-- ELOPER TELLS -- --oF PARTIESs" ° YyWmWn. ~ false pretenses. The complainant is Dells M. Pitcher of Waukegan. This ease was tried in the court of Justice of the Peace Hervey C. Coulson sev-- eral weeks ago and Cook dismissed. He is alleged to have swindled Miss Pitcher out of $500. He is chargec with borrowing money on Sent. 10 Con Game Charged Joseph Frcek of Berwyn, operating a confidence game and false pretenses. He was indicted once before on this charge but never tried. He is alleged to have swindled a number of farmers in the western part of Lake county out of several hundred dollars while gistributing milk for them. The bill last year. A capias was ordered for him and the bond set at $1,000. was but $800. | The court issued a capias for Mu-- rano and set the bond in his case at GRAND JURY VOTES MANY BILLS The only means, the attorney gen eral answered, by which a prisone mey be released are: parole, transfe or Aischarge before parole. "It is my opinion," Mr. Carilstror said,. "that the parole board canne order the release or discharge of prisoner except under these cond! tions and if the board releases . : prisoner otherwise;, it is exceeding it statutory authority. "It further was the evident inten tion of the legislature to require thr warden of the penitentiary to keep ® correct record of all prisoners re ceived or discharged or released from his institution. When the parole board orders a prisoner released or dis-- charged, the warden's records should and eat and my guests weren't both-- ered--they could do as they pleased." When asked if she loved Weldy, the high school sophomore whom she married in Waukegan Sunday, the gir? hesitated, then nodded, and said she had "gone with him" for a time. Asked if she meant to establish a home after her marriage, she nodded ~again, and then said, "Why, sure!" When questioned as to the charge aganist her of using another wom-- an's charge account, Betty readily admitted she did it. "I don't know why, though. Can't sav ~'The warrant only reads $12? for her own needs without consult-- ing the other person. . Kenneth Smith, her former "steady," --%hi:flee Imnd:"':wthe at Wau-- kegan. now is facing a charge of using another's charge account GREEN GIVEN PAROLE DATA concerning the authority of the pa role board, asked by Eimer J Greer warden at Tlinois state penitentiary ensough for everyone;<an unwritten law that no one should meddle in anyone else's business--this was the she eloped to Waukegan Sunday with Logan Weldy, high school sophomore . An opinion given by Attornevy Gen eral Oscar E. Carlstrom to Direct Roy Ide of the state department ~* public welfare, indicates that th state parole board has been exceed ing its authority on the discharge ~ Way to g A Good Hostess Betty admitted she was known as Petting parties with lights dimmed in, you are, simply admit-- ting that your landlord is a & Loan Association 4 money in rent each month for the house you are living He owns the house that might just as well belong to The Building & Loan Plan of home financing makes it so easy to own your own er any excuse for living on another man's property. Let us explain the details with-- home that there is no long-- (Continued from page 1) Under State Supervisson it was over $400 or pertinent question capias was ordered for him and his bond set at $1,000. Louis Jones, alias Kid Norfolk, lar-- ceny. He is alleged to have stolen $34.50 from Joseph Joslun on Decem-- ber 31, 1927. A capias was ordered for him and his bond set at $1,000. Erving H. Ryan, a police character, of Waukegan, drawing a check with intent to defraud. On December 5 of last year he is alleged to have passed & worthless check for $10 on Charles J. Chapman. He is alleged to have passed innumerable oher worthless checks. His bond was set at $1,000. Brevard Mooney. forgery. He is al-- leged to have forged the name of Howard Boyes of Highland Park to a $5 check on December 20 of last year. Ernest Blake, Highland Park, for-- gery. This true bill charges he forged the name of Joseph H. Smith to a $25 check on October 8. A capias was is-- sued for him and his bond was set at $1,000. ber 7. A capias was issued for her. The bond was set at $1,000. bond was set at $1,000. Ernest Blake, forgery. This indict-- ment charges he forged the name of Richard O'Connor to a check for $25. ab:wbond in this case was set at Inez Dowe Hawkins, 19, colored, 619 South Genesee street, larceny. She is alleged to have stolen goods from the Lee Shop valued at $12.50 on Decem-- dividually or in study groups. In 1926 a radio elementary course in Esperanto was given to 2,000 per-- souns. In an advanced course 500 en-- rolled. A correspondence course in Es-- peranto, supplemented by radio talks, is given by the general ex-- tension division of the University of Minnesota. It may be taken in-- 'The Gaucho FRANK WALLIN and his JOYBOYS in . Another Smashing Syn-- capation Show with Chicago Stars The Ncreen's Most Romantic Hero in the Most Spectacular Picture of his Entire Career. SUNDAY ONLY Mon., Tues., & Wed., March 12, 13, & 14 A Great Always a De Luxe Show DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS -- on the stage -- for State's Attorney A. V. Smith an-- nounced Tuesday that the criminal .call for the March term will start in the court of Circuit Judge Claire C. SWINDLE TRIAL _ FIRST ON CALL be that of Freek was indicted Monday by the grand jury on a charge of oper-- Continued on page 7 IVLL l.lllfll. Chanley Fraker is m week here among old lRST Lewis Hubbard, Mrs. Carrie White and Mrs. Edith Peck were Waukeg-- an callers on Dollar Day. ° mc mm % Mrs. Henry Kraemer and Mrs. Attorney A. V. Smith an--| Grace Muffitt attended a bunco par-- Tuesday that the criminal| ty in Chicago last Wednesday, of . Berwyn. for that %4 THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1928 19, WAUCONDA Sunday at the home of H. T. Gra--, Ch eym,-i.mfl Mrs. Elma Graham went to week here among old Sunday, where she is spending the Lewis Hubbard, Mrs. Carrie White| wCCX With relatives. She will go to and Mrs. Edith Peck were Waukeg.| the Sherman Hospital for observa--| * Yies, Heaty Rfeemer and * nrthur Srocen, Spiuer Cock and rs. He mer and omer an Grace uugniéy,mnd,d a blmco::: Frank Bacon made a trix to York-l tyfin WM"&E'T y week. Thepbirds J m be bOf la}::: . an e wo rou . mir. ind Aits. Doll Fownsend. and i fore and turned 1005¢. ght | Mr. and Mrs. Dell Townsend and family of Round Lake spent Wed-- nesd:';'y at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Townsend. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago, spent Wednes-- day at the home of the former's sis-- ter, Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr. . and Mrs. V. E. Davlin spent Miss Ruth Broncheon of Waukeg-- an was & visitor at the home of her mother the first of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eu Stoker and son of Arlintfton lieights and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stroker and daugh-- ter of 'Palatine spent last Wednes-- Ig;:':fi' %. t«€ 42 Mrs. Arthur Krell and Children were sick last week. -- Mrs. K. C. Werden, who returned from the Victory Memorial Hospital, Waukegan, where she underwent a minor operation. is at her home fjust minor 61pei'ation, is at her home just i;outh of town and is recovering nic¢e-- y. Edward little son of Mr. and Mrs. W(;'lei'&'nry, was numbered among the sick last week, but is much better at this time.. ___ _ _ day at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geom:tmker Mr. and Mrs. way Dorwin and Mrs. Natalie s""'if' were vis-- itors at the home of r. and Mrs. A. L. Weaver of Sharon, Wisconsin first of last week. In regular Commercial Courses, advanced courses in Commenti2) Work, Civil Service' preparation. C New Classes Mrs. Geo. E. McDonald Libertyville Phone 130 Call for 811 W. Park Ave. Forming Now