You can't put new wine in old bot-- tles. But you can catch the suck-- ers by using old labels. Riches aren't everything. Boys in eollege who have cars are the ones The only difference between a chef and a cook is that a cook does not use 14 spices to hide what he's 'The only thing a man wants af-- ter he gets all the money he needs, is more money. _ _ Goverament is like digestion. When you are least aware of it, it is functioning most efficiently. ---- but few men become great by rea-- son of their ability to spell. Clara Harcq, who was tried and acquitted in Waukegan four years ago of the murder of her mother, Mrs. Lillian Holt, has figured once more in one of her numerous encounters with the police. Every time Clara is arrested on a charge of drunk-- eness and disorderly conduct we think of the picture of inno-- cence and mildness that the defending attorney painted while she 'was on trial. Your mistakes may the wisdgm of others. there's not much left for Mr. ey except water colors. i A minae:;ebs]:c calls.herihusba_ni Honey" , which is easier than remembering whether he is Tom, Dick or Harry. It has been apparent for some years that if the St. Lawrence waterway is ever to become a reality it must be ardently cham-- pioned by the national administration, in order that the neces-- sary negotiations with Canada may be pushed forward with all possible speed. Herbert Hoover has been the leading advocate of the St. Lawrence waterway for eight years, and has done more to advance its prospects than any other man. Compare the "leadership'" shown by the opposing candidate's on that Alas! The man who loudly yearns to clean up affairs at Washington probably hasn't cleaned up his own HOOVER LEADS--SMITH TALKS Speaking at St. Paul, Governor® Smith cast himself in the role of a great leader. Any expectation of national leadership which the nation may have in this campaign rests in him, he gave his audience to understand. Herbert Hoover faced the same test as his opponent. Urged by western republicans to embrace the McNary--Haugen bill, Mr. Hoover refused to be led astray. He outlined his own pro-- gram, put his finger on the lack of marketing organization as the farmer's great stumbling block, and pledged a vigorous ef-- fort to correct that shortcoming. Which of the candidates best met the test of leadership on that issue? The practical farmer raises better crops than the theoretical one. One of the qualities of real leadership, it is pointed out by Dr. Hubert Work, chairman of the republican national commit-- tee, is to stand 'for something and proclaim it--to be definite and positive about it. Some interesting comparisons may be made upon that premise. PAGE FOUR Dr. Work also cites Governor Smith's stand on the St. Lawrence waterway as an instance of "leadership." 'The gov-- ernor was once a bitter opponent of this logical outlet from the Great Lakes, which is strongly desired by the entire West. He has favored the more laborious New York route, which would--cost several times as much. His presidential candidacy made his stand for the New York project ;;nbarrassiug. so he now says that he has changed his mind and will leave the de-- cision between the routes to the engineers and congress. Despite the fact that there are fewer indictments upon which to act, Col. Smith and his assistants will have a busy winter. The two murder cases and the county fund trial will demand many weeks of preparation, weeks during which there will be little op-- portunity for relaxation. This business of meting out the law may have its advantages, but it also means a great deal of work. Governor Smith, on his western trip, flirted continuously with the McNary--Haugen plan of farm relief. As presented to congress, the essential of that plan, was the equalization fee. Coming to that part of the bill, the democratic candidate side-- stepped. He failed to say whether he would be for or against the fee. He said he would refer that question to a committee. As Dr. Work says, "It does not take leadership to refer a mat-- ter to a committee." Entered as second--class matter October 13, 1916, at the office at Libertyville, lllinois, under Act oflnehx.lm.v"l"'mvmkly. A BUSY VE:\R FOR THE COLONEL : Now that the Octo grand jury has