# . 6. Franzen, Jr. _ LUMBER, COAL, BUILDING MATERIAL Miss Rowena Grandy has accepted a position at the omc'e' of the lf-ke The Misses Mary Just and Blanche| .. _ Triggs were Chicago callers Thurs-- . Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Gridle day ~ e : daughters are enjoving .fi...o!...."fl caller Frildal y ppley ""'w~ two w Walte Axno E:m x nson, of Chiago 6. pa sited Tnesdtyw;uhl;lbllrohfi." Mrs Henry Martin made + major operation ip to Milwaukee last ;.},',;':g;:ggg_ggggn_i&m LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Capital And Surplus $150,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois Beautifully Lined Envelopes With Note Sheets To Match. Neatly Boxed At The UNUSUAL PRICE Fill your coal bin now and be BE ASSURED OF THE CORRECTNESS oF YOUR CHOICE IN SOCIAL STA-- TIONERY--USE F. B. Lovell Co. When Nature Pays Dividends Per box 50¢ This institution offers its facilities, backed by a record of strength and completeness of service, for the pro-- ~ and conservation of your dollars. fruitage. It is harvest, the season of completed growth, when Nature pays generous dividends. Withitcomumaédnnthemiolmg thefieldahfeeddnmfioo-&enm.ho, the need of wise handling of the new wealth that the dollars of the harvest, too, may be eoamcaruad J The fields turn from green to russet and gold and Nature bestows her bounty of precious Highland Linen L*1 ! morning. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Swan -- and family, C. M. Wilcox and Miss Ruth Wilcox --~--Mr.--and Mrs: 'Chamberlain, | -- Jac daughter Evelyn mm xnneth'tine, were Kenosha visitors Thursday. Schna Mrs. Nettie Welch afd Miss Dor--| "*** othy Doane left Thursday on a trip| Mr: to National Glacier Park, Wyoming, 'glichi Miss Marion Slusser is enjoying a -- o hn two weeks vacation from hejr fllgges,acqua at the office of the Foulds' Hilh'ngl A n Company. ® week Milwaukee, Wisconsin Wed-- Ralph Krohn underwent a ready. se Gacdie n i calre ----Aipines: --satc NK / oak : ud avenue. ~Prizes were ; Mrs Lawrence Crawford John N. _Bernard, secon E. Quentin, consolation. g':lso received the ho i The est meeiit season. The first , season will 'be held at t Mrs. Qmsn, 206 W Thursday J wHhentin, consolation. Mrs. Quen-- '%"'1" received the hostess prize. i was the final meeting of the season. The first meeting. in the new season will be held at the home of' Mrs. Quentin, 206 West Maple avenue on November 8th, _ _ _Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson re-- turned Wednesday evening after a acation during the past few days near Spooner, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were accompanied on their trip by Mr and Mrs. Ferdin-- and Tegtmeyer and Mrs. Henry Engelbrecht of Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zipf,: of Evanston, were Libertyville callers' Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Zipft pur~ chased the Fitzmorris porperty near Half Day several weeEs ago. A. R. Schnaebele and Jay Cairns Tocal realtors; represented the Zipf and Fitzmorris interests respectively. . _ The Lucky "13" Bunco Club held its regular meeting, Thursday aft;! ernoon at the home of Mrs. Herman " @uxcl _ :o4 oCC CCTZC VZ AAEED, ALCT PLAIL A. Schwerman, 205 West Maple avenue. Prizes were awarded to Mrs Lawrence Crawford, first; Mrs. John N. Bernard, second and Mrs. John Landis and son, Gene, of West Maple avenue have returned from a motor trip throu% various r mts in Minnesota and Wisconsin. While in Minnesota théy went through wne of the largest iron mines in the world, which is located at Hibbings. + | [ Mrs. Melinda Da¥ and daughter, Viola and Mrs. Neison, mother of the former, returned to their home on West Maple avenue, Thursday after enjoying a ten days' tour through the East and Canada with relatives from Chicago. # _-- Mrs."A. C. Brockman and children, the Misses Vivian Jenkins, Cecilia Haas and Ruth Wilcox and Roy and Iver Sundéell motored to Deep Lake Thursday evening whére they enjoy-- ed a short visit with Mrs. Peter Johnson and daughters.. * _ Mrs. John Hodge and daughters Harriet and Ruth of Meundelein and their guest, Mrs. Dale of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E:gmond Gould, 122 North Second Street, Tuesday evening i ' ' Mrs. A. J. Newtson, of Ottawa, lllinois and Miss Marjorie Irving of Streator, Illinois, left Thursday for their home after an enjoyable