CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 21 Nov 1928, p. 5

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, Mrs. William : Keen entertained Mrs, Frank 'Bauernsmith, of Munde-- "lein Saturday, ~ Mrs. Alice Hgvice and daughter Bertha: Lee" werg dinmer® guests at the Phillip D. Armour farm Thurs-- day evening. Dr. and Mrs. M. D. Penney were «dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olendorf in Deer-- field Sunday. Storm Sash 411 1st St. 24x24 2 light 24x26 2 light 26x26 2 light 24x30 2 light Porch Enclosures Screeng If taken in time they will prove 100% efficient. | Sold on a money back guarantee. Cold Capsules The proven remedy for Colds, LaGrippe, Influ-- enza and Neuralgia. All other sizes furnished on short notice Small additional charge for Painting an Installation Estimates furnished on request. Winter Colds LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Capital And Surplus $150,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois We Do Suggest that large bills can be paid more safely. quick-- ly, and conveniently if you pay them by check. We Don't Suggest that you Pay by check for all small Purchases, but _ | We Have Per Box 50¢ Harold Wilcox F. B. Lovell Co. Storm Sash Ventilators 25¢ Extra The Following Sizes in Stock emnmmmtnmmnimnnommemeccec. $el7? Bath Respond quickly to MILLWORK Libertyville l | weimene" Fost aorer mvide / wasiness waker Moaioy. "* * f § ® y. ilb_.' 0!_"."' Wm of lun-] in ie We im Wl 2l ol ...4....;.:_1__{ Miss Helen Kenny, of Chicago was a guest Saturday at 'the home of Mrs. R. C..Hlfid West Maple Avenue. Miss y is well known here, having been a teacher in the Libertyville schools. tor tha past"wette en yeamured ho Or I duties at her place dm;mt in Chicago. > Porch Enclosures Kitchen Cabinets Phone 768--J 99 99 99 Huson. _A numbed of the girls en-- tertained h'; an original manner and & The hapey erous breakfanted mt the been extended to their hostess, de-- 'r"omm th.';ydmm'_w to the Model arm west of Mundelein where they were the guests of Miss Lyle Mae About fifteen members of the wGhl'l Dnm-." :i:jo Club of L. Tfi'r?cias' -- & yable time s A.fidnflnfnmhhedthojoynr' in the day and about 8:15, the time for the curtain to rise on the musi-- eal comedy "Kathleen" was when _ The most successful roll call in the history of the Red Cross was laynched last week by women from dr parts of the country. Early re-- hurnalnhovod that me:::ntrfi is rapidly responding to call ot 'tbe Red*Cross and well realizes its necessity. In Libertyville, Mrs. L. J. Wertzler, chairman of the public n pooid mor uen clu charge of campa Assisting her are some of our lead-- ing women. All of them are report-- ing excellent progress and say our citizens are not slow in answering the call to help the greatest and most humane organization in thol W. C. Hubbell. The womans auxiliary of the Con-- dell Memorial hospital are anxious to have a Thanksgiving offering of fruits, vegetables, jams or jellies. All donations may be left at the Kennedy building, comer Church street and Milwaukee avenue on Thursday, November 27 between 9 and 4 p. m. If impossible to send your offering call any of the follow-- ing committee who will gladly call for same: Mrs. E. H. Corlett, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Laycock en-- tertained a number of guests over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Fink and sons Arthur and Donald, and Miss Linea Huerlin of Chicago, who were on their way to their cot-- tage at Diamond Lake stopped en-- route to visit for a few hours. Miss Alice Stafford and Donald Cooper of Elgin called and Miss Bernice Wat-- son, of Libertyville was also pres-- ent. A complaint has been made of the practice indulged in by some hunters in this vicinity of s'ooting pheas-- ants after sundown. An examina-- tion of the game laws discloses the fact that these birds are not covered by the sunrise to sunset regulation which prohibits the shooting only of migratory water fowl before or af-- ter those periods. Billy McEnry, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McEnry of north Milwa&:i-- kee avénue, entertained eleven of his boy friends Saturday afternoon to celebrate his tenth birthday an-- niversary. The afternoon was spent in playing games and the party closed with refreshments. . _ Mrs. Rebecca Billson died Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Herman Brockman, who resides at 161 Lincoln avenue. The funeral will be held at Rosehill Cemetery on Thursday. ' §A