{ Socie: LOCAl family of ~Wauconda: day at the home of ~Mr. .\lgert Macther. _ _-- Mir. and Mrse. Leslie Turnbull and LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK : ALL WEEK JELLO, All Flavors, 3 packages for 1 Can SaniFlush 1 Can Melo Water Softener « 1 Bowl Brush ._. Sunkist Oranges, 60c size=. Fancy Forest Park, Peas 90c value, 5 cans *~.-------- Fancy Santos CoffeBi®: : 1 Ib. Country Style Sausage 1 pki. Virginia Sweet Pancake } 1 Pt. Old Manse Maple Syrup Combination value ... Oséar Mayers Approved Ham, Skinles: whole or half, per Ib. ................--._------------ Oscar Mayers Approved bacon, whole or half slabs, per Ib. ......__._.._.--_------ Manor House Coffee $ PECIALS 2121 So. Milwaukee Avenue Abertyville Peanut Urisp ociety LOCAL -- N. LOCAL NEW S have to be successful? ~O. H; MOLIDOR F.!B. Lovell Co. Full Pound Boxes 335C The confection that became popu-- lar over night. Dainty and delicious .to the last morsel. .« .. This institution cannot aid _ you in the first two, but will gladly give information and advice to help you in form-- -- ing your judgment. 'WHAT attributes must a «~' business -- organization *Service You'll Remember Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 Some of the qualifications and Special this week Success Donald Dietz has been reported as a victim of the chicken pox. * Mr. and Mrs. Dusek and daughter, 1 Ir.mm_.t-uflln""l"":l called Sunday home I:.'&nmllflhatmwlm Mrs. Ellsworth Wilcox of Doug-- las Avenue will entertain the Dia-- mond Lake Community Club at her home Thursday, March 8th. Mr. and. Mrs. E. A. Bell of Elgin were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hall of West Park <Avenue. ; asassetsee00s 0000000000 *"** 25¢ and _ $1.10 19c _ O5¢ io 39C _ A9¢ 23¢ , ILumwors Tilinois T5¢ ic kegan Sunday evening, where he at-- tended the performance at the ville Ryder were guests Sunday of ' t Mr. and Mrs: William Jeffrey at g'g Mundelein. | U The Woman's Guild of St. Lawr-- atyi ence's Episcopal Church will meet is | at the residegce of Mrs. F. W. Foulds for on Friday afternoon, March 9th at : wil two--thirty o'clock P. M. on Mrs. Maud Lusk of Lake Street,| Mr who has been staying with Mrs. Ver Viola Caldwell at Mundelein for sev-' Chs eral weeks, has returned to her home | J. R. Pence of Round Lake was a| Messrs. Charles and Albert Haas: Kenneth Costello of Chicago was % G A Libertyville caller Tuesday. -- imd,om Tegtmeyer were Waukeg-- a week end guest at the %:.?%, COMING EVENTS * o c AOOL in Parh""""' t /s m'.'éip':n";'?mtfie aica Mary Eva y d&:shm of an callers & '\ *J * fl,mm m;:idc. Hor:lso v,h- Tuesday, March 6th :£~ Eeole dt BiblT s . |States and France, yet 12 countries Mr. and Mrs. W. A. y, cele--| _ The Tuesday Bridgo Club met this ited at the W. L. Whitney home on Five Hundred. Euchre and Bunce "1 foavt Sochool, since its' eotablish--| ers and lectusersias _' --_" _*' brated her fourth " annivers-- mmou..tm at the home Maple avenue. * hom* °"|party by the R. N. A. and Wood-- MLHC Th 1923 has traine establish-- | ers and lecturers. ary on Saturday, March 3rd. of Mrs. M. D. Penney. 2e » men--at Gridley Hall at 8:15 p. m. '::'f' in » trained 164 men , z_ z_ _ _ . Ts .. -- Seiler's all stars were given a neat Public invited. ~ Sn t women of 19 nationalities. En--| A wife is a person who will go Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Rust and Mr.| Mrs. Mdh'bhb'b trimming Friday night at the Lib--| *./ * _# 'rollment of 20 additional students| around and brag about her hus-- wih ot Recaion iinais wess worl ising, for on Indubmite tame *E e ertrrio RecrthinsGonnem,op, (BC -- remmagtraile b e Libertynlle]| abethor of fatiion con )e Gfaie | tal,oo, P Gaprne enough to come ] a me Y. c co F ities *4 t +5 to Cfi ZUCsle H Melalchaff T lcark: e : .0 team composed of pin boys fro ;I'iz(eilWommagfbs.ale py. the lgbe e!ffi_fi&j'?l_'iifi%_.'