FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Charles J. Dickey, Pastor Phone 112--J. Juck Briédford, choir director. Mrs. Lyell Morris, organist. Services for Sunday, April 30th. 10 a, m.--Sunday scaool, D. A. Young, general superintendent. 6:30 p. m.--Epworth League de-- votional meeting, Miss Eva Williams president. Topic, "Growing a Char-- acter--the Soil." Leader, Rev. Hill. 7:30 p. m.--Service of song ,ser-- mon and inspiraion. Music by the choir. 11 a. m.--Public worship. Music by the chior, sermon by _the pastor. services The Ladies Aid society meets in the church on Tuesday afternoon, May 2, at 2:30. All the ladies are invited. _ The preparatory membership class meets the pastor in the gym on Wed-- nesday afternoon at 4 o'clpcg Wednesday evening at 7:30 mid-- week meeting for prayer, Bible study and fellowship. Studies in the Old Testament. The monthly meeting of the official board following the prayer meeting. Important business, all members urged to be present. Preaching 11 a, m. Children's ser-- mon. Topic of the morning message: "The Water of Life." Good music. A cordial welcome to all. Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Topic, "Applying Religion to Every Day Life," Leader, Miss Blanche PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sabbath, April 30, 1922. Earl C. Morgan, Pastor, Sapbath senool 9:45 a. m. W. G. Wells, superintendent. Attendance is still growing. Yes, there is a class for you. Osborne. Preacaing 7:30 p. m. Topic of the sermon: "The Message of Habakuk." Boy Scouts meet Tuesday evening in conjunction with a meeting of the Libertyville Local Council, B. S. A., No. 383. Special announcements have been sent out to all members. "L-dieow 7'" society will meet Thursday, May 4. Further announce-- ments will be made from the puipit Camp Fire Girls meet at the manse on' Tuesday evening, May 2. Business to be transacted. Prayer meeting Wednesday, May 3. Topic, "What Do You Know About Your Denomination !" ST. LAWRENCE'S CHURCH April 30. Second Sunday after Easter Children's Eucharist at 10 o'ciock. Morning prayer and sermon at 11. Sermon subject, '"The Individual and the Masses." _ For the offertory the choir will sing Gounod's Praise Ye the Father. Well known hymns. All welcome. County of Lake ) In the Cireuit Court of Lake County To the Special Jure Term A. D. 1922 State of lllinois *Frank N. Tomlinson, William E. Moss and Frederick B. Harper, Trustee William W. Newcomb, Maggie Rutledge, Kate Frawley, Margaret J. Bils, Kate F. E. Howland, Annie L. Lennon, Executrix of the estate of Catherize Clancey, deceased, Lee 8. McCollester, Amelia M. Carey, Florence M. Smith, Fred G. Mulli-- ken, Harry B. Mulliken, Agnes S. Everts, Rodoiphia Smith. C. A. Newcomb Jr., Helen M. Wells, Har-- riet D. Jones, Bessic F. Marston, Mrs. F. S. Avery, Corinme C. Bush, Margaret McGlogan, Sarah J. Lane, L. N. Allen, H. R. Abbott, Freder-- ick T. Buchanan, Sarah R. Reddick, Maude Messenger, Charles B. Trow-- bridge, Scnh_chber, D. A. Tom-- linson, Francés Reaume, V Reaume, Charlotte Grossbeck E. Kerwin, Frances E. Riggs, W. E. Barie, William O'Leary, Waiter Mac-- Farlane, _ Park Mathewson Jr., & MB NTTEY 2CE ce in fltsn ETT Grace Bowen, Howard H. Newcomb, | Mary Newcomb Fuller, C. Weldon' Tomlinson, Frances C. Tomlinson,| Henry M. Smith, Hattie Silberman, | Harry L. Bird, James G. Walker,| Rober: J. Thompson, Caroline Erv-- ing, Annie Boessig, Minnice K. Dres-- back, Frank S. Clark, R. B. Hubbard, Clarence Huriley, William A. Tnorpe, Trustee, Alfred Carter, Executor of estate