Nearly 250 people crowded into the St. Paul's Evangelical Church Palm Sunday to witness the beauti-- ful and impressive confirmation service. The conurch was beautifully decorated for the occasion, the har-- mony of the class colors, pink and white, was maintained throughout. | A bequet of magnificent pink roses as the class flower adorned the al---- The service with the pro-- cessional, at wmut.une the pt&or,' Rev. F. G. P!el:.l!):mk marched with the children the rear of . the churen to the front <where seats were reserved for the class. For his sermon text the pastor had chos-- en the words of the nmstle Paul addressed to Timothy "Lay hold on eternal life." The St. Paul's choir rendared two selections,. bring'ng forth beautiful harmony in their two part chorus: . ie Ne e The most impressive part of the service was the act of confirmation. The children knelt at the altar in groups of four where the pastor consecrated them to the service of their Master, Jesus Christ and His chureh, after which the class sang their class song, "Savior Like a Sh;:nd Lead Us." following members composed the class: Henry Scheskie, Wallace Gastfield, Raymond Horton, Elmer h " 4. S cutubctatret Afbatrres" Suveteiati EECUS F Huehl, Hilda Soefker, Luella Wil-- Iman, Anna Ritter, Elizabeth Stilke, Mabel Lockman, Jeanette Reeb, Florence Koller, Irene Juhrend, I anua Nearrarder. Ruth Johnson, take of the Lord's Supper some time during the Easter season. A good christian will not want to do without it. 'Remember the Lord's Sophie Nic Supper is our holiest sacrament. When Jesus met with His disciples on that nifbt before his crucifixion, he said: "I desire to take this sup-- pervit.hx'on."Andsodoesheto this very day desire to sup with us. Supper is our holi When Jesus met wit on that ni{bt before he said: "I desire to per with t¥<m." And this very day desire Come, all things are Come, all things are ready for you. Do mot wait until the throes of death grip your heart. Let us all take the Lord's'Su&zer and thereby remember him an erucified Sav-- Mrs. Neil Brown. Woednesday -- evening, _ monthly Semator Earl B. Searcy of Spring-- field, who withdrew from the race for secretary of state several weeks ago in favor of William J. Stratton of Lake county, is sending letters to vot-- ers throughout the state asking sup-- ponict.beukeeonntymn. Strat-- tom is the only candidate for this office not living in Chicago and Sena-- tor Searcy appeals to the voters to u-evelncmacofromeontmmnctms office. The latest letter of Senator Searcey follows: "Dear Friend: "My reason for withdrawing from the Republican primary contest for Secretary of State, in favor of and in order to support William J. Stratton, SEARCY BOOSTS BILL STRATTON downstate strength would have been divided between Stratton and myself, which would have benefited the can-- chine of Chicago. "I am ready to d my part towards protecting the office of Secretary of State from such vicious elements. This can be done only by the nomi-- Stratton, the only outside--of--Chicago candidate for this office. That Cold Ss%. Paul's Evangelical Church © & Pienenbrok. Pastor Cherch--School Confirmation . Holy Commupion pastor here'bfi/ extends a invitation to the members iends of the church to par-- Church has Impressive ril 10, meeting of the with the pro-- i:m;' surch ' ;, A, 24 auti-- aulos Sunday | ifully ;'" pl har. By, the . und Palms" 4 mt- 'my- 'members *O8€8 ynited in Ithe Probate col altin C. Decker | rs|of the copy of l". The order de 12 ibate was made A,cun Judge Edv lo ! Attorney Harok ['Sloen members 't-;fnnfiy of wWilli: of «Dr. in the Preslt)g:orim Church -- last S\mdag for Palm Sunday ser-- vice. Splendid music was rendered by the choir which . sang "The Palms" by Faure and "Calng" by' Rodney. l)::izhteen members " were members the mgfim solemnly united in the cel of the sac-- received. After the baptism, eonfir-- mation and reseption of the new rament of the Lord's Supper. Passion week srvices were begun on Sunday evening and will be con-- tinued on Wednesday and Thursday evening of the Passion week and on iGood Friday afternoon at 2:30. The 'Easter service on next Sunday will be another outstanding service when | the church will be crowded with members and friends who desire a-- Friday, 7 P. M., Scout Meeting. _ Friday, 8 P. M., Choir rehearsal. We extend a cordial welcome to all the services and activities of tnis church. gain to hear the message of trium-- !phant hope which | is -- promised tthrough the resurrection. JOHNSON WILL NCT PROBATED Circuit Judge Claire C. Edwards today entered an order refusing to admit a copy of & will purported to have been made by the late Willis R. Johnson of Waukegan, to probate. Hehe)dt.