Mr. W. A. Nicholas and Edgar Wells o© Lake Forest returned Sun-- day from a ten day hunting trip in * the southen part of Iilinois. © Mrs, Chas. Bernard and Mrs. Mark Neville were Waukegan shop-- pers Monday. Miss Helen Mors spent the week end at the home of Celia Murphy of Chicago. . Mrs. John Numsen visited Tues day with Mrs. Holt of Waukegan. day Bradley Andrews was a shopper Monday. Mr. and Mrs3. Emil Mesenbrink visited relatives in Grayslake Sun-- The proven remedy for Colds, LaGrippe, Influ-- enza and Neuralgia. If taken in time they will prove 100% efficient Sold on a money back guarantee. Cold Capsules Winter Colds LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK meet 1114 \ "~ easy and certain way to save is to join one of our savings clubs arranged to best eet your earnings. Start now and next Christ-- as you'll have shopping moriey plus interest. Per Box 50¢ . B. Lovell Co. Capital And Surplus $150,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois Three per cent interest added. 10¢ 25¢ a week Respond quickly to Mr. and Mrs. O'"Toole of Winne-- tka were Sunday callers at the L. J. Wertzler home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ayres of Lake Street visited with relatives in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Frank Baumgartner, Jr. and Miss Alice Purkiss were Waukegan shoppers Tuesday. daughter, Mrs. Perry Wailto! Waukegan S\mday.n'y ® was a guest last week at the Albert Mthom. Miss Alva Leighton of 'Janes-- ville spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Roy Waters. visited -- her Mrs. PFrank J. Druba, who has been ill at her home for the past month, was taken to the Condell Memorial hospital Friday evening where she is now under observa-- tion and treatment. Her condition is reported as gradually improving. Mrs. Lee Ames and son, Ralph, of Athens, Wisconsin who hav« been spending= the t few days with friends here amf":t Mundelein, left Monday, by motor for their home. + al _ Mrs® Margarie Mernes who has been living for the past two years on Appley Avenue moved Monday to Cicero where she with her hus-- band and three children will make their home. ht CEapRTmT ToDk 4 GCB~ day for _ Rapid River, Michigan where she will spend a few days with her daughter, Marie, who is a teacher of French in the High School there. °* Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Steele and two sons of Kewaunee, Illinois will be Thanksgiving ts at the F. J. Wright home. LJr. and Mrs. Steele were former Libertyville residents. Dr. Galloway _ returned home '.\l.mrlay from a two week deer hunting trip in Iron Mo ntain, M1i-- chigan. The date of tr:e annual venison banquet® has not yet been announced. Mrs. G. A. Gregory forme Racine has moved to 201 Grange Ave., Apartment 1, Falls, South Dakota. _ Mrs. o?lr has many friends in L ville. . Mr. and Mrs. M. Stoll of Lincoin, Slnoia arrived here M for an tended visit with their r, Mrs. Nettie Simons, who is a teach-- er in the Mr. and Mrs. John Plumer who have hbeen visiting for thegut few days at the home of Fred C. Wach-- ter_returned Tuesday to their home in Moroceo, Indiana. Mr. Wm. Decker returned Mon-- day from Southern Illinois where he has been duck and quail hunting for the past ten days. u'l'- and Mrs. Roy H. Long are e proud parents of a six pound baby girl, born November 25th. The new arrival has been named Virginia Ellen. Mrs. Frank J. Druba Miss Effie Long of Kansas City, Mo. is spending a few weeks with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy H Long. Mr. and Mrs, James Weart, J;~., will spend Thanksgiving in Ocon-- omowac, _ Wisconsin _ with _ Mr. Weart's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ney Lamb of Gur-- nee were Sunday dinner guests at the William I. Collins home on West Cook Avenue. Mr. and. Mrs. Nickealoff and son, and Mrs. Charles Ward of Winches-- ter Rd. visited friends a't Western Springs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lecnard Disney Mr. and Mrs. James Matousek an« brother attended the Genesee Thea tre Sunday. Mrs. Howard Drake and three children will spend Thanksgiving with her husband at Wausaukee, Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Linders are spending two weeks in Joliet at the home of the latter's -- brother, Oscar Kaiser. Mrs. Clara Taylor left Sunday evening for San Benito, Texas where she will spend the winter months. Mrsi. Elizabeth Boehm left Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lusk of Wau-- kegan visited at the Thomas Var-- ney home on Lake Street Sunday.,, Mrs. O. Meyer and daughter. Berita, spent the week end in Chi-- cago with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham of Wauconda were callers at the Al-- bert Maether home Saturday after-- _ Mr, and Mrs. Harry Grinnel and sister of Kankakee visited with Guy !Grl_gul over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Numsen and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welch were Waukegan callers Saturday. The Misses Celia Kranig and Hil-- dagarde Becker attended the Chica-- go Theatre Sunday.afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pester and daughter, Bernice, were visitors at the William's home on Sunday. _ Mr, and John Numsen were gulu «'fi. and Mrs. ~Leowis Smidt in Waukegan. .