_'"i'ifi"'? of ,,,';* in out of the rain. -- moseh s Soe farnty wmare Rundsy dmiger guests were Sunday dinner ' at thg home of lr.yand Mrs. H. J. Swan at Mundelein. | Donald Fink of Chicago and Miss Helen Bradley ef Bradley Road en_--] Mr. and Mrs. Edward Groven of Chicago were Sunday i:guests at »~the home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Thom-- Miss Lillian Brown attended a meeting at Evanston in connection with the Illinois Bell Telephone Company, for which she is employ-- Beulah Jane, who are teaching at Sharbona, Illinois, spent . Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Charles Herrington at their home home at 218 First street. The four children of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kras, 112 Third street, are ill with scarlet fever and have been under quarrantine since last Thurs-- day. Mr. and Mrs. William Wheeler and daughter, Vilo, of Mechanic Groves Road, enjoyed a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Thatcher of Mundelein Fri-- day. 'ing which is to be held from March | 21° to 24 inclusive. The windows will ;be judged by a committee which is ; to be aprointed. for that purpose and 'the final decision will be made on the first day of the spring' openinf. Another &an for which the details are now being worked out is a style show at the Auditorium theatre dur-- ing that week. On Sunday, March 4th, about | twenty--four relatives and friends li(r. and Mrs. Frank Ganke and dau%eter Lillian, Mr. and Mrs. 'L. ickhoff, LeRoy. Sorenson, all of South Raymond, Wisconsin, Mr. !and Mrs. Harold Reickhoff, Mr. and Mrs. George Sorenson, 'and Miss | Mildred Hironimus of Racine, Wis-- | consin. Mr. Reickoff was the recipi-- 'ent of ma.njy remembrances and a beautiful Junior lamp presented Mrs. E. Suentin was hostess to the Bunco club Monday evening at her home on West Maple Avenue. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Edna Hubbard, first; Mrs. Veronica Wil-- cox, second; and Mrs. Charles Her--} rington, consolation. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Stacey and son, John, and their nevphew, Ken-- neth Austin, called Sunday after-- noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madsen. 518 _ Broadway, while enroute from . Wisconsin to their home in Chicago. ' The Rev. H. J. Buckingham, rector of Christ Church Harvard, IIl., is the preacher at the mid week Lent-- en service of St. Lawrence's Church on Wednesday, March 7th at eight o'clock. ~The preacher next week. on March 14th, is the Rev. Gerald Meore, rector of The Church of the Advent Chicago. 8 % The Mystic Workers held their regular meeting on Tuesday even-- ing, February 28th. After lodge closed bunco was plaved, the prize winners being Mrs. Rose Kennedy, oyed a visit at the James Laycock ome Sunday. > Mrs. Mattie Bennett, Mrs. Mary Waters, Miss Pearl Hough and :R. P. Schnaebele. Luncheon was servy-- e4 hv Mrs. Ingraham and Mrs. Mab-- le Knox. for Con , will speak at the Ki-- wanis Ciub Thursday evening, March 8th at the Episcopal Parish House. Persons who do not attend the sug-- g;r mag come in at seven--fifteen, P. . to hear the speech. Those who care to come to the S\\xsper should send in reservations to W. E. Hardin Secretary of the local=--Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. McCormick is a woman of wide experience and a| large crowd is expected to hear her., She is the daughter of a late®senat--| or, Mark Hanna. , +3 Bill Wheeler, the king pin of the Foulds bowling league, was' given a-- pleasant surprise Friday even-- ing -- during one of the weekly sessions at the Libertyville Recrea-- tion center when his fellow employe-- es fireeented him and Mrs. Wheeler with a basket of flowers in recog-- nition of their thirtieth wedding anniversary. In presenting the tok-- en the spokesman stated that it was given to him for being an all around good fellow and to her for being able to live with Bill for that long At