_._. Aftustrated 1:0¢ P. M. Round Table, Talk % of her daught r, since June, le in Rochester, N. Y. The S'e:lin&Ci-rgle Mn m s home of Mrs. Leo © afternoon, I-'e!)rmI MUrsz. Fred Lal ® BASKET BALL St. Paul's bows to Niles Center 28 to 21 The game was played Thursday, Fob @nd, at the Niles Center Pub-- lie School gymnasium. Unfamiliar-- ity with the: large and --spacious playing floor somewhat confused the St. Paul's boys. But in spite of the disadvantage they~ held their own very well. Both teams played hard and fagt. As a result many personal fouls were called. ten for St. Paul's and nine for Niles Cen-- The game between St. Paul's and Grlv' was forfeited by Glenview due to not anvpvearing at the schedul-- ed time. Next week St. Paul's has two e@eames on its schedule. Tues-- day, February 14th, Morton Grove, Thursday. February 16th. North-- brook. Roth games will be plaved at the St. Peter's Community hall. #he Gardenmn Club of Deerfield will meet at thechome of Miss Sa-- die Gaih-ag':hWedne-hy afternoon, February 15th at 2 o'clock. The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Pau!'s Evgxlical Church will hold a Bakery at the Gastfield Store fi-&&tuday afternoon, *February Mrs. McCarthy who has been the grof'her daughter, Mrs. Eugene , since June, left for her home in Rochester, N. Y. Thursday. The Sewing Circle of St. Paul's Evangelical &mh will meet at the home of Mrs. Leo Seiler, Thursday afternoon, F'e::mI 16th. VMrs. Fred visited her sis-- ter, Mrs. James Dougherty of Chi-- cago, Wednesday. Anyone is welcome to use the library as a reading room on Wed-- nesaday afternoon, Wednesday even-- ing and Saturday afternoon. Get the library habit! on travel, poetry, interior decorat-- ing, gudunE: insect life, bird life, of the church. Lincoln's birthda J and Scout Sunday will be observed. ng, gardening, insect life, Dbird 1t biography and other good uon-fi:.:z tion that are both interesting and Fleanor Jewett. Art EJditor of the Chiexro Sunday Tribune, in com-- menting an the Hoosier Salon at Marshall Field's savs this of our fellow townusman: "A forest in its clomk of snow, beautiful and still, is "In the Sn+w Countrv," by Fd-- ward K. Williams. father of Mrs. Fronk Russo.-- Last szummer Mr. Wiliams had hig studio in Rrown Countyv, Indiana. this winter he is in the wands of Northern Wiscon-- sin, painting snow scenes. _ Next Sunday the Presbyterian Troop (52) will be present at and take part in the morning service Garden Club of Illinois announce an all day meeting at the Hotel Sher-- man Monday, February 27, begin-- ninrtg at eleven o'clock. Each mem-- ber of the Deerfield Garden Club is invited to come and bring a guest. There will be no admission fee. o Following is the program of the Deerfield cighty--seven years ago, this coming May fell on the ice on Clark St. recently and suffered se-- vere bruises besides knocking out a tooth. Mr. Ott is now li with his son on Farragut Ave., Chi The Deerfield Athletie Associa-- tion will sponsor a Valentine Dance in the Masonic Temple Saturday evening, February 11th. The Blue Bird Orchestra will furnish the mu-- Mr. F. Labahn's mother is ser-- iously ill at her home in Evanston. The circulation of books -- at the Deerfield Public Library is rapidly increasing. l)uml{!l the month of January, 663 books were given out including 320 adults and 343 juven-- for RBaat time. Wednsesiay evenin«@ the Deerfield Famrt af Reviecex will conveone at 7--0% at the school to examine can-- didates for advanced degree which are to be awarded at the Court of Honor on Friday evening in the 11 This weok Repquts ars dIaing traf-- fie dutv at the corner before and aftpr schanl, Teriin 52 is resnonsihle fae Monday, Wednesda~ and Fr-- day. Trmon 51 for Tuesday and , I¥ weather nermits hnth troons wil? march to~ «chool an Wednesday ami at 1 P. M. renew their Scont nledog o¥ abegianece. Traon 52 Mrum and Bugle Corns will apvear fare PBast time. _ ies .