now ir. Prance with>General Pershing on the commission which will fix the character of the American memoria)s on French battlefields licfinitely. determined that the buildings shall be of fire--proof con-- struction, problems of actail, type and materials will be submitted to the cemmission. Trustée D. H. Burnham. Jr.. and Dr. Allen D. Albert are pre-- paring a statement regarding mater-- ials arnd methods being studied. Three types of construction are un-- der consideration,--poured concrete, multi--brick, and composiition. _r Alvert stated yesterday that all build-- are rapidly assuming definite form. Seven of the eight members of the architectural commision will meet with the trustees on May 23, 24 and 25. Present will be Edward H. Ben-- nett, John A. Holabirs and Hubert Burnham, of Chicago; fiarvey W Cor-- bett. Ralph T. Walter. anrd Raymond M. Hood.'of New Yark. and Arthur Lrown, Jr., of San Prancisco. Paul P. Cret, of Philadelphia, the eighth member of the commission, is T3 1 CP'ICVRY COFEImOINCS d Imarker on the grave in Wauconda cemetery of Rubin Hill, a Revolutionary Soldier. Se far as is known there are only Plans for the methods and tpye of construction of the buildings for Chi-- cago's centennial celebration in 1933 A chair of Spanish--American litt|_no nas the backing and support of ature has been established in Yale ""- Gen. Roy D. Keehn m'. University. ~ In the graduate school of the Thirty--Third di'i'lim. Under two full--year courses are giv¥eN--|its terms every pilot must have a namely, "A general survey of SPAD--|state license. Insurance of the "li-- ish--American lyric poetry," and two|cense would be based on the federal in the ""dfl'ff_ld""e schools, "The |government's requirements of aviators modern novel in Spanish--America" |engaged in interstate fiying. & and "Spanish--American literature."| 'The bill would make it compulsory Except in the course in Spanish lit--|for the aviator to have the license on erature, the instruction is givenjhis person and would compel him to from the. Spanish--American point,show it at the demand of passenger, of view, using imaterials -- dealing |peace officer or landing official. with Spanish--America. In two oth--| Violation of the provisions would be er universities similar courses have |punished by a fine of $100, ninety days recently been developed a chair of in jail, or both. Latin--American literature in the| The bill was introduced by Senator University of Texas and a chair of 'Hughes of Chicago and Representa-- Spanish--American -- literature . in {tive Igoe. Stanford -- University, Califomia.' Other bills introduced in -- both Courses in Latin--American litera--|Houses provided for distribution of ture have recently--been introduced|th¢ tax collected under the unconsti-- in connection with the study of tutional gas tax; phcmghof the re-- Spanish in a number of colleges. s&:ych and educational hospital of cago under control of the Univer-- sity of Illinois; tax exemption for WAUCONDA trust funds of public educational in-- smmesgrmms structions, and appropriations for the {Continued from Page 6) ordinary expenses of the special ings will be of steel frames with fire-- proof roofs. George Hapke, who withstood a major operation at the Victory Me-- morial Hospital some weeks ago, returned to his home here Satur-- day, where he is aftended by a trained nurse. He is getting along nicely at this time. The Waukegan chapter of the D. A. R. havephnnedgodedlcatewnh appropriate ceremonies a marker on (Continued fw 6) enty--eighth annual 'ng of the Medic¢al Society of Illinois. On the sume evening such noted men as an interesting address. Dr. J. A. Ross also save an interesting talk on Pernicious Anemia" and "High Blood Pressure." Residents of this community feel somewhat proud to bhave our local doctor acknowledged in this manner., Merlin Hughes of Crystal Lake, formerly a resident here, under-- went an operation on Friday, May CORN BORER FIGHT PLANS BEING MADE During the summers of the five-- vear experiment. an entomologist of the natural history survey will be stationed at this field to keep care-- ful records of the way the corn borer actuglly affects each of the kinds of Tilinois corn, the number of eggs de-- posited on each variety, the way the borers. cr larvae, establish them-- selves in plants of the different va-- rieties and the effect of the insects on the plants Studies also will be made cof diseased and disease--free