& Mrs. Julia Broncheon spent Satur-- E h"mrnoon in Wukegan. . and Mrs. George Lundgrin _ entertained relatives at their home PAGE SLia Santord and Lowell Bennett of &ninMunodattheC. E. Day-- i home Sunday afternoon. i Mr. and Mrs. Rudoiph Swobode and children of Chicago, spent the week end at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark. Dan Richardson of Volo, was in town Monday afternoon. Mr. and ir:. P. B. Johnson of Crystal ake, were Sunday after-- Crystal ake, were Sunday after-- noon visitors at the Carr home. 'Mrs. Florence Riley and son, Harry, of Park Ridge, were week-- end callers at the home of Mrs. Jo-- hanna Grace. Mr. and LMirs. M. W. Baseley and = Dean, Mrs. Howard Arquson children were Libertyville call-- ers last ihursday. _ * Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Claak gave a euchre parm their home in the zd-udny evening at the home of . and Mrs. Homer Lincoln. \ * AT * l. n leet Trsgay. _ = ___C *' Mrs. Albert Gossell was a Wau-- m caller last Wednesday. ; avy Paddock spent last Wednes-- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bristol and children of Waukegan, visited last day in Waukegan. | WAUCONDA || --Mrs, Martha Harrison and daugh-- ter, Miss Lora, entertained several ladies at their home on Main street last Thursday at a 5 o'clock dinner. Mrs. Clem Dacey and son--of the "At Home Division," spent Thurs-- day with relatives in Chicago. : Mr. Mrs. Geo Stroker en-- mmWawszuhndub at their hfim last m,am , ve tables were with hn. Wm. Fink and John 'Lloyd Dowell was a guest the first :rfitwuek':tthehogneofhissis- Mrs. rge, Schei !'l'honu Grace, whogi;ude an ex-- tended visit with his mother, Mrs. Johanna Grace, and sisters, Miss Estella Grace and Mrs. Florence -- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krell at-- tended the card party and dance at Round Lake last week. Rnoald Geary of Gilmer, spent the first of the week at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Alice Geary. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wheelock were D&vin'ton the first of last week. -- Miss Emily Davidson, one of the the funeral of an uncle in Chicago the first of last week. Mr. : Mrs. August Hapke of w.nm'fl and lttuth Hapkfe fif C:;u;é cago, were recent guests of Mr. Mrs. George Hapke. " Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn visited en poronts, HMr. and Mhs. Gonge paren ko R. Blackburn. mee Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Baseley and son, Dean, were © Chicago --callers afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mr. and Mrs. John Dobner and daughter visited at the home of Mrs. Kate Dobner of Flint Creek, re-- Mrs. D. H. Murphy and son, Ray, were recent Glencoe callers. Brown receiving hi Ponors: Mrs. M. S. Clark and Ahrah Powers, sec-- ond fimd Mrs. Harry Matthews and Clukmuons. The usual luncheon a pelasant -flna:rok a close. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. entertained the club this m'i-- Iva Tnhr.n;bqwll was ay?huke- Mrs. Joseph Klypar of Chicago, ie af her paronts, Ny. and. Mrs. V. E. Davlin. * e e o ie ie i Alice Buel'ei Monday evening- ! Mrs. C. G. Dorwin ° and si Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Daley, Mr. and | Mys, Natalie Stroupe, visited -- Mrs. G'fi' Scheid and daughter|Harold Stroker of Waukegan Thursday afternoon. There was a god attendance and quite a good of work finished. A delicious luncheon was served in the early evening. . The Birthday Club of the North Side celebrated the mnivemr' of Mrs. Phil Froehlke's birthday Mon-- day afternoon. Several members Mwmm."ry o was w Mrs. V. E. Davlin making score. A delicious luncheon was nrn;!, sot::lftar which -- all departed for ir homes wismng Mrs. Froehlke many happy returns Monday. Riley, has returned to his home in Oklahoma. teachers of W. T. H. S., attended ~Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tomiskey of Crystal Lake, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Fannie Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krell were Cary eallers last week Wednesday Glenway Dorwin the last few weeks, returned to their home at Bowdell, 8. D., the latter part of last week. | Mr. andofl(?. Eial?' Nm and daughter rayslake, on Mrs. Lizzie Carr Sunday afternoon. Clarence Whitman was a Wauke-- gan caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cynher and Harry Baseley called on Mr. and Mrs icuard Baseley of Grayslake Saturday evening. Aaivia and Earl Dowell of West McHentry, called at the home of Mrs. Alice Baseley Monday evening.