a meeting of the retail interest committee of the Libertyville--Mun-- delein Chamber of Commerce held in the office of the secretary Mon-- day night plans were made for a friendly competition among the merchants of the two towns in a window display contest with every business man eligible. This will be in connection with the spring open-- Carrie Mattis and children, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sawusch and children, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Carlton and child-- Jeanette Metcalf, Nellie Met-- ?atnf and son, Allien, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reickhoff of Oakwood, Wisconsin, to all of whom he ex-- 'tends his sincere thanks. gtthered at the Au{ust Reickhoff ome in celebration of the mfl;?mt birthday anniv.ersmg of Mr. Reick-- hoff. Mrs. Reickhoff served a most delicious dinner and supper to her ests,. Out of town guests were g'r. and Mrs. Frank Ganke and dwfiter Lillian, Mr. and Mrs. L. Reickhoff, LeRoy Sorenson, all a time. gsthered at the Au{uat Reickhoff ome in celebration of the mfi;?nt birthday anniv.ersxug of Mr. Reick-- hoff. Mrs. Reickhoff served a most delicious dinner and supper to her from a number of friends in town including Mr. and Mrs. Emil Saw-- usch, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. William Knesley, Mrs. Miss Gerda Thorngren -- and -- Or-- Miss Edessa Herrington and Miss Madill McCormick, candidate Taylor and Penney are ¥54 motored to Wau-- o is vis trimming Friday night at the Lib-- _ Mrs. Kmtdw' b:< trimming yiongCenter ty ds lonk of l:r mrfl- L. H. team composed of pin boys from the homemof > ' alleys rfi kids, as they are called * Y .}hy: the ocider heads, c'!m'ed off the _Mrs. Edward Carroll, 124 Summy~" match by a margin of seven pins d Mrs. Wilson and chidren, Rich-- §J¥1d fpévti}vmd re guesis were 22 tic home of Ht. and ; --»Aag 24 ~ 4 Davis of Oakwood Terrace. _ _ _ Anna Louise, the oldest daughter of Mr. & who has the past few days, is reported as be-- ing much improved at the present at ie rinettyelile Lombns Gongany is intending to ; on Thursday for Jackponvilh.m where she will make a few weeks visit at the home of Mrs. MacComb and family. Mrs. MacComb was formerly Miss Vene Galloway, daughter of Dr. Charles --R. GlKO"Y of this city. close score of 18 to 17. The Card-- nals' aggressive team 1- slow ed up considerably by stalling tactics emplom.by the visitors. Murray and Ro: were the worst offenders and used the "statue acts" whenever the Irish gained the lead CHICAGO TEAM -- BEATS LOCALS from two ladsunme% 1 The locals were of several g:lnts by shots that went into the ket and bounced out. Five times during the play the score was tied and the result was in doubt up to the last minute of play. McDermott of the 'greena team carried off the honors in scormg with four baskets.. He used his height to advantage on follow--in shots and in this way scored six of his eight points. "Tub" Keller and Meade divided equally fourteen of uind smm gocues tans A O P Aeritniz L Fato i tw:en ltwofl}:ulgnh'h-nlul not on first ladies' con-- test hel'(rjonthclm-rbflfl the first overtime game this season. The score was knotted 8 to 8 at the end of the regulation time and in the overtime period two baskets by Miss Kelroy and a free throw by the local points. Margerie Fredericks broke--the tre. _ Thegenihnlvuuh.nfi affair between the Name omandthenhv-wwl'h quintette. The local team was vic-- torious after they had stopped a last minute rally by the visiters and the game ended 35 to 34. free throws for a total of 21 points. Berghorn and Harris kept the visit-- ors in the running with cight points Cardinals 17 RF. J. Murphy .. L.G. True'. Let's -- Insure You M The Libertyville Cardinal basket-- me Saturday night at St. Joseph's 1 to the Chicago Shamrocks by the THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, Kotex Decker & Neville Shamrocks 18 