~L.___Mrs. Frederick Fisher 1 :30 P. M: . Original Compositions in Music and Garden Verse ... ._.....Rewiler Christian Mogle 2:3 P. M. Gardens. _ Mrs. crontfe s« K. OPIREE : * scCoUT ACTIVITIES Tw troong af Neerfleld did their SGeopt Woeek Commumnitv Gaoi--turn hw@ »«legning up the Jewott nroperty on Waukecan Poad after the last Kaness evelonps draornod al kinds of abjcetionable lookine ticket--stands, Inishes etc unon the provnertyv. FPollowing is the Anniversary Scout program to be presented in inurense ce Te o d " '. l » 't ® * Band Concert, Deerfield Municipal Samuel Ott, who was born Twenty--two wfi e mie "Conservation of Wild «. C A. H. Conrad, _A Merchandising Event of Supreme Importance of the | _ Telephone Company. -- -- _ _ ;Cot:t'f:f awards. <~ Demonstration of scout activities. : _ Sunday School, 9:45 a m, A class for every member of the family. / _ Morning Worship, 11:00 a. m. | Christian Endeavor, 7:00 P. M. Evening Worship, 8:00 P. M. ' Prayer and Praise service Wed-- \nesday evening at 8:00 o'clock. \|80Oth birthday. The afterncoon was| rasy. Sheffield, democrat. ls?e.t.\t in vli:)iting an';l Rt:}lini tal(:s'l ----------------O--ERT Long, Long ago. reshments ':vere selgved gufd ?plemnt vafter-!SUP REM E C |noon was enjoyed by all. _ _ _ ; HEARS 3 CASES Bertha Freeze gave a very t-- fulparty in honor of their ma --DEERFIELD Gal. 2 G. E. W. 2--9 Deerfield Presbyterian Church Mark J. Andrews, Minister 9:3t(i), _Chl')x:ch-schoolt.d(}nded In-- struction partmen Organiza-- tion. Trained Leadership. Pastor's Class at 10 a. m. > You are--.cordially invited to all the services and activities of this church. A cordial welcome is extended to all to worship with us. Ks The public Demonstration Meet-- ing of the Scout Troop of this Chicago announced for February 10 has been postponed to February 24, so as not to conflict with the meet-- ing in the Tem%e, announced for the former date. Watch next week's announcement for the program. _ This beéing Scout Anniversary week, the community will commem-- orate same with a special program Friday evening, 7::45 at the Mason-- ic Temple. -- The .members _ and friends of the St. Paul's church are corjlially invited. Good music, splen-- did speakers and interesting demon-- strations make up the program. The Young Men's basketball team has two games on its schedule next week. Tuesday, February 14th with Morton Grove and Thursday, Feb-- ruary 16th with Northbrook. Both games will be played at the St. Peter's Community Hall. The guests included members of' Mrs. Freeze's Sunday School class| of the Bungalow Church. Mrs. C.| Fehr. Mrs. Mary Fritsch, Mrs. Mer-- ner,. Mrs. Mary Wessling, Mrs. Fred Bleimeh!, Mrs. A. H. Muhlike, Mrs. Peter Perry, also Rev. and Mrs.l Johnson and two sons, and a sister,' Miss Anna Krimbill of Chicago., Speaker, Mr. Butler from the Bell Springfield, II1., Feb. 6.--Seek-- ing to lift the burden of taxation from agricultural sections of the state suffering from flood condi-- tions and unfavorable weather for the past two years, the Illinois State Tax Commission has &nnounc-- ed a material reduction in valua-- tions for tax purnoses. -- > TAX RELIEF ORDERED IX ELEVEXNXN COUNTRIES 10:45, Worship and Sermon. The sermon will 'be appropriate to the memory of the: great American whose birthday falls on this Sun-- day. At this service the Scout Troop of this Church will be present and take some part in the services. 