CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 27 Oct 1928, p. 5

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cago called at the Max Haas home on Sunny Side Place Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John &rneknnt:i of Jackson avenue --celebrated eir fiftiecth wedding % home of their son Arthur-- on Saturday evening, October 20th. Bridge, Five Hundred, Euchre and Bunce will be played and refresh-- Joseph's church will be held W nesday, Oct. 3ist at 8:00 p. ments will be served. The third of the series of card partiés given by the ladies of St. LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Capital:And Surplus $150,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois When Things 1. --# Are Not ra What They [~ 3 JUST ARRIVED ~'Mrs. Holland's unusually GOOD CANDIES The carnival of ghosts, witches, hobgoblins and all sorts of spooky denizens--but they are not the queer people they appear to be, because under-- neath the fantastic make--up they're just folks the same as you and I. Ofttimes in life things prove to be very different from what they seem. Today the promise of con-- tinued prosperity and happiness presides; tomorrow impending adversity may stalk. There is one sure salfeguard--a growing reserve fund in an institution like this one. that pays interest and assures safety. F. B. Lovell Co. Per. lb. 85¢ Home Made Always Fresh HALLOWE'EN Dr. and Mrs. B. T. Lynch left Fri-- day morning for Champaign where they attended the Home Coming at the University of Illinois Saturgay. Mr. and Mrs. James Matougkek have as their guests, Mrs. Mary Ma-- touzek, the former's mother his sister and her husband, all Chi-- Mrs. Flora Parson, of East Sunny Leslie Acox has accepted a Lm: side avenue underwent an operation ; tion as assistant agent at the at the Victory Memorial hospital in | tyville North Shore Depot. p seoltt aontt o Piteante Nt Mrs. Farley, of Marion, Indiana is | otreet motored aukegan E visiting for a few %ays at the home nesday and visited with relatives. of her brother 0 A' Newson 0| My. and Mrs. Frank Baumgart-- West Cook avenue. > ner Ir. mot.orns.-.l +6 Laka Vilf:g;'fi- Mrs. C. Tromblee, of S. Milwau-- kee avenue and Mrs. J. Laycock, of East Church street were Round Lake callers Thursday. Saturday is the last day of the Fall Opening Sale at Langworthy's department store. Don't fail to get The work of laying the new pave-- ment on the Milwaukee avenue side of the new Public Service building was completed this week and the seventeen feet of parking space will be ready for use when the building is opened. The work has been de-- layed by the wet weather. The space between the pavement and the building is now to be levelled off and the side walk constructed. The Junior class of the Liberty-- ville township high school will give a Hallow#'en festival in the school gym on Wednesday night, *Octobe 30th. A small admission charge will be made as the young folks are taking this means to raise funds to defray the cost of the annual jun-- ior prom. According to advance in-- formation the affair is to provide an evening of real enjoyment, and everybody is welcome. The jpassing of the fiftieth anni-- versary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. John Kruckman of Jackson avenue was fittingly observed Sat-- urday evening at the home of their son, Arthur Kruckman, at 328 north Second Street. A few old friends of Mr. and Mrs. Kruckman were pres-- ent to help them recall their wed-- ding which occurred at Palatine on October 20, 1878. A dinner was ser-- ved at which the elderly couple was given the place of honor. Residents on Johnson avenue are to be included in the carrier dis-- trict of the local post office as a result of a ruling made this week by the post office department at Washington. This street was left out when the delivery started here because of the ruling requiring de-- livery territory to at least fifty per-- cent built up. Since that time John-- son avenue has become much more thickly nonulated and though the af-- forts of the chamber of commerce the delivery was extended to cover this street. P Do not fail to attend the annual bazaar and chicken pie supper given by the Presbyterian Ladies Aid at W. J. Fendick returned home Wed-- nesday from his hurried trip. to Lynn Haven, Florida where he was called by the serious illness® of Thomas Strang, Mrs. Fendick's fa-- ther. He reports that the condition of the aged man was favorable when he left and that his full recovery is looked for in a short time. cranberry sauce pie doughnuts coffee the church on Nov. ist. Take ad-- vantage of this opportunity to pur-- chase Christmas gifts from assort-- ment of fancy work, aprons, night gowns, rugs, etc. Supper® served from five thirty until all are served. s Menu * Mashed potatoes _ chicken pie ' Judge and yrs. Ben.