Mrs. Lew Flg entertained the ungo . Club _ at _home. Tharsda: cmhfi Mrs. Eger received fln{ prize, Mrs. Disney second and Mrs. Dean Bennett the third and Mrs. Scott who was rather unforwrfie as far as scores were conce re-- ceived the consolation. eorge A. Ross, Mrs. Martin J. asey, Mrs. William E. Larsen, Mrs. Rev. Erbe of Boone, lowa will give a slide lecture on the Hol" Land at the Lutheran church on | Thursday evening of this week at 7:80 sharp, The public is cordiagly welcome. | at Lake Buff on Friday, November 23rd, at 1:30 p. m; The class in parlimentary proce--' dure under the auspices of the Lake County _ Federation of Woman's' Clubs will be held at the village hall | at Lake Buff on Fridavy. November ' A party was given Sunday nignt in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Su{- dam who celebrated their eighth we--lding anniversary. The evening was spent playing bunco and dane-- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Turner Wilcox, fo>-- mer Libertyville residents who now reside in Lake Bluff, announce the arrival of a daughter, born on Mon-- day, November 19th. The little one has been named Anna Ruth. Miss Theo Murphy of Chicago, was a guest of Miss Helen Mors over the week end. The Misses Mors and Murphy had the pleasure of seeing the opera Carmen Sunday afternoon. | Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ayers en-- ,mum.uauuwmfl.". ers of Chicago on Sunday. fl(r.andln;r-nk&ld"nd our daughters Chicago 'were Sunday guests at the Frank Huber home on Lake Street. Mrs. William MceGavic of Chica-- go was the guest of her niece, Mrs. Reverend Erbe, of Boone, lowa will give a slide lecture on the Holy Land at the Lutheran church Thurs-- day evening, at 7:30 p. m. The pub-- lic is cordially welcome. Mr. and Mrs. George Crockett ond daughters of LaGrange are guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Lyons on north Milwaukee avenue. Tuesday mo at the Condell Memorial h;:g. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scholl of Mil-- waukee were Sunday visitors at the homcol&hcfomr?;brodnr,A.A. Scholl and family on Second Street. Group No. 1 of the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. E. Corlett November 22nd. (Mrs. Cor-- lett and Mrs. Dymond will be hos-- tesses. David Morse who has been visit-- ing at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Charles Ward of Winchester Road, dle:t for his home in New Yark Mon 7. ts Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Stang are the parents of a little boy born lu.G.C.'Mth&-' her sister, Mrs. Ella Rollins of illiam McEnry on Thursday of f THE LAKE COUNTY RECISTER, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER ::, 1928 A division line has already been created--the line followed by the Wabash nnfid across the state, :Mn'J m H:mgib.], Mo., rough Jacksonville, Springfeld, | Decatur and Danville, and thence to | the Indiana state line. All aren Be. G. Reddington, bureau chief of the Biological survey, Mr. Radebaugh pointed out that it was obviously unfair to govern hunters in the ex-- treme southern part of the state by the same regulations as those in force in the extreme northern part. Because Illinois is an extremely long state, the ducks, on their annual southward trek, reach the northern confines long before they reach the southern counties. low this line would be considered in the southern zone, : with tbe M n ting the chan Paul G. Rmi...nmn. burean ph.i:f':l ¥has The northern zone would retain the present open season on mi{n- tory birds, from September 16 to Decuf:'n:e.r 31. The southern section wo ve an open season starting a month later, on October 15, and extending to January 81. > The yourig people of the Presby-- 'terhn church will holid a~business meeting Friday evening at 7:00. Every member is requested to be present if posgible. K A joint meeting of the Liberty-- ville Woman's club. and the Par-- ent--Teachers association will be 'held on Wednesday afternoon at |three o'clock at St. Lawrence's par-- ish house. Dr. Afred B. Rowell, i superintemdent of schools of Glen. coe, will speak on "Training child-- ren for mental health. Vocal sel-- ections will be rendered by Merlia |Tiltibets with Ida Neal Morris at the ! piano. ties, Gus H. Radebaugh, director of the state department of conserva-- tion, has proposed to the United States Biological survey that the state be divided into southern and northern zones --for duck hunting purposes. 