The Christian Endeavor ( of the --Presbyterian Chm meet Sunday at six--thirty tom. day-- light saving time at the home of Miss Helen Esther Wright, 79 Homewood avenue. Tile and Mrs. . J. Hagerty, 123 ] i'):."-fiev";fl'l" give his expefiw at tiet Sec. :the World Conference ofthe Ep-- The Richard Brookh@izen bunga--| worth League, which 'he attended at low on Johnson Avenue has been| Kansas City on last Saturday and rented to Mrs. Pearl A. Anderson, Sunday. The sub--district of the Ep-- of Antioch Lloyd C. Ray, realtor, b whose office is at 404 North Mil:' worth League sent Mr. Hubbard as waukee Avenue, acted as agent. delegate. _ ; _ _Robert Hagerty, who was attend-- ing school at Rolla, Missouri, has returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hagerty, 129 First Street. day afternoon. Matthew's Lutheran an church at Fair-- field, was a Libertyville caller Tues-- church. business caller Tuesday. Walter Jeppe was recently elect-- ed president of the Epworth League of the local Methodist Episcopal Libertyville LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Libertyville, Illinois C. Streufert, pastor of the St. wae This bank well not be open **~~ \_Doy, W ednesdiay. * ociety OCLOLY and LOCAL NEW $ F. B. Lovell Co. 'ASweiononbeirpatrio&n.emlfletheirmfle. glorify their heroism, and teach our children the sacredness of the gréat cause in which they offered up their lives, let us scatter over their graves the brightest beauties of life--the glad tokens of immortality. And HOGS, SHEEP, POULTRY, AND FOXES may the service, now inaugurated, be perpetuated through each recurring year, so long as the republic For Destroying Roundworms, Stomach Worms -- : of May 3U0th as Memorial Day, sixty years ago, is a fitting memorial to all the nation's heroic dead, from the days of 75 to the World War on the occasion uf the first national observance Lo ll_ue words ullffl_:d b'y Cw'u c_.q.lhhl hak «s for a free bookict ail about the nee of CaPITaL & Surpius, $150,000.00 They do the work quickly. Do not "cause a setback." Field and laborm-- tory tests prove their efficiency and safety beyond a doubt. SAFE AND SURE QuICK ACTION INEXPENSIVE NEMA WORM CAPSULES l'lfl' The Libertyville postoffice will be closed all day on Decoration Day, May 30th. Therewillbenomnf or city delivery on that day. The lobby will remait :jpen until ten o'clock a. m. standard time and all letter mails dispatched as usual. Mr. H. W. Hubbard will -s&eak at the evening service of the Met-- hodist church Sunday at seven--thir-- A. R. Schnaebele, local realtor, reports the sale this week of the Charles Burton lot on Stewart ave-- enue to Dewey Tolleth, of Fourth Street. The Tolleths expect to build a home on the Stewart avenue lot The Misses Ilo Wheeler and Ceci-- lia Haas motored to Highland Park Tuesda: evenini,i where they visited with l{r. and Mrs. Frank Shelton and family. piucs Rev. John E. Del.otaof the First Methodist Episcopal Church was at Grayslake, Wednesday evening of this week to give an address at the graduating exercises of the public school. ; summer. Tllinois mental music was given, after which light refreshments were serv-- ed. About seventy--five members in-- cluding a few invited guests were The regular meeting of theslocal chapter O. E. S. held Thursday eve-- ning was followed by a social hour, in honor of the twenty--eighth an-- niversary of the If:;:xdingnof the organization at Libertyville.: A short program of vocal and instru-- Mrs. P. J. Bockelman and Mrs. William Wheeler were Chicago cal-- lers Thursday. whs , "A Little Shepherd of, Kingdom Come" will be shown at the Audi-- torium Theatre May 30, 31 and June 1, under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Society of : the lecal Presbfterian church.~ These young people are intending to pur® chase a bell for the new church and it is hoped that the people in this commumt{n wil ~co--operate with them by buying tickets in advance. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hironimus, . of Round Lake, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kro-- mari, Mr. and Mrs. N. Cherenovich and Mr. and Mrs. August Reickhoff finthered_ at the home of Mr. and rs. Louis Reickhoff, Wednesday in celebration of the birthday anniver-- szries of N. Cherenovich and Mes-- dames August and Louis. Reickhoff. _-- Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoskins arrived home Monday from a few days visit yvith friends in Battle Creek, Mich-- igan. * Mrs. L. Reickhoff and Mrs. Myrtle Cherendvich and sons, Jack and Gene, motored to Oakwood, Wiscon-- sin, the latter part of the week, where they visited at the home of Mr. Reickhoff's mother. i oi w s i on M e o o o n n snn ons 5 qed qtavi ie l i--{ : Leonard Disney was a Chicago rk_' visitor Thursday. | Fourteen friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lov-- ell Tuesday evening where they heilg a very pleasant surprise party honor ofl the birthday anniversary of the latter. The evening was en-- joyably spent in playing bridge. Mr. and Jre Harry Olendorf of Deer-- field were among the guests pres-- ent at this joyful celebration. The ladies of the Methodist Epis-- copal church will have a large as-- sortment of bakery goods on sale at the Titus Brothers' Electric ~Shor Saturday, May 26th. The sale will commence at one o'clock p. m. day-- light saving. time. -- § $ Mrs. Harry Olendorf and Mrs. Jésse Strong, of Deerfield, attended the regular meeting of the Tuesday Bridge and Luncheon club on the 22nd at the home of Mrs. Marvic Peterson. f a" 'The Auxiliary of the Legion will Lbold its regular monthly meetlnfi at the Town Hall Monday evening, May #¥*th at eight o'clock 'daylight sav-- ing time| It is hoped a large atten-- dance will be present. The Edward Sawusch family. has been placed under: quarantine~ for scariet fever. Mrs. Joseph Metcalf, 6!9 North First street, is assisting Mrs. Sawusch in the care of~ her children. Mrs. Delos Ames «and son, Victor Burton, are making arrangements to leave Saturday for an extended 6 Mkrs.ARalph Wehm (I),f \;;est oo venue, accom y . Mrs. R. D. Cook and Mrs. Charles Le-- hmkuhl, of Mundelei,; spent Mon-- day in Chicago. _ At the" morning session of . the Church School of --St. Lawrence's church on Whit Sunday, May 27th, the annual rewards for attendance and excellence will be made. The members of St. Lawrence's church will make their annual Whit Sunday corporate-- communion --Sun-- day,. May 27th at eight o'clock a. . _ --Emmett Raasch, who has been staying in Libertyville for the past few weeks, has returned to his home in Ivanhoe. o 7 W. F. Wood, of Haigler. Nebras-- ka, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaiser, 137 East Church street. " Mrs. Simon Alkofer, 122 Austin Avenue, was a luncheon guest of Mrs. William Tennerman at Deer-- field . Wednesday. 4 A. V. ~Schanche, of Tempico, Montana, is a guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. H. J. Clark, and family, 629 North First street. Mr.: and Mrs. A. G. Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Juhrend, of Chi-- cago, attended the Derby, at Louis-- ville, Kentucky, Saturday, May 19. Poppy Day for the aid of disabled soldiers will be observed here Sat-- urday, May 26th by the local Leg-- ion and Auxiliary. "Pentecost and Spiritual Discov-- ries" is the subject for the Sunday morning service at the Methodist Episcopal church at eleven o'clock. Mrs. Charles Lehmkuhl, of Mun-- delein, entertained her sister, «4 Mrs. Ralph Wehrenberg of: West 'Cook Avenue, at her home Thursday. FThe Odd Fellow Lodge wil} hold a basket social and entertainment Saturday evening, May 26th at the Gridley Hall. Mr. and Mrs. William Browder, of Mundelein, were shoppers here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Frank J. Druba and infant daughter, Dolores, of Apply Avenue, called on Mundelein rel-- atives Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. W. W. Grummitt