CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 31 Oct 1928, p. 4

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113 of very considerable fortune--less than when the work began, for this relief work has cost him much. He was approached on behalf of the British government with the suggestion that if he would become a British subject the government would be pleased to give him an important executive post and with the hint that if he succeeded a title might await him. His answer was: "I will do what I can for you with pleasure but I will be damned if 1 give up my American citizenship. Not on your life!" Within the last six months two large financial organiza-- tions, each independently, have offered him one hundred thou-- HOOVE'.E'B.'H!&HM'G Hoover, chairman: of the com-- mission for in Belgium, would,if opportunity should offer, make a useful. officer in the state department. He is probably the only mamt--living, Wwho has privately (without holding 'office) negotiated undi@rs with the British, French, Dutch and Bélgian gov ts. He personally knows and has had direct dealings with these governments and his transactions with them have involved several hundred millions of dollars. He is a man sand dollars a year to enter their service and an industrial company offered him one hundred thousand dollars (to start with). He declined them all. When the Belgian relief work recently struck a snag Hoover by telegraph got the promise of a loan in the United States for the British:and French govern-- ments for the Belgian relief of $150,000,000! I do not know but I--think he would be glad to turn his European experience to the patriotic use of our own government. He is 42 years old and is a graduate of the Leland Stanford university. Emmerson's administration of the vifice of secretary of state is the best indication of the policy he will pursue in the office of governor. The hundreds of thousands of citizens who nave had business dealings with : A p:uwc ESTIMATE OF HOQVER During 'the administration Walter -- H. &g was .'kmerican a'mhfl'?'fl the Court of St..James. It is interest-- iig to know what this prothinent demperat wrote . to President Wilson regarding Hoover and his work. & .. * > | * PROHIBITION If the election next month could bring a distinct verdict. by the people on the prohibition question it would help to, allay some of the bitterness that has been engendered, and would point the way to the hext step to_he taken, either toward re-- laxation of the law or toward putting new teeth:in it.= But so many Guestions are involved in the campaign that it will be imfinxtoownadcuv«dictontbeliqqumdon The clear line of cleavage between the two candidates on this issue seems to be this: Governor Smith declares prehibition to be a failure and a breeder of crime and would amend the eighteenth amendment to substitute state control for federal pro-- hibition.© Mr. Hoover asserts that prohibition is an experiment in the right direction; he would remedy the abuses, study the situation with a view to making prohibition effective, and keep the eighteenth amendment intact. . ... [ Governor Smith has taken-- a mogé advanced position--against Volsteadism than any other national--figure, which may indicate th'.thohyunahndory'wib]flndthtmdma, Elihu Root disagrees with Mr. Hoover's stand on prohibition but will vote for him because the change which he (Root) thinks should be made in the law would, in his opinion, be a long and tedious undertaking, There are many prohibitionists who believe Mr, Smith is eight years behind the times--that prohibition came to stay in 1920 and that the demnocratic nominee does not yet realize the fact. . Smith has said he, if elected, could only suggest tofi;mmdmm&mmh As there is no ity of the next congress being "wet" his suggestions would"have the effect of water poured on a duck's back. December 30, 1916." Wriftén not for the sake of the gentle-- man mentioned but for %'p to the president and the service * . 1. & NR ;. +1%, 4 " The foilowi'ni will be ;found in Volumeé 3 of the Life and Letters of Walter H. 