Harry Diets. of Round Labour! Mrs. Kaitlin. Fink-ck of Liter tyvine mound to Toledo, Ohio where they spent the past week vi- siting with relatives. ' Mrs. Rebeca Jelly m daughter. Evelyn, of Belfast; Inland, m Jrrervhirthe week with Mr. and Mrs. Geode he: " their home on Johnson "out. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher and daughter, Mytoue3, returned home Sunday "eetr after spending a few days with relatives Mt (Ilia. Mr. Many of your neighbors are today en- ioying the benefits of a savings account here. lake Co. National Bank BIRTHDAYS seem to come much oftener as one grows older. Is each added year a milestone on your road to success - on a millstone holding you back? If each year finds you with more money in the bank, your birthday anniversaries become milestones-not millstones. JUST ARRIVED GOOD CAN DIES F. B. Lovell Co. Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 S: Per. lb. Me MILESTONES Home Made Always Fresh MILLSTONES Mrs. Holland's unusually 'i. Libertyville, Illinois Mr. or h employed at fhmdar I" Sunday mm "er wn lua- Thomas vamey and iGltr; on Luke Hobver. J. S. Gridley, who has been re- ggang tat? ,"et,tittrd'k trate pas we mu " y for St. 'st',uig'f,hhtta.' Seeley Gyartttultesaiettto Kehackin time to vote on November 6th and help the state of Florida swine for Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Wilson spent Tuesday in Chicago and were pleas- antly ,qrrrised to my, 'Re their Mr: and Mrs. Eugene Lace and family and Mrs. Willing: Lyons mo- tore-d to Lake V111. Monday even- ine when prey called at the'John Etintter home. arrival home, a number of friends and relatives who had anembled to aid them in the celebration of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. In. Maoik_'tyslrra.iirit in my , uanALY' ar,p11 1239 ' tahe 2gh ira' P. Granted. tttttig or 11$th H. Cortett, 740911. A card was received Tuesday from Calvin Paimioth who left Lib- Mrs. William J. Fendick received a wire from Florida Saturday morn. ine that-3hr father, Thomas Strung. who has been spending the past se- veral months there, was near death frem autemnt Wk of emi- days in Chat, Ohio, visiting her sister who has been suffering the effect; of a severe Nil. Mrs. W. L Collins, of West Cook Ave. had a pleasant visit in Lake Geneva and Milwaukee over the week-end. I, . ertyville neural weeks 'tto toas swerthtteat1ofeasttati?itrtut_he felas. Mr. Fendick left immediate- y for Florida and found that the patient had rallied. He wired the in- formation. Monday that Mr. Strung gums on the 1981 to recoveyy. - Mr. Stramt who is 83 years old is one of the old residents of the Wada- worth district and, far some time af- ter the death of his wife, made his home with his daughter here. Tuesday averting. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet and daughter Doris, of Grays Lake were guests, at dinner at the home of Mr. All"! Mrs. The 'gl,t,'erti,ng contest sponsored by the Li rtyville Trust & Savings Bank for the students of .the local high school is attracting the favor- able attention of the entire student body, The syipner _of Jest weeks n; ward was John Newbore, a junior who correctly predicted the score of the Came with Barrington which was; won by the locals with a score of 12 to 0. Two other students, Herbert Gould and Beatrice Davis gave the correct figures but were nosed out by Newbore who guessed more nearly the quarters? in which the points would be made. Ter' week was the second of the contest and there were 79 entrants as com- pared with 39 on the first week. Hosiery week begins at Lang- 'morthr's d-tment am Oct. 28. Wateh for the ad. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ray and fam- ily, of West Park Avenue were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Ray in Handelein Sunday. A danei will be given Friday, Oetr26th, at St. Joseph's hall, spon- sored by the Marion Club. Come and enjoy the music of Frank Wal- lin's orchestra. Mr. and Mri. Raymond Bristow and children and Mrs. William Eris: La Vina Stafford entertained .a few little chums Saturday after- noon. They all found that, they eouldn't eat their cake and have 'it to, but they had memories which lingered for a week. Our local Troops are planning to attend the next trise Council gather- ing 10ilff strung. The meeting which Will be held on Friday