.: The Waukegan high school band, «_ which won first place in the march-- *~, ing contest at Urbana several weeks ago, was awarded a large banner in recognition of its work, Tuesday * morning by Supt. John W. Thal-- ler of Champaign. 1:50 p. m. Song, Mrs. Elsa Duhr Blue Island. 2:00 p. m. Address -- "Recreations and Community Selling," Eugene T state secretary, presiding. 3:15 p. m. Golf tournaments, auto trip, etc. 10:30 p. m. Midnight frolic, Genesee theatre. Tuesday, May 22, Academy Theatre 8:45 a. m. Community singing. Lion DISTRIGT MEET PLAN COMPLETED PAGE EIGHT First District Convention -- of the Lions International, which will be heldiankemhay 21 and 22, has been completed, it was announ-- eed Thursday. the boo uy proginm booues the pro s the first district d!ig::lm are: International Vice President Ruf-- fin of Virginia; District Governor --11:30 a. m. Appointment of com-- mittees Male duet, Lions Thorn, McCreedy, Central Club, Chicago. 11:00 a. m. Introduction, Dist. Gov. Adams. Address by district governor. 11:% a. m. Song, "Lion Queen," Savina Ahnbe, Des Plaines. | 1:45 p. m. Session called to order, Dist. Gov. Adams presiding. . 2eX BANNER GIVEN SCHOOL BAND -- Rules and order of procedure. Lion Walter Townsend of Springfield. final ones for Coach Viv Green who has guided Waukegan through Green will leave Waukegan at the end of the school year for Oklahoma City where he will be in charge of athletics in the state university. meeting in the assembly room where all of the students gathered. The members of the heavyweight, lightweight and freshmen basketball teams were given their letters and ming team received minor "W" awards. The members of the journal-- ism club also were given awards. The presentations were made by Coaches Vivy Green and Ralph 10:45 a. m. The award was made at a special The -- affair was one of the Now Building :--: 5--Room Convenient Bungalows $1000 down See plans at this office This is a.real opportunity to buy a home at a price, and on terms, that will fit into your in-- come and work no hardship upon the family This is just the liberal housing plan so long needed in Libertyville so if you are interested make your inquiry right away. Park and Milwaukee Aves. Libertyville. Balance monthly to fit budget. These bungalows are under construction in . Rev. Lion Herbert Mil-- . Oak Terrace Copeland Manor West Cook Ave. for the ninth annual in; District Gov-- JAY CAIRNS . "Hon. Lion Lion Copeland, Decatur; North zone meet-- ing, Lion F. J. Bilek, So. Central, Chi-- cago;--State officers' council, Lion Wm. Gren.hn. Woodlawn, Chicago; Lions International convention, Lion Wm. Kelly, Aurora; Lions International 11:20 a. m.--Song, "Lion Queen," Savina Ahbe; report credential com-- mittee; announcements. s 12:00 Noon, Adjournment. Tuesday P. M.--Academy Theatre 1:15 p. m. Community singing, Lion Jos. Clare, leader. 1:30 p. m. Session called to order, Dist. Gov. Adams, presiding; Invoca-- tion, Rev. Lion Ralph M. Davis, Chi-- 'pl::w p. m. Banquet, Masonic Tem-- _ --0:00 p. m. Governor's ball, Valencia ball room. to take two. a The TlTowa double--header will be the third ball game for Ilinois in two days. Notre Dame will meet the Illini l"'nda;v with young Ed Walsh, son of the famous White Sox pitch-- er, on the mound. More than 10,000 people will likely see the three Michigan will meet Illinois Sat-- urday morning in a dual track meet held in conjunction with the inter-- scholastic meet. Saturday night will see the twenty--first reévival of the famous student cireus with more than 1,000 students as perfqrmers. Mulroney of Iowa and Stewart of Illinois engaged in a hurling duel which went to a one to one tie and darkness in the Hawks' last appear-- The Hawks come with a record of four won and two lost in the conference and a southern trip which 'yielded five of seven victor-- ies. Coached by Otto Vogel, former star outfielder at Illinois under Coach