week's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and family, 240 Third street ' honor of Miss Alta Hall at the lll,omke. of J. Delhaye at Highh.gd ark. % Tedy, oh. West _ Mulinles® s Ken-"'"' s 50 enmninmmenamnmimentiaietedinne,s ~ » e . avenue, & S : Wwho has been seriously 11 at hie TThe yuungest comnnty newspapet bome duting the past few weeks leditor in lifinois is nui'c':'.'h & earn j to be up and around again. . !fi:ig'ey' Y o old, of Cobda. The young ladies. of the Wauke--| _ Illinois, with more than $3,843,000-- n Gays Office gave a shower in|}| 000 deposited in its national and fonor ~of _ Miss Alln Hall t her|state banks, rank third among the home on West Park Avenue this gtatesi in bank, capitalization _ and week. Games were played and d*--1 eg;:ore high pressure transmission licious refreshments were se;ved. !m' ins for manufattured gas were Mrs. Frank Cady and daughter, laid in Iltinois than in any other Vera, of Barrington, spent last,state during 1927. Thursday at the A. W. Hall home m i mmnmminasiass & and attended a shower given in' FOR SALE--Choice cooking apples. in Dr. Martin's office fectei by a painless . The Rev H. B. Gwyn will officiate at both the services at St. Law-- rence's Episcopal church on Sunday, August 19th. The y friends of Mrs. Gwyn will be to know that she is slowly improving in health. Robert Wilcox had his tonsils re-- moved last week by Dr. F. H. Mu-i tin. The operation was performed she will make an extended visit at the home of Miss Mary Frye. . Miss Erma Hafemann, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hafemann, Oakwood Terrace, left Tuesday momin* for Mendota, Illinois, where oho will! smabes ne . merkiats cb S ael oth : . s & Ralph MacGuffin, who has been making a visit with attorney Paul MacGuffin and family during the Mr. and Mrs, Mark R. Corcoran, and daughter Elinor, 113 Third street, departed Saturday, August 4th, for California. Their visit will 'exteni over a period of one month. - t Mrs. Margaret Linder, ',g{sM\m- delein, submitted to a serious ope-- ration at the Elizabeth Condell hos-- pital Tuesday morning She is re-- por_tled as getting along satisfac-- torily. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Grandy re-- turned Tuesday eveninq from a few dlays visit with relatives and friends in Green B':'n,y, Kewaunes and other points in Wisconsin. ast two weeks, departed Tuesday 'gr his home in i\'arbeth, Pennsylva-- Joseph Walker, Sr., of Niles Michigan visited Friday with his daughter, Mrs. Ralph Krohn, who,is recovering from a maljor operation at the Elizabeth Condell hospital. Waukegan callers Thrusday. Mrs. Edward Schneider and daugh-- ter, Agnes Helen, Mrs. C. A. %cott and son, 'Charles, Mrs. Lucille. Han-- Mrs, V. Dusek d -- daughter| _ Miss Nora O'Hara, of Eastbourne, !Irene were entettaine?in at the gome,E"Kla"d' is the guest, this week of of Mrs. George Thatcher at Mun-- '?&M'*fl? Lxg%taher :'v'l)xmeion El{" f E 0 188 ra, 0 is mak-- delein, Wednesday afternoon., '-- | ing a tour of the United States, is a Mrs. Frances Oblowein, of Mun-- |close friend of Mrs. Lill's eldest delein is recovering from an appen-- daughter, Mrs. Mattie Hopkins who. dicitis operation performed Monday |lives in Eastbourne and it was on at the Elizabeth Condell hospital. |her request that Millss O'Hara stopp-' Mrs. Edward Schneider and danaoh. ed --to visit Mrs. IX¥Il. The subject of the morning ser-- vice at the Presbyterian church Sun-- day 'morning will be 'Judging Others by One or a Few Acts." * ~ C Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eger and daughter Lucille are planning to leave Monday on an extended trip through the east. Lawrence's Episcopal church will be held at Gages Lake on Wednesday, August 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Johnson and daughter Patricia, returned Wednes-- day from a few days visit in Detroit, Michigan. ~ : few days with relatives and old acquaintances. A marriage license was issued this week at Waukegan to Rose Turner of this city and Raymond Kimberly of Barrington Monday Jacob Link and Mr. Olns, of Pala-- 1e, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. P. annual Sunday picnic of St friends of E. J. Ken-- , South Stewart avenue, 8 left Thursday for wgnréi;g she will sneid a where she will spend a with relatives and -- old l Cl e LECELEC ; ZALGLE* Mattie Hansen were is performed and was ef-- lectrical