' Sudden Service C. M. Wileox and granddaughter, Lenore Wileox, 'iefig early Tues-- -- morning for o, North Da-- They will remain for a two weeks' visit with the former's son, Howard: Phone 529--J 117 Johnson Ave. __,.__--. Old Sereens Rewired 75¢ and up &Mgm'"ufifi'lma the ho me of Mr. and Nrg Earrlhne at Dia-- mond Lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Seott and son, Charles, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Witkersham at Evanston. + Mrs. Ernest Brown, Jr. and son, Paul, are confined to their home by a severe attack of la grippe. Materials and Workman-- ship Guaranteed CRarence Woolridge of lowa City, Towa is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Linders. Libertyville R. L. Richards of Des Plaines led on friends here Monday even-- Candy Special! SCREENS Full pound of stuff-- edconfectionsassort-- ed fruit flavors. The finest of hot weather sweets. Packed in glass jar. 59¢ F. B. Lovell Co. Harold Wilcox css < '..-t-l,oq»-»a:o.-.'-;-t<..--¢...'. ) 23 20 <m a5 25 on oo en on ut Sen in fect e Nesl Fed feMe se M 'ocietg and LOCAL NEWS Cabinet Work and family. TheLwfli two or three wee Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaiser de-- parted Monda{umorning on an auto trip to Memphis, Tennessee, where tbe}v will visit with their son, Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meyer of Wauconda were guests Monda at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Agnrt Maether. Del Mar Bock is enjoying a va-- cation from his duties at the Audi-- torium Theatre. He left Sunday morning by auto for Kentucky and Virginia. a_ Mrs. John Osborne of Elyria, Ohio and Mrs. Wilhelmina Bell of Highland Park are guests at the Hermance Wheeler home. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Walton of Waukegan visited Sundfi with her mother, Mrs. Fred Jochheim, Sr., 547 North Milwaukee Avenue. | Mr. and Mrs. Lester Linders en-- tertained the former's sister, Miss Esther Linders of St. Louis, Kis-i souri, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haas of Chi-- -- Mrs. L. B. Majors visite :agch visifeqi Monday with Liber--,with relatives in Maywood ti & | yville 'relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ayers _ Mrs. John Osborne of Elyria,|and Mrs. Fred Jochheim.JJ Ohio and Mrs. Wilhelmina Bell of|ed to Dubuque, Iowa Sun Tilinois -- gone for ;:g The rides and show: x lican Legion summer | is to be held all this ff'f land Manor, arrived | after being delayed in ~, storm. -- The various : x |vices were being ere : | and it is expected tha x | will be in full swing #| The Town Hall wi 2: | greatly improved apr «. | the decorating which is | way. A coating of c x) is being applied over t --] bricks which have bec x | beaten with age and w #]|the building will look ~ | work is being done by . | C. Topel. % Mr. and Mrs. Georg 3| daughter, June, return. i: |ternoon from, a three 5, trip through the Ea E covering a total of th = | miles. fi'he Folletts r |fine trip in spite of #.|it rained nine days out ; | ty--one. e x| _ Miss Mildred G. : #]|daughter of Mr. and i| J. Umbdenstock, and J x | both. of Gilmer, were u i riage. Thursday Inna Miss Mildred G. Umbdenstock. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwud! J. Umbdenstock, and John W. Thies both. of Gilmer, were united in mar-- riage, Thursday, June 28 at Gilmer. Both Mr. and Mrs. Thies were rrad-- School Street, both Mr. and Mrs, Thies were g uated from the local high achoo'ud'i and enjoy the friendship of many i'n_thgs' vicinity. Mrs. Thies is a sis-- Mr. and Mrs. George Follett and daughter, June, returned Friday af-- ternoon frorg, a three weeks' motor trip through the Eastern states, covering a total of three thousand miles. 