yrvge 54 sys V esn 4 ph & Mrs. E. L. Dubois, who has been , fering with rheumatism for some suffering srom a long illness, is able| time remained at Waukesha -- for u: :.m:a:azfin. 5 ltmm from a week's visit Wwilh relat and friends in Kansas and lowa. LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK F. B. Lovell Co. Libertyville I ociety ana LOCAL NEWS MOTH PROOF At East Hampton, Long lsland, still stands the home immhortalized | byhlwmvb"'h|37mm&d' p.mwfim-pu.w*.mediw.mdm: American Consul to Tunis. But, although endowed with unusual .hus.hemma.dbm'udnhmml'hdh Pints can -- =-- * * Spraying outfits ~ « mmth.wofmt?-is.inlm.bem&c opera "Clari, the Maid of Milan" and in it introduced "Home, Sweet Home" in the song Payne wrote the heartache of the wanderer --the man who in old age still misses the joy, the comforts, the security that go with a home one can call one's own. "LHome, Sweet Home" or any other worth--while possession can be m--flmbfiflamhndwmuhldepoiubflt Spray once and you are through. The only moth--proofing that is lasting in its effect. 3 0 Your furs, clothing, woolens, upholstery Whitney has returned CENOLIN Libertyville, Illinois APITAL & SurpLus, $150,000.00 C,. M. Wilcox and the Misses Le-- nore Wilcox and Mary Mors were Waukegan callers Thurgday. Mrs. Homstead, of Highwood, vi-- sited Thursday afternoon _at the home of Mrs. L. H. Reickhoff. George Eaton, Sr., and the Misses Hannah and Ada Meyers motored to Waukesha, Wisconsin, Wednesday. Miss Ada Meyer, who has been suf-- y Sweet Home" *;' $1.25 up Tilinois The W. day afte: Frances ; east Chu | Mr. an i and sons z--| were Chid noon. 2 Mrs. H 3 gan, was 3| Mr. and & nresday e P The Ms ? this eveni | Hall. M 9; the _ Inte g public is § | _ Willian ; | the First © | Hubbell | 5 | vacation s | They ex] s | two wgel : Ruth P ; | Avenue, 2 | Wednesd: ; | against I s | ty is ch: % on Septe g Mr. an 3 | I11., will ; | Mrs. Net ; | Oakwood ; I mer mon ; | highway i | _ The g 3 | Copeland 5 | Rarkland See "The Crowd"--A story of the great American middle class. Miss Nina Wheeler visited Wed-- nesday with relatives and friends in Highland Park. * Mrs. D. C. Grinnell arrived home Thursday night from a month's vi-- sit with her parents in Nevada, Mis-- The W. C. T. U. will meet Tues-- day afternoon, June 26 with Mrs. Frances Hoskins at her home on east Church street. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert O. Sundell and sons Roy, Iver and Vernon, were Chicago visitors Friday. after-- Mrs. Harry Harrison, of Wauke-- gan, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, Wed-- resday evening. William C. Hubbell, cashier . of the First National Bank, and Mrs. Hubbell left Friday morning on a vacation trip to Woodruff, Wis. They expect to remain there for two ws_eks. Q The Marian Club will hold a dance this evening (Friday) at St. Joseph's Hall. Music will be furnished by the Interstate Serenaders. The public is invited to attend.! o Ruth Price Willers, 148 East Cook Avenue, began a divorce : action Wednesday in the Circuit -- court against Raymond-- F. Willers. Cruel-- ty is charged. They were married on September 6, 1924. Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich, of Decatur, Ill., will occupy the home qwn_oid. by Mrs. Nettie Simen, Sunset Dnve"the funer Oakwood Terrace, during the SUM--| Matteson, mer months. Mr. Dietrich is a""'te"l'hursday' highway inspector. & i her moths The great bed of Marguerites of Copeland Manor, on the south . of Rockland boulevard, is now in full bloom and the beautiful flowers are proving an added attraction along this scenic avenue. Ferri Calanca, the fifteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Ca-- lanca, arrived here this week from Padava, Italy, where he has made his home with relatives since his parents came to America five years ° Edward Schwanbeck, who.is em-- ployed by the Kelly Atkinson com-- pany at Rondout, was admitted: to the Elizabeth Condell Memorial hospital Tuesday for treatment of an injured finger which may have to be amputated. Dr. M. D. Penney is handling the case. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Coonfer, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frudy, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Wilcox, Miss Ada Nicho-- las, Lester Coonfer, all of this city and Mrs. May Wheeler and Kenneth Wheeler, of California motored to Starved Rock early Sunday, where they enjoyed a most delightful out-- morial hospital Friday morning Dr. M. D.'P.mf performed a--tonsilec-- tomy on Mary -- Ann, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Bernard. On Monday of this week he performed a like. service for Lloyd Wrench and on Thursday for Leo Newhouse and Phil Hilde-- brand of Grayslake. One hundred members and guests gathered at the high school audi-- torium Tuesday night for the annual banquet and dance of the Alunini Association. The dinner was served by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church and the music for the dance was furnished by Wightman and his Blue Diamonds. Three former teachers attended the afftair; Mrs. Ruth Culbertson( Ruth Sandberg), Miss Audrey Wilder ;md Mrs. Kenneth Lovell. Follow the crowd to see "The Crowd" Monday and Tuesday at the Auditorium. E. T. Langworthy and . son, riomas Earl, returned Thursday ening from a trip fishing in nor-- At the Elizabeth Condell Me-- THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER _ SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1928. Mrs. Cora E. Hull was a Chicago caller Wednesday afternoon.' W. McLaughlin and George Eaton were Waukegan callers Friday af-- ' Mrs. John Dellenmaier attended lthe funeral of a®cousin, *Merton i Matteson, of Hampshire, Illinois, on Mrs. Frank Ullrich, of Fremont Center, was a Libertyville caller | Thursday. She was accompanied by | her mother, Mrs. Frank Mitchell and | sistery; Blanche Lyons, of Mundeléin. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown nounce the birth of a son on day, Mr. and Mrs. George Eilers, Jr., and Mrs. Eilers, Sr., and daughtet, Lorraine, of Chicago, were guests Thursday afternoon and evening at (the home of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Numsen. > * Mrs. J. O. Carlson entertained several friends Tuesday evening at a social gathering. -- William Brumm, local cement con-- tractor, is regorhed as seriously ill at his home on Rockland Road. Mrs. H. J. Strang, of Grayslake, called on her mother, Mrs. A. A. Grandy, and family Wednesday eve-- M. Nichols, 'who formerly lived here and now resides in Lemont, fi:"ed on Libertyville friends Thurs-- y. § Mrs. Glenn Crane of Batavia, IIl., visited a few days this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Carlson. ---- ; The Vermnon Cemetery Association will meet at the home of Mrs. Al-- fred Stancliff, Sr., Half Day, on Thursday, June 28th. $ Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Dillon moved --Thursday -- from 312 West Maple Avenue to the G. F. Lange house on Lange Court. Mr. and Mrs. €. A. Rogan enter-- tain@t! Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beck, of Chicago, Thursday, evening. Mr. and Mrs. Beck are visiting at their summer home in Grayslake. Mrs. Nettie M..Simen and daugh-- ter, Edith, are planning to depart Monday for Seattle, Washington to visit with relatives and friends. They will also visit in Alaska. Their trip will extend over a period of six weeks. & Mrs. C. R. Galloway entertained a number of members of the : local Presbyterian Ladies': Aid Society at her home Wednesday~ afternoon. : Mrs. Frank Mitchell of Mundelein, was among the guests present at the meeting. . -- Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hagerty and son, Robert, 129 First Street, left early this morning (Friday) to at-- tend a family reuniog which will be held in Minnesota,on Sunday. The Hagertys are expecting .to return here Tuesday. s The Methodist Camp meeting at DesPlaines opens July 6th and con-- tinues to July 15th. Ralph Conner, Professor E. D. Soper, Bishop Hugh-- es and other noted speakers will be on the program. A large swimming pool has been added to the recrea-- tional equipment, and will attract Targer numbers of young people. sary. Following a pleasant after-- noon spent in palying games, the lit-- tle guests were served with delight-- ful refreshments. -- Mary Alice re-- ceived many pretty gifts mrom her friends. 4. Mary Alice, daughter of Mr. ani Mrs. Frank Suydam of Park Place, entertained a numbe?t of friends at a birthday party Wednesday after-- noon in honor of her fourth anniver-- Basilio Russ of Fourth Street, who is employed ~by the Rouse Dairy Company of Mundelein, met with'a painful -- accident --a few days ago when he stumbled over a wire and severely cut his right hand on the milk bottle which he;carried, _ He was taken to the office of Dr. Pen-- ney, where the wound was cleansed and dressed. It was necessary that seven stitches be taken in order to close the wound. Miss Beatrice Numsen, 'who will | = be united in marriage Saturday with | 3 Frank Baumgartner, of Mundelein,|= was pleasantly surprised Thursday g evening when a group of girl friends | = gathered. at the home of her par--|= ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Numsen, )S and held a miscellaneous shower in |= her honor. . Those who attended |= were girls from the Abbott Labora--|= tories at North Chicago, where Miss g Numsen was formerly employed,} 3 and> several from this city. The = evening was passed in playing bun-lg co for which prizes were given to | = those holding high scores. Delight--|= ful refreshments were served at .the | = elose of the evening. Miss Numsen'g l:&s the recipient, of many lovely = ts. ® oi C# The announcement was received here this week of the graduation of Noel S. Young from Northwestern University School of Dentigstry at the seventieth annual commencement of Northwestern held at -- Evanston Monday, June 18th.. Dr. Young was graduated from the local high school and took his Liberal Arts work at Lake Forest Universty and North-- western previous to entering the Dental School. He'is a member of Phi Phi Epsilon and Delta Sigma Delta Fraternities. Helen Esther Wright was -- pain-- fully injured . Thursday -- evening when a machine in 'which she was riding collided with another car, throwing her against the windshield and cutting her face in two places. The accident occurred on Milwau-- kee avenue just north of Cook when a machine stopped suddenly with-- out giving warning and Lillian