CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 16 Jun 1928, p. 5

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. Mrs. Harry Gotti entertained the members of the Afternoon Bridge Club on Tuesday, June 19th. Justice Harry Madill Bartlett re-- turned Friiay morning from the «convention at Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. George Fredericks and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Green-- wood are intending to leave Monday on a two weeks' vacation trip through the eastern states. They will make the trip by motor. Mrs. John L. Hans and daughter of Long Grove were Libertyville «allers Monday afternoon. callers Thursday. Mrs. Ella Cornmwall visited Wed-- m-d':i Ym. Mr. and Mrs. Wil Geary at Wauconda. | ter, Mary Eva, were Chicago callers Thursday. 'l.(dr and Mrs. Charles ilt;l'xmfon vdi- si Tuesday evening w riends in Wauconda. Mrs. James Jedlicka, who has been quite ill at her home on Broad-- way, is reported as improved. Miss Marie Horen was a Chicago «caller Wednesday.. $ C. 0. Carlson was a Chicago busi-- ness caller Friday. P3 H. H. Wehrenberg started a new house this week for Marion Jones on the old Frank Day property. Mrs. W. A. Lightbod r. Mary Eva, were Czi Miss Why Do You Work? LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK to choose from Frederic's--Vita Tonic Compound ..___. $12 Lemur--Steam Oil Pro-- Swirl Style Libertyville Dorothy A. Black spent Wed-- Gabrieleen---Reconditioning $8.00 Oil Compound ..__..._..._..--.. _ For Leng Bobs All branches of Beauty Cnltnrs inclnuding Fincgerwavinge th Three different systems MOTH PROOF ociety ana LOCAL NEW S pPints can -- ---- ® :. s Spraying outfits §7" Spray once and you are through. The only moth--proofing that is lasting in its effect. : Permanent Marcel Waves Your furs, clothing, woolens, upholstery THE HARRIET BEAUTY SHOPPE F. B. Lovell Co. "Albrecht and Mrs. were Waukegan mnevsem seresnencanen=sunsee CaAPITAL & Surpivus, $150,000.00 CENOLIN and daugh-- icago callers Libertyville, Illinois Beauty Culture mclndllw Fingerwaving the Open Evenings by Appointment 420 N. Milwaukee Ave. H. MATTHEWSs --Miss Mabel -- Bennett was the |auesz of Miss Florence Hook of rayslake a few days this week. § :i{ andwl:lrs. Roy amily visi 'l'nmayc Mrs. Herman Kublank left Friday to join a party of men on a fishing trip in Ludington, Mi-- Mrs. Luella Palmetier of Chica-- go is making a few weeks' visit at the home of Mrs. Allie T. Nicholas, 110 Appley Avenue. Mrs. Sarah Leighton is visiting this week at the home of her daugh-- ter, Mrs. Russell Schroeder,© and family, at Half Day. * Mrs. J. W. Davis of Oakwood Terrace entertained several friends Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Forest Smith of East Orange, New Jersey, who is making an extended visit with relatives here. Dr. Maurice D. Penney attended the annual meeting of the American Medical Association at Minneapolis, Minn. Wednesday. a Mr. and Mrs. A. Meyers of Mun-- delein visited Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maether and familyv. Mrs. Nellie Kimball of Chicago visited this week at the home of her son, S. C. Kimball, atd family of West Church Street. Work has been started on the house which Mr. and Mrs. A. Mey-- ers of Mundelein are having built on East Sunnyside Avenue. o Mrs. DeCamp of Hubbard Woods was a guest Sunday at the home of her wister, Mrs. G. C. Brown, and family, 417 East Broadway. William McEnry, Thursday sold kis house on Sunnyside avenue to a Mr. Edwin of Chicago who expects to make his home here. ® "m'iterm Roy Knigge and visi Tuesday mnhg with [erman Kublank at Munde-- REAVTY (ULTVRE "5¢ $1.25 up Tilinois Nh. AAOrs ; |men,; motore ; |sin Tuesday. ; Mr. and N : |cago have t: ; \ place where & 'the construc & plant on whi § dent enginee § Mss Glad & MHoit College, g day afternoo ; |tion at the s [ Mr. and M ; | Homewood . $ | _ G.°F. Lan; & lLange court jard M. Dill < | it sometime 7 | Lange inten ; in the 'near "A 1 Several m E. E. Ellsworth, 229 East Park Ave-- nue. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baseley and two sons of Wauconda were callers Wednesday evening 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maether. -- Mrs. Jacob Goldenberg -- and daughter, Selma, of Chicago, form-- erly of Libertyville visited Thurs-- day with old accquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Ray and family haye moved from 411 West Park Ave. to Diamond Lake, where they will spend the summer months. The Marion Club will hold a dance at St. Joseph's Hall on Friday even~ ing, June 22nd. Music will be fur-- nished by the Interstate Serenaders. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Masom and family, 217 McKinley Avenue, are entertaining Mrs. Mason's mother, %!rs Emma S. Krueger, of Prairie iew. * & daughters of West Maple Avenue mototed to Bloomington -- Thursday morning. They returned here Thurs-- lay night. . Mr. and Mrs. --O. A. Newsom and daughters left Thursday morning on an automobile trip to Indiana. On their return trip they will make a gx:.rt visit with relatives at Marion, io. * Mrs. Goodell of fm Jose, Califor-- nia is enjog(i,nz n extended visit here at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Jessie Drury of Waukegan, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. R. D. Cook at Mundelein, is now visiting with relatives and friends in this city. = Mrs. Roy Waters and daughter, Ruth, motored to Half Da&eWedne& day; where they spent after-- noon visiting with the former's sis-- ter, Mrs. Russell Schroeder, and her mother Mr. Sarah Leighton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Saulnier, of Chi-- cago have taken rooms at 218 Park place where they will reside during the construction of the new --water plant on which Mr. Saulnier is resi-- dent engineer. The local chapter of the Order of Eastern Star held its Past Pat-- rons' and --Past ~Matrons' night at their hall Thursday evening. About seventy members cwere in atten-- dance. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith, Mrs. Nettie Simen and daughter, Edith, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Stoll of Lin-- eoln, Illinois, parents of Mrs. Si-- men,; motored to Wausaukee, Wis-- sin Tuesday. y Mss Gladys Swan, student at Be-- loit College, returned here Thurs-- day afternoon to enjoy her vaca-- tion at the home of her parents, Mr. and ~Mrs, (James H.-- Swan, Homewoad Avenue: Several members'of the Epworth League of the local Methodist Epis-- ecopal Church are planning to attend the Lake Geneva Institute Rally at the Des Plaines camp ground Sat-- urday, June 16th. _ The Friendship Circle of the Me-- thodist Church was pleasantly en-- tertained Friday afternoon at the 'home ~of Mrs. | William -- Hubbell, Homewood-- Avenue, Oakwood Ter-- race. The assisting hostesses were Mrs. Charles Betzer and Mr. Ken-- neth Lovell. G.°F. Lange has sold his house on Lange court to Mr. and Mrs. Rich-- ard M. Dillon, who will move into it sometime during this month. Mr. Lange intends to build a new house in the near future. Mrs. James G. Weart entertain-- ed the members of the Bri%n: Club at her home Wednesday rnoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. John T. Mitchell, first; Mrs. John Cairns, cut prize and Mrs. Goodell of San Jose, California, guest prize. "Thomas Earl Langworthy enter-- tained twenty--five boy friends at a birthday -- picnic --at Gages Lake Thursday. The afternoon was pleas-- antly spent in playing baseball and other games, after-- which a camp-- fire supper was served. : Commander, Myrtle Thomas and Junior Vice Commander, --C. D. Kern, of Abraham Fortress, Nation-- al Daughters of the G. A. R. attend-- ed the G. A. R. State encampment at Kankakee, Illinois as color bear-- er and delegate. Senior Vice Com-- mander, Emma Wehrenberg, and Gertrude CTGerred also attended. The %oém is a nephew of Dr. Tay-- lor. Drs. Taylor and Penney will setum to their offices tonight (Fri-- ay). k s * Miss Josephine Eger, who has been attemding school at Appleton, Wisconsin,gis now visiti at the home of her mother, Mrs.nfiom Eg-- or, 104 Hurliburt Court. Miss Eger is planning «o make an extended visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lee Warren, . and family, Zeeland, Mi-- chigan. t C Coroner John L. Taylor and his associate, Dr. M. D. Penney, left| Wednesday evening t:f' auto for Q--; sage, lowa, to attend the wedding | Thursday of the latter's brother., The Methodist Church has dropp-- ed all> connections with the holdin of the debate, the subject of whicfi is "Shall We Have A Catholic President?" This debate is to be given by students of the Northwest-- ern University, Evanston and will be held at the Town Hall on Thurs-- day evening, June 21st. The annual picnic and luncheon of the Methodist Church will be held at the Agard Rest Home, Lake Bluff on Fridag;June . 22nd. The luncheon will held at twelve-- thirty ?d a small clhiarge will be made. Various articles such as a-- rons, towels, and fancy work will ge on sale. Contributions for the sale will be greatly appreciated. o'clock P. M. daylight savx;:ldg time. Games of five hundred a bunco will be played. The public is invited to attend. Proceeds will go toward furnishing the doctor's reception room in the new Elizabeth Condell Memorial Hospital, A good time is assured to all. ~ given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-- ward L. Reinert, Jr. Mrs. Retnert, formerly Miss Effie Jane Cantrell, teacher at the local North Grade School, was united in marriage to E. L. Reinert, Jr. on _ Saturday, June ninth. T'iley are making their home at Riverside, Illinois. The --Legion Auxiliary will hold a card