"att'snnatrsttonttt. "11mm mtetmetttnt-.at mane nun betweendmma. nmtrnnrrtdttesofntrieenrear will somewhat andeeatntethepeemttttttr qsgdtvurx:efartttemarri-nftttat tnul,.l'ff " HITS GERMANY Intheperiodfrom18Wto1tm. " per cent at them were mated ttec-eofdrunkenneatr.Ntd in 1916 " per cent, * ottttetotntdtvrmst2M68arere trmrttedtomsmertnndsMrrtoet Atnvere mobs-med. new 'xsmp1aintangatnst_rts were that they were muamuul. or were mm eternity or de-ttmt. Bananas ,reretrui1tyof9tpeset9tnqetin marked for I seem bombardment. "Battttrtg life may." an I decis- ration by the league. "has assumed forms which new: mode"! and thereby violet; nn important tmrt ot our annual lite." Formal MW mated by strong teem. In" been addressed by the society to the re- son otfieia1B asking them to W on bathe" wearing more clothing Boyeett Is and The widespread practice a W m. in mm costume has tho come under tire. A public appeal ttna m Mt asking 9er'eC1P','Pl to otidoeerutttieeonaattttutxeitttout Wham ' Merrsmoeatsap-ttrnre im- prorizatrstigttttr,tttetm-_ing tttntttterehnatteen-1dt- inane ntmttterttetnnmtitrdh- towivesinttteittatt--. On theottterttnnderueltrtB-ttmr. quentemnplntnttttantn-et. The inc-rennin dim In)" was espee-htrttetntheatntettt Vermont. New Jersey. m Dgttlttrt, attdCalifarttin. The largest declines were in New Hampshire, South tht. kota. and the mm ot Column: txtnetomeenttersnndnottotttetten- cently Muted to stein qrttenasAnorsxtenana-tts a mammogram» it.wagt'tinrt Anathema: census but" reveled may, Bre mm mm tttattttemarri-tttgooettherotrks o! tnndeltty. poverty. mute mam no: of just mum! mqqmpnqpmty. ontheotherhnnd.tttepotheenre beeominttmetrenetive in vermin nomen- Armqttsf_m1ee-ttet qwters. A m at anode-aged married couples decided to unwave' - mm in ---ttu., em- their condition ttrtrrmmatiee'rerr, 1m wire can": came and drunk mum": Ma6.--thetlnst nmtlntie--attmredtttattttere were no." dim mm IM'M mtuttnges.'rhedNoreeratioqmais "tdtnnrrtntre10.g'tperim0potnN- than. 'agtsstm-dtartttmsd by a- Morethtutt-eentofthedrunk- ennassettv-mmtto-en.'rtte mange afsepamttoetts for this cause has increased acidity my? addition they mum too may had a tsuture-to-pro) ample: "It may be that hm we M. ten than wives. give m It! di- vorce. but the much land prom otdivorelsgranted tottteqrife.ts, in general. due to the met that (a he: there are more "gal mind: tar separation," the bureau said. "When each party wants to dim it b,probame that tht we. more of- trnthnnthehtastmnd.m"erstttee o-berorDeeeteid d the league is tt?r9tettentle d . cure for immoduty is greater liberty. "Nacht-Kultur" club- hne been formed in various m of Genny for the practice at new without costumes. Seven] of the-clubs have sed tracts of beach land but Ber- lin and the police require only an their unusual facilities mm be guil- chat Muscat: menu-and ctttntnedthetmm's permission to tmetttesettoottmtMtrttr. mum- ma. ttmresrer.reetAedttteprivuetm when itwasdtaeovered that both wand women "amulet named. In sharp mm ,"FHH'EFI e"? - "with Clavey. damehter of Mr. amt Mrs. Ramond Clam of " cowl Street is seriously ill. Mr. and Ars. Chas. we?» g ah-tart were masts of = J. Knickerbocker of Wuhan Rand bat week. its. Robert Greenslaie of H _ Fri was bans. at a Dav-- " '"'Twrc'rt to M ' "hr "-"" '"itetur of "an, M. 19.. who in W M of her at, It! B. R. Km on Mt A past nine weeks is expects} to re- turn to his home in Brierhiil this week. it. Richard In. spent the and: end with It: and In. G. g iBer WM are vacationing in Min- --_ , Wiseonsin. 15 OUT tf Itil WEDDINGS FAIL in her mother from , Mrs. !iarry E. Win; tor. Shirley. who i... put fite weeks at L Wisconsin. retumet to ati. and fi; we! "at week 336m Cannon: priests have re- DEERFIELD -reiGEs 'wnere mm is w- (Ia-adobe": m up." IV iUst dressed boy. lat pm. groek. at knife, 2nd and 8rd, ribbans. h Moat comical flivver in Pal-ah. - Mr. Arthur Ender, Min Clara Ender and Mrs. C. Ender an visit- ing Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Dottdanville in Chicago. __ ' Mrs. Molly Pfister who under- went quite a serious operation " the Highland tlark Hospital several weeks ago it, expected to return to her home on Grand Avenue this week. Her sisters, Misses Florence and Beatrice Caroline, of Chicago are staying, at the Pfister home. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Gooder and family spent Saturday at Rockford, Illinois. Mrs. Harry Olendorf and son, Bil- 1y, are visiting in Michigan this week. A Th'e Deeffield 0. E. S. heH a re- gular meeting in the Masonic Tem- pla'l'hmehy tye?intr. _,', - Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bingham, Mrs. Amelia Pyle, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Binder were dinner guests of Mr. and Mpf, Christ B_endt, Sunday. The Wheeling Day, which was held on Sammy attracted a large number from Deerfieitt especially in the afternoon when the Wheeling ball club defeated the Deerfield ball team by; 'Cote of, 10 to 2. Mrs. Grime Cortnll "re Md Court is visiting Mrs. Sehloeder of Minqoequa, _WAse1trtsin. -- __ l Best dressed girl with dolf buggy, that prise, gold bracelet, 2nd and 8rd rittboms. Best costumei girl, lst prise, te"'"'""' 2nd and 3rd rib- Best dressed boy on bicycle, scoo- ter em, lat prime. watch, 2nd and Mrs. C. C. Bracken who entered her snapdngons and petunias in the Garden Club Show of the Bar- rington Garden Club and carried away four ripbggs. _ - . ins, a yellow' ribbon with her white snap dragons'and a white ribbon with her lilac 'anap dragons. Evidence of a gala celebration are appearing as the day of the Silver jubilee, Saturday, August 25th afr- proaches. The town'is now in holi- day array, flags are flying and colored lights are hing strung through the business section. A A big parade will open the acti- vities which will start shortly after dinner. Other features tscheduled include a ball game, concert by the Municipal Band, Dancing and all kinds of carnival attractions. Many prizes will be awarded and the main one is the Nash Sedan. 'Bcat clown'm parade 1!:de min in costume, 810.00, seteond best, 8'7.50, third, best $5.09. 2 - Mrs. .Brackett's garden and her home, Sky Meadows, on Wilmot Road is one of the lovely spots in 'iiGiloeetrurn and her garden was laid out by entirely herself and Mr. Brackett. - The following prizes will be tV warded during the afternoon after the parade and Pfetf - A _ . -BGt commercial float, lat prize, silver cup, 2nd gnd 3rd ribttona. .. -iGtusioratad car, lat prim, sil- ver cup, 2nd and. 3:3! ribttonas. _ . She was awarded u blue ribbon for her, pink snap dragons, a red ribbon ftfr Elk Freda purple petup- program: viivrm'hcobam in charge of sports has arranged the following Lariat organization ~rep: lit prize, silver can, 2nd i ribbons. petun- and sells 82,000,000 worth of beauty? white accessories annually! ribbon t .The tucinsung flapper. demure . lyoung matron or desperate downer on amhvho really takes her beauty and. Silver; time seriously can spend on utter- th ap- noon trying to decide what powder 1 holi- to buy in this half-acre ot cos- P d metics. Counting shades. scents, _ an sizes. 'brands and shapes there are strung no fewer than 1,300 kinds. 8rd NOTICE or' gamma 53-5." ',t'ii,i'd'giNsia1A',h'9eif all "e' 1rArmrrttyrrtuytty 01.9? "EB. 3 Remember the date, August 25th. Mrs. B. H. Kress, Miss Sally Mc- Kejlar, Gordan and Betty Clavey visited the Field Museum in Chita- go on Monday. r, " FAIR SEX GETS THAT Int waters. But only 15 in 100 so in tor lip- sticks. These m the figures reached by asurveywhiettisquotedinthe face But, for all that, the new woman pays only " a veer for her perfume and much less alto- gether for her cosmetics than the $60 which the average smoker new over the tobacco counter on- for exclusive effects in exterior decoration she can spend as much as $27.50 an ounce for the most. expensive perfume and proportion- ater as much for other toilet alth. But on the other hand she con not perfume for 50 cents an dance- and the average price is but ".3. However. cosmetics and their allied aids to beauty mayo. one ot the