oflz.dP. Carter, deceased, Frank N. ng, J. Snerman Field, George W. Williams Maggie W. Doyle, Howard C. N. Ripley, Ruth N. ) Anthony, Fred E. Harvey, Elizabeth A. G. Hulbert, Mrs, M. A. McD. Lennon, Henry P. Cobb, Mina R. Hurd, Executrix of the estate of John Hurd, deceased, Fred E. Van Alstyne, Sarah R. Keck. J. L. Hudson Co., a corporation, Richard Mrs. M. H. Hardy, Olive A. Phelps, John C. Obert, Lizzie F. Trow, Fred-- erick B. Harper, Lillian Cofney, William A. Thorpe, Clata E. Patter-- son, James Parrott, Maggie Patter-- You are cordially invikted to these F. Hoy, Matilda A. Wain, Albert M. Field, J. H. Gould, Lina S. Hatt, (. CHUBRCH szon, Fannie G LIBEBRTYVILLE CHURCHBS Francds Reaume, Virginia NOTICE vs Jennie S. P. i exb€utor of An nie ]ceased. "Unknown heirs or legatees | of Adelaide J. Hivbard, deceased," 1"Unkmwn heirs or legatees of | Charles P. Russell, deceased," "Un-- | known heirs or legatees of Kate J. Major, deceased," "Unknown heirs 1or legatees of Jennie Y. Newcomb, | deceased," _ "Unknown -- heirs _ or |legatees of Electa Foster, deceased," estate of Elizabeth Reduer, deceased, Alice P. Snick, Florence Greenman, Mrs, J. H. Shick, Mrs, Cephise A-- Banister, Frances E. Riggs, Olive McMillen,, Alice A. McMilien, Mar-- garet J. B. Lisner, Major 8. Cook,|line Irving, Anna Boessig, Minnie James A. Cook, Louise ml K. Dresback, Frank 8. Clark, R. B. McLaren, Gertrude McLaren, Ja&ne| Hubbard, Clarenaog Hurktey, William McLaren _ Hopper, Charles !l.l A. Thorpe, Trustee, Alfred Carter, Buffington, Mrs. Lillie C.| Executor of estate of W. P. Carter, Burns, Lillie Bennett, William L.| Frank N. Lansing, William _ A. Hibbard, -- Kate McMillien Mackay,| Thorpe, J. Sherman Field, George Kate Mapley Corbe.t, William B.! W. Williams, Maggie W. Doyle, Newcomb, F. N. Tomlinson, Trustee,| Howard C. N, Ripley, Ruth N. An-- Charles N. Ripley, Executor of the| thony, Fred: E. Harvey, Elizabeth estate of Sarah J. Newcomb, de--| A. C. Hulbert, Mrs. M. A. McD. "Unknowa heirs or . legatees of Louisa Beechey, deceased." "Un-- known heirs or legatees of Nellie Stimson, deceased," "Unknown heirs or legatees of Mary Williams, de-- ceased," "Unknown heirs or legutees of Emma A. Milliken, deceased," "Unknown heirs or legatees of Alice Smith, Fred G. Mulliken, Harry B. Mulliken, Agnes S. Everts, Rodo!-- phis Smitr, C. A. Newcomb Jr., Helern M. Wells, Harriee D. Jones. Mrs. F. S. Avery, Corinne C. Bush, | Margaret McGiogan, Sarah J. Lane, L. N. Allen, H. R. Abbott, Frederick \ T. Buchanan, Sarah R. 1';&. | Mazrde Messenger, Sarah y | Frances Reaume, Virginia Reaume, P. Eastman, deceased," "Unknown legatees under wills of Catherine Clancey, W. P. Carter, John Hurd, Elizabeth Redner, S. W. McCollester, Sarah J. Newcomb, Sarah E. Trow-- bridge, Pheobe Mclvor, or C. A. Newcomb, respectively, _ deceased," and "Unknown holders of any of certificates of Tomlinson & Moss Profit Sharing Iavestment Certifi-- cates, Series B. numbered from 405 to 1044 both inclusive." Clarence W. Wilkes, Executor of the estate of Kate J. Major, de-- ceased, William W. Newcomb, Exec-- utor of estate of C. A. Newcomb, deceased, C. A. Newcomb Jr., Exec-- utor of estate of C. A. Newcomb, deceased, Lee McCollester, Executor of the estate of S. W. McCollester, deceased. IN CHANCERY General Number 12176. Satisfactory affidavit naving been filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court that the defendants, William W. Newcomb, Maggie Rut-- ledge, Kate Frawley, Kate F. E. Howland, Annie L. Lennon, Exec-- Clancey, deceased, Lee S. McColles ter, Amelia M. Cary, Florénce