CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 25 Feb 1928, p. 8

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thered in the new high school gym-- mnasium by Howard P Savage, past national commander of the Ameri-- A copy of the challengeé which was! dean of ~Northwéstern -- University's placed in the hands of se.eral stu--} «--hanl af eng@ineering. Hill's sknl dents at the school to Mr. Savage| was fractured. follows: . . & The co--ed infured is Miss Helen "To the R. O. T. C. Students of the| Lomax., 19. of 408 Rosivn place Her : *Waukegan Township High School.| injuries, which doctors --said prob-- *"Fellow Students: : ably. would be mortal. were received ~--*"What have we .een trying to{ in in automobile collision at Wash-- move to you? That the R. O.--T. C.| inston blvd. and Keeler avenue is part of the big business men andl Three of her companions. Arthur bankers policy to militarize the youth . <~*>~!ter. 224 ~Harrison . street. Oak and prepare them for a future war | Park: Miss Eleanor Dodge, 17. of These are the same b%n who| 5+9 Towa street. Oak Park, and Ward made millions out of the and| --*~+ 2 of Antioch, Ill. were also _m of the last war. A':thts time severely hurt : iw they are M t.he'n:vi;. The driver of the other car. Lero; appropriation r ¢ 4 more than milito Ger-- 'Horton. 954 Pleasant. avenue ?\':)t J --qonsicered Park, escaped injury. He was To evor hoi _8 tin€ | nerq by the police. For its army or navyy beforé the World| _ 1..;~,c« Adamik °8311 N Lawn-- "The R. O. T. C. is one of the out--| ":cthtngsinmebngdmgof & ecountry. It takes teamwork and fair j play. If the time should come--and | CGod knows I hope that it never does! "May they all say that they dedi-- cate their lives to a better, bigger lib-- erty in America. the home of your What Admiral Plunkett of the U. 8. Navy Said "Are we mistaken when we point cut to you that a war is coming? That the R. O. T. C. cxists to prepare you the the war, so that J. P. Mor-- gan & Co., Standard Oil and -- other million and billion dollar corporations Shall make even greater. profits than they did in the last war' Let us see what Admiral Plunkett told a New York audience recently: "We don't spend $724,.0,000 for a' navy without a reason. Wehavegot| to explain to the people oat this coun--| try why we spend this imo0ney. And| wt a previous talk he stated that! *war is inevitable, probably with Great "I am hoping that the splendid men who sit in front of me will always support the Constitution,~ maintain law and perpetuate the individua: obligations to the state. o:ganization on the foiowing topic 'Kesoived 'That the R. . T. C. is a 'Ilaneetomemmtenst.sox the American Youth' I1 they accept let them anounce the fact in the columns czflthc'&m'mdwevillgmtoucb with them. is exactly what we pointed + you, fellow students of Wau-- & Township EHigh school. The P k of England and Ameri-- eaare striving to beat each other out of the markets of _hina South Amer-- ica and elsewhere. This must lead to a profit--war where millions of youth are slaughtered .» the bene-- fit of a handful of mili--naires We call upon you to refuse to be .ooled into the R. O. T. C. by those whe try to paint that organization in rosy colors. Leave the ankers fight Col. A. V. Smith was 'the f'rrst; speaker on the program and he in-- troduced the past national command-! er with words of high praise. 3. -- In answer to a challenge which had been hurled at him by the "Young Workers' League of Ameri-- ca" challenging him to debate the topic--"Resolved, That the R. O. T. --when my home is invaded whether internally or externally nothing would please me mere than to know that everyone of you sons can look your mother, your sister, your father and your home in the face and say that whatever comes everything you have you will give to them and the chil-- dren that come after me. G. is a Menace to the True Inter-- ests of the American Youth," with l:'i'm taking the negative he answer-- Our Challenge "We challenge Mr. Howard P. Sav-- age or his 'patriotic' friend a student & the R. O. T. C. who praised that SAVAGE IN TALK HITS THE"REDS" The meeting 'closed with the sing ing of "America" and benediction b Rev. Howard C. Ganster. for profit--sharing wars Down with the R C T. C. ean Legion, in