CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 7 Apr 1928, p. 11

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> May Watch Primary Although government operatives al-- ready had entered the investigation into the bombing of the home of U. 8. Senator Charles S. Deneen, Judge Wilkerson's charge was construed as ing@icating the government's intention of extending its jurisdiction into the actual primary election. ne court cited statutes by which the grand jury is empowered to in-- dict persons who attack or threaten the person or property of a United States officer; those who interfere with or threaten persons exercising their rights to vote, or those who cor-- rupt witnesses in any legal proceeding. CRAND JURY IN INVESTIGATION There seemed little doubt but that the instructions gi April fed-- eral grand jury by James H. Wilkerson applied to the gov-- ernment's right to take steps to insure free exercise of citizenship at the primary polls next Tuesday. cCHIcagGo, Aprii 4.--ihe hnand ol the United States government ap-- Mmhacontumdbanb- ings, assassinations and threats today to forecast almost certain federal in-- tervention in Chicago's political pri-- Wilkerson's reference to the consti-- tution in citing the supremacy of na-- tional laws over state laws was linked wit)) the dispute between Chicago city officials and federal authorities over right te prosecute a federal prohibi-- tion agent charged with shooting a municipal court pailiff. A course in graphic processes is givenmn this year in New York Uni-- versity in cooperation with the Am-- erican Institute of Graphic Arts. In a series of 15 lectures two manu-- 'c:r::i a book, and a piece of com-- wercial printing. are carried through every stage of publication and each process is examined and explained. Preceeding this is a course of 15 lec-- tures in appreciation of printing. A third course, layout and design in printing, a working course in the planning of business printing, books, advertising, etc., combines 'ectnm with drawing--boatd exercises and critiecisre of problems. * iContinued from Page 10) i and Mrs. Hughes relatives took the babe into their family where she remained until the father married Miss Fannie Hughes when the child was some eifizt or nine years of age. Fannie Bates Payne was born Decemiber "th, 1858. She attended the schools here and became -- a teacher in district schools near here. In early maidenhood she was united in marriage to Harry C.l Payne. To them was born three daughters, Mrs. Arthur Gullidge of! Montana, Miss Avis Pa;i_r;'e and Dwight Dolph of Ivanhoe. The hus-- band and daughters and two grand-- children, wne brother and two sis-- ters survive to mourn the loss of a devoted wife and mother. A belovedl friend and nagehhor and a staunch Christian will sadly missed fmml many homes as well as the home from which she has gone forever. Mrs. Payne was well known and highly esteemed by -- many people bere whoextend their heartfelt sym-- pathy to the bereaved ones. Funeral serviees were held at Ivanhoe, Wed-- nestay torencon, with interment in Ivanhoe Cemetervy. Mra James Gainer, who was re-- ported as being ill last week, is bet-- ter at this time. Mrs. Fred Rudsinsky, who suffer-- ed a double fracture of a limb some time ago, is now able to be around. PRINTING COURSE FOR UNI-- YERSITY sTUDENTS Mre. Arthur Houghton is stil confined to her bed at the Viétory Memorial Hospital, Waukegan. News from her was not very en-- covuraging at the last report. Federated Church Notes Rer. H. J. Locke, Pastor Runday® School, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Jumor Endeavor, 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7:30 P. M. There were no church services here last week Sunday as many at-- temled the Baptismal services at Barrington. Quite a number of boys and girls from here were to be bg tized and are uniting -- with church -- here on Easter Sunday, April 8Sth. There will be a great ser-- vice at the Federated Church. Se-- veral of the local business men of the community, their --~wives and many of the older citizens are un-- ting