'Page; page 312. , = --_> _ * s m-&um handily, but in intmanrnal mepborte likely to give *support to Bulger on the theory a Democratic representative is better than none at all. Purther, every Democratic ticket voted "straight" gives Bulger three votes, as he is the lone candidate for Representative on that tisket. ideals will apply in Mr. Emmerson's icministration as governor. , If there is an . even. division of totes in Lake county, that is 1% for McDonough and 1% for Lyons, they ALONG THE CURBSTONES Observations By A MAN ABOUT TOWN Che Eake Conunty Regiater -e'l&*m i inols, udmt"ffi'a":--:m'm FRANK H, JUST, Editor and Publisher sme--m of of methods at the outset and never has culation in a degree. However, in-- creased community growth and pros-- perity makes possible increased cir-- culation growth. But of the sheer merit: You'll rec-- ollect that a week ago last Wednes-- day the News was first with a pic-- ture and detailed account of the cap-- ture of The Lonely One. In fact the News alone published a picture. Agrin last Wednesday: The jury in the Beck murder case returned a guillty verdict at 4 o'clockh At 4:30 a special edition of the Daily News told all about it. 'The second paper hB Cl fi ; WIYI%?',"" h n t .. c _ c ick Whatever ay be in twak sithted Avine nurth. "Z"' an : the season »adt? "@nd [R ie t To n 19 s m io dn ooo necie., oi t .. Uhike g Coast 1 M%fl Loo mm%&m me' Three are Ky. to coast of From : Nova Gootia, to . Dire y it will swing out over the:open Atlan-- : ® _ of -- 'witer, m-mm&&:'bm oo of ns i%. , Silhoubtted against a. bright moon.,» good & uammty.mopc::hhbnun;'mnr All'f.thlm'.fldllly ished northward after cleared uring present act. naval air station at Lakehburst, ue':&,wm reports mn five motors drumming in rythmic uni-- reached the t headquar-- m.nauco:u:'u' muninsl»mm'm * t._ air liner flew low over New York! Hunting prospects are especially at 3:15 a. m. barely above the Wfi"'d along the Illinois river valley, of the higher downtown lkymplu.l is reported by Inspector Herbert She swung over the battery and mmimmu; g:"::&l'h 'D%nkoy L headed Broad parting sa-- 0 wn. report lluu to Jflaq uh:'tyx;;mted lr:n the Blmi- river harbors 'yl large the air after a long battle with thelnnmbcr of birds from LaSalle to I|winds that tore ber tail fin and held| Beardstown. her back for many hours on her westward crossing. of their sleep by the loud drone of the Zeppelin's engines, peered~into the sky and saw the long gray shape of the airship as she swept over Man-- hattan on her way to the misty fast-- ness of the Atlantic. Then all of us would have been giv-- en life sentences in prison." To Hear Arguments Although Clark has threatened to take his life, so far he has not made any a to carry out his threats, the says. He thinks that enly for the guards being over him that Clark might try to end his life. Later, the Zeppelin cruised above Brooklyn at a low altitude, and the aerial beacon on the St. George hotel, fiashed along her hulk as she headed toward Long Island aviation fields. INCREASE GUARD OVER MURDERERS this distinction is seen in statist'cs for the city of Chicago during 1925 when 74 males between those uges and 124 females died of tuberculasis The reason for this increase is to be found in the fact that giris no longer are content with a quie! ex-- istence, a reasonable amount of which is spent at home, Dr. Goldberg says. Instead they go into business industry or an active school life at the age when they most require rest and further complicate the provlem by spending a major part of the night in dancing or other forms of amuse-- ment. "By day a working girl, by nignt a social buttgrfly. she continues to sap her energy faster than it can be re-- built," he continues® "Late hours, dancing and shows after a dificult dav n business do not make fot "In the excessive susceptibility to tuberculosis probably the extreme and foolish dieting of many young women is an important factor. The girl in her teens often has a tendency to plumpness and rotundity. Fired by .false pride, seeking to imitate older women in their diet fads, she attempts to offset this process of