the principal talk at one of the biggest patriotic meet-- ings held in Waukegan for some Anti--militarism and "red" propa-- ganda was attacked Friday before the entire student body and several humired Waukegan people who ga-- RYERSON WILL $ PRORATED Two weeks aco the will and codi---- cils were filed in the Probate court The estate totals $4.600.000 The property amounts to ujoo.?o and the real estate is valued at $100.000 A sum aggregating $300,000 is to go to churches. educational and philan-- throphic institutions. Relatives, em-- muul friends are to divide , The balance of the estate is to divided between Ryerson's ¥vidow and four children. bearing his name, were admitted to Probate Monday by County Judge Perry L. Persons prwd::gnln the Probate court. Letters t entary were issued to Joseph T. Ryerson. CEdward L Ryerson Jr.. and Donald 11. BRyerson The bond was set at The will and codicils in the estate of Edward L Ryerson, Lake Forest, late chairman of the board of 4' rectors of the Chicago steel concern Claim Is Estate _ In the estate of Samue!l S. Messina highwood. letters of administration were issued to Attorney Willard H Longcor. The bond was set at $20 -- WKM. The estate consists of right of action against Jeraid Fischer, Wels Levens and--A--W: McDaniel, all Mil-- waukee. Messina, a Highwood police-- mar was killed in an automobile grash north of Waukegan several weeks ago.s Proof of heirship in the Parts of his talk follow: "Young Workers League _' aeri-- representarives of our preparations A few days ago two little five yfiar old boys came up from town | on an errand to the home of Mrs. "George Blackburn. One was the son of the town Marshal, George Jep-- son, the other was the son of Hom-- er Lincoln.s The latter had never been at the Blackburn home before and he saw a nice picture on the wall, "My, gee." he said, "but that is a fine picture. The lady said, "Gerald, shall I see if I can find an apple?" "Find two, George -- likes apples "to0." It is needless to say each got a fine red apple. On Sat-- urday this same little Gerald Lin-- coln heard a rap at the door and hastened to admit the guest who-- ever it might be. As he opened the Joor he saw the Rev. Loche and said, !"'Oh gee, gosh! Mama here is the preacher!" Little Gerald is a Sun-- lddv School attendant so he was sure who the caller must be. . (Continued from Page 2) Mrs. Harry Grantham and -- Albert Gossell. The luncheon was fine and was served at the close of a pleas-- ant evening. Mrs. Frank Meyer will be hostess February 27th. Mrs. Grace Moffitt entertained twenty--five friends the first of last week at an airplane bunco party. Those winning high honors were as follows: Mrs. George Hapke, Mrs. Leslie Turnbull, Miss Belle Tag-- gart, Mrs. Walter Banks and Mrs. Ray Seymour merited high honors for throwing the most buncos. The usual luncheon was served. _ <twjients Anthony Adamik. 2911 N. Lawn-- dale avenue was killed when his motareycle collided with > imotor truck in Higgins road. near N. Ausi'n avenue. f ANTIOCH YOUTH HURT IN CPASH The guardian in the estate of Elizabeth Ferguson,. minor,. Zion, was authorized to invest funds of estate. The guardian in the estate of James Munro. minor, Highland Park, was authorized to mortgags reéal estate. is The inventory and appraisement bill was approved in the estate -- of Harry Wicklander. Highwood. There is a chinook wind from the southwest this forencoon. It began to rain about six o'clock this morn-- to his widow, Ida C. Paul, for life use. At her death it is to go to a daughter and granddaughter. Let-- ters testamentary were issued to ¥\r Paui His bond was set at $1,000 t~'rship was taken. In the estate of William Rettig. incompetent, Highland Park, letters If conservatorship were issued to Zeta Anna Rettig Her bond was set at $1,500. ' Hesrings on final reports in the estates 31 George -- Shearer,. Lake Forest. and Minna Seaborg. Lak® Forest, were continued to March ~ Reports Approved Final reports were approved in the estates of Matti Jenstrom, Wauke-- gan; Thomas Wagstaff{. Lake Forest: and Mary Wagstaff. Lake Forest. The states were closed Letters of administration in the estate of Wilma Myllynen. other-- wise known as Wilma Miller. Lake Forest, were issued to O. L Stanley public administrator. | ---- _ The inventory was amended in the estate of August Wienecke, Town Letters of administration de bonis non in the estate of Luella J. Hook, Grayslake, with will annexed, were issued to Edward A. Brown. His vond was set at $1,000. When Planning Your Home Two =Northwoesterm -- | University wlents, one of them a co--ed, suf-- red injuries from which they may e in automobile accidents© Wed-- sdav night. : o es LUMBER, COAL, BUILDING MATERIAL WAUCONDA W. F. Franzen, Jr. Lumber that has been carefully selec-- ted, graded, and seasoned saves time in erection, insures sound construc-- tion and makes a better appearance. Our advice on plans is free. Ask us for 1i. don't overlook the fact that quality lumber is essential to satisfaction. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Miss Holen n place Her s ~said prob-- were received on at Wash-- son Fred } G€ Mr. EFli Chase of; Ringwood, Il. probably the oldest man in Mc-- 'Henr,v Co., . celebrated his . 99th birthday anniversary last week. He | was a f;&]'om'z friend of the late F. | L. Carr.of this village. . > : |-- Con Shea, <~who was a resident here for a short time, but had been known for several years by cmany people around town is repofted as being quite ill at a Chicago hospi-- tal where he is suffering with dia-- lbebe's. His friends hope for his re-- icovery. ® . 4 Mr. ani Mrs.. Sanderson, : who have occupied one of the hodses on North Main Street owned by Jos-- TT CBD . COPRMCIT 4EUIITC ' Mrs. Esse Fisher, who has heen' ill pf Pneumonia at her home in-- Volo, is not getting along as well as| her mux{ friends : wish, She has| been ill for some time. | Transfiguration Church Notes| Sunday: Masses 8 a. m., 9 a.| m. Bendicition after late maas Week-- days: Mass at 7 a. m. Devotions in honor of Sacred Heart, first . Fri-- day of each mopth. Mass at Confessions Saturday at 4 p. m. and (--pP.. M > ; * D.--~H. Murphy was taken sudden--' ly ill at his home here the latter part of last weéek with a serious hemhorrage but was better at the| last news from his sick bed. Mrs.! Murphy is also in poor health, hav--| ing never fully recovered from the' attack of illness she suffered last fall.. The daughter, Mrs. Grace Ford, who is employed in Chicago, was called home. -- | § eph Haas, moved their household goods back to Chicago Saturday where they will reside. Mr. Sander-- son is the man who operated the Palace Theatre here (during the summer of 1927. D L. --H. Cypher received a letter from St. Louis on Monday bearing a Lindberg postage stamp. The en-- velope is also stamped with a horse-- shoe and bears the notation "Lind-- berg flies the Chicago«St. Louis Mail." Mr. Cypher is quite proud of his souvenir. The February -- meeting of the Past Matrons' Club of Mayflower Chapter 0. E. S. was held at the home of Miss Della Kirwan on Fri-- day afternoon. After the. regular business session and instructive program, a bountiful luncheon was served by the hostess. Valentine de-- corations and favors were artisti-- cally arranged on the table the cen>-- ter place being a hugh valentine. Each guest found a smaller one. at her place and was requested to read the message thereon which caused much: hilarity and amusement. The menu was also suggestive of valen-- tines. A large cake being decorated with red hearts, -- little individual nut cakes with small red hearts and red mint baskets filled with tiny red hearts. The next meeting of this club will be on March 16th at the home of Mrs. George Broth- ton. E+. . _ Federated Church ~Notes _ | Sunday School, 10 a. m. s Morning worship, 11 a. m. Junior Endeavor, 11 a. m. Evening worship, 7:30 a. m. The 'Senior Girls' Class 'of the Sunday School enjoyed an excellent . waffle feed at the home. 'of --Mrs,! Locke on Friday evening, February | 10th. There ~were nineteen -- girls| present. All adjourned in a group to| the. Lyceum at W. T. H. 8. _ 4 The Waucomda Federated Church deserves the whole--hegarted subpofl{ of every citizen of the community. Az. one of the spiritual institutian'sf making the.betterment of the com--| munity, it is an asset in every sense. of <the --word. -- Beginning : Sunday, February 19th -- and-- continuing through to Sunday, February 26th, a financial canvass of members of i the church and friends in the com-- munity is being made to raise the| above budget. Please give the com--] mittee your cordial : and> generous| sSupipft. s' 'w'. g0ly}.".