George Hager. One hundred and three relatives were assembled. R. F. Rouse made a business trip to Chicago on Wednesday.~ _ Teorge ILagct.. JC _ TundRti _ . qiPes & three relatives were assembled. ' Mrs. L. L. Maether and children R. F. Rouse made a business trip| attended the Rodeo at Chicago to Chicago on Wednesday. | Monday afterngon. Mrs. Ed Gosswiller of H'lghlu\dl Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Herschber-- Park spent Thursday with Mrs.|ger entertained the latter's parents John Gosswiller. -- _ rom Chicago Sunday. --| --._.---- Miss Helen Thalero who is ap-- pearing in a vaudeville act with "The Nelson Family" this summer is playing in Regina, Canada this week. Mrs. J. H. Rouse and daughter, Edna returned home Friday after several weeks vacation at Lake No-- queboy, Wisconsin. * On Sunday the Kublank families and the Jones family and their company motored to Barrington where the Kublank reunion took place at the home of Mr. ani Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Brydon ani child-- ren of Bloomingdale is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Godwin. **r. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell, *~--~ --R. J. Lyons and --daughter, Lu~"s, and Mrs. John Dollenmaier of Libertyville drove to Maywood FTuesiay and called on Mrs. Belle Corbin. Mrsw Corbin is a cousin of Mr. Mitchell. Mrs. Robert Gadke and son, El-- don, have returned after spending a week with her father in May-- Jo Ann Collier and James Bak-- ken of Chicago are spending sever-- al days at the J. H. Rouse home. Mrs. J. C. Dorfler and a number of friends from Chicago returned home Wednesday evening after a motor trinp of 'over two weeks through the east and Canada. _ Mrs. O'Brian of Chicago spent last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Dishinger. * + > sons, Paul and Earl, left Wednes-- .. morning to drive to Ladysmith, \-- .sconsin where they will spend «_ seek or ten days. .iiss Delia Quinn of Waukegan spent the week end with Mrs. Frank Dishinger. > ts t & Peter Crowley and his sister, Miss Margaret Crowley of High-- land Park enjoyed a trip to Lake Geneva on Tuesday. | s home after a two weeks visit with| relatives in Chicago. His aunt, Mrs.i J. Mortell and his cousins, Lloyd. ani Daniel, accompanied him home . for a few weeks visit. @4 f Mrs. Robe: don, have re a week with wood. Mrs. J. W Chandler we Tuesday. Mrs. John _ Mrs. John Gosswiller entertain@lj|ents afford the best available meas-- the Diamond Lake Cemetery S0--| ure of the number of new cases of ciety at her home on Thursday af-- mental disease which are brought ternoon. under hospital treatment during a Mr. and Mrs. Jameson have mov--| given year. ed into their house on the Rousel "The decrease in the number of farm. | first admissions to state hospitals in On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Hen--| Illinois represents a still larger de-- ty Kublank,; Mrs. «~John 'Kublmk,*w relative to the population 'of Mrs. Greenup and Mrs. Anna Ku--|the state as shown by the fact that blank spent the day at Gages Lake.!the first admissions in 1927 number} Morris Chandler made _ a busi-lg:pr::d ?&fi"findgrmpl:mp iakiou, "; nea? trip to Chicago on Wednes-l h:ho extent t;) w:actl: t?;om d?'l M t 0' s been made for tment cago has reiurnodotf o:;ur h::\ecfi:ox mental patients . is ted --bs T r the nymber of patients present in of her aunt, Mrs. Frank Dishinger.| n Tilinois, the number of mental _ Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bluhm and|patients under treatment in the Miss Margaret O'Connor of Chi-- cago has returned to her home af-- ter a month's vacation at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Frank Dishinger. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bluhm and daughters, Cleo and Elva, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McBride attended the Roto in Chicago on Wednes-- -- Mrs. John Kublank of lTowa and her daughter, Mrs. Sara Greenw, of Kansas City, Mo., have been vi-- day. _--Mrs. J. W. Chardler and Joel Chandler weére Waukegan visitors _--Mrs. Will A. Ray and daughter, Ethel, spent Wednesday with Mr. Knedler of Prairie View. l Mrs. -- Charles Lehmkuhl and children and Mrs. Ralph Wehren-- berg of Libertyville drove to Wau-- kegan on Thursday afternoon. _ in Lake Villa. _ Mr. and Mrs. Wwm. Volkman, Mrs. Ed Peterson and Mrs. Louis Hen-- djee drove to Chicago on Tuesday. Marian and Cecelia Kelroy have returned home after spending a week with relatives in Fon du Lac, Wisconsin. Mrs. Viola Caldwell entertained her cousin from _ Milford, Illinvis for several days this week. _ Mrs. Maud Lusk who has been staying with Mrs, Caldwell for some time left Tuesday morning for Long Pine, Nebraska where she will visit at the home of her