me-- {FOR SALE--Choice cooking apples, l Yellow transparent and dutchess. [ Lewis A. Mills, Mundelein. Phone him on trial fc on trial _ for strikingly reser secuting attorn mean trick of man is convicte brother. Mac Guffin spoke of the desirabil-- ity of having the work done at this time in connection with the work on the east side. It is understood that arrangements can be made to have the work done at the same advan-- 'The Wheel of Chance RICHARD BARTHELMESS Monday--Tuesday Aug. 13--14, How : a modern Miss ma;ie flaming youth of her str: laced boy friend. The hot summer weather and the numerous counter: attractions have had a bad Mect on the attendance A. R. Schnaebele, -- local realtor who is stmgfing' along with his office work while his secretary is enjoying her vacation, was over-- heard in the following soliloquy while tracking down the elusive keys on his Remingm. Said Austin: "The difference between my golf and m{ typewriting is that when I golf hit and hunt while in typing the pro-- cedure is reversed." 650--R--1. Sunday, Aug. 12. LOIS MORAN . _ and NEIL HAMILTON Also »Mickey McGuire cor edy, "Mickey's Wild West. An urgent call has been sent out to all members of the Legion Aux-- iliary to join the party tonight (Fri-- day) in the trip to the U. S. Veter-- ans Bureau hospital at North Chi-- cago. -- The members will leave by auto at seven o'clock daylight sav-- ing time from McDonald's jewelry store and the North Shore station and there will be plenty of room for those without tnnsporzation. R. G. Kaping announces a new lglan by incans of which one can budget irfsrance. premiums-- and meet them when due without incon-- venience tnrough a "Premium Pay-- ment Plan," You get protection now, and pay in 10 easy payments. No red tape, no endorsers. You can start "your'" account at once and stop worrying. Write or phone Mr. Kaping for further information His telephone number is 469. Adv. A racing story--an outdoor adventure story--a Western Romance all in one. -- KEN MAYNARD LIBERTYYVILLE, ILL. Saturday, Aug. 11. |AUDITORIUM 'Don't Marry' 'The Upland Rider' who --was a member of the party, said that it was a great improve-- ment over the old hand cradie he used when a boy. Several of our ex--farmers visit-- ed the Insull Farm Thursday : to see the combined harvester and thresher at work. They pronounced it a decided success. Bill Whigham, the District' Superintendent, was present and reports were made by all the organizations in the church. The Methodist church at its an-- nual meeting on last Tuesday .eve-- ning voted unanimously a request for the return: of: the pastor for another year. --The women of the Aid Society served a supper after which the annual business meeting was held. Doctor J. Hastie Odgers, kegan. Dr. Penney is Bnderfolng lamtory tests in an effort to learn the nature of the poison so that the proper kind of medicine can be em-- ployed. _ tric comedy e as was secured on news. ; Es | == SNOW 'S Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. o Yellow Cab dantfv. Herbert'B. Gwyn will offi-- A real baseball game is promised at the local huz;aunds Sunday aft-- ernoon when N Keller's All Na-- tions meet the lr!:g:l Giants, one of the fastest colored teams in Chica-- Casino Brand Salmon--Good Oil Sweet Meat Per 1 lb. Flat Can l John E. DeLong, Pastor "What is the Good?" is the sub-- ject for Sunday mornini at 11 o'clock. We are closing the service promptly at 12. | Evening service at 7:30. | Sunday school at 9:45. ] The members of the W. F. M. 8. are requested to bring their mite ?gxes to Mrs. Hyatt before Augusti Doctor Odgers will preach at the. morning service on August 26. | St. Lawrence's Episcopal Church -- Spaghetti with Cheese and Tomato ',. 35 Sauce 3 CaTS £...... : csmmsn t n onca C Our Beef has the flavor that only can be obtain-- ed from young corn fed cattle. Pork, Veal and Lamb of the best Quality, can always be had at our market, We pickle our own Corned Beef and its just right this week while folks have cabbage from their gardens or we sell it cheap. We will have Rolled Boneless Plates or 28 Briskets Per N 3 se en e nonmomi ces C _ Presbyterian Church Guy E. Smock, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Let your life live again through -- a child taught. _ _ Morning worship at 11 a. m. The pastor will speak on "Judging Oth-- ers by One or Few Facts." | A cordial invitation to all who | have no regular church home to' worship with us. Large Size f Peanut BUOEET ...s;--...... 