CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 31 Mar 1928, p. 2

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there Mrs. Vickery attended the Gokien Wedding Anniversary cele-- bration of her sister and husband. The Mundelein P. T. A. will hold a business meeting on Monday ev-- ening, April 2nd, at -- the school house starting at seven--thirty. A nuniser of important matters will be disc:assed. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zersen of North Chicago called at the home of Mrs. Wm. Fenner on Wednesday. --B. F. Porteous who has been ill for the "fut two weeks is slightly Amproved. -- . ~ tA e s L. Mrs. Wm. Vickery returned home! Friday, April 6th, all day meeting after spending three weeks at: the' of the Ladies Aid Society with Mrs. home or her sister, Mrs. Guy Per--| John Rouse. Picnic dinner at noon. rott. at Storm Lake, lowa. While! Mrs. Dawson will be assistant host-- ~--Mrs. J. L. Roder and Mrs. Edwin Roder were guests at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. gflty Tonne of Long Grove on g Glenn of Michigan City, "": J. Kelroy and son, Francis, spent the week end visiting relatives in Fon du Lac, Wisconsin. _ _ _ H. J. {§wan. \=rs. R. J. Lyons entertained the Bi y Club at he rhome on Wed-- netsday afternoon. Mrs. Ralph Weh-- remberg of Libertyville won the first prize and Mrs. Viola Caldwell the consolation. ---- * Mrs. Fred Swift galled on Mrs. R. D. 'fiook Tuesday morning. . and Mrs. Oliver Vanderspool of Druces Lake visited at the Frank Bauernsmith home Tuesday. Mrs. Viola Caldwell called Satur-- day at the home of Mrs. R. D. Cook. Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chandler were Chicago visitors on Thursday. Mrs. Edwin Cook and daughters, Vera Belle and Irene, spent the week end with her -- sister, Mrs. Charles Richards. of Antioch. Mrs. Clara Meyer entertained fourteen friends at a--Bunco Par-- ty on Thursday afternoon. After a very pleasant afternoon Mrs. Meyer served her guests with delicious re-- fresnments. PAGE TWO Mrs. Dwight Dolph and little son and Mrs. Ray Wells drove to Wau-- conda Thursday and spent the day with the former's aunt and uncle, Miss Emily and George Bates. _ _ _ Mrs. Raliph Wehrenberg of Lib-- ertyville spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Charles Lehmkuhl. : The children in. the third and fourth grades of the Mundelein Public School had a vacation on Wednesday on account of the ill-- ness of their teacher, Miss Ethel _-- Plymouth Larger Parish i Re (Ivanhoe Church and First Church, ; : Mundelein) k C. Arthur Jevne. Minister §$*" John Wermescher, Social Director | Sunday School-- ; M l!'il'lt Clmlllvch, 10 a. m. p vanhoe a. m. 1 Worship Services-- Tvanhoe 10 a. m. E First Church 11:15 a. m. Holy Week ¢April !--8) Services. at FPalm Sunday Servics with special anthem by the choir of each church. &ermon Subject: --"The Mastery | re O. --1:30 P. M. Evening services, Serm-- on Subj@t:--"A good Home: IV Generosi Anthem by the Junior Choir other parts by Junior S. E. Club members Wednesday, 8 P. M. "Love Unto the Utermost." MUNDELEIN PHONE 543--J visiting her sister, Mrs. 'l'hunda):' 8 P. M. "Friendship At Its Best. Communion Services Friday, 8 P. M. "The Cross, --A Great Searchlight." ~ ~ _ ~~ l On Easter Sundaé' morning we will celebrate Holy Communion and I Rev. A. J. Byas is to preach to us 'in the morning service. Come one "amd all. t Easter Sunday morning Service. Sermon Snbict: '---"'Fhe Living Christ and" Our Present Needs". Evening Service: Easter Story: "The Boy That Was Scairt o'Dying." --_ > Friday, April 6th, all day meeting ess. -- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and daughter, Marjorie, were pleasant callers in this vicinity Sunday after-- noon. . & S. J. Russell was a caller at the Passfield home Saturday afternoon. _ 'Arthur Vasey and Nelson Con-- verse visited ~with the Hironimus bovs Sunday afternoon. day. ~Ellwood Dowell is sporting a new bicycle. _ C mss s _--Joe Wagner attended a funeral in Chicago Sunday. Ts _ _ --Milton Dowell was a business cal-- ler at the Frank Wilson home fun-- Mr. and Mrs. Joserh Passfield and son, Leonard, visited at the George Dowell home Sunday. Thomas Fisher is on the sick list. S. J. Russell had the good fortune to find his valuable dog which has been missing for some time. € _ H. Passfield was a caller at the Joe Wagner home Friday evening. --Mrs. Frank King was a caller at the Passfield home Sunday. _ _ Mrs. Esse Fisher spent a few days tshig tl1'r¢;-ek with her aunt, Mrs. Clara mith. j Everyone is much interested in the coming township election which will take place next Tuesday. Some of the offices will be hotly contested. Misses" Lydia and Ruth Kasdorf of Chicago spent Friday evening in Prarie View. * Our last quarterly Conferencel will be held Saturday April Tth. at 7:30, and Rev. A. J. Byas will be| in charge. To y flls j PRAIRIE YV¥IEW CHURCH NEWS Our band concert and basket so-- cial was a success and we wish to thank every one, who helped make is such. Do not forget our special meet-- ings every evening at 7:30 P. M. Come amd bring yvour friends. a Do not forget your Special Easter Offering. Let us go over