-hatti!t':winhwdbeenmade ny Johnson, t f had been entered to show thlz mne had de-- strovyed. lost or concealed the will.. The Johnson will case was taken into the Circuit court on an appeal from the Probate court after Judge Mar-- tin C. Decker had denied probating of the copy of the purported will. The order denying the will to pro-- bate was made this morning by Cir-- cuit Judge Edwards upon motion of Attorney Harold Hansen, who repre-- sents members of the t%:edmc fu&y of Willis Johnson. court listened to evidence all of yesterday afternoon and most of this morning. _Attorneys Eugene Runyard and William Behanna prayed an appeal to the Appellate court and the ap-- peal was allowed. Judge Edwards allowed 30 days for filing of an ap-- peal bond and 90 for filing of a bill of exceptions. Johnson left an estate of some sanncf}. Mrs. Lucy Johnson?® sister-- in--laqw of Willis. Johnson and at whose home he stayed for several months prior to his death two years ago, is making an effort to have a copy of the purported will admitted to probate. She claims that the original will was either lost.. con-- cealed or stolen. ole c oc dilte occnds siveip Arnatose ie tprant E V'rs. Lucy Johnson receive practically the entire estate. It provides that his son, Alibert Johnson, of Wauke-- gan, get but $5. Albert Johnson is now administrator of the . estate of his father and as the matter . now stands, the estate of Willis Johnson will be divided equally among his Johnson had told them that his son, Albert, did not recognize him and that he did not intend to leave much of his estate to him. Attorney Her-- man C. Litchfield testified that he drew up the will for Johnson. Mrs. Schumaker, a Waukegan fortune tel-- ler. was one of the witnesses who thinz to do with him Mrs. Lucy Johnson last week con-- sulted Coroner John L. Taylor about the possibility of exhuming the body of her brother--in--law for the pur-- pese of searching the clothing for his will Dr. Taylor told her it would cost $50 to exhume the body and that she would first have to get an o.der either from the court or State's Altorney A. V. Smith. Attorneys Runyard and Behanna said today that Mrs. Johnson has not requested them to zet an order permitting ex-- huming of the body. ""a large congregation assembled MILD*. /M/VERY MILD AND YET THEY // _ sATISFY _ , 2:30 P. M. Good Friday will -- provides ugt CHESTERFIELD had told her a last CHICAGO, Illlinois,-- April 3.----A warning to Republican voters of Tlli-- nois not to be influenced by last minute propaganda which may 'be expected to come from the Small camp was issued today by Rodney H. Brandon,. chairman of the Emmer-- in the face of a ground .swell all over the state in favor,of the elec-- tion of Louis L. Emmerson for gov-- ernor and a new political deal in Illinois, Mr. Brandon says, all sorts of tactics doubtless will be resorted to in the closing days of the cam-- paign by the machine which is striv-- ing desperately to. noguqat.e and re-- elect Governor Small for a third VCRILL. "Mr. Emmerson has been'1n public life for many years," Mr. Brandoh continued. ©"His life has been -- an open book and his character is un-- impeachaBle. ~He has a larger num-- ber of personal friends> than any other man in the state. Not --the slightest scandal has attached to. his office during his administration of the department of Secretary of State "This, however, will not prevent a desperate and unprincipled politica' machine from making false . and malicious 'statements at a time when it is too late to answer them. "A sample of what may be ex-- pected is contained in an editoria'} published in the Waukegan Daily Sun under date of March 27 This paper, which is owned and edited by William J. Smith, a member of Gorv-- ernor Smaill's state commerce com-- mission, says' 'The question-- has been asked of Mr. Emmerson as to who gets the profit off the manu-- facture of the license plates., So far as known there has never been an accounting of this profit represented between the cost of the plates and what is charged the individual auto-- ist at any time." "Of course every intelligent person knows that the automobile owners ~ay nothing at all for automobile license plates The plates are made under state contract and paid for out of an appropriation for that pur-- pose and automobile owners without cost. The automobile owner pays his license fee' and all of what he pays goes into the good roads fund of the state treasury. Incidentally, under Mr. Emmerson's administra-- tion the plates have been made and distributed at less cost to the tax-- LICENSE PLATES for Governor State Campaign Dr. JohnL.. T aylor CIG A RET T ES WE STATE it as our hon-- : est belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield ciga-- rettes are of finer quality and hence of better taste than in any other cigarette at the price. Liccett & Myers Tosacco Co. deliberately made this ridiculous statement in the hope that there will be some uninformed voters who do not know it. , "Then there are such villainous in-- 1 sinuations as that made by a man. named George W. Pillow of Marion, who insinuated that Mr. Emmerson was illegally withholding money from the state treasury. He did not charge that he was, because that would have been libelous and action-- able. He merely asked if he were not. I might as well ask Mr. Pillow if it is not true that he is a horse 