corn to see if therekz any difference in the way the s affect these plants. Agronomists of the experi-- ment station will make careful meas-- arements of the yields from the dif-- ferent strains and varieties each fall. Dr. Olin West, Secretary of the American Medical Association gave 4th, at the Rogers Pa the removal of his {mg man has been or sometime. SPANISH--AMERICAN LITERATURE IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES <cres of land set aside by the federal department of agriculture in the corn borer infested area of northern Ohio for use of the experiment station of the college of agriculture, University of Nlzois and the Illinois Natural History survey, co--operating. There ; corn is to be grown just as it is un--| der conditions in this state for the | purpose of finding, out how both| common and new varieties and strains of cormn from Illinois behave| under corn borer conditions. t A rotation of corn, soybeans, wheat and clover, now being practiced on ; many Illinois farms, is to be grown j on this land for the next five years. "'Thus, each year there will be five acres for corn and on this acreage will be grown about 400 varieties from Illinois. These varieties and strains will include the leading commercial From the results of several yvears of such studies it is hoped to be able to tell in advance what kinds of corn now generally grown in Illinois are most likely to be injured by the borer and what kinds are most resistant. 'There also is the possibility of de-- veloping resistant strains adapted to Tllinois soils. PLAN BUILDINGS FORWORLD FAIR types now common in the state and, in add'tion, certain strains developed at Bloomington by J. R. Holbert of the federal department of agriculture, and here at Urbana by the agricul-- tural experiment station. These va-- rieties are. those which for one rea-- son or another offer promise of be-- ing more or less resistant to the corn URBANA, i. MaYy 19. -- IiINn0l3" fight with the corn borer this year is to be carried into the enemy territory, according to plans just -- announced here. A little section of the Illinois corn belt Revolutionary soldiers buried in : county. Ro-----v-vu VH _E EIGC Lil nogers Park Hoopit'd for his tonsils. The in poor health Monthly visits of a portable farm shop to rural schools in the vicinity of fioekford, Mich., aid in . giving practical instruction to farm boys in the principles of manual training. The "shop" was built by the Rock-- ford manual--training class and it provides a convenient training room, containing several benches and 14 complete sets of tools. bers of secret societies after having voted or accepted any post closed to fraternity or sorority members ors, and from repres_enting school groups in any capacity whatever. Diplomas will be withheld from stu-- dents who are proved to be mem-- Ban on secret societies in high schools of New York City will be strictly enforced under the provis-- ions of bfi'lnws adopted by the board of education, which took ef-- fect February 1. -- These specify that high--school students who are members of secret societies shall be debarred from participation -- in school elections, from receiving hon-- its terms every pilot must have a state license. Insurance of the 'li-- cense would be based on the federal government's requirements of aviators engaged in interstate flying. the National Air Transport Company and has the backing and support of Maj. Gen. Roy D. Keehn, commander of the Thirty--Third division. Under The bill would make it compulsory for the aviator to have the license on his person and would compel him to show it at the demand of passenger, peace officer or landing official. Violation of the provisions would be punished by a fine of $100, ninety days' SPRINGFIELD, May 16. -- Strict state control of aviation is provided in a bill introduced in the Senate and House STATE AIR LAW BILL OFFERED "To offset these difficulties the health department is promoting pre-- 4 school hygiene through what is call-- ed the summer--round--up. Let a doc-- tor examine every child is the Khn. Let every child be free from physi-- cal defects, so far as possible, and let him be protected from smallpox and dimheria by vaccination be-- fore school opens, is the object. _ NEW YORK CITY BARS SECRET SOCIETIES _ "The bad influence of these con-- ditions is cumulative. _ Sometimes they count for mental backwardness in school. A diseased tonsil at