..... -- ""b60. _."ruer uolmng, sonl iile Dale , spent last week at Atvht agtd 11ry. Van Bam and humming of Q, grandparents. Mr. fast son of Chm" "PM thtnday at l and Mrs. mm. Heughton, of North the home of the tom" m, CH Mr. and In. ly. I Golding. a"?! Payne, of Mundeietn, spent In. f:P1rr1rteiirei'Giri"lini. 'aa.tri1trdirittiis home of Geo. that Eraser, spam on a motel-trip and Eng, Bites. to Pueny.rtmatia, when they will " Mr. and In P801 Hicks. of Lib- '"ut1t2u'arthiiiii, "rtr%11tt,y-maitaidilntethe wane: "muf'wf-mfi-gmotwm [land In. a"... m are - M mulch. hid: Devlin m . iiiir'l'i'ii, lithium Walkman" Waste"? k y M week at home l "It" 'ttmtlqrartstdnatastar, m," Atttrt "in" .WhenAmelin Ethan visitedher ttmmrttighttettottltnMydeParere- mmJDeMamm -ettestortmnqmy form hour "ttthaveattoodawim."Atmr mrehsattomyaetedeatrxrqmatotte h-tttse-ter-tto-ttInna. 'reteurrdgtvetttstnxrttnteiotto take a few nopts in the water." Eav- "I a! "1m! Canada. They , CHICAGO A". t3.--Trnritttts pep. 'tlTa%hWft't of Chicago, called by my of Nils! mumm.""mp'"monmmmesmy. ligand". the m of mm ',"'i,t'1tlueIt' Mr end Mm. E. B. Neville and sited recently WI 'nnnntte to keep tab on in son, of Graysleke, called at the Carr parents, Mr. and 'teNtmtMre8 or celebrities who visit home . W F i the city. They wonder why reporters Mr. 'tht'. Jr., . mt . {ewmdnyl W m. "n" m to l 1 ti ll in Wuati "I! I Mm PU. Me an" the t a ;' Jan-Our "with ter,Thriza.orNt sets oft the trains ht tmum'hrlwitli the ("mam " "J: few datrr,insts street, lie ammo: iriiiaG ter two weeks vacation " his home. ' her daughter, M: other statMtgttg. R. c in "Ii-l M d Mrs. J L. Bucky, ofi Mr. and Mrs. I don't herald their coming in I r. an It their mother Mrs. . f . f: vance. up; to the newspapers t Uhion, celled n,,', M. w. 131"" weéklmend. tt "$15 as Wilma iii','.,'.)))')', and (frilly and it. and Mm.l Harold Wheela "We which has a list of pas: Lew Cypher Sunday afternoon. I? t'l'g'.ntc.vii1%/ Wm "mm in Chm" onl Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wade, P,ttrlti' "lflgi,, 'Giirqiiti through trains each day. clerks or; r and Mary Baseley, of gnk'here Monday aft; publicity agents " W." and ii,iltut called on friends here Friday ia" bank mbb City News Bureau. which 1t'e't't'/C7e1'lil"vi Mrs. Wade had Just ge- sew" by our, hotel arrivals and firm off all theI t I from a vaeation trip to Den-d',,,',,',',',', Hes. n" ptluters. W' z..- n-l-_...l.. . _ - Notwithstanding the ttaltrttooers who broadcast arriving celebrities however. every once in a while some- one nationally of internationally known manages to slip into the city incognito. " they no. the hotel Thetmrtrirhs.after-tnttttnto theettmmittee.mtmeasidedoor, wa1kedtuutotieeetrnatngrxmpot wPmenwhottadttnttsegedtogeta F'c'Prtseottttemmmmeirtutrer an, were callers here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Golding, Bon th- home of the forma- Pamnu, It." a1PurJ.etriii'iliing 1?t;Shtt1taireiGiii"limar. ' - 4-4 I -iijtiat1BE 'flllillEllllllfllllMlfllt 3531 NATIONAL FLOWER ma ll, s. l WAUCONDA l tive could think of the Indian com? Pour stats. Alabama. Kentucky. a a flower, even though some orna- New: and North Carolina. have mental venue; of meme had been=adopted goldenrod: four . Rhode developed by horticulturlsts. inland. New Jersey, Wisconsin and Smestxons that European: would 'Imnols the violet: two, Mississippi brand as typically American tn then-lend Wm. the magnolia; two. practicality or ettietema were "Rim end mm. the apple peanut. potato, cotton or tohscoo. Mom; two. Washington and West Among the flowers that have been frAttnia, the rhododendron. Different proposed are the water lily. rose. nuisances have been armored: dour. violet. sunomrer aster. phlox District of We. American and oolumbine. beauty; Georgia. Wee rose; Ion. 