€* Npeerzze arapee * to be appointed during this week E. by Chairman Atkinson, subject to the E: confirmation of the organization. The organ'zation is to be a perma-- «i 36 PAGE BIGHT NORTH CHICAGO CROUP FORMED w¥ migboat the ofice of Ciy Ato, ME"E" prisborsks and"" formed a gaul elub to be known as the Chicago Emmerson--Caristrom-- Glenn--Stratton organization. As the name indicates the North Chicago organizatidn is to work for the nom-- ination of Louis L Emmerson for governor; Oscar E. Carlstrom -- for attorney general; Otis Glenn for United States senator and William J. Stratton for secretary of state. Mayor Walter L _ Atkinson was elected chairman of the organization; Robert Gullic. vice--chairman _ and John E. Hayes, Jr.. secretary. Hayes was elected chairman of the publicity committee and Theodore Kunda, vice--chairman. Other committees are nent one and is to endorse cand:-- dates for national, state, county, township and city offices after care-- ful study and discussion regarding the merits of the candidates seeking offices. The welfare of North Chicago is to be considéred seriously in the selecting of candidates to be support-- mguprohsbuityabousetohome canvass will be made by members of the North Chicago organization in the interests of Emmerson, Carlstrom. Glenn and Stratton.. It was voted unanimously to support these four candidates There were leaders from all sections of the city at the meeting last night and each and every man present expressed the opinion .that Governor Len Small and his ticket should be defeated decisively in North Chicago. 1t was dec'ded to hold weekly meet-- ings up until the primary election on Tm;"u."m' : next meeting will be held on the night of Friday, March 9, at 8 o'cleck sharp, at the office of City Attorney Przyborski. & Attorney Przyborski informed the | organization of the stand taken in' the primary race by Circuit Judge Claire C Edwards. It is recalled that | Judge Edwards several days ago in a widely published statement, charged that Governor Small had double-- crossed William J. Stratton of Ingle-- sid. and as a result had released the organization in Lake county from any and all obligations to the chief ex-- ecutive of Tllinois. § Preyberski said that the County of Lake is being honored by having Mr. Stratton on the ticket for secretary of state. He stated that Stratton is 'Thirty representative men _o} slate and is recognized as the strong-- est candidate in the race for secre-- tary of state. Mayor Atkinson said he was proud to be able to support such able men as Emmerson, Carlstrom, Glenn and Stratton. These candidates were also lauded by Aldermen Slana, Kuszew-- ski, Rause, Shoup, Lunn; City Treas-- urer Wasniewski, and others. Practically the entire city council of North Chicago and several former city officials were among those at the organization meeting. It was concensus of opinion that if the organization remains intact and supports the candidates favored by the majority of the members, the city of North Chicago will get proper Y AIL MAY DROP last week there is a strong mbi- lity that Charles W. Vail, clerk of themteSnpmeonrt,wmdN& out of the race for m"u?tn state in favor of William J. Strat-- pnoflngledde.beforethecem- ing board closes the list next % Lake county political leaders have received word that Vail has been move for several days. If Vail decides to quit the race for the secretaryship, munaacyasmmmm downstate counties and in Cook coun-- ty will be materially strengthened. City Attorney Max L. Przyborski of North Chicago, a Lake county lead-- g-&-ndovuhhthilweek.h vernor Len -- Smail weem Stratton's -- resignation _ as of the state department of fish and game conservation, the Lake county man can now get his political cam-- paign underway. Stratton quit Gov-- eérnor Small's camp, severing all po-- litical comnnections with this organiza-- tion when the chief executive "threw for secrctary of state by Mayor !!--! _ Springfield, Hi., March 4. awe j , March 4. --_If 8uU6 Charles W. Vail, clerk of the Lli~ _ H nois Supreme court plans to with-- Nor draw from the race for the repub-- T lican nomination for secretary of ed | state his office here knows nothing |.rell about it. tfow The unconfirmed report indicated ; ago Vail might appear before the cer--| bay tification board here Monday and ies sele that his name not be certified ; anc zel of Chicago. Governor Small was| forced into supporting Judge Gentzel ; for secretary of state by Mayor Wil--| w Kikey < HEOEECIL . CKe > 4B 00y i Charles W. Vail, clerk of the Lli< Henry "Buddy" . Brooks.. of" 110 nois Supreme court plans to with-- North County street. ¢ draw from the race for the repub-- The bandit quintet was apprehend-- lican nomination for secretary of ed by Detertive Sergseants Bart Tyr-- State his office here knows nothingj.rell and William MacDanald in & about it. 