Opposite Electric Station pride in our service. Phones 469 and 269 a: 31 Members ef the Presbyterian Friendship. Cirele are requested to }hrm, mind: the winter picnic to be held. Thursday, March 8th at the home of Mrs. W.. G. Wells, 215 East Cook Avenue. Remember to bring the two© sandwiches and a dish to pass, also some article to be placed on auction, and which will add to the merriment of the day. Proceeds will be added to the building fund. Don't forget the change in time-- ane o'clock P. M. here very highly reeommended and her .egi'fi' {e of great interest to the members of the club. No one ean afford to miss hearing her. ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES In the near future an elocution con-- test will} be held in Chicago at St. Mary of the Lake Auditorium. The eontestants will be a boy and: girl selected at a'mliminary contest from various eighth grades from the eof Melvin dramatic school. --~~ _ | The elimination contest at St.; Joseph's was held Thursday. The] owing competed: Angelo Calan--| mn MnThy, Margaret ; Dougherty, and Esther Murphy The reading was "The Gettysburg Ad-- dress" ~All the contestants deserve mfor.tbeir creditable work. The i decided that Angelo Calanco and Esther Murphy were best. Dare we live in the hope that we will have the honor of winni'ng the gold medal at the final contest? He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide ender the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my «ctuge and my fonresu: my God; in him will I trust.. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under bis wings shalt thou trust; his truth shall be thy sheld and buckler. f B Psalms 'From guile their tho'ts are free, To them shall God reveal Himself, 'They shail His giory see. 3 They truly rest upon His word, * In fullest light of love, In this their trust, they ask no more Than guidarce from above. é s William Goode How blest are they whose hearts are Mortals greatly need to be awak-- ened to the fact that materiality in its myriad phases and claims is er-- roncous, is false, the counterfeit of reality, and that in consequence gense--testimony in its entirety is a the deceiver of the whole or at least of all who are not awake to the nature of its claims. Christian Science Sentinel Yellow Gab Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. SNOW ,s | LIBEKI Y YVILLE, JLLINQIS | S e s m 2 | P n mm uL GOoD THOUGHTS FOR GOOD PEOPLE Specials for March 7--8--9 and 10th ; Snyders Chili Sauce, Large Size T'Gr AOLEIC ........>..............n.. oc meeeemncncooentrninds Club House Catsup, Large Size Per Bottle irmnge mm nereipiiegeritie nigies.. Telmo Brand Wet-- Pack Shrimp Telmo Brand Tuna Fish f LArge C@I ...............lcooenomacmemiczs 39(: Telmo Brand California Sardines 1 lb. Oval Can, in Mustard, Tomato or Spice Sauce CAn~ 2 CINS AOL ......Ge...n .n eaen nininntrearent' Per Jar Ham.Shanks, 3 to 4 lbs. Each Casino Matches (6 Boxes) 2: BEeF PEG :.23 2. hecinds ic nemnimntomiintince manie 25(: Bab--O the finest Enamel & Porcelain Cleaner made--Excellent for Bath Tubs; 15 Clunks_ cetc.. Per can'..:.......:................ s ocfanl olz C Per Lb. PeveaberagestiBreserteens Veal Stew: Sinks, etc., PE CA ...............--0..:»sussssthin. tmmerts Quart Jar;,Dill Pickles Sirloin Steak All Phones 25-- TRIGGS & JOHNSON ie of Chicago. This is jlucted under the auspices q peerssasssestensessentsessenseneornsemants esmmmnr n« s 0 . eessersseannescesksassnessseemsessen 00 000« evessesvessesscensesstsecsssseesen0a00000 0000 0 . An undivided heart, whicn wor-- : ships God alons, and trust Him zs l it should, is raised above anxicty "for earthly wanils.©. _ _ ~. . Bakeay sale at the North Shore Gas Office, 406 North Milwaukee Ave., by the "Merry Maids Class" of the Presbyterian -- Church. Pro-- ceeds for the Church Bldg. Fund, Monday, March 19th Helég 'Fr(we)l;xzd, xbortmt' of tlix: Chi-- cago Civic ra Company, in song recital presented by tl:allljbenyvflle Musical Society. -- _ . Plunkett dinner by the Aid socmf; of the M. E. 