~_~ PAGE EIGHT MANY APPEAL -- FOR HELP IN TAX MATTERS Mmr that is sfill u']) for set-- mdr:p? the state mttoin"h:. y 's attorney of-- fers all possible help in the advising of the proverty owners. are "Most sincerely yours, "Waukegan «Taxpayers' Association Executive Committee. . "By B. L. Milliren, Secretary--Treas-- # . urer." *# 'The reply of Col. Smith follows: "Mr. B. L. Milliren, Secretary, "State's Attorney for Lake County. "Waukegan, Tlinois. a "Dear Colonel Smith : "The attention of the Waukegan Taxpayers association has been callec to the fact that there are some pay-- ing, sewer and water assessments in this city--which have not been con-- firmed by the Court. against whom these assessments are held, have not paid any of their in-- stallments, due to the fact that there has been unjust and illegal extras paid by the City of Waukegan to the ~-- _ "To date there has been no settle-- ment made of these overcharges, and we are informed that these property owners have had their property ad-- vertised as delinquent and that they will be sold for these claims unless they are protected, thereby increasing their expense because of the penalties "This évery right thinking apd rea-- sonable man will consider unjust. "As States Attorney, can you and will you take steps to prevent this wijust confiscation of property 'and excess charges to the already too high special assessments as estimated and cuntnet'ed for by the City of Wauke-- gan. "In other words, will you use your Office, if it is right and you should use it in accordance with law, to protect the smal; property owners who repre-- sent the bulk of your constituency, the men and women who elected you to the honorable Office that you now "Many, many of these people of the their syimpathisers ha mnrce you ve ad you for the splendid work you have done in the past. This has been proven by the large vote you received recently for renomination and we hope will be ue IBCL LUI@BL LICIC arC SOINC paV-- "I expect to be out &, sewer and water assessments i"|next week, but my is city--which have not been c0n--|piock, who has Charg! med by the Court. has read this letter "Some of the property owners very pleased to cons ainst whom these assessments Ar€|imme members of yOu eld, have not paid any of their in--|;»y time during my will use every effort possible to bring about a jmst and settlement according to the :ggl'::uflm of the Golden of the con-- ditions. Oulllflnmwmchum1 in some other city might be termed Criminal. f t Myoumudvmeerorm you will do in the matter and is done must be done immediately be-- fore the sale of delingquent taxes, we "By B. L. Milliren, Secretary--Treas-- urer." 'The reply of Col. Smith follows: "Mr. B. L. Milliren, Secretary, "Waukegan Taxpayers Association, ""10 Center Street, "Waukegan, Illinois. "Dear Sir: | "I have your letter in reference to assisting property owners whose prop-- erty has been assessed for paving, sewer and water assessments, against which unjust and illegal extras paid by the city to the contractors were in-- My sympathy goes out to them and my office will aid them in any way "The first thing these taxpayers you have mentioned must do is to file ob-- jections in the County Court before Tuésday, June twelfth, at nine o'clock, or get an extension of time before STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS If tests now being made prove satis-- factory, more than a million dollars may be saved in postage by the vari-- ous state governments through sup-- plying automobile license tags made of plying automobile license tags made of| Mrs. Cook toOOK | aluminum instead of steel. son and fled to S 'This possible economy was first! tney were trailed called to the attention of the Stats| FPrame, of Highw Highway Commissioners through the|Cook's husband ha acdoption of Aluminum for that pur--|to be issued. pose by Brazil and Japan. Both Mrs. Cook called to the attention of the Stats Highway Commissioners through the adoption of Aluminum for that pur-- paabyBruflandJfin. ' Aluminum weighs one third as much as st. 1, and the--material is plenty strong, as is attested by its use for automobile crank cases, pistons and