'tanuahnellandwzzoarm- all}. mt. not 12. " 2fMhrstttuldaie in. ' , qritltt? gain, t9 a ammo. J T mm to r x Bushnell. m! Iatt 12, m 2. Whale subn.' aunt. _ A I5etn.amt If to S El Estate and If. mt. Lot w, 131k 4. Webb & Jen- seg's_N a "an to "an. . 1Fllt-andwftogrrarrianand wt." Lats " and It. bu: 20, MmatttmrnNrtstttm. r'ttMttetsmm"aneos.om.rst. 33138.19". "ths-tai-tdir wwmterand '"igtdgLefitg,t,eyi'gtpit Max, toLhrtsettattdwt, 11 Lot s, " 3, Patten sutm, , D Bent to'C Holmberg and wt. mt not it. " t. Newberry's adds: tom. PaBttruetttosAsettnatrte.d. Luxuries. Bnrtiett'sNSEsta. CmaetteanetnrttoEBHo1m.wd. manners sub!) at Crockett Lake. 1mm. Nttetttqrqtttm an... Warren." -----'_iei... I Cm to T' P Gehrls. wd. Lot " mm. 'l'emoe. It'd. Lot autumn Inhale 14:10.me m HDBent wd. m9. oBemamtnrttoa Rein. ch. Iatt. 0. hit & Humbert: sum. Wtrga. Rxmwnmcwaozms Md if. I'd. not an. Decker's Gaga Jake sum, Wm C B wan: to L P mm: m: "- mt, Lot 15. Burton ave, pt lot str ICO CIYs who. Pine View Cemetery mu to w 1t.?yeyrr. d. Lot 2, blk ft, see il. C B was: nrt, mt. Lot " vCC) cm's I Manama d m View ce M Co N: "It'd W, 0 You" and wt to Zion Bank. Id. Lots Tr. 28. Mt. 30, 31 and 32. N: 2, Kellogg's m. Dents. I . Stun-nun to K P-Kuehl and If. Id. Lot 42. Shaw's mam! subn Nt1tt,tt, wt.ned., mf Lot 5.1 M WGVonva wd. Lots". G I meld tad wt to E Raymond and vi. id. Lot M, ha: 3. Cloe's akin to Isle Bluff. Shields. PBBnrt1etttorrGguuson and that: d. Lot 16. blk 23, Bartlett's Damien. WD. Lot w, Vemon Ridge Country Home 83m. Deerfield. W. "than and If to P. A. Menus. wo Lot ss. Bannockbum Park" W 8mm. Warren J.A.LucastoAR.Kanney.WD. Lot 9. bit A. Mondale Saba. Wham W.C.PrattettnmtqrttoW. Wil- mm and wt, WD. Lot H. Round a. A. Lucas to A. R. Kanney. WD. m to. Elk I. Powell a; Amos Addn Luemeqethtttn.Amm. R.uordnndwftoL.Barryts,wD. Lot 19. Bowman's Ptrst Adan to 1mm P.M.bmremtttwt to C. Va: J. Wojcek and nrt to A. Hem, GOD. Lota3ane4.tM't8.BWhgrv. G. Anders!!! to J. A, Chevalier. wo. not 290, Glenwood Heights 1artt,NWqrSeei8,Warrep. J. M. Shimuhun aw wt to C Aagttmt.etutdwf.WD. "Lotus Wndmmrtttatthet.Whtrn. M. O'Beton to J. C. O'Heron. QCD. Lot IS. Saba known as Woodbine v? J. Kelly to A. a. Wier. wo not 0. Chamn's Subn. Bee 20. When, W. J. Kelly to A. G. Wier. WD, lan 8. G. R. Lyons Plrst Subn. ttTa'rCotoL.R.M Ire.at. Lot th Deere Pam"!!! and 81.0.13. trButtet,tee J. w. Huske and wt to J. N. Ja.. cabs and wt. WD. Lots so and St, Mandela!) Heights Sum. mine. P. IT. Bartlett to P. M. Thoma 1'g,,'fi' D. Pt Blk 15. Bartlett's Th Adan to North Woods. War- no. "w. J. Kelly to A. G. Wier. wo m 'S.. Don Moran's Subn. Ilimrn, 'w. i. Kelly to A. G. Wier. wo. Pt MLAtt., Mlfs1tintrtort 39312.3, AMM- In. Lett8,pt1otNundzs.Bik4. Pol-t Clinton. Migthnd Park. LP.RomanoandnrttoJ J. Gor- man and wt. wo Lot 3. Ravinia mm Sum. Deerfield. A -amiour a Co to Alpine than Club. 1m. atttNWqrBee21,avon. _ a D. Hart to Hope Thompson. P 3 Bartlett to M C Hanniwell. d, It It), bit 43. Bartlett's N s Esta, J. C. Q'Beron to K. M. O'Heron et i. GOD, Lot 15. Woodbine Park W Bed Estate Trand Lake Conny Ti l mark yuan; E? Giiii; Trust Company cemetery Natl Bk Abatraet of Title sad wt to C. teBeatt and Lot 132. Decher's Case's Heat-and $91.38*. nod it (tttts :addnto Co. mt ad's Suhn Shepard Acres per cent of the pupils reaching the eighth grade have continued in the nine school system from the first grade; 28.6 per cent of the pupils have changed school systems four or more times.