senanttoem1ymhsasm. "Painful." Go-gtorGtttrqmattmgtdtottein sgt1erttttttemtttttirret. 1113'th aigtae'tteimttttntafnmtutat tl$reamrtumterthnntstsage Wttttmrdtn.theduetorstr m. Almost. everyexcusept qmsmndetoputoftttteearounir tttntttterhnd-togrrrttneUtat Physical Examination Reveals readily Manda" snowing" for the eatngntgtatttm " the governor's mamiaettn0tttmtttm.O. , attttae'ttetnq mutate mum tlbreamrnmeerttmnhtsage. Wttttmrxttne.ttteduetetrstrueea m. Almost every excuse possible qmsmndetoptrtMttteemuninntton. runny. however. tt was made. and thedtteterrrepttrted.ahrsastm'thtmer. Iteration. thattheReputsltean can- 000ml! lEtll,JiiEll THAT HARDING lAST FIRST TERM Tnllldl NOT OUT ttmtrp-eofttoeitiestut1t,tett"r- tteieettmtugiarren0.Hhrdtnttw m {a the Macy was Very lamb below par. Privately. he told ttteatatrthattrmrdtmtwereeleeted ttegtgNer-udouttivetttettrsttertn. ('rttisitsttteit-ertesMartt- eletroetfemrterttr-ttateranat.'an ugmory's Wt Gwen." by the Inter, Idlh loom Gib-on.) 'trgDAM "In" GIBSON ml: tn man the United sum the-enercevery nemsttntherer 'ntttemtttedtnatessaatnmrtunt- tnetnrtieeseswitttttttotttie1Her. Tbesyndiatc qritttqrttiettTqmq emtneetaeoneeivedtheideaeCt-- hectavery veil-known Won forum Governor Cox Wemmdtone'mchd itteuttnitthettetterett-f+ tttrmattttttetirst term,tfeieetmtto momma 'ttttoottutwhiett-tttentdtsouht Bveryttmtrexmneetedwtththe Poor Conditiii'n Of, Repnbi- can Candidate. _ MfCox. at Ohio. Democratic me for -tthegt, well. they Embroidered Linen Towels Night Gowns Embroidered Card Table Covers for the two diy sale Thiirsar and Friday of this week. The brains include the Home-made Dress" Other novelties Fe a_re otterrne some very attractive values " 5 pounds Hamburger - 2 pounds 60c Black Tea 8 pounds Cookies 3 pounds 40e coffee m... Free Delivery 4 pounds Goodluck Oleomiugine The Womans Exchange 10 Large Packages Soap Chips Came in and look over our assortment 7 Large Packages Washing Powder 414 N. Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville, Ill. WALROND'S STORE phy- Mt eeiiiifGGi Erma." 1"irit'n,' Pyro out with him tor a few t Elks' Nation! Home, originally trmn lodgesineverystateorthe union, 'rhoarertnaatmrtttetwttitrtttot we as guests at the' national order. They take their. Internal abun- porters " have been published at Berry Lauder! Scotch than. cum Coolidge never has throw]: money any. either for tunnel! or the gov- ernment, which makes him a prime favorite with the bankers and other business men. A visitor " may for the exe.t!n"ittttestyntvtrtmarwas tsfntlure,ffrtttemputttieanuwsd tnpemwou1ttmttttittanantotitik thedemoemtic putttteattuetadmgtnett itbecauseithteredtoonarttmnG Jumotgt " many tuteedoiea or Pres- ident Coatidge's economical turn ot mind have pen written by bright rec. 3801080. Pa., July 21.--Thts churning little town in the Virginia hills boasts mommy the most novel fraternal body inQAmericn. nn Elks lodge at " members whine average is more than " years and some ttt whom ale Begins the century mark. 1t_isrroeepatdiieotttsera.i'.o.? 11yy1eyrtpfthetteertrestetentsort'tte. MARKET & .GROCERY White Bouiteidttitteriiritimuriti." lotredwtttt)nrrmrtrrttsntatitis wife.Pprthefourttttimetntttettu- ton of the United State. at Amer- tea. the vice_ president nmsnea out young man. "Punter thought I would be here so little this summer that It wouldbe 1metestttoptottteteeot nve dollars." " . AGED ELKS IN The Whale country now month-t L"??? 