sis-- ter. C Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cook, Mrs. Hattie Knigge and Mrs. Haggerty and Mrs. Lilly Davis of -- Liberty-- ville attended the funeral of Mrs. Frank Thomas at Fairfield on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Thomas pagsed away at the home of her somw in Oak Park, with whom she had made her home for a number of years. Mrs. Thomas was well known in Mundelein having lived at one time in the house now own-- ed by Thomas Russell and family. Mrs. John *+Gosswiller is enter-- taining her granidaughters, Ber-- nice and Verna Gosswiller, from Highland Park this week. * Herbert Doliph returned home Wednesday evening after being in the Elizabeth Condell Hospitgy in' Libertyville for two weeks. Born to Mr. andg Mrs. Raymond Meyer on Wednesday, July 25th, a ten pound daughter. Messrs. Morse} and Miller of Libertyville spent Sunday at the John Frederick home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herr and son, Donald, of Chicago were week end guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wirtz. Mrs. Wm. Leser of -- Waukegan spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Raymond Meyer. Mrs. Louise Meyer of Mundelein is spending several weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Charles Mason and two sons of Waukegan were recent visitors at Miss Elizabeth Faetz of Chicago is spemling her vacation at the George Hertel home. _ _ § PAGE TWO FREMONT CENTER MUNDELEIN relatives in Mundelein the PHONE 5A8J Tripp spent Thursday Jr. has returned i Mr. ani Mrs. David Hans and .M'r. and Mrs. Reed of Des Plaines : spent Friday evening with Mr. and fllrs. A. G. Maether. ; i ~Mr. and Mrs. Stahl and gon, Richard, of Chicago spent Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stahl. and ily. Misses Verna and Ruth Iverson of Winnetka ard Mrs. George Beim-- lich and children of Glencoe visted with Florence E. Maether Sunday afternoon. day. * Mr. and Mrs. George Hans and *aughters,-- Irene and Evelyn, and Miss Bessie Graeff of Barrington snent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Maether and fam-- a business caller in this vicinity Some of the*leading Democrats of Lake County were entertained at a banquet given by Mr. Thomas Bolger of McHenry, Illinois. Mr. Bolger is the democratic candidate for representative of 'this district. Mr. John O'Keefe of Highland Park and A. G. Maether of Prairie View attended the banquet at Mc-- Henry. e ecar e _ --Mrs. L. L. Maether and children and Mrs. A. G. Maether and Percy Maéther visited at Grayslake Fri-- _ Florence E. Maether left Wed-- nesday morning with friends on a trip into Wisconsin. figures in the 1927 report of the United States department of com-- merce on the number of patients '"These first admissions represent patients received during the year who had not previously been under treatment in any hospital for mental disease. Such newly admitted® pati-- ents afford the best available meas-- ure of the number of new cases of mental disease which are brought under hospital treatment during a given year. $ Thursday. George Hironimus and sisters en-- tertained friends and relatives from -- Glenview, Elgin, Kenosha, Round Lake and Volo at their home DECREASE IN _ MENTAL ILLS on Sunday. nois than irsane women. This conclusion is drawn were males and 1,740 were females; and of the patients present on Jan. 1. 1928, 11.207 were males and: 9.697 ily from 10585 on Jan. 1, 1910, to 20904 on Jan. 1, 1928; and the ratio of such patients per 100,000 of general pepulation increased from 1877 on Jan. 1. 1910, to 284.4 on New Menace To Health Aunt Prudence--"Keep away from the loud speaker Denny. The an-- nouncer sounds as if he had a cold." ----Punch. To Brighten Your Life: Save a little of thy income, and thy hide-- bound pocket will soon begin to thrive and thow wilt never cry again with an empty stomach; neither will creditors insult thee, nor want op-- press, nor hunger bite, nor naked-- ness freeze thee. The whole hemis-- phere will shine brighter and pleas-- vre spring up in every corner of thy heart.--Benjamin Franklin. _ SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Aug. 1.