fr. M ran. by 11mm Modal coughs, colds, croup, whooping 'h-aVimrigtinMastttwt "1139.0"qu andthou diattubintr night com "(the that cutting 'doret cough." Heartily endorsed by Moth- on, as. To our cinnamon we tttve on "anthem No otsintatt, no ch10- Fm - and Tar Comm reform, contents plainly marked on a, ti"'tdtretttrutrretolsauaie. thteetried,aheatraured. nge it to no. It so quickly relian- hk for it.--F. B. Low]! Co. Oscar Mayer's Approved Skinned Hams ---Whole qr half cuts. lb. ..t"'--t' 22t So, Muzak: Am (hunky Club Brand Butter Per IA. Strictly Fresh Country Eggs Per Dozen ""'m-"-s-.---.ww-.......---., SPECIAL Phone us early for your Easter Wants . We Eve everything in Vegetables and Fruits Phone 31 AliPhoiietr2tt we will have lots of them. Order Early" Mixed Holland Herring Sicaigmd Pickled Herring, Heads and 20 m Off, Per Lh. _ tet --.__ .rMe-_ ... FF .-.. J __... r C Med Boneless Herring Libertyville OF' OUR OWN - Our seeds will be out this week and they are the best and biggest package in town for Se 25 Pkgs. for 3l m Thursday, Friday, Saturday F Specials atoeeate Marshmallow Eggs - Per Dozen . '_'""'""--.-',.----,---.--,........................,... ._-_'mr.. ' lh We " have a full line of Vegetables and Fruit (Every kind on the Market) . Order Hot Cross Bynst Thursday land _.lhnrday--- Egg Dres--All Colors in one Package Candy Colored Marshmallow Eggs Jelly Bird Eggs t"8rietlr gfirsh Eggs Fancy Onion Asts-white 0r Yellow Swifts Premium Ham for Easter 4 Bait or Whole, Per Lb. I-........,.'.......-....,......, J Sprinigr0irening At last we have firtiahed om? howre'eieaning and we must have a Large assortment of Easter Eggs for the Little folks An especially fine assortment of con- fections for the Easter Season. MORSE'S and WHITMAN'S both names synonymous with quality mmuuue Am WWII, (Seems Yoaa Bemcnber" EA S TER CA N DIES F. B. Lovellllcp. . 0. H. MOLIDOR Easter CPR 3 , ss' 3ik Sh: 25c 25c 2k lik fllk lh , lfle Illinois , The annual election of the Liber. tyville township high school board will be held on Saturday, April ~14th at the High school. One member of the board is to be elected and. so far, but on; ticket hf. been filed. This beam t e name o George Ito" of Munchkin Who is the retiring member. The polls will be open from noon until seven o'rloek p. m. in ae- cordance with the new school law. Fiiuiistt, -"" den, caught! CREE J-aItttg" when to still. Favors Vote for Charlps H. Francis (not Charles R.) gangldate for Represen. tatiVe 8th district, Lake, 11ch "ttBoo'." pollution. Atmtifed, ex- 2aiiiiik 'whm lo So util Emerson for Governor; _ On Saturday, April 7th, the Worn-' cn's Guild of the tit. Lawrence Epis- ;copal Church will hold {bakery sale. Selections can be made from a large assortment of bakery goods which the Guild will place on sale, com- mencing at two o'elock at the Wil- liam Wtrlron4,Store, 541 North Mir. waukee Avenue. ' Don't miss "Tommy"! This play will be given by the Garrick Play- ers of Lake Forest College at the local High School Auditorium Tues- day evening, April 10. Tickets are on .sale at we Soda Shop. This play is sponsored by the members of the Kiwanis Club as a benMt for thtedEIiubeth Condell Memorial Hos- . . .. ... --- Mrs. Ellsworth "Wilcox. who ual been ill'at her home on Douglas! avenue 'for the past two weeks, was taken to the Victory. Memorial hob. pital in 'Waukegan Thursday for ob servation to determine whether or- not an 4tperistion is. necessary toi. relieve her condition; ' l ire Haute, Indiana and Mr. and Mrs.' 