even- ing, November 23rd at the Elm Place Auditorium in Highland Park, will consist of a series of Scouting exhibitions and awarding of Life. Star, Eagle anti Eagle Palm Badges. The Program wilrbe in charge of Dr. Gedrge B. Like, Chairman 0? the Council Court of Honor Com- mittee, assisted by the Chairman of the various local Courts of Honor. These include, J. R. Hat?" of Wil- mette, N. L. Nygard of enilworth, E. A." Rammler of Winnetka, Frank- lin H. De Beers of Glencoe, Frank W. Read of Lake Parent, Paul Beda of Glenview. C. W. Getty of Deer- field, James H, Swan" of Liberty- to; "iriiiiGiriiUGGe" Gtertainmb, last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Ray. The Ladies' Aid of the Presby- terian church will meet on Thttrstiar, Wu. VII an. w-' w mums. wt" my. Slim, as his conic: know him, has spent much of his life on the high seas and after 1 contain time on dry land he feels the urge of the handing bum His -eartt am on my way td Humbug and good beer." ' iiitTiaiHirruiGii" day meeting. There will be a picnic lunch at noon. A large attendance is desired. The Libertyville Woman's club will hold its next regular meeting at St. Lama parish house on Wednesday, October 24th. The pro- gram which will open at 2:30 will include an interesting presentation of "Ctsrmea" in a lecture song reci- tal by Aurelia Fmgillus. 7 Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wells of 215 west Cook avenue spent the week and at Urban with their spm_Ay hey who is a student at the Uni- versity of Illinois. They attended the football game between Illinois and Indiana and enjoyed the annual ceremonies in observance of Dad's reads: "Just to%t my know that I Mr. and Mrs. o. P. Meyer, of Douglas Avenue gave a party in honor of their daughter Bernita, celebrating her seventh birthday, on Saturday, Oct. 20th " 2:00 p. m. Twenty two of her ériends ind play- mates were presen . The fore part of the afternoon was spent playing games. Prizes were won by Paul town, Jack Wirtzler Helen Landis and Raymond Cooper. Luncheon was served at 4:30 p. m. which con- sisted of sandwiches, cookies, birth- day cake, candy, ice cream and hot chocolate. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baumgartner, Sr., of Mundelein visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Numsen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dunn and Miss Josephine Baumgartner, of Lake Forest were also guests. Tully received and. will be Kindly called for by any of the following:-. Er-v 4ehn Warhol» MH, The table was elaborately decor- ated in Hallowe'en colors, black and: crease. Benita received I number of very lovely gifts. The. children left at 5:00 p. m. reporting that they had had an enjoyable afternoon. The date for the rummage sale Even by the Ladies' Aid of the byterian church, is drawing new. Any artieles -tltntety be diy- Mr. and Mrs.'Max Haas and son Warren. and A. C. Brockman and. family wére guests of Dr. and Mrs. Bernard, of Chicago Sunday. Mr. And Mrs Haas extended their stav and called at the John Hilger horse while Mr. and Mrs. Brockman re- turned home Sunday evening. it this sale will so thank- '," Ad. Church Street, THE LAKE QQUNTY REGISTER. 1V1iptWipt11r, OCTOBER iw, 1928. I James . Cruze's "Old Ironsides", which will he put on at the Audi- toriuin theatre by the Epworth league on November 8 and 9 might sitatingly be acclaimed as A- merieals greatest motion picture. This stupendous Paramount film is not only an epic of American photo- play but is an enduring record of the bravery and the loyalty of our own forefathers. all the courage: the patriotism and the heroism of our first American settlers are graphi-. cally depicted in the' picture. This direction id James Cru2e, who also gave us "The Covered Wagon", is a notable achievement. The original story by Laurence Stallings, Author of "What Price Glory" and "The Big Parade" and the inhalation by Harry Carr and Walter oods are masterpieces. The acting of the supe8ative.east headed by Esther Ralston, Wallace Beery, George Ban- leroft, Charles Farrell and 'Johnie Walker, appears so natural that it ladds much to the sense of vivid ' reality which the picture creates. about missing keys and awe ghosts and crazy hermite, the 'lf' Inge Players are whipping the big situations into shape and mastering the last lines, and"!!! all set for