« The Afternoon Bridge Club met at the home of Mrs. J. L. Clark of 114 Broadway Monday. . Elizabeth Boehm left Tues-- or _ Rapid -- River, Michigan To comn 1 1 Gregory formerly of to 201 S.ou regularly | I{{| . First show storts at.6546 -- 1, Sioux . Greg-- Liberty-- W ings s' I will nb longer be responsible for debts contracted by anyone but myself after November 26, 1928. Ralph Wehrenberg. CARD OF THANKs We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends for the kind-- ness and sympathy shown us in the loss of our mother. IN MEMORIAM _ _/ Caroline Saver In fond remembrance of our mo-- ther who passed away two years a-- go, November 29th. As years go by, we miss you so And wonder why you had to go. The children. CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks are extended to the friends, relatives and neighbors for the beautiful floral and spiri-- tual offerings and the kindness and sympathy shown in their sorrow for and at two o'clock Wednes-- day moon L2 u:';;dl" J. Wertzler, chairman of Cross here, u every Red Cross worker in uT' district to get their collections and member-- ships to her at once. The twelfth annual roll call closes Thanksgiv-- ing Day and the chairman must make her returns to headquarters soon thereafter. Two automobiles narrowly escap-- ed serious damage Monday evening 'when the fire truck turned south on Milwaukee avenue to answer a call to extinguish a fire on llc-; Kinley avenue. 5320 drivers of the | mnd\rnes failed to make way for the fire truck as required by the state law and it called forth all of Dick Earl's ability to avoid hitting them. Mayor Corlett and fire cheif Schneider have issued a warning to motorists to give a clear track to the fire truck when it is answ-- ering calls. Dec. 6--7th. 'ur dear beloved mother, Mrs. Re-- ekah Bilson. -- The Brockman, Hartman -- and Bilson Families. Th:iwpfloo{tho'lo:doutnbool are vinq ellow's immortal "Hiawatha mmolho'uu Tuesday evening at eight o'clock and again at two o'clock Wednes-- Tuesday--Wednesday Dec. 4--5th. Park, New York is in attendance. -- } Mrs. Harry Doane and Mrs. Anna Knapper of" Lake eva, were lrm- of Mrs. W. I. m'm ay afternoon. They made a tour of inspection of the new Public Ser-- "Loves of an Actress" Sunday--Monday, Dec. 2--3rd. Rex Bell, in a regular old-- fashioned Western -- drama, Big double feature program. Whether you're an ex--soldier or not, whether you "pariez-- vous" or not, here's a picture you'll love. Saturday, Dec. 1st. "Sally's Shoulders" Also cartoon comedy novelty. GEORGE BANCROFT, BETTY COMPSON, and BACLANOVA, in CLARA BOW, BUDDY ROGERS, in Also Review and Fable. * Beatrice Burton's novel of the jazz regime. "Madamoiselle [AUDITORIUM "The Girl Shy Cowboy of New York" Armentieres with LOIS WILSON and HUNTLEY GORDOX POLA NEGRI, in Nov. The Tennyson NOTICE «Friday Also family When Chas. McAllister, Kearny, N. J., reached the point where he hed to drag his tired, aching, weary body from a well--nigh sleepless bed, he did a wise thing--bought a bottle of Foley Pills diuretic, and then: "After taking Foley Pills diuretic for a time I became all right, and my kidney distress, pain and weak-- ness are all gone." Cost little. Sat-- isfaction guaranteed. Men and wo-- men everywhere use and recommend them.--Sold Everywhere. wha e o id 2 s SR ied Goods and bakery sale by the Ladies Aid of the First Methodist Episco-- pal church at Titus Brothers' elec-- tric shop. C aach.l Family Assortment of Fr ocolate Candy, Large 2/ Lb. Thursday, December ;:3th. Annual bazaar and dinner given by the Woman's Guild of St. Law-- rence's church at the parish house. St. John's Lutheran church. Lunch i.t 11:00. Light supper in the even-- ng. DON'T WAIT--TAKE Of all the goodies, you will find the best quality and selection at Triggs & Jo,!_mson. New Nuts of all kinds, Plum and Fig Puddings in 1 and 2 Lb. tins; Heinz & Club House Mince Meat in 1 and 2 Lb. tins; Cluster Raisins, Figs, Dates, Candied Cherries, Glazed Pineapple, Cit-- ron, Lemon and Orange Peel, Boiled Cider, Veg-- etables and Fruits of all kinds. We sell Crnaberries by the pound, NOT 45 by the Quart. 