--Sierra Educational News. A recent study of the California intra-school movements of rural- school Polls, than _that only, 29.2 , .. V---" ........,-....., B'""'"""""'"'"" of ..Tork during school hours by children of school age; and the re- qlnrement that owners of farms, mmes, faeto.ries, or other business ent.erpr.ises trt rural sections shall maintain schools at their own ex- pense if " m?.ny as 10 children are without educational opportunities. A scholarship for a complete course in Government schools shall be avail- able for " least one Child of any parent who has taught more than 10 years in Government schools. Schools receiving Government aid will hereafter be seculnr. In schools with the agricultural departments the enrollment is grow- ing. It is expected that within the next few years, if consistently sup- ported, high school agricultural ed- ucation will continue to advance un- til students in all communities that desire it will enjoy the opportunities now offered in the 181 that have sceatiomd agricultural departments. Leaders in all various agencies for agricultural advancement ttnd that many schools that are now without vocational agricultural classes hope to add this feature. They find demand for this instrue- tion rapidly increasing. _ - _ LEGISLATION TO STRENGTHEN SCHOOLS OF' GUATEMALA Public education in Guatemala will be Promoted by legislation recently enacted which includes, among oth- IT Ppytytt measures,_ prohibition Governor Small, intent on build- ing for the future of the farming industry as well as for the present, considered this form of agricultural education a plan that he could heartily endorse as worth%' of the state's support. As this ranch of education oifem Ttl, opportunities to all the youth o Illinois, regard- less of iinaneial status, he outlined extensive plans for its support and gave it his encouragement. The growth in scope of service followed. Financial returns from experi- mental projects, however, is con- sidered as a secondarw object of the projects is to provide a practical application of the instruction stu- dents gleam from books and classes. They add materially to the wealth of knowledge texts, lectures and class discussions yield. State Support is Valuable The 'continuous progress since 1920 recorded in this branch of pub- lie education, is attributed to the support and encouragement given to leaders in this service by the state geiernment. In 1918, there were fifteen voca- tional agricultural classes in the schools of Illinois. This 'tix"', there are 181. The student y of the state, in vocational agricultural classes has increased from 243 in, 1918 to 4,666 this year, the report shows. Careful Beeorh Kept. Income exceeding a quarter of a million dollars for the future agri~ culturalists of Illinois is conserva- tively computed, according to the leaders of this branch of education. Students who carry on the to keep accurate records of Alpim of expense and income. All they in- vest in any form, including live- stock, fowls, feed, materials or supplies of any kind, isreltargrtd against the project at preéailing market prices, even though the cost to them is less. Income they re- ceive from sales of farm commodi- ties produced are entered to the cre_d_it of, the proieeta, 7 Springfield, Ilk-Agricultural stu- dents in Illinois high schools earned $250,082.70 on experimental projects conducted last year as a practical application of instructions they re. ceived in school. In 1922, these pro- jects netted $18,295.52, and the rev- enue has consistenly increased since that time, according to the 1927-28 directory and program of agrieul- tural education issued by the voca- tiopal agricultural board. P. H. Bartlett to o M. Jensen et " D. Lot 2. " 5. Bartlett, N 8 Manor. Shields. F. H. Bartlett") G. M. Jensen et " D. Lot 4. " 13. Bartletts N 8 Manor. P. H. Bartlett to o. M. Jensen et ttl D.Lot5.blk90.NSEsts,Wkgn. J. Puncher