the memes at the "hem" Townslnp 'tSeven Keys to me'. perfor- gjgh School auditorium. Fruity and sturda evenings of tlus week. The final rehearsals are giving premise of two of the most thnlhng and hil- ,rious evenings the village has had in George M. Colum's melodramatic farce is proving even better than was expected. A out including Lib- ertyville's leading amateurs has taken to it like a hungry tramp " the dinner table, and as .a result weird doings are in the offittR as a prtlimintyry Ar Bellow" . . . Glenn Bodkin: is the semi-lunatic, Giadys Weant and Bill [Anson do spa-Hing characterizations as are. takers at a summer resort in the' fiend of winter, DorothrAleie Black is the alluring heroine, Mary Just the charming widow. and Quinta Gotti the dashing- adventuress. The other parts are in the etrmylrle:ltapris of ,Glenn Mel's. Paul Pettingill, Art Jones, Hamid Mason, Wayne Colby, Howard Morris. C. C. Han- over, and Frederic Babcock. Mrs. Claim Colby is the director, atrl Leverett Hawk and other have succeeded in building striking scenic effetcs for the gala affair: With the entire proceeds going to the Eliza- beth Condell Memorial Hotspital-- none of the players, directors or or- zanizers is mounting a cent for his or her services-two full houses are in nrospect. The nrke of reserved if" has been placed remarkably w. In the Captain Kidd hunt at the town park last. Friday afternoon 400 school children participated in a mad scramble for the seven keys. The lucky finders, all of whom got ,free tickets in return for the keys, were: James Ray, Ed DePaepe, lBlanche Smith, Ray Strand, Lois 1Wilson, Luella Zermer: arrl,, Warren What with Rey hunts and crazy people and mysterious doings, Lib- ertyville has been in an uproar for the last seven days. And now the whole town is journeying ogre; to _ The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid so- ciety will hold, its annual bazaar and chicken dinner in their mew church on Maplelvenye on Thursday, Nov. lst. The bazaar willopen at two in the afternoon and will offer fancy goods, rag rugs, bakery goods, ape rons candy and prize packages. The chicken dinner will begin at 5:80.and will continue until all are served. It Was announced by the Hospital Auxiliary Friday that, while the tiekettr,to "Seven Keys to Baldpate" has gone like wildfire" throughoi'it the week, there still were plenty of choice seats left for those who had not made their reservations. The plar--tteihaps the outstando ing eornedrdmmn success of the de- eade--is to be given by the Village Players Friday and Saturday even.. bag of this'week at the high school. with the proceeds going to the hos- pital. ' Dorothy Ewing who has been "ill for non. time " her home north of town is reported improving. Friends of Harry Gotti, Jr., both great and small, are glad to know that he is improving. Rosie week begins at Lanc- J2'iteTdC'hhl,'fl, store Oct. " Watch for the A. iiarihGiiirGl G and win: it's all _ Mrs. Henry can. of East Park Avenue entertained a few friends at bridge Tuesday afternoon. Hosiery week begins at worthy's department store I Watch for the ad. Erma Lyons was a Waukegan caller Sunday. .. With the whole toien talking The Rexall Store ' _ Libertyville, Ill. 'llltililknre'at _ Novelties Ikdlerlilhaille Everything necessary in decorations and favors for your Halloween Party F SEVEN KEYS rim). m up.-. Dance by the Marian Club at St. Joseph's, hall.9tpaitt by Wallin. _ Tuesday. October 28rd. Ladies Night at the Liberrfgville Club_moms. Dinner, cards 9. en- tertainmisnt. Thursday. November lat. Annual bazaar and chicken din- ner of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid ssociet'y at the new church. Bazaar opens at two o'elodk, dinner at 5:30. The Villoge Players will ive "The Bevel: Keys to L'd'l,'ltePl1' the High school auditorium JP a benefit for the Hospital Auxiliary. inn Ladies' Aid at the church. t en pie lupper. . Thursday, November IM. Card party given by the Holy ame Society of St. Mary's Church t the new hall at Fremont Center. chre, Five Hundred and bunco. efreshmen.u-t - - ' J' "and". November 1. Annual Bazaar of the Negr- inn Ladies' Aid at the church. k- l Thursday, November lot. 5 Republican rally in high school uditorium at 8:00 p. m. Gen. Frank . Dickson, a fine public speaker, ill address-the meeting. _ November 8th and 9th