mwith the church also. The pas-- tor will speak on "Fools 'I Have Transfiguration Church Notes Sunday: Masses 8 and 93. m. Bendiction after last Mass. Week Days: Mass at 7 a. m. Devotions in honor of Sacred Heart, first Friday of each month. Mass at T a m. Fred . Sterling For Lisuten2ant--Governor Your Vote at the Republican Primazy, April 10th is Most Respoctfully Solicited WATUCONDA OF ROCKFORD near) sTaATEMENT OF THE OWNER-- ml SHIP. MANAGEMENT, CIRCU-- _ _C:| LATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY JIM, ACT OF CONGRESS QOr AU-- e of | ~GUST 24, 1912. and| _ Of the Lake County Register pub-- h"",lished semi-- weekly at Libertyville, and--| 111l., for April 1, 1928. ot Friends of Miss Bernice Johnson of Bishop Hill who was a teacher m W. T. H. S. for two years received news of her marriage on Thursday, March 29th at her home. During her stay in Wauconda Miss Johnson had made a host of warm friends by her winning personality. She was a most accomplished instructor and only through her own decision to discontinue teaching was she allow-- ed to depart from our midst. The lucky man who took her as his life ' firtner is Mr. Albert Florine. All r friends here will extend to both !all hearty congratulations for hap-- piness and prosperity. The result of Tuesday's election here are as follows: Supervisor, Peter Stadtfield, 295; R. C. Kent, 282; Road Commissioner, George Scheide, 331; Willard.--Darrell, 230; For Assessor, C. E. Wheelock, 398; For Town Clerk, A. S. Powers, 396; For Constable, two, Ed. Dunn, 376; The Woman's Auxiliary of the Federated Church met 'l'hursda'lymaf- ternoon at the church parlors. re was the usual attendance. About twenty ladies met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. W. Baseley to celetrate Mrs. Arthur Krell's birthday anniversary. There were four tables filled with Euchre layers and one of Five Hundred. grins were awarded to those hold-- ing highest and lowest scores. A (:fificious luncheo:t was gerv%dha:fd sent spent an enjoya ~ tern?o:x. Mrs. Krell received many beautiful and useful presents for which she returned thanks as all wished her many more happy birth-- davs to come. 2 fir. and Mrs. Ernest Gossell en-- terfained the North Side ° Euchre Club Monday evening of last week. High scores were made by Mrs. Henry Krueger and John Gossell; second by Mrs. Julia Broncheon and Tony Miller; consolation by Mrs. Veddar Stone and Frank Meyer. Refreshments were served to com-- plete a pleasant evening. Mrs. gi 8. Clark entertained a few friends at Euchre on Saturday evening. There were seven. tables filled with players. Prizes were awarded to those holding highest scores. A light luncheon was ser-- ved to finish a pleasant time. Republican State Ticket at the No-- vember election, for he comes from the section of the State which rofls up big Republican majorities, His name will add strength to the County of Lake) Before me, a notary public in and for the state and county aforesaid, personally -- appeared F. H. Just, who, having been duly sworn accornd-- in to law, deposes and says that he is the business manager of the Lake County Register and that the follow* i'n":'zi xlsl,. l:eofthe best of his know}edfie ief, a t statement of the ownership, manniem Cana it ~a daily . the circulation), etc-- of the a}oreadd publication -- for the date shown in the above caption, re-- quired by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, to--wit: _ _ _ Mr.Surlinfwaborn at Dixon, Lee County, I!Il., June 29, 1869, and is editor of the Rockford Daily Register-- tion, for Lieutenant--Governor, he re-- ceived a total vote of 1,502,517 and a plurality of 775,127 votes, polling 49,169 more votes than were received by President Calvin Coolidge in H. E. Hicks, $53; For Justice of the Peace, Victor Carr, 399. A number of autos were run from early open-- ing to the closing of the polls, which assisted in carrying the voters for all parties, Submits his Name as a Candidate for Re--nomination on the Re?ublican Ticket at the Primary, April 10th. Commended by All Senators, Repub-- licans and Democrats Alike, for