~ .0. The Womans Auxiliary of the Federated Church met last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. George Lindgrin on North Main Street on Thursday, February 9th. There was a good attendance at the close of a pleasant afternoon. > § ing but did not last long. The walks were crusted with ice for awhile, but now are under water in some places. . _ * y M2." * The P. T. A. Association met last Frida?v evening ~at the Grammar School, where a fairly good number of persons appeared. The P. T. A. will serve lunch at W. T. H. S. in March when the Tournament takes The Euchre party at the home of Mrs. McGill called out ladies 'to* fill three tables of Euchre last Oweek Wednesday afternoon. High scores were made by Mrs. M. S. Clark and her daqle:ter. Lydia, second to Mrs. Leslie rmnbull, while Mrs.-- Krell took consolation. The next party at the McGill home will be given on February 29th. Come and enjoy a good time. € s '| / | : The coroner's jury investigating the death of Samuel Massini, 24. a spe-- cial policeman of the city of High-- ; wood, who was injured fatally Janu-- ary 27 in an automobile collision at |the double "S" curve north of Wau-- OPEN VERDICT -- IN ACC!DENT man may: have a son, Mr. Barr and Mr. Prior were appointed by the comthittee to see to it that men and boys get together. Boys desiring to attend ebut . having no one with whom to go, . report to Mr. Barr. Men deésiring . sons to take to the banqguet report to Mr.: Prior. Tick-- ets may be secured from any of the ecmmittee or at the leader office. ball. Worthwhile?"~ In order-- that every boy in Wauconda and vicinity may be awble'to attend the bangquet with a father and that every adult special 'feature ¢© Kenneth Rouse, . cago. ~University kegan, Monday afternoon complet-- rubbers. place. All arrangements have been completed up to this tin Anthony Richardo ~and -- Pasquale Tard: were charged in an,indictment with larceny of a Ford car worth $300 from A. Zoball in Highland Park on May #1,. 1926. 9 STATE DROPS THREE CASES The indictment against the Byfield boy charged that he broke into the home of. Louis O. Basting in High-- land Park on May 6, 1927, and ttole property valued at $115. He is al-- leged to have taken a radio, a foun-- tain pen and a revolver. It was fur-- ther charged that furnishings in the house were damaged to the extent of $2,000. . Basting was in California at the time. > & State's Attorney A. V. Smith Wed-- gesday nolle prossed uaesBin the ircuit court against Abbott Byfield Anthony -- Richardo * and Pasduale Tardi, all of Highland Park, Byfield was under indictment on charge of burglary and larceny while Richardo and Tardi were facing prosecution on a larceny indictment. ® Abbott Byfield is the 14--year--old spon of Dr. Byfield, wealthy Highland Park physician. About the time the grand jury which indicted him went into session the boy was taken on a trip to Europ> by his father and as fer as known has not returned. o ickburn and Rev. Locke.-- At . a etin@ Sumday'" afternoon definite ns were--completed. A program lociaul orchestra, quartette, . boys rus group singing and other at-- ctions having been arranged. The 'cial 'feature of the --banquet is nneth Rouse, captain of the Chi-- »rsity . 1927 . Football gvill speak on "Is Foot-- REMOVAL SALE Unable to renew our lease, we are compelled to SLASH PRICES to reduce stock to save cost of moving. We are not going OUT of business. Just moving one blogk north to 532 N. Milwaukee Avenue. Everything in our store is reduced for quick removal. Italian Figurine With Flower _ Holder f y Community, guaranteed 50 ?'rs., Your-- ex lifetime guarantee. Wallace, guar-- anteed 50 years. Tudor Plate, Rogers. Linen finish. Removal Sale Price ._.....__..____... 10% Discount On All _ NOilverware Regular $7.50, Removal l ale PrICE ... Very Special. Removal l aleé PrIte --....._.....:.... 