A L. H. Reiekhrff nun-nod (tyeirdiis from In: W. was: ma after an "titrgahle ,metes n. _ cation. New stock now being delivered want a rock bottom price. T1183! & Jahnaon's store new has.trnerehetrie' aitrnontUMir. "he. "a from which in il- lmnfted oath evening. The Sign QAWQ Wednes fay by Titus Mr. aqd In. Arthur Brockman and family were that: Thursday met-noon and "at. " the home of-Mr. and Mm. Join Hartman at Wilmette. w. F. Franzen, Jr. LUMBER, COAL, BUILDING MATERIAL murm'fs, ILL. inet covered with leather-finished fabric. De- tachable winding-key at a convenient angle. Records stop playing automatically. You must see this great little instrument to realize its value. Visit us soon and hear it play the latest Victor Records. F. B. Lovell Co. LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Society and LOCAL NEWS I? ill your Capital And Surplus $150,000.00 Libertarvillsx Illinois coal bin now and be w Words are worth- ' less for describing the amazing per- formance of the 0 new Portable Vic- bl, telavautmhta/rwa, . . __' tthir-tive. To say that its tones are rich and deep, its volume as large as life itself, is not enough. You must n re.ally hear it your- I Mrs Charles Lehmknhl and 'children of Inndelein and Mrs. Ralph Wehrenherx motored to Walkman Thursday afternoon. Herbert Dolph, who he been a medical patient at the Elisabeth Condell Hospital during the past two weeks, returned to his home " Mundelein Wedneahy evening. The Misses Helen Bell and . Wheeler of "eiii,i,iiiiiu Pug $3: Libertyville eat er: Wednesdgy g. ternoon. rt',.', Swag: t,"Ati; Jun-i ne,wil one 7( turd") for an extended TJa in Colon-i do. I Chicago wed rett/tGefaFGitiii, page of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Reie. self to appreciate its startling powers of reproduction. Indestructible cab- ready. i Bernre" with , Slocun Mr; family sited . Milk, l _' Mr. t t flung Roy , ; day ei _ Mrs. week's ' daught family Miss Elem: - were tl ' t son, 30 Btrs. t Arden with n . here W Miss been vis of .lde1sl [ home in ' Hem motored day eve with fri ' there. H 'A I. E The postponed golf tournament of l the Libertyville club which was to, E have been, held Sunday at the Wau-' E eonda course, has been called off because of the opening of the Lib-l ertyville Country Club which LI scheduled for the same day. AU number of the Libertyville club: members are also members orthe new country club and will be DWI: cut at the offieial opening of the 1 local course. , lack Keller of Waukegan called up Wednesday to say that his ball . uam, the YI Nations, which has! bean mug entertainment for the local fans, will play at "W' F8eH" Wankegan, Sunday and will have as their opponents the fast W Chicago team. "ht the Ari.. leAt,t J1tndur.u Ans-mt 12th, thd -V ""B""'J' at" All". Lillie Davis, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cook andL'Mrs. Hat- tie Knigge of Mundelein. attended . the funeral of Mrs. Frank Thomas t Fairfield on Thursday after- noon. Mrs. Thomas passeio away at 'the home of her son in Oak Park, with whom she had been living for a number of years. ( E Funeral services will be held forl l Henry Almond on Saturday at two- llthirty at his home, 315 First E Street. Mr. Almond, who has sub feted from heart trouble for a number of years, passed away! "Thursday morning at the Victory' Memorial Hospital. Waukegan 7il, six-thisty o'elock. He had reached) the ake of seventy-three yearsi when death called. Cling," Anderson and Prank Nel.. son w o claim to he employed on local construction work, were ar- Fi?),'::,.: Thumday by chief of police , Dennis Limberry who found them, lin an intoxicated condition in an. :automobile parked at the curb on Milwaukee avenue. They were ttiv- en a hearime before polite maids-' 'trate Fred H. Smith and released on: ament of fines of five dollars and" the court costs. -,!, The Methodist Episcopal Church will hold its annual church meet- !ing on Tuesday evening, August 'ith. A pienie supper will be served at six-thirty for all members of the church. Officials for the coming yen will be elected. 