'The Folletts report a very {me .tn}) in spite of the fact that greatly improved appearance after the decorating which is now under way. A coating of colored cement is being applied over the face of the bricks which have become weather-- beaten with age and when completed the building will look like new. The work is being done by contractor E. C. Topel. t | _ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wheeler and daughters, Nina and llo, Miss Ida Wheeler and _ Hermance Wheeler, 317 South Milwaukee Avenue, at-- tended the wedding at Chicago Sat-- urday evening of Rose For , 'Chi-- cago, and John Bell, Hig_hlan Park. Mr. Bell is a nephew of Mrs. A. E. Wheeler. L e bnrelpbans Predarini=® Shonls ielad in ond 1 a party at Wisconsin Sunday, which was gx{ren in honor of the gi}thday aAnniversary of Charles Reickhoff. BC sitnenfont Aetart 0sc dBls... 4. . 0.A c3 B c u1 10 children, Mrs. Carrie Matt s, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Metcalf and ugh-- ter, Jeannette, and Mr. an Mrs. William Knesley and son attended The local Legion Auxilia has opened a stand at the American Legion Carnival which is bei & held this week in Copeland Manot. Can-- dy, cracker--jack, hot dogs, | coffee and ice cream may be purchased there, | J. --M. ' McKitrick 'and Edward Sawusch returned -- Friday night from a week's fishing trip Eagle River, Wisconsin. Mac says that the fishing was fine and Ed is all swelled up over the 23 poundfmuskie. that he pulled out. | According to reports given today (Tuesday), William Brugrlan local cement contractor, who has been seriously ill at his home du ng the past few weeks, is much ilaproved and was able to sit up Mon ay for the first time since his confinement. Mrs. Orville Smith, 235 Lake St., attended a meeting Monday at the home of Mrs. Ormpha Ha ing at Mundelein. Plans were discussed for the annual Ivanhoe Hom oming, which is to be held at Gages Lake in the near future. | EHsworth Wilcox and son Robert and Frank Alkofer retu Satur-- day from an extended moto trip in the southwest. While in Texas they crossed over and made a short visit in Mexicoe | They will make their home with the latter's parents, Mr. and M John Numsen. Mr._and Mrs. W. I. Collins and Miss Dorothy Doane motored to Sycamore, Sunday where they at-- te{tgitd the annual home coming Miss Doris Sweet of yslake will spend the Fourth of uly at the home of Mrs. Doris inders, East Church Street. Miss Sweet was a former student of the lofial high school. Mr. _ and Mrs. Frank Baumgart, ner, Jr., returned Saturday from their wedding trip to Niagnz Falls. Mr. The Young People's Clas;j of the Washburn Church will give a play, "Bashful Mr. Bobbs," at Town Hall, Half Day on Thurs ag and Friday evenings, July 12th 13th. Mr. a?xd_ Mrs, Clark Robinson of Woodstock visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Disney and child-- ren of East Church Street. Mr. Rob-- inson js a brother of Mrs. Disnev. P eolilie sih iess -- >rverass ind C C200 004 ANEE® and Mrs. August Wehrre';fl);rz, 114 West Maple .fienue. | f Mrs. W. E. Hardin, who| under-- went a minor operation at the Eli-- zabeth Condell -- Memorial ospital last week, was returned to her home Sunday afternoon. : Miss Dorothy Peters® of bhicagn visited several days last k_at the home of her grandparents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs.°FH. 0. Wil{ n and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Wilsof were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester olf at Deerfield. | sister, Miss Vivian West Park Avenue. ¥. J. Jenkins of Chicag'oLvisited here Monday evening with, his Mrs. William Decker, 223 West Cook Avenue, was a guest Friday at the home of Mrs. Louis hendee, Mundelein. T M ' 7 Miss Vivian Jenkins of New Rich-- mond, Wisconsin is mah'nf an ex-- tended stay at the home of her sis-- ter, Mrs. A. Peterson, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hg&er and children of West Lake St 'et were guests of friends at Lake| Forest, Mrs, Geol?e Huffman anl? daugh-- ter spent Menday at the home of Mrs. John Morrison at Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson of Des Plaines visited Monday with the former's sister, Mrs. Leonard Disney, and family. e Mr.