WRITER BOYS 00 THEIR STUFF cm GRANT. m. Aug. 2.--We11, III tttmatt the company clerk trt, -t-nrttttttisextmTt'uwto Camp -tttiaymr,thefirst mum. -tuae.-edtogetttietter -tttrtte,andSnmgoingtotell -Atttstutstttartit. -erG-nylandedatthunp qlgmttatttoetqt on Saturday. and 'nit-tgt-tttttewes-sible. II -trp-trtptt_ttiytet?tetrtyr1erl aV"t-eY'ttndttettintrthetn d-m. Theydid haven: qriArmrteta1eepqrtttttheeotnpti- ag-fthe-n-ttingot/rot '.-t-t.nndTirrtagineit was "It ,mtrttteonlyrnern- JArtd"aeldir,fllA'lund"li, - nun exposure on Saturday - 89 would the comp-my "II-mac an overcoat. but. wAth b of the night there was sum- an - far everybody. with the in" to want puns either, and all .mmmmmu It. Mean home Is taking Mgt-q M the American sky- -. m. the -per. it Is "a that good Inhitecture is i - "to beauty, but a -t_tortr.ttd-tentttemtr- "has." bobulltlnnny Cm Mount mm and -etrtemtrutretetnteeethtq mnmormmnr. my and my. a. d tho Manner: chic! . am my adapted for ate 8 all." and the results are gut. "can, at a nomad. "In ttmt coat and a ma- - m tn utMnction and ,ltitttttersoftheeompauyorgtut- - . "nine hunt" on Saturday 'rilftfttrttteteqrtto suntan pep -ttterntoventtout, buts: the -egetter-tauedtornethey up your: uf result.- In pupae: -entttemJq.wrrrtr to do. and Pri- meBPitN nld lathe. who were an gt1PtHnmtd-ereeornplintented - the cheerful and ancient ntgur. -eattmgdtmrirttmr,torhehad Mdittodolutyeu. Beta a mtrttgtrt "an" mu. m never I Homes Use Skyscraper Floors - to obey the order: given him. he Up Tech light And to up it all Bovine:- Com- - III the only company in the ttqt-tttttttoe their tenta up and new tantrum with- d-hnca not change: and ad- may lighted bulletin board. i tf any ot you folks so out there at - look tor that. When you n 3. their: Bovine: Company, end - "" mum tn the reci- ' hen-inc none. 7 "than made by Scream Luke - hum: for camp. He worked d . method, which though simple - you see it. is really a remark- Ih "be. It am much time and h Mindy according -ttdidinpreviouirs,tuttt tHttioaqreatlrnmrreeiatedastt hunch". Wemowit shall "at-tttemits-ttttttttttttttttttttte hei.t8tnttttsttt-sttrrpittttediaat -erCompartyalao has tn to regulations of in coat. in the opinion of many urchi- tectn end builders. in an investment 1bearing high returns. Russel & 'Welcott. n Chicago architect. an of the stability of'theee Boom: "This non-moving quality of concrete itoor deh- in e tine residence are. the - a tremendous tot of re- deconting and in. to my mind. the tirgt of it. bretethn, although it bu any others." in itself and s stabilise: for the whole house. preventing expensive repairs and redeeoration which toi- low inevitably when rigid construc- tion is not used. Repeated experience has estab- lished the fact that s concrete. 11mm tirgt Boor increases the total cost of the average modern house less than 2 per cent. In many instances it added very little more than 1 per cent. And this extrn The 1927 field meet Trp?' won by thet39ttthsftntrsnnditistraintmr Other organization have been pre- paring far the events, however. end will give the champions a hard but. Other interesting toilette lemma in amp include boxing. baseball tutd cam sports, which ere taking up the leisure moments of' the Elimination bouts in the bean; and wrestling competition to deter- mine the division champions are to begin next Hominy gm. They wttatttettmartottéttetttaspnrtot, ttteOovertior'stbypexttrramonAu- The Long Grove Evangelical Sunday School will give their an- nual Sunday School Pienie in Bihta Grove on Sunday, August 5th. Ev.. 