--~ _ Mrs. John Gossell and Mrs. C. R. Wells entertained the Woman's Aux-- Mrs. Ella Powers spent last week with her sister, Mrs. E. A. Golding, week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Bassett, of Chicago, who has been ill of pneumonma. _ of Qak rark. iliary of the Federated Church last Mr. and 'Mrs. -- Paul Broncheon were host and hostess to the North Side Euchre Club Monday evenil;fi of last . week, six tables being fill with players. First honors were m:rdodtolu?rmkonl:ey- ers llnr'liméer,sec to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jr., and consolations to Mrs. Albert Gossell and Tony lijl:cyl;.mkefigsh- -beovleud & evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vedder Stone enter-- tained the club this week on Mon-- day evening. ©"Ame Fortn Fortnightly Club motored to the hospitable home @f Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gooo?e Nickish, who ve been guests Mr. and Mrs. y Paddock spent last Wednes-- Dixson spent last _ It is thought one of the chicken thieves who have been raiding hen roosts has been apprehended. As 'it is not his first offenge, he may fite what he rightfully deserves. ' re are others but up to this time ! they have not been mentioned by Mr. and Mrs. Al Martin, Mrs. Ward Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Eb-- erhart and other friends of Chicago spent Sunday at the Martin cottage on the eastern side of Bangs Lake. Mrs. Joseph Klupar returned to her home in Chicago Wednesday evening after spending from Satur-- tay evening to Wednesday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Davlin. Harry Grantham, Sr. is hustling his ice harvest during the last coup-- ple of days. Iondayma'gs:d day for work but it rained on s-- day and had thawed. It takes about a week to fill the ice house but they fill it right from the lake with no loading or hauling. * o Victor Carr served on jury at the Countyv®*Seat Wednesday. Two men with teams worked in the old way filling the small ice house for A. E. Kirwin Monday and Tuesday. The ice was cut with a saw and loaded by hand into a double box wagon. geems a slow and tedious job, but that is the way this work v;as accomplished in the years gone by. Mrs. Fred indsinsky, who resides on South Main Street with her hus-- band andthree children, suffered a Mort Ritt of Mc}lenri called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham, Sr. receritly. Ed Daley, who returned from Wheaton recently, spent the great-- er part of last week with relatives at Round Lake and Mundeélein. Mrs. Fannie Carr of Grass Lake was a visitor at the Willard Dar-- relll home recently. e Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson of Rmivood were pleasant callers at the home of Mrs. Martha Harri-- son last Wednesday. * Mrs. A. H. Ackerman and L. W. Ackerman of Chicago were visitors here the first of last week. Mrs. C. G. Dorwin ° and -- sister, Mrs. Natalie Stroupe, visited Mrs. bad accident Monday while doing the family laundry. She was in the yard putting up a clothes line when room in the new ium. entire community E invited to ';ht.; ronize this suprer. The price is fifty cents per plate. The rest room is a very much needed accommoda-- tion for ladies traveling through here as there is no place nearby where they can rest for a few min-- utes 0¥ for a few hours. The place is being furnished and equipped for the comfort of those who flflass this way and it seems it will fill a long needed want for the public. evening, prizes being fi:n to those making high scores. usual re-- freshments were served which brought a pleasant evening to a close. Mrs. F. H. Dickson will be hos.ess to the club this week when the ladies will entertain their hus-- bands and gentlemen friends, which proves to be a pleasant event, al-- ways. The ladies of the community will serve a regular supper at the High School Saturday ovenini',"l'-'ebrwy the ith, beginning at o'clock. At this time the high school basket-- ball conference will be held with fizamea both ;fotfe?iugon and evening. e pro¢eeds s supper go towards furnishing the {:ii;flgst bunco players. Mrs. Rai Paddock w--» firs! honprs, Mrs. C. Hal-- leck, second and Natalie Stroupe consolation. The gentlemen passed the evening playing euchre. A fine R _« ~..