his Fairness, Ability and Impartiality as the Presiding Officer of the Sessions t tme Saate Senate th the 52nd, 53rd, 54th and 55th General Assemblies. He stands for a Strong, Orderly, Eco-- nomical, Business--like, Progressive and Patriotic Government of State Affairs--Without Fear, or Favor--and A SQUARE DEAL FOR ALL. _ A "charm class' for the cultiva-- tion of good manners, taste in dress, voice, good English, and other at-- tributes of personal charm that are of practical importance . to business and professional women, has been organized in . the night school of Lafayette Junior High School, Los Angeles, Calif. State of Illinois) Editor, Frank H. Just, Liberty: ville If. . ; wmlanaging Editor, F. H. Just, Lib-- ertyville, II!. Business Manager, --F. H. Just, Libertyville, III. _ -- : 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor and business managers are: Publisher. Keystone Printing Ser vice, Libertyvville, HI. 2. That the owners are: (Give names and addresses of individual owners, or, if a corporation, give its name and the names and addresses of" stockhelders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of the total amount of stock}. Keystone Print-- ing Service: M. E. Just, Libertv-- ville, F. H. Just, Libertyville.-- I}', C H. Jarrett, Denver. Colo.. J.--F. Bidinger, Waukegan, I!l. F. A. Mil-- hizer, Waukegan, I\\. That the known bond holders, mortgagees, and other security hold-- ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort-- gages, or other securities are: None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders. and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stock holders= and security holders as they «apnear upon the baoks of the company but: also, in Confessions Saturday . In the November, )88. cases. where the stockholder or; A department of mental hyfiene security holder appears upon the is included in the proTrun of the books of the . company. as truatee"Los Angeles schools. It comprises or in any other fiduciary relation,| a psyclufi:gicd clinic, counselor servy the name of the person or corpora--} ice, special classes for different tion. for.. whom such trustee)types of atypical children, special is acting, is given; also that the'teachin ma{erial for such classes, said two Pll',tzflph? contain state-- and a &monstration nursery school. i;;eints en:ibrba:;p? affutnt'.:h full KNOW-- | ----------_--_--------<oic<c omm nmomincinizaanes ge an ief as to the circum--| . . st%nckcfisl a'md comf!itions g:tderhw;gich xDR.. oT IO R. THOMP SOI\ s olders ~and security holders| -- iss :;ho do not appear u;zrel thfio llygoks of | Opmm e company as trustees, stock / « . t and securities in a capacity other,sc'e""'e Examination of the Eyes than that of a bona fide owner; and ; GLASSES FITTED this affiant has no reason to be--| Waukegan National . _ Phone 99; lieve that any other person, asso-- | Bank 'l'dng. Waukega: ciation, or corporation has anv in--| terest direct or indirect in the said ; h :fiock, b::gesd borhgther securities | + © C an so S im. A 1 } N F. H.JUST, i4 ITCRING ECZEMA 3. Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of April, 1928. ® CORA E. HULL, Steps have been taken by the As-- sociation of Colleges and gecondary Schools of the Southern States For fimnprovement of library facilities in secondary . schools~ of: the +South. Library ~standards for-- accredited secondary schools have been adopt-- ed, and specific professional require-- ments were set up for school librari-- ans. Notary Public THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER. SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1928 is included in the proTrun of the Los Anfieles schools. It comprises a psychological clinic, counselor servy ice, special classes for different types of atypical children, special teachin(f ma{erial for such classes, and a demonstration nursery school. Any breaking out of the skin, even fhery, itching eczema, cam be himickly overcome by applying a little Mentho-- Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist Because of its germ destroying proper-- ties, this