-- H. Miller, Rev. and Mrs. John E. DeLong, Mrs. G. Carroll Gridley and Miss Mar-- jory Taylor, attended the breakfast at the Blackstone .Hotel Thursday, in honor of General E. E. Allenby and Lady Allenby by the change in the location of some of :t ornamental lamps which neces-- sitated the cutting ~of the cable. Workmen were busy until after nine o'clock repairing the break so that the lights could be turned on. Helen Peck, five year old daugh-- ter of P. G. Peck, of Lake street en-- tertained a number of her little friends at a party given Friday in honor of her birthday. "A Great Magazine Article of the Month", will besthe subject at the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday evening at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schroeder are the parents of a son born Wed-- nesday at Half Day. The little fel low has been named Frank Russell. Mrs. C. I. Casey, of Homewood Avenue was operated on Tuesday morning at the Elizabeth Condell Memorial hospital. She is doing nicely. Mrs.® F. J. Druba is confined to her home on Appley avenue by a se-- vere attack of inflamatory rheuma-- tisgm. She was reported greatly im-- proved Friday. The Misses Mary -- Parker and Marion Doolittle of Grayslake and Edgar Harris, all former high school students motored ta Champaign Fri-- day where they will join Chan. Par. ker, a student at the University and witness the home coming game, II}-- inois vs Northwestern. s nesday and visited with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baumgart-- ner, Jr., motored to Lake Villa Fri-- day night where they attended a Mr.: and Mrs. John Numsen were in Chlcatgo Friday, where they at-- tended the funeral of Mrs. Klopp, Mr. Numsen's cousin. The W. C. T. U. will hold their regular meeting Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 30th at the home of Mrs. Maria Lill, of Elm Court... The meeting will begin at the regular time, 2:30. The best way to show your ap-- preciation of the' splendid football games this season, is to attend the last game on the home field, Friday November 2nd at 3:00 p. m. . Liber-- tyville vs. Warren. f present at the Town Hall, Monday at 7:30 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Evelsizor, of North Milwaukee Ave. returned to their home Thursday after an ex-- tensive tour through the East. Dr. Charles Stephens was called to Burlington, Iowa the latter part of this week to attend a former pa-- The Legion has announced that the rehearsals for the musical com-- edy, "Kathleen" will begin as soon as the leads are assigned and chor-- uses lined up. If you are interested in the production of this comedy be share of these wonderful val-- who is in a hospital in that buttered beans cabbage salad se THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, dill pickles "KATHLEEN" > ; Rehearsals are to start -- Friday night of this week for the musical comedy "Kathleen" --which is to be staged at the high school auditor-- ium on November 14, 15 and 16 un-- der the auspices of the local Leg-- ion post. The director who (is to stage the production for the John B. Rogers company arrived Thurs-- day evening and plans to start the work of whipping the production into shape with the least possible delay. ~_-- 21. " The major part of the cast has been selected and notices have been sent out to be at the Town Hall Friday night. There remains less than three weeks --and that means that every posible evening must be utilized for rehearsals. * The committee in charge of the ticket sale has sent out. the tickets to the various members-- of the or-- ganization and the canvass has al-- ready started. > A preliminary glance at the score shows a~ production filled with pleasing -- -- novelties > and -- musical numbers and these with the special dances should make this one of: the keenest shows ever given here. -- _ For new fall millinery -- latest colors -- newest styles -- felts, vel-- vets, satins, visit Langworthy's de-- partment store. ----Adv. Siberiak ... "Verotchka's Tales." Schultz .