greatest factors in the business of the modern drug and depart- Prizes Till be awarded for all contests. \ Fanny May's and Mrs. Snyders' will be given away in tht candy ment °stores. The Shit case nee for girls. mating content up to 16 years. r ball throwing for girl; Three-legged race for boys, 50 yards. _ _ _ _ Three-legged race for girls, 50 yards. . - - A - Watermelon contest for boys un- der 16. _ goods center in the world. located in New York department store, em- ploys 49 clerks. occupies an am "of 15.000 square feet of floor "'P'ueet, Do?rtio.ns for registration booth my be given to Mrs. Chester Wolf or Mrs. Chas. Sterner. _'T'tte history of Deerfield' written by Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr. will niso by Mgs. J. A. Reichelt Jr. will also be ready for this affair it is hop- Bventrc 1.300 fowders, 1,200 Perfumes three in 100 use toilet ' THE LAKE COUNTY RMN1mih, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, Cnc, provemerrt. a hearing will be had u said certificate as to the truth of the facts stated therein at the Court House in .the City of Waukem, in said County on the 8th day of Sept- ember, A. D. 1928. at ten o'eloek a. m. or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will hermit. All persons.dytiring may file. otro 'ttttttions in said court before said aw, and mav appear on the hearing on! make their defense. Dated at Libertyville, Illinois this Mth by of August, A. D. 1928. EARL an. O0RLE'rr. Notice is hereby given to all per- sons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Libertyville, Lake County, Illin- ohs, having let the contract tor the improvement consisting of orna- mental street lights in Sunnyside Avenue and other streets in said Village of Libertyville, and the same having been completed and accepted by said Board on the 14th day of August, A. D. 1928, a eer- tificate showing that the said im- provement conforms _substantially Notice is hereby given to all per: sons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Libertyville , we County, Illin- ois, having let the contract for the improvement consisting of orna- mental . street lights in Milwaukee Avenue' and other streets in said Village of Libertyville, and the same having been completed and accepted by said Board on the 14th day of August, A. D., 1928. I certi- ficate showing that the' sail im- provement conforms substantially to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construction of the same, 'the cost thereof, the a- mount estimated by them to be required 'to pay the securing inter. est on nds or wuchers issued to anticipa collection offthe assess- ment for said improvement, a hear5 ing will be had on said certificate astothetruthofthefaetastat- ed than" at the Court House in the ity of Waukegan. in said County on the 8th day of Septem- ber, A. D., 1928 at ten a'eloek a. In, or as soon thereafter as the busi- ness of the court will permit. All s desirintz may file objections in court before mid day and may " on the hearing and make their defense. ' to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construction- of the same, the cost thereof, the a- mount estimated by them to be re. quired to pay interest on bonds or vouchers issued to anticipate collec- tion of the assessment tot trtyid_im- mad at Libertyville, Illinois this 20th day of August, A. D. 1928. T _ EARL H. CORLEnT, R. w. BULKLEY, R. G. KAPING, 'JOHLN .DOLLENMAiER, GEO. STURM, o E. F. SWAN, Board of Local IWments of the Village of Libertyville, "limit Board of Local Improvements 'of the Village of Libertyville, Illinois; T'-- r., _ ' .;... tii" 'jtft 'N. [j G , 't J)) . .' - ' x _i',i, , _ )'ts; D B] vm . , P, 'i E] _i1,!i, " iitlls5i."; Q, ~ 'l- .. ti D " ; V tral ' C} [:1 km t! . _p D At 'ci'lCGl [ai"; C] " , C' Wi, _ br, It _ - rs'" - A. Jrt f. '3 P.. 'Ci," t [:1 C] v "iiiiiiifrt ' a At ' ' . &----t, , a fit'; . 