CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 30 Jun 1928, p. 7

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«of government be goncentrated in the ~ing caste as now. _Ahe Hamiltonians me made profitable to the pow-- and we have it. They wanted. h administration, to make a ockery of democracy--and we have M en s ienss & resting on mpfied backs of peasants in WWese, to the cooperation of inde-- pel and progressives in the struggle for the preservation of popu-- Jlar government, and the purging of the nation of that corruption which 'has made America a by--word and a 'hissing. in the very alleys of the a'ld... '¢.-- "We are mobolizbd to lead the peo-- ple back to the old paths of consti-- 'tutional Hberty, and to the good way. We are going back--back to the old Jardmarts of iiberty and equzlity when ordinary men bad rights that @VgHA power respected; when justice, "We sucmit that a party that stands for that democracy which is insepar-- | _ from the liberties of men, and . given a Jefferson, a Jackson and & Wilson to the service of mankind, bas earned the right in times like by stupidity. "Now we propose to end dollar di-- plomacy in Latin--America in the n-- terest of justice; but we propose it, too, in the interest of American busi-- praged every citizen, and every Class; = before the Pittsburg Bratiano decided to make Roumanian peasants of American farmers to fill the coffers of a purse--proud castle. . . "Never in a century 'has there " such a Cal io ue im --hattin "Now they hope to drug the con-- science of the nation with the doped soothing syrup of a fake prosperity. . . . Four million jobless men is not prosperity: a million abandoned farms is not prosperity; the failure of 4,000 hflahtbm.mdmh' uum,mummn' record is foreshadowed by the first four months, there will be 28.000 com-- mercial failures in 1928." | z :"""e}l'?ge. was the ntchw::'-d uc:f ' . when the preamble e Declaration and the Bill of Rights had meaning: whehk the nation em-- g':u'coessml privilege and pillage; it s off the Lincolnian mask. It could hardly keep the Lincolin mask on its face and Sinclair's money in its chest. -- At: Kansas City, where they dramatized the issue, it was not Lincoln, but Hamilton, who rode at the bhead of the procession." Bowers praised Woodrow Wilson as a majestic figure, denounced the Harding--Coolidge regime as "priv-- Praises Wiison as Majestic "For 40 years the party in power has conjured with the name of Lin-- coln while following the leadership of Hamilton: now. after eight years smirched and bedraggled by the most brazen and shameless carnival Oof corruption that ever ~blackened the reputation of a decent and self-- Devoting most of his speech to the attack on the party in power, Bowers summoned the Democtatic hosts to fight united. He pleaded also for the support of "indepen-- dents and progressives" in his par-- ty's battle for "popular government." "We march against that centrali-- zation which threatens the liberties tle for the honor of the nation, be-- mant,"Take prosperity, ©" reythical prosperity, m ment, and mythical men, and a foreign policy "which has made us by Clauge G. Bowers in the keynote (,::odl of the Democratic National vention. % .;bo mxl?a:tt editor frox;'x Indi;:s New York in a speech stud with bitter phrases, charged the Re-- w&n nm';nd administration with responsibility for oil scandals, CONVENTION HALL, HOUS-- ON, June, 27.