' - u "gtttetB received 1 will 'steenth wards ot the mighty my of c ';D m dttftnttely on thePodunk ' h C .. i What reminded me ot TiLson was a ., a d I... Be.8rered 'the sight ot him. sitting at. ms desk. e '- - - that at Dentin republican eastern headquartere, - d D has «I the people were; here in Manhattan, pretending to . -SttgaSat but mono persons] take orders trom his nomintl chief- - "tttgit-t To this terrible lecithin. Doc Hubert Work. who never -t_ttto-uettoet of ttteileamed half as much about politics -. d It". " One Win: m his threesome and eight years , - Ae-Ae-ur, tin 'e" John Q. forgot in the last minute, . m m try Mueller crashed - h "the in which 2ecirer d b Thrstterger were ruiutq. He - a I will be charged that the an: - "and try Moeller in a -._ I!!!" and negligent man- "and" hand a short 8tirilt._rdismisaturetsitrnedtus 'r?Irettiert-ttteadot theprintinit a! ch (in establishments. his}; h": far ihe first time yer, chad _ tad _eivil ac- u d in De- Plains men. Louis "Bq$ltgtr Id Batman Tame. charging m m. The complaints - u ttr Becker. The war- - van ttrmmtovertotheottieeot "I! law A. Doolittle and it ~M the Des Plumes men d " Aeed under arrest this "I and Tame were made de- h. two suits started ftttrgut, court. tn much dam- - "in: 315.0% is sought. no 1BqqtIte and Miss Umberger an? " has of 315.000 The Etree' the suits were filed by . - mauled Wednesday that "A.jrrrbarad his wife were badly in- tuit-e months ago in an auto- 'yep-att tn Lake county. In- altiirthqa-ese we {run starvation Ll-wmbelu greater than 1h__ranheoetttetmmedinteaoetsot Own-Malla- IAIJUAI. Monica. Sept. 19.-- qm$hsaerertgtttufr-rtswttich I "-g.qtqh.etattgtrTnrttttixinottte mtr+tnanytngthattttelatsot 'jtteqrNhtrrahr'ttturrtetutewouid I W men that number but I 5'72"; my mm as possi- 'At "in my there were consider- trM-tAngt1Mrbodiesandinan- argharqttrttheoere49rtegrobodies -tB-atetttetgtagt. "cumeanmebodiesto -B.ea-ttrdisease. Disin- "nuanced"! tlthih-Nmqtesetmtsthetirst om- ahI"Mh-hrtaetttermrntterot dead. mrrhir+teRedcmtssrtxtenpt1est '"qttill-tmrtaixtmmanndttte Biq1-eare..wttieto.trttt2 -trvttanttiHsiruttred. _-qsllrsttertretietprirtietstsad "ham and the shores ("Home that the enor- tgi-Bl-MMVI-came known. -tllrtsetstottseRedcruss -qrAntBeatedttttsttttetnown -t.r"r'ttrtdaweretoportioeted, ae0_aenttolrarytutetGmmer ltqtgMtqnttttgttttereiief won said "night-ulna ttrmoee2todies 'i.8hohhtretreteBe11etNnde. "raVrtrtggter'tttnareex6irtgeare .-S.it.tnHatdnndexmata1rtotnta '.qhq-qtfrettefqrttrhers. 'Ih-I-gmmyselt sent two 'gqgt-qiettttdteatotttetrviation cum his probable "until-ind um Inn B-.0anBiqgtthehthe. Weeks -huddbmmeu- -ir-mrrraberstddeadand ".mhmekkbm fin. unmmmm..&pc.m 'Rrrl-niat.tte1tteaptnirtofttte 1lBit'_tat-tnedareportwtttt ":mthatthehum- aug't2'f'2',', PhtritMatttttdnt qq.-taeettoettgatittirtttqted. _ ME [HEATED BY OFFICIALS (WWW 'rheqfhe'q.ernheeesatfuhe .I. he Dickson Of Red "mmnOnDud hm; Porto Rico List "A! 1,000. We hope you will never have such misfortune Better' play tsafe-OPEN A SAVINGS Int, have you any assurance that you Will not? ACCOUNT TODAY a! great tsatisfaction and comfort' to know that h cue of accident, sickness, or loss of positioq that you have a Savings Account to "fall back Wheeling State Bank ,terted by Becker and IS WED AGAIN nrnnu for the ar- "m an iiF FRIENDLY annex" It Is a Source mama the accident " When nether: Hoover was nonu- Inted tar president and went to Pale to to Me her. acceptance apeech. did he Me "on: with tm?