'Bares of Berwyn. Illinois were' pleasant visiotors at the home of Mn; and Mrs. Harry Eelofr, 420 West Cook Avenue. Thursday. Mrs. Grade Whitney entertained the members of the Five Hundred Club Thursday, afternoon. First prize was given to Mrs. iiiviariiiiCl as, Second to Mrs.-Grace Whitney! and third to Mrs. L. Smith. Mrs. Albert Maether received the consola~' tion prize. . . d Mrs O. A. Peterson 'and two daughters/Heel andHelen,. of Ter- An Easter musical" pagrdm will! be Riven at the Methodist. Chureht Sunday evening. April 8th by the" PePbtr,s,of. the Methqdist quartettel A cordial invitation is iii-343E}; a.ll who desire to, attend this ser- Ftce. . . . Seats may be reserved at Lowell's and Decker and, "Neville', Drug Stores for the Senior play, "Honor Bligh? to be presented on Pitg and Saturday evenings, April 18t and 14th at the. lineal high school auditorium. The Methodist Churcli will have a special Service of the Cross and Communion Service at the church this evening (Friday) at eight o'- clock. All friends and members of the gulch are invited. I On Monday, April 2nd,. b. H '18. Gwyn gave the principal it: . gut Antioch!» a combined me??? 10! the _Woman's Clubs of Antiddr {Lake Villa _and Fox Lake. Th 'were about seventy-five present. p' Mm. frat/tttr, entertained the am b Tuesday night at her home on Dymorid Road. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Charies Whitney, first; and Mrs. Henry Numsen. consolation. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Debs Ames of Stewhrt Avenue arrived here Thurs.. day 'after an enjdyable three months' visit in San Benito, Texas. They made the homeward trip by auto with friends from Wisconsin. ner. who. are attending school at Lake' Forest College. are enjoying Easter vacation " the home of their 'trandmother,riiiG. Maria Lill, 212 thCourt. V k _ I ardinal Club of'St. Joseph's ti?,itt.'ii!1, hold an Easter Monday ance my: Parochial" School Hall ttt.t, Mb,~ H . Music' will be fum- tr y _ "Eds five piece orches- Dorothy Jean 1., C Aes Oscar, children of My, il,, his Oscar Kaiser of Joliet. 1111. is; a re visit- ing at*the.home of ' ir mud- parents. Mr. _tuy_t ft'l Chin-lea "Kaiser, 137 East Church shat. at? Latte' reports aiiik ai 1iir'i getting along nicely. . MES. A. J. Austin' undef'went a major operation Tuesday at the Vie.. tory Memorial bospnol' itt Wagkeg- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson, 619 North First Street, announce the birth of, a nine and three-fourth pound son on Sunday, Apririst. The youngster will be called Bobby. 'Aubrey Wéfls, who is atten the University of Illinois. is 'sp ing his Easter -vacation with parents. Mr. and Mrs. W, G. ih of West Cookavenue. pill meet .'1'yesiiiy." come bf mm.1 W. West Cook Avenue Mrs. Adline Prouty of Waukegan visited several days this we% at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. ' Amis. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Vavra of Oak Park returned to their home"phurC day after a visit here at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Egioft. The Libertyville Musical Society will hold its monthly program on Monday evening, April 16th. Watch for further announcements. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ,Dietz are thel proud parents of a little tlsatpdtter, Catherine Gertrude. born on Thund day, April 5th/ _ The Woman's; Missionary _ Societ of the Methodist Episcopal Chung pull me: gesgi'axz A.prt1s1irth at the - _"-"":'"'"'""""' we - " "16 of her mother, Mrs. w: D. 