2 oc ce oooes.. ... Pork & Beans with Tomato Sauce 3 Cans ........: :: 0 : sc c0> Rev Herbert B. Gwyn, Pastor | Services on Sunday, August 19th§ e:» f j Holy Communion 8 a. m. | Holy Eucharist and Sermon 11 a. | y | Church school 10 a, m. ] At 1:830 p corfier stone at Mt Pras €on First Methodisffi--iseoml Cliurch ._..John E. DeLong, Pastor St. John's Lutheran Church (East of the Park) -- ' W. H. Lehmann, Pastor Annual Sunday School picnic at Mr. Paul Sitz's, Knollwood. English outdoor service at 11 a. m. Pack up your dinner, come for the service and Stay for the day. Games, contests for all and refreshments. is pormemmmmnizzmed St. Matthew's Lutheran Church _ ~-- Fairfield, Ilinois Arthur C, Str_eq{ert, Pastor English 'service at 9:30 a, m. standard time. : w§l t | At 1:30 p. m. standard time the | Per 3 lb. Tin Club House Coffee--Delicious and Aroma, Per 1 lb. Tin _ hn mesdene * c aion ns dihader tsA d Auditorium Theatre:-- Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Church Services, 10:45 a. m. Subject: "Soul." Wednesday:-- _ Third floor 540 'N'ortb Milwaukee Avenue at 8:00 P. TRIGGS & JOHNSON gregation is cordially invited "er stone of the Lutheran School Mt. Prospect will be laid. The F6 a» * |at three o'clock daylight saving CHUBCH »] | |Sme omisss . cfitht, wrine e C# Nations have 'been strengthened and are playing mighty nice ball Ross $ I their star center fielder signed a t * P ;e:lfl:ru:tma 'I'hfumdath }:t;ith' the kfilwqu- i ee team of the erican Associa--| 'Clgristufi Sctience Society tion and Baker and_Rusich are to itorium Thea hin-- work next year with the Dubugue / inday School, 9:30 a. m. team in the Mississippi -- Valley urch sfi""'e','; 10:45 a. m. league. Bailey, who has geen on the ' ibject: "Soul. $ 'injured list _ with the Wataerbur{; hesday:-- _ Third floor + 540 /team insthe Eastern league, is bac h Milwaukee Avenue at 8:00 P:| home and expects to finish the sea--| |son with the All Nations. | BEECH NUT BRAND SPECIALS which will be called Cabbage Per Ib. 2 1 'h""' «Route 150, section 135B, Alexan-- *!der county, bridge; to G. W. Con-- don Co., Omaha, Neb., $4,940.61. Tr*®/ Route 7. section E--2, LaSalle Oth-- county, pavement; to E. J. Tegge Construction (Co., Papifheau, $24,-- ' who | 103 60. _ J Home Owned Store "A good office to do business with" ' Route ©49, section 142V,. Will county, bridge; to D. A. Chernus ' '?onstmction Co., Minneapolis, $3,-- 05.85. Do not Overlook Mr, L. SECURITY The SECURITY BROTHERS are working for me Route 89, section, 125A, Marshall county, gradling; to Burch Con-- struction Co., Madison, Wisconsin, $59,895.61. ~--Route 90, section 107A, Mar-- shall county, grading; to S. iJ Groves & Sons, Minneapolis, $51,-- 596.40. -- STATE ROUTES NoOW ._-- Thursday, August 9th. 'Card and bunco party by the Diamond Lake Community Club at Ray Brothers' pavilion, Diamond Lake. Insurance. That is Brother L. BSecurity's job. * Nanesstsssssssssee He knows a good thing when he sees it and can help his friends to hang on to their advantage. Obeerve his tenacious grip by means of the dollar sign. He may not be able to prevent fires, but if you have lost valuable lease privileges through the burn-- Ing of the property rented by you will recognize the satis-- afl of, receiving compensa-- REKLTOB---IN'SUBUR Opposite Electric Station Flavor PHONES 469 & 269 COMING EVENTsS UNDERGOING REPAIRS We are hearing a lot ~of compliments from tourists and other travelers these days on what a fine looking -- community this is Glad you noticed it folks; it seems that way to mouvk _ J, section 39C, -- Fulton|Clark Brothers, Peoria, $2.771%8. county, pavement; to Hartman Route 101, section 120C, Schay -- Clark Brothers, Peoria, $51.615.92. | ler county, bridge; to HMlinois Steed Route 9, section 38G, Fulton| Pridge Co., Jacksonville, $10,777.-- county, pavement; to Hartman 84. Thg 5 0 calees ce Rniernete vicinity, zy the LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO. 0. A. Newsom, Editor Resolve to save! EDITORLAL of the The Four By Six First National Bank Not now and then, but week--in, week--out. That's the kind of thrift that makes your cash reserve pile up speedily --try, and see. Capital And Surplus $110.000.00 Libertyville, Illinois people Carlson on First | Now Street, i hase August 11 PAGE FIVE