1 ' tMr.aand Mrs. Frank Wallis of Stewart Avenue are planning to leave Saturday for Alpine Resort, Etttr Harbor, Michigan. They will remain for two weeks. l l Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seiter an- nounce the birth of a nine noun! gon oh Wednesday, August lat. Both mother and son are getting along. satisfactorily. i - -_" w"- I" AalqllrMMIt fimil is intending to make infu- We MU here. Betty Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miitttar, of Second street, entertaineq the little friend: Friday afternoon In honor of her second birthday anniversary. T Miss Ruth Drury, who is enjoy- ing a vacation from her duties " the Victory Memorial Hospital in Waukegan, is visiting with rela- tive: hem. _ ' T Miss Lorrain V Retard, who has been visiting mi week at the home of Ideal friends, returned to her borne in Chicago Friday evening. Herman Schema: and family motored to Delavan Lake Wakes-T day evening where they visited 311 friends who have a counsel me. . At the First Presbyterian Church Sunday morning, August 5th, t male gum will render "A Play- l','. L1! Thanksgiving" by Theodore Mrs. H. J. Stung and daughter, Arden Rae, of Grayslake visited with relatives an: several friends here Wednesday afternoon. Miss Blanche Converse and Misc Eleanor Gay, both of (kayahke; were the guests of Miss Mary Ma- Don, 303 Elm Court. Mrs. R. Bilson is, making a week's visit at the home 301' her daughter', Mrs. John Hartman and family at Wilmette. {smug entertained Mr. and' Mrs. Roy Ilaheler, of Chicago, Wednes- day evening.' F Mr. and Mrs. Ross Trim and family and Miss Gladys Gmner vi- sited Thursday night at Solon Milk, Illinois. . _ . _rs. find .les: Ltonttd Ditmetlnd Mr. Mrs. Harry Pester and daughter, Bernice, are spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wells at Slocum Lake. honed "to MW, Wis'coniin Sunday, where they transacted business. Mr. and Mrs.doter Masher: and family visited Sunday, with friends and .relatives at Mukwanago, Rise. cousin. q the indie a' aatiriiG' siiiii'ia"vGi"Gis" 9o.lf Tournament held at Slocum Miss Lara Walsh of Albia, Iowa is visiting at the Presbyterian Manse with her friend, Mrs. Mary E. Boyle. . uuloluu "QM! tutaStutuV LThursday evening. I Miss lid Wheeler is spending this month with relatives and friends in Highland Park. Miss Guce Groner, of Elm Court, and Keith Robertson, of Lake Fox;- egthpent Thunday evening in Chi- . Mr. Wane: call- of "at: r'tu%rhguiuttgitl1; evening. Frat}; Kggmydy and family mo- MP... Hey, Pater was awarded Elmer Either, of North Chictgo, do a Pushes: can here WedttUd of n héart trouble for a, tf years, passed away morning at the Victory" Hospital, Waukegan ati, o'eloek. He had reached! of yt'enty-three years! wit Aif ivill play at the' hit and Will lie pitted a- m colored team. '- Hagerty, and Mm Jplay Luann A, umber and rm; " mn LAKE COUNTY pyjtirii.iia,, sanRbAf. "A'Uéué-f 4-711»: '- the homé of ' of This picture ran for three we}: gt McVickera. It m Stung?" Case 0 . Capt. Hamper" of a dwelling and two extra lots, to Charles Warner and wife 'of Welsh» who, am planning im.. tttodiatat" itititroMltneitti or; the pm - he an. - also n4 ports the sale of Iota in 'Sunnyside' Park 8M!" to Charles La: Moine and Melvin Schultz. who are planning to We! homes during the present season. A. R. Schnaehle, local' realtor, _tepor't' the sale of the Fred Cole property on Third, Stunt consisting of a Welling and tum extra Mn dared td show. was taken to the office of Drs. Taylor and Penney and had an X- ny taken to determine the extent of the injury. The bone was set and Mr. Gennng will be fore- ed to get around on crutches for the next few weeks. Present indications ave that a lirge delegzltion of Legion Auxil- iary members will nuke the trip to the veteran's hospital " North (Chiearo on Friday