5:00, Vesper.. The Rev. George Watson, pastor _of the Northbrook Presbyterian Church will deliver the address "In the Land of the Saddle--bag." A number of years of Mr. Watson's personal experiences will be most interesting. will be most-- in't:ex;sh--r;g' e """'f": Fourteenth--Harold C. Kesgnger. Meeting -- of --the Church--school; Aurora, republican; k Staff at the home of Mrs. W. C.,' Slixteenth--Simon E. Lantz, Cong-- Koebelin on Tuesday evening, Feb--| erville, republican. s ruary 14th. -- _ KRighteenth--John Dailey, Péoria The Women's Missionary Society | republican. ; will meet <on Thursday afternoon,, -- Twentieth--Richard R. .Meents February 16th with Mrs. Fred Hag-' Ashkum, republican. § +*4 gie. "ar% £ l Twentyv--Second--Martin B Bailevy _ Boy Scout meeting, Thursday ev-- ening at 7 o'clock at the Church. There will be no choir rehearsal Friday. Sunday, February 12th is Scout, Sunday. Members will furnish the :;p;eial singing for our service Sun-l Counties included, with the cuts are: Bond Clay, Cumberland, Ed-- wards and Gallatin, 10 per cent: Pulaski, Randolph and -- Richland, 15 ner cent; and Johnson and Wa-- bash, 20 per cent. The majority of them comprise river lands, being on or contiguous to the Mississippi, Ohio, Wabash and -- Kaskaskia, or Three billions for the navy hardly will leave enough money to buy bird seed for the dove of peace. The sewing circle will* meet Thursday, _ February 16th, at the home of Mrs. Leo Seiler. Choir rehearsal, Friday evening at 8 o'clock. lesser tributaries. This may go down as the year ofi the great war--between low--priced On Thursday afternoon, February d, Mrs. R. Wessling and . Miss F. G. Piepenbrok, Pastor Church School 9:15 a. m. English Services, 10:15 a. m. German Service, 11:15 a. m. Confirmation Saturday, 9:00 Evangelical .Bungalow Church 8t. Paul's Evangelical Church Be sure to read the big poster in your mail Tuesday A. Libertyville Building and Loan Association Unoer State SupERVIsION 359 N. MiuwaurkrEE-- Avenue yville residents who are contemplating -- ding their own homes in the spring d have not the available cagh, can arrange a Loan for the remainder needed from our Association eA --Call, write or phone 406 for partiCUh_rS--' Series Number Three Now Open. | _ Forty--Eighth--Lyman W. Emmons, ) | Lawrenceville, democrat. -- C | '_--~ Fiftieth--William J. Sneed, Her-- | '.rin. republican. -- . ~| | Eight Vacancies in House | '-- Political ~gossip .that practicany' ' without exception the present,.mem-- . bers of the house of representatives | will be candidates for re--election, but | there are eight seats made vacant | in the last year by death. Members | | passing away are: . | i First--Sheadrick B Turner, Chi-- | Forty--Sixth--H.~S. Burgess. FPair-- "icld. democrat. + FOR THIS FALL Twenty--Eighth--Jesse -- L. Deck, Decatur, republican. -- . Thirtieth--Ben L ~Smith, Pekin, democrat. o 'Thirtv--Second--John _ S. Brown Monmouth, republican. * -- Fortieth--James -- H.. Forrester Taylorville, republican. i .A Chicago. renublican. $ C Eighth--William, F. Weiss, Wauke-- gan. republican. * Ninth--Joseph --Placek, Chicago, democrat. Forty--Second--E -- °* D. Telford Salem, republican. Twenty--First--Benjamin M. Mit-- chell, Chicago, democrat. Tenth--H. S. Hicks. Rocktorg.' re-- publican. y s Twelfth--Joseph L. Mevers, Sciota Mills, republican. $ ; Twentieth--Richard _ R. .Meents Ashkum, republican. t+2% Twenty--Second--Martin B. Bailey Danville, republican. & Twenty--Fourth--Henry M. Dunlap. Savoy, republican. : Twenty--Sixth--Florence Fifér Boh-- rer. Bloomington, republican. Stanfield. Paris, republican. , Thirty--Seventh--Frank . W. Mor-- rasy. Sheffield, democrat. the most important litigation it has Ebnsidered for several years, the court convened in February term today with several matters of state-- wide interest to be decided. They are: 1. The guo warranto mandamus. 2. The attack on the constitution-- ality of the 2 cent gas tax. 3. The apportionment case The avo warranto mandamus, filed by State Representative J. Bert Miller of "Kankakee, resulted from the refusal of State's Attorney H. E Fullenwider of Sangamon county to file information in auo warranto to 'oust Governor Len Small from of-- fice. SPRINGFIELD, 111., Feb. 7.