'lour day investication. some * weeks T ha nmenmnfirmed renort indicatea?t ago 'They are siid by the prlice to According to reports from Chicago The unconfirmed report indicated; ago 'INey ato smid by uC B iiMC: 2C Vail might appear before the eer-'have admitted taking part in a se-- tification board here Monday and, ries of ten st'ck--ups in 'Naukecan ask that his name not be certified ; and North Chicagao. They were iden-- to the county clerks to go on uu;unedbynveorth-ir victims at a Mn o sn He e s e oo Nt 20 ue s e T l Ni P cce S primary ballot. tion who resigned when Governor Small endorsed Judge Robert Gent-- state declared that he is' going, "all the way with the Lowden--Em-- gumccer -- voum ts Lin-- | it is ¥ipected that Stratton wili | . ... of Atkinson In Talk * for Municipal Judge Gent-- THE RACE for ) opening night for the Waukegan n'l','m Woman's Club. t, will d!3 "The company will be known as :ut'l&n the Cecil Elliott Players 'after Cecil m 4. t--| Elliott, who has a very wide follow-- theceflmxmthatsecflonoxtheeountry. next \She will be seen in character and M me.: """'sho'-\m" held at the police Monday andjquarters . _ .. _ _ . --_. _ Who Lifted Horse? SISTARE STOCK HAS WRITE--UP ;'.'l avenue. * Edward Ruff, 18, of 210 FPulton ave-- The stock players of which Horace Sistare is manager in Chicago and a second company to open in Wau-- kegan March 12° Thursday was given the following "write--up" in the Chicago American: "So great is the success of the As-- sociate Players, the stock company now in its thirty--ninth week at the National Theater, that Horace Sis-- a second company at Waukegan, Ill, the city which gave him his start to fame as a successful stock manager the face of previous failures and playing to big business for fifty-- seven weeks, a feat which had never been done in that city before or i'a!'ewye:.rsm.l;:lmw' peoam op m ie otgconaieretome : *4 x--_ $« 1 Co ued f great prestige for himself i x (Contin rom page ' the face of previous failures and . JN EDUCATION |of robbery and his punishmentifizes playing to m'm for m_' ' i:t an3inde;mnmt& fi'e".- of seven weeks, a feat which had never ut i . \ from 3 to years. participated es sone in ihat city belore . of uh oohflm' mfw'mwsfi?';fifl:m the robbery of theeLake Porest e ns 7 high schools in Detroit, Migh» 25 of Apmour & Com| Te pouiienh Sistare's company at Waukegan' part of the visual--education work , ° Ou,l'm&w mc'u ' opens: on March 12 with "The during the school year 1926--27. | 'The parb) hou";. u. Barker," which Richard Bennett Three thousand miles of educational partle this week may played here at the Blackstone for film were used, 70 reels were added act on the petition of George Mig-- nearly half a year. Mrs. Frank to the library, and 2,000,000 feet of E"*L, * Lake county man . serv-- Smith, wife of the publisher of the films were used, 70 reels were added ing. a life:sentente for murder. He Waukegan Sun, has bought out the| ment of visual education. During ) |; secking a. commuttafion . of MHE ooemnc' night for the Waukegan the year 50 motion--picture screens,t{'::"' fi.s case was heard at the Woman's Club. | 10 luminex screens, 10 opaque pro-- ' 'm;esess.on of the board and takem "The company will be known as'jectors, and 40 stereopticons were ' r advisement. the Cecil Elliott Players 'after Cecil, purchased and installeg. Slides to George Young of Fox Lake, wheo iflmi: :ht;o' bas a ver'y t.itrmide fouow-ithe number of 130,000 from the de-- ";e':.em: ;nm w-ui o i > V' } C section country.! partment library were used in the charge of manslaughter, is to Appear who pulled a horse of him 64 years ago. Dulaney was riding in Virginia with Union digpatches. He was fired on by rebels. In jumping over a fence, Dulaney's horse fell--on top of him. The * 1 oL. sxanohr him----amt one of ing in that section of the country.' She will be seen in character and comedy leads. Cecfl_w.Secrestwm' be leading man, Dolly Day leading, woman, and the rest of the company ; includes Raymond Appleby, Jack Daley, Hamilton Christy, George Edwards, Jay Collins, Jean Melvin and Arlene Althoff. Josef Kamaryt will be the business manager. i!one fell--on top of him. . Aine rebels caught him--and one of them pulled the horse off Dulaney. 'fi'i"ne'ver found out who he was, for they released me," he says« "But I'd like to know, and tha ak The March grand jury went into session Monday morning in the Cir-- euit court and according "to rumors circulated in the county building in-- dictments were voted durin¥ the dxg against the boy tbandit quintet Waukegan. The five boys reported to have been named in true bills are: REPORT GRAND JURY BALLOTS *_ Martin. accordin« to the police. is ' alleged to bave been the rincleader and brains of the outfit He is alleged 'tohtvehkena'u_dimp'rtmprac-- \ tically all of the ten stick--ups : Claude Laurent, 21, of 206 South West street Clavude Martin. 