bodies. It is also rust proof, and on the new type of license plates the background could be left in its natur-- &A state, with only the figures and lecters colored. This does away with ,ge exr niments are being watched 'with much interest, not only by state budgeteers but by automobile clubs st. _ furt. »f eegnomies. who offer delivery service "I cannot help but feel that these that have adopted the "come and get it" methods of delivering license REFUSE DUMPING CASEUPTODAY1 The case of the State of Tlinois against the canning concern in Grays-- lake, charged with creating a nui-- mumm@nmum venting such action letter to Col. Smith at Jw for doing so.' I have no t but what Judge Persons wil extehnd a reasonable time if request is made.. No possible aid can be given unless formal objections are filed as suggested. The Judge will almost of . necessity be compelled to enter judgment against the property own-- ers unless this is done. The law also requires that when objections are filed City that my office must so notify the City Attorney of that Village or City, so that he can appear to de-- fend. This office has no jurisdiction over the adjustment of village or city taxes. We will of necessity be com-- penedgonourytbemtyAmymt objecti ns are filed and give him an opportunity to defend. "I think the people whom you men-- tioned should at once employ a com-- petei.t attorney to see that these ob~ jections are properly prepared and filed. My office will lend every aid pndnlemcomentinatoextnumen mud_byyom'hwyer.mdifm are any taxpayers who are not fi-- nancially able to employ a lawyer we will be very glad to advise and assist the taxpayer in filing a formal objec-- tion and to lend him every moral sup-- "It is inconsistent with the Gguues of the State's Attorney to appear in open court for objectors and to push their case, as the State's Attorney legally represents the County Collec-- coull FOUNDRY PLANS IMPROVEMENTS Announcement was made Thurs-- day by officials of the Chicago Hardware Co. that $50,000 is to be expended in improvements. Oue of the foundries is to be converted into an automatic "continuous pour-- ing" foundry.. A ne# core room and a pattern room is to be erected and equipped by the Chicago Hardware Foundry Company at Elkhart, Ind. Large automatic polishing machiaes are to be installed in the Elkhart plant, while there is also to be an extension of equipment for handling 'Awet porcelain--enamel. It is planned to make the improve-- ments during the «months of June, July and . August. The Chicago Hardware Foundry Company, which is one of the leading foundrics in the middlewest, is offering present stockholders an opportunity to pur-- chase $30,000 of the new issug of stock, which is preferred stock bear-- ing seven per cent interest. DIPHTHERIA ----_--.. "Respectfully yours, "A. V. SMITH, "State's Attorney of Lake Coynty are InCreasingiy puUpiAL _ ii} . LARMMEU EY Over 300 children had the toxin anti-- toxin treatment in three small Cal-- houn communities recently. . Calhoun is the apple county of Hli-- nois and the folks believe in preven-- imxmmeymvemitmkm their orchards. Diphtheria is still Pre--school health examinations are also in favor now. Children scheduled to begin school next fall ought to be mgoodhealthandthounndaofman are being examined in Illinois with that end in view. * _ 'There were 1,558 cases of contagion nmd'"w ~throughout lllinois during the week ending June 4, as compared with the total of 1,851 during the cor-- ,mmm.mmum. The expec-- t for the coming week is placed at 190%. Ten cases were listed on the report for Waukegan. They were as follows: _ Scarlet fever, 3; whooping cough, 2; WIFE, LOVER * AMEEY _ HAREAEEY ORENEnAoig > 9 0 2 es C e (§% and,Clarence Lane, of Highland Park Diphtheria eradication were bound over to the grand jury, in bonds of $5,000 Thursday after-- roon by Justice W. W. Bartlett of Highland Park, on adultery charges. Both defendants waived examina-- tions. Mrs. Cook took her seven year old son and fled to Sparta, Wis., whey® tney were trailed by Marshai J. C Frame, of Highwood, after . Mrs Cook's husband had caused warrants to be issued. | . Both Mrs. Cook and Lane