--Sena-- tors will be elected from twenty@five of the fifty--one districts of the state at the general election in November At the same time the entire member-- smr of the house of representatives will be Selected for the coming bien-- Twenty otf the . senators whose terms expire are republicans and five are democrats. . > Districts Holding Elections The senatorial districts in which elections will be held, with the pres-- ent Second--George Van Lent, Chicago Fourth--Frank McDermott, Chica-- go, democrat. > * f Sizth--James J. Barbour, Chicago. republican. * Eighth--Rodney B-- Swift, Lake Forest, republican. e Thirty--Fourth--John R. Hamil-- ton, Mattoon, republican. Thirty--Sixth--Charles R. McNay. Ursa, democrat. * Forty--Fourth --. Harry . . Wilson Pinckneyville, republican. Tpon being advised by the state's attorney that he would not file the information, Miller petitioned the supreme court for a writ of man-- damus to compel the county lega) officer to act. The court allowed Miller motion to file the petition for mandamus and Fullenwider, in his answer to the petition, set up the act of the last general assembly--de-- signed to make quo warranto inef-- fective during the terms of state of-- firers--as his principal reason for refusing to file the information. SPRINGFIELD. Ill., ~Feb. 7.-- (UP)--The recent recess opinion 'of the supreme court in the primary alartinn ease removed from its docket Thirty--Eighth--A. S. Cuthbertson PHonE 406 Hancock "THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11; 4928 s -- > |~'Tuesday evening, February. the ALadies' Aid of the -- Evangeligal «Church will hold an avron sale with ' Mrs. Harold Hans was in Chica-- go on Wednesday, with Mr. and | Mrs. Philip Sehaefer. . : % Mrs. John Fink. etnertained the \ Bunco Club Thursday evening. The teachers of the Evangelical Sunday ©'School were ~entertained Tursday -- evening in the Church Parlors. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Heinrich, Nee Herron,. announce -- the arrival -- of Marion Justine. at the Barrington Hospital.© --| . Mrs. William -- Tonne: is having the upstairs and the dinigg room of her hoame decorated by Mr. Kuniz of Palatine. > t Mr. and Mrs. Roy Loomis atiend-- ed a card party in Wauenda Mon-- day evening.. | > iA > .l uS --'The Misses Margaret Fink and Alice Rockenbach returned Monday to Illinois University . after® several days vacation at home. § Mrs. Ida Jensen has resumed her teaching at the Lake Forest School. Mr. <and Mrs. Myron Campbell of Elgin visited at the Ernst home. Mr. and Mrs., G. W. Spuano: Barringtsn visited Tuesday even' with Mr. and Mrs. A. L Paytor -- Mr., Willard Dagrell of Waucon da called here Fnmday afternoon. constitutionality or the legislative act, and. the supreme court at conclusion of its present term will rule on the validity. of this legislation. -- If the act is held unconstitutional, Fullen-- wider will be ordered to file the in-- formation and. the governor again must make a legal fight to hold the executive chair. * ~ 'The third of the important pend-- ing cases grows out of the cam-- paign of John B. Fergus for a re: apportionment of the state on the basis of representation. Such a re-- apportionment would almost --give Cook county control -- of . 