--and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ayers and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jochheim, J'L; motor-- ed to Dubuque, Iowa Sunday. Thomas Rudd of Gurnee was a Libertyville business caller Tuesday Miss Mildred Rai is visiting this week with. Miss Lucille Flagg at Lancaster, Wisconsin. 3 Mr. and Mrs. William Keen are enjoying their vacation at Superior, Wisconsin. | unday. J. Jenkins of Chicago visited a feature event at that ----C. J. Cariton and Vivian 'jenkiflg,v 127 of the twen-- Sunday -- Illinots. _THE LAKE COUNTY RFGISTER, WFEDA Also, Our Gang Comedy, '*EDISON, MARCONI & Co.' i Screen Snapshots. : What is modesty, anyway *, Thir-- ty years ago she was called a bra-- zen hussy because she didn't care who saw her elbows. a¢ _ --Open--air schools for anemic and tubercular children and a camp for undernourished children are main-- tained by the board of public edu-- cation of Philadelphia. In a recent report by the division of w and health education of the it is recommended that -- provision be made to establish. camps for dl' pupils in public schools in order that children who are normal' may keepJ their health. . "The Chaser" special tenor singer from Chicago singing -- popular songs. FOR SALE--50 acres standing Tim-- othy ~hay. Phone 671--W--2 J. G: Cook, Libertyville. 52--4t--pd. WANTED--Woman by the day for cleaning and laundry. > Phone Mundelein 506. b2--2t. Saturday, July 7. is bringing the grass along in fine style and indications are that play-- ing on the course will start soon. One copy of Photoplay M.f; azine, will be given free every adult attending the 'tainea Saturday evening at the home of Mrs, LeMott E. Ray, 330 North avenue. The evening was en-- joyably passed in playing--bunco for which prizes were received by Mrs. CGeorge H. Smith, Mrs. Freda Mord-- horst, and: Mrs. Mary Brown, first, second and consolation respectively.. The meeting of the Libertyville Country Club which was to have been held last week was postponed because of rain and will be held on Thursday evening, ~July 5. The meeting will open at the golf. grounds at 6:30 daylight saving time and a buffet supper will be served by Harry Eglof. The rain -- SPECIAL FRIDAY NITE. A w (lace "Across to Singapore" Forty--four persons including mem-- bers of Group Three of the Presby-- terian Aid Society and those of the Jolly Bunch, were pleasantly enter-- Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Wilson ° and Wilson Olendorf were visitors at the Chester Wolf home in Deerfieid Friday evening. Thursday--Friday July 5--6th. l Sunday, July ; 15th. > Opening of the hall and picnic by the members of St. Mary's par-- ish, Fremont Center on the church grour:ids. Dinner and supper will be served. . Mrs. Mary Brown and Miss Flora Staples visited in Zion, Sunday> Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cooper, of West Park avenue, motored to Mil-- waukee, Sunday. Saturday, June 30th. Doughnut sale R_y group three of the Presbyterian Aid Society at the Tngfs and 'Johnson Store at 1 P. M. daylight saving time. The love Drama of Napoloen and Josephine. AGNES AYRES . in a natural color production July 12th and 13th. "Bashful Mr. Bobbs," a play given by the Young People's class of Washburn church at the Town Hall, Half Day. % . __June 24 to July 1. Dedication week of the new Pres-- ;)Itarian church at the 'corner of aple and Douglas avenues. Adventures of the second A. E. F. In Paris. -- Side splitting spree of two pals in Paree! Als LIBERTYYILLE, ILL, . Wednesday, July 4. -- |AUDITORIUM JOAN CRAWFORD * + and ERNEST TORRENCE romance of the seas. "The Lady of Victories" -- HARRY LANGDON News and song slides. RAMON NOVARRO ""Legionaires In Paris" _ COMING EVENTS AL COOKE =-- and KIT GUARD in RE C -- Th' ine mt ceived by Mrs. ringfiel s. Freda Mord--| g; Spof u,el; y Brown, first, co'mt the in respectively, ds victo e Libertyville! P::g"'"' h was to have co mfli was postponed | Fige of, the fuly -- 5.= The E?