24, of 227 South West street. John L Hauck. 22. of 419 Ravine J"eph D"hney- abo more, is looking for The grand in=v went into session a* 10 a. m. Monday and was _°x-- stad t~<pan~'~3s its wark at a lat* hour that afternoon Circuit Judge Haves Sr.. of North Chicaro. fore-- C Edwar's named Gap ----I {WWUM above, of Bal-- + for the man t Seidemann was charged with f*lsz- ty attesting that the signatures «bf Commisstoner® Keller and Emil Alt», signed on a note. were bona -- fide ones The note was issued by Gene Goldman, doing: business « as the Bankers Loan and Mortrag® com-- pany. to Frank and Laura Laureil, of Waukegan. Neither Keller nor Alto ihad knowledge of their names being signed'until getting word that judg-- ments had been entered against them l in the Circuit court when Mr and jury are Ambrose Merchani, Jr. an . Henry Beckman of Waukesan and Joseph L Seidemann Case Ort The case of Manue' Seidemann. an official of the: Bankers Loan and Mortgage company of 11 S»uth La-- Salle street, Chicago charged with perjury and held over t~ the erand 'jury was not to be presented it was said. Commissioner Nicholas M. Keller who . signed the complaint against h'm. did not annea, jef~~» the grand jury and requested the state's attorney to drop the matter in the Circui& conurt whnen M anu Mrs Laurell failed to meet their ob-- ligation. Commissioner -- Keller said tha' the judgments against him and Alto have been set aside and matters straightened out in a satisfactory manner to all concerned. Among other cases probed by the grand jury were two matters con-- cerning Nester Naht:!, of 226 May St. Lahti is tharged with making assaults on two girls with intent to commit rane Mrs. Maude Smith of 1110 Lin-- coln street and Corrine Walker "of 116 Lake street are the complaining wit-- nesses in these cases. ' Chief of Police Conrad E. Brune is nol to resign as head of the Zion po-- lice department and will not relin--. auish the reins without a stubborn. battle, it was learned Monday from a friend of the police chief. ' According to reports in Zion, Chiet Brune issued an ultimatum a few days ago that any members of the police department having charges to make against him, file them with Maygr Ernest E. Harwood. Some of the po-- lice department members are said. to be oppoeedtoBrunemduealleged to have bee&uc'irculaung false staries concerning s * I At any rate, according to the rum-- ors,-- Chief Brune and the various members of the police department ap-- peared before Mayor Harwood a few nights ago. At that time it is said that Chief Brune delivered his ulti-- |mntum and none of the policemen present made any charges. l The rumors have it, however, that unon the return of Overseer Wilbur BRUNE STAYS Glenn Voliva from his trip .&round the world, in June, Chief Brune will be removed and Theodore Becker, for-- mer police department head, appoint-- ea to succeed him. Becker resigned several months back. M It was learned Mom that no a pointments will be 'in Zion 3;? the city council in April as is_sunny the,case. Appointments in Zion are praLtiulLv all made for--a p&d of one year, May 1 to April 30. « ap-- pointees are all to hold over this spnng\mtfltheretumqtvwntnd whether or not any changes will be made will then be decided by the gen-- eral overseer schools. Small and held a state position, as | head of the de.'g.artment of fish and , wame conservation. t l EMMERSON _ TO TALK AT MEET support him in the race for secre--| tary of state, the Lake county man ; served all political connections with | the chief executive of Illinois and ; went over to the Emmerson--Carl--| game strom--Glenn camp. He resigned as; ~_> * Clol 00 00. un CC head of the statg conservation de«. -- It 'kills the germs. partment. ; f : orv . _NEwS This funny looking little §§ s with the big nose and m head has got to face the music. «---- The determined attitude of the Mrs. tells us that she is absolutely through seeing rent money handed over to Mr. Landlord. She wants a brand new home of her own. She's got the plans, and she knows where the lumber is coming from. lm a 'There's another bald--headed man in this town who said he was going to build this year. If he doesn't get busy pretty soon we'll set his wife on him! -- & -- _ W. F. Franzen, Jr. (Continued from page 1) LUMBER, COAL, BUILBING MATERIAL Phone 50 _ Governor Small refused to ASs ZION CHIEF LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. North Chi-- THE LAKE COUNTY Rr~<TFR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7 RUBJNS ASh _ i ==: INJUNCTION! rl--< Rili ; s Bxhous; (Continued from page 1)} "9. 