"iiiii'iii"ii'iliii l a NEW HOUSE Am you dkeatidied with the appearam In it "old fgatlttt'ir1ttciit,' of st: or the neighborhood? on can have i Peteddit small cost. Let us eatir phone Miss LaVeme Swan, of Mundeleini t%GaGGFieeiGai be iitii% tC.' has accepted a Mon as operator; monte, Wit" Mr. Mar ae. with the Litsertivitte branch. tdo- ',eompanied by . Robert Sits. will with the" 'i)ititFiiirir"GeiCTiiiirr I iiiFiiii'niaTTFk"ri"iti'G't "iiiti',' . _ JI. -. .. tii'tifr itii'2hiii rrinirris,str-tunarlM.icytrect1tieit1it, on obiogmgngm a an" Wid- 1 tut', home of Dean C. Bennet I V. Miss Bereniee knock, June. Sailor ed word yester- 11ayeelr. an4 Robert We? of, "3% his Jett An who Mundelein wanted m Chicago, ed- live; in the: ttttir m. nesday evening. at an Law" I ttet Tha' W. F. Franzen, Jr. LUMBER', COAL, BUILDING MATERIAL LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Capital And Surplus $150,000.00 "If you had invested $1000 in Ford Motors twenty years ago-- , , Destroy these disease carriers now when they begin to come in for the winter. q Which stands for "Kills Rats Only" is the only safe and sure my to rid your premises of these pests. Harmless to humans and other animals but sure death to rats. F. B. Lovell Co. ecauhelpyrm. Lmiaiir' ri"i Fhih, ILL. LARGE PACKAGE Before you invest-consult your banker. Any of oour officers will glady advise you. They tell you of the millions you could have made in Ford, or General Motors. What they fail to tell you is of the Millions that have been lost by investing in the kind of "securities" they are selling. Thousiands of plausible salesmen are using that phrase right now in selling stock in shady enter- prises. Libertyville; Illinois . 75e af? appearance of your hope? -out of stgp with the tunes t have if. remodeled and usestimate on the ma- atteitd. Mr. and Mrs. Witt, of Long Beach, California visited for a few hours at the A. W. Hall home Thursday. 1ecpeihumsmkimtacttieatro,rMr.,andtes.uw mat edict Thursday. . "that" min; in Jitliut Mr. and Mrs. Witt, of Long 516an Schroeder, visited Fri- 'Beach, 9853?]? vthiterd,.,.fer a. few far with her mother, Mrs. Leigh- "iii"=l'2'."ttt------ ' lightfully entertained" twelve ghosts "l'rrmiirrmiiiiiii'iiii"ii'iriii'iiiii'i", " luncheon, Weding the cards. Njsy' Sylvia, 1.itre, _of Igonwpod, " The members of the Ways and 1Means eommittee of the Elizabeth 'Condell Auxiliary are to be congra- tulated on the success of their first Brrlge party given at the Country: side club 'ihtTiii'ty afternoon. A.. bout one hundred and twenty-fiire ladies attended and after several hours had pleasantly passed, most delicious. refreshments were serv- The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. N. R. Miller, 224 W. Cook IAve., on 'Nesdav, Sentember ."5th at 2 o'eloek Daylieht Savings time. Annual reports will be given and offices elected. Mrs. C. P. Tibbeta Co. Viet-President "will have charge of the program which will be fol- lowe'l by a social hour. Members are urged to atteriti and' friends, are cordially invited. This will he the last local meeting before the County and State conventions. The county convention to be held in Lake Forest, October 9th and the state in Evanston; October 23-26. Delegates will be elected for these meetings. . coupe model and 'Nibbs", 1 who is well known to Libe people is now the owner of a Victory Six roadster. y Dodge motor cars are becoming tfiemingly poBular in and around Libertyville. r. F. H. Martin pur- chased a Senior Six Dodge sedan from Morrow and