_Mty, f?r'-? '(e M ! } Mark, alleging the route was shorter in the old Hennepin road and that a saving of $35,000 would be pos-- sible by the new routing. The three residents filed a protest, seeking to have the road routed through the X!'l]lgge of Mark and past the county coimty' for an injuction was refused by| Judge Briggle. j e Division of Highways located th¢e road south of the village of pringfield, Il1.--Under the deci-- ion of the Sangamon county circuit co the Division of Highawys ds victor in.the controversy in PEtnun county in the contest over location of the state highway mecting Granville and Hennepin. éa of three residents of Putnam ty en =| Ce Charming' bouql':"[,\' "'"r :hc' 2. * g .z. mdoc:smm::e d':;il'd;z:'élll: d:l(sg f 5 c --TRIGGS & JOHNSON :f Joseph Kohout, Inc. "ureater protection to the meat consuming public of Illinois is the object of this inspection . service. This is to be provided through the mnation 'of diseased or injurea is and the rejection of all car-- c found unfit for human food. Packing houses that seek and are subjected to state regulations must maintain strictly _ sanitary condi-- tions. Employees handling meat in such establishments must meet cer-- 'tain health requirments. The result will be more wholesome meat, and 1 elimination of packing --house prpducts sold as food in which there n?;" be filth and disease. 1 --.['There are, in IHlinois, many packing--plants that confine their trade within the state. -- The federal government extends its meat inspec-- J tion only to concerns that do inter--| state business. The small concerns | id ~consumers of their products | have been without this supervision | and protection. The public has | legrned to rely upon the stamp that | meéeans the meat thus branded is tan health re gil be more 1 eliminatio: products sold : y be filth a f .I'The!'e are packing-- plant: trade within t] government ex tion only to c« state business. id ~--consumer have been wit ACOOLING DRINK agricuiture,-- according to an an--| of t nmeme'n.t issued by Stillman J.| sma stanard, director of agriculture. He to t $ the oBbject of this added ser-- tion: vice of the department he directs as | that follows: « cone "'Greater protection to the meat why consuming public of Illinois is the | ricul object of this inspection . service.| able This is to be provided through the that condemnation of diseased or injurea food is and the rejection of all car-- Re c found unfit for human food. depa Packing houses that seek and ale| rules subjected to state regulations must after maintain strictly -- sanitary> condi--| ... _ State meat inspection at p;cking plfnu in Illinois that are not reg-- ulated by the United States govern-- ment is now underway as an added service of the Illinois reportment of agriculture, according to an an-J nouncement issued by Stillman J. AND LOAN AsS'X _ Authorized Capital $100,000 LIBERTYYILLE BUILDING e OME OWNED e \_STORE GHWAY DEPARTMENT UPHELD BY COURTS STATE TO INSPECT MEATS PROMOTE HOME AND BUILDING ESDAY, JULY 4, 19728 Whose Total Resources Exceed $25,000,000.00 was one of our infant indus-- but it never grew up. It suf-- from lack of front page no-- ind never recovered. OUR ONE COMMOX Building & Loan Associations IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS +PURPOSE IS-- -- HELP THE SAVER For a delicious iced For lunch on a hot _ summer day CLUB HOUSE JRANGE PEKOE ARE ONE "OF THE 910 HIS IS a 26 Home Owned Store s REALTOR--INSURWR Opposite Electric Station "A good office to do business with" _ Libertyville, IIL. PHONES 1469 & 269 SNOW 'S -- Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. . Yellow Cah Sanitation rules are embodied in the order. It also includes the re-- quirement that employees handling meat must qualify as free from in-- fections or communicable diseases. Regulations, issued by the state department of _agricufture, outlirne rules for the inspection, before and after killing, of all animals slaugh-- tered in the packing plants that