sulphur preparation instantly brings ease from skin irritation, soothes and heals the' eczema right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth. e & poat 2 it & is o oo 6 LUMBER &'w's $20 GOVERNMENT CAMP | LUMBER MILLWORK Large stook of Sheathing, Flooring, Drop Siding, Shiplap, Framing, Timbers, Windows, Glazed Sash, Roofing, Wall Radiators--Hund-- reds of Bargains! Suitable for Contractors' and Builders. Millions of Feet of Choice Yellow Pine! Purchased under rigid Govern-- ment inspection. All Bright, Sound, Fully Seasoned Mate-- rial and looks like new. Thrifty buyers, keenly alert to the advantage. of securing GOOD QUVALITY MATERIALS at BARGAIN PRICES will be interested in these exceptional offers. _ Come to our Camps Sales ~Headquarters at Great Lakes Navail Station and make your own*selections. Truck de-- livery, arranged> to your lot. Shipment made everywhere, Wrecking Camp Buildings and Warehouses at --Great Lakes Naval Station. | P E R'1,000 g BOARD FEET-- g JAY CAIRNS Offers these houses FOR SALE 7 Room house; Third St.; sun porch; 4 bed rooms. 6 Room house: McKinley Ave., just nearing eoneefion. See California kitchen. 8 Room house; Elm Court; big lot; gg"?ge; unusual location. 6 m house; Ames St.; New; 2 blks. North Shore Line; 2 car FOR SALE--Six room home on Sunnyside Place. All modern con-- FOR SALE--Nearly FOR SALE--Real Estate HERMAN A. SCHWERM. 205 W. Maple Avenue. _construction. See plans at my office. : 10 Room house; Brainard and Lake; ideal for boarding. Also large homesites at Real BARGAIN Prices. .. FAXYX CAIRNS Realtor Park & Milwaukee Aves. Libertyville IIL Will have Frost Proof cabbage and FOR SALE--Horses. Your choice, l"die or Is;'%lf Well li;oke. Also 1 dog. ering, Li i Phone 607--J--1 W'i FOR SALE--Special for April and May--Only 98c for an 11 oz. bot-- tle of Watkins' Vanilla, Vanillin and Coumarin. With every purch-- ase of 2 bottles, a 1 lb. can of Watkins' Baking Powder FREE .. FOR SALE --Hupmobile % T. truck; Tourists home equipped for cross country traveling. All -- in good condition. Can be seen af-- ter 6:00 P: M. at 116 E. Park Ave-- nue. Phone Libertyville 424. | _ FOR SALE--Household furniture including four kitchen chairs, ta-- ble, dining room tableé, dresser, ' twin beds. Very reasonable. Te-- I'Ifhom Chas. Roll, Deerfield, 22--6t--pd. FOR SALE--Red Clover Beed. State purity tegt 99.2%. Free from nox-- ious weed. Price 80c per Ib. Wal-- ter Sage, Libertyville. Phone 667-- FOR SALE--Or rent--in Oakwood Terrace. 6 large room house with sun parlor; extra lavatory on first floor, 2 car garage, large lot. Phone Libertyville 723--R.-- _ New 6 room home, hot water heat, 2 car garage. * FLYNN--GABLE CHICKS in 100 lots| W. ~Leghorns, Brown Leghorns,{ Anconas, $11.00. Barred Rocks,' Reds, Wyandottes, $12.00. Ph. Arl.| Hts. 34--Flynn--Gable Hatchery, ; E. Euclid Avenue, Arlington . Heights, IIl. 9--24--pd. | FOR -- SALE--Buff Leghorn eggs for setting of 15, $1.00. W. H. GeHinge, 320 North Avenue, Lib-- ertyville. 22--6t--pd. 7 room modern home on Brainerd ~Avenue. & FOR SALE--Brick store building with fla&nupstairs, on Milwaukee Avenue the heart of the busi-- e i ed. 0o -- K%. ping, _ altor. Phones, Office 469; Res. 269. 7 S 18--tf FOR SALE-Seefieaoats and wheat, also 1 work m, heavy team, harness and Strich dumping wag-- on. E. A. Ellis, Belvidere Road FOR SALE--Male police dog, 6 months old. --House broken, friend-- ly, $25. Phone 529--W. 22--6t FOR SALE--No. 1 baled timothy hay. Bergeron Stock Farm on Lake St., 2 miles west of Liberty-- ville. Phone 678--J--2. 4--tf 8. --room modern Jhome, 2 cCar FATARE, | --<+------omememmemmmmenmtmmnmmenttmmmmnenmmmmmarente 1 block from Electric Station. _ | WANTED--Couple capable of man-- & s | _ aging restaurant and rooming Four and five room flat at 610. apartments. Address replies to Milwaukee Ave. ; Box "S.R." c--0 Lake County W t aae t _ l ' _ jister, Libertyville, HL. 4 shrubbery. Prieed right. Terms. A. R. SCHNAEBELE Realtor 111 W. Church St., Libertyville 22--6t and Breakfast Nook, on Third St. Priced very reasonable, with easy Garage, Deep lot, fine trees and Room house; McKinley east of Stewart; large lot; 2 car garage. Bermuda onion plants. Order now. ALBERT W. KOENIG--Watkins' Dealer, 426 North Ave.. Phone Libertyville 188--M 25--6t and Gages Lake Corner. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rentorexchange,orifmwantfielp,mnkeitmwfiu columns. You will get results. There is no way you can reach as"many people in Lake County in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. Minimum charge, 25¢ 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. common brick house under G. C. GRIDLEY Libertyvyille, Tllinois Telephone 147--M. FOR SALE Classified Ads SALE OR RENT 22--6t--vpd. 22--6t--pd. 22--tft 24--tf. i FOR SALE--Pekin Ducks and Toul-- IFIELD SEEDS FOR SALE--Smail seedsm;ucleaned_nn:jnbd. Cornisglfl:id,aflhpl butts removed. y Progress, a rust resistant, be"'mfld"'" new ' spring wheat, s up well on hec\g' soil, $1.75 per bu. Wiscon-- | sin Pedigree Barley, the standard | FOR RENT--5 rooms, duplex bung-- | alow,. Latest equipment. Fire-- FOR SALE--Very reasonable. Tour-- ing car in excellent condition. Call Libertyville 425--R for dem-- FOR SALE --Seed oats, Swedish FOR SALE --B3--pc. velour suite, rugs, etc. Phone lmt ville 130. 4 Af. FOR SALE--Furniture at 117 Fourth St. Phone Libertyville 161--J. FOR SALE--1 golden oak library FOR SALE--Seed barliey, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- 5 room stucco house, completely furnished: Garage, lot 50x 100, on Shady Lane, Diamond Lake. Write A. M. Thompson, 2146 Ar-- mitage Avenue, Chicago, IIl. 26--2t. FOR SALE--Good seed oats @ 70c m;;. Also good eating potatoes. Emil Naumann, Liberty-- ville, 665--W--2 26--2t--pd. FOR SALE--Seed corn, field select-- ed before frost. Early maturing varieties both white and m 1927 crop. Also 1 good 2 ~tractor plow. 8. A. Dickson. Phone Wauconda 39-- W--L. 26--6t--pd. FRED GRABBE Auctioneer -- Real Estate 912 .N. County St. Phone 1798 WANTED--Woman to cook on Sat-- urdays, Eundays and Holidays, for lunchroom. State salary and ex-- perience. Answer A. C. care of Register. 24--t1. DR. J. L. TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. «. Residence, Oakwood Terrace FOR FOR RENT--Furnished light house-- keeping rooms, modern. Call af-- ternoons or evenings at 204 gg Place, Libertyville or phone \ Commander, C. C. Hoskins -- 346--3 Meets First Tuesday -- Gridiey Hall FOR RENT--S5 room first flat. Call at 601 W. Park Avenue or ahone Libertyvyille 2%6]J. -- . ~A4. WANTED--Child's crib. Phone 678-- R--1, Libertyville. 26--1t--pd. FOR RENT--5 room modern filat. Call Libertyville 204--KM, -- 20. LQST--White gold signet ring with initials R. H. W. Finder return to Register offiee, orty-- ville. ~Reward. ' ' WANTED--Sewing at 117 Fourth Street. Phone Libertyville 161--J. 26--2t--pd. i table, colonial style. 3 golden oak chairs with leather upholstery. Phone Libertyville 199--R. Ib. capacity motor driven DeLaval early varieties. Price any variety, 80¢c per bu. Seed Corn, --I have a large stock of excqmong iine tl;lqme grown seed wr:he"fol- er this year, including CR Lfi'nzpslhndud varieties: Mur-- owman, Golden Glow, Madison Dent, and Minnesota No. 13; any variety $5.00 per bu.; sub-- ouse geese eggs for setting. Otto Pytlik, Shady Lane Road, Diam-- ond cream aapintor, barred rock cock-- erels. sborne Farm, Mundelein Phone 622--M--2. 20 41. type, free from foul seed. Berger-- on Stock Farm, on Lake St., 2 miles West of Libertyville. Phone 678--J--2 26--t1 . 6--row barley, $1.25 per bu. Ofi Forward, a new late variety great merit. A eustomer reports yield of 84 bu. per acre on 35 acre field last season. Also White Phone 605--J--1. Cross and lowar, Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION $81--J ~J, 274--J. )R RENT--2 large rooms. Reas-- onable. Inquire 148 East Sunny-- side Avenue, 2"--1t--pd. AI'{TEP' Permanent place on dairy or Enen.l farm April 15th. Address K. H. G. Gen. Delivery, Gurnee, Iis. 22--6t--pd. lace, shower bath, garage. Phone MSCELLANEOUS Waukegan, Tllinocis FOR RENT PAGE ELEVEN

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