tss " _ THE SOLDIER BONUS \sae _ In the opinion of a great many so--called wise bple the bonus for ex--service tmen is deemed a matter P c ty and these people when discussing the question team again defeated the Franklin A. 4 of West Allisby a score of 25--12 the Auditorium Thursday night. _ The West Allis team started the -- BASKET BALL | ~. Libertyville town téam were victor-- \ By playing a fast game the Fould's _some evidences of stage fright _ To give axa ex--soldier who fougnt in the world--war a bo for the part he played is no more a matter of wharity than it would be to --pa;: any man for the ser-- he performed after being engaged to perform them. t the latter would be an ordinary transaction, the kind wgmuy. The service rendered by the dier is extraordinary; it is one wherein the soldier's i *ntuhiminpmlen:mtoumm t such an opinion is wrong, and we trust no Libur.y-- gitizen looks on the bonus in such a light, ) is directly ab.stake"And ne undertakes this risk for a s pittance. 'There could not be commensurate pay service of this kind in the ordinary business sense. Fhere is a heroism and a bravery connected with the '.~ It is due the ex--service man to have a bonus and a od one. Mrhhdthfitmifldnyhnutme«i me, thousands of them, to find themseives without night. Some say they looked "us players," but anyhow they eat the girls team from Grayslake, by a score of 13--1. « 'They surprised the crowd by the ip they put in the game and the nad they showed in the play.. . ngagement to render the service that the soldier gives whould receive any reasonable bonus that can be en and there is not an iota of charity connected Entered as second--class matter October 13, 1916, at at Libertyville, Illinois, under Act of March 19. Issued twite weekly. * ans. Although they . were the lngre they dhd tiine 200d Maving. Rittler r g Boyd 1 & he ~visitors were . handicaped by small floor, In spite of this they red 'a fast hard game securing scheduled will be well worth whilt the . should improve for ir debut was made apparant by with the intention of wiping out | 's victory :-m: -u:."n;; getting mfiu it was Fould's nll!, t play was similar to that of a ago in that Mason, Dasher and KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers ser did the scoriag for Fould's the --close guardiag of Cariton, 6t and Hoskins held the opposi-- . weturn game will be played at Deerfield gymnasium on March 14. #our feld goals. _ * g'lg......l 0 0 0 Fould's giris made their first es 'to be a team of finished and .gave. the _game _ plenty r 1 1 f 1 £ ) 1 & I & 11 Young did Baskets Free Throws Baskets -- Free Throws 12. 11 io Waukegan Weekly Gasette Established 1850 H. JUST, Editor Hl Ray Furniture & Paint Store l1 --PHONE 9 + ols _ UBERTYVILLE * Libertyville people aside from the teachers. in both . schools. Among gou wb"':ul were Mrs. G. C. ridley, 'i b l&:r. Mrs. Lioyd Regse, Mrs: 4. Sive: George % o orse, Mrs. George Berfldge, Mrcl. MoWne Procior, Mrs. Colby and Mr. Averill. The mid--year teachers' meeting of Lake county, which happens every year about this time of the year is in session and the first day's meeting was held Thursday at Lake Forest, at the Groten school building. BIG ATTENDANCE AT MID-- YEAR TEACHERS' MEETING very best. .Herman Walker led the Einging. Dr, L C. Lord of Charleston, II1., gave a address on motives of_wn'fi.'hue H. White of Pittsburgh on the success of teaching and ip. Mr. White whmm'm and negative traits in people, point-- ing out ways of correcting them. Hon. » The entire program was of the LAWS AND CHEATING : Will -- Attorney _ General Daugherty' s campaign against pmflmflfi; amount to anything? That is the question intere more than: one Libertyville family now, just AS it interests every family that finds the biggest part of its income going for food and elothing. 7 * * * We believe Mr. Daugherty has started at the wrong, derman. .. _ _ ] end of the line. The American people has fallen into al Fannie E.'Und'cnun ;u;' made a habit of blaming everythiny on the man who runs t.'nc' reputation @s m .reader of her own retail store, and like Mr. Daugherty, they are largely ::'m '*W 'Mustrate® wrong-- in --their -- presumption: --If--a----man -- M'-Lm'm* "3':1"% overcharges for his merchandise his Mrsf'o,. chnmiflfiiuiflni t p':-o-' get wise and take their trade somewhere Qlle.i grams. She hhas given ' suc-- so as a general rule the storekeeper, knowing this, has| cess before élubs where she has ap-- geased to be a party--to high--handed methods, u,md., peared frequently, "ievastaive d °_ he ever did indulge in them. The whole question of| -- Mrs. Linderman has studied with profiteering might best be left to the individual and to| the greatest teachers in dramatic art the normal adjusthisnt of trade. For with each pur--| Poth in this country and abroad, and chaser insisting upon value for hnis money, and "'%hl :::lfl to her 'audience a knowledge merchant refusing to pay producers and the nlddle-! um':ng:" quite As mfi.' men excessiye profits, the mattér of retail prices will | attention m ":' M Ai adjust Itself. i ine !iterary 'public: _A _ L..=, | mumber of her'poems have been iny We still contend that to stop profitecring entirely | cluded in & volume of lyric yerse by it is necessary to start in at the head of the stream--| American authors soon to be publish-- to check up on the manufacturer and, above all else, to| ed in Europe. She comes well recom-- We still contend that to stop profiteering entirely it is necessary to start in at the head of the stream-- to check up on the manufacturer and, above all else, to cut off all the middle--men possible. The retail mer-- chant, after a manufactured product has passed through a half--dozen hands gets less profit for the article th@n any of those who had any part in its handling. -- So, Mr. Daugherty's attempt will probabl; amount to nothing until he starts his probe higher up. a attendance of Washing Machines W. E. DECKER TAKES % « .