M. Charlotte Groesbeck, Annie E. Ker-- win, Frances E. Riggs, W. E. Barie, William OTeary, Waiter MacFar-- lane, Park Mathewson Jr.,{-- Grace US BOYS Phone 39 Schanck Hardware Co. Sterling Washers Electric -- $75.00 Power =-- $47.50 Bowen, Howard R. Newcomb, Mary Newcomb Fuller, C. Weldon Tom-- linson, Henry M. Smith, Hattie Sil-- berman, Harry L. Bird, James G. Walker, Robert J. Thompson, Caro-- line Irving, Anna Boessig, Minnie thony, Fred' E. Harvey, Elizabeth . V;ipn peuy, No-"o;n can -- keep me[ A. G. Hulbert, Mrs. M. A. McD. from it except the undertaker. Why, Lennon, Henry P. Cobb, Mina R. » :o vear" that's the meet of the year. Hurd, Fred E. Van Alstyne, Sarah _ ; ; R. Keek, J. L. Hudson Co., Riena--d . Remember how we kr'\ocked e:r'x, F. Hoy, Matilda A. Wain, Albert for two football game-- last year? M. Field, J. H. Gould, Lina 8. Hut, _ "And they invaded «s for . two Olive A. Phelps, John C. Obert,| basketball games'this winter? So Lizzie ¥. Trow, Frederick B. Harp-- you see our reputation is at stake er, Lillian Conney, Clara E. Pat-- next Wednesday." terson, James Parrott, Maggie Pat-- "On, there's no.CBu>e for worry, terson, Fannie Gregory, Jennie S. P. our fellows will kmock e '|' out of Thiers. D. C. Griffin, Executor of Des Plaines and leavs them with| estate of Elizabeth Redner, deceased, only 'Des Paines.'" Alice P. Shick, Florence Greenman,, ) "But the L. T. H. ~. men must Mrs. J. H. Shick, Frances E. Riggfl,ihavc tre whole school whi~d them, Olive / McMillen, | Alice MeMillen,| pushing, for pushing s=ver fails to| Margaret J. B. Lesner, Major S.| do the trick. 1 kfl/ how it feels | Cook, James A. Cook, Jane Mc--|to hear the whole gehoo' yelling and | Laren Hopper, Charles H. Bufi'-t io pick out one familiar voice from | ington, Lillie C.. Burns, Lillie| the girl you like just 1 little the | Bennett, -- Kate McMillen llacka_\'.! best, or from some teacher who you{ Kate Mabley Corbett, William B. ' thougat had it in for you, then you Newcomb, Charles N. Ripley, Exec--| make up your mind to show 'neri 1tor of estate of Sarah J. Newc:omb,'i you're some good ani your heart| deceased, Clarence W. Wilkes, Exec--| jumps up and down in your throat. ; utor of estate of Kate J. Major, de--|'Ain't it a grand and vlorious teel-i ceased, William W. Newcomb, Exec-- i ing?" So I'm tellin' the world I'll be | utor of the estate of C. A. New--| out algngside the other 199 students' comb, deceased, C. A. Newcomb Jr.,| and help push the fellows across the Fveentor of estate of C A. New~gtaoe." Gilbert Voelker, '22.! 'FHE Complainant's Solicitor LIBERTYVILLE Lewis O. Brockway, REGISTER SATURDAY, APRIL |MARQOON AD WHITE "Well what's all the excitement about next Wednesday '~ "On, aren't you wise to that, you're coming aren't you"" "Am 1% Oh Boy! !"\ be there with bells. No one can keep me from it except the undertaker. Why, that's the meet of the year." "And they invaded basketball games ' thi-- you see our reputatio next Wednesday." "Remember how we knocked 'em for two football game-- last year?" "And they invaded «s for . two basketball games'this winter? So vou see our reputation is at stake Antioch is expeeted :o send some very strong debaters and the con-- test will be most htereslt'ig It il: hoped that the le of rtyvi will take dvme of this op-- portunity and attend the debate. Admission only 2§ gents, aigh school students 15 cents. 