Lundgren and later of the Chicago Cubs, the Hawks have al-- ways furnished some thrill--bearing baseball in competition with Illinois. Starting in 1895, the series be-- tween the two schools has yielded 29 victories for Illinois in 35 games. The last lowa victog' came in 1925 but this year the visitors, with four 400 hitters and good pitching, hope games. ance here. The same pitchers will likely continue the argument in the first game. & ork is Anuieane Clinging to a desperate title hope lowa must upset the Illini twice to carry on, wgi'lee Illinois must win two to finish decently close to the A ?:wstion of diamond suprema-- cy, left undecided last year, may be settled Saturday when lowa visits Illinois field for a double header with the Illini as a feamg of the interscholastic program. _ * good of lowa as hurling opposition in the second game. Cns Police Thursday -- started search fof Fred Klein, about 22 years old, a reomer at 28 N. Sheridan road, Waukefan, who has been mys-- teriouslv missing since last Tues-- day. Klein was employed at the Johnson Motor Co. According to information obtained by his landlord who enlisted the aid of the g;lice, Klein worked Tues-- day, but not returned nor has he been heard from since. The fact that the young man left all of his clothes and other personal effects behind him caused the landlord to become ap-- prehensive and report the matter to the police. Belief that Klein might be in Ke-- nosha, where he has been regularly keeping company with a girl named Billie Simmons, led Chief Kennedy to enlist the aid of the police there. Don Andrews, who bested -- the Hawks at Ilowa City last year, or Harrington, will likely have Two-- SEARCH IS STARTED ILLINI -- HAWKS IN DOUBLE HEADER FOR MISSINXG MAN Elsa --Duhr, Blue MIGH SCHOOL | RIFLE SHOTS _ ARE SECOND The Waukegan township high schoolthR. 0. t'xr # l;i}f'l: te.am,h\yhit_:h won the nation mpionship in the Hearst Trqu shoot for &ree successive years and took perman-- ent possession of the cup last Cy;:ar, was defeated s year by ne Technical high ool of Chicago, it was announced Tuesday.: The 5 man team of the Waukegan high school scored 930 points against 934 seored by the Crane team, putting them in second place. * The trogxy, presented by _ Wm. Randolph Hearst, will be similar to Hubert Rode qof Five Points went on trial ; . before-- a jury in the court of unty Judge Perry L, Persons on a charge of operating a house of ill 'éme. The caurt denied --a motion of _Attorney John R. Bills, counsel for Rode, to dismiss the case on the grounds the search warrant wts illegal. _ "Rode was arrested in a raid con-- ducted on his place some weeks hack by Constable George Stried and Har-- old Finer, investigators for the of-- fice of State's At.*om'éy A. V. Smith. Attorney Wilfred | Hall and Attorrey T:xgeed!n.se against Simon Baculik,. cha with wife and child abarc-- onment, was put over to the June R. E. Thomas are prosecuting. Atty. Hall Tuesday nolle pressed the case against Ray Rettig, charged with wife abandonment. ' HUBERT The state nolle prossed the ~ase --MADGE * BELLAMY --on the screen. WITLLLAM i/ FAU aVT V € PIAY ;. s ué;fm,, pL"= 'The Enemy' E V ER Y DA Y Comedy & News. Orchestra & Organ Music. Admission Week Days: Adults 50c Chnldrm 25¢ Mon.--Tues. & Wed. May 21, 22, 23. GIENESIE JE 4e J A"corat <TATCS"TurATPC. [ Pm SUNDAY ONLY, MAY 20TH mANK WALLIN AND JOYBOYS "in a Brand New Stage Show RALPH FORBES Directed By ~--FRED NIBLO LILLIAN GISH --on phe stage-- I RODE 1S ON TRIAL x« s AGREAT STATES" THEATRE with AT WAUKEGAN against Melvin Crooke, a soldier at ll"ort Sheridan,. charged with driving a machine while intoxicated. Chicago, started the repilevin action in the Circuit court last week but due to the fact that the coroner was away, it was not possible to get ser-- vice on thesheriff until Tuesday. 