reported its true bills State's Attorney A. V. Smith finds that there is a lot of work cut out for his office this winter. One murder case will start on Oct. 22, and as soon as it is over a second murder case will be heard. Following that there will be burglary and kidnaping matters, fol-- lowed by the Bracher trial. f This yeat's report of the grand jury is not as heavy as in the past, for there are fewer serious cases, nothwithstanding the fact that two murder trials are scheduled for the October term of court. On the whole, the cases investigated by the probing body were minor ones, though the addition of the Bracher fund case to the call makes®it more important than usual One may con-- clude that because the call is lighter, this county is getting better but the officers of the law are under no such delusions. ' The ancient Hebrews had a goat Very few --people really have poor (Ome way to play hookey from the hool of experience is to get elect-- Your mistakes : With Dempsey on the stage and It isn't necessary to tell Willie ALONG THE CURBSTONES Observations By A MAN ABOUT TOWN Che Kake County Register &« company idea isn't FRANK H. JUST, Editor and Publisher ly have poor| Now we know what the "home-- who -- ean't stretch" means. It's making the av-- 's text can| erage salary cover the fimnhold- bats. expenses. ; The only man around an office who is more nng:pular than the one who is always borrowing is the one who never lends. * Over in Mesopotamia they buried alive a lot of attendants to a king. Over here a lot of attendants to presidential candidates ought to be. Our idea of what modern business T ouihes io piroiven squrree io oo go seven squares ge the auto he parked. A Girls nowadays change color oft-- ener than used to--but not for the same reason. J In the old days a Libertyville man at least had something to show for all the money he spent on his wife's clothes. but there are a lot of them who are not so keen al:out. be'ing good. Speaking of balances, no one can equal the candidate who carries wa-- ter on his shoulder and a pint flask on his hip. After a Libertyville woman has reached middle age she does more worrying over birthdlay -- control than she does over birth control.© Women always think they mean what they say at the exact moment that they say it. & Success is frequeantly the result of your ability to persuade others to accept you at your own valuation. Maybe if home was more of & gemfi;fion a lot of the youngsters in Libertyville wouldn't stay away from it so much. _Some women attract attention simply because they make no effort to attract it. Most everybody likes to feel good Ill--107--This route has just beer. graveled from the Champ Clark bridge to the junction witk TNMI--36 + Ill--113--This route is all paved 'between Wilmington and Kank«akee jexcept for one mile earth gap | t ~Il--125--This route has been com-- l' ~leted and is now open to traffic be-- *ween Pléasant Plains and Ash'and While these three officers pressed concentrated their efforts there. Tear gas bombs hurled _ into the tailor shop and picture studio ad-- joining in the back failed to drive the daring thief into the open. He doggedly ield to his hiding place un-- der an~f#d baby carriage, rugs and other discarded paraphernalia in the storage room. Weyant suffered in-- tensely from the suffocating fumes and when he finally crawled from bis hiding place his eyes were in-- flamed and nearly swollen. closed. Go Into Gas Filled Room While the tear gas bombs were still sending forth fumes, Sergt. Bart Tyrrell entered the room. Then Pa-- trolman Thomas McMahon and Ben True entered and began searching for the trapped thief. McMahon and Tyrrell were forced to retreat to a window at short in-- i4--18--This road is all paved ex-- I for an earth gap east of Men-- 5 between Meridian and -- Eari-- lile, and Earlville to Leland, which 5 'gravel, [The earth stretch chovic be avoided when wet. «Il--19--Detour in Des Plaines: fol~ low ; marked detour route over -- city LONELY ONE TAKEN AFTER GUN BATTLE Ill--2--The Shippingsport bridge is open across the Illinois river at La-- 'Saue. The--weight> limit at LaSsalle and Peru is five tons: heavier loads ere forced to cross at Ottawa 0o: Utica. The bridge crossing