'Value of leasehold 'estate Rubin's, amount cannot be as tained at this date." _ : Sales Total $750,000. . The bill sets forth that the Rubins have conducted a department store at Washington and |Genesee . stroaks since July 10, 1915, and that the store contains merchandise and fixtures of a fair market value of $180,000. It states t.h:ot the sales have grown from about $100,000, the first year, to nearly $750,000 during the last years. After a loss the first year in business, the Rubins have had reasonable profits cach year thereafter, the 'bill-- says Other extracts from the bil follow: _ "During the twelve and one--half years of operations the stors. has spent $24,000 each year or $250,000 in advertising merchandise -- The store has improved the value of the loca-- tion. +It has attracted other high class retail stores to Genesee and Washington streets and as a result has increased the value of the prop-- erty owned by the Lyon brothers. . "The store is well and favorably known in Waukegan and Lake coun-- ty and has developed many thousand customers.. The good will alone of the store is estimated at $250.000 'This will be irreparably destroyed unless an injunction is issued "Rubin's© have tcontracted with wholesale houses for 1928 deliveries of merchandise to the extent of $50.-- 000 and a :?a!ority of the contracts are uncancellable. > /A ' "The total fair market value of Rubin's business, as a going business having régard to its good will. repu-- tation, condition 'of stock and mer-- chandise, character of its. customers. amount spent in advertising and populdrizing store and--nrofits re&l-- ized. estimated at $400,000. 8 "The floor area of the~ present premises is over 25.000 square feet and there is no three. story and basement building available in Wau-- kegan for Rubins' business. x "The Rubins say that they believ® that the sole intent and purpose of the Lyons in repudiating their rights to an extended term was to wilfully maliciously, unlawfully, fraudulently and inequitably was to harm them. to deéstroy their business. They fur-- ther believe that the Lyon brothers want to appropriate the business and good will of said department store. its customers, fixtures and other assets for their own unjust enrich-- ment, or to force Rubins to pay OvEr $10909.000 in cash and forfe't ~&heir lease hold estate as a fine or penalty . "The Rubins believe. that to carry out such an attempt and fraudulently eonduct the Lyons served, said notice on April 30, 1924, on the Rubins; that the Lyon brethers took no-- further action under said notice until June 30. 1925 and did not during any part of this 13 months period disclose to Rubins what the alleged faults con-- sisted of, nor asked for compensa-- MILLS GETS PAROLE; TO BE RELEASED act on the petition of George Nig-- gemeyer, a Lake county man sry-- ing a life sentence for murder. -- He is secking a commutation of sem-- tence. His case was heard at the last session of the board and taken under advisement. : George Young of Fox Lake, who is serving a sentence of from one year to life in Joliet prison on a charge of manslaughter, is to appear before the board this week and ask to be 'paroled. While in an in-- toxicated. condition -- Young kified Frank Gropnd of Round Lake. Young has been in prison for 13 months. rippe, Flu, Dengue. Fever and Malaria. the loca-- $.-------- er ° high |-- esee and E ; a result * = the prop-- « others. i 4 favorably ' ; ake coun-- |[Il > thousand |JK alone of !i y g250 000 f1ll astrovyed }{ll sued ! ! tea -- with [IJt dsliveries {{I} nt of $50.-- ! | contracts |fi} value -- of ; g business F will. repu-- Z and mer-- ; | customers. |1}| sing and '}, ofits re#l-- i; & I1 >-- present 'lil} -- quare feet "' tory jl;i e in Wau-- | lif §. i .",> 1ey beliey® ' purpose of T heir rights ||Il| _ audulently { Il arm them. i ° They fur-- l fil n brothers g"' nent store. |I nd -- other * ist enrich-- | o pay over , ** rfe't ~Kheir $ or penalty it to carry raudulently AJLUEL CS CS ).000. -- 1e | tainer be wn from | Walter A. wm!fimmm 's. -- After| appealed t e profits| 1926, and i convealed all such matrers | Rubins so that they were and --con-- "ned to be in the dark and w' . iininformed in respect of any such tion mnot# did they require the Ru in furtherance of said comsniracy did demand immediate possession of ~emises and on July 1. 1925 sorved an additional demand for immediate possession and on the same day in-- stituted a proceeding in forc'bls de-- tiiner before Polico *Marstr~'~ Walter A. Taylor. The macistrate found against the Rubins and they appealed to the. Circuit court of{ 1.