party on Wednesday, June 20, in the American Legion Memorial building (Town Hall) starting at 8 Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Boehm motor-- ed to _ Chicago Wbt(;nnf,{sday even-- ing, where .they attended a party Mr. and <Mr. John T. Landis find in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-- THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, JUNE i6, i92s. Sarah Lyon, 19 years old, wife of Robert Lyon, passed away at the Victory Memorial hospital Thursday evening following an illness of two weeks and which originated in an attack of influenza. She had been in the hospital for the past two weeks and early this week her con-- dition became grave, Mrs. Lyon was born in Nebraska and came to Lib-- ertyville two years ago with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller from Osceola, lowa. She leavets her husband and a son, Robert Jr., five weeks old. The funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at, two o'clock from the home of her sister, Mrs. (Irving Whitcomb on east Church street. Interment will take place in Lakeside. s : Mrs. Gertrude L. Gerred, Depart-- ment Commander of the-- National Daughters of the Grand Army of the, Republic, mcentl[\f presented to the Cook Memorial Library a co;g of "Lest We Forget" ?&John Martin, who is a Past partment Commander of the Wisconsin G. A. R. This book is a chronic!»> of the important events of the Civil War, told in an entertaining and persopai largest vote ever cast, and the book pt:bfi'i!shers will --not ' be at fault if the public is uninforméd. These two books explain what the two major parties mean," iwhat they stand for and why. The great majority © of those who vote the straight ticket do so not from conviction but be-- cause the father did. These books attempt to clearly define the prin-- cipals of each party. vein and contains many interesting and touching anecdotes as well as bare, sordRil facts. The Library preciates Mrs. Gerred's kindl{ R:K Two other books that are of vital importance just now, as it is presi-- dentM]l year, are "The Repugheu Party" and "The Democratic Par-- ty." With the number of candidates in the field, the --coming national el-- ection will. undoubtedly attract the The Misses Marion Hubbard and Marguerite Fredericks were hostess-- es Thursday evening to seven couples who enjoyed. a delight-- ful Japanese lawn party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fredericks. The guests were friengs and co-- workers of Miss Hubbard and Miss Fredericks, who are emgloyed at the North Shore Office Building at Highwood. Much of the evening's entertainment consisted of dancing on a platform, which had been built on the lawn for that purpose. At the close of the evening, chop suey wasksserved' and eaten with chop sticks. > FOR RENT--4 room and 5 room apartments. --Automatic steam heat. _G... C. Gridley. Phone 45 and 157. & €]--It. OR RENT--8 room house, hot water heat near North Shore De-- pot. G.--C. Gridley. Phone 45 and 157. 4AT--1t |AUDITORIUM Saturday, June 16. "Horsemen of "The Girl From Chicago" Romance < rides across -- the great Oregon TFrail> once more.-- Indian fights, a girl "alone,. dashing Tim McCoy --you'll ~say this is some show. * :~ Comedy and ~Screen Snap-- shots. WM. RUSSELL > A dramax .of the underworld. Comedy, song slides and News. A western-- story that's dif-- ferent. * Sunday, June 17. CONRAD NAGEL and MYRNA LOY Monday--Tu June 18--19. Hail the, heavy Jaugh champ, Lloyd knocks out "Kid Gloom" with Speedy. Pathe Review and Aesop Fable. i# + Regular Admission Wednesday, June 20. A famous comic strip no in the movies. "Harold Te/ aro nA 'Wyoming' ARTHUR LQKE as HAR-- OLD; MARY . BRIAN _ as LILLUMS; --ALICE WHITE as GIGGLES. -- Thursday--Friday June 21--22. DOROTHY SEBASTIAN 1B "Speedy" ~~'TONYX the wonder horse in News and Novelty. Song Slides. HAROLD LLOYD § in The Plains" TOM MIX 4T--1t. Five hundred and bunco party by the Legion Auxiliary -- at trm %ow'n Hall at 8 P. M. 9 y Friday, Junme 22. Dance by the Marion Club at St. Joseph's hall. . Music by the EInter-- state Serenaders. ; COMING EVENTS Friday, June 8th. Pageant, "The Making of Ameri-- ca" presented at connmm? House, Mundelein by the pupils of Munde-- lein school at .8'03 p, m. Tuesday, June 19th. i Bthort t dn us opnt r-- field Hall at 8:30 p. m. daylight sav-- ing time. Postponed from June 12. Thursday, June 21. Debate at M. E. church by stu-- dents of Northwestern _ University. Subject, "Should a Catholic be Elected President?" Sponsored by the Aid Society. Andrew Carnegie, one of the world's greatest exemplars of thrif+, was once asked which he cansidered the most important, earning, saving or spending. He replied by asking which of the three legs of a stool was the most necessary. _ § It would be: well if this under-- standing of thrift were widespread. The three factors in the process of acquiring and using money are in-- ter--dependent and it is false doc-- trine to over--emphasize saving. We see examples every day which tend to prove that quite a large per-- EARNING, SAVING, SPENDING OF EQUAL IMPORTANCE N PERSONAL PROGRESS Yellow Gab S$NO W 'S Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. . -- Special Sale from Junre 4 to July 14 June 24 to July 1. Dedication week of the new Pres-- terian chureh at the corner of aple and Douglas avenues. 