'both branches of the general assembly. Gas Tax Case t Probably 'the nexit most important case slated for decision at this term of court is the two cent gas tax case The gasoline tax act of the last leg-- islature was attacked by the Chicago Motor --Club in Kane county. The Kane county circuit court sustained the constitutionality of the act and from 'this decision the Motor Club appealed. If the act is sustained the state probably, will start paying the counties their 50 per cent of the tax collected in 1927. > Special Cleaning: @ offer P ons s o Porming Now 73 In regular Commercial Courses, advanced courss in Commercial Work, Civil Service preparation. .. . j ut rerines. Call --for particulars is _ . Cleaning -- Pressing Hoe.) 410 N. Milwaukee Avenue _ Libertyville, IIl. We have joined the campaign to awaken in the minds of the:parents the importance of cleanli-- ness of person to the youth of:the land. For a period of thir$een 'days _ We will clean children's clothes *h up to twelve years old é LAKE ZURICH Takes place next week Boy's C:lothing --Feb. 13 to 18 \--@ffl's Clothing --Feb. 20 to 25 _ This is our contribution to National Cleanliness Week John Cichy New Classes -- Mrs. Geo. E. McDonald Libertyville.:Phone 130 FREE OF CHARGE » 811 W. Park Ave. Children's Garments 'en'ng For Emil Ficke, Supt. of Kia Town-- whip, left Monday evening with se-- veral.others to visit in reoria and lndianapofis. t i s _ _PUEBLO'S GROWTH _ 'The: city: of. Pueblo, Colorado, now has almost twice as many tele-- phones as it had population in 1880, when the first telephone was in-- stalled tnere.. When the first ex> change was ~placed in . service in 1880 there were only fifteen sub-- seribers, iwhile the city had a popu-- lation-- of : 7,000.° The other 4ay Pueblo's;}'if'n-thousandth' telepnone was in stall¥ed. f "Getting current for nothing at Boulder Dam would make little dif-- ference in a Los Angeles electric consumer's bill," he says. He shows that the cost of generating electri-- city by falling water is only 14 per cent of the domestic consumers' cost: transmission of the power is 12 per cent; and distribution is 74 per cent of 'the delivered cost of power. f 2 refreshments and a candy booth in the Curch parlors. . _ : _ : -- > Guy: Farman of Evanston was' in town Moniay, °_ . -- e . "The -- directly-- benefited region pays about one per cent of the taxes, of the United--Stafes Government. Ohio alone pays six times the taxes of said region.' Seven non--benefited states, namely, Ohio, TIllinois, Mas-- sachusets, Michigan, ~Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York, pay 69 per cent: of the United States Gov-- erfiment taxes, or 69 times those of the benefited region." -- > 2e In a study of the project made for the commerce association by Samuel 8. ,Wye.r,, consult-inf engineer, Mr. Wyer explodes the claim of the bill's proponents that the dam will give the : people 'of Los Angeles cheap electricit);', 'and that such sales will finance the undertaking. _ * ._Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Branding --was in Chicago Monday visiting friends: BRANDS BOULDER DAM °. A6 "STATE SOCIALISM" Columbus, ~Ohio -- Branding the Boulder Dam project, as proposed in the Swing--Johnson Bil} in Congress, as a "wide cratk in the door tor the entry of state socialism" the Ohio Chamber of: Commerce. has passed . a -- resolution against the government entering -- the : power business but favoring "such mea-- sures as may be wise and necessary for the control of floods. « "Ohio is willing to do its share cheerfully in any Federal project that is economically sound and consistent with our traditions," the resolution states, --out points out that: * P3 PusBLic SEemrvice COMPANY 19 Og sl:OCE;f HEFSlN ILLINOIS f k esee St., Waukegan 3: Gus Krumrey, Local Representative THE SODA SHOP A VALENTINE gift of candy will show her you are a man of keen discernment, who can be de-- pended upon to do the correct and graceful thing upon every occasion. * Select your Valentine candy here and make doubly sure of her enjoyment. We have a large assort-- ment of the finest chocolates beautifully and appropriately boxed at any price you care to pay. h Phone 144.W ll'n o kee -- *