--A call to arms for war of extermination against the ublican -- #*plunderbund," the ns for Ho cavalry of privilege ter" mea sounded leat might PARTY TEST # Oofsanized wealth in f the government--and M wanted the sover-- of -- states _denied--and of our never e the people organized | we; Pittsburg Bnthnolm Kavinia For make Roumanian! H--E. Maima rican farmers to fill|l WD. _Lot 56, Aurse--proud castle. . . Park, Waucont century 'has there H. E. Maima 11 to us to battle! WD. Lot 111 A our fathers as there! Maimans Lake ver has the control, H.E Maimg HECh --so onmaletste l Lee et at. WITY wanted hand 148 have 50 out of court and unpopular the control _ completely s of a rul-- " dreams of over the Egypt--and pt--and| P H Bartlett to M O'Connell, a. govern--|Lot 6. blk 20, Bartlett's N S Hlands e _ pow--!Warren. wanted.! °P H Bartiett to H M Rodin. d. Lo: bureau .ms of terally . slept. J M Krueger and wf to J A Sev1 S-- l and wf, wd. Lot 12, McDaniels' suon, on |sec 26, Deerfield. s in J M Krueger and wf to J A Sey) 2. blk 62. Bartleit's Third Addn to North Woods. Warren. Lee et Shore (Stone Continental Natl Bank and Tr Co. to L. Eckstein, WD. Lot 1. 2nd addn to Ravinia Forest. H. E. Maiman and wf to J. R. Lee, WD. Lot 56, Maimans Lake Shore ginton and wf, WD. Lot 16, Long Beach Gardens, Grant. Union Bank of Chicago to H. P. Smyth, D. Lot 4, blk 14, Lake Forest Heights, Deerfleld. Zirlin et al, WD. Lot 1, Meyers and Worthington's Midway Gardens subn Benton. * A. A. Murray and wf, et al, to F. Hotz, WD. Lots 25 and 26, Middle-- sex, now Half Day. F A. A. Murray and wf to F. Hotz, C. T. and T. Co. to J. B. Lawler, D. Lot 3, Resubn Ravine Manor subn, €43, 13. 5 Half Day. ~"~% H. L. Butler to L. Beman and wt, WD. Lot 11 pt lot 10, Oakwood Ter-- race subn. _ E. A. Hirschfeld and wf to L. A. rimm. WD. Lot 32, Hillside subn, VM' #. 2 SPRINGFIELD. IV., June 26-- (UP)--Fifteen poultry, pigeon and pet stock specialists have been en-- gaged to place awards in the poul-- try department of the Illinois State "They are led by money--mad cy-- nics and scoffers--and we go forth to battle for the cause of man. _ "In the of such a' foe 'bewhodtmeszldastardandhe who doubts is damned.' In this con-- vention we close debate and grasp the "The time has come The battle hour has struck. Then to your tents, O, Israel!" eight years SELECT MEN TO JUDGE POULTRY renueruon.oftheMndplesoflree- "'Welhallwinbemmeourcause is just. _"The predatory forces before us seek a triutmph for the sake of the sacking. -- Their shock troops are the Black Horse cavalry whose hoof-- beats have made hideous music on Pennsylvania avenue during the last _ine -- very precinect cor men and the district capta come minute men of liberty not organize and fight unitedly for victory--and we shall th organize and fight. e "From the Grave at the Her-- mitage (Jackson's home) comes the lolemn'wunmgthatnopartyever won or deserved to win that ; did wiii success.. It were infamy to permit the enemy to divide us, or &Nfim on the eve of such a bat-- "Issues are involved that go to the determination of the future of our institutions and our children other peoples fields--and we almost Real Estate Transfers Lake County Title t al, WD e Park, V T and T 7, blk 4, e & Co.) Marks an Lots 27 and 28, Middlesex, now Wauconda Pawley to G. Budruweit and ,_ "Our Cause is Just" Trust Company Lakeside cause of humanity it-- and wf : . Lot 48, awards Washing Burnetts bate Court of Lake C term thereof to be ho Court House in Wauke County, on the first September --next, 1928 where all persons har against said estate are requested to present t said Court for adjudica F. H. Bartlett to J. and wf, D. Lot 4, blk N S Park, Wkgn. Lake Co Natl Bk of Libtyville to C. Mallon, WD. Lot 229, First Addn. to Williams Park Subn;. Wauconda. CARRIE TRIGGS, Waukegan, Ill., June 2{ PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Subscriber executrix of the Last Will and Testament of George Triggs deceased will at&nd the Pro-- F H Bartlett to L Luzzatto, d. Lot 3, --blk 23, Bartlett's Third addn to North Woods. | Diamond Lake Cemetery assn to F Gosswiller, d. Lot 11, S hf Diamond Lake cemetery. | L E Johnson and wf to E C Star-- burk, wd. Lot 27, Belmont addn to wi, D. Lot 7, blk 105, Bartlett's N S A F Beaubien and wf to £ C Star-- buck, wd. Lot 29, blk 5, Wken Gar-- dens subn. | CJEldmdgeande@PABowes, ged. . Lots 11 and 12, blk 19, Lake ie o O ~ ied . ies Coeemeaieg -- Ss1 seaste ary PV EaPe Park Lakeside cemetery, -- H