'rheptuoaondeotmnttinearernuett wildrose: North DakotaJnld prairie "ttred about at the present time. each rose. and New York. rue. Other artpntrttt the opponl ot venous mem- ststes have muslly selected blossoms not: at the department of agriculture. that are inseam. Asear'isastiBmtemnewtqtt1- per mpmed that the [doomed with its brmiance end "who should be otneially ndortted. The (W Ye" booklets with calmed mutations present" ram '10: tts selection were tttBtrittqgtqtt tn Inge numbers ttt elm: comment; It was found that large numbers of readers approved You Become: published a colored picture entitled "The National h- vonte." showing a bunch ot golden- rod bed with ribbons of red, white and blue. Having aroused interest in the tteo- poed action. signs of ml were torttteomtrtg. It was pointed out that this lick! newer may! Pep, my! the bright nenrer. In ItMttte New blooms. symbol: at mount. were namedtnttttttt-ntedtoeoetgress autumn _ Since nations] fitness rather than personal fondne- mmt be the decid- im factor mum nnower as symbol of a nation. may ottieetions ,vcereratsedtotttesenndtotheothers ,rttttouttteingtreeatnttmt.tttersttutd anodehaneeotlodmthelridentl- tieafitttteynrtattrArtttelungleeof tttettig town. toe nowhere in the mtrMeanonettidenseaaurttstats city ot more then three million Glenn and mother, In fit'iiiiiiiji"ii'ti"y'i'r Reid, spent PM. , m8 :1 Mr. and bone of their son Robert Buesygtiiiiieir,' a tmm of Chimp. 'day with 1 In. Edith Peck and augment Mr. and Alie. Dvnhea entertained a nutty {and a... "I". we!" If"! m8 at the' I cnnd Mrs Clarence Bristol and bone of their son Robert iiuCiC':shi'lli,lt of Waukegan, spent Sun- burn of China. May with ram . "FIB-05d? Peck and "ett,e Mr. and Mrs. Paul Broncllston. an; Pe. rthea entertained: mum Wisconsin week. at ftienf.s from Chicago at a chick} Mr. J. 'tPlug',' former chairman an": $13119); Sunday. itt. thg board of control "f, Pt ti limo. son /li'htytPaftrhtr -351 l Ititfitry 9f Ite., nM. . 'h.. tr} a): w. The main qaugel Indian 4mm. and puny were others amazed. Ip fun. the 393an Glenn and childmnIEf it: e304 3n frieng here too, for many other tk er: wen pro- posed for the honor. the mnrnmrer, or nailing "bums. with its statute blossoms. and! the first Noam to LAeenttrtheinndtntgpthtrtrnontrtrr the saucers " Trnthrr Page after their painful 'r1Pfer. " tuqottred In! 2nd went to the numb Women's Athletic club. when 11 nttttga up Amelia entered the swimming pool. unheralded. ml? In!) to he! hearrs cox-mm 111.1. I. an. m PM of July, tunes . mm unv- er Md be used in mum. that iiiirCGiatuneewttenrteVHY tttatitspreseneePr"" euraetotmt- Ierers from hay fever. There was "gave mm too. for many other er: were WO- Since national fitness rather that)? It ha, been proposed that like personal fondne- must be the decld- gCanada with its maple leaf this coun- ins factor in selectlm a tlower as itry should honor a tree, preferably the symbol of a nation. many ottieetiotts 'Amexican oak. ',TlT1d'ld'io"lta"A2rt'it"i'e"ttttCr; Some tactful person has suggested waded in later years even up that the United States should adopt to the resent day. For example, urine one (love. but a garland com- traitttttt arbutus was ~lready used a: posed of all the state tlowers. Every the oettein1 lnsla a at Nova Seamgstate. except Pennsylvania, has given and it. like the mountain laurel, could ieertain flowers recognition, either he grown in only a eoenpamtive1yithrrmgtt the legislature. the schools few states. Ptuttiisye1tot.et1rCtoi'?tee?1frhiI"teimtanee,a 'or- this country and only the imnginn-:'tieultum1 society. KEEPING WN (llf NQTED ONES mum; tlt: and I519 J,t.vButyrum, In Mr. and Mrs j a '"meallem "fir. and Mac I you Visited wmgm S mutent. "ttiq by the m which Queen hr; alter ;"6indrial any and the July. ttmes , "a?!" ner: undue: Morning. - - "' 1',;/hil)fq,ttg,t'rtt fomteriy a tandem rs Lee Gtytot m H-.. L__, V gt Twi'i Lakes. depots Hrs George Hapke, attended the funeral of Miss Vera Goes at Lake Zurich, last Wednesday.. Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and like Neva Toynton spent last Wed- negdq inptieago. _-_ - _ As Mr. Dowell and Willard Dar- rel are not running their threshing outfit this season, the threshers will by" the Dowell home Tuosday. -- the summer resorts near Bang's lathe Sunday. "Bathing Beauties" we}; plentiful, - - - - Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence of Park View Restaurant have secured a young lady from Chicago, to assist 1n their new eating establishment, on Middle Main street where they serve tgr cooking at 'all hours of the y. Hrs: John Daley is under a doc- ;org;ar_e,a.s ahe_hasbecn in poor were guests of Ira. John Shutter scygnl liars last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wade, daugh- ig and Mary Baaeley, of Park idge, called on friends here Friday evening. Mrs. Wade had just re- tamed from a vacation trip to Den- ver, Colorado. _ Mrs. R. C _ Kent and daughter, Mm. Dan Meyers, who have been visiting relatives in Iowa for the past ten days, returned to their home Sunday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Claire Coleman and eons, of Rock Island. Rev. Palmer, a former pastor of the Federated church here, called on old friends, Saturday. Rev. Palmer, whose home is now in Lincoln, Neb- braska, is an a six weeks lecture tour through several states, _ Joseph flu: transacted business ntAhe 009119? Set, tiatydyy. - Mr. and Hrs Fiank Smithson, of Mt. Prospect, called on friends here, Sway mains; - - I.. Merlin Hughes bf Crystal Lake, was a caller at the J. B. Wall home may. _ - turned from a vacation trip Gi Den- to town by our city marshall, Geo. ver, Colorado. _ lJepson. He gave his name as Wil- Mrs. R. C. Kent ami daughter,' ham Duke, a cook in a restaurant on Mm. Dan Meyers, who have been {Twenty-second street, Chicago. visiting relatives in Iowa for the' ' There had been a bank robbery at past ten days, returned to their Mellow» around noon. Duke was home Sunday mow by Mr. I driving a small roadster and in some and Mrs. Claire Coleman and sons, way his car turned over near the of Rock Island. ' fold Plutarck Housman Farm, now Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haas" were l known as the Wauconda golf course. Waukegan callers Friday. .The accident soon drew several men Mr. and Mrs. P..B. Johnson, of,and boys to the rescue. The man Crystal Lake, were callers at the was nervous and very anxious to get Carr home Mondgy 'vesting It? Chicago. He offered to pay Mm. Laura Cook its mending a' Ralph Stroker well to take him to few weeks at the A. C. Stoxen I the city. Suspicion "783 arpysed, home near Wilmot, Wis. Herrsen took charge, the prisoner Merlin Hughes of Crystal Lake, I was_ brought before Judge Carr and was a caller at the J. B. Turnhull until MoHenry officials ahouid ar- Backers ttt the Columbine were " enthusiastic that an organization called the columbine association wag formed in 1895 with the purpose at bringing about "the final adoption ot the columbine as the national flower of the United States." Many distin- guished botanists have been at its head. It