412 N. Milwaukee Avenue THE ABOVE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE WONDERFUL YALUES WE ARE OFFERING IN THIS SALE VISIT TO OUR STORE WILL BE A REVELATION Gold Edge Playing Cards Popular Cigar Lighter McDonald's Jewelry and Gift Shop "x . PAVING BRINGS . will | MAXNXY TO MEET i-- Intimations were made that Mc-- 'Dani¢ls was driving at a reckless rate | !oi speed at the time. There was no' 'evidence to show however, that Mc--| \Daniels was speeding. A doctor's cer--> «tificate was also presented stating | 'that McDanicls had not been drink-- ; i Wells Leven, of 741 Downer street, Iuflwaukee, and George Thornton, otf lKenosha. who were riding with Mc-- Daniels at the time the accident hap-- ' pened, were present at the hearing 'and testified. Levens is the owner of 'the cart McDaniels was driving. He 'was represented at the inquest by a representative of the insurance com-- 'pn_y;_'he is protected by. ~A request was p: constructign <of: a tfi east© Park -- avenue> and Sixth streets ar ed its probe at an adjourned session Attorney J. A. Miller, who Mon-- day filed a $10,000 damage suit for the widow of Massini in Circuit court against Levens and McDaniels, cross-- examined the witnesses put on the € presented a prop} auguration 'of a . g system --with regul; twice--a . week and at .< restaurants > °: Campbell statcdl. 4 secured a dumping ed the cooperation providing this.: Th ferred to the boar ~~Chairman Kaping o comnmiittoe showed. 'a sa artistic street marker, of aluminuun with raise recommenided its use in placements.: He was i make a check of the int the village and report meeting. ~ -- 62 -- 'Attorney William Behanna repre-- sented McDaniels and Thornton at the probe."-- committoe showed a sample of an. > Rheumatism . is "painr" only Not artistic street marker, constructed, one case in fifty requites ' internal of aluminuun with raised letters and : reatment. Stop drugging. Rub sooth-- recommenmded its use in makitg r6--. ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil"; right placements. ~HMe was instructed to | imto your sore, stiff, aching joints and make a check of the intersections in muscles, and relief comes instantly. the village and report at«the next: "St Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rhesu: meeting. ... 2 . matism -- liniment which never: disap-- The c meeting> was adjourned to points and cannot burn the skin. Tuesgday evening, February 28th. Limber up! Quit complaining!* Get e Ennnnionmenn in en ht 0 a small trial bottle of old, honest If Limwibergh can make Mexico | "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drniestore. feel bet'tvr 'he's the fir:t man able ; and in just a moment you'll free to do' xs> * ' from rheumatic pain, soreness, stiff-- w '\ness and swelling. Don't suffer! Re-- Doctors in a New York hospital| bef "hfli : . "St. Jacobs Ofl'ab" have hunted for four years for the: relieved of rheumatism suffer-- cold germ when. all they needed to . ©*S N the last half century, and is just do was to go. out without their| 28 £00d for sciatica, ncuralgia, lum-- uisnnd * x ' bago, backache, sprains. : * and returned an "open verdict." The jury refused to recommend that Ar-- thur W. McDaniels, 364 Royal lace, Milwaukee, driver of the machine that collided with the auto Massini was driving. be held for grand jury ac-- tiog in cox_l_ngctlox\ Awitn _tl}e qgcidgnt. The verdict as returned by the jury stated: "Samuel Massini died of in-- juries received when the automobile he was driving collided with an auto-- mobile driven by Arthur McDaniels at the double "S" curve three miles north of Waukegan on Sheridan Doctors in a New York hospital have hunted for four years for the cold germ when. all they needed to do was to: go. out without their CC --T5e pre 65c i Y 25, 1928 Al : makintg re-- astructed ~to ersections in 'atethe next the street ple --of an onstructed n W 4s 1) 17 Imported Japanese Egg Shell China Tea Set, hand painted, 23 pieceg Regu-- lar $7.50. Removal $5.69 l ale PrICGe ......*...2 slsc oc c n The Table Ware the color and luster of GOLD,»strong as steel and solid thru and thru as sterling. 