'eryqpe is cordially invited. C '; Mr. and In. Edward Koch Jr., Mr. and In. Roy Koch of Pala- tine, lines Margaret Koch of Lake Bluff and Marie, of Liberty- Ville spent Sunday with their' par- ents, Mr. at! Mrs. Edward Koch. Mr. and Hrs. Norman Lee enter- tained the former's sister of Chica- go over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hasemann at Arlington Heights and Mr. . and Mrs. Edwin Roder of Mundelein were entertained at the Charles Mersehhartrer. Jr. home Sunday. Mr. George Umbdenstock, Sr. and August Ln Kathe motored to lathe Geneva, Wisconsin on Sun- Hr. Henry Tome and Dorothy Herschberger spent one day last week a the William Tonne home at Fairfield. Mr. Jotiit Hana made a business trip to Chime oft, 'ruesAar, - . ier. and MR. Albert Maidenhea- er of Palatine called on relatives here Sunday evening. - ' _ Mr. and Mrs. M Pnhlman re- turned Sunday evening from Fair- mont, Minnesota where they at-, tended the funeral of Mrs. Pub. man's mother. - afternoon. WIVES FAQTIIIIS IN NEXT VOTING "Shadow. Hans and daughters were Palatine callers Wednesday WASHINGTON. July" 31.--Mra. Herbert Hoover end Hrs; Alfred E. Smith ere rival mm for the position ct gttutrmtt of the white tteeart.fttrmrt-torfttrAl,in madame with the voters' prefer- ence tor Mtg. Hoover or Mm. Smith. rather than in accordance with any when)" preference as between the official nominee: of the Republican end Democretic conventions. In fact. you hear Mrs. Hoover's end Mrs. Smith's mum con- trasted with one We: a deti- nitely recognind can" Issue " undoubtedly will move decisive in a gent my voters' tattetr--prtrteiptu- It's a new new for politicians to ENG GROVE weren't so extraordinary, I'd imagine that Mrs. Smith would have consid- erable advantage over Mrs. Hoover as a vote-getter. in that her career has much more nearly than Mrs. Hoover's resembled the career of the average housewife in twentieth century America. It's popularly supposed that a man. in voting tor a president gens erally uncles a candidate who has led somethinz such a life " the voter's own-an ordinary.__ every-day life, which it's reasonable to pre- sume will have given him under- standing and "sympathy tor the ordinary. every-day lives and prob- 1emisotttteranhtutdtiieofttit' of women? o Yet. from who; I overhear 'em stylus. I Judge that it itdt't--ttttt " trueofmmtenattitisof.men,nt comma. she he: "done her own work." My guess mum n his majority of American women "do their own work" these times. We used to hove "hired girls" formerly but now Why, then ian't having, "done her oqmwory'nng-ettoMta.Bgttittt.' 0n the contrary, the consensus of feminine opinion sounds to me as if it was considered a liability. _ Mrs. Hoover. on the other hand. is praised to the skies as "very superior." ' And no she unquestionably is-An Just " I can't see why "having done her own work" should count mum Mrs. Smith I can't see why any fault should be found with Mrs. Hoover for having made the most of her broader ttrtpttrtut-titier. Never- theless. men, Mains o fellow: anally do resent a suggestion of "superiority." I think they resent it somewhat in Herbert Bttttger--qtr what they interpret that my. Women." thouéhi--there's no se- counting for 'em. They act " it Mi BREW M All. OVER " mange". _ URBANA. 11VAutt, 1.-"Catte eat- erz"tuenmrtnrenrtmmttteredttriee eretuneatemin'ttteAmerteanpubite judging Iran tigures cited by P. M. Tracy. in charge of the dairy unnu- tactm'es division of the College ot Antennae. UniveraitrofMtimtin. Noothereountrrinthe-idean mntettttteretxtrdaftheUttitedV for consumption at ice cum. which bu banned from an tothout 825 ,ears.tterettorted. Amman-1 'tereentoftttemtlkprodueedtnthis txtuntryumarttetedintheformof tceeream.hesaid. 