and wt to J. L. Jan- tech and wt. WD. Lot 7, Warmers subn, Antioch. o FARM STUDENTS EARN mm WAYY P. H. Bartlett to o. M. Jensen c " D. Uh 4. " IO, Bartlett: N 8 Manor. sec 6. Shields. O. Ahlberg and wt to W. B. Lev- erenz et'al. WD. Lot M. " 1, un- denhnrst subn. Grant. Tr. Hugo Schkup to E. G. Patron and wt. WD. Lots 52 and 53. Glen Flora Heights subn. W. Tape) and wt to M. L. Ryan. WP. Aot 13, Trignsle subn. Wkgn. subn. wan - o. Anderson to E. A. Graham. WD Lot 452. Glenwood Keisha subn. o.AndersontoE.A.t3rattsun,WD, Lot 541 Glenwood Heights subn. D. Schasane and wt to A. Lecxérc and vi. wn. Lot 15. pt lot 15mm: " J. J. Morley and wt to D. Snyder andwt. WD: Lot 110, Morley: subn, H. ti. Amen and wt to c. Thomas and wt. WD. Lot 22. Villa Wood subn Lake Villa. M. L. Ryan to W. E. Topel et " WD.PtNEarNBqrsec2tr,New- Howard Park subn. Grunt. , A. mm and wt to H. V.'Wallaoe. WI). Lot 13, blk 3, Channel We muss subn, Antioch. . California Ice and Coal Co to P. Zahrobsky and wt. WD. Lots 151, 152. 153. Cttlif. Ice and Coal Co's Lake WI). Pttrwqraeetr,wturin. VJ.IdndbmandAI]ftOH.Ldndper¢, WD. Lot T, born Moran: subn. Wad- P. H. Bartlett to Z. Weatherly, D. Lot 8. blk " Buletts NAM. Wu:- i. movers and wt to a mum, WD. Lot 8, Dora Manna subn. Wau- F. H. Bartlett to P. Hochmn' ma wt. D. Lots 5 and 6, blk Q'Bametts N 3 ppm First Natl P,h'yl,'.WlS',tflli'r wensenmd wt. D. Lo T, btiri. P.m1ittndwttoL.g,8rtttteretnl. -Cvraham to G. Anderson. Iaot 452. Glenwood Keisha When a fellow gets snowed under in a political campaign his loss is a.hiamph for his opponent. Like- Wlse an anemic misfortune to one man works out to be a streak of luck for his neighbor or business rival. But when a fellow gets sick he starts the ill wind that blows no- i ibody good. The tubercle bacilus spit iupon the side walk by a tramp is liable to rise upon the dust and lodge in the respiratory organs of the banker daughter. Nobody cap practice Imhrgieiiie habits to his own detriment alone. STATE HEALTH" DEPARTMENT NOTE - ,r-_". - .v" \I'CIJO LIICTC. Rev. Scheuerman's mother of Au.. dubon, Iowa spent several days w'" him and his family in Evanston. Their cousin, Mrs." Sandman ot Lib- ertyville visited them Sunday at the home of Mrs. Caroline Mitchell. Twenty-four children are now en- rolled in the Daily Vacation Bible School. It is not too late to enter. Mrs. Schenerman and Gladys Hah.. sen are assisting Miss Yoeman and Miss Farmer of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. _Raymond Bristow of Evanston spent the Fourth of July with 'Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Kane. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Meyers of Cireero ate Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lqebkemarin. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane and fam- ilv and Grandma Ost ate Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bueschinz of Palatine. Mrs. Ost re- magned -..t.o. spend a few davs than: Mr. and Mrs. John Hutehirurs of Libertyville and Mr. and Mrs. Grun- ders of Chiearo spew Sunday at s, Clavton Hutchings' home. this and Mrs. (Raymond Bristow lieutenant and Mrs. O'Hayren of Great Lakes Naval Station visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mills Sunday. .Mrs/ Walter LPMker and "H" ren of peerfield, Wisconsin visited last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs F'ryy Imelihetnisnn. Eighty-eight attended Sunday School on Sunday. An adult Bible Class has been organized and every- one is welcome. er. and Mrs. Wm. Frazer of Park Ridee called Wednesday at the Ito. Nit Rouse home. ieutenant and Mrs, (Tu-mm- J ,,,,e' verv --M.FV -nauup cvvulu'. A bakery sale will be held Sat- urday