and Mrs. John Dollenmaier spent Thursday in Miss Ilo Wheeler visited Thursday evening at the home of Miss Mar-- jorie Davies at Highland Park. > Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Golding motor-- ed to McHenry and Waukegan Wed-- nesday afternoon. o 5t Mr. and Mrs. Otto Juhrend, Mr. Boles and Miss DeLesh, of Chicago, are visiting relatives here. The dedication of the Presbyter-- ian church will take place on Sun-- day, June 24th. with relatives in Grand Rapids THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, _ SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1928 known to When it comes to power, woman's tears are still. the greatest power It is announced that all persons Pnterested will be welcomed at this meeting and that there will be no solicitation to joirt 'the new . organ-- ization and no obligations of any --_It is planned to discuss Tuesday night the plans for the summer and fall; one of the projects is a full-- length play early in the autumn. Composing the cast are' Dorothy Algie glack, Warren and Jane Bru-- ner, Winnifred and Clarence Han-- over, Louise Hoskins and Nellie McDonalkdi. Mrs. Black and Mrs. Wayne Colby have arranged for the production of the one--act farce, the situations of which have been pro-- nounced fast and furious. ing of the Villafe/ Players. The meet?lf,. the final one of the sea-- son, will be held at the Library next Tuesday at 8:30 P. M. i4 * will be presented by an "all--star" _Liberty\gllp Cast at the next meet-- VILLAGE PLAYERS TO . PRESENT COMEDY sOON comedy, "An -- American -- Harem," Rev. H. B. Gwyn, pastor The services on Sunday, May 27 (Whitsunday) are:-- Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Holy Eucharist and sermon at 11 North Milwaukee Avenue at 8:00 p. Christian Science Society. Auditorium Theatre: -- s Sunday school--9:30 a. m. Church service--10;:45 a. m. Subject: "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism Denounced." * ¥oung People's meeting at 6:30 &.,m. at the home of Miss Helen B. right. _Our dedication will be on June 24th with the week following filled with.interesting meetings. Full an-- nouncements made later. We have good music rendered by the choir each week and extend a cordial welcome to all to worship with us.-- « of, Multiplying the Church." Guy E. Smock, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 at the North Grade School. Mr. Roy F. Wright, Morning worship at 11:00. The sermon subject will be "God's Way the. service. seE * Lord's Supper June 3, at 8:00 p. St. John's Lutehran Church (East of the Park.\ y W. H. Lehmann, Pastor. Sunda{ school at 9:00 a. m. English service at 10:00 a. m. A class of four is to be confirmed. Note the chantge in time. P _ Meeting of the congregation after On Sunday evening, June 3, we unite in the baccalaureate service at the High School. We shall have the Children's Day program on June 10 which is child-- ren's day. In the evening at 7:30 Mr. H. W. Hubbard will give a talk on his ex-- perience at the World Conference of the Epworth League at Kansas %' The Epworth League sent Mr. H bard as delegate. morning at 11 o'clock. Pentecost is one of the great Christian anniver-- St. Lawrence's Episcopal Church with Good. j ty . s ty "Pentecost and Spiritual Discov-- genefit off ge Christian En-- eavor o e --'Presbyterian Church. Please by tickets in advance. "A LITTLE SHEP-- HERD OF. KING-- DOM COME" Wed.--Thurs.