the Rock Island trackfit,t LaSalle has been re-- paired and is open to traffic. .. MI--4--Detour near Lockport; to.low marked detour route over road t the west, two miles, 'south one mile. and east two miles to Ill--4. Lfi'-'--kepairs have been completed on the bridge over the IMHinots river at Pekin. Cars move 75 feet apart ~~d . single traffic is necessary Weight limit is 6000 pounds. Betveen Pekin and Peoria the fills are oeing surfaced, witlh one--way. traffic main-- tained. Motorists should drive care-- Indiana * ---- US--30--The -- bridge ~run--around southeast of Ft. Wayne has : been eliminated. The detours remaining on this route are: 2 miles east oi Shererville where viaduct is under construction and from Hanna :> the junction with Ind--29, traffic is rout-- =d over the old road which is :rrave. in poor condition. US--31--This route will be closed rext week between Walesboro and Jonesville for surface treatment No permanent detour is provided as it will change as the work progresses. Motorists should drive carefully just north of Peru as shoulders are being streets. This route is also closed just south of Foundry road in Cook soun-- ty. ~The detour is over subdivision streets and is about five blocks long. NI--23--This route is partly dirt and 's under construction from Ottaw1 to Somonauk and north Tll--24--Open from Peoria to Pana. The detour between Pekin and East Peoria has been-- eliminated.> This streteh is now all paved. Il1--31--Paved and open from Can-- ton to Quincy. Ill--39--This route is open®* 'rom Champaign to Bloomington. Shurt detours at Mansfield Motorists are advised to drive carefully on filis at Downs as there are no guard rails I11--30--All paved between Peoria and the junction with Ill--29 except for a short cinder gap at Princaville Il}--42--A--Waukegan road is now open-- to traffic from Glenview road to the Dundee road. This comp'et=*: the widening--to the full width, forty feet, of Waukegan road from Touhy avenue north to the county line Til--42--Detour in Lake Forest low marked detour route over MAIN RIGHWAYS IN SO0D SHAPE Cook county--Railroad avegue tfrow ake 'street to Wilmette avenue in Wilmette is under construction Cook county--Cumberland avenu« between Irving Park boulevard and Lawrence avenue is in bad condition because of the construction of di'slhes adjoining the road. Traffic is ad-- vised to take Harms avenue rather than Cumberland avenue until} the road is again in good condition Cook county--3lst street is now open to traffic from l7th avenue to Mannheim 'road. § 8+ Ill--1--The Dixie highway between 26th street, Chicago Heights, and Steger road. is under construction ar.d in poor condition. . Traffic is ad-- vised to take Western avenue be-- tween Steger road and the Lincoln highway. North central states: Received sevy-- eral moderately heavy rains this past week which have adversely affected some of the earth and very 'ight graveled roads Main highways are reported in good condition Eastern states Received a tew light rains and reports that nighways are in generaliy good condition-- 2x-- csept where affected by construction. Southern 'states: Experienced sev-- ral moderately heavy rains of local character . Roads in general aire in rood condition. ; Cook county--Baldwin road :s ncz open to traffic from Rand roal t Hicks road. R Cook -- county--Elmhurst--Wheeitu road is open to traffic fro -- Rand --oad to Dundee road Cook county--The --Rand--Ballars mad bridge is reported open to trat-- fic. Road conditions for the woeek as reported by the touring bureay 2i the Chicago Motor Club are as follows: Westera states> Received generalls tair weather except --for a, few very 'ght rains ard in the north moun-- tain region. where one locality re-- ported a veory heavy rain.