f Sudden Service _-s:.'.".,,:,:"),:.':)-:-:.'-" .aiiCGtid ilded - the Cuth game -slt Rev. Seam Vance of the Wash- hm gum. Half Day, was a Lib- atyvxlle hostess can" Monday. Mr. dr? In. A. "Jed Hulk?" ' m to oit ttst,' 'uuttgtt with Mr. and 'fi-ij-iii')') Gai ari,Grii Raid; 'iii'iiEEiii tii; and will retain have the last of July. Dr. ind Mrs. M. D. Penney left 1tteH, gaming for Yellowstone National Park. where they will meet Ikt,.end Mrs. P, yr.?tttetttrill. They ttCiiiGe 31' In. CamtG7iiieheit at Dinrnttatd Lib. Mr. and In. John Bushings, of Stewart "can, visited Sunday " the lac-e of their son,41arton, and My, at Diamond Lake. Olar Firttlqtth, 9nd Jer Chamber- FACE POWDER Libertyville For the Toilet SPECIAL tir-I Box Face Powder . 1 Powder Sifter Over $6,500.00 ',-i'ss:"' Igittq, and LOCAL EWS "Three Flowers" Te F. B. Lovell Co. USE RICHARD HUDNUT'S ; Famous Beauty Aids. at Mr. and Mrs. R. Larry and child- ren of Melrose Park visited at the home of Mr. and Mia. A. C. Brock- mn Sunday afternoon. " On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Fimbech and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chamlterlairy dauthterr,Jihtelyp, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mather and family visited Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Henry fat,' " Wauconda. Miss Ilene M r re- mained at Wauconda with relatives for a week's visit. J. A. Moore and daughter, Hazel, and Clarence O'Neat entertained Mrs. V. B. Hundley. of Moline, 111., for a few days last week. In. Hun- dley is a sister to Mr. O'Neal. " Wrigley Field, Chicago. l. J. Porteous called on In Ida relatives Friday. , Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Stung and daughter, Arden Rae, of Grayslnke; called on friends and relatives here Sunday morning. It. and. Mrs. Rupert o. Sandal], of First Street entertained a brother g the former from Chicago, Ion- y. . nuberlain. daughter, harm, and cNerytetlL?ttfnt8sf the game COMPACTS PERFUME Illinois Mary's are noted throughout the county for their bountiful feeds and preparations are being made to supply a record banking crowd of hungry diners. ,r ---_e- .v - nun-awn next Sunday as manyy local people plan to take advantage of the big chicken dinner to be served at Fre- mont Center by the members of the parish in impaction with the formal bpening of the his; Giiiiiiiiitii" ttt that place, The ladies of "__.. --_PV vv--v-vvulbcl' UL "1116., 2gy Mrs. Chester Wolf and Mrs. Je e Wilson, of peeri1eli, Mist Lela Whitehead and Miss Evelyn Hub, of Chicago and Mr. ttAtt; Etyo. Wilson and family o this Ct . According to present' indications, very few Libertyville housewives will be. PPrys1led to prepare dinner Mrs. F. B. wie.oCiiiibiaTvGiiii," Sunday_w_ere: Mr. and Mrs. L. Wil- son arid two sons, df iGGG" Cit}. yrs. glive thlesilger, or. Ames, the order of which their names ap- pear alphabetically in the secre- tary's book. If a member is unable to entertain she will find a sub- stitute. The secretary shall notify the Inembers when they are to en- ) Mrs. John T. Landis and daugh- 'ters, Helen and Margaret', ftttr,,tf. Monday for Battlecreek, Mic igan, with the former's daughter, Irene Harrison and her son, Jack, who' have been spending the past few' days here. The Landis family witr remain with the Harrison, for a week's visit. _ , George Eaton, Sn, and Miss Han- nah Meyer motored to Waukesha, Wisconsin, Saturday and returned with Miss Ada Meyer. who has been receiving treatments there for heuri- tis. Miss Meyer's many friends will1 be glad to learn that her condition' is somewhat improved. J Beginning with the September meeting of the Diamond Like Cem- etery Association the members liv, ing within a ten mile radius of Mun- Ielei? Jshali_ent_:e.rt.ain_ the society in Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Jtarand family motored to Lancaster.' Wis- consin Sunday. They were accom- g'anied home by their daughter, iss Mildred Rathho has been vi- siting during the past several days {with Miss Lueille Hagar. , Harvey Chamberlain, the son of Dir. and Mrs. Charles Chamberlain of Mundelein. had his tonsils re- moved at the Elizabeth Condell We morial hospital on Saturday. Dr. F. H. Martin performed the operation. , The Methodist Episcopal Sunday School and Church picnic "will be held Wednesday. July 18th at the Des Plaines Camp Grounds. All per- sons who desire to attend will meet at the church at one o'clock daylight swine time and transportation will be prwidsd. i tje and Evalyn Smith of Wheeling at the Elizabeth Condell Memorial Hospital. He also performed a sim-, ilar operation at his office for' Claire Thomas. Stewart Avenue. _ The Birthday ice cream social, which will be given by' the Christ- ian Endeavor Society at the Pres- byterian Church, West ettl,t Ave- nue, will be held on Tu y, July 17th. It is hoped a large number grill be went. ", Mr. Reg" MELKC. 'it,."':',",',", and sons, y en enne ' m, Billy Plumb and Miss tagytte,'gs, new. all of St. Paul, Minn., were en- tertaihed Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Madseri and family. Dr. M. D. Penney performed ton- 1i1ectorpiyy Mondgyron Mania Hor. Mi'. and Mrs. Edwin Austin are planning to leave Friday of this week on a motor trip to M'iseonsin. They will make an indefinite visit with a niece at Rainbow Lake Bear Waupaca. Wisconsin. Mrs. E. A. Nelson returned Satur- day from the Alice Home in Lake Forest where she has, been undergo- ing treatments for stomach trouble. She is still under a doctot's care at her home on Lincoln avenue. Mrs. L. B. Hanby, of West Maple avenue, is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Minnie Barber and her daugh- ter, Catherine, of Rochester. New York. Mrs. Barber will remain here during the months of July and August. Miss Bernice Suydam, who has been visiting with frien'ds in Mil- wankee. Wisconsin, during the past two weeks, returned to the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Syydam, gal-k Place, Monday' eve- mug. Mr. and Mrs. Ray N. Smith and Mrs. John Whitney have departed on a fishing trip to northern Wisconsin. They will visit for two or three days w.ith friends at Ladysmith, Wiscon- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hardin and son Wesley motored to Clinton, m., Saturday where Mrs. Hardin and Wesley will make an extended visit with relatives. Mr. Hardin returned Sunday evening. " Mr., and Mrs. Lincoln Lusk at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Baseley, wife of Dr. W. C. Beasley, at Wood- stoock, Monday afternoon. 'Mrs. Beasley was a friend of Mrs. Lusk. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Sehnaebele and son, Austin, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chamberlain and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Schnaebele in (lidlewild, Gages Lake, last Wednes- ay. _ home of ME. and Mrs. M.iaas and family. Mrs. Veronica Wilcox and daugh- ten Ruth, were guests Sunday af- ternoon at the home of the for- mer's mother, Mrs. John McKay; Diamond Lake. The Misses Lorraine Beard and Mame Naric of Chicago were guests during the week and at the Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Steele and family of Kemumee, Illinois are vi- siting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. part of last weak for an extended visirwith relatives in Detamn, Wis- Frank J. Wright, cashier of the Lake County National Bank, is en- joying tr week's vacation from his duties. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mixdorff,"of Wisconsin, were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and hits. August Reickhotr. siting at the home of Mr. l Frank J. Wright this: week. Guegts_ at__tlte home of Mr. ins left the latter l COMMUNITY DAY for_ap extegggd nnnvn n! A] THE LAKE COUNTY new WEDNESDAY, _M,Y_11, 1928 Correct this séntence: "I deal as fairly with my son." said he, "aa I would a grown man big enough to lick me." . A number of local people, who at some time in their lives were tegi.. dents of Ivanhoe or the immediate vicinity, are planning to attend the big annual home coming which is to be held on July " at Gages Lake. This event is bedoming of greater importance each year and people come from all parts of the country to renew old acquaintances. It is expected that this year's gathering will number several hundred. _, Rev. W. H. Lshmhnp, Buster of St. John's Lutheran- chum ' announ- ces that there will be no church ser- vice on Sunday, July 22nd, as the congregation has been invited to the picnic of the Waukegan congrega- tion at Lakes Center and to the Seamus? Comer' stone laying at Thiensvi 1e, Wisconsin. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tope'l and ehildten, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dis- may ind family, the Jesse Fisher {mili_ot_:CW and the A. L. Btatriied family it Elgin held a pic- nic at Crystal Lake/Sunday. Mrs. Lyell H. Morris and sons, David and George, left Tuesday morning for Arthur, love, where they will at)? a two weeks vaca- tion with re tivea. F Walter Aronson, of Chicago, visit- ed here Sunday with relatives and friends. . Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Disney were Chicago 'callers. Tuesday. Mrs. James Laycock and son, Mar- vin, spent Friday at Fox Lake. Miss Vene Wheeler returned to her duties at the office of the Foulds Milling, Cdmpany Uter en- joying tt" two weeks vacation. ' Walter Mane and family left Tuesday mornimt for Buffalo where they were called by the serious ill- new of Mr. Stung's father. The trip is being made by-auto. Nrtorr-."The Story of the Can- terbury Pilgrims," Chaucer's . tales tsirpplified_fortrt'ihlter1. -- - - _ V Lemsohn-'"rhe Islund Within" A tale of the frustration and defeat of one of the Jewish faith. Tragic, but human and dramatic. o Fotter--r"Jletrttymt fer. Benz. . -e 'hid bask: iforvchildr'en'will he found here on our new display rack. W'hitioek-"Bit, Matt." A novel of Arperieay political_life, __7_ - ___ - day méming op a business trip to New York.Citf. _ _ Among the newer books at the) library one will hmrthe following' De La MnAs---"Come Bither," a collection of rhymes and poems {on all ages. To be found in the 't nile room. Abbott--'terier," just a nicei story. ' Steele-"Meat." The world 'was- made for well people ftrst. I McDonald-furor" World War) fiction. Maraha1r--Nihurli4 Literature fo'r Boys and Gills"! , A_ - Retail Interest: A. L. Johnson, Paul G. Ray, R. 'W.'Bulkley, Harold Gray, E. T. Langworthv. Max Ko- hner, A. J. McDonald, P. Tegtmeyer, L. A. Murrie, Earl Corlett, J. H. Sacks. Banks; A. E. Suter, F. J. Wright, G. C. GridIey. (Continued from page one.) Glgnn Hoskins, Paul Ray, W. F. Franzen, Ross Triggs, P. J. Wright, R. J. Lyons. . . . Inter-Club Relations; Dr. E. H. Smith, o. J. Boehm, Gus Runner? Health, Safety and Sanitation; . H. Martin, J. L. Taylor, M. D. Pen- ney, L. E. Golding, B. A. Watson, W. E. Decker, P. . Swan, T. Mellon q. B. Betzer, C. "R. Galloway, J. Treptow. . ' ' Public Utility; Austin tkhnaebele, C. F. Greenwood, O. J. Boehm, Wil.. lis OVerholser, Rar Andrews, Theo. Biech, Jesse Hyatt. Legislative; B. B. Miller, R. J. taprts_R. F. Rouse, 1tau1prsyfuein. Harry Madill Bartlett left Tues- "The Law COOK MEMORIAL LIBRARY Imagine the complications when a simple country Miss marries