% Mr, and Mrs. J, C, Doyle attended -- _' the baseball game at McHenry Sun-- 4 Mothers, all the family will want #o mee Mary Pickford in "Little Lord are visiting their son Morris at Free-- motored to Wheaton Saturday and ,gu-ku-um.nd James Van Plew. -- Miss Emma Fisher spent the week end visiting Des Plaines relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baurensmith and Mrs, M. Chandler and daughter Ruth motored to Wauconda Satur-- day eveniag. June meeting on Tuesday of last week at the Congregational church 2 Mr. ; i;huld Apphui: and family of Lake Forest spent Sun-- Mrs. George Ross spent Friday with Mrs. 8. Beers of Norwood Park. . Mrs. J, J. Rouse was a Chicago visitor Friday, -- Miss Helen Spate spent the week end with Miss Dorothy Harding. -- Rev, and Mrs. Barnett of Grays-- lake attended the Sunday evening Robert Aynsley, who has just re-- turned from Long Beach, California, spent Sunday visiting Area relatives, Miss Mary Rouse retirned home Saturdsay from Billings, Montana. _ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stark and sons motored to Waukesha Sunday. Wm. Browder spent Saturday in Mr. and Mrs, Winslow Dietz spent the week end with their daughter Mrs. Dobner of Wauconda. day between Libertyville and Mc-- MHenry, Libertyville won by a score of 12--13. in Mr. and Mrs. Dishinger and family spent Saturday evening in Wauke-- Mrs. Weber entertained Mr. and Mrs. O'Hern of Chicago on Sunday. Telephone 2139 J. M. GRAVES & SON Telephone us and we will call and give you an estimate ® All Work Guaranteed 823 N. West St. Waukegan Fwelve Area people attended the Townsend Smith was a Chicago Mrs. Metzner is visiting relatives Channing Barnes is on the sick Tar, Gravel and All Kinds of Area M. 1. CHANDLER Local Editor Phone 122J G. 0. Graves--1178--W at the H. C.: Meyer { .. . . Lucile Wagner.. Rowena's Intimate Friends: | Maida ............ M t Titus | Carvinus 'ENWagmr i Erita ............ Rosina Tekampe | Cornelia ........ Theckia Obenauf Bertole ... .. ... Margaret Frederick Claudia ...... ... .. .Beonard Hertel lEnristns ...... . Frederick Wagner Claudiam ..,.. .. .. Veronica Amaznn ; Act L. _A villa near Rome. Roman ladies and gentiemen _ planning | amusement for Rowena, niece of \Emperor Valerian. They decide to linvib(&:fisfinnctothevifln.nomn and her son. Mr, and Mrs. O. H. Lawrents Miss Dorothy, Marion and George Law-- rents of Highland Park were Sun-- day guests at the A. G. Schwerman Mr. and Mrs. W,. C. Conore en-- tertained Arlington Heights friends of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Katerile Satur-- day, June 17ta. and a party of friends from nhnl-ri-knmuhm "Under the Old Umbrella®" ... .Ber-- nard and Rose Hertel. Sword Drill ........Boys of Inter-- mediate Grades. Flag Drill ...... .. Boys of Primary children of Des Plaines were Sun-- day guests at the Wm. Peters home. Next Sunday, June 25 at 10 a, m. there will be regular Englisn ser-- Lord Fauntlieroy" this week. mourning the death of Etmilius. His Guardian Angel appears, Act: II. Christian's Festa. The Emperor arrives on the scene un-- expectedly. Noble character of Row-- with the J. H. ena's and Scarf Drill; Flower Drill. Christians: 1 Alba ............. . Helen Wagner Marie ........... . Elizabeth Hertel Anna ............... . Viola Hertel Lucia ............. .Julia Doetzler Roman Ladies and Gentlemen:. Guards ..... . Edward Wirtz, Joseph Awarding Diplomas and Prizes . Doetzler. Guardian Angel Small Angels «+4 +.. .. .. . .. . Evelyn Frederick Rowena, niece of Emperor, .... _ Rowena's Triamph Cast of Characters Emperor Valerian ... .. . Louis Behm Emilius, Rowena's son, ........ _ « The yram the commence-- ment m& Mary's school, conducted by the Francisean Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Joliet, Illinois, will be. held at 8:15 o'clock Sunday evening, July 2 at the Ivanhoe hall. The following are the numbers to be carried out: FREMONT CENTER sCHOOL COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Grand Chorus ..........Tableaux Mrse. E. Ellsworth and children of Say dad, we want to see "Little Mr. and Act III, A room in the villa. is exhibited. The Emperor . . Helen Wagner Elizabeth Hertel .. . . Viola Hertel ..Julia Doetzler Mary Obenauf Lucilla Behm, Frederick to 'her home in Chicago Saturday after spending a year here. Are you going to the ico cream social at Lemker's lawn Wednesday evening, June 211 and children and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis to Rockford with Mr. and Mrs, Kuh! and son where they visited relatives. Miss Hulda Goehrmann returned William Gleason and family of Waukegan called on Half Day rel-- atives on Sunday. William Gerbert and Walter Mc-- Mills day, Mrs. Frank Johnson and Mrs. Tat-- tler and daughter spent Monday in The dancé at Hertel's pavillion | was well attended on Saturday eve--| ning.. Smart's orchestra . furnished the music. | A number of Half Day popio. attended the opening dance of Ray j Brothers pavillion at Diamond Lake on Saturday night. A good erowd and fine music was reported. | cago on Sunday. Everett. The score was 7 to 3 in favor of Everett. Half Day team played the best game thedy have played this season. c will be there. Friday after spending a few days in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells and daughter were Libertyville visitors on Saturday. ; Mr. and Mrs, John Gerbert and son Walter were LEibertyville shop-- pers on Friday nignt. . 