'mwaeaup 'athnaantrtteenatneethe- that Germany. Maxim ttnveeaeetedtothertmaitti1ittesof develm6tgieeereammamtfnetttrettn tatextenatvetatmmegqSBlaea3e. Ivan ttte6rEttatisnettutrhtgan- cation {or fro-en We: and in "pan todnywillbetound teem shtppedtrmntaetariesonthewestem txttgatoftheUnitedt9tatett. "Beietttttte madman In the mum- fuctm nad distribution ot the ttmen nnete-ritptimtofieeereieintttu have contributed much to trtuirttt it possible for the American consumer to be supplied nun-mam with this highly nqmuqug. yet mum!" "irttirtettertettumbuxt1estrottttlt moon of the year or mulled location. Numerous experiments aimedattheperfsetionorieeerenm mung have been conducted by the College ot 'Agrlcmmre. University of minoits,tuone._Asttretsultuttttese experimentatutdatmp-inetttter states ice cream making has come to be both an art and a science." IVEI"V mun-ow .u Cum-Iv." want Mr, no to me Tttget WW that . dent ot the United states. M: . in voting tor . Went gen- dost memories one connected VuGiG"uaiid'iitia"wtto"Usl9f, white house. and all: nomething mg); . lite as the shows that 'tTtmirtglltnetd C; ' ' nt " ""'P-rtn ardiont. eterv-dro 'etheSiir,eU5et? that m Is the one sure way to make your/business grow. No matter how great the brain power be. hind an undertaking its course is iiniited with- out the .help of printers' ink to broadcast its merits. 'i" . _ We'vie spent several years mixing these two eommodltiei--and the result has been beneficial. Phone 90 iihe shouldn't this use be true lake (Emmy Regain! III CHURCH STREET THE LAKE COUNTY REGIME. SATURDAY, AUGUST' 4, 1928 WAUCONDA By IDA]! Moe-LONE GmSON In talking with Mrs. manor Me- Adoo, daughter of the late Woodrow Wilson. lost year. she said: "I dont want Mr, McAdoo to become presi- dent of the United States. My sad- dest memories ore connected with the white house. and all history shows that anyone exalted to the stat position ot pie'eident has hid to leave the happiness that may be the lot ot the overuse man behind." It has always seemed to me that Woodrow Wilson had more than his "are of unhippiness while in the white house. He lived to see his great ideal of universal peace con- demned and himself ormded as a tse1iUtt politician; mg yet there must I wu in Paris 'tttrough. much of the time the, peace commission was In tension sad the day on which the pet'oe treaty was signed. it seemed to me that the fact that I was an Amer- ican'woman was something ot which to be very porous. An American Red Cross A. M. P, uniform was paid all mvenence on that nay: Our city marshal], George Jepson, is the_oqptr of a chrrltsr sedan. - have been timed when he had mo- ments ot great exaltation "most we Aire Ind tought for that peace. We had new to make it and now we were the ttrgt to sign it. President Wilson was very pak as E. H.erior spent. the foreman of last week " Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Em, C. R. Wells visited relatives in Ir'""" several days .last wee Mr. and" Mrs. W C. Sttht of Woodstock, Mr. and, Mrs. J. L. ase- ley, of Union, and Mrs. H. A. Base. icy, of Coral ate chicken dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Cyp- her and lira. Alice Basel?" Sunday. Mrs. Ernest Gone" an daughter visited relatives in DeqPtainetr last week Ural. L. Harris, and sons spent last week with relatives in Milwau- Mr. and Hrs. H. E. Human call- ed on Mrs. Mary Denies, of Elgin, ong_dny let wee_k._ - . . $llllM1tlit.tlltiiTlillilWtlut F mums PACT wns SIGNED "it. ind Mrs. John Brown enter- tained frfittda from Chicago one day Mr Yaxley, who was mentioned in these new: items last week, and why it was stated was I',',? ill of 'e',g,ttut,','rf,', trouble 02:: comp' tions, passed an e y Saturday morning, July 23th. The remains were immediately taken to Chicago for funeral servicea and in- terment. Mr. Yaxley leaves a rid- ow and pne son and one daughter, besides ti number of other relatives. During their tetu'denee-hem they made many warm friends who ex- tend their sympathy with the be- xegv funny. _ It is_hop_ed_ thy fe.tilr, -ik.