9 .W did not live to a haven't gm." answered the LIFE OF EASE wu n-elected trium- summer The Latnpooe Camp "a we State Teachers] College, In: Girls' met " the flu, of Miss Gee. Bemicg Tucker of Highland Park trade Johnson, Friday evening, any Qlws Peg McTague of Dixon, They voted to hold all meeting. in Illmou.' . the evening and to nice funds to WNInee Reiehelt was the week £31 a bakery sale Sammy moru- end m af Jack William at Slo~ .July 28th in the Mn" MIR Idle-- . . . Real Estate offien at 10 o'dUek. At Miss Gladys. Reid " tspending this the next meeting there will be " week with Mitts Hapel Behrens, in ection of ofneem and will be held Mum. Wisconsin. we. Bebe 'atthehomeofAmsarott. LeyrTrijrrinesisrarua eehoolin Mrs. G. H. Miller's imam fromXItu in Washington that the lucky Michigan is visiting in Deerfield. property thtultrrevert to the was: Mr. and its. Chas. Selig, Mr. and mm of tttttng to the. at! to which Mrs. JaeotcSelitt and Miss Victor-1" was sold aevegal days Mo. : Willmnn Sven Tift of gaw'wm = Fred tt of . o . . ' Mr. and Mrs. A','dit"l'd,'Jd yo! My last WWW)? attemoon. Mr. and In. J. Klemp, Sr., of luncheon guests last Friday two of 1?th Am". hex: classmates at the Northern p- The human Camp p3,. inoia State' Teachgn,' "College, In: Girls' met " the home of Miss Ger. Bemicg Tuckex df Highland Park trade Johnson, Friday evening. and 3.1133 Peg McTague of Dixon, n." mm m hnld Mt Mn... 4.. Illinois.. none may. than old two". may of whom helped establish the order In their home cities mny years ago. In . oommodlous lodge room " the home, manly furnished withme original ttrrttues ot New York Lodge, No. 1, they hold regular meetings. elect otBeem and conduct services. ' Buttgatermtttuatneatsitsamtot the Miss Hertha 'Kuch left Sunday evening for Washington D. C. where she will spend a week. Mrs. George Engsttonrehtertain- ed at a bridge party last Thursday, afternoon in compliment to her trite ter, Miss Gladys Reid, who is as- sistant Superintendent bt schools in Globe. Arizona. There were twenty truest-I mant- . . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Chrvey and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green- slade and family, Mr: Richard Kress, Ttfry. Alex William and son, Mr. and Mm. Rock and family who have been visiting relatives in Minneapolis have returned to their home of: Springfield Ave. . t Mrs. Philip Sonny Sr., who have been quite ill at Excelsior Springs, Mo. returned to her home Wednea- day, greatly improved. - The Just Sew Club was entertain- ed at the home of Mrs. A. R. War- ner, Thursday afternoon. lines. In. George Healer nnd Mrs. "B. H. Kress spent Sunday an "grimy: l here: Relievedotthecueuot lite, "new Eitatmvereturttedto thep1-estsfborttoott, 7min: The Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's Jihrangelieal Church will meet at the home of Mm. E. B. Wilhnan Thursday afternoon, Aug- ust 2nd. Mrs. J.°Rommel and Mrs. A. Winter win take part in the mic. there is un' incident related In the July issue of the Elks' Maga- Revert to Boyhood Joys One of the residents approached the superintendent to at if he might pull some vegetables from the home's trnrden_A little mystified, the super- intendent gsve up consent. inquiring why the member wanted the vegeta- with the we! bles were making a turtle soup. Thar Were sitting aropnl the ttre gleefully eating when the superintendent left. "It was darned good soup, too, he reported. " had two bowls of it." All together it is a pleasant Methey lead. Some do odd jobs about the specious grounds at 'the. home-mot became they have to, but because they prefer some capitation to con- stant inactivity. Some read to others whme eyesight has begun to fail. One's particulnr interest is the care of the ttrihtNstt pond. Others enjoy that perfect state that most humans Wish for " ttmes-simply sitting in the sun. The superintendent went and saw A group of the residents had caught a turtle in the stream which runs through the grounds. and. litre, a bunch of vu had built a are and "Cane down back ot the barn am: you'll Bee," m the rejoinder. _...t.