24--piece '<3600 Set, Removal Sale Price ... '."""l,'l.'l."l.!'lll".ll..ll|0.l|MClifil.l....ll."l.'l..""l.l.'l!'l!lllllllllII se ie n m c n t e l t M s +} To our many friends who have been waiting for Porcelain Kitchen Clocks, we wish to announce that a shipment has been received from Germany. While the price has been raised, we are still @ble $ 4.50 tosell at ...s_. E. ... on China Tea Sets _--_Active Campaign Planned -- Breaking up the observance of: the werk into two sections will enable the ~State Department ; of Public Health to make possible a wider cir-- culation of 'the motion pictures pro-- vided by that department in the carrying on of its work. At the same time it will allow the department to fill a larger . number of ~speaking dates. Last year the Gernand for speakers. films and exhibits was heavier than could be met. Tentative programs are now being gutlined by Dr: Rawlings and it is hoped during the first week of April to reach all of the southern IMlinasis communities, and two weeks Jater to cover the northern section of the PUBLIC HEALTH WEEK PLANNED Due to the fact the spring season for the southern part of the state @a&rrives about two weeks in advapce of that in the northern half, -- Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, director, Depart-- ment of Public Health, has arranged the observance of the week in the fifty--two southern~ counties for April 1 to 7. For the remainder of the state the period wilf be April 22 to 28. J servance of the tenth annual Healh Promotion Week in INlinocis will be made during the first week of April in the southern half of the state, and the last week of the month in the northern half of the state. Kitchen Clocks Rub Rheumatism or Sore, Aching Joints Rub Pain right out with small _ _ trial bottle of old :. > + "St Jacobs Oil." m SPRINGFIELD, Ill, Feb. 23.--O"*%-- DIRIGOLD mllunluunuuuunuuuuouuuui oenien n 600 Counties which will participate in | tWenty natt Vn We 00 0 °_ diwes, the observance of the wgek during the '°,d' the records show. Six -"--";: latter part of the month are: Ad~ms ihfe sentences. During the emme there have been six convictions for Boone, Brown, Bureau, Carroll, Cass, a robbery, thirty--three for lareemy, and Champaign, Cook, DeKalb. DeWitt |ciy for statutory offenses; ¥O O the Dupage, Ford, Fulton, Grundy, Han-- '\latter resulting in life semtemees. cock, Henderson, Henry, Iroquois, Jo-- | Daviess, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Knox, Lake, LaSalle. Lee Livingston. Under the auspices of the Chic-- Logan,. McDonough, McHenry, Mar-- ren's Museum in the Art Testitate shall, Mason, Menard. Mercer, Ogle, Puppet show for childres= will Peoria. Piatt, Putnam, Rock Island, ; %"e" on Saturday, March 3, at Schupler, Stark, Stephenson. Taze--| P. M. in the Club Room. well, Véermilion, Warren, Whiteside,| ;,)'u "::": utmi,: gyow-n'_ .'-n Will, Winnebago and Woodford. ;we?l','e i will give a % ~wsmeinte tm en | that bowm Will enjoy. Any THREE ARE UNOPPOSED child in may come, and tick-- I NX PRIMARY R A CE ets may be had free in the Chi@dron's hssn ie < Museum. Massac, Monroe, Montgomery, Mor-- gan, Moultrie, Perry, Pike, Pope, Pulaski, Randolph, Richland, Saline Sangamon, Scott, Shelby, St. Clair Union, Wabash, Washington. Wayne Whrite and Williamson. BNUHENNHHUNH mt o t tm e In regular Commercial Courses, advanced courses in Commercial Work, Civil Service preparation. (Continued from page HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO RENT? | Regular $1.50, Removal [ Sale Price :: ::::=...=. JAY CAIRNS Sugar and Creamers Candy Jars Fan Vases Bon Bon Dishes Compotes Regular $1.50 to $1.75. Removal 31.00 l ie PPE .4. i 11 * sls in a ul Bow!l and two candle sticks, Rose Maric and Green. Removal Sale © $1-m Price, Per Set, ... : 194 rent--some May lst, others move right away. If you have a house to rent list it im ark and Milwaukee Aves. nmediately with me. have 9 inquiries for houses to Phones 410 and 596-- W {t Alarm Clocks New Classes U Mrs. Geo. E. McDonald 311 W. Park Ave. Libertyville Phone Buffet Sets Glassware M Tt ts o n o ppppddnigin Forming Now all for particulars 1) Libertyville, IIl. the past seven years 2300 @#wXAokors county jail. Of twenty--one persons lmdisted for homicide during the past seven years twenty have been tried amd comvict -- ed, the records show. Six were g@iven life sentences. During the samme pertoc there have been six convictions fo» robbery, thirty--three for lareemy, and six for statutory offenses,; two of the latter resulting in life semenoos. for childrese will rday, March 3, at * ub Room. :enly makes w#' r own as ] give a mfl pirls Wwill emaloy. Any 89c will U 0 WMs lbong

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