agreed to waive extradition and return here for trial when arrested. Cook stated in court Thursday afternoon that his only reason for causing his wife's arrest was to regain cnstod; of the child. Neither of the defendants could furnish bonds and were re-- manded to the county jail pending ALUMNI PLANS ARE COMPLETE organization. An excellent progran. patterned along aeronautical lines, has been planned with music and. t at least 300 will attend the at-- fair. ' The officers of the associarion urge 'imt&uewtm have received their nwotives. notify the secretary at once FICGHT IS ON HELD TO JURY ents of a Village or with the duties CREAT FAIRIN > 1933 VISIONED f BY ABEL DAVIS * Vioe President Chicago Title & Trust Co., Trustee, Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebration Chicago's Centennial Celebration in 1933 will cause a steady, healthy isumuhtlonmm!'m"""b"' iness life of this city; a new era of prosperity shat wili not slump after the celebration is ended. Yet more thi@n the business side, we must stress the idealism of the Fair. We must not think merely in terms of brick and mortar. We must emphasize the fact that above .all this is to be a congress of the best--minds, the best thought of the world, in the realms of art, music, science, the ele-- every impressicn conveyed, mt symphonic, beautiful, inspiring. o Eoc P eE i CC me s O P ce n o ie ie e s Naturally the business side of the Fair must be a successful accomplish-- ment. Business failure does not en-- gender idealism, yet with a great ideal vision in mind, already there has been an awakening of civic pride in Chicago. -- ; Everything worth while is . beirig stimulated by the approaching World's Fair. And it will continue to stimu-- lite many marvelous improvements, public and private, some of which Lave struck temporary snags. To Astonish World | ~With the knowledge that the world is again coming to Chicago in 1933, Chicagoans are*awakening to the fact that for the honor and glory of this city, the world must be astonished and delighted. § 'The Forest Preserve outer park belt; With the knowieage Uiil LDC WiTIUL . . ; j ple will elect to make Chicago thelt |"_ _' :."_ ~ cce sns cucnicnry, hetect|home durine and afler the Centen: | & y, 6 $ I * # * Cns ooo norne use be astomiened| _ They, will not five: in tents.-- 'They |Tanb Snd and delighted. -- must live in houses, many of which !" Wanke; South Park and Lincoln Park im--| have to be laid and paved. Water, | week end provements; the airport; harbor fa--|a5, electricity, sewers, must be in-- home foll cilities; lake front development; com--| Stalled. : L June is pletion of main traffic arteries in ac-- Consequently this expansion in | brides an cordance with the Chicago Plan; the|area and population will mean -- a Lurich w islands upon which the Fair wil} continued healthy stimulation. Com-- | the near 1 Thiefly be erected; the Temple of Jus--| pletion of the deep waterway mak-- =-- tice: Municipal convention hall; Tem--|ing Chicago a world seaport will be DL 'ple of Opera; river straightening, all another big contributor to continued [ure being stimulated by the coming prosperity. y Lewit I World's Fair, along with many pri--| There will be work, wort.,vw'k'_: # two da ootieg o io ts c q ts on it o o d s i i e . ure being stimulated by the coming World's Fair, along with many pri-- vate projects. ~ When the Centennial Celebration is er.ded, all of these will continue to be permanent improvements for the ben-- efit' of all of the people. And the general stimulation in matters tem-l poral and spiritual will continue. ; Many believe that the great 1893 World's Fair was followed by a period uf depression that was harmful, and 'm;,mu;_nqed slump was caused by the World's Columbian Exposition. _ In fact and in truth it was nothing tion. It was caused Ssoieiy -- DJ ue World's Fair. + When the Fair was ended Chicago merely lapsed into the general con--! dition that was normal in the re-- mainder of the country, and had been so for two years Instead of causing distress, the World's Fair saved Chi-- cago from a lot of distress. _ _Now let us consider the coming Centennial Celebration. . The history cf all the world's fairs or great ex-- positions in this country since and in-- cluding the Pniladelphia Centennial !