'tine(? The impiication -- perhaps would be that he is but I would no: 'be actionable under the law. Mr. Emmerson of course is and has been complying with the law strictly in the conduct of his office and in handling state funds. "The voters can look, for this tor: of propaganda at the last moment for that is the way the Small m«-- chine operates. But we have 1 fears of the. result. -- Fortunately «M Emmerson is too well known in Tlli-- nois for campaign libels to have ans effect upon his popularity." ° ANOTHER CHILD Waukegan's mad dog menace con-- tinued to steadily grow yesterday. by a dog believed to be afflicted with rabies . The child is under the treatment of a physician. Two other children were reported near vicitims of mad dogs but the timely -- interference . of _ passersby saved them from being, bitten. As-- sistant Chief of Police Cliff today continued. their drive against the dogs.© Several have been destroyed Yesterday's bite victim was 9 year old Josephine Sposito, daughter of Andrew Sposito, of 523 Market street. The child was getting water from a well at the rear of 403 Market street when the, animal Ima'de its appearance and bit her on the left leg. She was taken im-- 'mediauly to the offices of Dr. S. L. Treatment. 6' as -- 'The dog, police learned, is owned "by George Brozie, of 403 Market istreet. He was ordered to destroy the dog. * 23 § since the drive Coroner Republican Can d i-- datg for re--election -- for the office of Subject to the pri-- _ 'maries April 10. If my record as county official dur-- ing my lorig term of office meets with your approval I will appreciate your vote. j P bills for Waukegan property owners voters can l;:)ok.lfor this $9r: |and these living in other cities on the' aganda at the last momen' Inorth shore is fast nearing oomple-i t is the way the Small m«-- [r:.on; the county treasurer says. | perates. -- But we have ts | Urges Mail Use ; _the result, Fortunately «M* | rhe county treasurer urges people| on is too well known in Tlli-- to use th is instead of to} ~campaign libels to have ans o e mails Ins of coming pon his dlarity." _' his office to pay their taxes. Personal po poP Y-- checks should not be sent. lj:itheri sn .. _ o money orders cashier's checks or cer-- { tified checks are acceptable.. He says ; lit will be more convenient for thel + , Itaxpayers to use this method as it srg' B * .|will save them from perhaps stand-- ¢ ting in line for several hours. while it B" IEN BY DOG |will also aid his force. . \ l Waukegan's tax rate and that of| most school districts in Lake county | » en m increased decidedly this past year.: egan's mad dog menace con--|The tax rate for Waukegan for 1927 to steadily grow yesterday.|increased 24 cents over that of 1926 | dog believed to be afflicted, on each $100 valuation. . Taxes of l bies . The child is under thelWaukegan property owners are ex-- nt of a physician. 'tepded on the rate of $6.25 on thei a few weeks County Treasurer Jay B. Morse an-- nounced today that his ageht in Lake Villa township had submitted a re-- port to him showing tax collections ' of $13,000 in that township. The\ agent turned back the Lake Villa ) township tax book. . Agents in other| townships are expected to make re-- ; perts and turn back books during thel next few days. Once the books are turned back people in the various| western townships who have not yet paid their taxes will have to do so at the office of the county treasurer. . County Treasurer Morse said that he expects to open his office to re-- ceive tax money, starting Wednes-- day, April 11. The preparing of tax hundred dollars. SOUTHWEST GALE TAKES BC TOLL Cloudbursts and cyclonic windstorms whipped through the southwest dury ing 'the night Jleaving hundreds of VILLA BOOKS /M/%/z'wfiydmm@( A Vote for EMMERSON is a Vote for Honest, Efficient State Administration Louis L. Emmerson, Republican candidate for Governor, will apply to the executive departments the same business efficiency which has characterized his administra-- tion of the office of Secretary of State. He will add enormous strength to the Republican ticket because of his popularity with all classes, his recognized ability and his pledge of better government. His platform includes: Do not be misled by promises or threats made by a political machine which is On TUESDAY, APRIL 10th, go to the Polls and VOTE for REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR LOUIS L. EMMERSON striving desperately by every means within its power to per-- More rapid and economic construction of roads and the elimination of politics in road building. ) : 4 An economiq and honest administration of the State government. The working out of. a plan for the surfacing of secondary roads without placing the burden upon the general tax payers. Better administration of tax laws and sound tax reform in order to relieve the farms, small homes and other visible property of the unequal bur)d_en they now carry. Elimination of spoils politics in the state institutions. petuate itself in office for a third term at