seven may mean a ~Jea:i)l'l heart at forty or forty--five. Mainutrition in in-- fancy leads to poor teeth and card-- ieghomty fit mdesizing waowe o underlying cause o digestive disturbances that lead to all sorts of serious complications. "Children who begin school with fewest remedial handicaps are the ones who who will leave school with the greatest possibilitiee of long, useful, happy lives. This is the pur-- pese of the summer campaign." Springfield, May 16th--Announc-- ing plans for a state--wide summer campaign in behalf of the 200,000 children scheduled to begin school for the first time next fall, Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, State health director aeclared here today that .two out of every three kindergarten and first grade pupils carry with them to the classroom physical defects that can and ought to be corrected. Some of these gefect.s are serious; some are not. Some account for dullards in school and physical breakdowns in early adult and mid-- dle life. The object of the campaign is to put every prospective new pu-- pil into perfect physical condition as nearly as possible before school opens. A dozen physicians and fif-- teen nurses will promote the work through parent--teacher associations, women's clubs and other agencies. It is the wish of the Waukegan Chapter of the D. A. R. to have the citizens and organizations of Wau-- conda to attend and participate in _Ewo years ago the D. A. R. dis-- covered the grave of a soldier of 1776 at Rosecrans and much inter-- "A complete survey of all school children in Mason County, recently completed, shows that two--thirds of all children begin school with physi-- cal defects that oufiht to be correct-- ed," said Dr. Rawlings. "Malnutri-- tion, diseased tonsils and defective geeth are the three leading disor-- ers. these -- ceremonies. Key,. Howard Ganster, of Waukegan, will be the master of ceremonies. The Wau-- culars of these ceremonies this week. The head stone in our cemetery gives the date of his birth and death and from that one can see that he entered the army. when about eleven years of age. He was past 93 years at the time of his death. sUMMER PRE--SCHOOL HYGIENE PROJECT PLANNED C at of its germ destroying properties, noth-- Subn. s C. F. Larsen to A Lot 17. Paul Dealin Notice is hereby| given to all per-- sons interested that the President and Board of tees of the Vil-- lage of Libertyville,. County of Lake and State of Illinois, having ordered the construction of a local improve-- ment consisting of a Portland Ce-- ment concrete pavement with curb, catch basins, manholes. and neces-- sary appurtenances in Lange Court, in said Village of| Libertyville, the ordinance for the e being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said Village having applied to the Circuit Court Subn. F. H. Bartlett to D Lot 2, Blk 87, F Fred Schwabs L. A. Ryan et al Lot 5, Blk 2, t H. Brown & hust Lot 11, Blk 1, Wkgn SPECIAL ASSES$MENT husb, D. Lot 20, Johnson's Subn, Libtyville. M. Mallaby to L. J. Yager et al, WD. Lot 13, blk 4, T. H. Durst's Subn, Wkgn. R. T. Baldwin and wf to E. Robin-- son, WD. Lot 294, Glenwood Heights Subn. MAY 10, 1928 * St. Bk. of Chgo to H. P. Mason; D. Lot 17, Northern Hills of Barrington. J. R. Shapiro and wf to A. Havlis, WD. Lots 8 and 9, blk 5, C. I. Miiton & Co.'s Lake View Subn. D. T. Webb and wf et al to C. A. Blomstrom, WD. Lot 17, blk 1, Webb and Jénsen N S Addn. M. L. DeR®w«ck and vi'le .10 E. L. Vinyard and wife, WD. Lots 12 and 13, Blk 5, --Branigar Bros. Woodland Park. . ® J. B. Mankawich and wife to A. Pick Sr., and Jr., QCD. Lot i5, Blk 1, Highmoor Subn.. Deerfteld. R. H. Nau and wife et al to M. Nau, QCD. Lot 2, Blk. 2, Powells Subn.. Warren. 3 C. T. & T. Co. to °S. Valach and wife, D. Lot 13, Blk 1, Lindehurst Subn. / A. M. Stevenson and wife --to O. Albertz & wife, Lot 8, ~Blk. 2, Lindenhurst Second Subn. §E ar Sec 25, Libertyville. M. Velkaverh and wife to E. A. Grant and wife, WD. Lots 36 and 37, W . Waukegan Sub. worth and wife, D. Lot 44, Hov-- lands Highland Park Acre Subn. Lot 15 Blk 1, Lindenhurst Subn., Grant. L. S. Armour to -- Continental National Bank & Trust Co.,. WD. I. M. Pollock to J. riffith, WD Pt SE ar Sec 2, Antioch. J. C. Plagge to B. Donles and wife WD.: Lots 3 and 4, Blk. D. Town of Cuba. F. H. Bartlett to A. Gombos and wife, D. Lot 2, Blk 12, Bartletts Any breaking out C.