H Grimm and wf t> A Kopecky and wf, wd. Lot 8, blk 1. Grand Bluff subn, Antioch. | ® cially prepared for To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of W Proven directions on each package. . Physicians everywhere recommend it. A S Najarian to S"Kalunian, ged Lots 3 and 6, blk 2, Sheridan Heights subn, Wkgn. B J Hooper and wf to T E Pauley wd. Lots 33 and 34. blk 2, Fowler's subn, Antioch. D R Manzer to F--C Matthies 'and wf, wd. Lot 15, blk 1, Deep Lake Villa subn, Antioch. | W S Kennedy and wf to J House-- man and wf, wd. NW gr sec 28. A Hudek and wfi to S Ciupinski. wd. Lot 10, blk 1, Hudek's Fox Rive» subn, Cuba. . E R Orvis and wf to J Mauer, wa SW gr sec 7, Avon. Union Bk of Chgo to J N Barthol-- dy and wf, d. Lot 7. blk 19, Wood-- crest subn, Antioch. R Vidcek and wf to H Anderson, wd. Lots 272 and 273, Vacek Bros Diamond Lake subn, Libtyville. A B Seyfarth and husb to J M Michelson and wf. wd. Lot 11, bli& 13, Bartlett's N 8 Highlands _--C T & T Co to A Rutledge and wf, d. Lot 13, blk 2, Branigar Bros Sunset Tetrace subn, Deerfleld. R C Canterbury and, wf to D K Chadborne and wf, wd. Lot 7. Kim-- ball's subn, Deerfield. Zy, ULry for -- o a< ' '& ,/{'/" 48 9 g 'i Q'S' y----- 24 CeesneAad 7 \ ol f 7 : / C P '&g)\ MOTHER:-- Fletcker's % Castoria is a pleasant, harm-- less Substitute for Castor Oil, c =1 ; Paregoric, ~Teething Drops Bluff. ' C C T Roos and wf to M Irwin Kin-- ney,'wd. Lot 19, blk 1, lot 20. bik i. I Hedberg to C C McJunkin, wd. Lots 1 to 20 inc, blk 1, pts blks 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, McJunkin & Sayres Ken-- loch Park subn. J W Irion and wf to First Natl Bk of Libertyville, d. Lots 9 and 10. Tweed & Wilmington subrt, Grant. F B Moore to E F Shaw, d. Lot 5, blk 40, North Addn to Lake Bluff. F B Moore et al to E F Shaw, ged. subn, Grant. E H Luby and wf to G F McKier-- nan, wd. Lot 4, blk 1; Duck Lake Woods, Grant: s J E Peterson and wf to W McCann and wf, wd. Lot 38, Atwater Park Modern Cemetery & Mausoleum Co to C & A Lepke, wa. LG% 412, sec E, North Shore Cemetery. .. * F Wagner and wf to M I Dalzcl, wd. -- Lot :20, blk 5, S Wken. F H Bartlett to F H Watkins and wi, d. Lot 7, blk 39, Bartlett's Sher-- idan Lake View Ppties. * F H Bartlett to P J Lynch, d. Lot 9, bik 33, -- Bartlett's Northwoods, and wf, wd. Lot 12, MeDaniels' subn, ADJUDICATION NOTICE ildren t O cmnc __. THs 1LAKE GouNTY REBGIGTER, sATURDAY, JUNE 30, i928. runty, at & den at the ring -- claims notified and e same to ion. xecutrix , ©1928. Monday of J. -- O'Malley 28, Bartiett's ~----_~ NS 'Castoria is a pleasant, harm-- E less Substitute for Castor Oil, s Paregoric, ~Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, espe-- Infants in arms and Children all ages. 51--53--55. A New Line Of Men's Furnishings _ Six girls and boys and their teac-- hers of the Junior Endeavor of the Federated church went to Sunday school convention at Danville, IILl., Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Dickson and Miss: Neva Toynton, :iOOk the delegates to thisg conven-- on. $ Mrs. Jack Ringer, of Akron, Ohio and Mrs. Henry Schaffer, of Mc-- A number from here attended a birthday party at Lake Zurich a few evenings ago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Loomis, in honor of the birthday . anniversary of 'the former. Euchre was the pastime of the evening. Prizes were awarded for high and low scores. Mr. Loom-- is was presented with a gift in hon-- or of the occasion. After refresh-- ments were served all departed for their homes wilhindi him many hap-- py returns of the day. --~ * (Continued from Page 6) filled with euchre ®players. Prizes were awarded those holding highest and lowest scores. _A delicious luncheon was served and. Mrs. Mor-- fitt was presented with a gift in re-- membrance of those present. _ -- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welfling, of Wheeling called on relatives here on Saturday evening. Mrs. Henry Berghorn