~--1 1876, has disclosed very interest-- to PE NEA EAACREILAME .. EEMReT: . NPMRETETE L C 0 Ues N 9 W D ERpINH twenty times the population of the !span of life will soon be increased area concerned. Chicago today has to 100 years. That will be fine for a population of more than 3,000,000 \the installment houses. Including sthe suburbs, . Chicago-- | * + + land's population in 1933 will be| We're a queer race, and when Bill 5,000,000 at the very least. |sobers up he worries because his Twenty times 5,000,000 is one hun-- |friend Dick is drinking too much. dredmuliom.andthat.lbeneve.ls' *. *' %' * an irreducible minimum estimate 6f There's allus somebudy around the attendance that will be recorded | who'll agree that you're a sap. from @¥-- GET YOUR Ray Furniture & Paint Store . New RCA Achievement at the Pr;si(i;ntial J(_:onvgnfions without stepping out of your home --if you are the owner of a good radio set. | ~--And the best radio set you can own is an RCA Radiola,. | es You can hear everfii:ing that goes on Come in and Hear the &« LUIBERTYVILLE, IIM at our. Centennial celebration. Nat urally most of it will come from out-- dofl;rvsm;?ent in Chicago during &A period of about L'}f- months! New money, brought here and spent by visitors! It will mean wonderful prosperity for Chicago. '"Well," you may say, "what will happen after the Cen-- tennial celebration is ended? Won't there be a bad slump?" _ « My answer is "No." The feast . will have ended but there will be no famine because --this Centennial celebration is being carefully plan-- ined far in advance by keen business men®of sagacity and forethought. _ famed skilled labor of Chicago. Angd there will be no imported labor out of a job when it is ended. _ -- Then consider another point. Chi-- cago is positively on the verge of another great expansion-- Let us assume and hope and confidently expect that many thousands of peo-- ple will elect to make Chicago their honie during and aftér the Centen-- nia ¥5° * gas, electricity, sewers, must be in-- stalled. Consequently this . expansion in area and population will mean _A continued healthy stimulation. Com-- pletion of the deep waterway mak-- ing Chicago a world seaport will be another big contributor to continued prosperity. _ _ ¥._ C dE Ceuh o Aeomel t : BE CCA 0 2t 0 NE CC 0e ic 2 c -- prosperity and happiness of Chicago after the Centennial celebration. 1 believe it is assured, and the pnir thing necessary to guarantee it . is for the people of Chicago to support the Centennial committee now. OVERSEER IS WELCOMED HOME (Continued from Page 1) no light, nothing. That mountain range marks the end of the earth's limits." * s He added that aviation has his in-- terest now, and he has already. be said, by cable, au the buili-- ing of an airport at Zion City. -- . "Now, we run & DUpBIDons J11 Zion City; and %' lot of work in Detroit. If we get there by airplane, meotha-xdlg"m bave to get up pretty early in the morning to beat us. And the same way with our bakery goods. We'll be abile to deliver 'em while they're almost hot!" He denied, incidentally, that be bur-- ried back from Europe to engage in an evangelistic wrestling match with Aimee Semple McPherson, n!h!: _ "If a fellow has a wife and a busi-- ness, and he has to neglect his busi-- ness to watch his wife, she's not worth NVENTION SEAT pay! Be not afraid for the SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1928. NEW YORK. June 6.----Genaro Papi. for 14 yéars Italian sanductor of the Metropolitan Opera company and since 1917 at Ravinia, who ar-- rived yesterday on the ~Cossulich motorship.Saturnia to lead the sum-- mer opera season in Chicago, was detained on' the ship for the night and will go to Ellis island tomorrow for further examination. Immigra-- tion officials on the Saturnia . de-- clined to give the reason, but it was believed for the purpose of examin-- ing the re--entry permit the con-- ductor obtained abroad. Signor Papi was distressed by his detention, say-- eighfl;me were held at the gram--, mar $ -- Rev. Davis of the Salem church, Barrington, gave an address and presented diplomas to Phyllis Soderburg, Ethel Rudsinski# Bmg, Harold Giese, Rus-- sell r, Elmo Simons, Rob-- ert Fitzgerald, Walter Diehl, Vir-- Mr. and Mrs. Emma -- Branding were out Sunday with Mr. Henry ;Brmd:ng. > _ ~Mr. and Mrs. _ Lou Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weaver and son of fChiugo, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Nor-- ton and sons of Niles visited Satur-- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Simons. Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weaver, -- Mesdames_ Hey-- beck, Rockenbach, Hans, Payton, Loomis, and Leo Buhr attended Past Matron's night at Lounsbury Chap-- 'APIHELD AT _ ELLIS ISLAND ter. _ Miss Margaret Fink is home from Tlinois University for her summer vacation. _ Mr. Walter Prehm, Mrs. Wm. Tank, and Mrs. Rosa Goodluck were in Waukegan Thursday. Miss Esther Hironimus spent the home folks. f June is the month of roses brides and rumor has it that Zurich will have several bridd the near future. Lewis Mills returned Friday from: 4 two dayfarm inspection conduct-- ed by the Farm Bureau. Mr. Gil-- """fi,"" Darrow, Mr. Gripton and . Burke made up the rest of the committee. Six hundred miles were traveled in the two days inkhg six m t;:.c \;'arious cities. en is visiting Whigs e 2o raigg 33 mee maeie : Py couple in want. Yet how easily this could be avoided! Just a few dollars, saved each week in the Liberty: ville Building and Loan As sociation, and you provide the basis of an investment which means a future in come for you and a happy LIBERTYVILLE BUILDING DIAMOND LAKE AUTHORIZED CAPITAL _ AND LOAN ASS'N Under State Government at Wauconda with the ¥m. | Marvel of Chicago artenugeceua . iU"~-- ere | meeting. j | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allanson serv-1 the|ed picnic dinner Memorial Day to theithe following guests,' their mother, - .'Mrs.' Holmes of Chicago, Mr. and and j Mrs. Park Allanson, Miss Mary Al-- ake l lanson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Co?er in | and family and Mr. and rs. Wrench and family. _ Mrs. Mabel Covert, of Norfolk, Nebraska, is spending a month with * her, son, David Covert. "°"'l Mr. and Mrs. Duffy of Mundelein *°" | ovre now making their home on But-- Fred Towner made a business trip to Lake Forest Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Doolittle of Waukegan, spent the w at the Fred Krueger home. ho i oi n L ce s cngmnss l ie c ie cyW Mrs. Annie Rouse of Mundelein spent several days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Holland. Mrs. Emma Mills and daughter, Mrs. Robert Rouse, visited Monday with their cousin, Mrs. Luey Wirtz of Elgin. j * The Quarterly conference led by Dr. Odgers on Sunday evening was well attended. Plans for next year were discussed. _ --___ __ o with Mr. and Mrs. NovAaK,. oarail and Helen Grimes, of Round Lake, spent Sund&4y evening at the Nova'k home. Mrs. Sandman of Libertyville en-- tertained her cousin, Rev. Scheure-- man, and Mrs. Caroline Mitchell at dinner Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray spent Tuesday in Chicago. . _ _ . , _ Mr. and Mgs. Raymond Douglas r. ymo and son, Ric*'d, of New York and their mother, Mrs. Nelson visited Tuesday with Mrs. Emma Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Park Allanson, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mills and Russell Towner attended the Kiwanis club dinner -- Tuesday evening -- at the Countryside Golf Club. Mrs. Emma Mills and daughter, Mrs. Robert Rouse, motored to Wau-- kegan Friday. Mrs. Lewis Mills attended _the Commencement _ exercises Friday evening at the Crystal Lake High school as guest: of her brother, l'George. A Mrs. Lewis Mills '_entet;tained E};e Mrs. Lewis Mills 'entertained the Sunday schoe] board at its monthliy meeting Tuesday afternoon. Miss Marvel of Chicago attended --the new ¥ ANNOUNCING $| New Thrilt Model --EASY *# af S (Slightly More on Time Payments) spent the week 12 Months to Pay J. T. McGrath PLUMBING & HEATING 134 South Milwaukee Ave. PHONE 260. terfield Road, occupying Parks house. . Ganster, 1 Miss Edna Mantor, of Chicago,| the addre: spent Sunday at thé Woodin home.