was as 1 protagonist of the columbine in this WI! of the flowers thnt the lecturer spoke before the Massachusetts Horticultural society. He pointed to m claim at symbolism as well as .to its beauty. and to the fact that horticulturlsta and artists and a. bin tor the "option of the columbme was macaw recently in com. _ - -- called on friends and nhiives at Weylretra? Jhumdar, __ - U - prime it. Its blossoms are the na- tional colors. It is native to almost every state in the union. The name is etymologically related to Columbus and Columbia. Horticultutsts com- mend it because it is easily grown everywhere. never becomes a noxious weed,and improves with cultivation Jatut'Ruskitt has and that its "leaf ts an example ot ammo beauty ata' tamed through well-ordered subordi- nation ot parts" Emerson and the poets sins its p_raitts, be - blosom'; two. Washington and West Vlulma. the rhododendron. Different and: of roses have been armored: We: ot Mannie. American beauty; Georgia. Cherokee rose; Iowa. wild rose; North Dakota. wild prairie rose. end New York, ruse. Other states have usually selected blossoms that are ingenious. "do: In Distinction The phlox is "claimed as having all the advantages "muted to the Columbine. with the additional dis- tinction at being, with the exception of one Siberian species, native to North America. Mrs. Howard Anderson and children motored to Elgin, Saturday. M. W. Bueley who had been a patient at the Sherman hospital for ten days, returned with them, much improved in health. '. Elbow, daughter and a record crowd at' all I MADISON.-W'.s Aug 14.---With a "top! swam": 1y-ntnv' a: ttrom'sin'r, candidate. for Wisconsin's eleven this fall. the Badrers may place a "cough-drop" tmclttield m the grid- Iron. If (we) Glenn P Thistle.. ithwa)te chases to start All three ot [these boys In one game the Inge-up. 'wnuld read something like thitr--L 'Smith. left half; K. Smith, right malt: H. Smith luliback. . Hive to identify the suspect When they arrived, Duke was taken to 'West McHenry for identification. The last reports were on Wednes- Iday, nothing has developed as yet. (this weék end. Harold Wheelock, of Chicago, was la recent visitor " the home of his Mather, C. T. Wheelock. Kitchen Smith. IS also Ik native 91' the Buckeye state. Two years ago he made a great reputation while competing in prep school, and since has substantiated this by his per- formance as a fresh at Wisconsin. His home it Arcanum. O. K. Smith will make a his! for a halfback post. and is one ot the beat of the incom- ing recfuits He 's a shitty little hall-carrier, vim plenty of speed. The' third ot the Smith combina- tion is Harold of Milwaukee. former- ly o member-.0! the lake Forest modem}! eleven ot Lake Forest. 111. "Mai" was the best fullback in the Badger yearling nuke last (all. This mm! newcomer will nuke the "terngta step with his driving line- was. his panting ability and nil-i nrmmttmtmrtsetttUgetensenndtrr' mm. . The Cardinal coach expects to make use of all three Smith's on the Wisconsin varsitv this fail Two of then played regularly on the'tr'esh- men man a year :30, while the third retun's {at his 'eeortrsetuicn as a iettet-ttrtrt All may rm: see steady tgers'.eo but K. Smith. at well as L nnd H., are practically certain to tr meld cu the first string roster. Misses Margueritte Doers and Martha Hughes, are spending the wreck " Niagara Falls and other t places of interest. l Miss Belle Taggart is visiting rel- atives in Michigan for a few weekf,. in adult- Gp1mtes My!!! Lewis Smith alternated at the fu",- oack positron in 1927 He is a big, husky boy whose "hiet value lies in his