--Fri. May 30--31 and June 1 RICHARD BARTHELMESS Church School at 10 a. m. Daylight Saving Time. An ultra--mod®ern version of the Romance and thrills in a daring expose of modern ganggiom :nd the polished andies who prey om society dressed to kill in sheeps clothing. a Pathe Review and Aesop Fable. EDMUND --LOWE in 'DRESSED TO KILL' First Methodist *Episcopal Church MARY ASTOR and "FLYING ROMEOS" Wednesday--Third _ floor _ 540 Scenic. CHARLIE M another Comedy, GEORGE SIDNEY and with WM. RUSSELL It tells how a tiny waif re-- formed a crook whom a doz-- en detectives couldn't catch. Also _ Rinky Dink= comedy with the gang. |AUDITORIUM| The Epworth League meets "BRASS John E. DeLong, P: The Church that overe Monday--Tuesday May 28, 29. Saturday, May 26. MONTE BLUE and BETTY BRONSON in Sunday, May 27. LIBERTYYVILLE, ILL. CHUBCH » Presbyterian Church and thrills in a expose of modern lgnd the polished : who prey om society to kill in sheeps Review 'and Aesop KNUCKLES" : for est relict known. Always say "Rowles." nclkaohe, stut neck of sore muscies, gflifloflowleslhd?eppcr Rub, made from red peppers, at any Ease your tight, aching cheost. Stop the pain. Break up the congestion. Feel a bad cold loosen up in just a short time, _' "Red Pepper Rub" is the cold rem-- =~b.'."q.:bstre&£ It can. burt you certainly seems to gostion and 'soreness right out. Nothing has such concentrated, pene-- trating heat as red peppers, and when According me,ikefi--e:1. Miss Spring made a good start but we expect to see her pause oc-- casionally to »powder her nose. The young couple left Wednesday afternoon for a motor trip througn the southern part of the state and after their return will make their home in Mundelein. school with the class of.1920. She has been one of the, most faithful workers in the various activities of St. Joseph's church. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hutchinson of _ West Park avenue. He received his edu-- cation in 'Techny college where he was graduated with honors. On--leaving t.hehchl{ch the gridal party went to the %agerty, home, 312 Broadway, . where a wedding breakfast was served by the bride's mother and following this a recep-- tion was held for the relatives and a few close friends. The bride is the daughter of Mrs, E. M. Hagerty and has many friends among the younger set. She has been employed for the past three years at the Libertyville office of the North Shore Gas Compan{. She, was graduated from the local high in a white crepe gown with a tulle veil and carried a bouquet of sweet peas and calla lillies. Miss Edythe Gagliad, who acted as maid -- of honor, was gowned in orchid crepe with a hat to match, and carried a beuquet of orchid sweet peas and yellow rose buds. The groom was attended by Albert Hagerty, a brother of the bride. HAGERTY--HUTCHINSON At a nuptial high mass, celebrat-- ed Wedn y morning at St. Jo-- seph's cht_u-g Rev. Martin J. Nealis united Miss Rosabellie Hagerty and William Hutchinson in marriage.. _ The bride was beautifully dressed In Chicago half the population js raying for the city and the other al is preying on the city. All Phones 25 ° _ Slabs, per pound ..___________. JfC JJ|§% _ Klowers to honor our beloved dead on the . Sliced, per pound 40¢ 3, Nation's day of remembrance. Swift's Empire Bacon 1--2 or whole slabs 3 _ Beautiful blossoms to lay in reverence at per pound 28c .tz: the ri%hrme they have hallowed by their : sacrifice, Sliced, per pound 32¢ ::' A token to show that their memories bloom Pot Roast Beef, Young and Tender, per 25 c .§, anew each year. DOURQ ........................ cono mamalgnalimnenmininitinales . l\ & f : _ Joseph Kohout, I 6 . #* TRIGGS & JOHNSON . |* Pn noNoULt, InC. $ «* F A T im ut AE TBGin~n M n arninnss Bean Hole Beans, per loaf ... &LUCL Hearth White Bread baked on the stone as in olden days which gives it that sweet 18 wheaty taste, something different, 2 loaves C Bran & Honey Health Cookies so good for the grown ups as well as the Kiddies--Per 25 SADOREN ............." 3. o on ectatnae mm madqnhiny.," > / _ C Swift's Premium Bacon 1--2 . or whole 37 Siabs, per pound .,.--..--............-- --mwe C 2+ Sliced, per pound 40¢c _ Swift's Empire Bacon 1--2 or whole slabs 28 BREAK GHEST GOLDG WITH RED PEPPER -- week 2 caus for .--................--_--.