'The debators have been greatly as-- Bryant, Miss Wilder and Miss Ru-- land who hfl'mnh.bhbdp. The alternates, Myrtle Hubbard and L. T. H. 8. Is Out To Win We are making a substantial reduction in personal laundry bun. d-.ihtdyfiuryi.q.hn__.ll_o_!m." the one 23 to 25 The. $2.50. Over 2% lbe. 10e per !b. All flatwork irom#d and wearing apparel starched where ed and dried. On all buailes from 7 lbe. to 22 lbe, Per lb. w es Your entire farmily wash finished complete, including soft nfl'fldm per t ______zz2 _ 180 This service maust include all your fiatwork, as well as wear-- ing appare! * 25 Ibs Damp Was Damp wash with flatwork ironed 25 lbe. o 22 Over 25 lbs, be per lb. No articles marked, each bundle sorted as to colors and xashed separately. One day service. FAMILY SERYVICE NO. 4 Flatwork pieges ironed 5e per Reduction in Laundry Prices reduced to 28c. Collars to 5¢, other articles in pro-- iliar voice from st a little the teacher who you r you. then you d to show her andi vour heart &A REAL DIPLOMAT FAMILY SERYICE NO. 1 FAMILY SERVICE NO. 2 FAMILY SERVICE NO. 3 men must ind them, 'r fails to v_ it feels elling and The Reliable Laundry HIGHLAND PARK AND LIBERTYVILLE Launderers Dry Cleaners and Dyers Everything is "set" for Fric night and all that is needed is :| largest, most emthusiastic and m appreciative audience ever. Mildred Porteous have been u. ing in their efforts to build up argument» of their side. Libertyville Phone 67--R Highland Park Phone 178--179 2. Waen anyone is waiting to play, players on court shall not play more than one set. 3. Tennis mets must be _ taken down at tne end of each day of play. 4. High -- sehool teachers and students shall have preference on the courts. Tennis Rules . L" 1. Tennis shoes must be worn by ,,, .. all players. TR Rules For Tennis Tournament. 1. A tennis tournament, consist-- ing of boys' singles, wirls' single, boys' doubles, girls' doubles and mixed doubles will be held starting May 8. 2. All players entering tourna-- ment must pay an entry fee of twenty--five cents with their entry slip. 3. All players must have their entry in by May 5. 4. Pairings for singles, aoubles, and mixed douales will be announced by May 12. 5. All preliminary and semi final games must be played and re sults turned in by May 30. 6. Tournament games may be played any time after pairings are announced and before May 30. June 2 8. Tournament players saall have preference over other players. _ Ah! The 26th of May is approach-- ing, how the Seniors will enjoy that date, no work! "Twill be glorious to rest their weary bones and brains, Prominent tailoring establishments are now swamped with orders --the dressmakers refuse to take any more contracts, and the fashion magazine" companies have been obliged to increase the number of copies by the hundred, such is the demand at Prom time. Senionmst;fglingudch heavy yoke of r burdens, bills! Mlhlthepormflewndcl"m backs" begin to look thin and flat. They must think of so many things before their sad departure. Funeral lb. extra. One day service Finals for meet will be played wers wills, kind "re-- , ete. 'Tis a weighty $1.25 $1.25 11¢ th la th Another one of those glorious and most elating weeks is nearly o'er, and none too soon eitner, ~everal faralities have resulted as usuai on the greater part of tne exam papers. However, we're still in good health because Miss Quinn is here to make as so. At present she is endeavoring to invent some formula for good-- naturedness, which seems to be lack-- ing in most everyonejthis week. If Miss Quinn fiads anythHing which will give the desired reslt, sae'd Detter make it"up in Iarge,quanlilies. as the demand will surely be enormous. L. T. H. S. received a copy of the Gilmer _ School News