--. I) an him what to stty'.'-wtd what mat to "I? Take tt tmm me-- * tf you mt to reach the o. o. P.'s "am managerial department. ask for John Q's desk. Not Altogether to his own advan- tue. be h also en exceedingly party- loyal old gent. Be Imam have been minted for vice president last mnetfhetudmadeanugtarenougtt Ttot. He wanted to be But it in- 9r'ered With the attenuation} plan. 3o he modestly stepped aside. And now he is working for "the ticket" to beat " git-out. You but more about Senator Home. " the republican's eastern Who has since been called down. to; reputedly run; out the wrong and o! publicity. at the rrong time and In the wrong place? rilson" hr tom tt. John Q. is much too m a bad Doc Wort. . John Q. futon is just one almost maedibly foxy old grandpa. Doe WetrM--tstr campaign mana- ger Not so you could notice it. It was John . he took. As major-xv lender in the name ox mama he is liable ac nave a gooddw wanton! than your own dismal tepgesentntie-dear reader 4mm Brown. Jones and Robinson counties. or the ttrat. secdnc and 'steenth wards ot the mighty city ot Podunx Politicians all know him. But the general putttio--rto. The very nature ot John Q): duties keeps him in the background. which is too bud. tor he is one ot the most interesting person- alties in public lite-and one or the most tna'lueettitt1, too. Tuson h from Connecticut. But do not jump to the conclusion that Connecticut's destinies--or New 1htgtsates--ar any other mere section or the Cotmtryu---are the only desti- nies he has a mighty poweriul voice in shaping. at our muons] capital. 'rheesmtrmssmU knot as well tatmmaaheemghttobe. By CHARLES P. STEWART NEW YORK. Sept. M.-ctmgrias- man John Q. Tnson, chairman of the "stern republican sp-akers' bureau. is what can beat be described as "an old warborse" in politics. The truth ts, Congressman Tilson's was Umbercer acted es private secretary to Becker for several months prior to being ordered .out of the city. Clarence Shremer, a Zion employe for some years. was also or- dered out of Zion st the same time. Becker denied reports that there was an affair between his private secre- any and Shuffle! md soon after this coupk had been suspended from the Zion church by Overseer Vollva and ordered to leave Zion, he quit. TILSUN BOSS 0F ilttlliill't FIGHT I Sifter Mt 2niterhs Both Becker and we. Umberger Ismtered injuries of a permanent no- at", according to Attorney Miller. Be says that both suffered perma- nent injuries to their nervous "s, terns. He says that locker has lost 50 pounds since the locident and Becker resigned as head of the Zion police {one and head or the Zion printing establishment shortly after Overseer Vouva had ordered was Umberger to leave Zion. tt was the comma: at opinion in Zion, " the time that Becker quit the Zion fame because at the action taken by Overseer Votive in the case of Miss Umberger. doesnotappeartobetustetoregain his health. Be had several ribs frac- tured, while Klan Umberoer was bad- ly cut and bruised from head to foot and also is said to have sustained some trauma. " was necessary to talrenmmttteratstitettestoaew up wounds tn her face and body. BJLMiBer, S.C.Gtilley 'ret.gtatrt Tet. 458157 ttttigttrateofapedanderaatted tntottteBeehermaettine.tturtingtt omintothedmm. The accident occurred on Route 22 in Barrington on July IT, of this yen. It is charged by Attorney tuner that the truck 9de by the DesPNtnesrtteneantehtttoftiaide matt, onto the main manure " 'htt'glttrgVltg,t,etiet WW". theor- 'tret,r5'il,'i'e'tfsii",,'e1'itait!i,ti'i?ii. berttersemridtngint rem-seat otttteearomtkhritiehmiurai Mm try his son. Theodore-Blew Jr. BUY AND BUILD Manor mammal-rs Scenic Subdivision car was completely wrecked A new harbormaster at Wan-é _---_- 2,ri'..L".U'.UL..