-- _ _ TOM Our Line of Community Baked Goods is com-- plete and delicious. Special this week, Boston Brown Bread that .goes so nicely with 20 Bean Hole Beans, per loaf ... C Van Camps Bean Hole Bean Week, Baked in the ground as they used to bake them in New England. As tender as butter and flavor that can only be obtained by this special process. Specially priced for Thursday, Friday and Sat-- urday, this week while the demonstration is here, come in and taste them. Regular price medium size 15¢ can. This 25 week 2 cans for .........._._._._.__.... : oOG week 2 cans fOf .....5=%......»««.. * Regular price large size 25¢ can. This * Te gV. 0V 'Oil Compound ........--.....--. ror Long All branches of Beauty Culture including Fingerwavi Swirl Style ; Open Evenings by Appoi Libertyville 438 _ to choose from Frederic's--Vita Tonic Compound ... $12.00 Lemur--Steam Oil Pro-- Gabrieleen--Reconditioning Three different systems Permanent Marcel Waves SPECIAL! THE HARRIET BEAUTY SHOPPE ve 420 N. Milwaukee Ave. H. MATT 8 NO W 'S Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. Yellow Cah darkeming the har after a few applica-- thons, i aso brings hack the gigee and Hair that loses its color and lustre or when it fades, turns gray, dull and Kfcless, is caused by a lack of suiphur in the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Suiphur so keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who walue that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so at-- Nowadays we get this famous mix» m-n'tngbyghe:kfio-ofj: ingsedhents by asking drug e kab"eof"y'n%&l- phur Céompound," which the hnawr so naturally, eventy, that no-- plicd. You just dampen a sponge or _--.... saturday, May 26th Basket social and entertainment lfiy ltl:he Odd Fellow lodge at Gridley all. Time.® Saturday, May 26th Bakery sale at Titus Brothers' Electric Shop by the Ladies of M. E, Church at 1:00 P. M. Daylight saving time. _ _ ---- at Titus Brothers Electric Shop. Friday, May 25th Dance at St. Joseph's Hall by the Marian Clubs. * rvaun}y TEQGJ d bile * Regular monthly meeting of the Parent--Teacher Association. Druggist Says Ladies Are Using Recipe of Sage Tea and Suiphur FEW FOLKS HAVE GRAY HAIR NOW & Saturday, May 26th. Bakery sale by the M. E. Ladies _ Monday, May 28th. Auxiliary meetiu%)a at the Town all at 8:00 p. m. ylight Savingz GBAVTY CVL COMING EVENTS t a tune. 45¢ ng the ntment 'URE HEWS o '§: M f & emorI1a d y -- %3. A _ ; r.:Q y "'\ ' 0§o y C o & ' . Q & 3 UE .E *# io Eim ' > C alaerts NC ' :33. te ol AAS.. ' *ve l P Mn \- * o rt? V l" « 3 1A EPC .xQ j '_', -'b k " 0,0 13; i \Gi 8 0'0 $ BbeFer I : « 020 &, --:;'-:': :: A ' < Cte : e t lt « 0§0 1 the popular slo "Watch My Smo They say the auto of the future [_u be Cf;ar-llnped We suppose if we did not adver-- pect to do business with you, you -- are entitled to the news of our business and Vol. 1 A friend of ours asked us the other day m we adver-- tise, we answer-- ed him this: way,-- We regard our ad-- our service to the people of this com-- munity. If we ex-- You take a spare tire along for an emerg-- ency on your motor trip INSU R A NC E Fire -- Tornado -- Automobile -- IN SOUND STOCK COMPANIES ONLY First National Bank The Four By Six Another emergency which may arise is having your money stolen or lost en route. Turmn% your cash into safe travel funds, Travel-- ers Cheques, is as necessary as a costs is. You can buy this perfect money protection at this bank. All it 15¢ for each $100 Capital and Surplus $110,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois of then size d_e:u'ed. You can many en-- joyll:fial'wurs study-- getting ideas for your home. Come in plans for _ homes, any type and any we have some beau-- tif ul illustrated Your Honor; I blew my horn and cursed Here in our offitce 99 May 26, 1928. The man who used to drink'a lit-- tle wine fior his stomach's sake now. drinks a little bootleg for the unfGer-- Sceott: How? :"lnt fellow used ;-!:o ve money to Scott: What became of it? A conversation over-- between two of the : He burn-- PAGE FIVE > No. 21