---- PARTNER IN BUSINESS Mark Neville has purchased a halti interest in Decker's drug store, ef-- fective March 1. ~Mr.Neville is a registered pharmacist and well known here, having been in <the employ of Decker's drug store previous to his enlistment in the army in 1917. He is a graduate of the Illinois college of. Pnarmacy, and has had a wide ex-- perifence in the drug business for the past eight years. Until recently he held a position with the Pearce Drug company of Waukgan. He alszo takes over Robert Helton's interest in the Edison phorograph agency. Mr. Hel-- ton has taken'the local agency »for the Studebaker automobile. » In forming a pa tnership with Mr. Neville, Mr. Decker feels that the store can 'better render efficient ser-- vice at all times to their patrons. principal theme of all the addresses was work for the future. and im-- provement in methods of teaching, children and being able to: develop the best in them,. " /( A A New Price On We are Local Agents FOR THE Thor . Washing Machines reduced. See us for prices and terms before buy-- ing elsewhere. Semonstration in your home if desired -- Thor Electric Ironer Prices have been Fannie B, Linderman has made & reputation As m reader of her own composition. Her programs illustrate the versatility of--the artist, meeting all requirements of Civie badies, clubs day or churches requiring special pro-- grams, She has given unvarying suc-- cess before ¢lubs where she has ap-- Mrs, Linderman will be the fourtn church. 20th Firemen's Ball Remember-- this is the regualar Fireman's Dance. This means that no one will be permitted to go away without hnaving a good Friday, Mar. 17 will be a prize winning costume here #8¢ you, your wraps will be taken care of free of charge, Grayslake Opera House-- Dance Ticket 50¢ A Person Six Piece Orchestra To be given by the Volunteer Fire Company of Grayslake OPEN number of the community Entertain-- ment Course which is being spoasored by the Epworth League of the M. E. .~.'The list of candidates for~the of-- fice of sheriff narrowed down one to-- day, when T. J. Stahi, local real es-- tate man who'had been urged --by friends to enter<the race, formally an-- nounegd. his withdrawal. . His open ietter follows: "I wish to announce to the 'voters of Waukegan and Lake county that I have décided to formally withdraw my name as a candidate for the office of sheriff at the connty primaries. on my time, which our present brok erage business requires, together with the help I feel obligated to give to dur Kenogsh« ~office,_aince the serious mecident to my brother, A. F. Stahi, of. that city, has forced me to this decision. "I feel deeply gratefulto my many friends who urged my candidacy and for the many pledges of support that have come to me unsolicited from all parts of the county, but in Justice to myself and my business associates I feel I must decline to enter the race, at this time." -- taken care of free of charge. More than a dozen prize groups have been arranged andiall but a few are cash' prizes. Above all MM&}& will be a supper served at midnight. your auto ox horses will also be MONDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS FF a 99 reader, ~at --M; --E:--~ church. Fourth number of community entertainment only semi--weekly newspaper in fiu'DAY AND NIGHI TAXI SERVICE counity. > . * ris' Phone Libertyville, 806--M ° LIVE STOCK BOUGHT & SOLD Frances rin and Bulls For Sale WsKl buy Calves and Cattle sremne BEHM & HOULIHAN Phones 261--W--1 and 124R Libertyville -- -- -- . II Two new houses on Fourth Street that we will sell right. These were built by us of best materials and by labor on day basis. mmamumn-mu'?'im.acm bedrooms on second. floor. "-hb% cemented _ basement. ~ §42000¢ " Phat parprent $1000.00. " Bolance gasy. "Will pat in farnace for $150.00 exun. |. : .. _' 4 Phone 80 AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO Libertyvillé When your friend has a birthday At the request of a great number of Libertyville Ice Customers, P have decided to enxtge in the ice business for myself commencing pril Ist. -- I have a record of 5 years.of delivery without missing a trip--That's Service. My motto of "The right weight is the right way" ---{'hat's Business. Flowers for any occasion delivered by wire in any part of the U. S. " was LIBERTYYILLE, ILLINOIG ; Greenhouse Phone 174--J -- Res. Phone 221R--2 May I continue to serve you this season? Call 298--M--2 Say It :with Flowers We are making a substantial reduction in personal laundry bun. dies and in family wash service to fit the needs of every house-- the one you prefer. Either service is a distinet saving over any ofiormyne-p_}dhlthmwmm On all bundles from 7 lbs. to 22 lbs. PFOF BB .. ... ... 2 1. nlrthene.1,.... ael secittide. Al ironed and wearing apparel starched where need-- ...,."&'.'.'I" # 69 . Your entire wash finished complete, including uw shirts, péF J "_"___._".................«._.. l" This sarvice must include all your fAdtwork, as well as wear-- ing apparel. + oc -- 25 lbe .___ Over 25 lbs, 5¢ per Ib. No articles marked, each bundle sorted as to colors washed separately, One day service. FAMILY SERVICE NO. 4 Damp wash with Aatwork ironed 'l , PB Wl wenesin--read on ie nentmcurcomtomniipmetirranes ces firenicrctnintttth ® Flatwork pleces ironed 5e per tb. extra. One diay service Tuesday, Margh 1 Reduction in Laundry Prices _----«Notice---- To Ice Consumers JOSEPH KOHOUT Sidney Meaker ICE DEALER author and FAMILY SERYVICE NO, 1 FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2 FAMILY SERYVICE NO. 3 HOUSES FORSALE Over 25 lbs, 10¢ per ib. R. Schnaebele, Notary Public, Regis-- ter Libertyville, TL $1.25 $1.25 s d A1ALlc¢