afternoon, July 14th at 2:30 daylight saving time on the Church lawn. The proceeds will go toward the church budget. Any donations in the line of bgkery goods or "e7.e- tables will be appreciated. Mrs. Pred Lpehkemann, Mrs. Em- ma Rouse and son, Delbert. Mri. McLaughlin of Edison Court left Sunday evening for, a ten days' trig. to. Eagle River, Wisconsin. be held on Friday. July 18th. Ev- eryone is welcome. The girls' class will sell ice cream, the profits of which will go toward new eouin- ment. Refreshments were served to tsixtr-1t1t last {hug}: evenjng. Beginning with the stttptglty sheep on farms, and the amount meeting of the Diamond Lake Ce- of wool sham from the sheep and metery Association the members'llambs of Illinois since January l. living within .ten miles of Mnndelein' Replies to these questions, to be shall mtg-tan the socxety m thelcosplted _and published about the order Which their names smear first of July, will form a valuable a1phabetieairy, on .the secretary s and interesting report of the sheep Mk. lf a member " unable to Att- sud swine prodnétion of the state. 1tdt,a,i,'d, he 'fll,af?tl4 1fg'Q),ti' The following contractehpye been ben' A'l',N,f3ur,i to entertain. t.?5.eltCby the state division of An enthusiastic crowd of young and old gathered Friday evening for the irst recreational meeting. Volley Ball, croquet and horseshoes ree J8ayeduA.tiothe.r... meeting will MrsmLewis Mills and children and brother", Lyle, spent -Wednesday' with Mr. and Mrs. Rockenbach at Crystal Lake. _ . ' Noir comes aiGiitinept biologist There was nothing on the log to indicate presence of the disaster that overtook the craft and its almost 300 111!" were 8 "umoert OI women . ' - - . - and children aboard the craft, 'dl2'.l full! tii2/t,r2','iritie'io" Eggloih: :3" '2'lstrroeprttlefrf,nett'h' 2vetliiiiieiiiiirii, of the United States in so in as could 'iii/UGG/iii', today" 'ry.ti health it ought to be worth" The terrific storm that broke 'i'iCifilwhi1e to the man in the, street to ieii craft» made rescue attempts in- see a doctor aboht Once a year ftr most impossible. The Angamos sent the same purpose. Only a moderate out one radio distress signal-app- amount of effort is necessary to ently from an auxiliary station-. make a comfortable living while which was picked up by the steamer! m health p_revails but sickness Tampaca. The Tempted and the consumes an Income like flames do Apolo immediately started in search wood, . h but the signal had been so weak --'-----------.--. ( that both vessels had ditBeulty in MADE SURVEY OF l determining the exact locationrand' PIGS AND SHEE [ were too late in arriving to be of. P1 much aid. Six, bodies have been re-' """""""'""T l covered. ' . Illinois is counting the noses of l "Nothing Dew. Impossible to trut my light. Wind treshening. Raining The last entry on the log ot the vessel, found todny. reported: a There were a number. ot women and children aboard the craft, mm- ilies who were being taken to a small coastal oprt. None was Saved. so far as could be determined today. CamnoTxKE Gao saved two oth': er members of the crew who had succeeded in reaching shore alive. Jose Acuilo.one ot the tour teel who escaped death with the trans- port. today described those last tor-l turing hours. "We were steaming tn the Aense darkness about 8 p. m.,_l'riday. when. suddenly the vessel struck between two rocks." he told the United Press! "We remained out ot control for a few minutes, losing our rudder. The vessel lay 300 yards from the shore. Captain Ismael Suarez. seeing his vessel 9. loss, committed suicide just Before the big vessel sunk. Between Two Rocks t The Angemos had been. coaling 1n the Gulf of Annuco and it was be- lieved to have steamed to set "to es- cape the storm. At sea an even worse storm was encountered. The night was pitch dark and the craft was thrown between two rocks and its rudder broken. For a few minutes it tossed at the mercy of. the waves. Then it crashed on a reef seven miles ott helm It was one of the greatest tragedies in the history ot this coastwise area. The suddennss with which the big craft sunk left the tour who rpeor ered almost unable to describe what had happened. . SANTIAGO, Chile, July 9.