and daugh-- ter Anna, of Lake Zurich, spent Tuesday afternoon with© Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herschberger Sr. Miss Nathalie Haller, of Arling-- ton Heights, spent Sunday with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Haller. Mr. and Mrs. William Sauer and son Victor of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Victor Sauer and daughters, .: s Mr. and Mrs. Rudoiph . Lauentz and daughters of Walnut, Iowa, are visiting with relatives and friends here for several weeks. Mr. Ralph LaMarche spent --the week end with relatives at Seymour, Wisconsin. * and daughters were Chicago visitors last Thursday. _ _ one story brick House and garage at 1419 Western avenue, $5,000. io3 A. J. Jowell, 1017 North avenue, two store building at 1509--11 Washington street, $9,000. . Roy T. Baldwin, Box 153, two story frame house and garage at 908 Glen-- wood avenue, $5,000. a Roy T. Baldwin, Box 153, one story brick house and garage at 901 Muir-- field avenue, $5,000. Willianm Griffin, 1002 Yeoman place, kungalow, $4,000. : ; E. G. Russell, 921 Muirfield avenue two story brick house at 1520 Garden The bulk . of the . twenty--eight permits issued covered additions, al-- terations and repairs, since only seven new buildings were recorded. The new building total, however, amount-- ed to "$37,000. . 4 Following is a list of che 'permits issued, exclusive of those covering ad-- ditions, alterations and repairs: Nels Langlie, 308 Oak street, 2-- story duplex house and garage at 926 Massena avenue, $8,000. j For the Man or Boy Who wants the. Best --Prices Reasonable _ Fine Tailoring, Cleai;- ing and Pressing . The Waukegan building depart-- ment Wednesday _ reported $48,-- 140.00 in construction work taken out in permits for the week BUILDING WORK TOTALS $48,140 Mrs. Charles Herschberger Jr., JOHN CICHY PHONE 551 Kaiser Block Libertyville, Illinois LONG GROVE WAUCONDA r Mrs. M. W. Baseley was taken suddenly ill Sunday night of intesti-- nal flu and was confined to her bed the first of the week. She is able 200 miles in five States presenting| Rockford recently celebrated the their annual show. : | dedication of its new airport and the In past years the troupe of home--| christening of the "Rockford _ to less boys have traveled in almo_st! Stockholm' monoplane in which Bert every section of the country. This| Hassell will fly over the ocean in year they will travel through Iowa,' the very near future. Omaha, Nebr.--More than 20 boys from . Father Flanagan's Boys' Home, making up one of the largest juvenile troupes in the country, will take to the road July 1 to travel 2,-- BOYS TROUPE IS ; TOURING STATES Mrs. E. J. Cook was taken to the Sherman Hospital at Elgin Monday where she will remain for the week for treatment. fer's son to Chicago Wednesday 'whore they underwent an operation for the removal of their tonsils. The two ladies are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George Broughton of this vil-- lage. Miss Lois Broughton and their mother, . Mrs. George Broughton ac-- companied them. G. D.. Stroker, who was seriously ill at a hospital in Chicago since Memorial Day, is rnow at his home herzi He is much fimproved in heal-- th although is unable to resume the entire care of the bank at the pres-- ent time. . : f Henry, took their two children, Mrs. Ringer's daughter.and Mrs. Schaef-- We handle the very Best Grades POCAHONTAS _ WEST VIRGINIA SPLINT : ; CHICAGO SOLVAY COKE THE FAMOUS BLUE RIBBON ANTHRACITE + 66 John G. Borst J. E. LEONARDS, Mgr. Reliable Laundry & Dry --~--_ Cleaning Co. 3 HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. 1928--Chrysler 52: Coupe .............._..._.._$ 625.00 1928--Pontiac Landaun Sedan .....__._.__$ 650.00 1927--Chrysler 70 Brougham .........__$ 950.00 1928--Chrysler 62 Sedan ......_..__......._$1150.00 Mundelein, III. 1926--Ford Sedan ...._......._..._.__. 1926--Essex Coach ........_~......_._.__... 1926--Chevrolet Coach _______.. 