-.,.- kegan to succeed the late ' Captain. Wilbur W. Jilsan will: be appointed by Commissioner R.:J.. Peal-sell within a few days. it was? _ stated Thursday at the Decrt. of I public property. The name Adam} f Deuoff.toeainattermnn.isttetrtttaer-: may mammal: Captain Ju-Q . son. prior to his .recommad --- 'gh,rfgttt21',ff,',ernt',','frtg2,, Announcement isttudettrtheh- '/Tit1f"'"u'"t"""'t""-fltg1utdt,'r,',t, in tl21'l'fgtt that reason. o ll our: under rem-l Nick Larsen. form the mldimtionothrr?8n'yder,hnhfl J,/ueti,e"a'ltNftr,,'.'t,','t,,titaag2, to {manhunt to b} rlnoTttaaiqtirtttttiseMiltop, may. magnum for the new eating theboet house. "also ttetntriopening Member 22. m an- oonsideredxorthepoemothuun-'nonhcewhei'elmde an: More danced, 1amantutdDetlott have new: y imam bottf been actively interested tn the! with many P'etgP"4i"lf in doings about the harbor tar maninhnca'go .aod " ity. "n if the years and the selection ot either one: eombination of beautiful sweet w?,yh!!?tt!Po1oyt. a _,','li,t'ak"'d.ta1'"tierg,,'; tMgttte mule position ot ttnrttorttttuaer paysI 1't'h'lt Wm l J,'1't/fffg', V B esumot880ttayearttuttanever-.it?my w "pea 0 clone): theless an important one and must.' dancers. and lee, qtis orttttetttm tn- be filled a? someone mgvtiagxly a; 1rti)1tlf,i, $905313; the Jules", a the mum m harbor " tad: expltunintt duties include the policing ot the his selection of the Troubadours. V doc_ks:_reports on humor il'miiitio"i; Snyder " Leeds _ Two of the new cannons. Michael 1rohn O'Flaherty and E. V. Mtvrkoni, were called upon for talks. Both said they were extremely "proud that they were now American citizens. 'an.toreign lands people are Just dogptuutdorttttMtmrnrttat u to happen to them from day to day." emphatically dechned O'Plaherty. "Lite is hell across the pond. United States la the lines: country In the world and I know each ot you people fee1ttaproudnardopowtnarire are United sum dawns." _ DETLOFF MAY i circuit Clerk Wilmot, who has gid- 'ed thousands ot aliens in getting citizenship papers during the years he has held thWottiee told the new citizens that it we: the Polity of his office to assist people trying to be- come citizens. in every posit)! way. He said that etttaenstttp certificates would be mailed out within the next Week. ' Small silk thttps were 'passed cm to the new citluns by members of the American Legion Auxiliary. "It it the duty ttt every American citizen to do acts ot service for Unit- ed States. may people are mlserly and selfish, not desiring to do any- thing tor the government unless they themselves directly benefit. _ We should take a different attitude. one of unselfishness because our govern- ment is simply what the people make it." Reva Goodwin urged, the new tens to vote at every election and to always obey the laws. Lo us to have I voice in the govern- ment at all times. We should mate sure " all times that we vote for the people beat fitted to serve as of- ficials in all