--T. & T Co. to K. V. Plumley, Real Estate Transfers * Lake County Title ever been found to take the NA massory _ Abstract of Title 13, outb:; skin irritation or overcome lying lg:_:;fi:o-s_ulphur. wf to Shore Line 2, NW ar Sec *. to J. Noll, QCD. Gardens Subn. . A. Heath & wfi, . H. Bartletts N S Subn.. H. Robarge, WD. --~Subn. to F. Zoehler & . Hein et al, WD. is Subn. -- . to A. Butter-- d By mpany NOTICE and THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1928 Four new positions in the Phillip-- pine Bureau "of Education, to be filled by specialists from the United States, have been created by recent action of the Philippine Legislature. The special positions created are in the fields of agriculture and rural education, curriculum construction, teacher training, and elementary in-- struction. said Village having applied to the Circuit Court of Lake County, Illi-- nois; for an assessment of the cost of said improvement, according to benefits, the final hearing thereon will be heard on the 29th day of May A. D. 1928 or as soon there-- after as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said court be-- fore said day and may appear at the bearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the col-- lection of said assessment in ten an-- nual installments with annual inter-- est a the rate of &ix per centum per annum. --> _Dated Libertyvilfe, IIl., May 11, FLORA A. STAPLES,, The person appointed to make said assessment. 37--39 of Libert¥ville, County of Lake and State of Illinois, q:ving ordered the construction of a local improvement consisting of a Portland Cement concrete pavement with curb, catch basins, manholes and necessary ap-- purtenances in First and an other streets, in said village of Liberty-- ville; the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Vil-- lage Clerk of said Village, and the Notice is hereb{agiveq to all per-- sons interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village The person' appointed to make said assessment. j .. 81--89 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE make their defense.: Said ordin-- ance provides for the collection of said assessment .in ten annual in-- stallments with annual interest at the rate of six per centum per annum. > : lggsated Libertyville, IIl., May 11, * _ FLORA A. STAPLES, of Lake Coun:{, Illinois, for an as-- sessment of the cost of said im-- persons desiring may file objections in said court before said day and may appear at the -- hearing and on the 29th:day--of May, A. D. 1928 or as soon thereafter as the busi-- ness of the Court will Petmit. All persons desiring may file objections --Reliable Laundry & Dry To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Ca2 A/Y 72kA4cett Absolutely Harmless -- No Opiates. Physicians everywhére recommend it. Castoria is especially pre-- o pared to relieve Infants in f arms and Children all ages -- of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Golic and Diarrhéa; allaying Feverishness arising there-- from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. © CHILDREN Cry rom Ag Call Mike Behm Libertyville 290 e for satisfactory : ment, according to benefits, the hearing thereon will be heard Cleaning Co. HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. Laundry and Dry _ Cleaning Service Established in 1899 riages. They are less frightened of the scandal of revealing to --their friends the fact that their marriage has not been a success. $ "Lord Merrivale's, recent repudia-- tion of hotel bills as conclusive evi-- dence of misconduct, will not stop the increase in divorce, now that peo-- ple know where they stand in the 1027 «+ <«=a«w's'n«PUGRON 3,818 -- Discussing the increase in divorce. Holford Knight, a well--known Lon-- don attorney, said recently: "The statute prohibiting the pub-- lication in the newspapers of details of divorce cases was bound to bring about a considerable increase in the number of the casées. "I am certain that in middle life, many marriages break down partly through the waywardness of the husband, and partly through the ob stinacy of the wife. Avart from dergraduate studies include the Old and the New Testament, ethics, and educational use of the Bible. In the graduate field courses are given in comparative religion and the his-- tory of religion--School Life. more sensible about unhappy mar-- the fact that marriage is looked on in these days from . a different aspect, I think people are getting STATE UNIVERSITY ESTAB-- LISHES SCHOOL .OF RELIGION