'Atty. Hulse says recovery of the car usouch_tutgewmpwchued by a Chicago man on a conditional sale contract and then borrowed by Martin. . The . machine is a Buick valued at around $500. PALAMAR CASE _ I1S POSTPONED Hearing of the petition in the County court for the release of: John Palamar, 16, of Waukegan, from the school for boys at St. Charles, was continued ---- Tuesday by . Judge Persons until Tuesday, May 22. The boy was found delinquent -- some months ago. The office of State's Attorney Smith is to oppose the peti-- $ NO W *S Martin and Elliott, it is recalled, were arrested in Antioch by Motor-- cycle Policeman Frank Valenta with-- in an hour after they are glleged to have shot James J. "Lefty" Lynch, a Chicago labor leader, at his home at Brown's Lake, Wis. They were releas-- ed in bonds of $5,000 by Justice Her-- vey C. Coulson, the bonds being fur-- nished by Joseph Oltusky, a Wauke-- gan professional bondsman. -- They failed to come back for trial and the bonds were forfeited. Yellow If the cost was a little as the clothes girls wear we could think of pennies and nickels as money. Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. -- Lawrence A. Doolittle demanding the return of an automobile taken from Thomas Elliott and William Martin, Chicagoans charged -- with assault with intent to 'kill, who are now fugitives from justice. Sheriff Doo-- little, however, informed the coroner that he could not comply with the demgnd as he has not the. machine. He said he believed the sheriff of Racine county has possession of the Frank d\yallin Joy Boys 3----ACTS OF CHICAGO CLOOP VAUDEVILLE Adm: Adults ---- _ 60¢ Children -- -- Coroner John L. Taylor Tuesda Attorney® Minard Hulse acting for ORGAN OVERTURE Stars From BALABAN & KATZ Thuris.--Fri. & Sat. May 24, 25, 26. --on the stage-- Comedy.& News Loop Theatres. --on the screen-- --on the stage-- R11 :chhe," which would grant the right to the utility companies to occupy the streets permanently subject to re-- vocation forcause. ; "While it is possible that a fran-- chise for a period of more than twen-- ty years may be found necessary vet, I am unalterably opposed to t:he granting of a franchise for an in-- definite or perpetual period of time. Such a plan would c_lellv'gx_"the use of thc. streets to the traction corpora-- ticns not only during our lives but !dmtbeuvesofourchudrenand all future generations. Were we to grant a franchise of that Character, we, 'at the present time, would bar-- gain away the rights and privileges of all future generations. This, we have 33 right, either legally or morally, to "The type and kind of franchise granted to transportation companies in cities is sotintimately bound up ASSEMBLY HEARS FROM GOVERNOR are some who have urged the advisa-- bility of granting a so--called "Termin-- able permit" or "@geterqx}n'ate fran-- le,.slative enactment providing _ for franchises of uncetermined length, he told the secon" _ ~"'al session of the fi"'*v--fifty genetal assembly which convened shortly before noon Tues-- 1 "It has been urged," the governor said in his message to the special ses-- sion today, "that a twenty year fran-- chise is not sufficient in length to enable a satisfactory adjustment _ of all the questions involved in the solu-- tion of the traction question. There Specidly Bought -- Specially Sold at Complete with Base and Shade--Beautiful style in lovely coloring to har-- *' * *¥ . > monize with 'any interior _ The newest spring style lamps at a wonderful saving while they last. Choice of two wanted finishes and colorings, either in rich gold and black or at-- tractive polychrome. The shades ane very decorative--full lined with pleated Seco silk with gold braid trimming--drum lined and with silk flower decorations. Colors are blue, rose and langerine. The bases come in wrought iron with adjustable ball break socket and silk cord. They are lamps of superior quality and excellent workmanship. See window display and get yours eatly. w 42. s & New Bridge Lamps 4 ## I4ke all