a Yew. York crook. Shattered dreams, a broken heart, but a spirit born of love that sent her lighting, laughing, singing ever on- ward. Saturday, July 14. RANGER, the dog i Thursday-Friday July 12-13. _ , COLLEEN MOORE A great atrial- circus. . Aly?, Chgrlia Clgyplip_ilt, "THE FLOOR WALKER" unnomu ' mammal. ILL. Wednesday,' July 11. "hppinss In The Sky" An epic of the air. EDMUND LOWE "Mane BEING PLANNED Also Comedy. Box News. of Fear" " 333%? Of the sixteen hundred people carried on tour this season' more than eight hundred are the world's foremost aerialists, bareback rid- ,dera, ground and lofty gymnasts, [high-wire artists and super athletes. These are now Been in extensive groups and troupes each display led by its particular champions, a new method of presentation that is in keeping with-the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey 1927 plan of extending acts in equal number over the entire length of the mammoth main tent. Little folks/will be de- lighted to learn that the bringing of a score of European clowns to America has increased the fun- makers to more than: hundred. NOTICE There will be no initiation planned at the regular meeting Libertyville clupher. No. 438 O. S. on .3'ty1rsrdilulr 12, - ,.__V --- - anal-""8 aclICS of circular raised platforms thirtys two of the show's forty-three ele- phants dange, run and perform in unison with the topmost of 'the pon- derous actors twenty feet above the ground. Prior to this: gigantic dis- play five herds of elephants appear in the five separate rings. At anoth- er time the rings are given over to fivts companies of liberty horses. At still another juncture of the pro- gram two hundred of the showy, Mo horses eaeh ridden by an expert, are seen in the brilliant' maneuvers. ey combined shows will positively exhibit at CHICAGO GRANT PARK, JULY 14 to 22. At that time the world's first and only five-ring circus will be within easy reach of local sawdust fans. With it will come Goliath, the Mona.. 'ster Bea Elephant, the onl one of his kind. ever to be capture! and ex- hibited alive and who will' be the foremost feature of a menagerie composed of more than a thousand animals. ' The big show is now a third larger than, it was when it last vi, sited this locality. Enormous new displays have beep introduced such as ninety zebras, camels and horses performing at one time on a mam- moth pedestal. On a similar series) of circular mind .119"an "5.4.. I the . Cold Meats of All Kinds for Lunches and _ Picnics. . ' . Ringling Bras. and Barnum & Bail- " to Bring Monster Sea Ete: phat and other Big Features WORLDS GREATEST - POSITIVELY COMING .Phones 824-825-826 V . 1roye (Mined Store 3]: 7 Malt Syrup-with. or without Hops. 85 Dark or Light. 1 can Malt and 1 Stein for C Don't Bake Yourself Baking. We have a com- plete line of Bread, Cakes, -ies and Cookies all of which are delicious. rep, J Yep, you Meeting Rom: Beer; Golden Gingerale Pale Gingerafe COLD DRINKS "_:'i,-'-i-,--iii,i,-i'i., LIBERTYVILLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASS'N' _ Authorized Capital C $1,000,00it ' HOME own ED: 'ss,,' ro Rliii,,,,,s,,w/ eapmg that a rumor heard amps? ago is now eortflrmed by tmay announcement that the rlmngrgs. 33nd Bargpm & Bail- IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS Whose Total I, I Resimmes Exceed . a OF THE 9.10 Building & IGan Associations 3URONE COHMON PURPOSE IS um um um PROMOTE HOME E: 'Morie. Secretary. We have them cold as Ice. For Hot Weather "115 IS A ONE of Ittiitamt-rNsmaeR Opposite Electric Station "A trm.rd oftiee to do business with" Libertyvnie, m. PHONES 469 l 269 SNOW'S We've also noticed that the Lib- ertyville .man who belieVes in the golden rule and practices it never lta.a any ttouble getting alone with Yellnwcah New Grape . Green River Country Club This is a mass meeting for union and non-union carpenters. Local Union No. 1996 ROY BELL other sieople. Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. NOTICE ' Open meeting Thursday, July 12 at 8:00 p. m. Daylight Saving time at the Town Hall on Milwaukee avenue for all carpenters of Liberty- ville .anti 'rurroundintr.territory. _ Sunday, July 15th. Opening of the hall and picnic by the members of St. Mary's par- ish, Fremont Center on the church grounds. Dinner and supper will be served. July 12th -nad 13th. "BaahNI Mr. 'Bobbs," . play given by the Young People's class of Washbum church at the Town Hall, Half D". Thur-day, July 19. Annual Ivanhoe home-coming at Deeker's Park, Gages Lake. haw? Mr. W. S. SECURITY Ine SECURITY BROTHERS at woritintfor In inn-widen neitiiiG "in ua wow); 8. tiitcmtirid inaction. However. if your: 'ruesrou already lawman! this-Nth-her-ut-rim -teterelrtePttthim-v.. You may .y "Now let the macaw You mightawennyit. for they will blow any way Ind-if -6yourbuiHingoreintheir path pie-{guy be heavy dc. -""-"-----------.-.- It used to be said that a 81 COMING EVENTS 112999.. every mm. m the Witte-ct-tttir-iii/iii had", r ice eg v y, July 17. cram social at the at church by this .vor Society. lie, uni ieuirFiidikii-i "'thE iriif, stock offers the birth rate must ihave incr'eued considerably. Outline Despite camping for mer Fourth. And laws against hard cider, The Fourth will always keep on being A Register Now for beginning, elementary or advanced wort. ' Commercial Courses Positions secured for graduates. McDONALD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL SUMMER SCHOOL Overheard on the We" one night recently. Henry: The girls in our office mt desk hosiery. _ ff Kenneth: What, do you menu desk hor. iery? t Henry: "Ron tops." Why is]: that , man an u of honor tdtytf, whole year M then and it necesnry to do a lot of {clumsy lying about the size of the tiatr he caught just " soon as they begin to bite? g of Ebert . e and vicinity. I?" 'lfili'ttrtisE LUIBEBOO. o.A...:Arriyrrn, Published in the in- tem of. the: people Liberthtilie MOST EVERBODY has ambition to go ahead-ao " the things out of life that mean bliss and mum; cheer and a care-free old age. Perhaps you have in mind a home of your own far yourself and family; My it's an automobile: maybe sufficient funas to start a business. . ANDitcanbei ifwitairiacGGrperxxntatreu (,e1Dt2ys'aeltrseift'i't'ua,tiat irtThePiratNatiuaat Bank, do it systematically-and watch it accumulate. Youwillbesurbdscdlnwfmitgrm'widldncmn' pound interest. Why not start todav? First National Bank Editor': The Four By Mar What's Behind Your ' Bank Book? CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,606.63 Libertyville, Illinois But You Must Save With a Purpose in Mind , The old livery in . was wise. He ne- l ognized the Amt _ symptoms of In. C making and ted his gait =lt. ingly. 811 W. Park Ave. For that foundation work specify "Uni- versnl" PortlandCe- meat. The Liberty- vilie . Construction Company is using approximately 1200 barrels on the new ery stamp" I let- ter mailed to a box number. W. A. Nicholas and family spent from Sundny to the Fourth in the southern put of the state at Jemervilte. "Nick" was down looking over the quail supply and Bays he thinks than will be pretty flit shooting this (all. You have no doubt heard of the man who was so dumb he put a special deliv- m old new: pro- vider. July 7 tyville man ga'evT, '31:; Wiii'ii'iik by! you eyt't mnke him believe a rich You can good-matter Bnido."iftH.ea- day piper: In! justahtth'uu.l emulating-y tun hut-u. unlined: our medium orreerPantiiueat Public Sewing 1 Pany's In" Thiseolomdpl'. Mild." Phone no Pin-'41 do PAGE "VI f