___._.. "In Every Country." Bennett __...._.._.. "Camp Conqueror." White ... "Adventures of Anmdrews." Fairbairn ._._.._..... "Little Pig Who Ate a Four--leaf Clover." Among the books purchased for use in the children's room are the following: x Burrows ._._._...__. Irene, of Tundra Fhnerson :--..:...._........ *A Theodore Roosevelt." Siberiak ... "Verotc Fyleman Ju*:' § _--«--.........' "Peber --Pocket." Lou, of Log Mountain." Ginther .___..~"The Secret Stair." Following the dinner the members and their ladies were entertained at bridge and . the following jwere theé winners of awards; E. M. Neff, first; Bob Roberts, sécond; and Ken-- neth Lovell consolation; Mrs. Ken-- neth Lovell first and Mrs. <~Ross Triggs second. 3 aehrige sls The second week of the . club bowling leagy saw -- some terrible upsets with the. top notchers of last week humbled in the dust. Harryp Titus took a pair from Waterhouse who made a clean sweep last week. Stang's crew--was going strong and took the entire series from George Ives while Lawrence won two from Harry Meyer. . :: ----:=-- We will have the fcom.plete scores next Tuesday so you may know just how each man helpeg or hindered his team. " + pearance on this occasion and fur-- nished delightful music while the dinner was in progress. This organ-- ization is made up of local youn£ people who have taken up this wor chiefly for their own amusement. The members were dressed in juv-- enile costumes and before the op-- ening number each member of the orchestra was called up and intro-- season and it was the first time in the history of the club that the en-- tertainment committee was forced to extend itself to accomodate the crowd which came early and stay-- ed late. R _'The hit of the evening was mfiro-' vided by the Soon--Canders Orches-- tra which made its first public ap-- present at a club affair gathered at the club rooms®@Tuesday night for the first ladies' night of the On Wednesday afternoon,, Oct. 24, the regular meeting of the Liberty-- ville Women's Club was held at the Parish House. & LIBERTYVILLE WOMAN'S CLUB. A short business meeting was conducted by the President, Mrs. Weart. Two new names were pro-- posed for membership, several let-- ters read and the reports of the var-- ious committees given. Mrs. H. D. Aylesworth was appointed by the board to fill the vacancy of Treasur-- er left by the resignation of Mrs. Austin. e Mrs. Wallace then introduced Mrs,. Aurelia Tregillus of Park -- Ridge who was to give a song recital of "Carmen". Mrs. Tregillus, who was formerly Director in the School of Music at Kemper Hall, Kenosha, re-- viewed each act of Carmen and sang and played the songs in a ntost pleasing manner. Mrs. Tregillus's brilliant portrayal of the varied roles left each mem-- Miss Ellis, Mrs. Foulds and Mrs. Frudy. The club room was beauti-- fully decorated in black and orange in honor of Hallowe'en. ber of her audience with acgreater love than ever for the Opera Car-- ----The hostesses of the day were: Mrs. Ray Andrews, Mrs. N. Cairns, ~-- The Rexall Store Libertyville, . One of the Everything necessary in decorations -- and f'avors' fot your Halloween Party Decker & Neville Hallowe'en Novelties LIBERTYVILLE CLUB LIBRARY NOTES Anisila s Gypsy Nan." _ "The Rainbow Cat." .. c.....""Adventures of crowds ever ' Thursday, November 1st. Annual bazaar and chicken «din-- ner of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid society at the new church. Bazaar opens at two o;clo:k,'dinner at 5:30. -- Thursday, November 1st. . Republican ragz in !ug school auditorium at 8:00 p. m. Gen. Framk 8. Dickson, a fine public speaker, will address t}.