--am- penetrable darkness, a..turlous stony 'utst on shore, a broken rudder and a series of jagged rocks served to send the big Chilean transport mamas down Friday night. Only tour ot the 295 persons aboard had. been found alive today. Furious Storm And Jagged Rock Sent Chilean Trans- port To Bottom. A W'ftllllllllit llf own HAND DIAMOND LAKE THE mm? CoUNTrREGmTER. .WEDNESDAY, JULY ll, 1928 A New Line Of Men's , Furnishings 4 Biliousness, Headtehes and "Dini- neon due to temporary Constipation Aids in eliminating Toxins and is highly esteemed for producing copi- one watery encuatiohs. gages Malaria trrutduiekiriIiere, Extension of' the federal charge route, now operated on the Mistsiss- sippi and Warrior rivers, is expected soon since congress approved the Deneen-Denison bill authorizing ex- pansion to all of the principal Mis- sissippi tributaries with the eireep- tion of the Ohio river. I Illinois is counting the noses of Hts pigs and sheep in Je'sponse to an lappeal sponsored. by the United [States and Illinois departments of agriculture, with the eo-operation of 'the postoffice department. More than 252000 cards were placed in the hands of farmers, through the rural mail carriers ser'ving every Illinois oopt.ofriee. Cheaper transportation, through the installation of government bar- ge service on the Illinois river from Grafton to Peoria, will aid" shippers in Chicago and northern Illinois to compete with those of other indus- trial centers and attract additional tonnage to this district of an esti- mated value of $100,000,000, accord- ing to William F. Mulvihill, super- visor, of Illinois waterway construe. tion. _ Route 144, section 105, Kankakee county, pavement; to Wabash Con- strtretion Co., Vincennes, Ind., $142,- 987.09. ' Route 166s.tretiott 126, McLean county, pgwement; to Cast b Stone Construction Company, _Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 857,791.08.. . The folio-wing Gjiiiaii/ii.(iiVCG.Rt awarded by the state division of highways: . . The questionnaires receiving state wide distribution pmpou ded seven- teen questions, relating tf the hogs and sheep on farms, and the amount of yool_§hom.ftom the sheep and Keeping the water supply safe and sanitary depends upon the in- tegrity, training and loyalty of the man at the water works but the purity of the Mood in the veins of an individual depends upon his own knowledge and integrity and that of .his ancestors. A single false step can poison the blood stream but it takes a long series of corrective activities and perhaps several gene- rations of people to gleanse it again. For the Man or Boy Who wants the Best Prices Reasonable a Fine Tailoring, Clean- ing and Pressing The difference between foresight and hindsight is six'or seven thou- trand cases of diphtheria per year in' Illinois. Children of parents with vision have quit suffering from that disease. June and Jilly are favor- able months of immunizing children because it is the off season for dip- htheria. T-A given, now will protect children against exposures next fall. v Calculating consequenfeeé is the moral duty of every reasOnable per- son before participating in any tMV tion. Thus; buying