2t " 'jill?,, . '2 [3 - . r, " ""Tlit D ' ' c MI a _ " . ' D :3 _ _ . D NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING Many thousands of dollars worth of merchandise sold yearly ' through our ads. . Your sales méssageis carried to our thousands of readers and among them there is certain to be some who want what you 'havewadvertised; 'i , y C, T 'e ._, -,,' 3:3pr _ _ It makes ho diitemniiJii1letur you use a large display space or a place in the elaaBified section-the results are certain. Lake County Register He's Reading YOUR hd! And will be in {shortly to purchase some of the articles you have advertised. . . . . ' Lake County Register That is the service given by advertisements in P .1%tth, unless the owners of a ma- )omy a the frontage of the Iota and lands abutting upon said pro- posed Improvement or their agents, elect to take said work and enter into a written contract within ten days from the first publication of this notis.e, to do said work and make said improvement at ten per cent lees than' Four Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty and no /100 Dollars, ($4,980.00) the price at which the name has been awarded to said Jo- . . . o "'15:. "bi." a "I" VII "It 'I'" all: "1):th 's't,if'etl,", 1g,tg,gt"tgttet i close to 'ttt'i;rr.1i't" stitching. This 'd',uag,giu, of 'tll' im rov nt ',', catches the binding at the back and 'i2ieeki,t I ribed has "lb','e',"f,','lfell, § makes a neat, firm finish. to 'North American Construction'; -q---.-.-.r--...-.. Compan ' and that pursuant to thel After we've sweltered through statute ik such cases made and ro- ( about eight or ten weeks of red-hot vided, a tftntract will be caterer? in-;temperatures the best thing we can to with said North American Con- fsay about August is that it's the last Itruction Company, not less than i, month of summer. Public notice is hereby given that In award of the contract for the construction of the improvement hereinafter described has been made to Joseph A. Melloy & Company, end that pursuant to the statute in lath cues made and provided, a contract will be entered into with stud Joseph A. Melloy & Company, not less- than ten days from the 22nd day of August, A, D. 1928, for the t_rllitwint,..yiyseribed improve- . Special Assessment No. 47. P the manner shown 11nd set forth In an Ordinance passed and approv- ed by the President and Board of Trustees of said Village of Mande- Lein,_gn the, 19th day of Mapeh, A. ment, to-wit: That I connected sys- tem of sanitary sewers, ete., be con- structed and laid. in ARCHER AVENUE and other streets in the Village ot Myndelein, Illi_xgois.__ nigh A. Mellow Compaipy. ated this d tg of August, . A. D. 19 8. R. F. HOUSE, GORDON RAY, . EDWIN E. RODER, R. J. LYONS. . ' E. H BLUHM, J. C. DORFLER, ' . E. w. FENNER, . Members of the Board of Local Im- provements of the Village of Mun- - geleigL Jelgs (Squaw, Illinois. B. H. MILLER, Attonféy. Mundelein, Ill. All parts and labor bought in Our shop carry the same guarantee as the parts and labor on any new car. . - lik Countryside Motors J. E. LEONARD, Mgr. JUST PHONE 90 NOTICE OF AWARD NOTICE OF AWARD We have something you are looking for- ' Guaranteed Automobile Service u; l, When binding the neck of a. dress in" a double bias fold about three- ;fourtha of an ich wide when folded. fplace the raw edge Along the neck :edge of the garment vi the bind- iing lying on the right side. Stitch 1about a quarter inch from the edge. Turn the binding over and baits gdown, without taming in the folded Eedge. Stitch again on the right side gclose to the. rst stitching. This :catches the binding at the back and (makea a neat, firm finish. ed by the President and . Board of Trustees of said Village of Mande- leln, on the 213t day bf May, A, D. 1928, unless the owners of a major- ity of thelrontage of the Iota and lands abutting upon said proposed improvement or their agents, elect totakesaidworkandenterintoa written contract within ten days from the tirhrt publication of this notioehto do and work and make said improvement at ten (fer cent less than Flight Thousan Three Hundred Poity-four and 85/100 Dollars, ($8,344.85) the price at which the' same has been. awarded to said