the top for Missions. We were sory to hear that Mrs. Mason departed this life on last Sunday night.. > About 1,500 coal miners enrolt in regular classes for study of different| phases of mining, conducted every| year by the West Virginia State| director of vocational education. Services beginning April ist Church School--10:00 Morning Worship--11:00 ~ (Tii&fc: Triumphal Entry) Prayer Service--7:00 i (Mrs. H. E. Grimme, Leader) Evening Service--7:30 tS'rerviesw every evening beginning at 7:30. ® Why is it that the weight of a| man's first baking is equal to twice| the ingredients ? I PRAIRIE VIEW VYOLO Otis F. Glenn, Republican candi-- date for United States Senator. has returned to Chicago after completing his down state canvass prepared. to spend the last two weeks of the cam-- paign speaking in Cook county. "Everywhere we went we were greet-- Glenn. "The people down state are ed by great aroused as they have not been in years and we feel confident that every candidate on the anti--Small ticket will come to Cook county with plur-- alities of from 100,000 to 150,000. "Many counties that Small carried four years ago are against him now. We base this opinion on straw votes, canvasses made by trained political workers and the judgment of veteran amounting, I am told, to a million dollarswand Re is pouring it into the different counties but he will find that he cannot buy this election. In near-- ly every district we visited we found that his chief support came from state job holders and professional politic-- ians. The mass of the voters we found against him. The third term issue and his record are obstacles he cannot overcome. overwhelmingly. -- We will, I think, get a fair count this time in Chicago and if a large vote is polled in the big Re-- publican wards we should carry Cook county by'a safe margin. "We visited every congressional dis-- trict in the state and everywhere we iound public sentiment oposed to both Small and Smith. "I have no fear of the result in Cook county. The recent large regis-- tration in the Republican wards of Chicago showed the public is inter-- county are against "I will speak daily at downtown theatre noon meetings and talk in each of the fifty wards in the city un-- der the auspices of Senator Deneen's splendid organization before the end of the campaign," & A moving picture of the inside ot an army rifle barrel was recently cong:leted successfully by the Unit-- ed States Bureau of Standards. To conceive the delicacy of the opera-- RHEUMATISM While in France --with the Ameri-- can Army I obtained a noted French ;,)'rescriptxon for the treatment of heumatism and Neuritis. I have given this to thousands with wonder-- ful results.. The grescription costs me nothing. I ask notKing for it. I will mail it if you will send me your :q?:em ~A postal will 'bring it. --Write today. -- . PAUL CA§E. Dept. L--109, Brookton, Mass. "Small has a large slush fund Harry Pfannenstill, Prop. MUNDELEIN, ILL All Kinds of Auto Repair Work Complete Battery Service Competent Mechanics $ a~ Welding _ _ THE STAR Garage Day and Night Service Phone 317 THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, _ SATURDAY, MARCH 31 and Smith ER 4 CPuC. 405 hodisin: AOC nintncind «is rcive ns snn' WO right--angle prism fixed to the end to S8Y "I cannot understand . what of a long tube were inserted in the| happened to the bread--I followed my barrel, and back through the lenses usual method, and still, just lift it!" an image of a strip of the interior,. But today! Golden hours are no of the barrel was projected on the | longer marred by such thoughts as moving film. Six Jictures were re.| "How is the bread doing? Will it be quired to give a full view of the in--| light? _ Will it be s_mooth? Will it be terior since only one--sixth of thelclose-gi'amed' and 'not course? 3 barrel showed on eack strip. Army: In a. recent survey among 75 experts now are able to learn what women it was found that only three is the condition of a rifle barrel aft. women did all their own baking, while er a given number of rounds have'three more stated they baked most been fired. o1 the time. ~Sixty--nine women then 0 e i --select bread from among the many WHO DOES good brands now on the 'market in * Waukegan. Bread that is always THE BAK'NG' good, always wholesome, always safe. * « ! Paul's Kew--Bee bread is one of the e 5 'favorite brands, the survey shows. It "When Grandma Was a Girl" she|bears the trade mark . "Quality may have had much simple pleasure,.Bakers of America" which, we are but there was also a generous inter-- told "Stands for Goodness." Why v-- <or .vV' . . ' c ' . P3 * l sds unc »:, ¥ | plpdp o o p tz ty ip t ts dn ie ies ts tp e ty t t in ty t t ty ts ts t t ty e ie in in i ty +lp le the on ote ate ate ate ate ce ate ate ale ie ate ies ate ie ie dn ts ie dn dn dn t n t t td o GGO@OGO@O4 ~ 14 PA $ _ --ROTHMOOR COATS State Bank of Mundelein ° for safety, good income and ready cash at 100 cents on the dollar-- . plus interest! > f --_--_ USE QUR -- Certificates of Deposit . Interest starts on the day 'of deposit--come in this week or mail your check and the Certificate will come to you by return mail. Our