branches of our govern- LARGE CLASS ADMITI'ED TO l for that. That is. that Is 'itat-iii' lows I! it is (scalable tt not. "Bun is welcome to whatever mere 18. Consequent:y tte ms to sneak 1) via the arcaway. one moody mom that anything has nappenea untu me "accomplished tact' - 5 "mounts can W-ttt announced Ana men somebody else alums an the credit start" I. monstrous room; it anybody learned that he had named the pres» dent " all a means nothing whatever. But when John Q. drops tn, tt Is so 0911!!!!)qu important that it would to hide my. 1 t ' Lea-er lights drive up " the White House enhance with a nourish ot trumpets. and all the 'Rtrreaponderttit send one word: "So-and-so has just called on the president." and it nukes n his 'Ntushrrthqusrh the can respondent}. in reality. know that it mumwmm itt the (Contian hom page one.) GET PORT JOB banana: "aitttttettuBttetl Citi- held The following were granted eiti- zenship Wednesday. Thomat Baruch Alois Ivkovcic I Those accepted as citizens Tues- da aftem follow: L $1ng ',iabiil? Anderson, mm Joel utnio, eretttt Paw. more " can, Gerda Brydon, John Axel Gm: term. Arvid Joseph Janeen. Plne Cassettu'l, Hume. Uott, Glmppe Mor.. dint, Pietro Placenta. Gluaeppe Su- soroeai. Gustav Pucuweith, John Mor- dini, Remy Irene Simmons, Wmhm Stall. Knew. Venn. Alex Luna. Peter Hallie. GlW' Piephietti, Clarice. Sable. John Hubert. Peter Unmet. pb. uppo Ptottttetti, Joseph Polgoec. All-1 den Green. WW Christan llama-l Tollef Gunderaen Made Maixuiio David Olaf Olson Jams manta Rte: Whom"; John Marshall . Mathias Seder" swim Chan Peter Foch": Milton. Status Mary May Sneddon WM'slag,Kalisz Gerda "not: Johnson Stephen Hallo Stanislaw Haberskl Stanley Bureau Kenneth Cecil Girling Mann Gregorian James George Philip George James Sienna Peter Oouhgttritm . LeonardtrDePalma . Domenico Carani Jacob Solomon John Bartok! Annie Jane Hayles Joseph Lane Jr. And Tamellan V Roberto scum: Knute Karl-on Amman Grand! Saul Edward Kuppermnn Marcus Hagen JetkHtseldiner. . ' Stanislaw Janocm Zemrout Paraeonitut Wiadyislaqe Kuhn MI AllENS GAIN RIGHTS AS CITIZENS Johnson hum" Tuesday by thte-tttut 00:1 ChiadNom during tst-tatt to Walnut: tn connection to 01W" contusion. ooetgrmtrmanCttindtgomttttt not duetrptrtht,aetuementatthe ttte- "mememoeerthepuretttttteortt.e m an: by the city but indicated ttrhtstrt-trttnthetomttonot a careful] by Congressman Claim Mom, my.» Yager and Postmaster "can. No mites were favored during the trip and nil will be care- fully considered before further ab tier: in hken. . _ Chindblom stated. ' M d the various sites which were being considered by the govern- ment before the controversy over the Ricky site erase. were gone over Congressmen Carl R. Chmdblom Tuesday visited Waukegan in the interests of a new_ postal site and in? PW... J Y r teii,',tt1, Talcott end I yor . _ use: e an . - "ion of the post probable 103m inthedomWmndhstriet. Itwasthe first mud survey the congress- man sad nthde 331:1: connection wig ropo so" sites since l',,'l'2',','leth imaelf in behalf of T the city in procuring a government ap- gauntlet: dat/t ullg,',',t'ed new "There is no ft'lllit'llh'lll'/fi, my visa today except for the fact that I vim to better acquaint myuell with the possible malice locations.