a bottle of nostrum has the double singnifi- cance of encouraging the manufae.. turer and being of doubtful benefit to the purchaser. To patronize a medical quack is to promote an evil and, do ones.self an economic and a health injury at the 'same time. . It is counted as cruel to keep a pet rat in .a light, airy cage or a dog in a damp, dark cellar but par- ents can take babies to movies and let six year olds stay up until ten without a'quiver of conscience. Short sleep and unbalanced diet are the two legs upon which such di- seases as tuberculosis are' built. who declares it the duty of every- one who 'keepsoanimals to become acquainted with the elementary principles of nutrition. This ad- monition seems a little premature when we remember that thousands orparents haven't yet acquired a knowledge of those principles for the benefit of their children. It may surprise some folks to hear that a tooth and a thumb are made of different material and that the food supply is the only source of body building matter. - _ T JOHN CICHY 666 PHONE 551 Kaiser Biock Libertyvjllg Illinois o . Accent onlx "Bayer" package which Iontains proven direiih"t7ii"s". A Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets . Also bottles of 24 and 100--Drugghu. Aspirin h the trade wk of Bayer Marmtatture ot Monotteeueaeidester of "iierlieaeid SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ' Special Assessment No. 47, NOTICE ' ' the Ordinance for the same being on Notice is hereby given to all per- file in the office of the Village sons interested that the President Clerk of said Village, and the said and Board of Trustees of the Vil- Village having applied to the Coun- lage of Mundelein, County of. Lake ty Court of Lake County, Illinois, and State of Illinois having ordered| for an assessment of the costs of the construction of a local improve-,! said improvements, according to be- ment consisting of. WATER service efita, and an assessment therefor pipes and house drains in NORTH having been made and returned to LAKE SHORE DRIVE and other said Court; the 'tinal hearing there- streets in the Village of Mundelein,! on will be had on the 27th day of Illinois. . lJuly, A. D. 1928, at 10 o'clock a. m., Special Assessment No. 49 or as soon thereafter as the busi- the Ordinance for the same ..ttieyjet,e, of the Pourt will permit..All on tBe in the office of the Village! persons desiring may file objections Clerk of said Village, and the saidi it: said Court before .said.day and Village having applied go the Conn-g may appear at. the hearing and ty Court of Lake County, Illinois,'; make their defense. Said Ording for an assessment of the costs of 3 ance provides for the collection of" said improvement, according to ben- l said assessment m ten annual in-1 elite, and an assessment therefor' stallments with annual interest at having been made and returned to: the rate of six per tent per annum.' said Court, the fhtal hearing thereon: Dated at Mundelein, Illinois, this will be had on the 27th day of July/ 11th day of July, A. D. 1928. A. D. 1928, at 10 o'eloek a. m., or as? HAARY. ROUSE, . "ttlege','.',.),", as the business of , The P8130: appointed to make said the urt will permit. A persons i assessmffn desiring may ftle objections in said. B. H. Miller, Attorney. 54-M. Court before said day and may ap-l "r-""-'-"-"--.--""----- 11fl at tshqdhgr'ilpg and was; thfeir: ADJUDICATION NOTICE e ense. at r mance prov: as orl , L.. . .... 1the collection of said assessment in! this? 'iecsl2'2fihrsEeer2tsi,4ivgt "ive annual installments with annualthe Estate of Robert Cameron de- tg"',',',',',',,,',',', the rate of six per 'irt'iiiiiis/iii"iriii, attend the Probate Court . 