linerplunging With harold Reb- hoiz back. and the possibility of Joe Kresky being shined to fullback, it a not-lvvlikelv 'hat Lew Smith will have . mu at half. He hails from Prospect. O. a guest of the J. L. Btrtiy.fatni9, Mrs. N. C. Miller, of Chino, Cal- iforna, Mrs. As C. Held, of Lawton, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. W 8. Der- linger, of Palatine, were recent gletta at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Melvin Patter and James Koser, enjo ed a camping trip at Whitewat- g',WI'fl, last week. . . In Philip Peterson and daugh- ters, Ruby and Martha, of Maren- go, formerly of Volo, visited recent- ly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris and daughters, Madeline and Florence, of Lake Bluff, were at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Harris last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Godfrey " sited recently with Mrs Godfrey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jenks. Warren Francisco, of Woodstock, gyent o_few _dartr with his brother, ht Jones. Theirs was quitq an excitement here, Monday afternoon, when a sus- pected bark robber was btought_in- SMITHS G ALORE " WISCONSIN A birthday party at the Osmun {alarm was enjoyed by fifteen little o s. It was reported here, Tuesday afts ernoon that Rev. D. H. Fleet,° of Cumberland, .Wis , preached _the funeral sermon of Miss Jennie Con- stance, teh school teacher of Evans- ton, who was found brutally mur- dered,' near her home last week. Mr. Fleet was formerly Eaton of .the daughter, Mary and Mrs. Ella Cady, left last week, for a month's visit in Canada. They will take the route ttray of Rising Wil,. - Hrs. P31. Housman and daugh, ter, Thriza, of North Chiengo, spent a few dnys, lust week It'the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Daley. Mr. and Mrs. J. A Jones, enter- tained friends from Chicago, over M. E. church here, where he has many warm friends. About twenty years ago he was united in mar- riage to Miss Ruby Cook, daughter of Mrs. Laura Cook and neice of the late Attorney Homer Cook, of Wau- keggn. - -- - Q a .. . "iir," V and Mrs. Joe Dowell and Arthur Mack were among those who attended the Aurora Fair Wednesr Mr. and Mrs V. E. Doolin, visited Wheeling, Monday and were Bar- ringwn cellars Tuesday. They were accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Jog, KIM: _ - " day. Hrs. Keefer, who with her family ham occupied the John Bailey sum- mer cottage here last summer'and so far, this summer, was taken to a Chicago hospital, last Friday for an observation " she had not fully re- covered after an operation, perform- ed early in the season. --- -- "" A young Chicago lady, Miss Kelly, by name, was nearly drowned in the lake here a few days ago. She was rescued as she wasrssinking the third time and was rushed to the hospital room. After strenuous ef- fort, on the part of attendants, she regained consciousness. _ - l t " Mr. .and Mrs. Lesley Tumbull and children and J. B. Turnbull and daughter,"Iva, motored to Kenosha, Wis., last Wedneeday, where they spent the def at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. John Gossell, daugh- ter, Berniei, Mrs. Kate DeWald and Mrs. Henry Golding intended a show at Harrington, last week. J Arthur feptsigt1, 9f WW"??? PS'" THE LAKE COUNTY REGIS'I'BR. SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, I928 N Conrad to W J Aigner and It. wd. Lot 4, blk 3. Nellie Conrad's autm, Assessors Plat, Wkgn. . . si. E. Mitchel et al to I A Miller et al, wd. Lot 4, blk l, Second Add!) to Everbreeze subn. Grant. CR Cribh ma 'rf to tt WW. ld Lot 15.011be sum. Antioch. i AHeinand