Sons of Wauke-i gun this week. Mr. George Small} also brought a Dodge Standard Six Mrs. James .Layeoek/entirtairted " a Fine Hundrzs'd party Thursday afternoon. Prizes Were V given, the firs? being awarded to Mrs. A. Whitney, the second went to Mrs. Tritz. Mrs. (born Whitney receiv-' ed third, while Mrs. Frank Baum- gartner, er. apprc,vriated the con- solation. Mr: and Mm. J. D. Shell and family of Fort Meyer, Florida. mo- toring to Michigan stomped for a short 'time, Thursday at the James Mack home on Broadway. No 1th Libertyville people will recall that J. D. Shell was at one time the. oroprietor of the dairy now owned' by Mr. Hafemainn. i Mr . and Mrs. Edward Tape] are rejoicing over the word received from Kenneth Bock and wife of West Palm Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Bock; though their home is right in the region that has been recently devasted by floods, are still "high and dry," so to speak. , Fifteen members of the local, Masonic [mated to Mubarak ago, Wis., y evening when they attended a meeting of Lenin lodge in the mm new tunple. The local delegation made the trip ' eomplfett to}. T. Hiddleeon. el now lives iriAiUt" 13am; Thnndaw y "euiGrir 1riiii7.'ii'li'"' ti: Raina thaw which was held In the Why-3910'. _tt.Rt.shirt_'.s Depqrt- with their dn ifiiFii)iiiaiGrtG in attending mugorth Western Uni- versity. " was Hue! Moore is reported to Mr. and Its. Paul Ray attended a dinner " the Masonic Temple " Evanston on Thursday evening. In tlt.tstf.ter.noyt thr may? - "trms nouncemcnt of this Net -is bifiiir made daily from the station. Lake Faniit a . Fimi and Glenn, the mdio' stars of}. L. S. 'ill matte their initial Mr. and Mrs. Home Gool of West Cook Avenue, left Thursday night for Buffalo andNiabrra,Neie York. They will stop, enroute, at Columbus, Ohio to attend a family reunion. "My Experience in an Airplane over Washington," will be the sub- tt given by the "pastor, at the ethodist Episcop Church Sun- day evening. Mrs. Martin mother of Dr. F. H. Martin, who Li; been in for two or three days is reported as being much better. 5 Iii: Mrs. Fred Bockelman underwent' and l an ovation Thursday " the Vie.. Aim, tory emorial hospital in Waukegan Milk to correct a.condition caused by an Th infected tooth. brat] an 1 Mrs. J. E. Harrison and son Jack, Jose] who have been visiting at the Lugdih Bert home since Monday will dtontt."tor Lana their' home in Battle Creek, Mieb.,! An on Saturday. {rick l Thomas and Jennie Kern Mu. P. sq, Bockelman and Miss aa En.. mam tAim" {ESE viii? or"iiiinHi; or Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ayertrof Lake Street left for Pow Pow, Mi- ch.itran Pp, Friday. They e9tect.to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Neville and his brother, Carson, of Grayslake are spending a two weeks vacation in the Ozark Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lindroth, _of Wgst Lake St., and sons Raymond and Stanley visited in Chicago and N iles Center on Thursday. . Bert Ree and Raymond Nutt, it Is reported returned to Libertyville after a few days fishing in the "muskie" territory in northern Wisconsin. ttttlie _topearaneie -itCthCiaGiiG'i 18ka J?iritltersr' peypath "heater, Mrs. Anna Deithorn" visited her grum- in Waukegan on Wednes- tW. Mrs. Lyle Andrews and Mrs Harry Pesto: visited friends in War kegan on Thursday (liq-ta. . "dria'iGai"i the' Ford . It. Martin pur- 'six Dodge sedan Sons of Wanke- ir. George Small In Standard Six Nibtm" Hades, to Libertyville' wner of a Dodge a motor trip to THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1928 W _ 'Wright Idea) Als, Mieker'areotim comedy Just, Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. _ ' , SNOW'S ThiamA1stintrtri1ltaltepuee " 8:30 nextTuehtiay evening, Sept. " "ttheCookMeriioHai1i . " liaia7tiG"i""ii"r"ii.Ti'rTai'riiii, will (iiiiiiih"'iiiii'i-iiitrair7iiii. the m- frl'l'f,Aoor'"'ti'lN'l'lC",'h'df'drl'i upmdtdopted. I Pt T'tl,i'll urde ye swam y n ',t'iiistel'ari(Gre7r-'iiiGri"ia'iliu' schooltuditoriumthehtterputd oetoher.,othqrPlaas are 'mit cognidention for the winter Ifi' " 3. Ttqratoitnotmtsqtrtodnrthntrqrs Mm 2t,trut,,'T,fs,d, ijii,1,it) w " tht"l,t'u"dlihtlll/"utP'at 1fdllallt have signs" up tkthe ta. Thursday-Friday JOHNNY amiss 1llueyhVtwednesdan Sept. 25-26. l __ FLORENCE irrDoR VILLAGE "MYERS " _ PLAN NOVELTY Something new in amateur thou- rials in Lihertrvilie is planned by the Village Players, and wlut it in will be unnamed following the bat mating of the moon- -" ' _ wedding ceremony Tuesday morning i when Bernard Miller of Libertryjilis and Miss Marie Frederick of Fro- Thepew1rtreoarenowausrs weeks honeymoon 2%": the north- west and on their, will make their home in Mundelein. LOUISE FAZENDA ' Beautiful Mary Astor and Handsome Lloyd Hughes in a comedy drama of a princess who wanted to be just another girl and Mr town folks would not let her. Also Pathe Review and Aesop Fable Laughlin. An all N, reception at the Frede- rick home allowed the ceremony. closing with trdanee Pgttg, eve- ning at the Bentham S a. The groom was attended by his brother Sam Miller as best run and the ushers were Frances Inga. Joseph Hertel Edward Frederick, Bert 7iaisiigaG' and Walter no. The ceremony was attended by'lgn under auspices/of American ifesr- large gathering ho! Q,',tigt,"i and I ton. " te,"', 'd,'iigd, 't'ife'dtl'l'eeglf,'2fi'tt 533:4 Mrs. Charles Jochheim .is visit.. church. ed in warn]: in North Chicago this week. The bride was gown ,. . satin with a veil of tulle and oak" Min Hildlwge 133k; who has tied 3 mm of my. rose. and (tfit/tttgg .to er im or the last 235;, a: e galley. She 1'r,'Atgt,iii w _ thorns no movement. y "ar.hrillttrua.mni " Ttttent-inte-inn," and the £53" tt ..'i','t'edl?rlg,t2ht1fr,ltl'il', who was the cause of Jo- tyitg'utl"g, bng i I _ seph Ell-uh": Neg, in the local The 2mm was attended bv high")? M" '9 hire - readgy to, tttttNr. "We couldn't have had I better gday!" said the elrtpt foothill fans who witnessed e game at l Desplaines, Friday. 'llearfto hart' mont were united in martin: a a nuptual high mass celebutod by Rev. Bernard Laukemper, pastor of theehugeh.. St. Mary's church it I Center was the segue of a Sunday-Monday, Sept. 23-24. MARY ASTOR and LLOYD HUGHES lenmaiér '7th are also "out where the West begips." W. Willard Hyatt is visiting te- leaves in the west at the present time. He sent word that he had a very cool trip through the Rockies and that it snowed while he was at Butte, Montana. He also stated that he intended to go to the oeean in a few (in s. A strange coinci- dence was tgat Willard hgpened to be on the same train wi Mrs. Bichmgd Lyons and 1)rrs_goltn Pol- A Hp roaring melodrama " the race track with a thrill in every Minute. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, In, and SALLY BLAINE. in Saturday, Sept. 22. [5091101210511 The Magnificent flirt' Also Comedy and Oddity. '0ead Man's arms' at FREDERrCK--MiLuilR _:"-,'","-.',')"--':',.";':"',-;-.'