m.qtghnddtme,tttnnldetterve. We: 3:45 p. m.. Mr. Doo- .. mm at Luke county. was atone. Ittatto.inttmettiskittd- 't-.ttettumeaetttaptotherttird 'ietmmdttrttteottiein1s. mrds Id Men here. the bullpen. 'Nttttsgttrusethereiosa1angaall, 'idlteate$t-tttrttars.oeretutdatttr1f "gggettgtgUttet.T11..sereintotuso ai.mrrs.aatttsttmrtttetnertttteway anthem "NttreMtttNantthaseontheout- -nrhttageattkindastottt'uAof '-rinegttgttttutttrildirttr,aokindto Air%tteteertothettouitrttere. This ins-kn. Mankind. Surely 'h-trntighttnthesesou1swhiett [Muhammad "a was splendid and I knot" an tn "it they left each man. in- ": mu. m 1111mm "WHEN Mi" IN SUNDAY LETTER "at ' in. the ladies Ind gentle- - In. "tse Once Woman "I" the men and myself here ac - In album chat with each m. "It thoughts of my wrongness "bane. m h Sunday. When I was hlmto'orkhardonaSun- at. "eatntnttrhtrwouldsee 3 ~. it we of the local theatres "-hnatteentalkattoutagirl "I" mum. I did but. MttqtBttteettteestand best I. h Every night before I tmmWefeseereittttetnyerett. "-etetttetrttttem,nndtrtrenqr -.f-.airsttittset-ttertrtsttrm -imt.-inrrtakettterntmppr, inputs-tuner- a'%iitoamno1ontrerintht -riu.rstttttttink,tfrhtutof --BtmrrhP1nrttld_uve -tttit9tttmt.tysttt1t.oray.sle, a-e-.Bttit"onesideandsortthe .1 an these can are. of course. "ir. Who when I was a youngstn'r - h in; with me an Washington d" streets) was here. Their - the at of the fellows. "utqr2anrttere. this walled Whom-and Thoughthe 'i-ttere-mis-stepper-smelt. - not so bed. there are 'gentle- '1' Could the outsiders see the -tagttaemttere,ttsearnootttftvees a the-HI. no one would know what ballroom tormented soul "Tttt-.thitsmorainginmet.ute -ttttlt Amy.' led by a Mr. Mur- "It. um um! cheer these two. I!" -tixations left here was lull-how. a" I hand)". next to my own '3'. for her end my mother I --u lorry. Forgiveness from -.gaa&.tnttteontytmrrkrtow hi. "when most kindly "ehrrrae.ptdtt1ettlterq. Imy "It. In!) sang. prayed. and talked with ttte tgtiaqionaries. T also talked an .-, _ "Sett' M by for my mother and w. MgtttteN and friends is all I a... than all with all the sincerity "m tsunami! I an "a". Godwinhelp me, 'hRBrhgatgqr. "gg-i-are-tg-tttati-tttet -gttNrthesoeietrofpeoptel -.rttavetMentttstTstttulrise -mirtttmn.mvpr-ron1tso, gi_tttdrrtiatrtaetnrie.pmyera. hummherengbo " "have overheard statements, stating I was ill-tram; by the police at my capture. This a untrue. I was treated a 3 broken mm by men, Mandate". Walnut" 'eerrnever_tttfortrtnaqat? ttroodurman. Oodhe1pthemiutd titatBthem.fttrtttem.Tstttutmsae MADIthstytem; "toughened. "ntmtinmriettera. Imson'y.1 dtdn'tryetutwttntmiainmytetterrr. Bow 60:11:11? Nance! museum) Gallagher being aunt in the 1tttmgy,rtxmtttgt'tstandtothinkaf "trmtetuintttttetttnmetartulttte dirtyyork I had done. No, never txtetidit have done that. Some say I mama" thief.ncoward,yetl nottootttnmenotbutrwiliprove theretasoateMter,qrttttaoihetp. "If I don't we good for my d-en11tttehindenttaTttnve re- "I ttnvedisgmeedtherntutdhnve shading-need W, yet Ibeve never harmed anyone. To prove this ml": that no man should antler forwhat I Ind done. "t stated he was cheap. for break- tngirtton1tttmry,yet 'rttqtattout myself. A filling station job,'I gue- waa cheaper. everdtdrnettnrminattmyninetden mtabomDeeemtter3,1tttttt.tutdIwin ttterttteMtyeamoht. Maythenext t9yeamrtrrinttttettaneettiatwiutse may and worthy, is my prayer "One! N. Weymt." (Editor's note-The trial of One! 'Werant is not set for December 3, but gather ttiFtase is to be presented to the grand Jury on anyway by Butch Attomey A. V. Smith.) PLANNING TEST FOR DRY SQUADS WatmmoaxriCii." o.. Oct. 19.