natural deevlopment by an extreme, in fact a starvation diet, with Jdisis-- trous results.. s "The effect of this program on the part of the adolescent girftis the dis-- sipation 'of tie vital energles Jt the body with an inadequate food imtlak: of those types which supply the vital sion of tors of the Department of Conserva-- ionmnmzb&hum&u season in the Illinois river valley promises to be the best which hunt-- ers have enjoyed in the past quar. DUCK SEASON GIVES : BEST OF SPORT Sp: (Continued from Page 14 for morti.lity A 1) Thorinreou}dnotbe.t'nmnl ideal stage than at while Mupndm redtop | abound in the feeding grounds. One | hunter declares in his twenty--five years' experience he had not seen . more early birds than during the | mnt season. In the bottom | is a profusion of teal, mallard | and other migratory waterfowl. Hunting prospects are especially m along tlubminoh river valley, reported by Inspector Herbert Landauer of Peoria and Roy L. NE of Beardstown. They report the river harbors a large number of birds from LaSalle to in the third eJition of "*Trees of ," which has Mmh the a pad I mmmanay n ® NG,. migh* Sn' ' dmbm.l'lrwod. There are a few others in same locality. _ 1280et. .l > More wooed>ducks have been seen than any other breed. This year there is a closed season on that bird, nffondli:g them oppor::'lty to num and propagate in laree numbers SEARCHING FOR NEW Afi'ltEl'}S IN ILLINOIS * 'The reason men have to have nockets is because they can't stick things down their necks the way wpmen do. > 5 forntreeiobemdoobdigubo-- tanists and tree lovers of the State, tanists ani tree lovers of the State, but such may sometimes be the case and new species may be added oc-- casionally to those already in the State. Often it may ~be because there are only a few trces in a cer-- tain place, or because the person finding them has not--reported them-- or sent in specimens, to 'the state forester. The botanical lutes. ap4 Ahaw in diametet/ the tree' related to' rather ha heartwood is a' «lear. vellow col~r when freshly .eut. From it, a ye!-- low dyve can be seeured by steep-- ing in hot water. The roots are al-- so deep yellow in color. Bontanists give it as occuring "along streams which carrvy the waters from the western slones of the Allegheny Mountains into the Ohio river," and in southeast Missouri. SPRINGFIELD, HNL,. Oct. 29.--It would seem not to be an easy task for a tree to be overlooked by bo-- -- Ancther reason for teducirg the size of submarines is they'll hold fewer men when they go uryier and stay under. Only Two Keys Safe Deposit Boxes YOU RECEIVE THEM BOTH WHEN YOU * * RENT A BOX _ That's what gives you absolute privacy ~__ Plus safety for your valuables and personal papers. Our new vaults are both fire proof and * burglar proof. B4 TT THERE ARE Ad VY 'fl*' F NOIS | the characte fls m "..;9;;!: :'Clyu th by bo--[porter who TO OUR was nurwe.rdntoiflu ability of the local cast. to handle the melo-- 'w .lt.&m. v::: the ease which they require. rm set at rest after Aenfamnane meghile ul dhe otenint on carried through with surprising smoothness. It is difficult to select an outstand-- ing star in the cast with each part so radically different from the oth-- ers and each requiring especial in-- on. Frederic Babcock, as Vmabmll Magee, the writer of lurid . fiction easily _ walked an{ with the lead in that he had the big part in the production. He was on the stage from the first few moments of the action until the final curtain and was the, hub around which the plot revolved.. o The two character parts which called for, and were given, some ex-- ceptionally fine bits of acting, were those of William Larsen .as Elijah Quimby the caretaker of the inn and of Glenn G. Hoskins as Peters the half mad hermit. Both of these parts were brought out with a vivid-- ness that made them live and both were absolutely true to type. Not for a moment did either of these actors !eave the 'character he was portraying. _ D w . _ The scenic effects would have done jistice to a professional production and gave a wonderful air of realism to the stage setting. Taken as a whole, the presentation of "The Seven Keys to Baldpate" a creditable work and as such ideumng of the praise of the Sople of the community. ts in darring on t good work and the on work an of this vicinity had seen (and ) :George M. Cohan's melo-- presented much better than is with amateur glormen. To begin with, the: vehicle se-- Mrs. J. G. Weart, as Elijah's wife waus just as fine a portrayal and her work was in close harmony with the character. 