evening, August '10": . to entertain the shut-ins. ,Those who 'ue-going will leave dorm McDonald's-Jewelry Store or the Notth Shore station and tuna, partation will bee-provided for those" who have no "unto tro. l An unusual hotqplay! Story of a Polar Eight thit faiieii, --and of the strangest pas- sions the screen has an» LeRoy C. S',eet"ig,1e Broadway, fri',tit,tgt,i, absurd}; 'le', in his-foot. ursdny w en 3 p on a small stone and tu'gJ't,'i, ankle when, tlighting from his car. He Nondarau August' 6-7. I, The Ladies' Aid Society of the Metlfodist Episcopal _ Church will meet at the ho'me of Miss Hazel Butler, 221 Brainerd Avenue, on Tuesday, August 7th " two-thirty p. m. daylight saving time. Assis- tant hostesses' will be Mrs. Everett Marsh, Mrs. C. L. Coonfer, Mrs, Jay Frudy, and Miss Cora Marsh." Members are requested to bring apro'ns for the bazaar. 'd, aitromance of the China "The _" Crinison City" I Frank Jr., the four and one half (year old sonof Mr. and Mrs. Funk Calzavara of Johnson avenue, was painfully injured Wednesday when he fell on the blade of a mowing machine and cut a large gash in his left ch'eek just below his eye; He was taken to the office of Dr. M. D, Penney where three stitch- es were taken to close the wound. Sunday, August 5. mm LOY and LEILA .HYAMS A rapid fire newspaper with a, lot of has. Rememb "West Point" and ")lprimr PeveP, then see this latest picture of Hum. Mr. and Mrs' Thomas Exon are the proud parents of twin girls born Thursday morning" the Eli- zabeth Cordell Memorial Hospital.- The new arrivals md the mother are reported getting along fine. was Janet Hudson celebrated her birthdag annivermrry Thursday with twenty little friends, who ga- thered at the home of Janet's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hudson, 136 Newberry Avenue. I Herman A. Schwerman closed a 'deal Thursday . whereby two Chi- cago women, Mrs. Dozier and Mrs. Harding, took title to the house and three quarter acre of land at Gilmer formedy owned by H. A. Eggers. . "Telling the World". Also Comwé, News Song lides. umrmm ILL. Saturday, Aug 4. Mrs. Ma'ud Lush, who has been staying with MN. Caldwell " Mun- delein for some time, left 'Tuesziay for Long Pine, Nebraska, when s_he will visit at the home of her Mster. llr.p,p.l'l'fjij))jiil Mr. and Mrs. ARM Scholl of Second Street announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, Aug- ust lst. The new arrival has been named, Shirley Mary. i Th Misses Eda. Rome and Hay $122.21" as! iatiltli1h, itiltl,. @gyghter of tt and Mris. 6 Itll: Also Comedy and Scenic. show everbedy will like T WM. mamas 'i-isis'!. illllGl MALT itli'lll i:":'-;:.,',":".'-,:.",-',.'-..--" _ STORE i SNOW'S Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service arurwe will do the mt. Yellow Cab - VJ, ""Nb"'"" an." 1950. I _ Nothing Abut memories as we go on . F Longing for Cu dear one, who ' is . dead and gone. None knows the depth .of our re- In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister, Edna' Biere, who passes: away three years ago my. August 2nd, 1925. ' - _ ---v y- "rsh"'"" I hares. August slit, the Homer . Dahringer Post No. 281 of the t 4mericsn Legion open the festivi- ties with there annual Summer Fes- tival to be held at the beach. This 1 event will run through Saturday, ' Sunday and Monday Labor Day. ' As is customary, the Festival will jeet?, this year with a gigantic com-, , Punity parade At which civic, fra- ternal, and social aft,iglitt,! to- gether with indus . and business . organizations will participate with floats. It is estimated that' the cost of the parade last year was $30,000,.by conservative ifgiirintr. The many ex- penditures of this event this year qriil run close to $50,000. The Festival prayer will be held at the beach in aukegan. Here there will be boat events, water T parade, rehgttas, and old fiddler'ts contest w h will probably be the! major event. l Any man, either amateur or pro- fessional, over