2 Libs. ......_.__._______.. C Delicious thick Pumpkin Pies made of the little pie pumpkins and spiced to the Queen's taste. Big generously filled Mince Pies made of Club House Mince Meat. Can't be made better in your own kitchen. ; Ducks, Geese, Chickens and Turkeys, freshly dressed and all cleaned, ready for the oven. _ mawita t 9t bie" Rondont en a xd' Health taik and demonstration at on a the Methodist Church at 8 o'clock. Saturday, December Only a Few More Days and Turkey Day will be here TRIGGS & JOHNSON for juniors on Saturday, December 1 with a full line of dresses, gloves, hose and undies. In connection with the Harriet Beauty Shop 420 NORTH MILWAUKEE AVENUE Family Assortment of Fresh Hand Made # _ & a# ~> , November 27th Announcing the opening of the THEM IN TIME Harriet Dress Shop 15--Fancy at Resth-- 28, 1928 8X OW' S _ Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. Yellow Gab Singmaster, _ What everybody wanted. Levanton, The Holiday. Rath, The Flying Courtship. Ad-- venture. y Ross, French Leave. "French Leave from Ireland to Paris," Marsh, Flash. The lead dog. Jordan, Miss Nobody from No-- where. . ! The following books of recent fiction have been -- received at the Cook Memorial Library: MeCutcheon, Blades, a Canadian i N l, xm u 0 a romance of China. s Monger, Diana of the "North Country. Wharton, The Children. fresh every week at 60c PER POUND, ~ We have a fres} supply of our high grade assorted hard cnnwgellt 40c per pound. _ . Shop located three doors north of new Public Service building. Wallace's Try our home made chocolate, at: bak very best of materials _1.00 2¢1 ¥ + book of this gifted author, .. Sing Sing lfi:. Three men are in Sing Sing--aill are writers--all awaiting execution foz the same crime--one is innocent--which? Daingerfield, Wilderness: House. [Sm.hid in an old Virginia man-- or house. > Benefield, A Little Clown Lost. _ Byrne, Destiny Bay, The last Bob Sitz informed W.. A. Nicholas be-- fore leaving for quail _ shooting in Southern TJlin o is that he should take plenty of salt, of which Bob dropped a ten pound sack in Nick's car -- before leaving. So all look forward to quail on toast upon Nick's EDITORIAL We have a friend who is a traveling salesman. His sole possesions are a nice car and a few elothes. He is not married. He has no near relatives. He lives in hotels. He has no home, not ev-- en a town which he calls his home town. He leads a care--free life but we do not envy him. terest of the people o en siie, ano in beginning, elementary or advanced work. : Commercial Courses Positions secured for graduates. Night School beginning September 14. McDONALD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Libertyville They Offer You The $implest, Safest, $urest and most Sensible plan for $aving Money that has Ever Been Devised. LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO. O. A. Newsom, Editor Vol. 1. The Four By Six First National Bank Make Yours a Merry Christmas Our 1929 Christmas Savings Clubs Capital And Surplus $110.000.00 Libertyville, Illinois O ME IN TO D A Y 6 ,/4 &47 ) 811 W. Park Ave. Register Now Maybe you do not feel that you can af-- ford hardwood floors Speaking of serious reading, how's this from y our bank, "A ceount over-- drawn "No, 'q uail on toast." Warren Nicholas "Is football your favorite game * Poor Farm -- was awarded to the firm of Yelden & Gors-- line of Libertyville, of which these two y oung men have been doing consider-- able work the past year and made won-- derful progress and outstanding work. Put It Of This is no time to start -- reducing Thanksgiving ahead. Charles" Herrington says: "A wife is a person who tells you when your hair needs cutting." The alteration and remodeling job at the Lake County COURSES by joining Nov. 27, 1928 You:urlatu soon after January 1st, it will--be necessary to file your plication now. A. R. Behubz-, 350 No. Milwaukee Ave., Liberty-- AUTOMOBLE 1929 automobile license applica-- ! Wi'_ve»m it again | right now to floor | your -- house with !hardwoodfloor& | Song of the Knocker | The art of soft soap |\ _ spreading is a A mock wedd inz may be a huge joke but a real one isn't Fill your coal bins with our best coal, Bituminous and An-- thracite. Phone 130 m a s s earl $" y." opp} p i n & But the for the whole house. Start with one room and note the differ-- ence, as the time is LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO. Libertyville, ML Phone 47 and 48 and stales, wields the ham-- mer is the one that; drives the by No. 47 ##