6og 5on lime heights in the renunciation of her fiancee when she found that her idal 'had feet of clay. x 8 ta Gotti was superb in her yal :fbo the gold seeking ad-- 8 money above and w creed had but tennet. Her acting in the death The other feminine roles were ually fine with Dorothy Algie ank as the aggressive news re-- porter who m'md handsomely when the love was introduced in the plot and Mary Just as the THE WEAK LINK _ _ ° _ IN --CHAIN STORES oply on Selling," Charles K. Wal-- green, head of a chain of more than 200 drug stores in an article in Na-- tion's Business Magazine says that the wide.awake, independent mer-- chant who operates his business in a scientific manner need have _no fear of being forced out of congest-- ed retail trade areas by the chain :tore.lll 0:. oxying&e regions, in most lines, adds, t has the edge on the cm he can better meet local conditions Thre is, and will be, ample room for the live, progressive independ-- cted for the maidemeffort was just little heavy for any but thorough-- ittle heavy for any but thorough-- uuonodwlm and' some d'lbt s Autartalnad as kn 'thm ahilitw af 'nder the title "There's No Mon-- 31, 1928 | A'chdhgocphnon'etoomofll'; --It cannot extended successfully But ; the -- of the chain ufiwma fact that the chain fun« successfully -- only on what might be termed a univer-- hily well enpaiete tnder foun ban re ho ness conditions, The u'mttaebod merchant, on the other -- hand, can Mommpeeulia eh:.nd que lar Is and Froves of his neighborhood. ---- 1EWRN CC00 AEERRECO® 20 CoUnihe | P YA CU¥ig t x _ que into the mh and ; d""'ma""'f':."l'f"'"'! i"d'c'""'m groves of his nei l +. et's . leadership as o | world's largest automobile producer. Another outstanding advantage of| How Chevrolet marched to this the hdw-lt is his opportunity , height. of po;)ular acclaim may be to keep his hinds on the supervis--| noted in the fact that within ninety ion of his store, an intimate touch days after the introduction of the that can be made a big factor in| DeW car more than a quarter million building a substantial business. new Chevrolets were on the high-- merrr--_----_-- T en months taee oo gn Sune Rest. wo s later, or on June y CHRMMAS CARD a half l::'lla:zfigarsnre in use fx;'m Maine ornig. Another o INDUSTRY GROWS« months saw 750,000 Chevrelots pro-- . Wemaiignace | |viding dependable $ransportation in Those who like to do their Christ.' every city, town and hamlet in the mas shopping early can begin now Union. And then came October on their (ghristmn cards which are when the full million mark was ach-- already in full array in the shone | feved. { C Many |of the 1928 cards are big enough fand gay enough to express the most generous and hearty "Mer-- own, with but a word or tyo _ of| greeting. The moderristic note has| crevt in, as evidenced in colors un-- usually bright and daring. Some of the cards are formal, some funny, some clever in unique cut--outs an'li trick folds. cheer, with here and.there . a boist-- c:&ad.-.ot high sharmor.Thanks-- giving cards especially<worded for Those who like to do their Christ-- mas lhop&ng early can begin now on their Christmas cards which are already in full array in the shops. More so than with most other holi-- day purchases, the early shopper gots the, cream of the greeting card sélections. Ani what is equally im-- portant is that those who spea' first are first served in the matter of printing and engraving, for the "printer's Uevil" is never more ex-- u?gntipg_ ugan at holiday time. friendship or hearty'wighes for good It cannot be extend into certain regions. ry Christmas" imaginable.. Bol.' all--over |designs have replaced the modest