Short Taiks by Thoughtful Motherscoughs, colds, croup, whooping | Says a Virginia Mother: "Use a|coughs and those disturbing night C« couhmdic&nethatmhs'm! coughs." Heartily endorsed by Moth-- Oh, never. To our children we give|ers everywhere. No opiates, no chlo-- Foley's Honey and Tar Compound,| roform, contents plainly marked on giwiiuome. hsoqniefly!diem OF OUR OWN ~Our seeds will be out this week and they are the best and biggest package in town for Sc 25 Pkgs. for $l w E Thursday, Friday, Saturday Swifts Premium Ham for Easter 25 Half or Whole, Per Lb. ... £0C Strictly Fresh Eggs Per--DOREN ... Lf w T« fenigesmnece. in sintonter.» ZSC Egg Dyes--All Colors in one Package 1 0 rer PRG@ --..............................«.s«--.omomflontomminye snn rist s C Candy Colored Marshmallow Eggs 25 M [ se n O kn olsn e C Jelly Bird Eggs e PCY Sals," 2se-- 2l3 ns. 3 mininrethes Teaatinia n iernn ntencornvein es 19c Chocolate. Marshmallow Eggs ; T Cr~DMOBCKE .........> 0n romireonrremeetioinieninye e calen nds 12(: We will have a full line of Vegetables and Fruit (Every kind on the Market) All Phones 25 Home Owned Store Mixed Holland Herring ( Spiced and Pickled Herring, Heads and Tails Offy Per Lh ...................»~anciocsciinms Smoked Boneless Herring ; At 4ast we have finished our house cleaning and we must have a Spring Opening Order Hot Cross Buns,Thursdag and Friday---- we will have lots of them. Order Early Per Lb. SPECI A Stri Fresh Country Eggs Perc&zen /',_ Country Club Brand Butter Fer Lpn---- _ }c. 9 oC 0. Oscar Mayer's Approved Skinned Hams ; ~--Whole or half cuts, Ib. ...« 25c Phone us early for your Easter Wants * We have everything in Vegetables and Fruits \-- 221 Se. Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville TRIGGS & JOHNSON EASTER CANDIES Large assortment of Easter Eggs for the Little folks An especially fine assortment of con-- fections for the Easter Season. Fancy Onion Sets--White or Yellow MORSE'S and WHITMAN'S both names synonymous with quality F. B. Lovell{Co. 0. H. MOLIDOR "Service You'll Remember" Easter Phone 31 package. Once tried, always used. Ask for it.--F. B. Lovell Co. : * NC L S 10c -- 25c 19c 2c $1.15 Icuinos Mrs. J. L. Roder of Mundelein vis-- ited Saturd:i)\' at the home of Mrs. 'George Smith of Lincoln Avenue. Park spent Monday with the Misses Ilo amfe Nina Wheeler. % er, Evelyn, were Waukegan callers Saturday. Carl Neal of Chicago was a guest at the A. D. Peterson home-- Sunday afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Firnbach were Waukegan shoppers Saturday after-- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haas of Chi-- cago visited with Libertyville rela-- tives Sunday. s daughter, Arden Rae, of Grayslake called at the M. Haas home Sunday evening. Waukegan callers Saturday Mrs. Veronica Wilcox and Mrs. Arthur --Brockman spent Saturday afternoon at Waukegan. -- Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott of Waukeg-- an and Paul Scott of Fox Lake visit-- §dc Sunday with Mr. and Mrs C. A. ott. f Mr. and Mrs. Auguat W. Koi visited Sundaa' at the: home of g: and Mrs. H. W. Schwerman at Gil-- mer. a Mr. and Mrs.. C. W. Egentrot re-- turned -- Monday from -- California where they have been spending the winter. and Mrs. J. L. Vinnedge of Zion City visited Sunday with Liberty-- ville friends. -- > '_Miss Frances Garbutt was a din-- ner guest Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C..E. Heacock at North Chicago. _ Mr. and Mrs. Cloyce. Parks are entertaining < the latter's mother, Mrs. Mansfield, of Sioux City, lowa, at the Fireside Studio. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Grover an-- nounce the birth of a little son at theli'r home' on Wednesday, March 28th. ° j _ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wheeler enter-- tained fourteen relatives and friends from Highland Park and Chicago at dinner Sunday: ' "Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Peterson of West Park visited Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Webb at Cary, lIllinois. -- Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Rust of Rock-- ford, lIllinois were week end guests at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. L. H. Reickhoff. Miss Marjorie Davies of --Highland Mrs. Robert Sitz, son and daught-- Thomas "Strang has retu Mrs. B. J. Hopkins and two sons OCLCLY and LOCAL NEW S ociety LOCAL N THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER,. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1928 were |~:tth6 Hermance rh.h .honow Mr. and A.l.i.'hd- r. vening was " «-- lieng Brid:e and afilng was served. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid So-- f o curmans goer in meeting rsday 5th at the home of Mr. W. A. N olas at Oakwood -- Terrace. Mrs. Fred Mordhorst, Mrs. John Nelson and Mrs. Allie Nicholas will assist in serving. o * .. "A new schedule of hours is to be adopted at the local post office be-- ginning April 16. On and after that date all window service will end at six o'clock instead of remaining open until seven as is now the prac-- tice. The last east bound mai leaving here will close at 6:15 p. m. ;'o conform with the earlier closing ours. ® 3 Word has been received here of the death at Wfihn'of Ben Cossman on March 28. The body was brought to Illinois for burial in Mr. and Mrs. Parker Bartliett, Evan-- ston, Illinois, former resident of Libertyville, passed away at the Evanston Hospital Sunday after-- noon. Death was due to double pn-- eumonia. -- Services will be held at St. Lawrence's Episcopal Church, Libertyville at two o'clock P. M. Wednesday, April 14th. * Libertyville. ~He leaves also his mother, two sisters and one brother. The funeral services were in charge of the Masonic lodge. Avon cemetery. Mr. Cossman was the father ofrirs. Helen Molidor of Fred Bockeman. -- The ladies' pleted its sc Bi{;h't; and at_the conclusion '". of the match gave a M restaurant. Gh:s-m-y.!r-k Annie's Orphans, tied for first place: Talling Tubiem, Setond, Relling Ree-- the _ 'The tie for first place will be roi-- led off next week by the Sallies and the Orphans. . WOMENX BOWLERS BANQUET Miss Lillian Bartlett, daughter;eof Monday, April 9th. . Easter Monday dance by the Car-- dinal Club at St. Joufig;n hall. Mu-- sic by Hcpke's. fi\.re p orchestra. 