1924--Buick Sedan ... 1920--Ford Roadster .. Call Mike Behm Libertyville 290 l _ forfsatisfactory f ' Laundry and--Dry Cleaning Service % Countryside Motors l " Chrysler Dealers. Quality Coal for the Home up now. Phones Libertyville 679--M--1 and 794 LET US FILL YOUR BIN--NOW WITH OUR QUALITY Torc COUDE ....................».:=:=mmymmmmmincs UTSED CAR BULLETIN CO A L _ The LAUNDRY does it best! Established in 1899 Our Motto Chrysler During the ten and one--half years that the Home has been in existence nearly 3,000 boys have been cared an instrument. . This year marks the eighth time that Father Flanagan's Boys' Home has sent a troupe on the.road. Last year the boys visited President Cool-- ide who was vacationing in the Black Hills of South Dakota. At the present time-- there are more than 200 homeless boys cared for fed and clothed at the Home, which is open to homeless boys of all races, colors and creeds. At Boys' Town, eleven miles west of Omaha on the Lincoln highway, where the homeless boys make their home on a 160--acre farm, music plays a great part in their every day life. Of the more than 200 homeless lads in the Home, at least Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Nebraska. > One of the Show's features is the famous band that played over Radio Station WOW. -- Critics throughout the middlewest have called Father Flanagan's Home Show "the great-- est boys' show on earth." Omaha's best talent is used to develop the homeless lads into real singers, com-- medians, artists and actors. * mvanih sn in K L ~--. have been taught to play --.....9 2065.00 ........$ 245.00 --.......$ 265.00 ...\ 2865,00 Phone 103. #» FOR RENT--Large bedroom at FOR:~ RENT--Nicely furnished -- rooms for light housekeeping. Garage if wanted. Phone Lib-- ertyville 425--R. @ 46--tf. FOR RENT--1 ?ar garage at 135 School Street. : 49--3t. FOR RENT--Fo trally locate FOR RENT--Furnished _ sleeping rooms or partly furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire 117 FOR RENT--Five room apartment and garage. Heat furnished. New-- ly decorated, very madern. Apply at 131 So. Stewart Avenue.82 2 FOR SALE OR! RENT--Modern 7 room house. fTelephone Liberty-- wille 199--R or 'pall at 204 E. Sun-- nyside Avenue, FOR RENT--2 or 3 rooms suitable | FOR SALE--Edison Phon ph, 15 records. $20.00. Phoneo&r- FOR SALE--Typewriter with stan-- ggsd keyboard. Phone Libertgfltlg FOR SALE OR RENT--9 room house at Diamond Lake. Gas, el-- ectricity, sewer and water. Sacri-- fice., Phone Libertyville 89. FOR SALE--Seed corn, $4 per bu. Germination 95% or better. Tele. 659--R--1. Lew'.s A. Mills, Munde-- lein. 3"--tL. FOR SALE--Thoroughbred Scotch collie puppies, 8 weeks old. Ber-- geron Stock Farm on Lake Street, * EDWIN AUSTIN . 405 So. Milwaukee Ave:; Phone Libertyville 167--W. Notary Public Insurance FOR SALE--Farms, houses and lots. Houses for rent. Rent col-- M TL 22727 4 TE C PCUPOOITL dL k i First Street, Libertyville. Phone 4-21'Jo 44'"- FOR SALE--New modern bunga-- low. 4 rooms, bath ani breakfast nook. Very reasonable. Also 1 lot on Cleveland . Ave., Libertg;villa. Bargain. W. A. Ray, 'Mundelein, Ills. Phone 452--R. 26--tf. FOR SALE--Guernsey bull. ! Holland, Lake Zurich. Phone FOR SALE OR 0R RENT--Furnished . sleeping and lighl&'hounekeeping rooms. Corner of"Fourth St. and Broad-- way. 4T +f. FOR SALE;--B;%yl m and l:l?mller. Reasonable. elephone berty-- ville 538--J. 49--+f. FOR SALE--Hawiian Guitar and printed lesson --instructions. $10. 519 N. Mil. Avenue, Libertyville. Sch FOR SALE--1 ten--ton Columbia Scale. John ~G: Borst, Rondout, Ills. Phone Libertyville 679--M--1. {late 25) .:..............._. 495:00 Hudsen 23 coach ........._._. 125.00 Dodge 1927 lednn--stu@ud TE . .. cnercrecnnninrmnanniecce «x . / DODN AH have been reconditioned and are ready to make that vacation trip. Come early and get your pick. MAIN GARAGE C. BERNARD, BEFORE BUYING Phone 456 -- 345 N. Milwaukee Ave. Libertyville, IIl. « for -- light ixoubevke_ei)}iig. ~ Phone Mundelein 549--M 51--2t. Essex 1927 Coach ............... $495.00 Reo late 1925 sedan ... 