« Hignways are in generally good condition Chicago--Cicero avenue is '-- under construction® from 63rd street to Archer avenue. IU--47--Open from Dwight to Mor-- Iil--70--Open -- from -- Rochelle --to (Continued from page one.) THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 19283 foir-- city ing guard on the roof with other offi-- cers was called in and with Tyrre!ll and McMahon led the prisoner out the back way and took him to the police station where he was lodged in a secluded cell. While the police "bargained" with the notorious plunderer hundreds of spectators gathered outside to watch developments, in spite of the late "Stop. I've got another gun here. "I t We're not through yet," Weyant de-- cal a clared producing another pistol and | liquor placing it against his temple. Tyr-- the m rell halted fearful that the young boy | advan might yet send a bullet into his bnm.g fines," Again McMahon and Tyrrell plead-,"'""' ed with the youth and finally per-s,i Then Tyrrell pleaded with the boy promising all the "hreaks." ~. "Well, I'll give up if you promise : 11¥ UVUOURD ADUUEIL not to beat me up and will take me to Lake county nospitals by Sheriff out the back way so nobody will see| Doolittle, while the beer and ale will me," Weyant said after hearing the: be dumped into the sewers. Fines of promises of his captors. ----~ }$500 and costs each for Lang and With this the youth lowered the Novak have been recommended by pistol from his forehead and tossed the office of State's Attorney A. V. it at the feet of McMahon. Tyrrell Smith. The liquor transporters were Impressed with the earnestness ci the boy's threat, Tyrre'l and Mc-- Mahon were --hesitant about making 4A lunge for their prisoner.-- Here the police began pleading with Weyant Lo surrende; his guns and give up. then and members of the fire departmoent surrounded the buikMling aua cumoed on the roof to stand guard. art .~ "McMahon talking.". "Oh you're a good guy. Tomrmy. know you. Maybe I will come out, said the youth. : * tS & "Give up h--1! You guys will beat me up. ' I'm gonna bump myself ofi first," snarled the youthful: piun-- derer. 6 * McMakhon was back in the store-- room several® times looking for the thief and pulled and poked at arti-- cles which hid the thief, but because his eyesight was impaired from the fumes of the tear gas bomb failed to see the fugitive. i As the fumes cleared out of the place Jos*tph Bush, a former fireman and others entered to aid in the search. Tyrreii, McMahon and True wer> about to abandon the search in the tailor quarters when Bush, wiho happered to be standing in the dos leading «nto the stareroom. discov grec the huddled form of the fugitive as: he carefully moved, unable is lionger hoid his cramped position. "Keep away from me. Advance 3: step nesarer and T'll blow my brai cut," the trapped burglar replied. "You'll never take me alive." . Flashing his light on the burglar the officers saw the youth pressing a blue steel revolver he had stolen a few minutes before from the hard-- ware. store against his temple. . Bush jumped back out of the da~ shouting a warning to McMahon who was scanding in another door leading into the closet from the~studio. "Come on out, kid. Tll see that you get a break," said McMahon. "Come on out of there," ordered Tyrrell,-- starting to slowly advance with gun in hand. ~~> Who is that talking?" -- said Woy-- Behind The Curtain Of His Success-- Woman'! , Sunday--Monday Oct. 21--22nd. A U DITORIU M SA TURDAY OCT. 20th. Seething Thrills of Wall Street! Joyous Abandon of Broadway! f The Inside Story of the Self--Made Man! The Heart--Wrenching Melodrama of the Woman Who Made.Him! The laugh is on you if you miss, HARRY LANGDON, in «Meart Trouble" : -- Pathe Review and Aesop Fable. to Lake county nospitais by Sheriff | Doolittle, while the beer and ale will i be dumped into the sewers. Fines of ($500 and costs each for Lang and liquor seizure and I believe friends of ; the men in jail will come here and advmcemoneytothemtopaythdr' BOARD ORDERS SIDEWALKS BUILT to be arraigned before Justice of the Peace Hary Hoyt. ---------- _ -- A complaint was made of the practice in some sections of the vil-- lage of leaving cars parked all night on the streets. The board voted to put an end to this practice which is a violation of both state and village regulations. The police department is to be instructed to remove the of. fending cars which will be pFaced in a garage and held until the owner makes a satisfactory settlement with the local court. 