A school of religion in the State University of lowa was inaugurated in 1927. It is a regular department in the college of liberal arts. Con-- trol is vested in avboard of trustees on which Catholics, Jews, Protes-- tants, and the university are re-- school was slightly less than 100 students. Courses are elective. Un-- © How the number of marriage fail-- ures has risen since 1922 is revealed in the following table: Te e e on + --Statisticians predict the number of divorces in Great Britain this year will double that of 1922. They fix the probable number at © 5,000 as against 2,509 in 1922. FIND ENGLISH DIVORCES GAIN ~~~Snmewec--doppor movenane ~ton0s on awegeseeorgy Applications Petitions for for 2,162 2913 typeof Men they wcfi, Big fine healthy upstanding He--Men. They were not the little Anemics that has to tap his Cigarette on the box before he cansmoke it. They were our Pro-- see beyond the Hudson River, and my mind wouldn't function farther away than Albany, N. Y. I knew that New Y ork was "amus-- ing the world," but I wanted to meet the fellow who was "feeding it."' I am kinder oddly constituted. You can cut off my amusement, but if my food stops you are going to have'an nrsumcnt on your hands. , as Editor and Proprietor of the Bull's Eye, wanted to meet not only the readers, but the consumers of THIS Wonderful Productof OQU RS. (The American Tobacco Company and me.) Well, I wish you could see the he cansmokei:t. 1 hey were our Fro-- ducers of our Necem';zies of Life. When I saw the type of He--Men smoking *'Bull" Durham, it almost made me cry, that I wasn' t a smoker myself. 11-- P.S. There will be another piece here a few weeks from now. lzak for it coming as narrow as a Metropolitan NewspaperEditorial W titer. My eye-- sight was getting so poor I couldn't I am just making, as the Politician says, 'A swing around the Circle," to see what was going on in "Real America.'"' Ihad been in New York so long, I was getting a kind of a Sub-- BULLS EYE Meeting the "Bu Durham Smok -- Face to Face 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City For the Man 0 Who wants thi Prices Reaso: ine Tailoring, ing and Pres _--Men's' Furnishit New Line Of 2 AXAly r Boy I was be-- FOR SALE--Show case. Call 188--W, Notary Public FOR SALE--New cmodorn bunga-- low. 4 rooms, bath and breakfast nook. Very reasonable. Also 1 lot 'on Cleveland Ave., Libert(i'ville. Bargain. W. A. Ray, Mundelein, Ills. Phone 452--R. 36--tf. FOR SALE--Farms, houses and . lots. Houses for rent. Rent col-- ~ lected. FOR SALE--Seed barley, ensilage and I. H. C. ensilage tedder, 750 Ib. capacity motor driven DeLaval cream separator, barred rock cock-- FOR SALE OR RENT--Modern 7 room hJouse. Reat'iryl ;':r ogll; pancy June ist. elephone Lib-- ertyville 199--R or call 204 E. Sunnyside Avenue. 35--6t FOR SALE--Choice Gladoili bulbs, MY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE-- FOR SALE--Victrola, large size, including 135 latest records. Telephone Deerfleld, Ill., Mrs. Charles Roll. 39--1t--pd. FOR SALE--100 _ spring _ pigs, March and April pigs, 18 old sows, 1 purebred Chester White -- boar (2 years old). 10 tons choice alfalfa hay, 10 tons choice tim-- othy hay in barn, some oats. Phone Wauconda 58--W--2. 39--pd. FOR SALE--New 5 room bungalow on Appley Ave. Painted dpa.nt:l walls in liviagu room and dining room. Beautifully papered bed-- rooms, modern bath, built--in tub and pledesul wull; stand.dd &ttic space large enough to a ree rooms if desired. Price $8,000. Terms. Phone Libertyville 552--M. Complete restzsurant, lunch --room and kitchen equipment. G. C. GRIDLEY -- _ Phone 45 Libertyville, Ill. FOR SALE OR RENT--8 room modern home, 2 car garage, 1 block from Electric Station. G. C. %IIIIDLEY, Phone 45. Lbertygll& A. R. SCHNAEBELE ' _ Real Estate & Insurance FOR SALE--New modern six--room kome, with fire--place, sun parior, FOR RENT--Modern 6 room house centrally located. Possession May 23rd. Rent only $40.00 FOR SALE--4Fine high residence lot, 50X150 imuorov with one FOR RENT--Modern seven room car garage. Sidewalk, sewer and water all in and paid for. West of Milwaukee Ave. Only 2 blocks from Main North Shore station. Price only $1600. Easy terms. POR SALE--Choice home site 60X 150 with very pleasinf exposure. All improvements, including pay-- kitchen. i 8. Room house;ul-fln; C ge; unus oc 6 % house; Ames blks. North Shore & Hoom house:. McK: 6 Room common brick house 10 Room house; Brainard and Lake ideal for boarding. Also hxchomesim at Real B AIN Prices. T AX CAIGKKX S Offers these houses FOR SALE 7 Room house; Third St.; sun porch; 4 bed rooms. * nearing eompleuhcxmé?; (At:lext' 3:?: on. o kitchen. 