'iiCrttt'sil'l.' Mrs. George Crockett and two children of LaGrange are visiting with Libertyville relatives. James, tk," Wednesday. The Miss "entice iftg',t,r, spent Wed- nesday evening in bingo. - Mrs. yaritekrai'yeoek and son. Mrs. L.tonir1rpitmey was a Wan hogan alley Wednesday. lLlissgg tirtyie a.n.d Gladys Gro- ?'ragk Druba visited Wed- N __ -_ _ -"."ee9e9 " ul' in cilPng,!euiry. at_ the home are;a_t_tending setioof in 1sithi, and LOCAL EWS =. if". 0---. were Fox Lake wanton on with his W. G. Wells,' '. D. Port--.551; is '.tttrndine Comm," iiiii s. is Juremi- is THE LAKE COUNTY 1x20131133, SATURDAY, APRIL 7,1923 W iEi h 1:119 _'arree,puti,'Pe,it,,r, "Association , e its regu or mont y meeting c, Friday evening, March 30th at the t local high school auditorium. Chest- , er K. Thomas of the North Shore} 'Line Rave a most" munchingi and: beneficial talk on "sunny iii) l This subject was well explained and F fully demonstrated by [fully mi. . formed and equipped First Aid Team of ladies from the North lShore Line. The Boy Scouts and Camp 'Fire Girls of this city were "he guests of honor, marching into the hall in a tlt Special music was provided fort e occasion by the Jrtitlt School Orchestra. The third grade of the ,t',t2tMtt,'t was iltieatdesithespriGs' . thismonth 'for having the largest number of 'mothers in attendance. l V Of 14 new libraries teported in Kentucky.. 10 are callege or institu' _ aerial librariegb Cg 1Agt,g,,y College. rilmore,at , I'trraidmitdfiur . has been erected; and for the West- ern State -Nonnal Selim], Bowling Green; a $250,600 libnry building is nearing completion. Mish- ment of three new 903:? Ahiartesr, is expected. A cen ' would; building in Lebanon has lg: ented to the Marion C9unty alt Library, and will be mund- _ tor library use. ' 3"ote - . . J Chariestfharie, B. Ptaneis, (M tative 8th wte.ii1iat_e for Iatt and Boone cans}. lake, perieneed; elean,'8- Abintifuet. ew. K E N T U C K Y INSTITUTIONS ENTA Busm'NEw LIBRARIES wuencea, clean,".". Haunted, ex- _-knows when to able: cu talk immerson for Gonna". Favors. The Misses Mary Parker of Grayslake and 'Kathryn Andrews motored Tuesday to Champaign, Illinois. They returned on Wedmw day accompanied by Chauncey Park- er and Edward Lush, who will spend their Easter vacation at the homes of their parents in Gran - lake and Round Lake. Both Pillar and Lusk We! graduated from the local high school .and enjoy a wide Yqyaintaneetshirrht this vicinity Parker has been in the hospital " Champaign suffering from an at-/ tack of the flu. Services were held daily at St. Lawrenc'is's Egacopal Church this week (Holy eek). Today, Good Friday, there were two sewices, one at nine O'clock A. M. and the other from twelve to three P. M. with addresses on the Seven Last Words. There will be Holy Communion at nine o'clock A. M. on Easter Eves Saturday. with Holy Baptism in the afternoon. The Easter Day services are at eizht and eleven A..M. and'at four P. M. the special subject at the Methodist Church figpsi.dv"' morning at elem o'clock. This will be a service of Easter symbols of life, character and beauty. A group will be Pt ceived into church membership. All persons ,ho do hot attend Easter] services elsewhere are cordially til vited to this service by the pastor and the Church Invitation Commit- tee. Special ushers