wfetBltoWDGrtmm land wt, wd. [at T, 0 Chem: mu. 1mm l P H Bartlett to R F mantel sud {wt d. Lot 10 "" T. Bartlett's N tt J. Orittittt and wt to B. A. Peter- and wt. wd. Lot 60. Green Bay addn. Shields. F H Bartlett to F M Confer, d. Lots 6, , and 8, blk 44, Bartlett's Pirat Addn to N S Gardens. subn. 8 K Plan to H M Florsheun Ind wt. ch. Lot 120. S Highlmd Add!) to H Pk. , ' FHiBrartlett to M R Peepey and brother. D. Lots 12 to 15 inc.. blk st. F H Bartlett's Ist addn to N 8 Gar- dens. 4t _ EtgmutaonandrwttoMLDttttrt- hue.wd. Nqu-Slquocu.m' l" H We): not! wt to " I Florsheim. ch. Lot 120. 8 KW tutdntoHPk. H M Florsheim and If as K Putt. ch. Lot 120, S Highland addr, to M PY. T 1i Kimmy: 'and it toMr J Aigner and wt. wd. Lot si,' Hyde Path mm. R P Anspnch to H M Flam ch. Lot 120 S Highland lddn to B R. L Adelman et al to H C Vernon. d, SEquEqr W ht NEqrseeM. Newport. . C A Newcomb to T C Qietaen. d Lots 29, so and 31, blk 29. subn lot 1. sec 4. Shields. " . M Kapple and hush mam Bernisen and wt, wd. Lots 12 an 13. Marble a: Converse subn, Grant. O Roder and hush. et tti, to Schwerman et al. wd. Pt se and 15, Bitt, -' - Lots 21 and 22. bit 20. Kellogg's ne- AMcoIeandttustttorttMratsitm. wd. NWqr SE "91:34.3! J N Schakeltt and wt to L Palnhr- kian, Wd. Lot Ar, bit 2, Pirst Adan to Ravinia Highlands. " P Urcikan and wt to W 11an- uingham and wt, wd. Lots " and 50. Cummings Resubn. sec 32. Wan. sgRtsiunatrstutttwttoRBBtu- worth. wd. Lot 39. .Sunnyside Part subn, Libertyville. , . JRtsaundertutd'wttoEERiis- worth, wd. Lot to. Bunprside Part subn. Libertyville. R V Wallace to o Capital and Art, wd. 1.0627. blk T, Ravinia Highlands. Daemon. . . I a v Wallace to J Vnnzeusu ma wt, mt. Lot M, blk T, Rahnu High- H Porett to S R" Mayer. wd. tat 19, Gary's addn to "than. _ _HPttretttoaHBErrU,wd Riot 19. Gary's man to wan. - "I; 'ii%lrtiett' to A van Eitaen. d, Lot 4, blk 8,Bartlett's Sheridan any! d. Lot 83, Blumberg's Washingmn Park subn. . ' JHRIhIingtoPMRoss.ud. Lot 12. mt a. 8tuyter.lin'a Ptryt Adda to "fa Miran to a B Merrill. god. Lot i. blk 4, Marvin's subn. Drink. g Blumberg at a! to wf1P_etere The Libertyville . Building and F Loan . Association Real Estate Transfers Trust Comphny Abstract of Title '10 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Subscriber executor o the but Will and Testament of Alzada ls Rooe deceased will attend the Probate Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at the 13ourt Home in 2,f'trg in said County on. the first onday of iTaiiGG next, 1928 when and When-all persons having claims mint said estate are notified and "(jawed to present the same to aaitlpturt for ,1iiutiication. A PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Subscriber administrator of the state of Thomas Gooding de- ceased will' attend the Probate Court of lake County, at a term ther'eof to be holden at the Court Houaejn Wan?!» in said 'CountK;a on the first madly. of Novem r next, 1928 when and where all persons having einiins against said estate are notified and requested to present the sum to said Court for,adiudi- cation. ' 7 _ o - NOTICE OF PROPOSAL FOR . BIDS Notice to mum Sealed bids will be received for the emstrtmetion of the improvement consisting of grading and paving with ma adjuncts and appur- tenances th large Court in the Vil- lage of Libertyville, Illinois, by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Libertyville, Illinois, until the SMh day of August, A. D. 1928, at the hour of seven a'clock P. IL central standard time. at the Village Hall in said Village of Lib- erttvate, pt which time and place said lid: will be publicly opened. Lake County National Bank, ad- mmiatntot. . . Waukagan, Ill., August 13, 1928. 