'Warren Sprague has returned to Philadelphia after spending a few weeks with relatives. f The Half Day ball team played Alfred Stancliff Jr. has accepted a position as clerk at George Stan-- cliff's store. Going to "Little Lord Fain roy" this week? *e Kelly and Ferris have opened up an ice cream and soft drink stand. James McLaughlin visited in Lib-- ertyville on Friday. Several from here attended church at Prairie View Sunday evening. A good representation of Half Day people were present at the ball game at Everett on Sunday. s Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stancliff at-- tended the show at Highland Park on Saturday evening. Henry and William Luebbe trans-- acted business in Libertyville on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Stancliff were Libertyville visitors on -- Saturday night. f .. Miss Blanch Schuler nas accepted m position in Rochelle as telephone Carl Bock and Art l!'lr at-- tended the dance at Gibbons park on SBunda'y evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pau! Pegélow and son--Art were Libertyville shoppers on Saturday night. ® Half Day junio: . the High-- wood junloyn' bdlnto::':tl&n' Friday afternoon, y Sunday school will be held at 10 DIAMOND LAKE Lake County's Leading Sporting Goods Store--Waukegan BATHING SUITS Correct in Materials, Style, Work-- manship and Price We Are Showing the Most Complets HALF DAY a show in Chi-- In Lake Grass Lake Sunday. -- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dixon of Rose-- crans spent several days with their son Ray of Gurnes. jously ill, was taken to Chicago Thursday to have an x--ray taken but his journey proved unsuccessful as the doctor was unable to take the Mr. and Mrs, Will Hook and child-- ren of Antioch visited relatives in Gurnee Sunday. Clarence Welsch of Chicage visited friends in Gurnee Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. H. O. B. Young are visiting their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, L. J. McClure of Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. George Winter and daughter Marguerite and George and Raymond Bottger motored *o day visitors at the Blohm home. Mrs. Lynn Vincent has been quite ill M mko 6 * Miss Edna Blohm is visiting the Jonnson family in Silver Lake Wis. Thirty lots will be auctioned off in the West View sub--division in sister Mrs, Ed. Potter. ~Dick Gilbert Spent Sunday with Wednesday. Miss Evalyn Fenlon returned to Normal, Illinois, Monday to complete the six weeks summer course at the university, Gurnes next Saturday. The Liberty-- m:nd will furnish music. Fifty in gold and a rocking chair will be given away. Mrs. Leslie Persons of Waukegan was a Gurnee caller Wednesday. partment at "Warren" this year, was in Gurnee Saturday. Earl Washburn was a Chicago visitor Thursday. Mr. Trompson, who has been en-- gaged to teach the agricultural de-- spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. R. B. Henley transacted business in Chicago 'Wednesday. ' The annual hich school picnie was held at Renehan's, Round Lake, on Tuesday. The rain frightened the crowd away in the morning but a large number --came in the after-- noon. 6 Mr. and Mrs, Peter Johnson and children of Silver Lake. Wisconsin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blohm _' The Alumai association of Warren T«-Hoill.dmlw ning. Only of. the thirteen seniors were present to be initiated. Games were played and stunts were performed. Ice cream and cake was served. The cake of gold and blue and "Warten" written on it, held five candles which signified the fifth anniversary of the associations Ferdinangd Knox of Rosecrans, class of '21 was electe president for tho{ ensuing year and Frances Carroll of Wilson, also of the class of '21 was elected secretary--treasurer, Mrs. Charles Wilbur of Wauke-- Mu 'l«n of Daintiest Refreshments ~ _ _ . Ne Profiteerin SPECIAL ~DANCE Wfl who EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT NEW PAVILION Outdoor Dancing AT ' John Martin attended the mar-- riage of his brother in Chicago Sat-- urday evening. Mrs. Frank Cox transacted busi-- ness in Chicago last Saturday. Miss Dorothy Banks met with a serious accident last Thursday when she slipped from the running board of an automobile on which she was 'ridlncaflhmhrh'quihhfny. She was taken to a hospital in Chi-- ; eago for