- We ere not ttelecting a postotttee ante m a" (by end in all probability cannot' perform such tt Last in a goodly number" at days," ,Congredmnan Circuit Judge Claire .e mimrds named an Injunction restraining Traftcr from interfering with his We in my my. . CHIN DBLOM IN . Lloyd mun oranke Forest oegan a suit tar divorce ttgtunst,Ciaiee. Lat.. lin. Dannie!) is" charged; They were married on December 31, 1025 and aeparated on August 18. 1926 _ Eva mm: of Waukegan' institut- ed diroree proceedings Igalns'; George Tratter. The. bill charges "crtrlty and drunkepness. They were :ra'ried on June 6. 1902 and lived to.- lithe! until August 3 ot this year Charging that his wife made a habit of We furniture in their home and ot throwing 11.3 diam-v out of the house. Nicholas [havoc o' Waukegm Tuesday startei a suit for. divorce in the Circuit court a- gamst Peps Ikovcic. The bill charg- es the woman with drunkenness and cruelty. They were married in Waukegan on Feb. 10, 1907 and haye one child. . WIFE'S DRINKS - V CAUSE OF SUIT "he madam will at every Wrdneeday. Saturday an:I Sunday night " the Valencia, commencing next Saturday and dancers who en- Jr snappy collegiate "nut" some as well as epoch] symphonic orchestra- fipns_wm genome Jerry Snyder and this ,itsrtttr'tttrrr'tet m- We: for 1h- Mgtrtiltt'tr can or an " Channel uh Puma: q$tttt Bitt Don- ahue and "University at Illinois Graham. Jerry has had a great den ot musical experience having spent the summer of ms " Deauvtue, France, where his ttrettestm eyee tam J In the Orand Hall ot the ramp; ou, Casino. and played trartto with; Bil! Donahue for severe] years until ttr. manual: from the University ot minute In June, 1927. He also stu- died mmic at'me university and his Special amusements of dame tunes are 3 feature of the Troubadours'l OM IN I SI_TE SURVEY; we 12o, 1928 owned by individuals. or private or municipal eorporatiotts. Personally I am anxious to compose the diher- ences between the city and federal fiFiiihiiicit and am willing to re- quest the representatives of the fed- eral government to refrain from con- demning the property owned by the, city, withthe understanding and upon,' the condition, however, that the fed- eral government will be able to pro- cure a sstisiaetory end suitable site without-any considerable amuse in expense. 1ticttttettqtet1tstttt, government will hove the mistsnoe and support at the respomible citissns and orgtutixtttittns in Wuhan in st- taining this end. " shall do my full part in assisting in such a movement. Postmaster Tel- cott took the initiative in trying to secure larger quarters for the federal ttovemtfient at Weukegan. He sp- peuedtorttetmdrwtitrisuitotrfve him assistance. The government con- eluded that it would be better to erect a new building than try to, enlarge the present quarters. Waukegan is to be congratulated upon receiving an tsl-l, lowance for a public building out or COMING IN PERSON If) POLKA BROTHERS DEERPATH THEATRE, SUNDAY, _ OCTOBER IST, MATINEE AND EVENING city. "The 'ttettat qrttttttt an when tte- ftwéeu the feast: government and the (City of Wuhan ts moat recretable.' in must hem that it possible. con- troversies between diaerent branches of *80vemment should be avoided. Presumably no single aite is absolute-, 1y essential to either the city or the) federal government. Alter much ne- gotiation and considerable persuasion. we succeeded tn mm federal government to swept the mgley site tor a new federal Was. It was, merger-e, a great shock to the com- mit a the trees and Potomac dewtmm which again- t n mum. 