will be " the doors to welcome strangers. ing invited several ladies three hour talk on "G01 by Dr. Copeland Smith, the First Methodist Chm stition W. C. P. L. gathering at her hime a %iiiiiF side avenue 2t,tr ammo", hat. 398 ittyited lee was to hear a "The .Egsteg Rtssrelntion" will be Iethodist oGehGFctiir, 'ttpry broadcast from iaTUtii irrcl -,' I Cpunty iii) will be mund- _"',' . PM (not . for - Itutt 'att a- ble, Cin an: mt a..." April4 eh We are proud of this record. It proves/he strength of organization and the sound banking policies upon which our" board service is based. Lake County N ationalBank In these many years of service. The Lake County National Bank has faced-with' its patrons and the eommunity--many conditions and problems,. among them times of finaheial stress, of war and readjustment. Through then; has stood firm, doing its best for its customers, in trying times and good ones-as we .are doing today. . i . T On April 4, 1892 this institution firtt Opened'ité v. doom-c-this is, its' 36th anniversary of service" to Libisrtyville , V / ' f ', _ ' Libertyville, Illinois) . CAPITAL, SURPLUS, AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS OVER $180,()00.0t) _ ' .iSMITH'S T'AXI Eight Chilean teachers recently sent abroad b C the Government for advanced 1flf, have entered uni- versities in the United States. Other you have gone to-Switzerland, 'fd'lllll,1,, and Germany. 'mm when to be still. Fwd}; Wagon for Governor., Vote for-Charles H. Francis (not Charles R.) candidate for Represen- tatiie 8th district, 1arke, McHem-y and Boone Counties. 9ualified, ex- pegenced, glean, "Fable. Can talk Sand gt Luter's'Novehy , DAY 'PHBNE 85 C 'rtaltr, "on 4n Monday. April 1621. April program givenby the Lib- ertyville Maier .Socjety. April 18, 19, 20 "Hins'trel Echoes" the annual Amer§can Legion minstrel show at the high school auditorium. Novelty entertainment produced by the John B. Rogers producing company. at the High School auditorium. Sponsored by the Libertyville ki- wmis Club as a hospital benefit. . . . o Anti] " and 14 Honor Bright the senior class plug of the Libertyville Township Big Seltbol at the school auditorium. .Easter Moha'a'y GGG Wine Car- dgnal Club " St. Joseph's hall. Mu- slc by Hank's' tips race orchestra. iu.a y April 10 "Tommy", pres'ented by the Gars It JYigi of Pyt. ?i'orut_eoiieiiei IyAyfiiiiiiiir"titTiira, Le, G ild e omen s an of St. Lawrence}; Church at the Wil- P'kwa"iuii Store at two o'elock My, April 3rd Hm dinner by the Aid tuciee tLee.. lf1 E'shurch in the etnsrel "'33 iiaifiG'l' Egate£ 'irtirstrritArtii_-isikfiii: IN SOUND STOCK cowwuiis (mu . coma mamiti We're Near Kandy. April 9th. Tornado -- Automobile 1; Casualty sing: 7th Phone 469 tttthr, for/tht rrtrtilation of tmf. tie on ilufaukee Avenue, and Resolved . C a copy' of this reso- lutidnbe' pis b.hed in both Liberty- ville papers lil a 1col£y sent to the Department . Pub Works and Buildings at fr"'imred." j """"""u"eeit' uncommon; CARD or mm '2. _ T JliftpIi_tettyutkottrrriiuand At the sreiiiiitriierierat, the [neighbors for the my kindnesses Real Estate tud held on Wednes- extended durin our t benevo- day evening this Week, there was tr mCttet C'nu'i't'l'l'd dlecussipn _ with 2trdl ment. We also thank thom Who seat ito the propbsed. ordinance provi ing ""CCrrr-------.LLl2LT for Mic re etion on Milwaukee Avenue in Village _of Liberty- ville, and the {gnawing resolution was ad6thed:i) f N . - l' , 5 "RESOEVKEL' That the Liberty- ?iii', y p1ltltlugyMii, Real Estate Board l lyyett1.PertAri.'iei Ordipanoe No. 492 DE ; EaitjLn/" ill/tfiiili'gr $55031 BoARoiNpoithiik diiriiiiGGi" Cid lathe: a,repteyerythintr. Poiret page frocks, but Heaven makes In regular Commercial courses, advanced courses in Commie] Work, Civil Service preparation. 