---- You'll say he's right who tells you where Good cleaning's done at prices fair. TAILORING Suits Made to Measure females." JOHN CICHY $25.00 * first admissions in Illi-- x the year 1927, 2918 |FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF ILLINOIS THAT EVERY DRIVER SHOULD KNOW Knowledge Of Statutes Will Prevent Motorists From Un-- wittingly Breaking Code. after sunset to sunrise every motor bicycle or motor vehicle which is standing on any road, highway or street shall display a light on the proceeding in the opposite 'direction and when within not less than 250 feet of same, any person in charge of a motor bicycle or motor vehicle equipped with electric headlight or headlights, shall dim, drop or ex-- tinguish such headlight or lights. front and at the rear of the same. However, any city, town, or village may, by ordinance, under rules and regulations it may prescribe, desig-- nate any part or parts of any street or other highway therein, as parking places in which motor bicycles and motor vehg:les may be pa_rkgd with-- cover, alter,. deface or mutilate the license plate or plates which are fur-- nished by the secretary of state shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not to exceed--$100. out having their lamps lighted, a.s} otherwise required by the section. Suc'hkpuking place or places shau{ Fictitious Number. * No motor vehicle or motor bicycle shall be used or operated upon the pubucdgghwnys of this state--which shall play thereon a number be-- longing to any other vehiclecor ficti-- tious registration number: Provided, however, that this section shall not the secretary of state a properly ex-- ecuted application for the re--regis-- tration of the same, and such appli-- cation shall be accompanied by the fee required in each case by this act. Registration in Case of Sale.: Immediately upon the sale and de-- livery of any motor vehicle which has been registered as herein pro-- vided prior to the date of such sale by any person other than a manu-- facturer or dealer, the vendor shall remove the number plate or plates from the motor vehicle so sold and within ten days after the date of such sale the vendor shall send a statement of such sale, showing the date thereof, the registration num-- ber of the motor vehicle so sold and the .name of the purchaser to the secretary of state;, and thereupon such number plate or plates shall cease to apply to the motor vehicle so sold and the purchaser shall reg-- ister the same as in the case of an original registration. In all such cases, the vendor shall give to the purchaser a bill of sale, which shall conform to the requirements con-- tained in section 17 of this act. Upon the payment to the secretary of state of a fee of one dollar any other mo-- tor vehicle of like horse power or ca-- pacity or less, owned by such vendor may be registered by such vendor and the number plate or plates so removed from the motor vehicle so sold shall be assigned by the secre-- tary of state and shall apply to and be used upon such other, motor ve-- hicle or motor bicycle until the 3ist day of December then next ensuing: be lighted. Covering, Mutilation or License be construed to prohibit any other number being displayed for any law-- ful purpose upon a motor vehicle or motor bicycle in addition to the num-- ber plates issued by the secretary of state as aforesaid.. By the first day of January of each ARTICLE VIIIL. (Information given by the Motorists Association of IIl.) MENTAL LAWS OF MOTORING EVERY CAR OWNER SHOULD KNOW. (From the statutes of the State of o TIllinois.) Plates--Penalty. Any person or persons who shall Demonstration August 3 and over a bed of coals in the ground. There is nothing quite like Bean Hole Beans for Flavor--Let our demonstrator convince you. Come in and taste the beans which have been baked, the old fashion way, in a covered pot Bean Hole BEA N S L. A. MURRIE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Meat_.s and Grocqries Mundelein, III. of the famous THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1928 g!mmmwismblemdpmper} ";luvingrenrdtomemmcmdthe' 'd use of the way or so as to endanger n:f:' the life or limb or injure the proper-- ' ty of any person. I1 the rate of "'I'eg'speed of .any such motor wehicle or $2!€ ) motor bicycle operated on any public m'fi | highway in this state in going around m;a corner or curve in a highway :nd;whcmtheope,ntor's view of the road _ fgtra.t!k:iscl:su'uct,ed. exceeds eight (8) _ U miles an hour. such rate of speed | shall be prima facie that the person topenting such motor vehicle or mo-- | tor bicycle is running at a rate of ' speed greater than is reasonable havy-- | ing regard to the. traffic and use of \the way or so as to endanger 'the 1meor limb or injure the property of | any person.