'leptgtgrtenta which was the sea; tiotiittf mes. to and that the trite they lee! aeJeeted was purchased by the Er,-g?7,?, "aiding than try tolenlme the ttmt one hundred minim mm!" 'tttquarters. Wturketrtutistolnutttoreed by Games for Faisi/l..t "uuteduponreeeivingtut) building purposes smoe the "Ur tor a public building out ot'There are, ot course, momma d; government may, ot MJMNWyIu-fm "Station w.L.s., whether wander ot Boone post " m of a letter from the Amer- tcun mm drum and bugle - ot manning). 111.. in which the mm mm tint Belvidere was ruled out ofapiatsefntttetntmeyttecsasethe News"? in thinking the has horns vulva. The writer of the 19th with the statement. "You my: d have placed." When the Judges at the comes: mud on the winners. Belvidere stood up up in the renting but failed tolget into the money beanie 'he Judges were of the Won that the has horns used were equip- I Having learned that the organi- zation was disqualified in the le- )eent state American Legion conven- S"', ati Wenkegan because Judges of the drum end bugle corps con- 'test believed that base horns and by the Belvidere Post corps were equipped with va ves, officers of Boone post have just filed a protest with the hope of having the error rectified. . There is a possibilitv that the met my be upheld nnd Beivi- gere awarded a place. Complete in- formation concerning the norm 2" question has been radius: to 'teadqmrte'm and an gnaw is expected to be fortttamttng in am . week. BOONE LEGION FILES PROTEST I". 'l'tatteeEitl',ter, , tmtor 0 e 'State t _ danced will attend F. th-trf to be holden I House in Wlukegan, i - on tho ttmt loud": d next, 1928 when and , e Ion: raving cum. " f his Fm,nertiiUd and 1ts..e1fmnfaiistor-ettetor- -ddifremet/aniGGaGiriraTe" ttoraitforreiierfroafemtGrlssaiGii. at.ir-rrtentiiiicilirGiiGa scam .hiirttkietedtkitGiidiiiiAirriiiiii jar of Rowlcs lento-Sabin: (to. 1";de V7 - inifiiiiuiGiiiir. .'iirJi;'i1slh4't'a.l'ttdi'2,'f,'eiji: ht r','itt"ttitu,tt,gt"Lieiiiiiiiit 'lrorertseq, salutary-m ttLart,,o,','tt,t,tr,',iei.ei,ijtE.Eiiiijiiiit . erttptioetsstscttasrash,ttimNesand ringworm. The man "eqnversatr ADJUDICATION NOTuy; Public notice in hereby a," that the SuhIcribcf hd"h1,ci/a,irr" of the mm of Ink, .;9. and. will atuf"tt,. 9mm. Court af Iahe M. at I term than»: to be holden It the Court Home in Wuukegan, in w"! Coun- ty, on the first Monday of Nov.. 'Ge,', next, ee; when uni when . persons nvmg W laid estate are utr and n- qnuted to present the same to aid Court for adjudication. - Gus __ a" UN" av lan Waukegan, 111.. Scpte tre Paul Wu. t'lt,'1tir f', 1 (I! ll- m' long): of N - next, 1928 when and where T/tlt .0" him Cum against "id - {Al-Alum "me to said Court for . ADJL'DICATION NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE II .he.re.by than that the Subscriber Adminis.. tutor of the Estate of Cart Lange det-ed will attend the Patna Court of Lake an". at . loan th-trf to be holden at tho Calm Home in Waukegau, in tsaid Geqttr on tht ttmt How): of Now MO Me, when and who" a" I... halides when the demand In strong and immature (a Yuan! Wan. Wuhan was fat-mu in being ml the ttrst to get consideration. Waukegm, Illinois, iiiriirTi, BENJAMIN H. KILLER 'qMliytsithttltfJl.fitittt hadn't ber SULPHUR CLEARS ROUGH. RED SKIN WantAdI "I" Math, "claim and Ann. In", o I {on AGT'?? . JOHN HANK, itninistmtoe. wer Attorney. 1928 that On to