550.00 Hudson early 1926 Coach.... 525.00 Jewett Sedan ..................... 325.00 Maxwell two--door sedan........ 175.00 Hudson 7--passenger sedan trville Offers these houses FOR SALE 7 Room house; Third St.; sun porch; 6 ;lob:: house: McKinley A just C ; Mc y Ave. m;um completion. See Ca.lifornia 8 Room bpuag; Elm Court; big lot; ; unusual location. 6 m'home; Ames St.; New; 2 biks. North Shore Line; 2 car 6 ?g;:o::'hou'he; {(cKiznley east of art; large lot; 2 car 6 Room eomEon brick bouse'm eoflr::ructio See plans at my 0 C 10 Room house; Brainard and Lake: ideal for boarding. | Also large homesites at Real ' BARGAIN Prices. FJAY CAIRNS 1 Realtor | Park & Milwaukee Aves. : modern home, 2 car garage, 1 block from Electric Station. G. C. GRIDLEY, Phone 45. Libertyville. FOR SALE--Real Estate HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN 205 W. Maple Avenue. mi. West of Libertyville. Phone | BARGAINS IN USED CARS If you want to buy an or if have to sell, rent or exchange, or if yon,fih'fldvm P, mhm it m"w Chese columns. You will get results. There is no way u can reach as many people in Lake Gounty inloshortatimean':at-ombhaedum-lm f make your wants known here. A trial will convince vou. % Minimum charge, 25¢ 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. -- Classified Ads FOR RENT Telephone 147--M. FOR SALE JAY CAIRNS b1--1t-- §l1--It« 102--J *41--tf. 50--2t--pd. bl1--1t. 47--tf.| Headed by former Governor Frank ... 0. Lowden, Oregon, a notable list of yvfll.m | the state's citizens have been asked $5.1f to serve as an "Illinois Committee" _§forthemeetin¢thhmonthhvth- raph,| na of the American Country Life jiber-- | Association. 99m REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE * nal * --REALTOR-- . JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 1 Office at Stewart and Lincoln. | __Nothing has such concentrated, pene-- | trating heat as red peppers, fi when ]beat penetrates right down into pain | and congestion relief comes at once. | Just as soon asyouapplyledlt | per Rub you' feel the tingling heat. ' three minutes the sore ?ot is warmed | through and through and the torture is | gone, * Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, costs little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. B& sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles on every package Rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis, back-- ache, stiff neck, sore muscles, strains, sprains, aching joints When you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just try Red Pepper Rub. e Commander, C. G. Hosakins -- $456--) Meets First Tuesday -- Gridiey Hall _ DR. J. L TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Oakwood Terrace 912 N. County St. Phone 1798 Scientific Examination of the Eyes * GLASSES FITTED DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON B. H. MILLER ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building Telephone 57 LIBERTYVYIL Libertyville Post No. 829 AMERICAN LEGION STRONG YOUNG MAN wants job or will sell on 5 percent commission. We never close NATIONAL MOTOR MARKET -- 622 Crand Avenue LOST--Lady's open-- AUTOMOBILES WANTED Wanted 25 automobiles at once! Harry Madill Bartlett W?NTEDr--To buy a 5 ufio*= arm with 'g.:ood buildings %ood black soil, on concrete road. . Hedlier, Gurnee, Ilis. Phone Gurnee 10--L--4 61--1%. oAYS RED PEPPER HEAT STOPS PAMN ders taken at or call or write C. J. Diehl, Wood-- stock, Illinois. Phone Woodstock on farm. Good mill ienced in all farm Libertyville 460--W. watch. Return to Dennis Limber-- ry and receive reward. 61--1t. LYELL H. MORRIS . LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. IN FEW MINUTES FRED GRABBE Waukegan, illinois Rn{i Furniture Store a A T Priskt B c a bl1--1t. «3

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