0 a e n ' rn I Dated at Mundelein. Illinois, thiszuf be 1eoJdll"1ativ't,ht 303% 1m?Jir,et,f, 11th day of July, A. D. 1928. ';Wauke an, in said County, on the . RALPH ROUSE, _§first fonday of September next! The person appointed to make said')?'-" when. and where all persons assessment. . . waving plain}; against said estate: B. H. Miller, Attorney. 54-56._areaty.rtifie" and requested to pre-I Unless you see the "Bayer Cross". on tablets. you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. [age of Mundelein, County of Lake and State of Illinois having ordered the construction of a local improve- ment consisting of .3 connected sys- tem of sanitary sewers, etc., in AR- CHER AVENUE and other streets in aid Village, . . ' SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Vil- SAY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE t ' Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Vil- 1tttrrs of Mundelein, County of. Lake and Stste of Illinois having ordered the construction of a local improve- ment consisting of. WATER service pipes and house drains in NORTH LAKE SHORE DRIVE and other streets in the Village of Mundelein, Illinois. _ I DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART I a Mundelein, Ill. J: E. LEONARDS, Mir. But don't wait to fill your bin with our _ Quality _ 1920--Ford Roadster (sold)........-.,...--...-._._.$ 20.00 1923--Ford Coupe .---------.-.--8 65.00 1926--Ford Sedan n-----"-.-.-.--.-...' 265.00 19?6-rEssex Coac'h (sold) L:.'.-.....-..-...." 245.00 1926-Chevrolet Coach (sold) w--...-.....-' 265.00 1924--Buiek Sedan ...-.-.-...---.-dl; 285.00 1928--Chrysletr52 Coupe (sold) _-......-' 625.00 1928--Pontiae Landau Sedan (sold) -8 650.00 19?'7-cChrytsler 7O Brougham .--...-.,.l 950.00 t928--Chrysler 62 Sedan ....-.........._......~.....-$1150.00 CASH--/rRADE--rERMS., , Our Motto "Quality Coal for the Home" John G. Borst Countryside Motors . Ii!IRti l Chrvslor npalm We have installed a new modern scale assuring you of honest and accurate weight at all times. Phones Libertyville (my-M-l and 794 "BAYER ASPlRIN" and INSISTI WEIGHT? Yes! m. USED CAR BULLETIN Chrysler Dealers. A man things that In trying to win' a'girrs heart a young man often loses his head. .' SARAH C YOUNG. F _ Executrix. Waukegan, Ill., June ift 1928. _ BENJAMIN H. ILLER, _ Attoinev. 50-52-54. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Subscriber Executrix of the Estate of Robert Cameron, de- ceased will attend the Probate Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at the Court House in Wankefan, in said County, on the first - onday of September next, 1928, when and where all persons having 1elaims against said estate judication. are ribtifiod and"riiaiisTto"iGc terrt the same'to_said Court for ad- is always discovering others knew long ago. Phone 103. WANTED-woman to do general housework. Able to do phin cook- ing. Wages $12. Phone Lake For- est 199. 53-lt. WANTED-woman by the any}; cleaning and laundry. Phone Mundelein 506. 62-2t. WAerED--Hear from owner good farm for sale. Cash E'tt parti- culars. D. F. Bush, inneapolis, Minn. 53-8t. FOR PSE-NT-tarse bedroom at 227 First Street, Libertyville. Phone a 421-J. ( 44-tf.: FOR RENT-N trally locate FOR RENT FOR RENT-store and flat ready August lst. Reasonable teat. Br owner, Wm. Gerber. Phone Lib- ertyville 149-31. 53-3t-pd. FOR RENT-one car garage." In- quire at 135 School street. 54-2t. FOR SALE-ao up; standing Tim- othy hay. Phone 67r.W..2 J.' G. ,Cook, I1ilertrville. 624bpd. FOR SALE-Dressed cl livered. Phone 319-1. '2 mi. West of LitteitiFi'rfi. "1511332 6784-2. . 