4 Seam Brooms direct from the factory, not a parlor broom but just the thing for the 39 porch or sidewalk, only ... C 2 pounds Triggs and Johnson's Special Phones 824--825--826 Home Owned Store and 1 10 inch Mixing Bowl, regular 60c NYAE LOF ... .220 .. enfanr encfi en nnreiient refiintmeniinns The boiled frosting used on Community Bake Shop Cakes is a creation of our own, will not get crusty or disappear, keeps the cake moist and tastes delicious. White, Bevils Food 30 or Golden Loaf Cakes, each ...._.._._._._.__._._. C Coffee for .:. Only $2.98. Here is the plan: Every time you make a cash pur-- chase at our Store have the amount indicated on this card. When it is traded out in full you are entitled to one of these beautiful tables for ONLY $2.98 CASH Nh ».~ tahlao mansuea l in hv 94 in 914 in hich --~These tables measure 11 in. by 23 in. 24 in. high, and comt in a nice variety of the very latest finishes, such as are used on the most expensive and up--to--date furnit-- Never before has a useful table like this been offered at such'a low price, and if you can purchase one elsewhere (excepting where they are offered for sale on this plan) in the same size and quality, or less than $6 retail, we will give you one FREE. s These Bluebird tables positively will be offered for sale in our store at this low price only during this SPECIAL SALE shown above. See Them in Our Window... Get One of these Cards and start at Once. TRIGGS & JOHNSON HERE ARE SOME REAL BARGAINS --_-- FOR THIS WEEK Bluebird Combination End Table and Magazine Rack Trade at Our Store and get one of these $6 Tables for Who couldn't sweep for that? ue slow process requiring great pat-- ience and persistence. The margin between income and the necessities of life is not wide. Hence it is all the more unfortunate that greater attention is not given to the prob-- Iems involved in the proper use of centage of the people give insuffi-- the fact that people do not give suf-- cient attention to spending or in--|ficient study to these problems. In-- vresting. There are opportunities ou|cidents are not uncommon _ where every hand for earning money and(persons have parted with the sav-- it is not difficult in those times and E&' of years on the representations under present conditions for the av--!of total strangers. Every -- saved erage person to save something out{dollar represents hard work and of his income. 4 'g!ut patience. Just as much But the amount of monevy which is j thought and care should be used in But the amount of money which is lost through the unwise use of sav-- ings is now said to be greater than the annual growth in national sav-- ings deposits. With the vast majority of people, the accumulations of savings is a ._-- REALTOR--INSUROR _ Opposite Electric Station "A good office to do business with" Libertyville, IIL s --PHONES 469 & 269 hnson's Spec1a] 98 c The SECURITY BROTHERS are working for me Mr. A. SECURITY The trouble very largely lies in ,gtpehpothatmhn'tqm fair, for he doesn't believe in "taking chances"; in fact, it is his business to prevent people from taking chances. He believes in your having a good time with ",.;3-7; but he stands &:c way of your suffering acGident. fire or theft. . M CEA EMBE REEQ LREN ND MARTTATCCT Nt dmycummenthinkfluth doubles their joy in motoring. He is always ready to make new friends. 1la1.'n 600 39 C Published in the in terest of the people It's Good Business - To Bank Here EVERY business man who has had dealing with The First National Bank knows this institution for the aid it offers in its commercial department --knows it for its courtesy, too. Per-- haps you have a business problem. Dis-- cuss it with our officers. They'll be glad to help you. First National Bank The Four By Six CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 _ Libertyville, Illinois "Den Russia to the table and I'll Fiji." "All right, Sweden my coffee and Den-- mark my bill." administering it as in acquiring and saving it. If this rule were apgpiied by every one, there would be a tre-- mendous elimination of lost or wast-- edmon:b It is part of good thrift to be as careful in letting go of your dol-- lars as you were in getting hold of 16, Do PAGEK AivE Richard Dillon, who intends moving into it this month. Mr. No. 24 x#

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