'church in the chure Woman's Club. April 18, 19, 20 $ --"Minstrel Echoes" the a.nnull American Legion minstrel show at | the high school auditorium. Novelty : entertaimment produced by the John | Friday, March 16th. Class in Home Economics at the Auditorium Theatre at 2:00 P. M. Thursday, March 29th Postponed meeting (Wednesday, March 28th) of the LibertyvilL parlors, at 6:30 p. m. B. Rogers producingy company. InrsSs SshoP Tuesday, April 3rd Plunkett dinner by the Aid Societ 545 NORTH MI'L:\VAUKEE AVE. (UVPSFAIRS) LIBERTYVYILLE, JLLINOIS Have your hemstitching and picot edging done at the Hein ""'w.Tkag;n' IIl., done also ii'%'tgold or* s!imv;er thrilad at a extra charge. so you need not baste straight hems. Miss Marjorie Cary Heins Store, Waukegan qul who' dincoversd Beverty, Dss Shop! Saturday, March 10th Hemstitching a«esea0an000 . P P afhuareicinn sn *enegee by JTse --19¢ M' LALAL L ©2207T0H, SINVC I1S CBLEAULIDEIE® 'A_ ment in 1923, has trained 164 men tand women of 19 nationalities. En-- {rollment of 20 additional students for the session 1927--28 brln&- the m" number of nationalities to 28. Gradu-- ates are holding positions of re-- | sponsibility in many countries. The schfl owes its inception to activities of American Committee of De-- vastated France, which in its work for reconstruction established five small public libraries. This resulted six weeks' course for training libra-- ries. Although the instruction of the in the organization later by the terest of the people of .Libenzville and vicinity, by the LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO. EDITORIAL We were reading the other day about a California town that is bringing new fam-- ilies to settle there by means of a tray-- eling -- "community salesman", hired for the purpose. -- The population of Liber-- tyville is 3239 and it seems to us that we should have just that many commun-- ity salesmen, each bringing one new family each year. Let's 'try it. By the time a boy is ten years old he knows _ everything that you have been at pains to hide. The weather on a 1 of March, We've seen it every year, \'7 dad, It's nearly ways ) yery " good Or else it's very + Joseph Kohout Co., Inc. ;4 GROWERS OF FINE FLOWERS Libertyville, I!!. _ We Deliver Anywhere. PHONE 174--] BRIGHT LADS For any* occasion. They Flowers best convey the thoughts you wish to express--wheth-- er it be joy or sorrow-- Sympathy or Sentiment. Whatever your needs, we can supply them-- Flowers sent anywhere by The Four By Six ]J' A Wiii /5 s ' Enough Protection? to your wife is a difficult one she is not bonds and what--not. Why not put that burden on us? We can pay your wife a set income each month just as she has icers know th-- _ ~r~oblems and can be able counsel . amily, -- Ask about it. FIRST NATIONAL.BANK Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 YOU have a will you probably feel that your family is protected. But is it? The problem you hand on Libertyville, III. Most work that long. is from Missouri -- to be sold it has be they _ don't think t hent would «want 06 street and no one is coming back. To think that the neck was once the unpopular part of chickens. Did. you ever see the boys following Sid. Meaker's itce wag-- piece of ice in a paper or cloth so t.hey won't "freeze their fingers." When Miss Finstad picks up a hot kettle she uses a pad. That's the way "Celotex" works when you put it around a house, protects against cold or heat. Step in and let us tell you what little extra it would cost to insulate your March 3 hold the Watch Repairing 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE 420 Milwaukee Ave. "Spring is only new home the "Celo-- twenty LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER -- CO. Libertyville, HL. Phone 47 and 48 in the Atlantic by