-.w... $1.00 Mrs. Delbert Meyer gave a bridge DEERFIELD 51.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 JT THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER. WEDNESDAY, N1,Y If, 1g I Be had been told by Manager Ju- le' Lamm of the theatre that the latter had been called by a business man who has cubes near the build- 'inganttwnatetrdurthe blaze. He called the porter, he said. Set-ct. MacDonald was to see the tttteteritttutetNrttoiearnattoutthe eonttitton.ttfthettttnermomtutd other parts o! the basement. ' The investigation comes " a mat- ter of course and no intimation that anything out of the ordinary caused the fire was given. A crowd had gathered Saturday morning as the heavy smoke poured trmnthetronttutdrearottttetttea- tre building.' Workers on their way to their places at employment Mop- ped for menu minutes. Street cars werererouted and automobile tramc was diverted. police being stationed at - MIC ICUWII chuluul "WW" "but the attorney general has received hm: Theparnde will be held on ttt instntcttontrttnd "a planning to car- l day. August 31, and is as usual the ry them out. ' . imaging! rev,',',rhet", the nasal/tug.e Plane Aedimtipg to Carl R. tscheuneman,fre tr m to nvite e r f.1ery- zernme'nt. despKe the rumors Which l, "3'81" I" some other ntstatste y! .the ',were in circulation about that eity,"tri'tn't, guest during the 9100638100. Ican condemn m property, whether, The Waukegan Yacht Club will be let not it is owned by another taxing I asked to handle the water parade, body. 3 . - [which will be awaited by those who i Mar net Other Citr Site les, the, water events last year. The ' It was even suggested, owing to tttip',',.',', club tttut promised this year price'ot 'i00,000 which the city paid. to we Waukegan a spectacle that for the lot, that the government may has never been viewed in thette parts. condemn the lot " the corner all Then of course. there will be the Washington and Utica streets which: doll buggy parade, the watermelon is" owned by the city. ieating contest, the blueberry pie con- l "The government understands that? test and several other such contests theeitypatdonUasma1isurnfor -"i-"""-""'-'"""""""""'-"""--'""" Ithispruirrtvtutefturittsintumost . Pf tNod . button it may condemnl this instead of payim the $100,000] gwhicthe jury would probably a... An ' .laow for the Richy site," it was stated. '"Dummerm 'iul't't'lyfttttri. n A " , J'o.stmasster Mame] Talcott of Waukegan received word Monday morning from .Washington, D. " that the attorney general had received instrucuons to so aneau Mm condemnation proceedings. for an $335,000 federal building in that city. -* . _ JOURNAL $tl.ll T0 alltlMllll1 dowttownttndthntthisiotwouldtte mm the North Western depot, this. site would be suitable." ' It was also considered possible to- day tint if the government had nr. ludy"surte¢ condemnation proceed- The North Chicago Journal and the. Benton News at Winthrop Har- bar Inve been purchued try William H; Bummer. Chime newspaper man, it was learned Friday from At- torney Joleph Jadrlch. tamer editor of the North Chicago newspaper. The deal was closed several days ago and the new owner will assume control at the two newspapers at once, The North Chicago Journal was; recently sold " auction. following li foreclosure on a mortgage held by Louis Bugger of Wlukegan. Theo' phil Kuntia, owner ot the paper at the time, was forced out ot business' and the newspaper plant was sold tit auction. It was bid in by meager! who, through his attorney, Joseph. Jadrlch, sold the business to Baum; 1 he recommendations of the