1 Mrs. Mary Mason returned Mon-- | day after two weeks lboemm ; guest of relatives in Chicago while Hoping to remedy by law existing climatic n_nd _geographical inequali-- Non--fiction--Pupin, The new Re-- formation, My Chinese Marriage. A true and facinating story of the marriage of an American college girl and a Chinese student. Foy, Clowning Through Life. Harris, The Happy gflefimn Leacock, Short Circuits. Vestal, Kit Carson--The Happy Warrior of the Old West. Parlette, A Globe Trotter's Diary. Jacobs--Bond, The Roads of Melody. Carrie Jacobs--Bond, -- who wrote, "End of Perfect Day" here tells her. story. ®*with many beautiful in color. Fiction--Huxley, Point Counter-- point. Dell, The Gate Marked "Pri-- vate". Jameson, Farewell to Youth. Williams, The Dreadful Night.,Par-- menter, One Wide River to Cross. Wodehouse, Money for Nothing. Op-- penheim, Matorni's Vineyard. 'CLIVE BROOKS and IRENE Mrs. Edna Burdick of New York, who was called here by the illness of her mother, is staying at the home lofhututbu.c.l.(hm.- + _ Mrs. Florence Schroeder and chil-- dren of Half Day are the week ltthihuoolm»o-' der's sister, Mrs. Roy Waters. ' Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Brown lnd' son Albert and Mrs, Brown's father, Mr. Lemke, called on Mr. and Mrs. dfl:rry Harrison, of Waukegan Tues-- Yy. -- attending the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Louis Bockelman and d ter of Chicago spent Sunday "None But the Saturday, Nov. 24th. SALLY PHIPPS, in a joyous sparkling comedy Added: A Daniel Frohman playlet, They fight for what they can't steal. Rough, uncouth, ruthless men who answer the urge to go. A great detective story. --«Also Review and Fable. WALLACE BEERY, RICH-- ARD _ ARLEN, LOUISE BROOKS, IN "Beggars Of Life" ~ _ Nov. 22. 'The Perfect A Jim Tully story. A Paramount Picture. "TWO MASTERS" Brave" Also comedy. , in NEW BOOKS 99 already been | 8PO and through Frees the s the ,m''mtomn n%i::,-l,'.'fi:%" mkd Pepper Rub, made from .dm','l!dn.&'umlimeumydmg All area be.| 89¢ a jar at once. Use it for onsidareq ;. | umbego, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, _ When you are suffering with rheu-- 'mi.nmculnrdlygetuonnd tlzked Pepper Rub and you will ve quickest relief known. Nothing has such concentrated, pene-- trating heat as red peppers. Instant re-- lief. Just as soon as you a Red lkppcknbmfe_elthet' ing heat. In .three minutes it warms tht sore Slood eirpubstion brests ap the conger: ion, breaks up the conges-- tion--and the old rheumatism torture " howi les Red Pepper Rub, made from Mn.&%.mlmleumy drug lumbago, .j""h'.cm'i.e.u"eai'&' neuritis, stiff n sore muscles, colds in chest Aimost _gldid.'lh.nm Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowles get the genuine, with the name Rowle: en each package. The only time a fellow can afford to be funny is after he has made all the money he is going to need. After a girl has waited for the fairy prince to come and fly away with her she winds up by marrying an ordinary two--legged mutt who chews tobacco and eats onions. Saturday, Dec. 15th. Fancy good and bakery sale by the Ladies' Aid of the First Metho-- dist Church in the church pariors. Wednesday, December 5th. Annual bazaar by the ladigll" of 5t. John's Lutheran church. Lunch at 11:00. Light gupper in the even-- ing. Thursday, December i3th. Annual bazaar and dinner ii'ven by the Woman's Guild of St. Law-- rence's church at the parish house. Thursday, November 22nd. _ Annual h.'uu axnd chicken sup-- rociecy at the wesemn hall. an van-- mfiu of all kinmds. Free pro-- |imn by members of the dramatic club in the evening, _ Sunday, Dec.. 2nd. A musical concert will be given in the Methodist church by musi-- cians from Zion City on Sunday evening, December 2nd. Thursday, Nov. 22nd. Illustrated lecture at St. John's Lutheran church by Rev. O. Erbe, 't,nveler_a.d lecturer, beginning at of Lamb, 5 to 6 Lbs. ea ll;:f Lb. .m.;..,""'"_fl_wm... These are cut from Home Grown Lambs. Joseph's hall. . Frank Wallin's or-- ____ SPECIAL BARGAINS IN MEATS Breast of Lamb or Veal Stew Per Lb. _.....0...0.0000000000000000 1 Can Sani--flush, Regular Price 25¢ 1 Can Boline, Regular Price 25¢ _ 1 Can Malo (the greatest water softener made) Regular price 10c , AI ROF ... 0000000000000 wc 2 Large Size Gold Dust for i y 45c RED PEPPERS END RHEUVMATIC PAng , Nov. 22nd.° Fimw"mmdn.dmug,. tyville Country Club at St. Law-- TRIGGS & JOHNSON Soap For All Purposes ind 8 Bars Jap Rose Soap $LOP .nnz 1 Bar Jap Rose Free 4 Bars Kirks Hard Water Castile Soap . ....______. 