-- 'rlte puma emu own Service Com- mission today unmanned the second may for agent; under the The examination held last you failed to 1mm: th sufficient number 'retitpttlasforrnnarotttterrutstttt- "cum 'Thenmrearnmtnntton Tritttte)tettitttroutrttouttttetxmnti, teytmrt1rtAeattorttyreur enables " thnnk the policemen. 'awoutdtiketosngtteretttatrttave yt nttured up the days until my "It But In. It? . Not by u Hole-In-Ono tt hun't. The ratttdtr Meta-in; use of fuel on for homo heating in reclaimed Iunk. _ snow-covered land. By eliminating But has it? . the cod bin and its dust and dirt. Not by . Hole-in~0no tt hun't. oil hating bu transformed the col. The avidly increuinx use of fuel lar into a tta-ment-t playroom. . oi) tor homo heating in reclaimed sawing-room. n billiard mom. " tho-und- of cellars throughout t' ".door putting green. The haunt- angle first Monday tn EACH STATE IN WOMAN'S GROUP WASHINGTON, D. G.. Oct; 22. - Every state in the union'and the Dis; trict of Columbia are represented in 'he set-up of the Genera) Mention ct Women's Clubs One or more wo- men. chosen for their tttneat; for per- icular work having been selected tor positions in one of the departments, divisions or committees of which there are more than 125. . Mrs. John I'. Szppc-l. president. pre- aided over a reoth meeting ot the executive committee at which time it. organizetion was completed by the election of Mrs. were Orr Dun- be: of Portland. Ore.. chiirman of the department ot publ.c welfare. who will represent Che eight depart- ment chairmen in the executive body. At this meeting practically an ep- ptttntmenU were made. The upbullding and enrichment of the American community mu be Wanted during this administra- tion and this activity will 'be han- dled in the department ot public 'reAftue. Mtrr.0, -, ". 'R ignlut state Imam in Bhgt- enl federation " 1,egg',tit.' secretary ot the Oregon. uberculoc sis association. has written a tuna book on that work and teacizes com- munity organization in the slate uni- versity. Miss Julia K. Ja.'iray ot New York City, widely known for her activity or. behalf ot pram; labor reform. is the newly appointed chair- man oi tire ding a; of cause .on. Dr. Aureyia Hei:ry Remharj; pres- ident ot MA! coyregc, Canard. Co)., is the new'tapDc/rted ch:..m.m ot the d:p:t:;r: ; ti" edue:con. Dr. quthard; is a ',..'5: preside It. or use Ancient: Asscciguon of "'ciiveraity Werner: ard, ia, not only an cknc decked authority on Muae Banal matters. but a writer and speaker of exeeptio-.u 1111mm. Mu. Grant Beebe ct Chicago, wtto did ---.." '.--. - rrrk. in the minpaign against Liiilsracy in Illinois Mm, w "Mrman of the division of literacy and Miss Will Lou Gray of Columbia. South Carolina, an expert in adult. education, heads that division. . ' Mrs. Joseph Friend of New Orleans "" .'"'"" iCiiiirid --_V eaTiiaCT/ has accepted the chairmanship ot the l taeSalt"t Mon ay l department ot tine arts. we; Friend. 'Mr. Miller who live', in the Pred who has Just returned from a 3mm Kiene home, died suddenly last mer in unravels a past president of Sunday morning of a heart attack. the National Council of Jewish W0- A doctor was called but failed to men. and has a particularly valuable reach there before the. man ml federation background. having served may, The body was taken to Chi-! her state as president and the een- can for burial. I eral federation as director and 1 Fifteen members attended Com-i member of the executive committee munity club meetimr,'0uradtyy ev-i in the M administration. Mme. enime at