fifty-tive years of has. may contain in this contest for ithe title of t Champion Old Fid- dler of Northern, Ill. Besides many prizes for this event, there will be yttudevil1e.aad radio cimtracta await- ing the winner. The last event, every evening will be an old fats-l hioned amateur night, the winner of C Which will have a contract offered? him for the big time professional} stage. , Budweiser' Malt Syrup, darkor light, with or without hops, can L63:lf1uftt 4, lint &'iye twelve days, August 81at to September 11th, ineluafire, Wanke- tra.tt Will be a mecca of Legion- Mlmg A.......A. ("A a% --. "ERIC" LEGION TRIGGS & JOHNSON GrandeDry Cleaners and Dyers "Guiyang we renfember, where others forget. Mr. and Mr: P The Grande Dry Cleaners and Dyers It's new when we 're V Q Through! Illllllllllllllllllllllt _ N For Quality and Service I LN MEMORIAM PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 844 8tnieaiiiitt FESTIVAL TESTS A " . Frank Biere and family. LIBERTYVILLE REht'rott-aNsma,R 0m Electric Station "A gmdolieetodobuineuwith" (Manama) to for; leamei Sunday. August 5th. Opening of the. Libertyville Club. . . q Thur-day, August 9th. 'Card and bunco party by the Diamond Lake Community Club at I," "-41", . .-. Ray Brothdrp LAKES; '11: SECURITY BROTHERS are working for me Long Grove Sunday School pie- nie at Butts' Grove. Services at 10 a. m. standard time by Rev. Hal- Ier. 9 piece orchestra from Benson- ville Orphanage. '; Fridny, August 3 Old Time Dance. by the County Farm Bureau at Stables, Ivanhoe. Music by ke's Orchestra. Fred Hicks. ing.. water. He comes to the reiief albumen men after fires. While they ain't - their stores. thou or tartaric. mid can't an their premises {at mocey-mak- ing. bother USE AND OCCU FANCY repay- them fete their Ine-emailed lit thin my he ha kept my t business to- gether during reconstruction. No under that he is popular'. He has I long and rather sty- lish name. trat, for £11115; he i; u... nun-"c, "UL, 10r 511.152., 12.27% very practical and it a ha worker. He comes to the "up: The Libertyville man who is able fogget ibianeial irtquriea has .m the real secret to happiness. PHONES m" 269 COMING EVENT§ Sunday. August Sth. ie by Hap- Hicks all- at Dietz's Diamond - Register Now for beginning, elementary or advanced w Commercial Courses Positions secured for graduates. SUMMER SCHOOL Compam a Dan- ville,' Hinton, are called the '.'Ftrir Americana" which " in 1:12:ng with the Eng" type of an:- .We maintain that the [Ame Con- trtruetion Company'g ormy.tixatimt is sure pushing the cow. struction on the Public Service Build- ing. The press brick Pred in this build- wnen ne came 2dl"ts'ie He fs gathering mate . for a lifé of Abraham Lincoln and Springfield', relation to it. soon " you get away from home. visited his tti'l?it,5i,fiiiiith,iiii,.'i 15ltttt, be came to 'prirpgfie d. He is Pot1eed.teothat it is typxcdly Ameri- cantoknock your 'mnrmmitrwhirent Ittttpeanftherisitoa tobeattheund% who will no a: fend magma he lun' "a! from on 1C.tLeSH Published in the in- $titecture. The - hunt of the poop}. man brick 0'03! of .Hbertzville and ' Mathew by the "tlt y the mom [thick Co, ERTYVILLE In mm the QUKBER co. 1lttr1ieldy.riip, A We Vol. . :7. E399 1hrthe,..o.t WWI-0N0: ',s'd MCDONALD "OOMERCIAL SCHOOL IF ' A, was; First National Bank -'ilIl1.ttrFour By Six Capital And Surplus $110.000.00 Libertyville, Illinois 811 w. Park Avis. anan Who failed to embrace his nutri- monial Ofportunity and is le t nothing to hug but delusions. We my: Teweles 'Badger' Brand seeds An ("bachelor is a some seed would dd diir, but did any. "If m. seed doesn't gm bring "t but and TJ August 4. 9th it The Diamond lake t Club will give g "Id I party Thursday waging. ml. " nA n .. - you DIAMOND LAKE ' -LUiit"Riii"." - k, give a can! t"2gSt humday evening, W Ray Brothers' Pavilion, "rut I "ak."" Wynne, m. Pb. " and" Adan and Eve " for an apple. at their" dream? are all". twinning . '-, PAGE MW N; "