65-67-69 William I. Wirodin, executor. Wuhan, 111., August, 18, 1928. . 65-67-69 PM must le made on blanks furnished by said Board and in Wilma with the instructions them attached, which can be had on apot%rtioet to o. J. Boehm, Vil- Inge clerk. and must be accompan- ied by cash or by a check parable to the -6rutt the President of said Said improvement shall be con- structed'ad made in accordance with the ordinance providing for the an: and the maps, plats, plans, prrrfBesr and speeifieatihms for the amen file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village. v and Soothing Syrups, espe- cially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ageS. Poamidirmutitmsb thanlook tor the Moi L'r3..ry_tr1titetit1i.1t_t ttth package. Phnicitnt-uu WICATION NOTICE "Board 70f - Local Improvements in ADJUDICATION NOTICE All pads and labor'. bought in our shop carry the some guarantee as the parts and labor on any 'tit, Countryside Motors J, E. LEONARD, Mgr. We have something you are looking for--. Guaranteed Automobile Service iildren I Civic organizations, city officials, {farm bureaus and other organiza- .;tions concerned will be urged to ':partieipate in the public meetings to ', be scheduled. Each community along the river, concerned about future Hlood prevention, is urged to dele- 'S',',',', 'g'git','n'fiJtg to place their I ood a motions before the body. ,The nod control agencies of the fed- 'eral government will co-operete with Ethe state commiuion. which is to re: his offieial capacity, eertified by al. responsible bank, for an amount not' less than ten per cent of the aggreJ gate of the proposal. I No bids will be reeoived unless the party offering it shall furnish evidence satisfactory to said Board of Local Improvements that he has the necessary facilities. ability and pecuniary resources to fulfill the conditions of the contract and exe- cute the work should the eontraet be awarded to him. Bidders will examine the ordin- ance, mans, plats, plans, profiles and specifications. and also the lo- cality in whlrh said work is to be done and jud're for themelves of all the circumstances and surround- ing conditions affecting the coat and nature of the wcrk.. The Board of Veal Improvements m'erves the right to reject any and all bids as authorized by law. Dated August 14th, 1928. ' E. 'H. CORLE'I'I', . J. DOLLENMAIER _ E. F. SWAN .' R. G. KAPING _ R. W. BULKLEY GEO. STURM _ . J. A. TREPTOW. Board of Local Improvement? of The contractor will be paid in special assessment bonds or cash; said bonds bear interest at 6%. Boar" of Local Improvements the Village of Libertyville, Ill. er Hill, ehairman of the Illinois Val- ley Flod Commission; A. T. Dunn, Beardstown, secretary. of agricul- ture, Stillman J. Stanard, as the ag- ricultural member, formulated plans neatly. for c series of hearings to be conducted at vuious Illinois riv- er points during September. pott to the next regular session of the state legislature, outlining, if possible, a comprehensive plan for future state and federal flood pre- nation "orts. Senator A. S. Cuthltertson, Btsplo. PLAN FLOOD MEETING Phone 103. When your kidneys hurt and your hack feels sore don't get scared and pro- ceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irri- tate the entire urinary tract. Keep Cd kidneys clean like you keep your wels clean, by fhtshind them with a mild, harmless salts which helps to re- move the body's urinous waste and stim- ulates them to their normal activity. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from " $00 grains of acid and waste, so we can readily understand the vital.impor- tance of keeping the kidneys active. Drink lots o good water-you an't drink too much; also get from anym- maeist about four ounce: of Jad l take 1 tablespoonful m a tttass of water before breakfast each. naming for I few days and your kidneys my then act fine. This famous alts is made from the odd of and lemon inioe. combined with Blttu'l has you: used for - to hob clan and ma- In: and ill-en; also to new-dine the _ _ h than. no they are so by: . m with. thus oftart FOR BALE--Real Estate HERMAN A. SCENE!!!" 205 W. Maple Avenue. Jaittertyvilre, Jil, FOR ttALE-a room modem bun- galow in, _Munde1ein. 51,90 dem, FOR SALE-cu-um for pield- ing, etc. Also other vegetables. Ray V. Moss. Wheeler Road, Lib- ertyville. Phone 659-W-2. - FOR SALE-g mo. old male Point- ing Griffon (half Airedale & Llewelyn Setter ). Excellent watch dog. Would make a 'splendid dog for farm. Phone Libertyville MO-R., FOR MLE--/Round Oak cook stove, in perfect condition. Clark Dunn, Ivanhoe, Ills. Pttetne_628- FOR Pelerfitet.e any; POOR SAMb--tthte ivory med baby stroller. Mrs. Russell Rouse, Mundelein, m. . 64-2t-pd. NR SALE--- Pedigreed Roma Terrier puppies. Very reason- able. Phillip Fury, Round Lake, FOR BALE--2 beds, 1 oak dresser, 1 dining room suite, 1 breakfast let. 2 rockers. Phone Libertyvilje NR RENT-Furnished bed room. private Inventory 3nd garage if 4esited. 119 N. Milwaukee A196 Libertyville. Phone Libertyville 576-J. 64-11. FOR SALE-(heats L H. White, enamel, electric, four burner range; in good eiktditiorL Tele- . phone Deerfield, 23541-1, - A FOR SALE-Rue and carpet weav- ing. Mrs. John We. Tehpbone Deerfield 235-R-1. "alt. FOR RENT-Wire room apartment.] Also office or store room in In- delein. Phone 557-11. 62-6terf. POR RENT-BY owner. store and flat. Reasonable rent. William Ggrber. Libertyville. Phone 149. Avenue. s'nvn; chin: cabinet in" pérfict condition. Phone Libertyville 7'2: Glance $85 per mantli. W.A. Ray; Mundelein. Phone 462-R 66Af Illinois. Tti-M. Ifrouwanttoburenrthinttsitrifrpjy-tMst-, rentoruxehantre,orifFhranthel-uittrmrnmt_- columns. You will get m Minimum charge, 25e 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: lk per line per insertion. 'rhereunowarrouea-eha-trrtequtnuHq- insotshortnttmeuitdntms-nbui-t--tre makerourwnnuknonmUm. Athlwmmvineom MTSCELLAN EOUS Telephéne 147-11. FOR RENT FOR SALE aaasiltiied A '-rut at 122 61-6t-pd. 6t-1bod. 64-2t-pd. 68At. [representatives of the mini " [par-went of ngrieuttum "and lcial training in corn borer (iii', (gonad measures Io."','.",",, t em or service, wading 'division superintendent, o. . 0b.. inehargeirfthestlofirtV i'"irtdiig,ti't the at. b- mm: Ito Ohio. 'g',1ig,ut,,ttNLt, - 3912 N. In discussing the hip h- to Ohio, s't'itfintl'ee,,jg,tlWJ, - of the thoroughness of a. a... his crew of twerttr-ttm took I. i finished in one week. At QB - clusion of the training. the ti-gi" stood a test mum if. - federal government's mrTtesetrt d " passed it with "Ggiitiai; "II. DRILTAYLOB on: in First NM 8'" Hours:1t03:llnnd7uip.l. Reaidenee,oakmrodN- (bu-under. C. C. ladi- - "J Meets First My - Grid. Id sac-unmann- B. M. MILLER Arr0WatAT-LAW = m tatioml M BeMtseI Telephone 67 urrtiarr".Wa. DR. OTTO R. THOMPNN STATEBANKBUIIDM [mm M214 Bemm9dt9tq12.Nt0a.m. 1t80totV.00p.m. LYllilLLlo0Rlitlis - Libertyvillg Post No. " AMERICAN LEGION FRED GRABBE Auctioneer .. Real Estate For the Man or Boy Who wants the Best Prices Reasonable Fine Tailoring, Clean- ing and Pressing All of the plant man-t3; dMirt otherti-ttrappetint-t. DR. o. E. SIMPSON Men's Furnishings New Line Of JOHN CIC BY il PHONE "I PAGE SEVEN Phonon-