Certificates of Deposit are growing more popular every day as their many a d v a n t a g es are better known. . : They've arrived . the new models and there's spring in every line of their breezy, clean cut Scotch and French patterns, in the lines which stamp them unmista .. ably as wonderful Rothmoors MUNDELEIN, ILLINOIS The Prices \_~Start at .. New styles--new fabrics new spring inspirations for --women and misses | Te . ~ Making good bread was absolutely necessary in the pursuit of homemak-- were needed to coddle the bread along so that it might be classed as good Even then, housewives would be heard --tailoring and stunning * ©39.75 1928 should housewives, worry then t when they can buy the Staff of with such a guarantee. same pair of shoes 25 years. But something tells us his pants wore out faster than that. New suit,new h;t,new collar, new neck--tie, new shirt, and -- a new pair of geod looking that's the way the well dressed man steps out when seasons change. -- Ankle--Fashioned Stepping out with a new pair of . 0; Carlison The Store for the Lad and his Dad --fash He was educated in the Public Schools of Lake County and in the Northern Indiana Normal Schoel at Valparaiso. He returned home at the age of seventeen and took over the management of a 240 acre farm and continued farming until eight years ago, when he rent-- ed his farm and moved to Wauconda. Since that time he has been engaged in real estate and is President of the Wauconda Trust and Savings Bank. --_ He was born and grew to manhood on a farm in western Lake County. In the past he has been identified with every movemen£--where the interest of the farmers of this locality were concerned. In 1909 when the order was sent from the Chicago Health Department to the effect that all milk coming into the Chicago market must be from cows that had successfully passed the Tuberculin Test, and without any provision for indemnity for cattle lost and no assurance of an increased price for milk, with others interested he brought this matter to the attention of the dairymen through meetings heid all over the district, which resulted in the formation of the Milk Producers' Association. From this Assecia-- tion a Committee was appointed, of which he was a member, and went to Springfield to get relief for our people. The result was that our mission was successful. In an effort to get higher prices for qur milk, he has stood shoulder to shou%der with his fellow dairy-- men for what they believed they were entitled to, and as a Director has done everything in his power to get better prices for our products. At the present time it is his belief that the farmer should receive more of an indemnity for cattle lost through the Test, it be-- ing his opinion that the farmer is hearing too heavy a share of the burden. vVvears. He became a member of the County Board in 1915 and has been Chairman of that body for three He has advocated and supported the Bond Issues that have made the present system of roads in Lake County possible. 7 While he was chairman of the County Beard, working with the Finance Committee, a Program of Economy was worked out and presented to the various County Officers -- which receivege their whole--hearted support, and resulted in saving Lake County appr0X!-- mately $50,000.00 per year. How Route 20, from Waukegan to Woodstock, came to be on the Sixty Million Dollar Bond Issue pro-- gram: The Bill, as presented for passage, did not pro-- vide for this route. He discovered this on a certain Friday. The Bill was to go to second reading the fol-- lowing Wednesday. He arranged a joint meetilllsuin Waukegan with the result that a committee, including himself, went immediately to Springfield, and was sue-- cessful in having the bill amended to include this im-- portant route. If this very prompt action had not been taken, this route would not be paved at the present He has lent his best efforts to have Route 176 built at the earliest poss!P'¢ lnolngpt"and has worked in conjunction with those { rom me..enry and Lake County who are interested, with the result that bids have been received and contracts will be awarded as soon as the necessary Right--of--Way has heen Seeared. It has been his purpuose as Supervisor to work for what he considered the best interests of Lske County. If permitted to serve as your State--Senator, he will give the same earnest attention to the welfare of the District he represents. o time. RAY PADDOCK Asks that you give these facts concerning his life and activities earnest considera-- tion when you visit the polls to vote on Put a "Check" On Your Expenses You can easily and quickly do so by making it a point to make your purchases by means of check. When you do this you just naturally THINK TWICE before you spend your money --once before you decide to spend it and once more beforz you write out your check in payment. The result is that you "check" many foolish expenditures. Then, too, a Checking Account gives you a receipt for every penny you pay out. STATE SENATOR Wheeling State Bank "THE BANK OF FRIENDLY SERVICE " APRIL 10, 1928 mm i n o 000 Candidate for €3 ~#

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