2 Large Size Packages American Family Chips O e 97(: 1 Bar Jap Rose Soap Free 5 Packages Medium Size Ameri-- Family Chips O e l.m 1 Bar Kirks Hard Water Castile Soap Free 1 Bar Free 48 Preiih 10 American Family Soap . fOP .2 l wc 1 Bar Kirks Hard Water Castile Dinner --at at at Si. Yellow Cah S N OW ' Just Call 306 when you want Taxi.service and we will do the rest. ers of airplanes and their guests, was all that BHarrington requifed, were surprised to learn tnat there is lrulneedlntl}ephlctgou"fa ped landing field Business men who went to the meeting with the thought that a few wuotlevelmunduununmenq cy landing field, or a field for the lcewl.modatQauo(eommumtym-I chamber was given over to a consid-- eration of the necessity for and pos-- sibility of obtaining an airplane land-- ing field near' the | village. Major Bromberg and Captain Royal Allen, state aircraft advisor,--gave the local of the requirements of aircraft, as to landing fields, and the benefits that would acerue to the community pro-- Authorized Capital $1,000,000.00 __ You can become a Subscriber for as low as $5.00 Per Month Our members last year earned over 8% JOIN TODAY! The Libertyville Building and Loan As'sn. Subscriptions CAN BE MADE NOW "A New Series Opened OCTOBER 1st For Shares in Our Association 'atel" 25 c and thoroughly equip-- 18c "After taking Foley Pills diuretic for a time I became all right, and | THEM IN TIME When Chas. McAllister, Kearny, 'P.l..'lt.,o !uch?& the point where he drag tired, aching, weary body from a well--nigh lleepfus bed, he did a wise thing--bought a bottle 2{ 'Foby Pills diuréetic, and then: DON'T WAIT--TAKE we are the local dealers for "Garden City" products which -- are "Stone-- kote" for exterior work, _ "Kolorkote" for interior and "Brushkote" for re-- touching old exter-- ior stucco work. Ed. _ Topel's -- new Spanish ho me in Sunnyside is beginn-- ing to look more like a completed job ev-- ery day. Ed. (better known as "Ba d Luck") used Garden City "Stonekote" for his exterior stucco. We might add that ".iu a little quiet giggling. speaks with praise of a "joint Ming of womens' styles." Not knowing exactly what is meant we in beginning, elementary or advanced work Commercial Courses Positions secured for graduates. Night School beginning September 14. terest of the people Published in the in-- Libertyville LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO. Bank Promptly Bank Conveniently Bank Safely ... ... McDONALD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL O. A. Newsom, EDITORIAL Vol. 1. The Four By Six _ . tocledtedadades First National Bank Capital And Surplus $110.000.00 Libertyville, Illinois you called in person. alert and willing service as if mail box. You'll get just BANK WITH US BY MAIL! dependable bank through your by banking with this always-- paper 811 W. Park Ave. Register Now It is reported that LIBERTYViLLE a scientific Senator LUMBRER CO. is preparing a bill "Down by the e prohibit the use of/ . depot -- Been the poison in cosmeticy | twenty years." We need better tast-- Libertyvilie, HL ing lip--sticks too & + " You can estimate the size of a town. The smaller the pop-- ulation, the bigger the municipal slogan sounds. We will cheerfully concede that some days must be dark and very dreary, but that ought to be enough. We like your trade and believe we ap-- preciate it about as much as the average retail lumber con-- cern, or maybe a lit-- tle better. That is the reason we try to have our--service al-- ways a little better than the average. They are now build-- tels with rooms so small that they fold into the walls when not in use. November?'17, 1928 COURSES my kidney distress, pain and weak-- ness are all gone." © Cost little. Sat-- isfaction guaranteed. Men and wo-- men everywhere use and recommend them.--Sold Everywhere. « It is getting so that it would seeamn as strange to think of Thnnhfih without football as it would <to think of it without turkey. Phone 130 Mystery Another thing fath-- er can't understand is how son manages to save enough gas-- oline to get the car into the carage. Treat men like if you'd have be men. flle':!yuitdflil days of old, especial-- ly courtesy to strangers in your community. rock and yet it car be sawed and nailed just like a big sheet of humber. In modern business, suggest "Gypslite" Plaster Board. With it you can make an extra room at very s mall ex peuse. "Gypslite" _ Plaster For that attic or un-- Phone 47 and 48 PAGE FIVE E:

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