'w gall for particulars ". Mrs. Geo. E. MeDoniild things about pilot- ing an git-plane is that the roar of the motor Qne of the nicest FIRST AID Newspapers me full of advice by doctors on what to do when run down. The best thing to do is to get the car's number if possible. class of farmers m surround us. one thing they need is the luck. particular ttttie GC yon of _the "i, 'dd; manually no in the sound think- "3.8 hytd "my: is like every other successful mnbusi. was in tint it re. quires a lot of think- iyyr {1nd Work com- E li r" - -. EDITORIAL futesurful farming w of the people of Sfg.tei, and vieinity, y the "BEWLLE LUMBER CO. o. Ac. Fawn, ?nhlipheg! in the in.. For any, occasion. They best convey the thoughts you wish to express--wheth- er it be joy [or sorrow-- Sympathy or Sentiment. Whatever your needs, we can supply them. " Flowers sent anywhere by Flowers Joseph Kohout Co., Inc. Special Classes (lllllrttrlii'mar By Six "towlttu, OF FINE FLOWERS I. m was mm PHONE 174.] Forming Now for a 6 monthtf 001 311 W. Park Ave. Uhertyville Phone 130 1 Jack planted a bean and the re- ' suiting stalk reached to the sky. But Jack failed to build a solid . 'b, structure and the whole thing a? tumbled. The safe way to ' build is to "pfant"cdol1ars in a savings account in this bank. Then insure growth by regular deposits every pay day. Why not drop in to- morrow. Chap dollar starts an account. First Nahum! Bank lt out w. B. Ryan & A. J. "yes. "Ii-mini is; I Morse, two energe- ',ltt'ttE1,e, Lumber tie land ',',t,i,tige , Company! gent emen You our l -- neighboring town of 'We see dmm Chicago, have im.. to talk to {on ported a couple "Flying," the Spanish own buildind line. tf we direct from 't,'sg , Ptteetlt. ye wouldn't ti ourpfair metrop- be tn this busing. o ML crimp. , - have noticed "it: F Dart forget "Ton- jobs under constmc- . my -Ap!il w- tion in Oaknrmrd Ter- j -- fr,'; They ti: strict , m y modem - 1AMtllttrNtagt way with euioreif 1 LM' m. tile walls and thr- "M 'L'tt CH tunes in Mama; de-t - .h tt,ti/t,ygtfgt lt: ' 1d9ertrv_ trt. sm m e main room are trim PI... " all a ""v '1 - éhandsome Nee. 1'?daaty a "(an an Dont be initueneed {097W}, by a People ,rito-itGFii' glass home. should- n't throw parties. A ehta,'ile My Bar, u 'tit I [In your husband and. n shave when he aaks You if he need: one." :APITAL AND hmrua $110,000.00 LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. aperfectshg April T, ai, we- should- a: Tai' "1h"iTll'ii , m' 'Cmm"wnt- - 'W has. on umwcuw.dwb) Y nicompee he. tliter',',;',,'.".'.":?,',.",'?,',",? to" 3-1., and M Jl'lTugr'lt,'t.flt,,'ltx; --- .drour 'lll'llfthtj't "I'LL es," vo merge. (,iiiyil1ftrh"S2 amttitiiG,CbrFt fromour: -- , 'ui'i,',ihio,i'ritehariri,ittg have im- totaJlrtor% con le y1rht9ttr.."o the In't irmeaF-,beinthitrbmtna. cod td'l'Cnowtri7i"ii-r-. 'eoetatmesimy"--Ntetit.- "at r" driv. u., MOE, 'htmtaritseimmandearets-ir" wean-ed - ' outthenejohg, litt houses nm of ce- gentblqum- 'illiitprii'; d'c,i,', may" rGrTiCiii; balm , room. in sap m or enamel. Fiona-I'- qtoekPhir. '3?! and In. Parker Btutistt ad family. p3 n e LACE swab! "