4 Tuesday, April 10 "Tommy", presented by the Gar-- rick Players of Lake Forest college at the Hibgh tl?eehol:fi)e auditoriula). Sponsored by Libertyville e wanis Club as'a hospital benefit. * % *# # April 13 and 14 Honor Bright the senior class plag of the Libertyville Township Hig School at the school auditorium. -- . April 18, 19, 20 "Minstrel Echoes" the annual American Legion minstrel show at the high school auditorium. Novelty entertainment produced by the John Plunkett dinner by the Aid Societ of the M. E. ehnmh_in'thechurcfi parlors, at 6:3(2 p. m., Saturday, April 7th Bakery sale by the Woman's Guild of St. Lawrence's Church at the Wil-- liam Walrond Store at two o'clock The establishment of a polling fi:ee for the® second {)recinct in the wers house on Milwauke avenue resulted in an interesting coinci-- dence at the township election Tues-- day. Miss Helen Mors, whose fam-- ily lived for a number of years in that house, and who cast her first wote at Tuesday's election, had the distinction of casting her maiden ballot in the selfsame room in which she was born. Yellow Cah Just Call 306' when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. s S$N OW S B. Rogers producing company. You never can tell. Maybe 'the Libertyvilie woman who persists in back--seating driving is only trying to get even with her husband for turning up his nose at her cooking. COMING EVENTS IN S U R A N C E. Fire -- Tornado -- Automobile -- Casualty IN SOUND STOCK COMPANIES ONLY We're Near Your EVANSTON, APRIL 2.--Students of the Medill School of Journalism of Northwestern university will get a glimpse of real newspapering dur-- ing their Easter vacation when they will fill jobs as reporters and copy-- readers on forty weekly and daily newspapers. f The student--reporter is required to work during his vacation in order to learn something of the discipline of the cityroom and the way in which the editors manage their news and features. STUDENTS TO BE REPORTERS Every now and then we read that a bank cashier has saved up money enough to pay his running expenses. BEY LCRILY DREgs SHOP 545 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVE. (UPSTFTARS) LIBERT YYVILLE, ILLINOIS The vacation assignment is a part C)lM;%{osw'w m1ommed AX . She'A gm.o'\'fil/\,widz-muaju Beverly Buas Shop! Beatna that smmfism ully AH rusliishesd in the in-- terest ef the peeple Right Sgit We like to r the newcomers, _ people who have lived in H. P. Engleberry says: "It does not necessarily -- follow, that a man is a fool We saw a sign in a restaurant not long ago, "Fred -- keeps this place. This place keeps Fred." A pleasant sort of 50--50 proposition. It is a good deal the same way with this business of ours. So far we have man-- aged to keep it, and so far it has keg:l us pretty average busy. And we might add Libertyville only a short time, sgeaz of just because he thinks you are." it --as "OU munity." In regular Commercial Courses, advanced courses in Commercial Work, Civil Service preparation. Call for particulars : Mrs. Geo. E. McDonald 311 W. Park Ave. Libertyville Phone 180 Special Classes Your Bank Check? Some, people think the only thing be-- hind their check is money. That is only part, for behind a check on this i bank is also service. We(fiu happy to meet our' depositors and to help them in business and personal prob-- LUMBER CO. 0. A. Kewsom, EDITORILAL For any occasion. They best convey the thoughts you wish to express--wheth-- er it be joy or sorrow-- Sympathy or Sentiment. Whatever your needs, we can supply them-- Flowers sent anywhere by Flowers The Four By Six Joseph Kohout Co., Inc. irst National Bank CaPITAL anp Surrius $110,000.00 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. this bank and find out for yourself. GROWERS OF PINE FLOWERS . _ We Deliver Anywhere. PRHONE 174--] Forming Now for a 6 months' course E. C. Topel, com-- y monly known as to Mr. Engleberry's remark above, that it is better to wait until after Arril Ist to make a fool of yourself,--and then energy wouid be a private exhibition of the last styles in to turn out 500 blocks per day. Mr. Topel uses only the best of material, such as "Universal" Cement, -- Janesville Torpedo Sand, and Sandusky -- Portland® Cement Co's "Medu-- sa" waterproofing in the manufacture of Don't get the idea mre a heart er when she cries on your should-- gr. Maybe you bored her to tears. Street, and has mov-- ed into what was formerly Robbins Wood working plant and is now equipped block quarters on March 31, 1928 and flower vases. Mr. Topel furnished approximately 12,-- Topel with all his aggregates and ce-- copy of garag yours for the ing. We have tickets for the "Own Your Home" exhibition at show. should see our book-- let of garage plans. A garage is as nec-- essary as a front If you have a house Phone 47 and 48 LUMBER' CO. PAGE FIVE No. 13