the, home of Mr. and Me I Mina O. del Castillo of Cambridge. W3 Ming, Dr. and Mrs. Simpson THE ItNMi, QOUNTY REGISTER 1h9l1trl3fipAy, OCTOBER 24, 1928. Old Matt Par tnam Milan! on lab couch. hearing conju- " _Niitt crier- oi: "Oh, boy! I got It! Than what in: the nutter. Too much weight on my right foot m not enough follow through, Watch this. Oh. boft No non chm-putt holes for me." Golf has manly "and " the 2tasernent for the winter. _ was" is Chairman ot the ttthaton ot music andun. H. C. McCahan of Kirbvlne. Mo., poet and novelist. is the churmurof the division of the amnion ot literature: . Mrs. Harriet Ray. of Mundelein entertained the. Diamond Lake Lad- ies' Aid on Thursday. Mrs, Parks and, Mrs. Charles Butterfield assis- ted her. Mrs. William R. Alvord ot Detroit. I former president of the Micmgan federation tad retiring chairman of the department of american cmzen- ship in the general Mention. ms che newly appointed chairman of the de- partment ot press and publicity. Mrs. Alford-is editor of .zhe Detroit Club Woman. In. Ben Hooper of Osnkosh. We. chairmanoot the department ot inter- national relations. 25.111 great dt- mand as a speaker because ot the in- creased interest in internaucnal ai- fairs crowing out pt the signing of the Kellogg multilateral treaty. Mrt. Chrome Phgtatt of wumngton. 021.. chair-run pf the department or 3ege Nation. will spend eoeiside.rattie time in Weshlngwn after the opening of mess. in promotion'ol the several btlls now before that body in which the fedentlbn is interested. 'The department, at American citi- zenship ot which Mm. J. C. Pearson at Mill. Okla" is etttirtttan, is carrying on a notion-wide can" to get out the vote and to that end is in charge of a $1.000 prize essay contest for high school and unmet- sity "wants on "Why Should I vote)? The deportment ot the Am- erican bane at which Mrs. John D Sherman. retiring president of the federation is chairman. has an in- clusive program. outlined in winch the spiritual values in. the home Id.' be combusted. . One hundred and twenty-five peo- ple were served Friday evening}: the-Harvest supper at the Diamond Lake school. F Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allantron spent last Sunday with the latter's sis- ter; Mrs, Anderson, pr. Chitmroc, A number attended the Township Sunday school Evention. held Sun- day at the Pr yterian Church of Libertyville. ' Earl and Riley Kane and Gor- don Jtar, attended the Wuhan meeting last Monday evening in Waukegn. . 'Mr. iller who live} in the Pred Kiene house, died suddenly last Smithy morning of a heart attack. A doctor was called but failed to teach there before the. man page! any. The body was taken to Chi.. lean for burial. Fifteen members attended. Com- DIAMOND LAKE Ewen taken in as new members. About seventy-five attenden the tieialey_1raimt at the Hawthorne The finance committee would like to have all pledge aegis handed in , November lat. Elmer mail or ve to Mrs. Lewis Milla, Paul All- tnson or Bad Kane. As the budget has been increased .two hundred dollars, any inrreatre tn your pledge will be appreciated. . Sunday School services, 9:30 a. m. Chureh services, 10:30 a. m. Mrs. Caroline Mitchell S. S. sup- erintendent. A young men's discussion group as been organized under the dir- ection of Rev. Iklrwerr.ttann. Come and join in this interesting class. Mid. Roy Frazier of Chicago has been called here by the illness of her father, W, H. McClure. began are the variants of a nine an'd one-half pound son, born October 18th. Mr. Hook was formerly one if the proprietors of the D & H Ladies' Aid