..:.."".' sireai'iii'i"'iiriiiiAiay u I annual, was here uneasy to anew-i ': er to the charge of trattie obatrue-l, [mpg which was referred saint turn on the 'r, of the accident. Be- cause of the set that it was im-, possible for the witnesses to be .pres-: ent the case was eontiriued to Sap-i temher 27. "he case is the outcome3 Eat the evident on September 2,! when scu- driven 2, Quinn struck' tune mung]; of o leer Bsmshaw] And threw to the navement. in-. cut, an a" W" conglnued to Step-3 Rtiui'roib-rNstmut tom .~ 1 . . . IU,,',"', 21%;: cg: 1elliir,itr?ttif . Oppoute Electric Station w sec van (tuhptrrtruerrliu ttedofti todb' ith" 2:131:30me 'int'iFif, J,'tglt,htgl, I out" 'ff Ilium m than pavemen m- . "like f,1te,'tg'tti2' wounds which hm] ""es 469 & 269 sine. him in the local hospital. Sacks. Pine Cookers, No. 1 Stoek. One Sack de. livered anywhere in town Cash on Delivery for $1.59 per sack. If you live out of town and wish to call for they leave your order at our store with your telephone number and we will notify you upon arrival. . ' Wednesday. October 11th. Annual bazaar of _theladietr' Aid of the Methozist Church. . I Wednesday. October 11th. Annual has: gtt'the ladies' Aid of the Methodist .Episcopal Church. November, " IS, 16. Musical comedy, "Kathleen" giv- tn under auspices of American Leg- ton. Libby's New Home Style and Swat Dill Pickles. Per Bottle. Call and Sample them we 25 have a bottle of each open .....--.-"........, _ c Lyndon Brand No. 2 1-2 Royal Ann $1 W White Cherries. Per can 35c, 3 for,........, . 'Sea Island Brand Pure Cane Sugar, Pet: Hundred Lb. Bag 'r"------.-.-. ttia) Paratine Wax for covering Jelly etc., n Per Package "------------..-.-.. e Welhaye a carload of Fancy Early Ohio Pota- toes coming within a few days in 2 Bushel Wednesday, Sept. 26th. Opening reception of Libertyville Women's Club, at 2:30 at. the Par- ish house. ' Saturday, "Sept. 22nd. _ Football game. Litrertrvh'lle vs. Crystallm at Liberty field. My, Sept. 2Ut. Rum and Five Hundred party at the Woodman hall, given by Mo- dern Woodmen of America. '.. The Grande ' Dry Cleaners and Dyers kk . .. LIBEizTYVILLE Grande Dry Cleaners and Dyers COMING EVENTS Wedilesdny, It's new when we're . Through! l Sept. 19 dl, 20 Foi' Quality and PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 844 . Specials for SF. 3 i%Mt r5.f.. " 'glllt p,, iNig - ("x 'iii Mi - iii: P- " ii llliiilltlliNi _ iis' Il|lr1 :iii:'i' if: . Home Owned Store Homemaking: Mr.R.C. C. SECURI'] "titsemtdcivito-tiemt This brother ha the courage datum-dog. Heneverftinehu When riotous mob. are burning and laying waste, for that gives himhiaeuncerdreerviee. Ha quietly It?! to the property m: "Don't-,t't1iunit have? yfou and the That h what 'm at." Then quickly "-imttumeattsem. In some tou- lib wouldn't !yttortt living-imam brother Car.rgt, lilo Dorothy Bolton, of Mande- lein a former Libertyville C" High school student is attending the C i, 'itll' Normal School ot Physical cation. The opening of the fall qtheMctnmrarBrtoa'mat, an "this-(for a: we AFci, year.. tttttmir for" iiie m_thuAm- Joe Rana can: It You was: boss, would you him Your-elf for. your PM position. Myt of; thtiiéoie. Day to one of our oEcers: "Tell me, please, why this bank isthe best btuikformeto dealwith.". . .Thenit'suptohinnnoohlinim on your part-mme at all. nut 58:31]: She Four By Mix, First National Bank Capital Arid Surplus 910000.00 Libertyville, Illinois tember 17th, was the Munndlu. Disney - a-. of Domthy's 1reoTilsdtYretl1J,','d a!" "h"- L COURSES Register Now Wt"; Cago, Timid" mitt. neck we'd Eaii. have I-ai PAGE RV!