~} county. On or about. January 4 1926, and for the first time since July 1, 1915, until said January 4. 1926, were, the Rubin's apprised of any claims of the Lyon brothers al-- leged to be defaults, preventin@ the Rubins from continuing in possession of said premises for an addition=] s complained of or accow=~' " ~» value of any matter or thing re-- *"Thast on June 30. 1925. t~* !~~~~ Your chance to "steal" a beautiful exquisitely _ designed Bedroom Suite said | premises likeyou havealways wanted never before have we offered such values in Bed Room Furniture. Example of what we are offering Just another picture of the bequtiful _ sets we are offermg _ A few Sets just like this Pictfire--#, pieces in green trimmed with Ivory is the last word in style, quality and construction 4 beautiful pieces trimmed in Fawn enamel--This remarkable --_-- Quite including large dresser, vanity bed and bench : Our large diSplay insures the buyer a wide selection. Sale includes two and three piece suites as well as four piece sets. Walnut and Combination Walnut beds, Dressers, Vanities and ~ Chests. Colonial styles with four poster beds, etc. Ray's Furniture & Paint ------------ Ntore Phone No. 9 any Special Week--end Sales That Only $130.00 Only $164.75 period of 10 years from July 1, 1925,' 4 Cutting hole in floor to better to--wit, June 30,.1935.". . j | access to grocery stock at a cost of The courts ruled that . technical violations by the owners of Rubins' store abrogated their lease. The vio-- lations. in question, consisted of mak'~n>~ certain changes in the store by the Rubins for purposes of im-- provemsor's . Thsa ferarmt~~ g>an~»t were mado in the interior of the store building by the Rubin's at a cost of sev~=~~1 thogsanas of dollars to the tenants: in 3 cony and new cash--carry system in-- stalled with original cost and servic: charge, total $4,200; additional bal-- cony in rear installed'at cost of $150 ~"1. Cutting window in rear S wall renlaced with metal frame wire glass fireproof window at approximate c~«t of $25 and insurance rate re-- duced. 3. +Removal of old, prism transoms and replacin# them with serviceable smaller glass transoms givin« better von*"--tion and more light at a cost of £200.-- --_ } pomaval af: old cas»h »ximaw' ® Removal of old private hous ite re-- , telephone . and replacement . wi~ | modern: outside telephones, renta' ': p41, | and service, charges to date, ovo 5. Removal of old helving and re-- placing with modern attractive sales cases at cost of $500. 6. Removal of sides of old fitiin room attached to elevator shaft and replacing with four modern fitting rooms at cost of $1,500. Old stairway removed. 8. Removal of old heavy fro=~ doors and replaced with usuable, at tractive panelled doors at cost 0o' $125. 10 Panes of glass repladéd ous times on account of frames. -- : 11 Changes were made so (N3 the store and premises are cleanc and more attractive than the Lyo: store: constant, expensive alley gar bage Libertyville service numer rot tha teo > I wish to announce to the voters of the Eighth Sena-- torial District that I am a Candidate for State Sena-- tor at the Primaries to hbe held April 10th, 1928 un Rent! Announcement n§ have your monthly chectk to your landlord find its wa back into your pocket agtin' That is practically what meu when you buy or id a uouse by our Build-- ing & Loan Plan. Our money In:hlu your house. Your monthly 'finy-e-h. excep for a asm interess charge, go "n:(x to pay for your house, before you know it; it is yours! Thirk of the ye;E you've been paying rent. with nothing to show for it! Plan now to jein the proud company of home own-- ers. Come in and let us ex-- plain our simple plan of home Libertyville Building & Loan Association along this line should _ be gven serious con-- financing. Economy in the administration «wf public affairs. _ _ Enforcement of ex-- isting laws, State and National. Completion of the $100,000,000 road pro-- gram with the least possible delay. : Realization of a Chicago--to--the Gulf Under State Supervision 359 N. Milwaukee Avenue deep wate R Relief f;':'t.im en gaged in agriculture. I shall, if elected, give my best efforts to following d a iry ing for a livelihood will receive a large im-- demnity for cattle re-- acting to the tubor-- culin test. It is my belief that a farmor who loses cattle through the test and receives but $50 to 70 per head when re-- placement will_ cost from $100 to $175 per head is being mb& ed to more of--a bur-- den than h¢e should bela%ected&b; bear. I believe that every-- thing possible should be done to encourage the employment of labor on a far wage basis. Inasmuch as that unit of our pop ulation is by far the largest it is essential to the welfare of our nation that legislation PLATFORM PHONE 486 &