treatment. ® ! Mr. and Mrs. Raasch of Milwaukee are visiting their daughter Mrs. | Mike Luby, There were quite a few bathers at the belich Sunday in spite of the cold weather. ntndlnthyhm Oggier and Braun trick moved another party into the cottage recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. John R. MceBride. Martin nuptials in Chicago last Sat-- Miss Etta Edwirds from Ravens-- wood, spent the week end at the Miss Mazie Rosing is spending a couple of weeks in Indiana with rel-- atives and friends. The Breniesen farmily are spend-- ing the week at their cottage. spent the week recuperating at the lake returning to Chicago Sunday basket of fish. _ Mr. and Mrs. John Shad and fam ly of Waukegan called at the Beck er cottage Sunday. Dr. Martin and wife of Liberty-- ville were callers at 'the Frank Drummond home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Lyle Litwiler spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Gilbert Burnett at Sylvan View farm near Wauconda. Miss Lilin Brown spent a few days last week at Grayslake with her aunt Mrs. Pester. Mrs. Turner of Grayslake visited her--daughter Mrs, Ralph Litwiler Sunday. weeks of camp life on one of the Mr. and Mrs, J, Davis has bought a new Cable piano for their daugh-- Mrs. Sarah McClintock. , Mr. and Mrs. Simon Davis en-- tertained a large number of friends from Bristol, Wisconsin, Sunday. Miés Rena Rosing is visiting at humbt.wmnalngcm Mrs. 8. Brown of Chicago spent a couple of days the first of the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs, 8. C. Litwiler. ' Mrs. 8. Russell and daugater of Volo, Tllinois, apent Monday with to Dasios; 'Ohle" uid ottler places They will be gone about ten days. Tom Coole attended the Maxwell A number of boys have erected a Miss Lillian Fairman spent Sat-- Mr, and Mrs, Claus 'Junge and To Help the "JUNE 24 Everything FOR SALE--Cherries. Gordon Ray, Diamond Lake. Phone 296--R--2. FOR SALE--One Ford roadster with box, one 1918 6 cyl. Haynes tour-- ing car in good condition and has four good cord tires and one spare tire. One nearly new Ford rad-- iator for 1916 or earlier model. Charles Seiler, Libertyville,. 47--2t FOR SALE--Choice five mere tract of unimproved land near Liberty-- ville. Ideal for frait or chicken FOR SALE OR RENT--July 15, 838 Jackson avenue. Apply on premises, 47--6t FOR SALE--Hay tedder, nearly FOR SALE--Five acres of alfaifa standing. Heavy growth. A. L. Webb. Phone 96--R. 45--2t FOR SALE--Business property in Area. Phone 318--R. Irving Payne. FOR SALE--Aster plants, 15 cents per dozen, Also cabbage plantsg 15 cents per dozen, $100 per hindred. Clara S. Miller 503 So, Milwaukee avenue. 47--1t FOR SALE--30.acres of timothy FOR SALE--Baby chicks, parcel post paid. $9.00 up. Catalog tells FOR SALE--Early and late cherries. Mrs. A. M. Casey, Phone 283--M--1 4T--it FOR SALE--Large, six griddle eook stove with reservoir in good condition. .Cheap if taken at once. Inquire 232 Appley avenue, Lib FOR SALE--Three piece wooden | ~Classified Ads | son on the Dam's side, of Path-- finder's Climax, one of the best sons of Pathfinder. On the Sire's side, grandson of Great Sensation. Call Middle Branch Farm, Deer-- ertyville. Phone 288--W--1. -- 44--6 2 ARAIIIICE, . TEgZCCCTCE . JOmiee There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reason able a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. A. R. Schnaebele, Register Bldg., Illinois, Phone 284--J--1. how to make pullets lay. _ Farrow--Hirsh Co., Peoria. IIl. 41--8t If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. cats, barley, cord wood and oak posts. Mrs. Nettie Kidder, Area, Minimum charge, FOR SALE charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. 137--R. WANTED--Man with car to sell best low--priced Cord Tires made. $100.00 per week and expenses. Wolf Tire Co., 875 Canal, Benton Harbor, Mich, 47--1t WANTED--Girl or middle WANTED--Rags for wipers at 5 cents per pound. Lake County Register. Get our price for Fir Silos. We furnish doors and hardware. -- ZION INSTITUTIONS & IN-- Big Manufacturers Sale: Zion Wheel Toys, These are bargains while FOR SALE--Houses and lots at reasonable prices and easy terms. Insurance and notary. Edwin Austin, Liborty;flh. 1--t# PASTURE TO RENT--Shude running water. Horses only. F FOR SALE--Revonoc washer with large fily wheel and beit, also water motor.Cheap, Wm. G. Wells. Paone 182--R. 46--2t MORE ABOUT THE BULL. There « (Wilbur Glenn Woliva) (Dept. 4.) ZION INSTITUTIONS & INDUS-- are af milking machines but thre is only Teat Cup and 1 Bull Milk Claw 1 Bull Hot Water Tank which heats water free of charge in the bara while milking. Com-- plete installed $230.00. woman for general housework in amall family. Good home and good wages. Phone 281--W--1. "~ (Dept. 4) Location Foot of 29th Zioz, 'hlqhu-tlwl'.& fik ville.) MISCELLANEOUS Telephones 31 or 49. (Wilbur Glenn Voliva) FOR RENT WANTED 44--57