gov-- ernment omcials were. tor construc- tion on what is known as the male): site " the corner of Madison and Uticn streets; May Pitt Other City Site It was even suggested, owing to the price'ot 'i00,000 which the city pan! for the lot, that the government may Immediately" upon his r.eturn toi Waukegnn Sunday. Postmaster Tal- cott wued to Wasmngton to tell them of the sale ot the property to the on); and the return telegrun stated that' the attorney general has received hm. instructions and was planning to car- i ry them out. ' . i 7 There will be-no bathing Beauty {contest this year. The committee, efter several discussions of the mat- _ter. decided to let this feature drop. 'and "yet have-made no announce- [ment of the feature that will take Hts place. Some events pow, under tconsideration are a dance marathon. old flddlers' contest, a public mar- riage. and a real old-fashioned ama- tear night. View end Water streets. The body at the theatre was not damaged by the tttutteg but the stage was a. complete wreck. large holes having been burned or chopped in it. The scenery was water-soaked and completely destroyed and the dressing room below the stage were tuied with water. . The blaze was confined to the one building. Work in stores on either side of the theatre went on as usual. A program scheduled for the thea- tre Saturday was necessarily can- celled. A When seen following the fire Man- ager Denim stated that the motor tor the huge pipe organ was de- stroyed by the water poured into the building and the oil burner in the boiler room was .heavily dam- aged. . LEGION PLANS SUMMER F ETE The Waukegan Post of the Amer- ican Legion has started prepara- tions for the annual summer festi- val to be held at the Waukegan beach Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, 2 and 3. Fat Sayles, who successfully handl- ed the affair last year, has again beg!) appoigtejd general, chairman. If interested write at once. Your application will be held in, strict confidence. " Box Nd 13' . Wanna", lit. Duluth}: of the New Moto Six Opportunity McDonald 's Jewelry Gift Shop t'iit,dft','tl'ei'/i,tt, Bargains you can't afford to miss . Lemonade Sets Six glasses' and pitcher, per set The legion this year thll endeavor to produce something that will be new to this section of the country. that is I sham battle in the air This is a dangerous affair and is pro- duoed with twelve planes in action. "Heme will be seen the movements of planes in battle. their falls, twirltt, $1.00 to the spectators to hell I." thosé contesting. . You will find it pays in economy and satisfaction to include this store in your shopping list for every houseware want Shun Battle In Air 'lhi,taf.if?1lttr.t $1.00 s2,t,",111tjtt1t1t $1.00 Sunlight Cream Kitchen Canister Blue and White Pres. Kettles, 10 quarts .tt.Mt9._W. PLEATED BRIDGE LAMP SHADES Special $1.00 each TIMELY HOUSEHOLD NEEDS ' Schanck Hardware Co. Green or Rose Glass Butter Dish, Mixing' Bowl, Lemon Reamer, Cream Pitcher and Water Pitcher _ C $1.00 per set Libertyville _........, $1.00 I....., $1.00 qhegewtllttetheurimgrideBwith mnnyaddedttttmettons and tun makers. with one hour of no! old mitiogtettMArdioragoream1va1. duringwhiettttmetteseeoetgettinnd favors will be given any. This tqttmattdtinnWttteemattottttede- tented. Memtuhemcmmsed fortheugtattemteentioetnnditu ttopedtutitenntteproduoed also onenekbefore duringthedutes of . $1.00 Kitchen Sets PHONE 39 Cream Steam Canners .rr....__..._ Cream City 18" Oval Dish Pans ......"'..r'.'.-'_tm-e. Universal Vacuum Ever Illinois Bachinthedarr_Magmt more of themselves mile. of their moneyin clothuitm't nee-totookinthedktft- madam. doubt brtheugimt. and 01.00 01.00 01.00 01.00 PAGE THREE