finished. He participated in several of thei Zybisco tournaments held: in Paris at that time winning his decisi:m' each time in such a decisive manner; that he attracted considerable at--! tention. ; § | LOCAL WRESTLER ON CARD AT WAUKEGAN Harley Schaffer of Libertyville who tangles with Ted Danks in Pro-- motor Tex Rouses' 2 hold carnival at the Slovenic National Hall, Wauke-- rpext Thursday evening, Jan-- g 26th is a product of the State of u;a. He lc'a:::'ned to wrestl:ai at an y age, oming very adept at throwing corn shocks across a ten acre tract later in life using human (or inhuman) beings in the same 'manner. He learned the tech-- nique of the game from one, Ralph Elated by his success in Paris amli slightly round shouldered from car-' rying so many medals, Goich decid-- ed to try his skill in America. Since his advent here be has made quite a I?uution by meetinz suckh men as MowIt, Sherry, Man, Cantowino,| Yellow Gab _ Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. ; $ NO W*'S There is no Argument --1.00 _2.00 1.00 --1.00 aTfi ains t insuran&e. e estion is the reliab%lty of the com-- pany. Those we r%)- resent are SAFE, STRONG AND DE-- PENDABLE. Opposite Electric Station Phones 469--269. '1.00 Av4E --1.00 's Semi--Annual 1.00 5 Pkgs. Large Size Chipso ... 4 Large Size Gold Dust ... 18 1b. Bulk Rolled 14 Bars Palmolive S SOML . smrerrecnarmatiti ies ho en en on reepe en emmnanmanten Oats ... Address signed entitles holder to lbs. Pure Cané Sugar Name THIS COUPON ied entitles holder to """~_---- 100 A' Wisconsin Mother says: "I find mothers Pe ; well informed on the subject of. "r&)pe" in medicines, Few mothers now--a--days would buy a 'prepara,tion that contained opiates 'or chloroform.: A glance at the gvackag'e before buying tells her this. ith Foley's Honey and Tar Com-- Yound, the name tells a true story. t is quickly effective for coughs, colds, croun and throat irritations. Pure as it is sure, and worth many times its price."--Adv. -- Plestina _nng\ a host of others and @althougr not as success{ul as in the old country he has piled up an envi-- able resord for himself. Short Talks 'by Thoughful Mothers Two of * worst pests in cold weather--a that runs all the time and--a gar that runs only part of the time." -- for $1.00 |AUDITORIUM| 'Home Made doing it. -- ~ se Also Comedy and News, Johnny starts out to g:t over his mother's jam, but gets into a hundred jams Added--Dick Lyons sing-- ing a characteristic--song of his for the benefit of the Vetérans' Hospital. * Thurs.--Fri. Jan. 26--27 (:_%};EN}:})OREi L s 'HerWud Oat' "----__.1.00 "*__1.00 "* . 1.00 Collegh, as a lunch wagon slavey, who goes a hunting a husband. She serves the so-- cial set more surprises than a bohlélfm chop suey. Also €ollegians "Breaking Record$" on Thursday night, Dick L singing a charac-- "The Arizona _ Wildeat" teristic@ong. with Tony the wonder horse. / thiso Comedy. Wedn?sday, Jan. 25 °_ _ JOHNXY HINES Saturday, Jan. 28. g c@e --of the cust i. f * worst pests --2& that runs '--a gar that runs o Matinee at 2:30. --=+]D)---- 1.00 Annual Masquerade pall of the Libertyville Fire Department at the High School Auditorium. Big list of prizes. Tuesday, January 24th. Card party and bunco at St. Jo-- seph's School Hall starting at 8:30 p. m., by the National Daughters of Friday, February 3rd. Card party and dance at St. Jo-- gph's sclu}:ol hall by the sladi:&c t{ e ish, starting at 8 o' Five Etmdred, euchre, bunco. Re-- freshments free, Admission charges. Tuesday, January 31. Old--fashioned barn dance by the Libertyville Club at the town hall. COMING EVENTS In regular Commercial Courses, advanced courses in C Work, Civil Service preparation. ' Call for particulars '\_----Mrs. Geo. E. McDonald -- 811 W. Park Ave. Thursday, January 26th. January Sewing 8 A."*M. W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. $ $1.00. MUSLIN NAINSOOK LONG CLOTH CAMBRIC PILLOW TUBING AND SHEETING NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS Joseph Kohout Co., Inc. First National Bank Short Roses, $1.00 a dozen. Sweet Peas, $1.00 a bunch, with greens. Large Cherry Plants, two for $1.00. Cineraria Plants, $1.00 each. Freesias, $1.00 a dozen. Whitmanii Ferns, in three pots, 3 for Collection of Table Ferns, $1.00. . Libertyville Phone 130 CAPITAL & SURPLUS $110,000.00 New Classes GROWERS OF FINE FLOWERS We Deliver Anywhere. Libertyville, IIL. ' PHONE 174--] Forming January lIst. Libertyville, Ilinois f} Saturday, Jan. 28th., .\ _ Candy Sale by the Marion Club at -- ]:oe Alkofer's Electrical Shop,. 532 .' North Milwaukee Avenue. Grammar school at 3 p. m. Foun-- ders' Day. es, Wednesday, Jan. 25th. Dance at Oak Grove School. Re-- freshments free, Admission Charg-- PAGE SEVEN S P. M