North America Construction Company. Dated this 22nq day of August, A. D. 1928. R. F. ROUSE, GORDON RAY, EDWIN E. RODER, R. J. LYONS, E.H BLUHN J. c. DORFLER, E. W. FENNER, Members of the Board of Local Im- proteyt.entst of the Village__of Mun-" - delein, Lake County,'1uiriois; B. H. MILLER, Attorney. Speck] Ana-neat No. 49, in the manner shown and set forth in.. am (>ch .mssed 91": 8mm: ust, A: D. 1828, for the 'folfowing dis- acgpegi improvement, to-wit: _ That water service pipes and house drains be constructed and laid in KORTH LAKE SHORE DRIVE and other streets in the Village of Mundeleip,_ Illinois. ___ ten days ft1ttttthe 22mm of Aryt- Phone 100. " 11:365.: but} 'ie2ui',,'lte, o at!" tr-ation t 'tttg brings use from the itching . . Mama-Sulphur heals mean right up, leaving the skin dour and smooth. It setftys fails to "IAiTitt,fee 'i'h""o'tt Ite cut. I e pr o Bowie: ird't'lgfai,t,r my be db- Iinod at my drug m WANTED-; WANTED - Experienced farmer with family nuts to mung 40 to 70 were farm. A-l tet. one FOR SALE-Dump wagons. 2 new t 'rel. - 5ft,scrapers. Phone 'aiisiier.iirT,ttn,t1t,te" guy T - "A.-." 1:" a: 5:01: I. - FOR SALE-Household goods. I have rented my home and othe for immediate sale my household tttlt consisting of: at! In . dinner set, library table, gas stove. buffet Chin: closet, antique walnut bed mom let 8-4 size. iron bed, oak dresser, chif- fonier, chairs, rockers, kitchen cabinet, pillogg, own kitchen FOR sALE--Eiteheri cabinet; gas stove;, chin: cabinet in perfect condition. Phone ubqutsvftie_712r FOR "iiTriiT-iarii"iriiir; wooded ml acre lot with three mom cot-i we. 8M00,_Ni0_eaah. Phqpi FOR SALE-cucumbers for picki- ing, etc. Also other vegetables. Ray V. Moss, Wheeler Road, Lib- ertyville. Phone 659-W-2. - FOR SALE-,Round Oak cook Move, in perfect condition. Clark Dunn, Ivanhoe, Ills. Phtrye_62SF FOR SALE-Real Estate HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN 205 Jr. Innis Alena. FOR RENTH foam house_and gar- an: REN'r--P%m. 135 School Lancet. Phone Libertyville 'itrc t. FOR RENT-By owner, stone and flat. Reasonable rent. William get-her, "tertyville. Phone 10- FOR SALE--- Pedigreed Boston Terrier puppies. Very muon- able. Phillip nary. Round Lake, Illinois. 63-4t. Avenue private Mundelein 398-1 iesired. IP, Libertyville Imra. delein 8984 DR KENT-wi" room apartment. Also oftiee or store room in Mun- delein. Phone 557-R. amt Guaranteed 156-1 or 3 Broadway. with ttuniir 547-1. priced to sell quick as we must vacate house August 26th. Sale days pro Friday and Stamina. tget 24th and 25th. Clam . Th or, 111.3 822* Place. Phone balance" $86 per month. WA. my; lundelein. Phone 462-R 65-tf in!" in_#undeiein. p.990 dg'wn. Tailor, 213 N. Park Pine. Phone Libertyville 742-W. 0 66-2t. In on Hurley Ave. Can Have! Won Sept. 16th. Roberti Phone Mundelein 224-1.! 21...," Hyou wanttotmranrthtrtg,rrrtfetle-t-9 rentoruurehantre,orifrmhrnthinnutt1-nFt+ columns. You will gum 'rhtsreiartownrrme-to-atrr-+.g- insotrhortnttmeuitdntsrm-ttui-t-oo- makerourwanuknonmum. Ammmn Minimum charge, 25e 6 insertion for 31." Rates: 5c per line per insertion. MiSCELLAN RENT RENT (aaasi'ihled Telephéne 147-31. iT-Furnished Inventory in 119 N. Milw FOR SALE Flat Phone at EOUS 122 61-6t-j 63-6tard. CureaMauru-dqsrieMreq. was". d - ',Ttteteatttgtgg'et,ttftt. 1tiehireateeir_rhr-b on; inure" A New Line Men's Ill' N.ComtrtK. "j. DELLTAYHB one. in MNdI-lu' Hm:_1hlgd?gl;u Telephone " Commander. C. C. -erB-r-ml.a Meets Firirx-dnr--Ge+" DR. o'rro R. TRON seientiBeRxna-neetHtll.m ammo 33567; iiiiarar"ii"i& '9 - horse-back riding I. h ..~ l:Nto5:00p.-. man-by"; For the Man or " ' Who wants the Bet ', Prices Reason)" d _ Pine Tailoring, an. ATTORNEY i ©tt%l-lhMt Libertyville Pd Na. " AMERICAN LEGION fIarryllfadill Bartlett JUSTICE or, "rat run Office at Show" and I" About the - - aeful At/ttel/p - - REAL ESTA" Elm FirstNudonulld" DRO.E.W LYailLLM.ltMmlltlltt oqtgw.tto8-t.is Ruide'l'UI-n STATE BANK 31mm . JOHN CIC mr ing and Preach! LiBERTYWhui. ILL B. BL mun ATTORNEY-AT-L" Wuhan." PAGE SEVEN