8 Room houu;ufi}n; Court; big lot; ge; unus ocation. 6 mn house; Ames St.; New:; 2 blks. North Shore Line; 2 car 6 m house; McKinley east of _ Stewart; large lot; 2 car garage. FOR SALE FOR SALE--Real Estate Libertyville 35¢ dozen, 50 for $1.25. Tomato, cabbofirand. other plants. Clara S. Miller, Milwaukee Avenue and Rockland Road. ~ 85--6t--pd. for sale, including a Majestic Range with copper reservoir. Clayten Dean, Mundelein, Ill:isgog. ing are in and paid for. Only 2% blocks from main North '§bore ?t;(t)i;n. Price for short time only 1800, bungalow and three--car garage on South Milwaukee Avenue. Pos-- 405 So. Milwaukee Ave. Phone Libertyville 167--W.' If you want to bu or if have something to sell, tent'oruchange,orif'mvm'&b.nmitmm" columns. You will get results. There is no way you ean reach as many people in Lake Geunty inwshort:fimeuulatnmfia".m'!n make your wants kmown here. A will convince you. Minimum charge, 25¢ 6 insertions for $1.00 f Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. EDWIN A. AUSTIN Park & Milwaukee Aves. 205 W. Maple Avenue. A. R. SCHNAEBELE Telephont 147--M. JAY CAIRNS Classified Ads FOR SALE only Insurance $3,000:|churches and 1 bl 552--M-- Station. These lot 38--6t. |2nd mortgage pla --mmiyour lake or ri\tr: as part. paymen ge, 1 -- G,. C'IAQII M;_":Q'K_?,' at my 36--tf. To builders or those desiri.a: live in Libertyville. We have a =-- ber of large improved residential |lots on paved street, near schools, \churches and 1 block to North Shore ';gnt;tion. These lots are of{rred on a mortgage plan, or will consider ! your lake or rivetr lot in exchange IFOR SALE--Typewriter wi $5,000 first mortgage on Estafi security with an usefi:' valuation of $16800.00, better than three times the price of the loan. Papers to draw 7% interest for three years and will allow 3% commission or discount. Address Post Office Box 567 or Phone Libertyville 451. & IFOR -- SALE--Furnished GEMWEKE and KOLMAR 4811 N. Ashland Ave. Chicag Wanted ' 25 automobiles at once! $ An'%eondition. SPOT CASH or will sell on 5 percent commission. We never close NATIONAL MOTOR MARKET g %22 Grand filveune # '"@ gan, lllinois. Phone 309. 89--4f£. WANTED--Experienced cook for work at Elizabeth Condell Mem-- orial H(;slpital to start June ist. Apply Mrs. F. H. Noble, Liber-- tyville. Phone 181. 87 --+1. WANTED--Incubator in go« dition. Address Box 231, is NOoTICE! and t wn mowers sharpened justed. Work teed. _ James Laycock, 216 mm Street, FOR RENT--3 furnished rooms for light houskeeping. Phone Munde-- F%R RENT--BP:iom ml:nhh for 1 or persons. vate . Gar-- we if desired. Onem from orth Shore station. Phone Lib-- ertyville 571--R. S5--tf. FOR RENT--Furnished < sleeping room suitable for one or two per-- FOR --RENT--Furnished bedrn-', suitable for one or two persons. Call at 119 Appley Ave., Eh_gny- FOR RENT--2 rooms and bath furnished for mw Heat, electric li gas for cook-- ing. Mrs. Andrews, 186 ~New-- berry Avenue. Phone Libertyville FOR SALE--Seed corn, $4 per bu. FOR SALE--Baby carriage in good condition. Phone Libertyville 264. FOR SALE--2 lots in FPOR SALE--Victor victrolg, like new, with 85 records. All':r $32. Phone Libertyville 344. _ FOR SALE--Lot 40'x199', Lincoln Ave., Libertyville. South front; fine shade trees; ripe for build-- FOR SALE--1 golden oak hhz :h:ile' eolopti:l style; 3 golden rs with leather upholstery. Phone Libertyville 199--R.-- 389--1t. Libertyville every Monday. Or-- denhhuuhghmihn&nu or call or write C. J. Diehl, Wood-- stock, Illinois. Phone Woodstock and garage. Heat furnished. New-- ly decorated, very modern. Apply at 131 So. Stewart Avenue. I dard keyboard. Phone age. * block from North Shore Station. J. N. Bernard, Liberty-- ville...Phone 737. -- ~, l lein On8 with nearly eomsleted house. Will sell all for $2,500.00. Address reply to Z. H. care of Register. Germination 95% or better. Tele. 659--R--1. Lewis A. Mills, Munde-- iine Tsnade trees; ripe b'tl.or';und-* ing. Terms &600 cash, per mo. R. C. HOFF, 6549 Newgard Ave., case and one cook stove. Mundelein 600--J--2. lein. f&ohm:hor furnished lmm & {g ight housekeeping. School Street, Libertyfln 89--t£. AUTOMOBILES WANTED MSCELLANEOUS EXCEPTIONAL OFFER FOR RENT WAXTED PAGE SEVEN NL