published weekly. High school friends con-- gratulate Miss Estrer Hodge '21, the clever and energetic teacher, for her success. Kathryn Halpin, typis; for the Nautilus, is putting in extra hours at her obedient Remington _ these days. William T. Lambrecht of Milwau kee and Susan AtRtnson of Toront( Canada. Adrian G. DeNorthall of Marion Ind.. and Esther L. Dundas of Mil waukee. Clarence Marcum and Elsie Doreen both of Milwaukee. Ray L. Meggison and Rose F. De-- Sonkup both of Milwaukee. Mike M. Maizin of Green Lake and Libbie Woif of Fond du Lac. John Kamensy of Milwaukee and Anna Rozbioj of Carrollville. Walter C. Litzke and Allene Tan-- ner. both of Milwaukee. William _ A. Devine and Sertba Stubbs, both of Milwaukee. Walter P. Wahner of Milwaukee and Anna Newbouse of North Mil-- Debators! How they < et--they find their we ce before a mirror em shaky in the kne MARRIAGE LICENSES their throats. By the tim ul the terrible tasks will d onee more the orator> v ace. The school wishe~ t e best success in . wi.~ lges over to their =: vbiscum, if you don't. Minnie Whitmore '21 sends greet-- 's from Otis, Colorado and a pic-- ce of the public school _ which wht be our half--sister as far as ks go. 4 Youminvitcd:cgmeto our factory for you ence requiremen au can select from our stoekof;hrgeflstofutylaatthefollowingpm When you come for fence, ask for one of our crowW bars, a useful tool on the {arm. We shall be glad to present you one free. 10 ft. wide _ $5.65; 12 ft. wide 2--pt. Hog, .____---- ___" _ $.9;$ STEEL LINE POSTS ____2%e '21;'_» %l::l' ------------ $0§ END POSTS .______$210 4--pt. Cattle _____________ $.25 CORNER POSTS ______$8.9 ADJUSTABLE STEEL DRIVEWAY GATES Painted _ --10 ft., $7.85; 12 ft., $8.60; 14 ft., $9.15; 16 ft., $9.80 Galvanized--10 ft., $9.30; 12 ft., $10.15; 14 ft., $10.85 16 ft., $11.66 BARBED WIRE, 80--rod spools: 7 bars, 26 in. high, 12 in. stays. ... 7 bars, 26 in. high, 7 in. stays. .. .29%4¢ 8 bars, 32 in. high, 12 in. stays. ... 8 bars, 32 in. high, 7 in. stays, ... e _9 bars, 42 in. high, 12 in. stays. . . .30¢ 9 bars, 42 in. high, 7 in. stays. .. .39¢ lObars,EOixnhigh,lZin.mys....m 10 bars, 50 in. high, 7 in. stays.... MEDIUM HEAVY POULTRY FENCE 14 bars, 46 in. high, smmys....m 16 bars, 58 in. high, 8 in. stays.... WIRE FENCE a Senior PLAIN STEEL DRIVEWAY GATES MEDIUM HEAVY STOCK FENCE 48 in. high $2.10; 60 in, high ___$2.56 AMERICAN WIRE FENCE CO. $5.65; 12 ft. wide _ $6.25; 14 ft. wide __$7.25 STEEL POULTRY GATES Libertyville, IlIl 1 prac-- leaves lumps this is 0 er, e at eam the and BY H. F. O'NEILL Lawson M. Luth and Meta Meek, both of Chicazo * Robert Packer and Francis -- Mifter, both of Milwaukee George H. (Gilder und Theima Bow» man, beth of Milwaukee, Lester D. Man and Sena Hansen, both of South Chicago | VETERINARY SURGEON |\Telephone 66 _ LIBERTYVILLE \ _ DR.J. L TAYLOR _ _ -- _ | Office in First National Bank Bidg 7 | Hours: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p. M < exian, Ix both First Nationa! Bank Building. Telephone 57 LIBERTYVILLE 161 Lincoln Ave DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY _ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ATTORNEY--AT--LAW Phone 163--J W. G. BRAGG Phene 304--R Carl Sand Alex Rapha W LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR ELHANAN W. COLBY C. B. OLNEY. D. V. K. Professional Services Assistant State Veterinarian ATTORNEY--AT--LA W B. H. MILLER LIBERTYVILLE M Milwa £/ Milwa M PAGE SE¥BN ff 1 Maric hica s Maur rt Dodge, Im . {-- Waukegan nnie Variti®, ind -- Gisella Phone 35 i+ Degro-- Ne Bend