~«ved at a late hour. -- ~uolly Evening Club was en-- cvcuin., of this week. Air-- piane bunco was the pastime of the Auction Sale! Friday, Feb. 3rd The undersigned will sell at public auction at the parsonage, Fairfield, Ill., 1% miles south-- west of Gilmer on ; 1 Kitchen Stove Several Lamps 1 Laundry Stove 1 Three Gallon Spray 1 Oil Heater _ 12 Bales Straw 1 Buckeye Brooder Some Tools _ Stove _ 1~ Columbia® Cabinet 1 Sideboard 1 Library Table 2 Rockers 1 Couch Bed 1 Bed and Sprin§1 1 Washstand and Bowls HENRY HEISE -- Commencing at 1:00 p. m. TERMS CASH. Mr. *William Whitman returned to his home here= Saturday after un-- dergoing a slight operation at the Victory Memorial Hospital, Wauke--. gan, where he had been for about ten days. Mr. Whitman is able to a post gave way and she fell, frac-- turing her leg in two places. Dr. J. A. Ross was speedily summoned and rendered first aid. An ambu-- lance was called from Waukegan and Mrs. Rudsinsky was rushed to the -- Victory Memorial~ Hospital where an X--Ray revealed the ser-- iousness of her injury.0 At last re-- port she was resting as well as could be expected. $ ten days. Mr. Whitman is able to be around. z* *The little five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowell of West Mc-- (Continued on Page 7) Provide Funds 3 The other three measures passed by the house alF® ptovids funds for HOUSE TAKES UP PRIMAR'Y BILLS +« 'ges and clerks of elections _ in Chicago. -- Another measure making this provision for the downstate was sent to second -- reading and will probably be passed late today. ; Four bills were passed by -- the house 'at its session yesterday, and three --others regarding -- primary slections were advanced on its cal-- endar. The four measures that were approved ~all received . affirmative ~ntes from the two nours members from the Eighth district--Represen-- tatives Roy J. Stewart, Woodstock and N. L. Jackson, Belvedere. The first bill passed provides for women as well as men serving as ing the, state primary certifying board and another providing rear-- rangements of nrecincts or election ~cts shall not be effective until the next succeeding primary. Sena-- tor Rodney B. Swift, Highland Park, voted for three of the bills and against the fourth because he wgs unfamiliar with its provisions. House Is Ready 5 House members were ready . for real work today, following its short session Tuesday, when it got down in harness. The dour bills approved last night y the upper house provide for a primary election in April and in-- clude the general ; imary act, the legislative primary bill, one creat-- Graphonola 100 Laying White Leg-- SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Jan: 2%.-- o field cleared for action the lower house of the legislature today _.epared to undertake serious con-- ~ of" proposed primary laws, four of which were passed in the, horn Pullets : 1 Double--barreled Shot senate Other Small Articles LIST YOUR FARMS J. A. Jadrich and Frank Jeffers -- Suite 203--1704 Sheri-- dan Road, North Chicago, . TTinois. PHONES: 1766 °° SALE OR TRADE 2574 THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTE Administration followers, nowever believe that they can convert some of the members who. have . expressed themselves hostile to an April elec-- n, but the work of tying in 102 votes necessary to pass the bills so they may become -- effective . this spring will be trying and many are them. 1e special session of the assembly. One appropriates $45,000 for mil-- eage and $50 for each member for postage and stationery, the second appropriates $15,000 for the officers of the senate and the house and the "ird. measure appropriates> $28,000 for the ordinary and contingent ex-- penses of the extraordinary session of the legislature. The work of rounding up votes to be aligned on the primary tangle occupied house leaders today. Op-- ponents of a spring primary claim forty nine votes pledged to them, enough, if they hold together, to prevent passage of: the bills as emer-- ful that the house will-- pass nda overtake the pancake like earth before that date. o Interviewed at his hotel in Chica-- go, Voliva was enthusiastic over his ?fion_thnt comes after 29 years work. He leaves behnind him. a OLIVA TRAVELS _ DESPITE BELIEF r of Zion, III. set forth Wed-- y to travel over a considerable of the earth that he concieves ADJUDICATION: TICE PUBLIC NOTICE ig hereby given that the Suscriber e r of the Last Will and Tes M of Wm. W. Carroll deceased 1 attend the Probate Court o€f County, at a term thereof to be Jiolden at the Court House in Wa , in said County, on the firstt Monday of April next, 1928 when and where all persons having claimg,.against said estate are noti{ied 1 . requested to present the same t&aid court for adjudication. * s CHARLES E. CARROLL, '£_ _ Executor. Waukegan,. Tilinois, ;g.lanua?' 28, 1928. & ~G--AL, A -- well--balanced meal may be good for a man, and q. may getting a tooth pulled, but mighty few men get pleasure out of t?g things that are good for them. ;; is a Prescription for __JOHN NASTRAN 'Box 602. Libertyville, HL Interested parties please communicate with the undersigned. . This thoroughly modern farm of 240 acres will be available for rent from March ist, 1928, It is located on St. Mary's Road about half mile North of Rockland Road, and one mile East o7 Libertyville. _ Greenbrier Farm