Bunco My, Friday, October 26th. at the Diamond Lake school at 7:30 D. m.. Come and brine your friends. -- _ Mr, and Mrs. Louis Mills spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Rockenbock, of 'Crystal Lake. Mrs. Mill's brother, George, returned to spend a week at the Mills' home.. Diamond Lake M. E. Church Lake County S. S. Convention, Tttyr-lay. tletitlrere5th, at Orpee. menu's-re served. Mrs. James Tower, Mrs. Lewis Mills and Mrs. Homes were in charge. Miss Beck- er's room will have charge of the party in November. - Mr. and Mrs. George Whiteamb, af Remington called Sunday on Mrs. Emma Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Barret, of Butavia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holland. George Bother has returned froml Warrenville where he spent two weeks with his brother, Raymond. . The Warren Cemetery Associa- tion Bazaar was a greater success this veer than ever before. A chick. en dinner. one of the. drawing cards of the event. was served to more than B01LThrrttrottram consisted of the following numbers: Piano so- los by 'Hisses Theresa Johnaor Mary Dixon. and Lucile McCullough, Violin . solos. Misses Norma Smith and Marguerite Winter; A Scotch dance, Lenore Sponenburg. Margu- erite Winter and Mary Jo Stedman; Vocal solos. G. H. Reid: Reading, Miss Carolyn Funk. Quilts were a- warded to the following: Quilt of Many Pieces. Hrs. Bert Doolittle; The Star, M. F'. Schryver: Tippe- canoekjlrs. Will Barnstable: Chip Basket] Margaret Prince; Three Nines, Carl Stranger; Square &Croaa Hrs. Clarence, Woollen Howard Quilt, Mrs. W. G. Bowtut The Gurnee Basketball Team gave a dance at the Woodman Hall Friday night. The proceeds will go to pay their coach, and to purchase new suits. mhool. The Evening was sspeitt% playing games.- after which refresh- After you have eaten in a few of them you ean't help wondering if the same man who designed the telephone booth gave us the modem breakfast room. _' Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hook of Wau- intone mink WITH A SMILE -- BURN THE COAL you KNOWS WORTH WHILE! Rev. Walter Schwermann, Pastor. We; outtgain. It will pay youto orderourooal. T't-rt (TM/z: John ll. Burst fact he'll walk right in and turn around and walk right Romm, ILL. PHONES 67941-1 & 794 CiiilTiiH le "Our wealth ot about 816,00o,000,000 ls now conservatively estimated at $350,000,000.000. Our foreign trade ot C 1y about "tttsJt00,000, has now be- come over 89i000gt00,000. Our mtr. road mileage has increased rm about 31.000 to about 249,000, and its revenues have grown trom 8153.003.- 000.to '6,2Mtgt00,000. Public school enrollment has risen from about 5.- W,000 to about 25,000,000. Our man- nmctured products have multiplied from less than to near- ly '68,000,tt00,o00. In 1870 our term products were less than '2Ji00,600.000, "A most important tntluenee tn our national wastes" the Mt said. "has been the expansion and increased efficiency ot trtuugmrta- uni; county battlefields memorial "the growth which our country ttaamndettineele0tutd the benefit. it has brought all our inhabitants are WW." the president said. . fell: " Development Enmeretinc instances revealing America's industrial development since moo. he said: have run into hundreds ot munch: of donuts. Some ot this in the ms- sisdppl Valley'has already tteen'dem- ottgtmted to be commertuny prof- CAL TELLS (lf l t, PROGRESS PRBDERTCKt5BURO, Va., Oct. Mt. ---Amerfta, tn its prevailing m ot mm 'tettultt_tranquttttr, en- man, Wt Coolidge said In nn address here today " the dedication many constmcnon also ms shown t substantial progress. and "Our national expenditures and au- lorlntmns tor inland mm Referring specifically to "may: Children all ages of Constipa. N,,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,,.