Benefit ahowust the Auditorium eatre, "Old Ironsides" under the uspices of the Epworth League de- oratinz committee. A per given gem Ivanhoe woman's society at woodman hall, Ivan- hoe. Booths of.all kinds. Free pro- sum by members of the dramatic tlub in the evening. Thursday, October 25th' Meeting of the M. w. A. boosters '/l'lteiatioa at Games Woodman Tuelday, November 13th. , Thirteenth Anniversary pf the Libertyville club, Details to be an- Bounced later. October 8Ut, Dance by the Elizabeth Condell {capital Auxiliary at the. Country- ide Club. " N 49 lb. Pillsbury's Best Flour Per Cloth Bakers Premium Chocolate or Cocoa l Bars 'or 1-2 lb. Cans Each ._t.t..-...t.qt.--.t-.t...-.t. Ginger Cake New Orleans Molasses No 1 1-2 lb. Cans 2 Cans for tq...-...-.--.......-...-... 4 oz For Wednesday,» Thursday and Friday OCTOBER 24-25 - 26 4 X Powdered Sugar made from Pure Cane Crystals 3 Lbs. o'..."...:".-..............-....-.....-...-......., BAKING SPECIALS Swansdown Cake Flour F Per Pkg. """""-"'"-"""-""r""'""""--i""""i-"-"-'"" we Frank Harris & Co's. Pure Vanilla Extract from the finest Mexican Vanilla Beans 8 oz. Regu- $1 n lar $1.35 Size' w.-..-'.-.-...-.-.....-..-...-.:....... o 202 11b. Can Calumet Baking Powder Regular 35e Value Per Can "o----------.-..- Friday. October 26th. Fall Festival by the ladies of the ashburn Congregation Church at e town hall. Half Day. 101b. ClothSacks Pure Cane Sugar Ber Sack o,....-....-......-'..........--............. CHILLY WEATHER ALWAYS MAKE THE COOKS FEEL LIKE BAKING 5 nice 4 Qt. Mixing Bowl regular 60c Value th Thursday; Novenbér t2rd, Annual bazaar and chicken sup- , given by the Iguana; 1y.orpan'q COHIN G EVENTS October my and 27;}; A. fl, Schnaebele TRIGGS & JOHNSON LEIN, SUITABLE FOR HOTEL OR BOARDING HOUSE. SALE PRICE VERY REASONABLE WITH TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PURCHASER OR WILL RENT AT A REASONABLE FIGURE TO RESPONSIBLE TENANT For Sale Regular LARGE 10 ROOM BUILDING ON THE MAIN BUSINESS STREET IN MUNDE- Regular 35c Size or Rent 75c Size LrBER'liTTrllLLlil, ILL. . Libertyville, Illinois AatGii-giaur" Gd dinner gen by the Woman's Guild of St. w- rence's church at the'parish house. were deep study of nian'a meth- oder-ether will know how to steer clear of thém. aven Still nether great need in this world is for people. to learn spin to laugh out loud. Yellow Cab SNOW'S Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. . (iiHiii:tty2,trtgj,?lyc Tuedq. November 27th Annual ducken "elm and raffle r the mmntrem.. St. Mary's hutch, PM Center at Ruth- . November " - " " " "Kathleep/' panic-l pomody "Ex- Women should go into politics god MC DONALD'S Jewelry & Gift Shop The Home of Gifts that an Mtterent. v' "min!- Decewbe! l Finest Tableware America's mu" given under tlie sus- of the Libertyville American 21b $2.19 tih 2h 2k 220 2lie (ilk Be 39c Be The -)lltiatisteru-tu0 per year "rotobot tt Y X El It r Pre, . x) c, i . t "" C ---- ii%iiPRlilF8iii M-hi-u " ,_-- aaa'; I _"-" " , tt E T =a e. , E e a s 00 , G g lj l, I r s I,itt. i . , c " r' 2 _,fiu1 § - M Cleat?..!!.);., Ln, I tgs tiril x I) I e%iililli' ll il.fid r tl it" i; i BIN Ti" so" , A: fi, , , 1'iiii?i,l,l, Ili 3' , IP, illlllllll I iall 4 00 . " 7 R _ , (lllllllilllll!l Cut q ' V ' Eff: "' Ct 55;? Flowers "i' Fresh from Kohout's Greenhouses can be made to lend an air of beauty and distinction to your social affairs. A Bouquet in your home every day in the year will mean a happier household. Flowers sent anywhere by Telegraph. ' -lmnnh Knhnnf [no " n6"tut red cease. It is mac's more roomy than a cedar ehar and the clothes are not wrinkled Let us tell you how you at 'iid",'.',,""',,',."", teyt ot tlt-tMe, clothes closet lined Every hope should muniti- I yo'nhwhile minim-even! by: this week. "Jule" has a con- tract with the state for several bridges down in the "Cont Belt." abidink place. in beginning, elementary or advanced work. Commercial Courses" Libertyville Positions secured for graduates. mm School ugh-m Saute-bu- u. McDONALD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL FALL COURSES The Four By Six First National Bank Capital And Surplus $110.000.00 . Iibertyville, Illinois '3. 811 W. Park Ave. Register Now eanhnveroqreko. etaiinedArtthmd owe for a new one. George 1utrtrr-, h b 'pumhf' a... drawn m Phone ISO Put-'41 nil a PAGE' an