-iirriusse1es entered the Sher- mghospitd of Skin Tuesday to: obserution and awe-meat for. ten Mrs. M. W. Beach; returned to her home here last edngsdag af- ter a three weeks mi at the her- man hospital, Elgin, w ere she with- stood a maior operation A for trail stones. . Mrs. Bucky is convalesc- imi/ttifgittii2 at this time n. Florence Green visited last Wednesday in Chictgo withAher gun, Wednesday In SilePt. with her son, Edgar Green, and its wife.. The latter recently gluten-Red the "American Beauty hoppe" at Tr54 Aft Helm Street. r. and In. Russell Daley tnd _dgtttrttterA8m?thn and Gems. Pe; Irina, of Winn, were guests " Mr. and In. Clam. Da y new»: ai days'hst week. _ Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Dolph ahd an and M.' C.'Pnyne .of Mundelein, and Avis P151119, ot éhieggo. any} nt'. and Mi Geo J r. w. e n 1 children, Joseph Etdte,lll'f l ind Aeig P3335. or Ulncag'o. "5le George and ily Bates first of last i iG%in Ak in ihéir beautiflil "C, Libertyville; Ill. i. W. Bucky returned to he left his seat'and went around the table to where the book lay open. Then followed Lyold George and then Clemeneetut, who seemed to have grown two inches in height. T After Clemenceau came the others ot the Allied countries. . Then there was a moment ot si. lenoe, so deep you could hear it. Cle- menceau got up. went to the two German commissioners and said, "You will sign now." The two Ger- man: walked solemnly to the book daughter, Iva, visited Mr tint/t bro! r'te fgmily at Richmon first Vl'lr: and Mrs. John Géssell and In. Kate Dewald spent last "May a_futmoo, .1? Fauteeyy At that moment the sun broke through the clouds which had given the day a purplish my east and the whole world seemed bathed in liquid gold. The famous fountains which had been silent and dead through the war began to play. and we in the "Hell ot Mirrors" loked out on a scene which probably had never been seen through those historic windows. Hundreds ot people, standing about on the broadsward. cheered and applauded a tall, guant, ugly man (Wilson). and a short swarthy one (Clemenceau) as they walked arm and arm down the broad path- way past the fountains. Surely it was the greatest moment in both their lives. oflast week. Mr. and Mrs. Geoarge Scott, daugh- ter, Mary Mrs. C y and Mr. and Mrs. H. k.' Harris called at the home of Mr. and Mrs Richard Grantham one day last week. -urrrand Mrs. Ray Paddock enter- taiped Mr. and Mrs. fififyt, Huson and Mrs. Graves of Round lat last Mr. and .Mrs. Lew Cypher and little. son spent Tuesday evening with friend; yt 'M_t._ Prxtrpeet, - Thursday afternoon in Waukegan. Dorothy Peck and friends, of Chi.. cago, agent the week end " the home o In. Edith Peck. - A - "tAnottter Memo" Portrait tamer row.) , a vféiv'dayis at'the home of lit. 1 Mrs. Richard Grantham at City. a You Have Seen the I.., Other 1929 Models Recently Announced Cllii2iil'llllfTJ]lft'Y These super-cars of the Century are now "metat-tat1ored" in all details throughout. . They now surpass their own highest standards of performance, and give new and brilliant expres- sion to the mechanical principles, design and beauty, pioneered by Hupmobile in the original Six and Eight of the Century. See them now at all Hupmobile dealers. Forty-two body and equip- ment combinations, standard and custom, on each line. Six of the Century, $1345 to SIMS. Century Eight, $1825 to $2125. All prices f. o. b. Detroit. NOW seethe NEW 1929 CENTURY NEW 1929 HUPMOBILE F Mrs, E. J. Cook, who has been a yg',.',ttiyg) at the Sherman hospital, El- 'trin. f some time is m1yehprmprovfd [in health though she has to make {weekly trips for obseravtion. 1 Paul Broneheon, who has owned land operated the meat market on Main street during the last two years, has sold out to a Chicago Grayslake, went r",',','."",'?,. afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alice Bucky and Mr. and Mrs; L. H. C her. They. also called at the M. W. gase- 1e 2tome, . U.' and Mm. E. J. Cook. enter- tained friends-from Chicago last Mrs. John Murphy and daughters, of Chicago, are 'eneg a few days at the home of former', mother, Mrs. Fannie Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. when and son, Merlin, of Crystal e called on friends here. Tuesglay afternoon, TfiTGiGuil Twin a lake crowd at the Phil Woe Ike bathing beach Sunday, and