our paint products this varnish is made with special reference to durability and Can be applied, drieéd and tried in less than 60 minutege Suitable for all wood work or metal. All desired colors. | *% Per: * * --_-- Gallon $2°€ ey are quality products produced specially us. High grade paints for household use wanted colors at low cost. High Grade Varnish ---- Kings Brushing Lacquer ; Pint Can 55¢ To Get Pest Results at Low Cost Use Rubin's Ready Mixed Paints for ooo m n m o m m m s s o on is dn m n m m m o e m e o o ue m m us m in m o % End T ables with the eva'y day life of every citi-- zen that no franchise or any kind or character, for any period of time longer than one year, should, in any opinion, be granted to any company unless the granting of the same is first approved by an affirmative vote of a majority of the people living in the city which grants the fnnct:ns_e. "I strongly and sincerely urge that legislation be adopted by you at this session which will grant home rule to the people of Chicago in the sum- vision and control w public utili-- ties serving the ci of the muni-- cipality to the end fl'Pt the elected representatives of the | people or a commission appointed by, or through them, may exercise full compléte and No specific plan of home rule for Chicago is suggested the message which says the igo city council a~"" other interested civic groups have been invited to submit their plans for legislative consideration. There were 155 shows held during the year at which 1,5092 licensed box-- ers and wrestlers participated. The total tax earned from these shows and paid to the state treasury for utilities." This thought has been expressed in the call which limits enabling legis-- lation in such manner that every franchise for a period longer than one year must receive such attiarma- tive vote of the people." The expense of opera the com-- mission was $54,315.00, leaving a net profit for the tax payers of $294,273.-- 00. 4 } The state of Illinois 'has been very fortunate. that no casqsmu whatso-- rnor $2.065 In discussing home rule, the gov-- $s» $2.65 Sold In One Day In Our Last Day Select Yours Early Rubin's--Third Floor Another Shipment! Special Wrought Iron '],'flm" uie uEC (IFEARERRERCIERRE apd articles of utility suit-- able for living room, library, «n norch or cottage at a very low pricing. Rubin's Third 1.17 4 ever have taken place during the two years that boxing has been legalized and exhibiitions held under the juris-- diction of the state athletic commis-- sion. This is largely due to the fact that our rules have been strictly en-- forced with regard to medical exam-- ination and attention and to the con-- struction of the ring and other equip-- ment necessary for the promotion of the sport. SAVE with SAFET Y Bayer Dust for corn. Dip Dust for potatoes.: > Destroys insect pests and increases Decker & Neville For treatment of Seeds before planting yield. 2--lb. good-- practical size Of 'fine splint--hinged style Use Johnson's for keeping Of heavy splint with strong ri:inforeed bottom. The price low. Clothes Baskets Superior Quality Quart 69c Jolhinson's Johnson's $1.00 $1.55 condition-- construction-- of One burner style complete with long cord and plug. Black enameled and footed model like pictife. Knitted, heavy absorbent, go0 size cloths. ESplendid quality safe use--with pail shelf,. Four feet high. Handy size for home Dish Cloths 4 for Electric Stove 4 foot Burner $1.00 Step Ladder t t¥ t 11 at at Cleans, removes and ex-- pels soot from heating stoves, Tfurnaces, . cook Boyer's Zi &z 6 a McDON ALD'S Jewelry & Gift Shop "Till death do us part!" Surely the wedding ring must be choser with the utmost care. Exquisite platinum rings, beauti-- fully engraved; many are set with diamonds or emeralds. Other rings are| usual collection of rings to suit evey preference. Des{royer B0E Beverage "e Trips Through Tle Gift Stove Wedding $1.00 Rings for h. s §