\e znee.ting. f Thursday, November 1st. Card party given ;?r the Holf; Name Society of St. Mary's Chure at the new hall at Fremont Center. Euchre, Five Hundred and bunco. Refreshments. @ Annual baraar and chicken sup-- per_ given 13' <the Ivanhoe Woman's society at the. woodman hall, Ivah-- hoe. Booths of all kinds. Free pro-- : November 8th and 9th Benefit show at the Auwditorium theatre, "Old Ironsides" under the auspices of the Epworth League de-- corating committee, + gram by members of the dramatic club in the evening. -- 'Thirteenth . Anniversary of the Libertyville club. Details to be an-- nounced later. & 4 Church, Fremont Center at Resth-- aven Stables, Ivanhoe. Thursday, December i3th. . Annual 'bazaar and dinner given by the Woman's Guild of St. isw- rence's church at the parish house. Annual chicken supper and raffle by the members of St. Mary's October 31st Dance by the Elizabeth Condell Hospital Auxiliary at the Country-- side Club. November 14 -- 15 -- 16 ---- ' "Kathleen" musical comedy "Ex-- travaganza" given under the aus-- {ieces of the Libertyville American gion' post. The Village Players will §ive "The Seven Keys to Baldpate" at the High school auditoriwn as a benefit for the Hospital Auxiliary. TRIGGS & JOHNSON Extra Fancy Delicious Apples 7 Ib§. fOr isccfi n y We have 100 bushels of apples coming the first of the week; Baldwins, Greenings, Kings, Jona-- thans and a few other varieties. & Place your order now and we will deliver them at $1.90 per basket. : These are all A grade, the best Michigan pack. PCE LD, .. ......".i>> nianaltrees sereniicn. rextmomermecicth Sweet Cider $ per--§Al. .=.._--....--34}%mcioncg Nice Red Jonathan Apples 3 Ibs. for : : ssfses=cc l 2 lc Pop curn that pops like EIDS POT .::>2:entrdpiracanid'ss. Angelus Marshmallows keep them fresh and s Bulk per. Ib. ..............}.. Candy Black Cats: DEL DD; . .--2s2----.--».s enirnnnce in nnhees uons Candy Corn Black Cats and Witches Salted Nuts of All Kinds Hallowe'en Specials Thursday, November 22nd. COMING EVENTS Tuesday, November 13th. Tuesday, November 27th October 26th--and 27th A. R. Schnaebele LARGE 10 ROOM BUILDING ON THE MAIN BUSINESS STREET IN MUNDE-- LEIN, SUITABLE FOR HOTEL OR BOARDING HOUSE. SALE PRICE VERY REASONABLE WITH TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PURCHASER OR WILL RENT AT A REASONABLE FIGURE TO RESPONSIBLE TENANT For Sale lb Marshmallows in tin boxes to m fresh and soft, per tin 25 1928 or Rent Libertyville, Illinois errerantenssenssansnes en s0008 08 23 8+ s2m 40 80 20 m #0 00 64 Football game at Liberty field § game ai ie between L. T. H. S. and 'zarren. Game called at 3 p. m. Entertainment by the Ladies' Aid Society of Long Grove church at Union Hall, Long Grove at 8 p. m. nesday. S N O W 'S Wednesday, Oct. 21st. Card party by the ladies of St. Joseph's church at the school hall starting at 8 p. m. Bridge, euchre, five hundred and bunco. Refresh-- ments. school gym. Yellow Cah Raymond Kennedy made a busi-- ness trip to Woodville, Ohio Wed-- Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. 4 uCounaj», 1IUbe GUCHe Hallowe'en festival by the Jun-- ior class of L. T. H. S. at the high, a sham battle Heirloom Plate JFrom Generation to Generation The Home of Gifts th& are Different. MC DONALD'S Jewelry & Gift Shop Finest Tableware America's 99 29c 22c 22¢ 25¢ 25¢ 25¢ ::?0:". #4. lx _x/ : p t,,,,.,_',','; ) _ ¢+4, >\x>; e ' @¥4 o 5 > "I' i '-'; * T \ k 4 0§0 "'" "\ ozo p' \} o \ M A N 0'0 $ "'.if N4 & f 2pDp R so \ t PP / T5 0§0 S\&(,( é'"'; "Mi§ 3 '55?'4""7"3§<"' / M i Av Gé' i "Zdo§ 7 $3 5 & 9 sP> % ": N & "::, .E:.E '\'t.( / s :3' | EC ho S us e e $ . mA Flowers resh from Kohout's Greenhouses can be 3 ';},fie s?cil:lngfi a:i rasir of beauty and distinction to T; S mogn s inppier megemnald, --. * 4* old. Flowers sent anywhere by Telegraph. * + Joseph Kohout, Inc. ?# Every home should have at least one clothes closet lined wiin red cedar. It is r.uct more roomy thin a cecar chas* and the clothes are not wrinkled _ Let us tell you how you l orest ut the people 0 of Libert'nue and vicinity, by the seen in town several days this week. "Jule" has a con-- tract with the state for several bridges down in the "Corn Belt." in beginning, elementary or advanced work. Commercial Courses Positions secured for graduates. Night School beginning September 14. McDONALD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Libertyville FALL COURSES mMnECf "A 1P The Four By Six First National Bank Capital And Surplus $110.000.00 Libertyville, TIllinois 811 W. Park Ave. Register Now owe for a new one. can have your clos-- George Huffman is busy putting the fn.. ish coat of plaster Phone 130 Phone 47 and 48 PAGE HVE

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