also at the Kuebker Mr. and Hrs. Arthur Manning and Miss Grace Ripkey, of Chung: were Sunday guests at the G. Blackburn home. Mrs. Alice Baseley, Mrs M. W. Boseley and daughter, Hrs. H. A. Anderson were Elgin callers Tues- day afternoon. '--Mr. Nordmeyer entered the St. Jo- seph's hospital at Elgin the Jirst of last week, where he underwent treatment for a complication of di- seases. He is much improved and will soon return to his home near town. C, W. Sowles and family were meant callers, at the home of their mother, Mrs. MmGlynch. Mr. and Mrs. bert Blukburn and infant daughter, of Chicago agent the week end " the home of t former'a taunts, Mr. and Mrs. Geprge Bleek. urn; . Mrs. Jack Ringer and two children returned to their home at Akron, Ohio, Sunday after spend, ing the last month at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs George Broughton. Au Crabtree, of Cary, was 9. din- ger true.. of yr. qnd AMrs. M. W. Mr. Iaiiiii, and Atytrtter, it is possible to secure is the Travelers Check--. a type of check that is accepted as readily as cash the world over, yet is valueless unless signed by you in the presence of the person who cashes it. Experienced travelers always (any their mon- ey in the form of Travelers Checks. Before you go away, come in and let us explain this plan to you. _ 6 Wheeling State Bank .. ms BANK or murmur SERVICE" REE MOTOR SALES The Safest Travel Money HUPMOBILES i FORTH MILWAUKEE AFC 1ahertyville - Phone 8 t Douglas Crooks, of Kenilworth, has a week end guest of June: 'Carr. . 3 Glenn Blackburn, who man up: week at the home of his brother In tChiago, returned to his home here i Saturday evening. i The new restaurant owned and (Continued on page TI Mr. Broneheon has moved to the old Andrew Cook farm just out of town onthenorthsideandwmbocomea first class farmer, which he has been and fruit trade, In Which Egon he entered the but market, His ttoodrnntyref . my! will be missed by hi old muons. Everyone will be glad to know thet Pun! and Bess are not going to quit as cold and betakg dun-elves to pustules new and far any. James Carr, of Chicago, is enjoy- ing a two weeks vacation nt his home here. L An. old land mark of Wauconda, is being wrecked by workmen. In the can! sixties part of this build- ing was a butter and cheese factory and was later sold to P. S. Swenson and was still used as a cheese facd tory with an addition built on, which was used as a wagon factory. Here a Mr. 2,'gt,", Pit was ter fthan; years amp o e was a r TIll/lettered,,';',"',,',',',',,',',.',',".: the Waneonda Leader for a number of years. Mr. Swenson remodeled this building into a large and com- modious hotel." Mr and Mrs. Era- kine Oaks were occupants of this new hostelry and it was named the Oakland Hotel and Dance Hall. There was a three tgt carnival and dance held from J y 3rd to 6thw, People came from near and far and I there sureldy' was a big time in the) old town y and night. William' Baseley was marshal, the first mani in town to hold that office. Those. were the days when about thirty; five Chicago people spent Saturdai; and Sunday in this village, whic i proved a great number of strangers l to visit here. - 1 he Cl de Carr, of Barrington, spent sldlfy' foreman at the home of his when Mrs. Lizzie Carr, fl MA.' Peai-l Dickinson and daugh- ter, Henrietta, of Woodstock were Su_nday_ callers}: the gun; hung. we STATE LACKS TWO IN HOUSE UNTIL SPRING be cleans! on Nov. 6. but 2m"§c$ at tltat, till! '91 net F?" "Ear sent; Illinois tense-caution in countess during the December who will be "tt9?rtotttteewotatogrtttetto'tis entitled. Two of its an." tn the m ot representative. will he tar- w-lt-hrge hii; aiGGri - oeetmtidiuthatos.the It" This became apparent when the 'Mnrtttiemn state central mama loud it could do nothing to-rd fitting the attttrt term "EEOC, a." try the "I: ot_Henry R. mm until the mteettrte ot the 313321;: Sauce-9n to: but!) lhese mm