--""""' tion, Flaming, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; itllaring Feverishness arising therefrom. and. by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. - Toavoidimitatimts_imAforthesiqnattsreof Children cti,y,,,,i,.l,,i:,:ri, 73e finest, fastest car _ under ttooo Studebaker's ER SKINE SIX they are now around $13,000.- TUDEBAKER'S Erskine " has out- S performed all stock can under '1000 by traveling 1000 miles in m qNMMee- uthe minutes. This lowest [Ideal of all Studebaker can now hold. 11 ofrieU1 speedandendunncemeudsiniu mhodrhehindthewheelw-m due! Could there be any better evb. it. Come, drive In Erskine today! deuce of unmatched performance? Studebaker'. " years of My. nimble, brilliant car in trafrie. in; experience stand M " It. Libertyville Garage LUC'E & EARL, PM; PHONE 202, LliBlliM!rYWlLLllil, ILL. than for the control of plant dis- cuss. In September, they took on the impaction of 40 nurseries, and conducted the season's second in- spection of " others, covering in an, 1,190 acres of nursery we... "Etrvih" leads, the combelt by a martrinofoneetrtrinthemeefor egg-production supremacy in the clone competitizgx Ween individual hens of heavy nods on test at the experimental stations in Illinois De- partment of Agriculture conducts. A Rhode Island white hen, bred gadowned 1?y0.rrGreemp-oist, As the growing season advances, nursery inspectors in the service of the state department of agriculture an well along with their invesrtiga- hnsmarkedup238egtrsinele-t 'rpoettturnn4stautdafimtnmomrali thehentroftheAmeriean,Aiintie and English breeds entered in the "When the currency mm at oth- cr nations was raptdly Crumbling our bun remained perfectly stable and only furnished momma: sums to take up foreign investments here but " provided the funds for our own wu- expenditures; advanced nearly $9,000,900. to foreign governments In speaking ot the We prog. an of the south Mr. Coolidge out: "In the southern sates alone the with. the tntutufttetuged, the min- _emVnrttt the Ivan products. the nm has constantly lent equal abroad until the (can! treasury and our private Investors have cre- dit- there amounting to 325900.000.- hunting resources. and the exports are-o! about the same value today that they were in the entire United Gates in 1900." "ahetrreatstrentrtnotttsounttness 01 our tintutciai mm was dem- cnstnted by the World War. Prtor tothttttimewetudttennttetttor pummel-cu] mum coveted mou- projects under way by Quincy. Kan, and: of miles duly. the stresistentliiiCe" and Hunky-hora. A Barred mid. iPlymouth Rock, owned by Eli Review Amulet? W1 m'1Broughton, Lincoln, is second with batty. he um: I 297. "Bah f. o. b.f¢ctovy Smart-unwhip. Roomy. Eats, toMd. in-e-r to steer, and stop, and Patek. 'rhesEasnesixujustwuttV baker deliberately planned " b h--. the finest, fastest car uncle .1" an hour behind the when! w. you um m the habit of clonal; tctto.ols to Stop the spread of PnMMf'N. Why not make'the child who as a- te, to brine a Pandora's box of - germs to school my at home? Etatmwoulg seem to be more manna ' an ee in everybody My frat; their 5(3ka School board when hare thoueht of this and that', "rtto,'ttt f?" _in the habit of minimal: tll t l' 17 RENT_ "mam tfzgmud mu mmma "'deartutheBnatrrrDret- -Aa-iqtiem.mbelievata tutifa-hr-histhr ALL FAHILY 838V!" Suds and Duds 'LAtrrtiioitairii' A- F\ -; LIBERTYVILLE WantAd/ ofthe