| Frances 'The Mundelein Fire Dapartment; at the R. was called Saturday to extinguish a ; Store. fire which broke out in a refresh-' R. Dell ment stand owned by Dr. Crane. A| Arthur H new stand has been moved there to| cycle rac -- Miss Becker and Miss Forbrich attended the races Decoration Day at Aurora. 1 e o i in Mr. and Mrs. Mills attend-- ed the Catlow 'mm Wednesday evening at Barrington. Mrs. Jennie Hayes and Mr. Wood-- in visited Friday afternoon with Mr. Knigge at l(undcleiln?- i Mrfi uuiF}(rs." Ott:d 'l'hmru:d and aughter, Flora, ursday to Brownslake, Winmn- *+.. The Mundelein, Hawthorn,~ Bush and Oak Grove schools wrote their final examinations Friday at the Mundelein school. George Matthews and two sisters of Chicago visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rouse. Mr. Matthews has just returned from a trip to California, N. b!l V}fidl)'o June 8th, the Haw--/ toerp of Crystal Lake and Mr, and orn Consolidated School will ho'd(ln. glokomeyer of Palating. Three different systems f to choose from # Frederic's--Vita Tonic 5 Compound ... $12.00 _ Lemur--Steam Oil Pro-- CESS ....mronopamitawm RLEOO Gabrieleen--Reconditioning Oil Compound ... All branches of Beauty Culture including Fingerwaving the Swirl Style . Open Evenings by Appeintment Libertyville 438 Permanent Marcel Waves THE HARRIET BEAUTY SHOPPE AA. sell at the lowest price ever placed upon a brand new Fasy Washer. Hundreds of thousands of Fasy Washers already are in & a *peraagrenng ( oo o raraerrnkes k BE We > . O Cl e 20 00 T use. The EFasy always has been known as the quality washer--the Rolils--Royce of W ashers. Here is a"well made E manufactured at savings which are puo?ayon to you. Your Thrift Model should serve you well for years and years. The W ashing Action is the same famous E\ Vacuum Cup ~rinciple--air pressure m suction--that has always been. the gnt* method of getting clothes clean. o The Metal Wringer is the latest design, full ;v'v';ng;r;g'," wnng.s forward and backward, maile in one piece. 4 . The New Type Double Tub is dent--proof, heat insulating and easier to keep clean. The inner tub is nickeled on the inside while the outer tub 's Duco finished in beautiful white. Holds eight double gheets; has no corners to catch dirt and the opening is full size for«con-- venience in putting in and taking out clothes. Two Simple Controls operate the washing and wringing. Oiling is automatic from & central reservoir. Gear driven--D° belt, and all moving p:r-ts are completely enclosed. 'Takes only 4 H. P. motor, so uS°8 less cur-- rent. Fully guaranteed by us and by the A small deposit puts the Easy in your home. Free personal demonstration in your honre, just call us up. 420 N. Milwaukee Ave. _ H. MATTHEW® its commencement exercises. Rev. Gafister, of Waukegan, will dAliver the address. ¢ pokl 0 _ _ Frances Towner is now employed at the R. E. Southorn Grocery Arthur Holland attended the motor-- cycle races Sunday at Pslhune Donald Poulton spent Saturday night and Sunday with hilw lflllt: Mrs. Joseph Brockson, of auke Mr. and Mrs. Liebert of Quentin's Corners spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Liecbert. e Mr..and M ~#s Cassiug of Deerfield visited with Mr. m Cassius Mason Sunday., : Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luebkemann .tw]mfl'l"e commencement --exer-- cises uesday of the graduate nurses of the Victor, * Memorial Hospital at Waukegan. The w grand niece, Ruth Drury of -- ; * Te pratuetes -- of «. pamaiat _ of the -- y Lake school participated in ?» mencement exercises at th-- Haif Day school on Tuesday evening,. My. 'J Mrs. Fred Towner entertained at a party for their ¢@auphter, I , after the exercises. . TY !m were Mr. and Mrs, Cass,: 4¥ , Mr. and Mrs. Win. Edwari«, i;a_ud Mrs, Clayton . Hutchings, .: and l"l. James Towner, M vhia Towner and son, Russell an< €len . -- Out of town* gue=* 're Mr. and Mrs. Cloyce Paks -- Wim. Wheeler and daughter ®, of Libertyville, Mr. and Mrs e and Mr. and M+s.'*Wm CUAVN CWULTVZ-- ius of i Mr. Mrs. '.'.l.\'. e : i Luebkemann ncement exer-- f the eraduate tory _ Memorial DY'U.':. O{ R '. the rrad4uates. . : f the ~ Namond®