ob-- tain this service. Veterinarians, ac-- credited as qualified for this service by the Illinois department of agri-- culture and by the bureau of animal industry of the United States, will serve as packing house inspectors at the request and expenses of the packers. The meat they pass upon will be branded "I D A Passed," if fit for food. -- Carcasses condemned will be immediately rendered inedi-- ble, converted into other products or destroyed. -- | Mr. W. S. SECURITY !fre::h lflroufl disease or other objec-- ; KNEW WHfA'l" SHE WANTEDb. tio e features, Ellen was four, enterprising, o "It is our policy, in all brmhe,,uervant and well educated, and her | of this department, to provide for'mother had gone to New York. the smaller concerns and for mdivl" And Whtt, Ellen," said George, duals' .the "y.ne bepefits that the h'er father, shall we dO, this beau-- larger industries enjoy. dommers tiful. Stmday afternoon ? M?ther of the meat. that comes from the| has taken the car, so we can't go smaller packing houses are entitled for a ride." to the same protection that our na-- I think," said Ellen, "I would tional government gives the public r_'_*"'------------------ concerns produce. That, briefly, is why the Illinois department of az-- riculture makes this service avail-- able to the plants applying for it L that operate in Illinois, supplyingl 5 food for Illincis consumers. % The SECURITY BROTHERS are working for me ancec* W. S. SECURITY. _ You may say "Now let the winds blow!* 5 You might as well say it, for they will blow any way and if any of your buildings are in their path there may be heavy de-- struction. Hoveverh;ifyoum wise, you already have engaged this useful brother and now you will merely turn to him and say : "Get busy, W. S., and make good my damaege." 'Thereupon, he will act swiftly and well. Your inmeamemmmenttntnut "4 98 | _ _ Register Now for beginning, elementary or advanced v § Commercial Courses Positions secured for graduates. * en men rubber." Harold Gray. Harold: "It s in the Bible that Lot's wife looked und and turned to 6." Bill: "That's noth-- ing. A girl on the Skokie and |sev-- "Bm" Twenty--two yeary experience in Mortguage and Loans without a loss spin, the -- real Fourth of ) July menace is no longer the cannon cracker, the boy with the Ro-- man candle, nor the small dog with . a bunch of fire crack-- ers tied to his tail. Let's make it a safe and : sane Fourth this year by STAY-- ING AT HO With the highways and byways crowded with road hogs and b;rut of the fieopl; 0 e: an vicinity, Z, the JULY INVESTMENTS | l1st Mortgage Loan Notes Secured By Improved Lake County Real Estate Libertyville ° WE OWN AND OFFER FOR IN VESTMENT THE FOLLOWING $500 AND $1000 6 UMMER SCHOOL McDONALD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 1 $ 3,000.00 2 $ 1,509.00 3 $10,000.00 First CAPITAL The Four By Six Mto out for a t National Bank L AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois 811 W. Park Ave. Infagine a bunch of women complaining because the radio stations all talk at once! The smith works like the deuce For now he's selling gasoline Hot dogs and or-- ange juice! « Beneath the spread-- ing chestnut stl;'ee,f _ Perhaps this is where you will find Harry Pester, some bpiets is no in vate irtim nss1 CV BB | lm m u ratified in 1776, but | plenty of good park-- it has not yet been | ing spaces on the enforced. | wrong side of the Sell yourself on the | street. community in which | k you live. I h <+ M mssc 16 The Declaration of Independence _ was June Dchte Interest Denominations ec Lilen a very large menu, cover-- °d|""'i'h de jour and a la carte *I think," said Ellen, "I would like an ice cream cone," thus breaking the Copley--Plaza record. ed Ellen like to go to the Copley--Plaza for tea."_ She had heard Lr-chr u{flnt. _In the hotel, a polite waiter hand-- life is now over two tubes, dio and inner. dress to please oth-- ers; and Ben knew Treat Your $ 500 and $1500 Phone 47 and 48 Y our $500 §