> . Provided, however, that in case the horse power or capacity of any mo-- tor vehicle to which the unexpired term of the registration of the vehi-- cle sold +s sought to be applied would have required the payment of a lar-- ger registration fee than was paid upon the registration of the motor vehicle so sold, the vendor thereot': shall before the number plates may be applied to or used upon such mo-- tor vehicle of greater horse power or capacity, pay to the secretary . of state such a sum as added to the amount of the original regist.muon' fee paid for the year in which such motor vehicle is sold, equals the: amount of the registration fee pro-- videdbythisl.ctwbeptlduponthe" registration of a niotor vehicle of such greater horse power or capacity: Provided, however, that the registra-- tion fee paid by the state of Illinois or by @ny county, township, city, vil-' lage or incorporated town for each motor vehicie or motor bicycle owned, and operated by it shall be two dol-- lars for each calendar year. Every. motor vehicle while in use on a public highway shall be provided with good and sufficient brakes and also with a suitable bell, horn or other signal device. No part of the machinery of any motor vehicle be left running while such motor vehi-- cle is left standing without an at-- tendant on any public highway in thfs state. : No person shall drive a vehicle} upon any public highway in this state at a speed greater than is rea-- sonable and proper, having regard to the traffic and the use of the way or}® so as to endanger the life or limb orf"'1 injure the property of any person. II'I the rate of speed of any motor ve--, hicle -- operated upon any public ; ° highway in this state where the aame' 3 passes through the closely built--up business portions of any incorporated city, town or village exceeds ten (10) miles an hour, or if the rate of speed of any such motor vehicle--where the same passes through the residence Mrs. John Walsh and her moth-- er, Mrs. Gardner, of Chicago were Tuesday fiuests of Mrs. Lewis Mil-- ler and Miss June. f portions of any incorporated -- city, town or village exceeds fifteen (15) miles an hour or if the rate of speed of any motor vehicle--operated out-- side the Closely built--up business por-- tions and the residence portions within any incorporated city, town or village exceeds twenty (20) miles an hour or outside of the limits of an incorporated city, town or village if the rate of speed exceeds thirty--five (35) miles an hour, such rates of speed shdll be prima facle evidence that the person operating such motor vehicle is running at a rate of speed tored to Lake Geneva Sunday. ° Plans for a tennis court are be-- ing carried out by the local M. W. A. lodge in the yard adjoining the hall. The court will be open to the public in the near future. _ a Mr. and Mrs. George Winter and childrem and George Bottger -- mo-- -- Lewis Bottger has returned to his home in Chicago after having | Tuesday night, the motorists As--| sociation of Illinois held a garagel !men's meeting in their offices in the 'Waukegan National Bank building. | Miss Mary Zoehler has returned to her duties at. the Warren Tele-- jphone Switchboard after a weeks outing at Cedar Lake, Wisconsin. kegan. Death claimed a patient at the new Christian Science hom»* here Sunday evening when Edward Yant of Chicago passed away. He had entered the home Sunday morning and had been there less than a day when he succombed, a victim to heart disease. This new Christian Science home is located on Grand Avenue just west of the North-- western R. R. on the old O. G. Hawkins farm. "Jimmy" Chubb is this week's "vacationist" from the Bowman Dairy, Stephen Richardson having returned to work. « Mrs. Hall of Waukegan is ser-- iously ill at the home--of her grand-- daughter, Mrs, W. L. McClure. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Zimmerman, Dr. and Mrs. L. J. McClure are mo-- toring to Canada for a short vaca-- tion. Leslie McClure is confined to his home with illness. Hostesses for the meeting of the Warren Cemetery Association at the Wo»dman -- Hall Wednesday were: Misses Lottie Stearns, Lola Shevherd, Mesdames Ernest Barn-- stable and Jane James, all of Wau-- GARAGE MEN IN SOCIAL SESSION Fred ~Williams, -- branch _ man-- ager, turned the meeting over to Roy 8. Ashby, vice president of the or-- ganization, who was principal speak-- er. Mr. Ashby talked extensively on membership and its growth. He stat-- ed that the Motorists Association of Illinois is the second largest organ-- ization of its kind in the United States. There is only one larger and that is in California. 'However, it does many things that other motor clubs do not do: It holds many "Get--together" meetings like the on» held Tuesday night. Many social af-- tairs are given for its members at the luxurious club house it main-- tains at 2400 S. Michigan Ave., Chi-- Another official who was intro-- Lunch was served at Tony's rest-- aurant. * spent séveral days with relatives here, * duced was Frank White, service manager. Mr. White spoke to the garage men outlining the way to give quick service. The use of member-- ship cards, he said. aims to get the Phone 144.W _ ~ _ Libertyville, lit, + By motor--from Chicago take Milwaukee Ave. [State Highway'21 + To Reach the Model Farm; B3 mows--from Chicao uks Misorkes Ave [Sute Hishway 211 to Rockford, take State Highway 5 to Marengo, then straight ahead through Crystal Lake and Lake Zurich to Haliday, then left on Diamond'Lake Road to Farm; from Joliet, follow State Highway 22 to Haliday, then left on Diamond Lake Road to Fagm . . . By train--take Chicago North Shore Line or Soo Line direct to Mundelein. Bus service available to the farm. / * & Electrically heated Brooder and many other New Se Ways of Doing Old Jobs with Electricity. Also, j Gas Fired House Heating, Gas Space Heaters and Gas Water Heaters. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY to a year back County Clerk Lew A. Hendee an-- nounced Tuesday there was an in-- crease in the numoer.ot marriage At _ noon with still several T # hours to go, the records in the office: Face paint and powder haven't of County Clerk Hendee showed 500 MAde the world any better nor wo-- couples to have been licensed to wed Mn any prettier but they've sure since July 1. Last July 497 mar-- made a lot of men richer. riage licenses were granted. At the, Mprpurtzamunsaenmerpens mecreprzcanre mm rate licenses were taken out this _ Any iittle Libertyville boy can tell morning it appeared that at least ten You that the reason his sister doesn't more couples would arrive this after-- Fet much petting arounsa home is The fiscal year for the office of County Clerk Hendee starts on De-- cember 1 and ends on November 30. During the eight months in this fis-- cal year, according to the records of the county clerk, 3,355 couples pro-- cured licenses. During the corre-- sponding period a year ago, 3,255 couples appeared. Thus there has been an increase of 100 licenses. JULY KEEPS UP MARRIAGE PACE present fiscal year over that of corresponding period last year. July, compared to June. All records for the local office were broken in June when 643 licenses were issued, garage men together for more effec-- tive action. He stated that "In union there is strength" but as a group of motorists banded together, they could bring about the desired results more quickly. At this time, the checks f;ir service rendered were presented. licenses issued in July of this year in comparison with the same month a year ago, while there is also an in-- crease for the eight months of the an increase of 59 over the previous high mark. June, howesver, is the banner marriage month of the year and somewhat of a decline is ex-- pected to follgw in July. . Cupid is faring much better in Lake county this year than in Chi-- cago The county clerk in Cook county reports steady declines in marriage licenses this +2ar compared George Buck, chairman of the Ga-- rage Men's committee, then gave an interesting talk showing the service man how to save much mone;y in their business and give every mem-- ber a square deal. Nature Lover "Mr. Billerton, the butcher, was a jovial soul. As he was cutting up an order of lamb chops for a lady cus-- tomer, she asked curiously: "Mr. Billerton, what led you to choose your present occupation?"* "Well, really, I don't kngw, ma'am," explained Mr. Billerton "Maybe it was because I have al-- ways been fond of animals."--New Outlook. Electrically heated Brooder and many other New Ways of Doing Old Jobs with Electricity. Also, Gas Fired House Heating, Gas Space Heaters and Gas Water Heaters. the Electrified Farm Kitchen, Model Dairy House, Motorized Silo Filler, Automatic Water System, Records Broken in June., 4 OF NORTHERN lLLiNOlS _ . 8 So. Genesee St., Waukegan Gus Krumrey, Local Representative Phone 144.W _ _' Rf_fb':f;i"u., M scald the flour bin and other per-- manent containers before using them again. ° Never leave cereals when going away from home for any length of timé. One mflw- kage will contaminate eve ng else the insects can reach. Any iittle Libertyville boy can tell you that the reason his sister doesn't get much petting arounsa home is a wilacat. the package was sealed, or the tg)odk:itered vour kitche No matter how careful you are, you will sometimes finfd ;ml'eevm or worms in oackages 0 in the flour bin, or on dried fruits or nuts These pests come from min-- ute eggs, deposited probably before the food entered your kitchen. stroy all badly infested food any paper containers. Wash there isn't any fun "Just Use . the Mails" Hot weather, trying emergencies, pres-- sure of business or farm work--no matter what makes your time almost invaluable, you can go to bank in a few is moments time, for we are State Bank of Mundelein Bank--by--Mail, the easy, convenient way, and pay bills by check del Dairy House, \ c Water System, many other New Electricity. Also, s Space Heaters iters. As Near As Your Mail Box MUNDELEINX, ILLINOIS before Commander, C. C. Hoskins ---- 345--) Meets First Tuesday -- Gridey Hall Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION Pfannenstill Prop IENDELElN, ILXL. Kinds af Auto Repair Work Day and Night Service Phone 817 THE STAR Garage