'The, board adjourned until its ré-- gular meeting which will fall on Tuesday, November 6th. SQUAD TAKES who has become notorious for his wholesale burglaries and letters of his depredations to the press and police, followed the captive to headquarters where they waited until a late hour without their curiosity being re, The fire chief called attention to the fact that it is difficult to run the new truck out of the--fire house when cars are parked near the door or directly across the street. It was voted to restrict parking on Cook avenue to leave a clear space forty feet on either side of the fire room door on both sides <of the street. The street committee was instruct-- ed to have the curbing in the re-- stricted area painted. and to have suitable signs posted. _ _ > "-é;--;arvr;étime _bei'olrle 3 o'clfick Wed-- nes morning he was s out of a szle door fnd whisked a'.'m un-- "somewhere in Lake County." committee to work out a safe and satisfactory arrangement. The mat-- ter of making a charge for outside fire calls was also discussed and this will also be worked out. 'W. R. Bell & Son "I have had several calls, hoth lo-- The crowd, eager to see the thief Carpenters and Contractors Good Workmanship is our Ad-- ESTIMATES FREE Residence 606 North 2nd St,., Liberty ville PHONE 387--R © (Continued from Page 1) Phone 387--R --On the LIQUOR TRUCK vertisement jail (Continued from Page 1) being found in Washington. Thomas Gallagher, Sharon, Pa., burglary. He was captured in the Waukegan public library on the night of August 25. He is alleged to have stolen a watch. e 'Frank Svetnick and Bruno Vitkus, Waukegan, larceny,. They are alleged to have stolen 100 feet of copper wire It is believed there was a third man along on this trip from Detroit to Kenosha, in a pilot car. Sheriff Doolittle says that Heckinger inform-- ed him that there was a car ahead of this truck which he believed was lead-- ing the way for the truck. A bed arrangement had been made in the truck, there being a place for one person to sleep just behind the seat of the driver.> The men are said to have taken turns driving the ve-- hicle and sleeping. '"We have been watching the roads nights and early mornings, especially for a long time, having received in-- formation about liquor cargoes," Sher-- iff Doolittle said today. "Heckinger, DeSmidt and Gansberg were out look-- ing for ilquor laden trucks when they found this one, although no 'tip' in regard to the truck load of liquor taken, had been received." CIRCUIT COURT YOU DON'T HAVE TO We are offering for sale thirty such farms ranging in size from one hundred acres upward, at real farm prices. Every one of them is a mon-- ey maker and an unusually good investment. Let us tell you more about them. .__ _ go fifty miles or more from Libertyville to get a clean, fertile, black--soil farm with exception-- ally good improvements. CALL POSTED A.R. SCHNAEBELE Libertyville, Illinois valued at $300 from the North Shore Line, on March 7. Harry Sherer, 50 years QE' of | Grass Lake, taking indecent ies | with a child. Heud.legedtohave; treated Veronica Meijer, 10 years old, in an indecent manner on August 27. | A half hour before "The Lonely One" was cnptumrly Wednesday he amiably conv with Night Captain Isaac Lyon at the corner of Washington and Genesee streets. Weyant in referring to his numer-- ous telephone calls to the newspapers and the Genesee theatre said he i1!}-- ways called from Leach's drug store at Genesee and Water streets. Some-- times, he said, a policeman would be in the store zhen he telephoned. Often the "Lonely One" loitered about the police and fire stations secretly Weyant said _:"I sat at the soda fountain sipping a drink when Sergeant Tyrrell came in, questioned another dude who nad| just stepped out of one of th booths, Tyrrell walked right by me, about his activities Weyant recalled particularly the night the police traced one of his phone calls to the drug store. HAD CHATTED WITH POLICE PHONE 276 conversation ALL LINES OF INSUREANCE Wednesday and searche! his room, '.'""J'":fln.zym evidence. The sistants went to Weyant's home early two rubber stamps, one Of a hand, and the other, "N. P.--10--2007" with which he stamped all Of his letters sent to the Daily News polite report-- er, police and others were included in the evidence Teirloom Plate The Home of Gifts that are Different. MC DONALD'S Jewelry & Gift Shop America's Finest Tableware From Generation to Generation