Casey who was driving the Wright car close behind the other, was un-- able to stop before the cars crashed. The injured girl went to the office of Dr. J. L. Taylor where her in-- juries were dressed. She suffered a cut over one eye and_ another across her nose, the latterrequiring two stitches to close, Hall Wednesday evening proved a Wwonderful success. About one hun-- dred and thirty persons enjoyed the games of bridge, five hundred and bunco, for which worthwhile prizes were awardsd to the winners. The proceeds wi'l be used for furnish-- ings for the doctor's reception room at the new" Elizabeth Condell Me-- morial hospital. in the new Elizabeth Condell Me-- morial Hospital. In case of twins, a well--known furniture dealer said that he would give fifty dollars. The fifty dollar saving account will re-- main in th* bank and draw interest compound until the child graduates from school. In case of death of the child, the fund will be given to its mother, or if both mother and child do. not live until the account ma-- tures, it will then go to the father The Card and Bunco Party spon-- sored by the local American Legion Auxiliary and held at the : Town Phe Libertyville Trust and Sav-- ings Bank has set aside a fund of one hundred dollars to start a sav-- ings account of fifty dollars each to the first boy and girl who are born or All persons not having obtained and displaying vehicle tax on or be-- fore June 25 will be subject to ar-- rest without further notice. A picture that you will understand and remember--"The Crowd." Why doesn't some enterprising at-- torney write a book of unwritten laws * ' Nothing annoys a chronic kicker like the refusal of things to ~go Nothing has such concentrated, pene-- trating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into colds, confuuo n, aching muscles and sore, sti Thiqmts relief comesp'a't '!,t.::'l' moment you Rub you feel the tingtpmg heat. In m minutes the congested spot is warmed through and through. When you are sufferimg from a cold, rheumatism, backache, stiff neck or sore muscles, R:; get a jar of hRowies RKea repper , made from red peppers, at any drug store. You will have the quickest .. NOTICE TO AUTOMOBILE « OWNERS * RED PEPPER FOR GOLDS IN GHEST his next of kin. J. R. DOLLENMAIER, Chairman, License Committee. mt td SPECIALS | Quality Service Phones 8$24--825--826 Home Owned Store Home--made Pork Sausage, Triggs 25 . & Johnson Style, Per Pound ... € ' Seasoned to the Queen's Taste --* Get a nice Juicy Roast Beef for your Sun-- day Dinner. We carry choice yearling \__ cattle, Government Stamped and . Graded. £9X" Special Orders taken for Decorated or Individual Cakes for Parties or Wed-- * dings. Beautiful design and deli-- cate colors. Our Bakery Line is Complete. TRIGGS & JOHNSON -- l'?ierhn church at the corner aple and Douglas avenues. * ---- Wednesday, June 20th. Five hundred, Bridge and bunco pa.rt}l" by the Legion Auxiliary at the Town Hall at 8 P. M. Proceeds for -- Elizabeth Condell Memorial Danceciy the Harige club at St" "It Hen't fsir. on y arion Club at St.' » j Joseph's hall. . Music by the Inter--! "It isn't fair. Only those young tate S i P enough to chase a straw hat without .' * # l_su;f_enng have© hair enough to go Hospital. Refreshments served. Yellow Gab $ NOW 'S JustACall 306 when you want Taxi service and we€ will do the rest. REALTOR--INSUROR Opposite Electric--Station "A good office to do business with" Libertyville, IIL. PHONES 469 & 269 June 24 to July 1. Dedication week of the new Pres-- The SECURITY BROTHERS --are working for me > Mr. T. B. SECURITY + ~(Tourist Baggage) He will go with you when you travel and guard your baggage. If anything gets darmaged, stcien or lost, he will compersate you, almost before you have time to feet annoyed. Prudent travelers never feel safe a"thout him. f COMING EVENTS Furth--rmore, '"* c'so Jooks out for your thi=.zs at the laun-- dry, taior's or d~sr--2ker's, or anywhere c¢..c acusy ; rom home. The chummiest of all the famous Sccurity Erothers, Here is a real companion of When a man is a little mellow he 1agines that he is ripe for any-- Published in the in-- terest of the people of Libertzvi.lle and vicinity, by the LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO. A couple: of cold fried eggs for break-- fast and the day his shave an« Bunday paper you let the kids have to keep them quiet was in a mess. Mr. and Mrs. Wil-- liam Hubbel started for --the northern week or so angling for the larger ones of the "finny" tribe. was utterly ruined. T HE bills come in about the first; '-- then remittances are made, but LA | then remittances are made, but this'always should be done by check. That gives you a definite record of pay-- ment--no come back to force you to pay those bills twice. You'll like the service that goes with our Checking Accounts. Fii'st National Bank The Four By Six CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 ! _ Libertyville, Illinois Yes sir, they are go-- Sunnyside -- Avenue. Mr. _ Meyer will build a brick ve-- neer home. If you think of Lib-- A re lumeodn;oflm bodgefi:;.492A. . & A. L. will be held on Fridanllm"-" on the Master Mason Degtres By order of the Master. 23 human nature. She was only a poor T. F. SWAN, PAGE FIVE