gorner--decorations of holly brancheg and mistletoe sprays of former years. Often the picture tells a little Christmas storvy of its various members of the {family are Heavier Underwear Our new Fall and Winter line is on display and ready for your inspection------COME IN _ low . neck--no sleeve --knee length ... $1.m SILK AND WOOL UNMON SUITS--with or with-- out . sleeves--knee or ankle length ... BU'I'TOI;hWAIST SUITS--good Fall weight @ACHN ... e 85(: COOLER WEATHER RAYON AND JERSEY BLOOMERS--vests to 7 match or short sleeve--knee and ankle length ... FLEECED UNION SUITS, long CHILDRENS' FINE WOOL UNION SUITS.. Knee $1 75 and ankle length ... P1b COTTON AND RAYON UNION SUITS neck--no sleeve nee length ... $l.m You save money by buying now-- Don't forget your coupons on our Five Big | This Week Is Hosiery Week ERS--vests t o 75 c ] flee}cled cotton ( J @@&CH ... Boys' and Girls' Underwear Ladies' successfully "Bigger and Better" model Im.:mm'y Tnt, it was announced l.t the company's offices here today. de'lli". aenufiondfluuhieveme':t of vering one million cars nine months is without a parallel in the history of the manufacture of trfi"- \'shift cars and is seen as a" ute CHEVROLET-- STILL SHOWING GAINS A critic says Lloyd George ha: a . fiurd mind, which is a polite wa; of saying he has water »1 the brain There was a time when if son's hat was hanging on the hatrack you knew he was home. $ & In order to u:commofie the de-- mand, new plants and additions to present ones were made necessary in the manéhcities across the country where evrolet now _ maintains manufacturing or assemHMy -- opera-- tions. Foremost among these .was the opening in the Snrinx of a mam-- moth assembly plant in Atlanta, now the largest automobile establish-- ment in the South. © Despite new plants and factory ad-- ditions, Chevrolet' has been working on a night and day basis since the first of the year in an effort to keep %e with orders. More than 40,-- men, the greatest number ever on the Chevrolet payroll were em-- soved tn assist in the production of "Bigger and Better" models now on the road. The world is full of a whole lot of :hings, but not all of them are paid or. wkh_t_het'mont insis one million cars into the hands of Owners since the introduction of the to the manufacturing ability. and far--sightedness of the company. It is <Heirloom Plate MC DONALD'S * . Jewelry & Gift Shop "The Home of Gifts that are $1.00 America's Finest _ Tableware JFrom Generation to Generation , the BOYS PART WOOL:RANDOM UNION GIRLS SILK'AND --wo0L UNION SUITS,; Long and short sleeve--knee and length : -&._ GIRLS RAYON. STRIPE JERSEY -- _ * 596 BLOOMERS _ _ ------ | EHIR(;I'S & DRAWERS--Heavy fleeced cotton rero We $1 .25 ever offered at .022 SILVER RANDOM, PA RT WOOL UNION SUITS. all re--enforced ... $2.50 HEAVY RIBBED COTTON UNION SUITS. The best value Men's imng iaded, gray hair to its natural ltof-h o 1 '1:; r Sheud,ltbhqinhwhum'mly dfll'kh':'"" and .fllfl'five. Whqu her hair. took on &.&i.wl' faded or fure was tppieg with wondicts! c€. having 'any But bfc'i' at home is mussy and out--of--date. Nowadays, br'qafldng at any drug store for a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will Roam: whith can 'be Gerendat uon ts ients, which can restore natural color and beauty to the hair Wll-knowndrufilm' say it darkens theleuirsonatut y and evenly that fect. r y es But brcvhi at home is nark sof --intve awadave in You simply dampen a or soft brush with it and dnm through your hair, taking one strand at atime. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after another application or two, it hec nes beautifully dark and glossy. YOUR GRAY HAIR Use Grandma's Sege TOA & Suiphur Recipe and Nobody Will Know it some Libertyville people x"{o';@::':l{"'m &"uy- of and Sulphur £ e Anove oo i' e MB.'DUDS is the presi dent of the Happy Dres-- sers Association. He believes that if a man keeps his lin-- ALL FAMILY SERVICES Libertyville Lau?dry so naturally and evenly that can tell it 'l'us been :Ud. iply dampen a sponge or soft * $1.50 $1.39

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