47-tt. FOR ".i'cF,'frriGrii",Tii""ir" with stan- dard keyboard] Phone Mall. 130. " FOR SALE-Thoroughbred Scotch collie puppies, 8 weeks old. Ber- 1rep,n $00? FYP.t. on. Lahe Street, 'anog regulated 'iriiTieratmd, at Libertyville every Monday. or. dem taken " Ra Furniture Store are" 1t.r.wr.ite 3.4- with. Wood, I Etched. " Room h tre; a tll2,l', 1 T blks. ti page. 6 Room _ FOR SALE--Horiinn Guitar and printed lesson imtmctions. 810. 519 N. Mil. Avenue, "tertyville. Phone 29. , 50-tf. IAIN GARAGE C. BERNARD, BEFORE BUYING Phone 456 845 N. Milwaukee Aye. libertyville, Ill. All have been recoiiiiiiiiatCGi are ready to make that nation trip. Come early and get your pick. Essex 1927 Coach """..-..-.- Rec late 1925 sedan ........~ Hudson early 1926 Coach" Jewett Sedan """-------.-w-.. Maxwell two-door sedan.... Hudson _7-paso_enger sedan Dodge 1927 sedai-usiGiiGi tiafe 25) C, Hudson 28 coach or ig t ouse ee . . nine School Street. 'ttes,,,',',.',?: as." 6 Ronni house; McKinley eat ofi ,rn-iiiri', Stewart; large lot; 2 car . Bngth a" 6 Room common brick 1:0me 'i'l'ie,'tuetion- See plum " my; -.._.--.-. o we. loam 11013:; Bnhnrd and Like! I'm or rding. Also large homeaites at Real ' Arrow smug}: Prices. 1 JAY CAIRNS 'LuceBldg. Realtor C "r----.---- Park & Milwaukee Area. I Libertyville m. I mull Olen these house- FOR SALE 7 Room house;me St.; sun porch; 4 bed rooms. 6 morn house: McKinley Aye., just nearing completion. See California kitchen. 8 Room house; Elm Court; big lot; ' unusunl location. 6 Whom; Ames St.; New; 2 _ blks. North Shore Line; 2 car FOR SALE-Real Estate HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN 205 Ir. Maple Atenue. block from E%diririitdriGTd. cy A clinic for crippled child!!- a GRIDLEY, Phone 45. Libertyville.! be held hereafter at Ian one. I Ill, 39-tf2year in every county in Ahern. Whlfigorfinxbthct: OR SALE-t omu hbred Scotch new" Leguhtme t'txmuiee collie 1tf,'ci1.'"ll wgeks old. L'ttlltlttt .m mm can foe "I." BARGAINS IN USED CARS Thfmritrnonmrroue-sht" poll-blah inmshonatimemdunmflwudumflcm makerourwantaknomtum. Awmmm 1frouwanttotm an o.rttrtmhay-_tht-, rent or exchange, or 'Btt'l'd,t'Ltdgrtlnt,t'rtttr2a.t columns. Yonwingotmdh. Minimum charge, 25c 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 6e per line per insertion. FOR RENT laiurtririiie, lil. Telephone 147-31. FOR SALE JAY CAIRNS OR aasiitiied Ads chickens. De- allowing u $495.00 .. 550.00 .. 525.0t) e.- 826.00 .... 175.00 tFit,if/'hl1"e u is now given dd. iiiirire"idpy8r, blind. or other mm 47-tf children. At such clinics an eMP. 2.L...t,t.1 'pled children " be given anti stan- suzgial examination, and no" Lyvillo is made for use of public funk b 88-tf. i, autumn: whenever pm at 495.00 125.00 lgundiuu ue not able b w lProrer are. A Sun on" lwill be created, the actteit" d which will"1 be 2g2 can" "tt work of e ichigan Boei- Crippled children and link: Vi.- tarty State organized" lt b - pected that the initial RM to be made in mill discover the - lber and location of crippled children !ofthe State who-remnant»- iiistiiiicicCiiiii2i Life. Misery may love com thath no excuse fer it 3% same commny all th' time. Don't worry about dually. Nady all "mm" begin that the undertaker is through. MICHIGAN LAW PROVIDES FOR CRIPPLED €111me DR. J. L. TAMI! Office in an new and: no. tl' N. County St: tkiemtiiherilz-tma-atrm GLAaBBt5rMtmltD DR. OTTO R. THOHPWN A'rrORNBr.Aeaa. First National But m Telephone 57 MBB8N"u, AMERICAN LEGION Con-laden c. C. nun- - m Meets First My - an. In JUSTICE ur m PEACE Office at tlt-trt and Idghentn. Harry Madill Bartlett Ht.?yrtrito8:9tlmadrt-. Resideetee,onk-dNaies. Folks say our planking work is great They know our work shop'. up to date. REAL ESTA: EXCHANGE LYELL B. MORRIS FRED GRABBE WM a" B.H.MILLEB PAGE SEVEN